IBOARD AND ROOM can be had at I183 Elizabeth -st. `Phone 1271. 29-341) :2u-&-:- ROOM AND BOARD in ` 112`Bay1`Ield St. ' / I u. your uruu, vegetables and Fish Or- der. Fresh trout 250 and Whitefish 22c. arriving daily, ,smoked fillets 22c lb. Beets and carrots, 3 bunches 100; cab- bage 10c; new -potatoes 70c peck; or- anges, bananas, grapefruit. lemons, cantaloupe , all at reasonable prices. Phone 1234 or watch for my trucks or wagon. - - 2 913 | ...-., . --V`: V W . JARVTS GARDENS can now take care of your Fruit, Vegetables . - I I _"` FOR SALE-Llvlng room--P1ano, mu- -range, coal oil heazter. Bedroom suite. single Iron bed. rugs. `W-icker couch and chairs. electric fixtures, floor lamp. shades, clock, etc.,-` piano box, at 58 Maple Ave. Phone_w470 or 183 day. 29p j `PA`l\vUUu\n .. . __>- '__ wt,` -2:-::i:- WAGON FOR SALE--A good strong! express wagon with tongue and-shav-I es. suit farmer or gardener. -Will 5911! cheap. Apply 22 Sampson St., two blocks east of market; Ban-in, our-l uuuup. Apply 22 Sampson 8 blocks market; Barrie. A - (_ SAWYER-MASSEY clover thresher. .teeder `and blower, $300. Case steel grain threshen feeder and blower. $100.] W. W. Badgley. Barrie. 28-33p: I saw. an... ---- - ~ _ - `r LIGHTING FIXTURES-5 beautiful lighting fixtures for sale, suitable for store. or office; one third ofwhat they cost. Simmons & Co. - 26-31b` Barrie. ----------------. . '. Z" PEERLESS TI-IRES ER 82-50, stack- er. Ebersol feeder, c it blower, good rvnning order, $150. W. W. Badgley, . uu uuu rmrsaum who took boy's agon (Rod Racer) outside Capitol Theatre on Satu1_*day,~ kindly return` some and avoid further `trouble. Mrs. E. Shuter. 13 Penetang St.` 29p - L OS'l`-~--Between Toronto and. Orlllia. ,` on Toronto-Orlllla bus. Monday even- jug. one small Langley cardboard. box "containing four dresses, tgvo sllk__a_nd` :1 FOR .SALE-Electr1c sewing ' machine, in first-cla.'ss,co7r_1dltioq; willgell cheap. In..- n..n ..- LA-I A - a un Aaa*uu-mectr1c sewing first-cla's`s,condltlon; will sell cheap. For full particulars phone 1214. (2% ___ SAWYER-MASSEY 20` 11.9. steam traction engine; good .wm-lain-v M--`"- -------------------. T ` '" FOR SALE--Happy Thought range, 810. Bargain for quick selling. M. '1`ur- mar, 14 Small St. Phone 584.` 16-800 . Property To Let Live Stock or Sale :::: "HOUSE FOR SALE-6 rooms. `Id pantry. also good cellar mm ALE~5 pigs;/2 months old. $5 Parties interested phone 604r21. 001.. cuuutuuug IOU!` or-esses, two silk and` two knitted. Liberal reward on notify-" jug the Manager of the Queen's Hotel. IB:u'rie. _ 29b Rooms and "Board. LET. Apply` Coffey 28-29b 1:.` FOR SALE, all con- large garden. For fur- _~ annlv Minn *n...a,... ` hanging and decor- HHJTIIIIR hnnlru nu an l uua UV6l_' 27-sap: vv o DUYGU. telephone _~12-V280-tic e good location. I 29-34b _ -VI LOS'.l`---Wm the party who found card case containing C.N.R. pass, motor 1!- cense card. cash and other papers, please return with contents and keep the cash as reward. 29p _ 1 -rvvr v -.--- --- ` V 4 5 uusu, cgilar and St.. oppo- 93-211. 9.. Tor- 27-83p hard- I Ivavunon th. Ap- 25-30b I.` Ul' Ll-IF` Raden- 27-32b n UppU- A26-31b . '11!` ruunsoav WHOLESALE PRICE! Butter, . pound . Eggs. dos. Potatoes. bag Ryo............ Peas otuolucoou Buckwheat ' . No. Fall Wheat ; -uvojoooouio n o n c u n u so inu-.........':'3o-32 \IIOIIOQ,O O o o o u o o II . 0c 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 _ ( 31.35-31.40 0 u up 0- n u I o o o o I 0 C V 85 . . . . . . . 81.30-$1.35 0-ocvoooooo 0`-u -gonoviouvot o - o u no __. --1-v-s $99615 I 'Southem Ontario. For particulars, .write F. E. PHIL- LIPS, on ,CHICKEN, FRUIT or TOBACCO` FARMING, also Business Properties. ' 26-2 9b Box 113 , : BLENHEIM, .ON'l'. .uu'aL`---ulcese plate No, 286-010, on July 17. between Thornton and Oro Station. Would finder kindly leave at Barrie Examiner and` receive re-I ward. 29p_ uuuu .1, FAIIIQIING PAYS HERE] I IIISKIFIU `l\IIlII&un . . I Mr. and Mrs. McMaster and family wish to -hank their many friends for, their kinvness and sympathy during Mrs. McMaster s illness. ' 29b`,' The family of the late..Henry_ Ma.-} bey wish to thank trlendskand neigh- ; bore for kindness and sympathy shown -in their recent bereavement. - 29b 1 . Mr; and Mrs. Andrew and Henry 1 Miscampbell of Angus wish to -thank 1 their friends and neighbors and the . "Rev. Mr. Ross for the-kindness shown i and symphthy extended in their recent I " sad :bereave`me'nt. - ' 9 ` a.uu sympamy exl sad bereav.e'me'nt. . " *' `,`"""-'1 SEWREY-In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. May. Sewrey. who died July 24. 1923. This day brlngs~ba.ck the memory Of` a. loved one laid to 1-`est, T And those who think or you today. Are those who loved you best . 29h 'l'.T....|........: ---J *I'-` '-Wu: Ea}; 29b He bade no one a last farewell; He said goodbye .to none. ` His spirit ed before we knew That he had from usgone. ._n:-II" ...I.....-.` j L O*S"l`---License plate No, 286-010, July 17. between 'l`hm~n4-nu mm A f.lEIJ DOWLING-In the Collingwood hos- pital; on Saturday, July 16, 1927. Joseph. infant son 01: Mr. and Mrs.% JohnDowl1ng. . ` V _u-.\n\an.uJ I osBoRN---D'AW-soN-Ar. the United -Church parsonage, Dalston, on _Sat-- urday. July 16, 1927, by the Rev. `R. 5 G. Halbert, Isabelle Edith. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dawson of Dalston. to Harold Mervyn Osborn. son of Mr. and Mrs. W; A. Osborn ` of Dalston .. | 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Howa- croft, Bradford St., a son. - M KE'1"I`LE-In Allandarle on July 18.. 1927`. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kettle. a daughter. ` DOWLING--`In the Colllngwood hos- - pltal, on Saturday, July 16. 1927.,to Mr. and Mrs. John Dowling. (nee Zella McBride) a. son; (Joseph). j DOUGLAJS--At the Royal Victoria Hdspital; Barrie. on 'I`hnM-anv `I'..I..~- -vu- unl-T19 I'll 'UlLLlA ' R. A. Stephens rink won the mys- tery prize at a. mixed bow-ling tourna-A ment_ .in Orillia on Wednesday. There were four Ba-rrie rinks there c6?'1')osed of: 'Miss F. Warren, A. Douglas. Mrs. Douglas, R. A. Stefhens, skip: Mrs. L. _I O. Vair, L. 0. Va r, Mrs. W. H. Ken-` nedy, W. H. Kennedy. skip; Mrs. N. S_. Jones, A. Sinclair, Mrs. J. Hewitt, A.i inger. skip; Mrs. C'.`H..Beelby. A. Wolfenden. Mrs. Wolfqnden, J. Hys- lop, skip. . . , _ -__ --cu`; - uu previous to 1890 now living," ,unIess anu "ad luncheon at the WQue.en s\ theyihave. departed during the lastiHtl- while,` the following: Capt. --BUY St-8`1nt0Yl .S Semi-trimmed` William Hunter, a pioneer" grocer in;WalIpaper -.- 22-in." wide instead of 5 Barrie (Hunter & II-Iorreil), whose bus- iness C A Perkins took over was a. old 18-in-For sale by- W" A" Lowe] . ' ' 1871 and 1872 novnvmg & Son, Elizabeth St. tfc r retired in Toronto; C. H. `lark,.ha[d a. Rev'sJ` -P`. I'.`u-ttren f Trt 3 n novelty store and was express agent. "t,umed _ m`S51na1' f1`0_m Ijonan, member in 1878 (when Marquis of China, will conduct services in St.; Lorne visited Barrie) and again in 1881. A-ndrew s church next Sunday, morn- ' now retired in Newmarket; John PIax- !ing and evening. ton of Plaxtcn Bx-os., tinsmiths, was aj - ' - , member in 1885, 1886. 1887. now a:Ha1:3lss Hbilm thOerdk.a:cqmpan."ed .by plumbing contractor in Winnipeg; Ar- i . . t y. t ' `W ms 3V`m`"1`)"`g chibald Mcigluster (McA1lister & Stor- .1115 1{~. 01`: swam `W055 `t 9 837 ey). hardware, member in 1888. now'op_pos1te St. Vincent s Park, 9ne day retired in Vaincouver; W. J. Va.lleau.th1s week in 45 minutes. \ `(whose wife was Miss Lizzie Edwards] ._.The Dominion Feather and Mat-V ?:,3":,i: 3 2,i:a13z::1,%i;%ai:,::sS*,'::::mess 00- of. crime wan makes your age member in 1888_-1889, `now reallfeather bediinto a sanitary mattress: estate "fhon-1 in`-Iworonto, whose ad_ you4or,_down comforter. Drop a card to} can see in almost every issue of the-'Or1llia for full particulars. 29-31b Toronto Star. There may be others un-I Eusign R. L. Lanord of Dundas known to me. ' is nnur in ,.1.----- A A - - '8 Lani, l.U N11`. CARDS `or THANKS EAVETROUGHING LOST off truck.` In Stroud neighborhood, latter end or June. Finder please. leave with W.` J. Richards, Barrie, and receive re- ward. - 29))` ---u . V .\.n..-- o - ;uuu'uA.B-At tne Royal I-Io`sp1ta_lT, Barrie, on Thursday. July` 21. 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doug- leul, 118 Dunlop St, a. son (David Ron- a ). ' JTWTKY-r`13!\!'l'I A- RI'!,,1,, - - - 3` .15" - -.uu--nu UVUIVUIL `"-Fred W} Grant, after reading The` Examiner's article on members of Bar- ` rlefrown Councils since 1867, writes:' To the names of E. B. Crompton, 0.; Lyon and Ocharles Henson, you might add as members of Barrie Coun- cil previous to 1890 living, unless they have departed during n... 1... `Em BARRIE couucu. BEFORE -FPS!` T. llnuni .-.05.... -- au cue manor` The letter 1 swimming, again (this time. be ` so kind) why beach within five main street. shou useon account of way trains and dangerous. poison . St . - Vincent's Park . I.re_ter to_the stret Barrie and Alland i beach for clildre . sandy beach wit ` or the town. . Why couldn't widen th 11 111 to imming ther r all time. nT\7.1:\. nu "I1-91: .-...____._- -7 or The Examiner: - 11 your paper last week ne caused me to onder once in print, t you will .a town at Barrie's standing and enterprise. with a perfect minutes walk of its V leave it unfit for te filth and rail- d w . stxnd the `children to Beausoliel Island 7 8. nd to the stony. ` iv y infested share at to learn to swim. ` clh or beach between ale stations, an ideal 95 n and the only .safe'.J in walking distance 4 e. too), would beg .. .vvuu gvu UUBI. Husband and Daughter. -----:--_VV:.--1---1 I . `.-...- v&!-IJU\l- , In. a safe crossing lie made ..`_.Have you had your headlights {racks ggghthgdfigth disposed adjusted? If not, call at W. L. 5 (as `myw'y)"Brenn'an s, behind Simcoe Hotel,` lngton Beach would have,B Id St. - 29b >n,Barz-ie and the boys and 35 9 - `team to `swim there anyway, - --Wallpaper in latest designs, all at its risks and incidentally l , ,pries.'Exclusive agency fo_r Staun- 'n?r11gtht1!l'g!;((aW1:':,O`7)V`}v1o`1";(`i7 g ton s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & )1, mmv ' _ `Son, Ehzabeth St. tfc ONE OF ` JaCk BOYS . reaoc}_led the - )the northern tnnnw +.............- LOS'I`---Saturday ..a~fternoon, between Anandale and Barrie, " small leather change purse containing bills and two keys. Reward at 65 High St; Phone 115. V ~ 29!) s and as d and ` ivy infested we to lean`: tn amin- .3.R_`_` V H5 ` SUN: -Sadly missed by ! Wife and Family -1 I UH-1' I `I 8, W110 I uuul. ' 29b dear uvlan . . . . .-wu dwaz-ds.] `D ostmas - ,8 man tress Co w ween m 40 minutes. 4' ominion . -of will aw rea']!feather bed `into sanitary an: Inn. '5` ----- you on down D theiOrillia_ fornfull p_articpl rop ars. 29-31b: uucu Q60 and costs. '3;:I;;` The debris at the old Collegiate grounds on Blake St. has been clear- `..___ ed-up and deposited in the basement of the burned building, making a decided improvement to this eye- July sore of many years standing. _ 'ufped Last Saturday .a_ very attractive ter. `exhibit of delphimums, made by members of the Horticultural Society, 37-)0 occupied one of the windows of _( Simmons store. There were some gtoria very ne blooms in the display. July`j- --Ardent romance riding on the )2ug- wings Of Valnrmm nnlu.........--a- , ...,.u;-eu In a peculiar accident. He was k riding on the running -board of a =9 car driven by his-father, along Louisa 2 -St., when the latter misjudged the distance. anddrove too close to an : electric light pole. The boy, who is about 17 years of` age, was caught ,' between the post and the .car and I suffered a fractured pelvis. Dr. Ross was called and had -him taken to.'the Royal Victoria Hospital for X;Ray examination, after which he was taken home. 3` with`a'ppalling~ loss of ifev have fol- lowed the wide-sprea 1 `distribution _ of veas. Fleas live.on mice, rats; dogs and even hu\man beings. Bubonic iplague which. breaks out without warning and kills thousands is\ one of the many diseasesfor which the flea; is responsible. Fly-Tox kills eas. ' Spray gently. against the fur .fromjrear of animal. ; Sim-ple in- structions on each -bottle (blue label) forglcilling ALL household insects; stainl'ess,._:.ra`g'rant, sure. Every `bot- tle guara-`nte:`ed. ~ -- -Terrible epidemics of disease 1 Insist `on Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox is safe, ....,,__.M' g ._,29}_,. ., aa._yuLU pole at uvenden College. E7" James Belfry of Innisl showed '3' The Examiner this week an egg with .` circumference measurements of 8% ___. by 9% inches, weighing'51; ounces, laid by'on_e of his White Leghorns. This hen has been turning out large; - eggs but in this one she broke her` L`; record. a ---Amongst others, the` following speakers will be present at the Len- nox Picnic: Hon. `W. H. Price,,K.C., M.P.P., Attorney General; Hon. Robert Manion, M.P ' Hon. Chas if McCrae, K.C., M.P.P., Minister of _i Mi_nes;, Hon.` Dr. Godfrey, M.P.P., ,. Ministerof Health and Labor; Hon. -, Geo. S. Henry, M.P.P., Minister of Highways; Senator Pope; Hon. R. F. Preston, "M.P. 29b On July 13 the Apolicefound a quan- tity of liquor and a number of em- pty bottles at/ the home of William ' Greenfield, Allandale. Charged in V lthe booze was obtained since the Ii- 1, quor control. act came into force. `, Judgment was reserved!` I` On Saturday afternoon a youth `named Merrill-Wright, whose par- ents are summering at Tollendal, was injured in a -peculiar accident. lridine on than u-......:..... L--~ - LOS"1`--Between Toronto and `Barrie. Sunday, July 3,, brown leather suit case containing lady's wear. Finder address J. A. Hughes. 50 Park Street, Barr1e.! Ont. 291), ERs_ , uucn noys reached the nals in }the vnortherntennis tournament at 1390` Bigwino Inn, being detieatedtin the The ast round by Wm. .Ke1th of Toron- B .- 0. ' . ' . \ itgg: I The head office sta ofthe Royal. n',yJ.`; ; Ins1t:rraI:icefCo., aqbout iixty insntgmlzler mo ore mm oron o on 3 ur ay gfggindelhad luncheon Que'en s n ote . . ];ai)st;t_;U St.aunt_onf_s Serni-trimmed r - 22-1n. Instead 18-in. For by W..A;. Lowe] as ~ tfcl an .. P. Lnizh-all ..+- m-..--4- A S ; uuy al:KYl0Wle(1g'e. Lieut,-Col. W. J. Barker was fin- ed $20 in police court forreckless driving as a sequel to his wild drive through Barrie on July 9, when he collided with_another car at Turn- Hydro pole at 0v.enden`College. K Belfrv of Tnniel ..n......-: .of seats which the ;fully acknowledge. nolima. nnnr+ _ Theatre. - ---nruenl.'. romance riding "wings valorqus . achievement, brilliantly punctuated with riotous humor` and couched in an. environ- ment of manly strife in the cattle range country of the west! Capitol m 29x; L- T`-~` " ' ' _ -, ...,.... wuuuuer. urop to} eiOrillia -I Laniord Dundas is now in charge of t e Barrie "corps of the Salvation Army. He is mar- tied and has one child. Capt. and I Mrs. Dickinson -have beenitransfer- ; red to Duhdas. , - v - Willis Court of Collingwood,_ tried _ on`July* 8 6n a charge gf sending qindccent and defamatory matter -`through the mails, was found guilty -,by Judge Wismer last Friday and *ined $25 and costs. I5` " ` ` ` 1 -` L MO St. 6--.`! ..va.u-uIuUUl.y ulatter s, gunlty at its. End in +1-n I--------~* m1_ce, rats,`| gs. at nds y_'l`Ru I-:n._ ~ LOS l`---Lady's gold wrist Watch, at: Holly garden party. Finder please] leave at Examiner Office. Reward. 29p` T- ram... ` . man. would make Shah { self howl with mrth. Du i nesday and Thursday. Revue; Sam /'1v`_`y'lo d-lrector; Exit Smiling . Marc Connelly, wright--athe ' combination ~:IpI~A U]. r, Harol puu.l`l0['S d Lloyd's famous play- that made D1-ammer" ---Beat":-lc e L!1lie-sta.r of C Taylor, Harold : Mam rnnmmu en-w rm`: 2%! I.u l Decoration Day services will be held in St. John's Anglican Church, on Sun- I day, July 24, at 3 p.m. I `WANTED \pwuu.l6IllCIl, Ill] Education, reputation and address mtist `Live at home--arrange..your own time to call ,'and others.` 'A_ steady posi_tion.--d3gnied---nl auluutuuns. `Miss Mary Kavanagh of Barrie spent the week-end at her -homehere. Miss Edna McKee has returned home after spending a few weeks with Bar- ! rie friends. -...---.-uunaI\J IJIl'III\ l` ' July 19-Mrs. P. Brown of Dalston, and brother. Jack McLean of Edgar,.I and Mrs. Jos. McLean and son, Nor- man, of Clowes, visited at Mrs. Ed. McLean's-"on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. VV; Martin of Toronto ,are holidaying with the former s bro- ther,-J. Martin. _ _ A Congratullations to M j;sstMade]1ne Torpey who passed her Normal .ex- aminations. ' ".\/Han Mount: 17...... - - - - u1uvtuu`exaInlnatI0Il results, last week: SR. PR. TO JR. I-Honors--Ray Heasiip. ` o l Congratulations to Gladys Brown in. passing both her Entrance and music i exams. also _to Muriel Sanderson and Viola Pantridge in passing the Ent-3 rance. - ` . Mr. and Mrs. Percy__ Humphreyvandli sons from Toronto are spending a.-week here as the guests of Mrs. John Sut- M ton, The Maples." Rex Sutton arrived home on Sunday from.Flint, Mich.. and will spend two weeks with his ' mother..p Q *1 ' \ H ..-....-an urn: ` Omitted from S.S. No. 19, Oro, pro; mot~ion~examination week:| PR. JR. T--T-Tnnn-a/ D-.. o 1`01`0nto Su`1da.}'. JUIV hvnurn Inn!-hon n. Read The Examiner and get all thr Jocal and district nws-82.oo 9. YOU .- four months of which she was conned to bed, Mrs. Thomas Davis, formerly of Schomberg, died last Saturday at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. E. L. Brereton, with whom she had `made her home for several years. Born at Schomberg on May 20, "1847, Urania Clarke Dennis was the daughter of the late Levi Dennis and Lydia Clarke of that place. She was educated at New- `market grammar school and taught school at.Nobleton,`0nt., and Mayville, . Mich. She married Thomas Davis of Schomberg. Five years after her mar- riage Mrs. Davis was left a widow. nu-u Ilvlvlrt IJHVI ` After a_ long illness, during the past I ' l \ She continued to live in Sohomberg until her family were all fitted for their life work; then failing health compell- ed her to give up her home and live E5with her "daughter. In religion ~Mrs. _ I Davi s was a Quaker, a lifelong member , and strong supporter of the Friends , ' Church, Schomberg. She was a com; sistent representative of her faith, a_ . woman of strong character and decided; fopinions of right and wrong, but f. through it all simple and quiet in her. living. Three children survive: Mrs. E. L. Brereton, `Barrie; Mrs. Will.- Johnson, Regina, and Roy S. Davis, Los Angeles; also three step-children, Mrs. E. Metcalf and Mrs. VV. E. Ferguson, Schomberg, and Clinton Davis, Bramp-. ton. There are also two brothers, Sher-, man Dennis in California and Wm.= Dennis, Toronto. The funeral took- place on Tuesday from the home of Dr. = Brereton, burial being made.at Schom- iberv. Rev, J. S. Shortt officiated at the? home and -the pallbearers here were '1`. C. Fisher, Donald Ross, Wm. Gallie. Hector Cameron, John Mackay, and E. Longman, whi1e.slx relatives,- Clinton Davis, Walter Davis, Clifford T M`archant, W. E. Ferguson, Walter Brown and Dr. E.` k Brereton, acted! in Schgmberg . - ` over our .years. he was a. member of Broadvlew Lodge, I.0.0.F`{ and Gran- ite Lodge, A.O.U.'W. Surviving are his widow, Sarah Ann Bradbury Cur- rie; his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Powell, Winchester Street; three sisters, Mrs. Barker of `Buffalo, Mrs. Bell of Mid- -land and Mrs. McDermott; two bro- thers, Dr. Donald Currie of Elmvale and Charles Curri of Parry Sound. , _:__,____ MRS. THOMAS DAVIS All-an n In`... .n1._-_._ 1- " '-"`."' . J`-'1' -I0X0I0I0X0I<>I<`%rI<>I0X0I<>X<>X4>I0I< JOHN cuamr; Aster along illness, John Currie died at hisehome; 276 Carlton Street, Toron- to, on July '18, 1n his 73rd year. Mr. ` Currie, who was the son or the late, Alexander and Flora Hayman Currie, ~ 0% Nottawasaga ,Township, near Stay- ner, went to Toronto about 40 years ago and had been in the roofing busi- ness untll a few years ago. He had been a valued member or Knox Church for over 40 years and served as elder for over 30 .years. He Broadview Lne-A rnnuv .....a 11...... A use:-13 CAR Is, ONLY As DEPENDABLE As 11-u-:- DEALER. ,wnJ-up seu.s IT .-. ov .yeurs,. ne vadview : his daughter. Mrs: H n Dm-mu _- __----uv luv IIUU `thine call ori pre ers. steady position--dignied--pleasant \ tive-f-previous shoe gxperienge not essen way to get to the running .kind of Used car, is to-buy where that s the only kind they sell. -5 LIVINGSTON BROS. .Dui_1lop St. . ` Barrie ..-,,.......u`-yacaaullb and evibtfs sho` experienge essential. Interview will be `arranged.- IA--nmu` --nu ---- ------ ~ auuxespear him- Dreamland Wed- ay . 29x Charlot s Tn rnld ` T .1.-.u.:n.. specie! Repfesentative, Lady ., Gentleman. Unusual Opportunity and address )vn:|ul- 1... ..L..-_- -1,, DC In KITCHEN--Happly Thought range (good as new), gas range, kitchen tables, chairs, large guantity uten- sils. sealers, etc. Garden,tools and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. --_:---- All will be sold without reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pan. W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. vllihll set. T7` .uLuun.UULV1 mo. 1-Large brass bedstead with mattress and springs, ';oak dresser, chairs, rug, pictures, j curtains, etc. BEDROOM No. 2--Brass bed- stead with mattress and springs, ma- hogany dresser, mahogany dressing table, 3 small oak rockers, rug, pic- -tures, curtains, etc. BEDROOM No. 3--Oak bedstead, oak dresser, rocking chairs, pictures, curtains, rugs, etc. a DEN--Oak table, chestereld, oak chairs, rug, mirror, pictures, sewing machine (Singer). HALL--Hal1 seat and" mirror, chair, curtains, etc., wicker verandah Ftage, furnished. 5 rooms, la.rg feT front and side veranda. at M1net'sVPoint. Lake Simcoe. Apply E. B. Reynolds, 79 Mary St.. phone 1072. 26-81!) -----'--""-'--'--"' The foi'lovvin-g-: `I PARLOR-Mahogany parlor suite, ,upright piano (Bell), oak rockers, lmahqgany parlor table, pictures, rugs, etc. .. ' DINING-ROOM--Quarter-cut oak buffet, quarter-cut oak extension table, 6 quarter-cut `oak dining chairs (leather seats), 100-piece din- ner set, fancy china, glassware, cut- lery. etc. ' BEDROOM No. 1-Lar_ge brass hQI'E+l\nA ....'A.L ~ . - A Ir The: to sell.by Public; (A(u'ct_ion- at ` 34 Ross St., Barrie on Thursday, July 28th - --..........., u oyscuuxq uuue gl926 Star Six Special Coach, Duco finish, looks like new, and in splendid condition. 1927 CS,tar Four Sedan, Duco finish, looks. like new. In splendid condition through- out. ' a 1925 Star Special Sedan, five balloon tires,. disc wheels and in good condition throughout. 1924 Star Touring, in splendid condition. 1924 Essex Six -To uring, ind good condition. Oakland 1923 Sport Touring, 5 good tires, reconditioned and painted. ' i 1923 Star Roadster, 4 new bal- loon tires, in splendid order. 1922 Durant Four Touring, in splendid condition, 5 good tires. Studebaker Special Six Touring . repainted and in splendid shape. McLaughlin Six Special Tour- ing, run small mileage, new . tires, etc. Chevrolet Roadster, 1922, run small mileage and in `ex- cellent condition. 1320 Gray,-Dart, Touring, all new tires and new `battery; runs good. 1918 Ford Totfiingg bargain for quick sale. Your present car as part pay- ment; we can arrange terms to Slllt on balance. PHONE 27.8. ` ELIZABETH ST., BARRIEI Van pQnu'- r!--- -A I of Valualvlt-4 Household F umiture undersigned has received in- structlon from 1923 Star- Coupe, completely oirerhauled, a splendid "little car. A_UC'_l`_l_0_N SALE v .-.-w-- ojnud be _ above `average. H an an-......_._L 1"u.n. anum ( coal oil stove. . Phone 938'W. can-Ildafllllilrl $1., Van Patter's Garage Next to Capitol Theatre. D u K E n -n T__.f"iE:=:"&:`71:" ('iFr present customers ant and remunera- nuannl>n`I 0. 1--Large brass H'.f"l'A or-Ir} ccv\-:--~ Sunday, Jul 10 A.M.--Sun Rev. J. P. Luttr ` Returned Mission will take the serv and 7 ST. AN Presbyteria Rev. J. S. Shortt Edmund Hardy, M Organist and Sunday, Ju 10.15 a.m.--BiblL 11 a.m.-Prover 7 p.m.-Romans Wed., 8 P.M.-- % The Regular J j-tuj-1-:-2---:u:. FOR SALE on To OOH] nil nfnvn Ann! L.-. Rev. `E. J. V\ Mrs. Edith Rn Kiss Margaret Six H l`4I`.l\ Monday and 'I` All seats f1-ee--.\': A cordial invitati 4.; a.uI.. .~5lu)Jw'l Trail. 2.30 p.m.-JSund:u_ ` Dun.-. run ...... .. u.uU [).lll.'-`DUll(l.'l Bible Class:-.~ 7 p.m.. subject: Facts." TIFLWTWIV Lllt: AVLIDBIUII I)" ` TUESDAY at PRAYER SERV Tuesday and We invite you these services 4 Sunday, J Services cnnduo Officers, Ensign 11...... _ The Mission Vtfwnh A 17 (aSV;1-r:c_lay,-J Bible School Morning Worsh Evening Worshi -rv WTii`d$}Vi{'J Rev. W. E. At nuusm -WAN"l`1`JD TO RENT, -for per- ] loci of six months or year: possession during September: wards 1, 2, 8 or 4; about seven or eight rooms; all con-3 veniences. Write Box C." Examiner Office. giving full particulars. 29p I Sunday School 8 p.m. 2 Tinmt Gospel M Rom All seats fre ALL V Prayer Meetim: Act. AnIi1eEIL37'T;. Shepherd Ix Solo (selected) EVENL IJ V I..'J.\l In Central Anthem--Eva Solo 451.11 4 \l1\.>D Ill and promptly tice or while 3 RUBBER '0 Begs to infnrn tie and surrou he has nluwm where he pur first-class hos Corns, bunion clall nan.` . -..... REPAIRS and .....\.......I.. Collie Regular Be V gollier e::`3T'm,.;[| WANTED TO RENT, smal-I tent for two weeks. from August 1st; Apply .to Box 71. Allandale. ' .. 29p` STRANGERS Sunday `Mominr Sex United Evening S'M`\ ed Chm- Rev. G. R. T1 1\rIUSiC by (`HI during .1 Terms Please Note E:TTXi>EL' .,. c`.;.'.;.;;%'s;| 87 MARY Si Central Come and Practicl Sunday, Rev. G. It. MORNI. provides p ing at 2c dey Visitors 56 ELIZA4 ORDER 6] occasir B_uy Yo was)! Breaking ml An . o . . . . . GOSI THURS '-'j"' RENT. two weeks. from Anmmo 1.4" '\'vEF:r< % UNlOr suhjm-x ) UNIOI CASH REGISTER WANTED. 1nVgood' condition. Apply Box B, Examln-' er Office. 28-29p l ` I ( SMALL REFRIGERATOR wanted. in! good condition. Apply Box M,". Exam-I lner Office. 291). --;-2 I 100-AC-RE FARM for sale at N.[halt wt 19. con. 2, Innlatll, farm leased to March 1928. Good brick house, good 3.. J Irviuk ` . 29-34p. gI.:L' THE PERSON who took jon (Rad Racer) nnfulrin rs. WAN'1`ED--Glrl or woman with some knowledge of cooking for summer resi- dence, on Kempenfeldt Bay. Apply to Box H," Examiner Office. 29b .` . V - I FARM WANTED TO REN'1`---75 to 100'; acres. Apply to Exnmixier Of-flee. _ 2913' :T-:2:- in-j 'WANTED--Second-h`u 1d - rowboat or , canoe. Phone 1100. , ` `V933 __, ,, TENDERJS -WAN'TED-- Separate or bulk tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 1st for redec-.1 . oratlng interior of school room; repair- ing doors and cutting and piling-10 cords of hardwood at SS. No. 12, In-T nlsfil. `Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Signed, R. W. Redfern. Allandale RE. No. 2. 29-30b] . (tut ho. vv an L" 1`U D134 INDEPENDENT? Than` write for free sample and territory for fastest selling -article in America: ev- ery home. drug store, cafe, soda. foun- tain. garage and bank are prospects. - Address Fred- L. Vlel, Salmon, Ida.- , 9R'_90n -j"'?" WANT TO BE INDEPENDENT? Then for free nnmnln mm +mmn...... 4-,... ` YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 .8. weak`ln' your spare time at home writing show-T cards. No canvassing or ollcltlng. We Instruct you andosupply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd.. ' 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 9Mttc i EXPERIENCED FARM HELP wanted for buying and harvest. A. A. Garvin. Mldhurst. Phone 608r32. 29b i , . uurauu; goon my pen: hen house, __1340: also silo; Snap for the right man. Apply to owner. '1` 'A. Sawyer L9!roy\ - u'u'Su,WA1V'1`1`JU tor housework. sleep In or out. Mrs. Norman 11163011, 118 Soph1a.St.4West. . 29b i - GIRL fWAN'l`ED for housswork. Mrs. Norman Tnmann 119 WAN'1`ED--Young womn as assistant: Matron tor the Children's =Shelter'. Ap- ply` on premises. ' . . V. _\ 29b I . I ' WANT To MAKE V QUICK. EASY MONEY? Then write Fred L. Vial. Salmon. Idaho. ;,~ 28-_80p ` GIRL WANTED. Apply to Mrs. H. M. Lav. 74 Blake st. " ma... GIRL WANTED. AD` T ' lib , _ _ _ _ - -~ It '3` '1` '5` '5` 'A"b`T'T 0ao.cent a. word.` each. each inur- 1: lion: tor the price. at tour. 10 cent! Ixtn when oha.rgeu:.. also 10 cents Ixtrawhen replies are directed to I}:- aminer Ottice; ' -- (niinimum charge, 2i5c)::|ix inIor- ~ .Farms For Sale F at Sale or To !.,et -L;st and Fbuni zuu-ACRE FARM, lot 22, con, 8. lot _28. con. 5. Inuistll, first-class buildings. 11-roomed4brick house with furnace: barn 41x92: stabllng for 30 head cattle. ,7>-horses: good hog 45340; Snan for thn -`*9 -* Help Wanted -- LET-3 -burner ` Apply to 141 Dunlop mth v varu uuaru. 00}! s, two and`! Wfd nn nn6H7u,' ' con. I! Hlillinau J.V.I.U' ` 28ttb` j 99 nifnl II, Jud` 28?-2913 uuucern or separate. `Knight. Cookstown.- . ' mninn 319 vuieg um. We taks out "ares! shorten coata, repqlr. `clean and - press. Everything a. tailor should do-. Ov .s[mm0ng.. (Tn. Jfnm: ,A `:7 1\.._-u.: ' uveryulm8- a. tauoz-~ should 4 `simmonu ac . Co. A store. /-A. ` : On. ` ` 103!-cl 29p JITNEY SERVICE from Midhurst to Barrie and Barrie to Midhuret daily. Charges reasonable. W. .W. Boyce. licensed` driver. Midhurst. 6021-14. V ' CLEANING. PRESSING, altering and repairing done, goods made and trim- med. Everything in the tailoring line. Rooms over Bank of -Toronto. J. W. Merrigk. _ / V28,-38 jjlj 1.'jj'--F '_ I. I VI. I I I -' _- ' CASH BY RETURN POST for useless false teeth. gold crown and bridge- work. also old Jewelery. Mail toW!t- tenburg/Ref1ner Grange Ave.. onto.` . 99-90:` UUIIUUJ rn.L.LV'J.11VI.t. paper hanging and decor- ating. wall paper sample books an ap- plication. Phone A. Berry, 539W. .21 Gowan St.. Allandale, V -= A29-34b A FARM FOR SAIJE--100 acres In aplen- dld condition, two miles trom_vlllage of Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Apply 1`. `Mc- Cookstown .- om...` ` PAINTING. paper 2 Ktin W3 nanny at 75 :39 - 2...; ORCHESTRA (or garden `parties. Ap- ply to Lorne Arnold. Cookstown. 25-sob j " V `v V ` SIX-ROOMED HOUSE to `let, -wood floors. wiv-mi rm. ..r....s..a.. ply to -H. E, Jory, King Block. 2 - _ SIX-ROOMED HOUSE to let. `all mod- ern conveniences. hardwood floors throughout. Apply Mrs. R. B. John- ston. 12 Eccles Stz, phone 579W. 29ttb -i:- A _--__.. T0 RENT-Centrally located brick house: all conve-n1ences:~ fireplace: double garage. Apply E. H. Braden. 63 High St.~ T 23ttb - mu`. -.--__-- ,- - ITO LE'1`--'Slx-roomed brick house. [Elizabeth St.. electric .Ho~h1- nu-n u uur--'azx-roamed brick house .on Elizabeth St., _electric light. Phone 611r31. 29p ' GARAGE TO -Hardware. --1-:--- OFFICE TO RENT--$6 per month. I ply Simmons & Co. A 25- l MODERN BRICK HOUSE In East End for sale.- quarter-cut oak floor throughout, batlyfurnace, gas connec- -tions and wired for electric range, four. bedrooms, full-sized basement. wash- room and" separate toilet, garage. Ap- ply _'Mrs. Thomas Smith, 9' Albert `St. - 23-btt {MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE In town, Might consider taking "small lhouse`as art payment..Apply W. Tuck. [98 Wellington St. East. nmw. mm..- uuuauga purl: payment..Apply Vvelllngton St. East, Barrie. Phone 961W. ' 29p `MODERN sale.- anmv-+m~-m.+ nob u4uu..l\ 1'1UU'J.`J .l"Ul{ SALE, 'ven1ences. also I ther particulars apply .Miss i hursg, 22 Peel St., Barrie. . I 7` BRI`C_K HOUSE FOR SALE, veulences. la:-am Qrnn mm. 5a.ra5'e. Apply` 129 site Court House. Int! est nruuzx n.UU_b'l:4` FUR SALE--6 !'OC bath and pantry. also good cellar garage. ApplyA129 Worsley on House. ML BRICK`? Hulk nun: _._-_~ `RED DURHAM.-AYRSHIRE cow for sale. seven yearsold, fresh. This cow is right in every way and a big milker. Phone.365W. A. V. Donaldson. 28p ply to s. W. Warnlca, .A.11anda1e.'R.R: 1. Phone Stroud 21r28. 26ttb T . Lo mumns om. Apply (to Robert Farrier; .`AlIandale R.M.D. No. 1, Phone 20r21, Stroud. -' 24-29p `V11-vv -v A. -A_ -. V - cu -------.-----. iFOR SALE--5 pigs. 2 months. - apiece. | Barrie. ' . - I HORSE F0 vnnm: nlrl 13.: I ~ -" won SALE-'-'-Registered Shorthdrn bull, ; 13 months old. Apply (to Robert Farrier. Allandale R.M.D. No. 1. Phrmn on-0' . `MARE AND com` for sale, cheap. [Apply B. Henry, Barrie, -R.R.[1. 28p | . -------..---.~-. I'r1t\-Is 9..-... _ -ju- FARM FOR SALE. lot 2, con. 10. In- -nisfil. good buildings, lots of water. Apply W. E. Pearson. lot 1, con. 10, In- nisfll, Thornton RR. 2. or telephone Ivy. - v -24-29p 'j