, -. .--__-v--v uvuzuu. J.6'J.lC3 --' --rI HAY--A quantity of good mixed hay` WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS for sale at the barn. Annly to Herb.! hatch; The kind that Wm keep the` .883 138. k t f 11. $1.50 tti . Johnston, Minesing Station. _ 120 Frank smfldig` mun ,,_P_},' 3?..n3 I I I j-Z TRACTOR PLOW for sale, Very chean. Annlv mrnnn} T.nu -' -'I' - !soF'r suuas, just the thing to:-spring! iuse. $5.00 pet-`cord- W. Gracey & 8on.| Allandale, Phone 404. 11'-12c, .....u vv :u.zu.I.V run SALE. nearly? new; one double set of heavy ha.rness.,; Apply to 78 Dunlgp St. 1212' . I ` ONE WAGON FOR SALE. nearly, double set of hmunr 1m-non 1.?- CEDAR POSTS, l hydro. for sale. .u`: .?3'.. unuzus ruurrs, poles. telephone and] hydro, sale. all sizes. Apply E. V. Wilson, Shunt Bay. ' 11-161); V l'il\'-t-u n..- ._._ .. run. saw.-2-'rwo small barns. one 20x 1 60tt., one 26:40-ft`, 14`-ft posts. Enquire; : Examiner Office. 11-120} : ` FOR SALE-'1`wo small barns. g)tt., qne 14-ft posts. Enaulre: ...u..um. vruul neuvy muxlng cows, 111- so sound mare, 1500 weight. `R. M. Bell, R. R. 3. Barrie. Phone 629. 12-130' :v?- Lusu; a LJUAT EUR SALE. like new:E size 36:1 will sell for half price. Phone 4_78W. , 120 .__`. ' LADY'S COAT FOR -! 35:3 sell for enI:..Y-.'.' ` -BABY STROLLER for sale. blue. Apply 41'Inn1sfil St. . E:7erT?>TeT TI.-LVJJ UAIIDIAS. Guar- name. 30 latest varie- . Sannhv, 1n'1 nnllno-In _..._:__.. ton bugaiv viva Auto and ` ts. Annlv `II! V 25 L VH:l'l8"' Belletair 1 `FDA S; GuarL nf ivnuIn,, V1`.l1ll`J uuuz-I.U11.N` BABY CHICKS am high strain of layers. March chicks, 25c: April, 22c; May, 20c: alsoj.hatchtng1 eggs.-. 75: per dozen. Bie Poultry Farm. Barrie, 9-149; I fgeldmg 81000 BUYS a 7-roomed house. nearly market new. centrally located. equipped-with R. ])_a water and light, -soft water cistern: 11..12"lIarge lot: all'1n good repair. Phone (LT nr Iln-Ifn 1:... no 15...... -- -- "sALE- ' in ya uh I 9-140` IIBLEIP 12Pc : `YOU CAN EARN $10 to :25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show- cards. No canvassing or soliciting. We inetructyou and supply you with work. Write today.. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 9Mtic Fur Remodellin & Rep.;g-am] MINNIE MQKEIINAM no n...-n g. nuumu Amu 1.401` FOR_ SALE in the village of Bond Head. formerly known as the Presbyterian Manse: roughcast. ' 8` rooms and attic additional. Good cel- lar and furnace. Splendid stable, gar- age. hen house a d garden. Ent1re 1n good repair. App1y to F.- Wilcox, Bee- *_on. Ont.. or J. Cerswell. Beeton. lotfc - -- --was-nevus-nllll j |\c|llIlI'lIlR' MISNIE Mex!-:RNAN. as `small at, ,-_ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the village of Bond!-lead. formerly known as the Methodist Parsonage. solid brick. 8 rooms. newly decorated, good garage and stable. - HOUSE AND LOT FOR, SALE Head. fnrrnav-`Iv 1.-...- ABERDEEN-ANGUS YOUNG BULLS. serviceable age, bred from prize win-, nets, priced to sell. Also females any: age for sale. G. H. Murdoch. Wyevale. Phone Elmvale 6911). 8-181) I ti-on--.--_ - -A---- - ~ : SEVEN-R'OOM!ED'BRICK COTTAGE! 3 on Gowan _ St.. all newly decorated,I a town light and water. 8800. Terms 5. reasonable. Apply 46 Tlffin St. or ,' phone 423W. 1 12-14p VI HOUSE FOR. SALE. eight rooms, 1.: modern conveniences: choice location 1; close to buy. Apply on premises. Miss Jnnene. Stotesbury, 82 Kempenfeldt St., Barrie. - . A 8-13` f _ FOR SALE-8-roamed brick house with garage and hen house. all new buildings `also, 21 choice bxiilding lots. centrally located on Ciapperton, Grove and Owen Ste. Will sell in whole or in part. An-_ ply to Mrs. W. A. Thompson. 110 Clap- gserton . St., or M. E. Walker. Phone 9-10.. I. FOR SALE-8-roomed brick house. corner'- Maple Ave. and Sophia St., (92 Maple Ave.) with all conveniences. wired for electric stove. zarage and garden. Apply W. E. Partridge, ' Poyntz St., phone 1084W. T 4tfc - .9. wuu u5uI., BULL W.[8!' ` I3;-`e all in _ 739.1` or write Box 987, Barrie n - [L1-:sn..I.Jn&V rjuu ALE-5 acres good `garden land well` fenced. corner Nap- ' ler and Cook St. Apply W. Kellett. Box. 861, Barrie, or 88 Napier St. 12-17]: I ovnxuun.-- -- - -' A ..... . ._.___,__ GARDEN FOR 3-4LE5 .garden land well` fan:-mi .-..-......... if -"r DUPLEX HOUSE` for -sale or would exchange for .far_m or market garden. :1-Iouse central with all conveniences. Apply Box 847, Barrie P.O. 9-14 nn._--__ __- ` FIVF-ROOMED COTTAGE, FOR! SALE, water, light and garage at 245' Elizabeth St. Apply E. James, 249 E11- zabeth St.', phone 482W. 11-18p` I\C'unc --._ __ _ _- 731` T SHROPSHIRES---Thirteen well bred Shropshire ewes and one ram for sale. also two geese and one gander. Ap- ply H. Wllloughby, Angus R. R. 1.: phone 986r23. 12c`- r { FOR SALE-8-room house. good barn and henhouse. 11,4 acres good garden] land. Apply on premises. 70 Pevnetang, St.. or phone 1496W. 12-13p`: G vsvvvwn - _ _ _ ____ run D'.`lJ.4l .`J--M8.!`Ket garden in town, 4% acres good land, all new buildings. Apply .98 Wellington St. E. Phonel 961W. W. `Tuck. 120' t' HOUSE FOR SALE. 34 Bradford St..| modern conveniences. nine rooms. Ap-; ply Mrs. C. Hurst, 394A. Roncesvalles; Ave.. Toronto. 10-12:) --A-- _.._ -r ._._..______.____.____ FOR SALE--House and lot cles St`... Barrio: pm..- ..:.. run. Icahn`--110u5e and lot at 52 Ecs! St`... Barrie. Price right. Clear title. Apply Alex; Cowan, Barrlsten! |Barrie. ' 12-16c} : ` b ,- ___- FIVE. ACRES, nicely situated; town water. electric light, good buildings. for sale. Address Box 574. Barrie. On- tario. 12-17!) u,a.V.V V 7-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale. all conveniences. also 2-am... 4..-an ;}4\1b1\lJAU1`4' FOUND in Midhurst >'Town_ Hall on Thursday. March 17. Owner may have same. by proving '- property and paying expenses. Apply 9, to telephone 603r32. 12p 7f nuanu AND RESIDENCE offered to singled-lady or young married couple, in home of refined widow. AnDl.v 48: Louise St. 11-12:); % I "` ;NECKLACE FOUND )'T0wn I-Tall nn rm........- single; lad Six rooms; "heated"; yearlv lease sessfon 15th -May. Apply'16 E112: Sh-Anf BUHHIUH Street. MODERN M A rooms: PARTMENT TO LET- heated: vnnrlv Inuua D-n I I -FOUR. BRIGHT ROOMS for rent on Bradford St., near high school, modern conveniences. Street. HOUSEKEPING ROOMS to rent on bathroom flat, all hardwood floors. |Apply 105 Bradford St., phone 981. 11-13 ..____.._.._..__..__..___..___._.. , , u . . ! . { UNFURNISHED ROOMS to let m east 4 residential quarter of Barrie. All mod- I ern conveniences. Phone 495W. 11-1203 "';':_-_'::_"_':""""`-`"""'"'""""'""" i' J JERSEY BLACK GIAN'I`S-Breedint:` pen, ten hens. one male. Two White- `Wyandotte cockereis for sale, $3.00` each. E. R. Marlin. 11-121) . -- w-oo-oo...... . `K56-I< COCKERELS FOR SALE! Bred-,to-lay. `over 300 strain. Guild; Bros. breed. Also hatching eggs for sale. Mrs. W. A. Lowe. phone 299. 9-14c` ::o - as PURSE LOST containing a sun -jmoney. Finder please leave at . I office and receive reward. I j .urEA..l.V1S. J..U:sT--Between I P Penetang Streets, crank for I car. Finder please notify l 554. Penetanz Sfrnnfo: nvvanly 0. ...___________ i CRANK LOST-Between --_.... - Ivnln nccp U18 ] egg basket. ifull. sig per setting. `Frank Madigan, Essa. Road, Allan- adale. . ` - v 12-171) | - . . . -- "1 f ' ,QU'ALITY S. 0. WHITE LEGHOR eggs for hatching; 80% fertility guar-' ganteed: 60c dozen. Herman Osborne. RR. 1, Bax-vrie. phone 9031-33. 12-17c. ' --:_':_'_"-:'--"'--'-'-'-""-""- I u-.. -- can !HA'rcHING EGGS -- Ferris White I Leghorns, Barred Rock and White Wy- andottea, at five cents per egg; E. R. :Marlin. Phone 6111-12. 11-160 f I 'BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching. `$1.100 per setting-109 Essa St., Allan- _ a e. 19_`I"u\ I da..le. D-~ '- FOR SALE-Pure bred Yorkshire, SOWS. bred in Dennmhmv hntra no on... uuuun` CAR `FOR SALE. tc `first-class ' condition Apply to , a_nan s Ggrage, Barrie.- ._...___..____._____ REO COUPE for sale, in condition: was nwnn an on- Lost and F oirn; _- -__ a gag LU JJ.I3J1"" heate'd.'; uyeajriy lease. Pos- Apply 16 Elizabeth 101.! ween Ellen and ml: Gray Dort telephone -: 120 .-..._.___._..__..... ! _._,. ?CZ2 4 FOR SALE-A number of Barred ; - Rock cockerels. bred-to-lay strain. Ap- . I ply to 109 Essa St.-.-Allandale. 7-12p`1 h:- 4 Midhurs-t any Monnk 1'! ai Ec- . Uhf f`IA4-sin . J18 LUTH; 11-16c 8-130 ' u.-3. UIl- I sum of this ! 10 excellent B Info 1'}:- UULU 1 12c `' Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Butt_er,. pound Eggs.` doz. Potatoes. bag l.'U Buckwheat nninu -`Ann: "-IunsuAv WI-IWOEGALE pmces NO. 2 Fall Wheat . . . . . . .. $1.00-$1.15 Barrie!oqoooo;oooocoaoonIuooo-0 Luauoaooo;nooI`ooongooonouc ._> I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V 1_9.I_.1 CH rum. 12-17D vuu D8'8, reserve Did. Further_te1-ms and conditions will be made known at the tim_e of sale and in the meantime may be learned on application to . DONALD ROSS.` - ' 2 Vendor's Solicitor. 11-13 Rnrrln f\nl>'anh\ 111-13c uurulx. I Buch- 1 nil` on the south side of Cumberland St., Barrie, formerly occupied by Leslie J. Allen. There is a comfortable brick- lwuuterly qo xeet or Lot Number Five clad dwelling house on this property as well as outbuildings and additions. The house has a. furnace. bath room and is very centrally situated. Imme- diate possession can be given. There will beta reserve bid. Fnrfhnr harm. mu: ...-....u.u...._ _n- L V 1113 12p There will be offered for sale by public auction by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday. April 2nd, 1927. at the_hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. at the Queen's Hotel, westerly 46 feet of Lot Number south side of Ffrlrnhnv-Ian-A cu o I FOR SALE--Clyde Gelding. broken to Ihamess; also white gander. Alex. `Campbell. Shanty Bay. Ont. . 12p w-u.\.-. ....___ NOTICE is hereby glven- pursuant to the Trustee Act that all nersons [ihavlng claims against the Estate of . Samuel J. Fisher. late of the Town of ;!Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, flour , miller, deceased. who died on or about . the 5th day of Mar. 1927, are request- , ed to send particulars of their claims i to thevundersigned on or befor' the 1 24th day of April, 1927, after hich , date the executrix will distribute the : assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto, having regard only to I I the claims of which she shall then have lnotice, and that she will not be re- sponsible to any person for the assets 1 of saidestate whose claims shall not j then have been received. ALEXANDER COWAN. Executrix Solicitbr. I12-14c Barrie. Ontario. I a-VVIIVIIV hlfilnlh OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN` THE TOWN OF BARRIE DUCK` ' lotto ,lJITNEY SERVICE from Midhurst to {Barrie and Barrie to Midhurst. daily. {Charges reasonable. W. W. Boyce. ;llcensed driver, Midhurst, telephone ` 602r14. 12-23n-tfc I `7 {AUTO PAINTING--If your car needs 'paint!ng. see us. High gloss or rubbed rnlsh. Partridge s Auto Paint Shop. `New address, _16 Bayfield St. 12p ' F'OR PAINTING and paper hanging, `phone A. Berry. 539W, 21 Gowan St., Allandale. Wallpaper sample books on application. 9-14p _.______________________ Eu.-.u..u.-u.v J.LJHLu.\lV11)'l'I10ne 1496W if jyou Want your ashes removed at a ireasonable price. A12-13c --_ ASHES 1 tin!` I191: - EFURS ALTERED and repaired. Over iHurlbu1-t s Shoe Store. Miss M. Me- I Arthur. 37ttc. ___ ENOTICE--I will not be responsibigfor .6113 debts contracted in I-nvr In-v-no FOR SALE--Holsteln cow, old. due to freshen Man on uu;u,::.-1 wm not oe responsible for .any contracted in my name.- isigned, S. Exell. . 12-13p , '_-:____. ':""r----"-"'-'-'-"""'--" , H :8 XTY-ACRE FARM. situated in Oral Township, all tlllable land. choice soil.` 20 acres in alfalfa: first-class brick house, furnace, hardwood floors; barn! ,40x60, good basement: garage, hen-` house. driving shed; two wells, one in ?barn basement: rural mail and tele- phone. For quick _ sale will accept $4500. Good terms can be arranged. J. A. McLucas, Hawkestone, Ore tele- I phone 116. 12c NOTICE TO CREDITORS FARM FOR SALE-50 acres. part of` lot 11, con. 9, Innlsfil, all cleared, sandy| loam, good bank barn, 38x56, imple- ment shed, good brick house, telephone and mail box. 1,4 mile to school. two miles" to Village of Stroud. The build- ings alone are worth $5,000. Offer for Immediate sale at $3700. For particu- lars apply Benj. Webb. Stroud. 9-13p! u , mu. \a\.r, ul. nun: I I7 acres. Ten I Cundles, Ont. uurn ooxou; water; ten acres falli wheat, summer taIIow;, meadow, 17 acres; orchard, 1 acre; fall ploughing, 7 Terms easy. Richard Daly, 9-'4" FART OR SALE-1 mue` from Bar- rie. 53 ores, small roughcast house._ barn 36x60; water; ten fall! wheat. summer fallow" rnoganm 1'71 i I FARM FOR SALE--53 acres. Within thirty minutes walk of Barrie: brick house; bank barn; plenty of water. E - H. Reid, Box_ 561, Barrie, telphonl 895M. 11-16c] BARRIE MARKETS I Come Early and Get Some Bargains run .-.mun2-no1ste1n four years! old, to freshen Mar. 20. Apply to J. R. Tteevie, Shanty Bay. Out. '12:) I -w,\-_ ------ AUCTION SALE EQ I R E L IT I A I 3 Q A Q - -- Ht V011!` ahma 1-nrnnvn at n R-E-EOVED--Phone 1496W if I Everything` Must Be Sold Farms For Sale FORCED (Juror BUSINESS BUCHANAN S GROCERY s'rocK and FIXTURES 3 SUHCIEOIV Barrie. Ontario. I FOR SALE---Durham cow. 5 yrs. old.l due April 1. Apply Ed. Cavanagh, An-, ten\Mills. . 11-12:: _-_> o LEASE EXPIRED '.'.'.'.I 55.655 . 81:35-81.85 7Hn_Qn L. LV.lU' .lJ' I` 9-14D ' also stressed `the ~ safety firstprmcipl ` canoeing, etc. While ,,,___ --rvn\ua.q IV FIJTILD . G. A. I-I_odgson of Toronto, repre- senting the Ontario Safety League, - addressed the children in the four 7 public schools and the students in the collegiate on Friday afternoon last,` -emplhasizing the necessity of being very careful in crossing streets, especially on the m-ain highway. _He importance of `es intislwimrlriing, at e co esti- ate. _he spokg:Ff*'the splendid dis- cinline shown in the Barrie public schools, which he said was not sur- passe-ds even in Toronto. .. ,......\.u.uu_y away, Mar 25, 12c--Ever rmembered by her j- v WATT-In loving memory of our dear mother, Christina Watt. who passed so peacefully away, Mar 25, 1926. 12c--Ever rmnmhnnna t... 1.-.. --V -- `We will leave our. darling to rest. { TAYLOR-In fond and loving` remem- bra ce of our-dear niece and grand- ! d-au hter. Jean Isabel Taylor, who. passed away one year ago. I 'Tis sweet to know we will meet again T Where partings are no more, ' And know the one we loved so well Has only gone before. ` I Dear little Jean we miss you, I But know it is for the best. So safe in the arms of Jesus , -Ever remembered by, her Aunt 12p_c . Ethel, Grandma and Grandad. TZI due Anril I. Annlu `I414-I n". '1`AYLOR-In fond and loving remem- brance of our dear Jean who left us one year ago. ' Her weary days and hours of pain, Her troubled nights are passed, Her ever patient worn-out? frame Has found sweet rest at last. Some may think we've forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But no one knov vs the heartache '1;hat smile is hiding the while. -Ever missed and longed I I for by Mother, Daddy.i_ 12pc' Sister and Brothers` TAYLOR--7-In ever loving memory of a dea_r mother, Lavina Taylor. who died suddenly March 21, 1926. Days of sadness oft comes o'er me, Tears of silence often flow. When I think of you. dear mother, Whom God called one year ago. You are gone but not forgotten, Years can never ease the pain In the heart of one who loved you. Till in heaven we meet again. -Sadl.v missed by : 12pc Daughter Myrtle lg _ I nIArv~r.\-. - - - I TAYLOR-In 9 dance suns]. _.v.-v Do not ask me if I miss her There is such a vacant place. ` Can I e'er forget her footsteps, And her sweet smiling face. Days of sadness still comes o'er, Tears of sorrow often flow. Memory keeps my dear wife near Whom God called one year ago. 1911: _m...:n-- ...s_.- <- - -- - 12p SAFETY ADVICE TO Pu'p1Ls _ Q A `Il -A......... .2 n1. . _ -__-_. TAYLOR-In loving` memory of La.- vina Taylor. beloved wifn nf nan.- KT U I TAYLOR--In sad nf nnr Roan n... urxvv 1.1.u.r\.--111 wvmg memory'of La- verne, Who departed this life March 31, 1920. ` Tonight the stars are gleaming" On a lonely. silent grave, Where sleeps in dreamless slumber. One We loved but could not save. 19:: 1:1..u.-_. ~..-,.. -- - tiful pasture farm. 100 acres more or-` lea` sltuated'.4 miles north of Barrie , onw-Provlnclaln Highway, Oro Town-' slam, with running creek. Jas. Patton.`-4 Box 274, Barrie. 12tfc.`l ;- uu "nanny uu TU RENT. That beau- . ,' 12c ........nu--u: nuvulg memory (If I380 "iiolling, who departed! this life Mar. 19. I921. ' `Not dead to us, we 1ove\hx:rr1 still. Not lost, but gone before. I He lives with us in memory still, [And will forever more. ! 12p -1_)augh-tea" and `Son SAW YER-In loving memory of La- denax-ted this He. mr....,.;. - V ROLLING-In loving memory of Isaac Rolling, denar-ted this: m. M... .._ _; J |FIRMAN--In loving memory of Geo. I Alexander Firman. who passed I away March 29. 1926`. `I0 . "" I ,_.___ l'CLARK-in lovtng" memory of our dear mother, Mrs". Clark of Innism who died March 22`, 1915. 1Just 9. thought of you, dear mother, Just a memory fond and true, v Just a token of affection. I 1 Th-at our hearts still` Tong for you. 12p ---Sadly. missed by the Family. ___n_____ _ I EDE 2c per word; minimum 50c. Q & & E E4 .3 .7. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .-_ -1 nu pol` wuru; xmmmum 600. Q t %>x<>x<>x x>x<>xoz>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>xJ>r< 1c .___ f :Au.urc-1n loving Taylor, belovd wife of Henry T9a3Ior, who died suddenly Mar. 21, 1 2 . FOR ' lfnl . :>I I<>X<>X<>I I0I<>I<>I<>I<*X0I 3 IN MEMORIAM .`AYLORIn and loving memory `of our dear grandmother. Mrs. H. Taylor, who died suddenly March 21, 1926. .. --... _'\lIJtL al.511- -S;;il_y missed by Husband. Z .-.. ........ vvulu uul. save. 1 --Father. Mother, Brother.` j-Z-- -..v. we _ -Wife' and Family. , . v - vo we me, ~..-_-_.._y, unusual Q0 The following: Parlor rockers, arm chairs, hall rack. mahogany table, oak table, rug, pictures, curtains, extension table, 6 dining chairs, sideboard, couch, china cabinet, writing desk, dishes, cutlery, . pictures, rug, etc., 3 bed- room suites, mattresses, springs, bedroom chairs, rugs, curtains, etc., Home Comfort range, 3-burner oil stove, kitchen. tables, chairs, kitchen utensils, washing machine, carpen- ter s'bench with vise, carpenter tools and many other articles.- All will be sold without reserve. Terms. cash. Sale at 1.30. 11-12c W. A. McConkey, Auct. ? r 9 FARM FOR SALE OR REN'1`-109; acres;'.clay loam. bank barn. roughcast house, orchard. ample water. 11,4, mile" from school. station. etc. For further particulars apply to Henry & Cow-' an, Barrie. 12ttc.; `Phone 3873 . ~ Both coal and oil burning ROYAL AND SOL-HOT. ` Poultry and Chick Supplies. muuuzo ROCK BABY} wnma LEGHORN cmx Have 1 In all _ M,` ---_,.-.... .q u. u. uevun, It 16- Dunlop St., Bame * 1 As follows: 10 dress goods stands, 5 ticket stands, 18 dress goods stands, 22 tick- et stands, 12 piece goods stands, 58 wooden T standsr17`.wooden pedes- tals, 24 small ironstands, 3 iron T stands, 1 purse case,` 2 glass count- lers, 10 ft 1 glassvcounter, 9 ft., 5 '1 small tables, 5 large -tables, 1 cloth`- ingiwardrobe, 2 iron clothing racks, 1 Quebec heater, 8 electric fizdures, 1 umbrea case, I ladder, 1 nailpuler, 1 window -bench, 1 curtain rack, 1 large mirror, 1 hosiery stand. TERMS CASH. Sale at 10.30 mm. W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. . ansanlul Greatest The Store Fixtures in the store formerly, occupied by C. T. Devlin, at I 12 h-~I 5- " ` AUCTION SALE of Household F umiture `--"* -vv-7 nrvulll t 39 by Public Auction on C-A___- I I n ~r ; HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -7} A rooms. large garden. orchard and hen-` pen and garage. 80 Cumberland St., Allandale. Apply S. Hurr, Graven-J burst. T . 9-14p! The The undersigned has received , instructions from M C-` >-* 4_____ Buy Advertised Things. AUCTION SALE OF sroma FIXTURES 'e automatic turning trays, all sizes; least trouble to handle and they give I-.QQ` u-A-'.!__ IIIDO I _v- - V u n v A AL AL U11] SUCKLING & CO. to sell by Public Auction on `If I I ' " ` ` .BR90DER5 _ VHITE LEGHORN` BABY cmcxs' ram high strain of Invnv-n Mm-nu undersigned has received in- structions from iltiipu nun. - v -VIVII "BN1.-ch St`. MU _ Hatching Effllizaioncy BARRIE SUULH JUHH-" elusive. North John-L West Innlsfil South Vesprz1~ nlnnlvn `Din n Inclusive. South Frederl ' inclusive. South John- nlnniuu JV Ul'Lll 1` l`l .'(lQ`l`l4 -::&-: ' TWO FARMS FOR SALE on RENT. possession at once. Apply to E. HJ. -Johnston. real estate agent, 26 Marya; St. -P-hpne 942.1. ' 12c_ ( I '~~ BABY CHICK ORDERS should be placed early for the date that suits. you best. I have hundreds hatching every week. but many hundreds s.l-- ready ordered: some dates 'a.re`com- pletely sold out. Barred Rock and White Leghorn chicks of superior quality: also sand 10`-week-oid puliets after May 15th. Ha.rry- F. Morten. 8 Nortlrt-. Barrie. phone 8871.. 12-14;: CUULH \_1U\\ilH" 40. Lots Nos. East M.'u'(-.us~-- North Fredm-i {nnlnnluyn `I00. South GVm\'zm- An 1' non \Y... South BurUm~ elusive. l,m.~< North Cumb~1-I to 17 imrlusx South Cumbvr A9 ) TEN.D.E_S.;`;1 J-LJAVLJJJINI) " April lat, 192' IUULH Vt:5[)l'il. elusive, Plarq E_xamin4:rI quick rvsxzlt use them of >UuLll 433. `Anal. U,-HY I Bm0~lH PM. At`. ()I`iI1i:1 ' 8.301 FARES $2.00 ()riIlia-T. Barrio-~H.. Bradforri Ar. T(mm r- um v HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-59: Ma.rySt., roughcast, fourteen ro`oms,g all conveniences. Apply Chas. Grant,: Clarkson Hotel, Barrie. 10-15:); i TO1`0nI.u~--- Brad f'()1`l- K. H. Imperial announc Monthly one-half will be 1 to sham- Rlarch 2 This is 78, muki -dred and half per to share onin . a:11-_i~8:- atre ha that fi ME BUS "THURSI Toron` Owen Marcelll Facial an my _ury goods or milllnery, or June, highest references available. ply to Box D, Examiner. _. __ Be: Hiir Effec I.IC.\ 1 DIVII lMPEi 75c.;| Alice Ralp ands Bankl For I,IC.\ xuumur WUMAN having some pre- sales clerk in a_i ange department store in Toronto, would assist in a store in Barrie. pre- ferably _dry goods millinery, any; Mpe, hig_hest available- An- Evonl 5b34 55*` --gr; _ LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Highest I Brlces paid. Call mornings or event 3. hone or leave orders for M. Alexan erf at Y.M.C.A.. Allandale. lttcg , . YOUNG WOMAN vimm nvnnnlannn .. { ELDERLY WOMAN wduld take care of young children morning, atternoon and evening. Phone 621.) . ` 121).; 1' virus -\..--- _._- _9hilqg_en ma n n ..---_ GOOD DEMAND FOR OLD FOWL, highest brices paid. Phone 384 or write H; Levit, Barrie. _ f-7-12p, , --r .- HOUSEWORK. WANTED `or hotel` work with evenings `free. by young goman. Apply Box Y," Examiner gt- Ceg an an; OR FACTORY WORK WANTED by young woman; Apply Box '2". Examiner Office. 121:, I iviuxunguu ,'J.`mAM U!` CLYDES 1'0!` aale, seven -years old. weighing 8100 ibs.. mare and gelding; bays. white races and white legs, in good condition. _Aiso matched team or brown geidings. six years old. weighing 3000 lbe.: white faces and three white feet. `each in good condition. David W ison. Egbert. 11.11. 1. Phone 71:82.1 ston. 10-12c . M --7 STORE OR bY young woman` An-luv STORE PIGS IWANTE phone 1160.}. cow ` ant representative for Barrie a vicinity. Reply in first instance to A _ T RANK Canadian Lite As-I su, ` Company desires to appoint 9. Bo`; "`N ~', The Examiner. Ba'n-ie. 12-14 V WA1W'1WD-A real live salesman to! handle our linen, :30 to $60 week1y.l Secure your territory quickly. Wiggins fa Dure. 563 St. Clair West. Toron-' o. . 1 991: __ _ .. .. `_ -_- -- '"a` vg"r'A"A"5"ST one cent} word, cuh. each Inner- llon (minimum charge. 25); 11: Lunar- tiou tor the. rice or tour. 10 cents extra when god; also 10 cents extra. when replies are directed to Ex- aminer omce _ %&$&&$&&&&a&&i U _ADu-:fr COLUMN E ---- "SALE OR TO RENT. That D8.StUI`8 farm. 100 nnm:-u Ivlnnn A... Live stock F9: 5; F av ye : wuru cuua; mxnnmum 25. * i|I"l'i0I0I0I' F1011 DI0IP3!I0I0I mg jb - '1-..) __-L -A For Sale or To Let 4;` MATCI-IED [TEAM or CLYDES tor, aale. seven -vanrn am macaw..- unn I - v w:-v--v [ lc per word cash; minimum zsc. \ mii ii .V.`V. .i.".w. .w. .w..` Help Wanted Wanted -3:: ` having pie. .8 sales clerk In .1 four years! Annlv l-n :1. H, _.-.. V... t. :36 Mary! FOR SALE-Steel-tired" lzcfcheang nnn Tin:-knnn 1...... kaUW' 12tfc. 00`! U1` jj:--v I feg ' to |.,a..: :.vuu- - "" "" `-1 -----. Eiffg ELECTRIC WASHER FOR can I Connor QHHYIQF fnh 13115:-nfnal 2 FOR SALE--Pure bred Yorkshire boaqs, fit for service. Also `A few young sows. A number or these talks are from saw that raised grand champion boar at Toronto and Guelnh Winter Fairs In 1926. All are snlendld tyne and quality. Thoa. Smith & Sons. U~tnoia..V Ont. . 11-12p 1 BRICK HOUSE. at: good clean! rooms, ideal central location. paved street. coal grate. furnace. all pontven-` lences. large front veranda. also back. moderate rental. Apply 55 Mary St. 129 ry v 120 T0 RENT- -N1ce living apartment, 4 rooms and bath. steam heated and water supplied. Immediate pouesslon. 8. W. Moore. . . * . , ~8tte nu uunvazuencaa. ansogarage, garden, deep lot. A]: ly to 29 Victoria stz, tele- phone 946 . _ _12-15c HIIIUT ` lttc > 7-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE TO LET. all conveniences. Also garage, garden, deep Annly to 29 Victoria Stt. tnha- SIX-ROOMED I-IOUE to rent. cent- rally located. hardwobd oors. newly decorated. Apply \ to 46 Clapperton Street. ' ` 120' I TWO I-IOUSES"'I`0 RENT cheap. one six rooms, one `five: with town can- veniepces App1y_ Box 574, Bar- rie. ` w `11-12n 7 FOR REN'1`--A 6-roamed brick house with all conveniences at .31 Eccles `St. For particulars apply-next door. ` 12p : BRICK HOUSE "PO LET. Newly de-' corated, large grounds and henyduse. reasonable. Apply 73 Tltn St. 12p` V . OLIVER .C. WHITE LEGHORNS are trap nested. proven producers or large eggs. males from over 250 egg dams, government lnsgection. hatching eggs $9 per 100. Elgh p lets (delivery after June 15th). $1.50 each. Oliver, Poultry Farm, Shanty Bay. . . 8-18!) 2 . TWO SMALL HOUSES to rent. also, some honey for sale. Apply Box 33, Barrie. phone S1071J. 9tfc. _ HOUSE TO LET. Phone 299. - usruui-1'1` SAMPLE,-grade 1, O.A.C. 144 Iseed Oats. grown from registered seed. eld inspection E14561. Shows absolute ' purity oi. variety. freedom from noxious weeds. and also other grains. Sample; inspection 46-6868 proves the same. ' with a. germination oi. 98%. This is the highest grade of this heavy yielding stiff-strawed Variety on the this year. $1.25. per bushel. lcoutts; Midhurst. 11-12` l U1` UH 12Pc ` ,, I FOR SALE-Seed oats O.A.C. No. 3. early variety,.rlpen with barley, certi- ,; fled seed potatoes. Dooley variety. [5 Morley Beath, Shanty Bay. ' 12 , SEED OATS AND BARLEY-O.A.C.f ,'No. 144 oats, first in standing field crop competition: grade No. 1; ger- mination 100%: $1.25 bushel. O.A.C. ,No. 21 baz-iey,o_7grade No. 1; germin- ation .99; $1.00 bushel; bags 10 cents.) F.0.B. C.N.R. or C.P.R. Thou. Smith- & Sons, Utopia. V 10-1313'". IBRIGHT SAMPLE.'8rade Oats. 21-own'frnm rntrlnfnvvnn-I .....: ::GiOOD SEED OATS for sale. $1.00 a. 3 bushel. Also seed peas, $1.75 a. bushel. Apply Bruce Cowan, Stroud. V 11-12c ` 'FOR SPRING SEEDING-Alsike. red. `Mammoth; 'alta.lra.` white. clover; White Blossom sweet clover: Gundy County (dwarf) W. B. sweet clover: _ timothy and mixtures. All home grown. g-seeds. Leslie A. Conn. Seed Merchant.` Elmvale. 12-14c 1 _ GLADIOLUS - Twelve tine named varieties, $1. Bulbs are clean, healthy and of good 31%.. Mixed bulbs. 35c per dozen. Ian 13`. Welsman. Barrie. 11-15c ` v~- 'BABY CHICKS-O.A.C. Barred Rock -_,. chicks exclusively: only $20 a. hundred Hatch off April 17th. Please order at once. Custom hatching only $5.00 a hundred eggs. Phone 255 or write for further information. Donald Jamie- son. Barrie. Ont. _; 12p u::2 'GLADIoLUs AN15 DAHLIAS; .anteed true to Etles. Lists free. Sausby, 107 B _Ave.. Toronto 8. ,_;\.:-Lulu nAu.uA1N--A Reflex set that - . gets all the American stations. Thirty "dolia`rs--Cost/ninety. Also a number for radio parts. including transformers. dials. etc., cheap. Phone 225W after , . 6 o'clock. , - 11-13c ` JLFOR SALE-One 13-tooth cultivator: .Cockshutt walking plow. No. 21. prac-I rgtically new; 2 good horse collars. 2` ';auto tires and tubes 30x3%. Apply J. _'j V. Brown, phone 383, Allandale. 12pc I. vav 1-4---_-.. _._ . V SEED OATS For; SALE--0.A.C. No. 72. Apply Garfield Wingrove, Barrie 'R.R. 2, phone 606:-12. 12p F0 Annlv ax...-n..a Sx.I3.%9.'.A'?;- j {GA-S EN'GINE-6-h.p. Gllson gas on- gine with magneto, good as new: 2- power attachment for any make of car. For particulars apply to E. C. Holmes, 3 Dalton St.. Barrie. Phone ' 1365W. or Box 698, Barrie. 12-13 . imumurltlu wasrwn SALE-' ;One Connor copper tub electric wash- er with tub stand, slightly used, `worth . .$145, will sacrifice for $50. for quick sale. Box 1076, Barrie. phone 120. 12c ;FOR SALE--Slightly -used organ, .splano-case style, in perfect condition, ,.' at `a. real bargain. easy terms". Apply; L`: Box 1076 or phone 120. . 12c` P. 3 --r ` SI-IORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE--1 dark roan, 14 months. 1 roan. 16' Iilnnfhn H`vu\-an In.\n-.-- ...2n-1,_ _A V - | ; run .5AL1:;-steel-tired buggy? `cheap; one Durham cow, '8 yrs;, due, {April 6; one good driving horse. rising ; 8 yrs. old. sound. Prices reasonable. . 5 Apply to 22 Sampson St.. Barrie. 19p G Vl\f\ ~.-_ _ ,_ __ __,. I . * FOR SALE--All of the bricks con-' tained in the walls of Obera. House. Barrie, also steam boiler and radlat-j ors, piping. Apply 84 Sophia St. or; `write Box 381. 12:)` ' -_' {HAPPY THOUGHT cooxmal ,RANGE for sale, nickel trimmed. wat-1 {er `front: excellent condition. Phone : 247W.. 52 Holgate St, Allandale. 11-12p` ! van-xv-. -.~.-- - ,u. wuv run sA.l4.I9-81! octave Do- "h`e ty organ, In first-class condition. .Apply to -17 Innisfll St., Barrie. Tele- [pnone 1077.1. 12p`: o11GAN FOR SALE"-Six ihe in. f_l_z_'st_-Aclags Ann!" 4.. 19 I*---- ,,_..vv .r--vuy uuLu. V.l.l.`.lUU .' lEGGe Fen HATCHING from bred- zguglgo gzgggnof f.RsEa?g `-to-lay White Plymouth, Rocks headed I Apply Robt Graham_ Thornton RR by males direct from McCall, White~ ,1. -12 Wyandottes headed by males direct ' _______.,________ from Martin, also White Leghorns, all LUMBER FOR sALE_..About 1000: birds heavy producers of fine large feet of old lumber. Price $5.00; A9913 : 9335- Limited number 0` baby chicks- J. Hutchlngs, 33 Tiffln st.. A.llan-=Sh9a1`dS'9- R-R- N0- 1. -Utopia IVY l.da1e_ - . 12,,` phone. 12-17p eORGAN wnn uAr,ur 432-. --A-~ - ' LUHUII :8}: Cu __ -uuI uau, puc1ty" wlllvsacrlficef` " ` "- """"""""""- ' ' for qu;';;fs;, ;'_`.`Phon '76 > mp SILVER SPANGLED HAMBURGS. _ ;egi1gs and gtock 02` saebo Winegg ` T 113 ` sw erever s own, ggs . and . . gaggiogrgzgeezm. Cl!%1ea(1:)Aff3{zBI1%gE sall1e:1..*P Setting` Apply W- H- Tth- 58 '84 Cumberland St. Phone 1173. 12c: Hem`Y`St-- Barrie Phone 5213- 11-160, I 1X7LTTfl 1`n1 1- A navy-nu. ---~--- I "~"-` `V WASHING MACHIN tric, Miss Slmplicl quick sale, Ph no 762.)`. E for sale. lec-" ty"; will sacrifice. 12p` -I-.11-nu-' ...___-_- H. . WASHING MACHINE sale. Miss Slmnlinitv"- In! an.- ,.. .... we--&&\l&iLV IJUJ-JLJD DU 5111.419--1 16 months. From heavy milking 111- an mare. 1500 weight. `n M