lthey haid put on guard. Again Clement `played a. soothing part. - T`.nnv nn him `nl nnn|11n uhnnl-ad" * guru. - The manly tone was smothered in a. flutter of skirts. A woman ran in from _the scrub, yelling: Jimmy! My Jim- my!" And Jimmy, the gunman, was in his mother's embrace. .A little girl and a. smaller boy followed timidly. ! \7-.-1..`-.-.. 41.--- n_.__._a L- .1 ,,,, ,. Ls- I Here`is a surgeonis Wonderful pre- 'scription now dispensedyby pharma- ucists at trifling cost, that will do {more towards helping you get rid of unsightly spots and skin diseases ithan anything you ve ever used. V 'KTA4- no-u Anna 4311': rnnnolv hnoidnn lpxayeu El. SUUI.Il1l'1g part. - _ Easy on himgold son!"'he shouted. .;fWe don't mean haqm. We re'the pol- ce." 4 M Il7I".nG n n`ru1n6 rung; II cuts`; oooo cu-an IV ... .. -......~.._.. ..,~,_,\..u. ..........._y. i Neuburg, they found, had run his boat ashore in the creek under the homestead while the man was back in the woods working. He had walked` {into the living room and held up the `woman and her two youngest children. an ._.._._ 3.. ;.I_- I._.'!_-_-.__ n __):| -r2.-__,_ .. v.--...-- ...--... --..- ...-V _,.._..a~.-.u. sanannvtn vans I was in the bedroom. said Jimmy. ;the daring. I saw what was what. go I nipped under the bed. 'l\Tnnh11rp' Inn:-1 ufnhrn Hun fnnil nnn1t_ 1. xuppuu uuucr uu-: uuu. Neuburg had stolen the food, pack- ing it in his pockets. found the revol- ver, and stolen it and cartridges. Then .he had ordered them out of the house while he spoke on the telephone. They had run straight to the husband. _ .13.-|..nL u_-_,, -__u, , 1 II - un-11. _ ._ .--.. -....- .....-.~- . - v V -.-uww-nu. Then you (:i;1n vtVhe.s-u` who he called up on the phone?" said Gatineau. Iwas under the bed- `began Jim- `H117 "u'i"he father iriterr-upted. angrily. .How could she hear? That's why he. drove I my wife out. .Qnul" rnni-for-AR Plnrnanf FR ahyn I lily W116 UUL. Say!" muttered Clement. I d give a hundred dollars to know who he call- edidup on that 'phone, and what he sa ." 4 _ Give 'em to me, then," [said Jimmy. I What's that? gasped everybody. ` I keep on telling yer I was under lthe bed, an heard," said Jimmy in < contempt. V ' l\/In xrniflr-ant V " nhnnfnd rnrnnnf \ Only Powerful % I Medicine` Will End ;HnALs ECZEMA ' 1 lN7DAYS ORLESS Ion YOUR _lVI_O`-NEY; BACK} 3 UUII Llllpln Magnificent! shouted Clement. ,Who did he ring up?" I A naval: nlna nnrnhnr Au} fan a |Ul.ll. ll. U111] UU Revelstoke . " 1 (`n n nun nu ya -I yvun un 1`iK :"z"'3- MAI-1' gvxavxc-xcvx->x<`-xrx>I<.>x<>x<%-x<>x x`<'i_, V cnnomc anoucurns HEAD AND anoucmm. cows. IJAV raven IIll_owRAZ-MAI-Ictpouleo. $end5cfotu'ill. Ifempletona, Toronto. $1 at your druuinfo. jg: 14:3: T "jj T T cmnomc 3 aaoucu..'{`. `.l'?:.'J`.93..5." -, .v-.. _ Poult`. ` an tum :-.1'y ux' lllullty DELCK. ' Wm. Crosslanid and all druzeists sell Rheuuw. with guarantee of perfect sat- isfaction or money refunded; A large `bottle is inexpensive. and after [you take the small dose tie directed twice a day for just a few days you should} know that at last you have obtained a remedy that does relieve wour suf- fering and will conquer rheumatism. F0!` OVFI` flftn` vnnwa Phnuvrnn has (Continued op page 14) Bf ovooooonooo--concoc- (Gt ..'-...... ..'....... .IIIOo\oovoAIto.oo; Lsllfet 33- LC ;oo'ccooonuuquoo'a 1' aa.ch4.................. ket '43-45c `42-45c 28-300 24-250 . 30 . 6c gl man Wm) mun smut. nuu. ` . I With his im_mera_se strength Nachbarl ung the limp man from himh and swept round to deal with Clement. Clement was ready. As the`. huge body bunched and the pisol hand jerked forward. Clement struck at it. As Cle- ment had risen to his feet he had grab- bed the chair again, and that was what .. .-_-uuvuv I It FIHWIIYIUIVIJ BAi{RISTERS.v SOLICITORS. ETC. ; Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO L0'AN j- TAILORVESS :35 DI`!-ES.sM'AKi'-`R 2 Adelaide t. A Tel. msaw % , `W. M.-W. J. Munro. Allandale Rec. Sec y_.-F. Longhurst, 202 Brad- ford. St., Barrie. - Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. a. 4. :-:owA.nos cg EDWARDS AI-oliitocto and Structural` Engineers 18 Toronto St. Toronto. J. Ed arda. G. R. Edwards. B.A. Sc L. R. ORD r CIVIL ENGINEER` . _ Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St.. Barrie. .. Plgfane 623 7 BOYS 5. "BOYS - , Barristers. Solicitors. _Nota.x-lo: Puphc Conveyancers. Etc. - Money to loan at lowest rates of jin- terest. Office-13 Owen St.. in Mason- ic Temple` Building, Barrie. \ Branch Office--Elmmnn V .6. R. G. E. BURNS A (Over Frank Dutchefs grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal AdJ1-ltment and `Massage xEIe'ctric, Vibratory and Magnetic Blanket Treatment: Patho-Neurometer Ser ce Phfl `.05.? fnlu,orn-uni-.6-nnn-In `nu LUIIIQIB sunning, Barrie. \ Branch Office---Elmvale. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R. Boys. . VVEI-Kirlp UHIWFDELL G I-FWVVI-:53 Chartered Accountants Phone Main 6874; 69 Yonge St., Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless. C.A. -' Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. run-u-I\r\III-IETI UUWA Barrister. Solicitor `for obtaining pro- bate of wills. guardianship and ad- ministration. General Solicitor. Notary. . Conveyancer. ate . Office--I-Iinds Blo ck, 3 Duniop St., Barrie. MONEY T0 LOAN ` . V . 1 It matters not whether you have had? 20 .v(`a"`S' or distressing twitchings for agonizing` pains -from rheumatism for 20 weeks, Rheuma while harmless. is strong enough and mighty and power- ful] `enough to drive the rheumatic poisbns from your system and abolish all misery `or money back. ' I WNW , (`Plhrri I115!` all Hnuvtrrvlnl-an mall ,, - :1. rl. UHESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block. Bar --uv\IrIlI I`; IVICUUHIKIQ 5-H- Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER,/ SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN. Rpss Block. Barrie - PLAXTON 4 PLAXTON . BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. omces: 707-3 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. I C. W. Plaxton. - G. Gordon Plaxton James 0. Plaxton ` j chiding drawing of ills, dee s, a.r.- ranging of loans, etc. ` nsurance 0! all kinds. Executor, "Administrator and Trustee. Thdrnton. Ontario. 4-52c .1 u ; An 1 ru nuns, mveyan er, In- MAUDE E. CLAXTON. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations legdlng up to and. including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424 EDMUND._ HARDY Mus. Bac.. F.T.C.M.- ' Teacher of Plano,` Organ, Vocal, and Musicad Theory. Organist and Cholrmaster of 7 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold medalist Torohto Conservatory of Muslin and TTnivnrn`lfv nf 'l'm~nn1-n f 3. M. SYLVESTER Teacher of Music Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital. under D.S.C.R.,- bandmaster of 134thT0.S. Bn., bandmaster or 75th . (`ox-onto Scottish Regt. VICTORIAN ORDER OF \NURSESI Hal-min Bran:-In vlulurunn vrluun Ur \NUl1l'. . Barrio Branch " Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 751W WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse : services may be made direct or through your doctor. I T i/Dl;'E.. G. TURNBULL Graduate McG1ll University, Montreal. Office and Residence-Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. ' ` Office hours: I . 9-1o a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-s p.m. snack. . . - At the first hint of violence Clement had dropped flat to the ground. The v woman's` pistol snapped as he did so. and her bullet struck the blanking where his chest had been. Nachbar and Gunning staggered in a. wiid tang-' Lln '!`hn shnnlnrn nf the huge mam }waLcH. CAMPBELL &. LAWLESS (Han:-Gnu-gal A4-nunnnbanin J. A. CORBETTT . NQTARY PUBLIC, nveyanci r, cluding` drawing nf me am: u on- DR. W. A. LEWIS M Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe --ami- . L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Office and Residence-Collier St.. cor- ner Owen St., Barrie. Phone 27 - 9" W. H. Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 0fce-58 Collier St. LI-Iours: 8-9 a..m.. 12.30-2 and 630-8 p.m. DRS. LITTLE &_ LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrio, Ont. Office and Residenoe-47 Maple Ave. Office ho.urs:1 to 3 `p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by annolntment. Phone. 213, DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St.; Barrie, First Saturda of each month. a Disease: of Eye, r, Nose and Throat Consultation hour-s-11 a.m. to 6 pm. Barrie. nhnnn 2 Tnrnnfn 1\7.-mm. goon uonsunauon nours-11 Barrie. phone 2. _ Toronto. North 3326 uunuu uu.ux'-s:uI. to is p.m., '1 to 9 | by appointment. Phone 213. IA. '1`. LIttle,\M,D. `W. C. Little, M.B. DR. N. W. ROGERS Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetric; Of-ice and Residence: 50 Mary St. ' Phone 101 . ' Office hours: 8-9.30,-1-2.30. 6-8.30. \\a\-unaanpaa n.-an-5 ..~9--~..-_ There was chaos. in` shock. Af lnn fir-uf hlnf nf vinl: DR. FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie . Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years._ General Surgery and Obstetncs especially. Oftice--140 Dunlop St., Barrie ' Phone 710 P. 0. Box 1078 - uulu uu:uu.usv. '.l.'U!'UII(.D uonservatory OI Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 683. vrI-|' l1\l\3C|' I-I-:9: BAR;l;S'TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN .;: av---vu I-_-vI1\aIvH'\lI Barrister, Solicitor; Notar etc. MONEY TO LOAN- Ross Bjock. Barrie --- RADENHURST &. HAMMOND Il\`I' 'I':'11'rI-\z\-so-- rucno-ueurometer service Phone 406.1 tor\appo1n_tment DUNCAN F. Mcc;uAIG. B.A. lnnnnaann 4-- n_.._...a_~._- .. .. .. Allandale L.O.L. 432` AL EXAN DER COWAN Ivan m..Ia..:L-.. 'A--- - \\aVu'uuuvu IIUIII ID-Iv wvvuy - - . '.'Out of the way, you dog. gout `of! thb way-!" snarled Nachbar. with 3'- twisted mouth. His hand hadtVla.she out. of his pocket, and-in It was a pistol.'0ut of the way, you sot!" ,Gunnlng flung himself uponhim. b nu....... nu... nhnnu in ` lrlnnlr J 'IvnaIi DONALD no'ss.. LL.B. D1)`I'Grn*ln*n tV-\1-1-ru-uv--..- _ GORDON LONGMANp n3oI-nu B/\-- H. H. cnsswucm-: ister. Snlinhnr 1\1 .-no .... -anu- DR. W. H. CARSON unto nf 'I`m-nnon 'I'Yr|Cum Cl-llR_OPRAC'l'l'C' W I XHFERI A'ncu m-:c'rs SOCIETIES MEDICAL, Lama. I I-iliifl-III 4" ---nu-1 lfcrsktent co he and colds lead to serious trouble._ ou can also . them now wxth Greomulslon, an em 1ed= cmospte thetia _ asant Creomulsion 18 a new caldiscovery w1th_two-fold action, it soothes z_a.nd_, the inflamed mem- branes and mhxbnts germ growth. Of _all known drugs oreosoteisrecogzxized by high medical authorgtles as one of the greatest heallng encles for persistent coughs and colds an other fprrns of throat troubles. Creomulsion oonta1ns,in addition to creosote, othervhealing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes ` an-.:l n`t\v\ `kn I.Il:`l\`-I.I\iI n-`:1! :nnnwnuvun`::\n l MUSIC UIIVK \.JUUI --and-- IILI(5Al ELL : , Barrie THURSDAY, `FEBRUARY 24, 1927. -v-.-w a--u~n an as aaaaibllllllvl Published `every 'rhursday- atteg-n oo,n at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Sub- scription ..Pri'ce--Canada and Gneat Britain 32.0.0 per year in advance (in' arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both 91;!` -and new addresses should_ be given when change or address is requested. QAN- CELLATIONS--We rind that most, of our subscribers prefer not -to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit befoi-e expiration. While shbscniptions will. not be carried a.I`l`E&l'I hug: an nvfan.-Ind na-Idol nu-av uuuaufiptin Will. 110! D9 CEXTIBII in arrears over an extended period. yet. unless the are notified to _ca.ncel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter. 11101109 order. or nhnnun nnvhiiin of nan -uvuul no mace Dy registered WW0! - money order. or cheque payable at per in Barrie. - vvu nag IvIllIlIIt\I|` `Funeral Director and Embalmor Ambulance Service ' - Phone 431 ` Motor and Horse Equipment Cor. Mary and Elizabeth 819., Barrio UUUDIIU Hall. IJUIII UIIU IIIIUUIUU LLIUIIILIIWIIUB and stop the irritation and inaxnmation, 1 "while the creosote goes on to the stomach, J is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat \ -of the trouble and checks the growth of the ` VIIDIVYYIE It you have not plenty of water. bet- ter see T. H. Rutledge about drilling a well. I guarantee water and drlll,.wlth gasoline--no wood or water to haul. I have two machines and the prices are reasonable. Write or phone me and I will call on you. 1'. H. RUTLEDGE, Shelburne, Ont. -P.O. Box 122. - Phone 122 For interview and terms. apply at 62 Ban St. : BARBIE : Phone 249 } and SINGING M (all examinations). i V Organisf and Cl -Ioir-master Collier Street United Church All grades, pf ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY: VOICE PRODUCTION ALSO G VVlJII Cont:-alto Vocalist! Entertainer and ~ locutnonist Singing. `Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression. ESTATE Ike Bairie Examine:/' ubllshed `Every 'I`hursday~ attarnm Horace wi1s5s:_._, _A.R.C.O. Motor nnnbnlnnco in connection BARRIE, ONT. : Phone 82. HENRY & Comm . > FOR Hot Water Heating and ` PLUMBING ms nun IIEVELIIPINTU *PNE|JMN| 56 Elizabe: St. : Phone 952W from March 1st merges into Sumrrier Session in Shaw : Busi- ness Schools. affording the\o,p- tion of completing any` course selected without forced holidays. Agent for McClaiy s Furnaces. % sE61`1'7 i36'6iEFoYi1: a-aanIuu|l|lGI om AY AND mom 4'! Elizabeth St. 2 Phone 218. You may enter any day.` Calendar sent on request. W. H. Shaw. President, 46- Bloor W.. Toronto. where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the ne of Harry Barron `Your READING Needs ARE. WELL suppnuzo AT Ajqtu-n -n- -:..-___ W; J. RICHARDS` germs. Creomulsion is ranteed satisfactory in the treatmeptuo rsistent coughs and colds, bronchlal a, b_ronch1tis a.n_d other forms of resdgnratory diseases, and 13 excellent for buil mg up the svstem after colds or flu. . Money_mfunded if any cough pr coldt_1s not relieved after takgng T- accprdgng to duectiops, Ask our drugglst, Creomuislon Co.,tL1xn1ted, T oronto, Ont. i MULCASTER ST. v 1 E.};1.i%;i;J 33:9 ' FUNERAL numerous - AND EMBALMERS `OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WATER! WATER! G 9- 5.M!' .. 135 C0 ` P. C. LLOYD Fpnergl l_)ii_'ector gnd ' a1.l..JbJ\.l Mrs. Enimie Wilson .C-nlL- `IA--I2_L E..A- _,; L - _1s OUR ADDRESS SPRING l_5YERY'I'HINGf IN PLUMBING A AND HEATING I w. oucms N1=.wToi\i AuI:hor of "Low C_ei1_ijngs," G:`{e`en ;Lui.iies," , f`W: 'DvIn'nnV nf Wnhll din- V`. ' '\ GIVE US A CALL Phone l0 _ W. D. MINN|K[lG_ J; A.~/maznaxen. Editor W. C. W 11:, Managhr ` 32 TRY DOUBLE CR 0551;: I_Jll\lll nos- tha.t' - vfl`1n;_sY`l li'ngs, LaJaies,'? w..:w.:a with the Prince of Wales, etc. ix ' 32% 'u.uu uurussw. Auruyuy nu luy quwt. % A fool all the tlme. -' he said with a.` . wry grin upon Seadon. I muddled my life: I'm going to muddle my death lf I'm not careful. Sit down beside me and listen. rm going to straighten. things` out while I can." - ; Tf~-nine: than Flnmnnt I-|ncn~r1~Hnn full things` out while I can." }* It'Was then Clement heard `the full 1 story of the plot against Heloise 1 Rays. It had been planned very much l as he had thought`. ' Wnhvv flnnv-ulna urns!-r-nl I-and fnflnn!` KLB H6 [H111 LllUUl1L. _ 1 Henry. Gunning. wastrel. had fallen [into the _power of Adolf Neuburg and his gang. One day Gunning had read Heloise's father. He had to gotten all about Heloise, `but the para raph had `recalled their boy and girl affair, and. being the] man he was, he `had brag- ged. declaring that he `might marry a mlllionairess it he .chose. l ' ARAIC KYAIII-unntr /haul n Okla unnu- in the paper a notice or the death of- EMU 511'], IIUIUIBU nuya. -> | ' But he was quieted in the end. S`ud-~ denly he seemed to realize `that he f was about to `die, and he ceased to rave If and struggle. Abruptly he lay quiet. A fnnl nil fhn Hrnn" he unit} wifh an lush, VVVLU vtuuvanoaaa we macaw van. vvilvv - Clement's head was t rced back and back until he felt his sp ne Would. snap. "1`here was a. cruel pressure on his gui- iet, and his bioodwas roaring invhis ears. He felt-that his body was slip- ping away intodeep and terrible abyss. and that as it slipped his strength was, i dropping swiftly away from.h1m. The great body on him was grinding him, . down, crushing him down. ' . I I 'l`lnnvvn `(nan n H-nnrnnlntr nf hpnvv 1 up--uvexy . ` "I'll, get hit it he fins." Clement's! mind registered. Mann ufnrnnlnasl A vnino uhnlifn in -_Uu, tutu Llltlll auuueluy lit! uuuunuuuu. "Murder!" he choked. `.`I won't have murder. I'm a. swine. but I won't have imurder. No!" T ` VIVA!-A-I6 l\l'\(\QI N null [VIA-u.n..4. HT\.-..`_lL 'lllul'l.lBl`. mm` ` | '1`ake'lt easy, Clement. `+`Don't tear yourself to pieces. There won't be any murder now., . , WA hnnn -that mud th .h~nfh n1_' llallllull .LVUUUUl'5 uuu SUI: away. I It was difficult to quiet the dying man, for, in his last hour, the clean streak-in him had come `out upnerai most, and he was beside himself in his .desire to prevent any hurt coming to ` ithe girl," Heloise Reys. I Rut ha wan nnhxfn. in tho and Q`n-a n-out or mm. - - . * His,shins caught the flimsy struce ..ture as his huge. body stumbled for- ward, and at the same time Clement, landed with all hisforce on the big`; face. He struck on. the mouth. and then in [the excitement strove to swim: to the swaying chin with his. injured. pain that shot through his armi_was so] exquisite that it both robbed the blow of` its power and caused Clement to; writhe. In that moment ot.susnension.- Nachbar. shaking himself like some!` giant` beast that had been stung to. rage by an insect, leaped on C1ement.| rl-II____ _.-..A. 1-..... -.10]. 1\` nun:-In ' `right. He. reached his mark. but the` I I Luau 51;. was cnnuvwvg nwwyvu van V-v..-v---. They went down with a` crash.` Nachbar s body caught the surface of the capsized table. and it split and broke under the fierce impact. Nach- bar was on to . Clement strove to. twist him off W th a. Japanese wrest-` ling throw, but the sheer `weight of the [man bore him -`down. His great legal Iwere upon the Englishman's body, his ' great knee was grinding down the 111-` jured right arm. A pair of huge hands were tearing away the Eng1ishman s.. I left,` were clutching at the throat. I 4-11-..- -_4.1... 1.--: ........ ......-.l 'I..nnl. nvu i (IOWII, crusgung Illl _uuwu. There as a. thumping of heavy` boots on" the planking `of the 'porch.; Men were running and shouting. A' great voice from the window yelled. I You-the e1ephant---shove your hands` 1 up--11,ve\1y." QV I 1 "I'll get Mr If he: fines." Clement's: I mmu Pegxstereu. V - I More stampings. A voice shouted in `the. door, Don't shoot. Paul-t -fel1er- underneath.-'--That's it. the butt." , ;_,_1_-_1 ,_-.__..1 -._".n 1-._I_-_1 .-.. J.'.lUlll'_Y LIUIUIIUE UIU. - l The fellowopened his eyes in a min- , ute or two. stared dully atclement, as! though not realizing what had happen- -.ed, and then suddenly he understood. I "Murder!" he ahnknd_ "I won't have be muraer now.", i _, He hoped -that was the `truth. _al- though Neuburg had got away. I It was difflnnlf fn nnlnf than (ring uuuvsuvwuur .-.uvu.-.: any `any uuuvu I Nachbar jerked round and looked up.. A man was upon him, his hand up,`a.f pistol swingingzby its barrel poised to! strike. With his astonishing mobiii'ty.E the mountain of a. man was onhls feet. His arm hot out and the threatening man thudded into a. corner. The murd- ererfwas round at once. springing in shack-tshacking leaps of bewildering agility for the door that led to the in-i -ner room. He reached the door. grab-` bed at the handle. - A flnnhnutnn has-land fr-nnn #314: min. .llu_5llUUL 011 315111;. ,_- _ . In _ a minute they heard the two . crashingrthrough the spruce on the trail of Mr. Neuburg. ' I V _ -. "VII ` V Clement. his `head feeling bigger and more painful than any human head had a right -to be, heaved himself from the floor, grabbed the. pistol Neuburg had dropped, and made swaying for the door. . Vnuu at-nus `Q4-\nl\ Qnnqlnou 5 n n n n -.1-.11 but! UUULH You stop here,. Seadon, snappqdw Gatlneau. as hehhandcutfed the woman (the other man was roping Siwash). `-`You cart do anythln outside. You can here. Gunning`a` ln`g. . I ' En uyhlln Hhn nhnun ynnf nu. nn`fhn Ud llUl'Uu Lulllllll HIE.` _ I So while the chase `gent on- up the slope above the lake; Clement watched Henry Gunning die. ! 'I`hn fnllnw nnnnn hit: nun: in 1: min. . [.1103 `struck with. Thelsolld wood of the} _seat caught Nwchba,r's'wrlst and arm ,and with such force that the pistol was [sent tlylng across the room. Nwchbar bellowed and leaped `to finish the. young Englishman with his great bands. Clement. dropped the chair in` front of him. - . 1':n.. chin. nnllahf Hm fllmnv nfnm- 060. EL U18 nunuw. | A Winchester banged from the win- dow. Nachbat"s shoulders struck the door, burst it open. [A rie barked again. and the door.crashed to in an echo -of thevshot. ' mknun man a rough nf fnnf \anI-nun flue - T ' There was a. rush of feet \across the: room; the strong shoulders of two of the men from the canoe jammed to- gether in its narrow length before they burst it open. Both men stopped dead, Iwheeled about. V IS.n-unl" 1-glint! nun AC J-HA-an . -T11-vnv\_l ' WIIBBIBU EDUUE u I Gone!_" yelled one otothem.~ - ed clean through that-window. '1` e three made for the door of the shackr (Wynn nf I1A'\II afnir " IIAIIAH I100`:-Ina!` LIIPUU uxuue LU!` L110 UUUF U1. LHU 51111155. | One of you stay," yelled Galneau. There's the man an` the-woman to look to. The other two go after him.` and shoot on sight." `vi 1: only-nlfn than hnnuiv flan furn I 5 1 I l I f . I l I. V ., 1 Thev nushed . uuLuu:n.u l'd.])[JUU. ' a I See the reason? He landed here.` There's a telephone. ` ` They made the shore: three of them piled out of their boat; 1 guns ready for anything. two sat with I They ran to the shack. calling out, but nobody came to meet them. They hammered at the door post: there was no answer. .They went in through the l door intoa living room . `It was empty.| Here they saw the trail of Neuburg. A cupboard had been forced and food taken from it; hurriedly, so that other food was scattered. On the table- were two empty cartridge boxes and several of the shells had fallen on the floor as the big` man had emptied the cartons In ya. hurry. The telephone receiver dangled helplessly. and the wire had been snipped oft short. . into the two hadrnnmn_ ' "II. B unuruer: H118 anuuteu. " 1.011 -` know it's murder!" _ - She's crazy." said Slwash. and with - 3.` fcirced calmness` walked towards the` 3 boat. . ` T t . 1 1 She isn't. Clement grinned at him. 1 How was she to know you hadnt `finished fixing it yet?_" 1 at As Siwash turned. snarling at thetrap E into whlohhe had fallen; Clement said- - to the man: Allrlght. get aboard and V see what you can do with her--she's, ,, apparently not quite ready for killing [people yet. ` \ i . - .In five minutes he was looklniz` at uillf III II. nurry." . ` No!" cried the woman``No! ' : - Shut. up. you feel! cried Slwash. | - No nonsense! In with you! snap- : ped Gatineau. as he drew the woman I towards the boat. She struzzled. -1' It's lmurder! she shouted. You_ .` Iznnur If : n1III~nt~"' _W6l.l 8.8 11881883. A mpluuler U1 l_u3_5url. could not see th'e"1og1cal end to the. plot. Could not"see that the simplified; `and was to kill Heloise rather than: wif as. us elea. `A minddler of h1s,sort Snnuh-I I-uni. an 1-In'A~~`lria-Innl An fn fl-an. no uunnmgfs..v_a.gue men. . A.-nd his ignorance-`of what was being. ' do etc the motor boat supported. his ntentlon; ~ - ` . " TKYI\n tuna knlnal Anna in I\n.I-nnfnr (3Ul'llBIlClU'll-, ' . . What was being; Vdon.e to the imdtor J boat? `I -Vlnovivub IIIQQ niu-nub in Quinn n 91:5! pout: T ` Clement wast about `:5 turn to fhei imprlqoned smash and demand the} truth about the motor boat when there came a. startling interruption. - } Wrnm nn than hill fhnv hnnrrl nhnntn plot. Uoum nut 568 um: cue alulpluts-.'u `end was to kill Heloise `rather than t` o '11 her loose penntless, as seemed. to 'he Gumitng idea. Avid hlc lgrnni-nnnn-`nf what wan BAIHQ. -EHO. uunxung B.a.ggUl`Uu HI. :1. wuu Lana- :19. The shoulders of the huge mam struck Slwash as. pistol ready, he jumpedxound to get at Clement. He was flung back. `Even as he swayed under the impact, the little detective Gatineau. prone and overlooked on the floor. suddenly came _to_ liter!-Ie be- came abruptly conscious. His 1 arms went out and plucked at the half breed s ankles. Siwash went down with a bang. As he went down. Gatin- eau heaved himself up and forward with an astonishing strength and flung `himself on the fallen `man. Siwash screamed as Gatineau twisted Vhisl wounded arm. and the pistol clatteredi to the ground.-vGatineau snatched at; the pistol, and got it. flnnninrr and `vfhp mmmtain M 2. man (SHIRE `bl: Blflpllll lIll.$'l.`lupLlU[l..' i From up the hill they heard shouts` and shots. G8.tineau and -Clement in-3 stlnctlvel` I dived towards the . door. I Something hit the shack with a/re-` . sounding thwack . ' (`_hrin'I'nnhnrl ' vnlln an H1-nndnn , lIlH.1'UU1lUu 0 , . ' No we't!Ashouted another man. There's another motor boat-loo !f "He knew that wasn t any good, lsaid Clement. or he'd taken it. Tnnn I-kn vnnfhv hnnf 1-`ha!-` hurl hnnn lUUI.U.l' UUUJ. I-lull: 11%|-l_ uru'1'1uu LVUUUUFI`-in 5 A marrin the bow shouted and noint- Aed. They turned their eyes to the lake- side below a clearing. Piled high. with the boats she towed knocking at her] rudder post, was the motor ' boat. Above the motorboat in the clearing; was a shack. As they drove towards it, I Gatineau rapped. / ! "Run fhn 1-nnnnn9 I-Tn dlnnn ham: 0 ll'Ul..' . . . ' The shouts and shots redoubled; Then suddenly across the tumult they. heard another sound. From the lake. there came the quick, stuttering throb of a. `gasolixie engine springing into lifei With R val! lnmnnf flnncr himqnlf 01 H: SEBUIIIIU UIlgllIU_ uprulglng LIILU 1ll.U.; .W1th a yell Clement fl}1ng_ himself` ; onto the porch. , - 1 I Amnv at-rnnn +"lA lnlrn fhn I-sla`vnnfn1-~' LOIXLU [J16 pUI'Ull. " I Away across the lake the big`motor" boat thathad been at the stxjingniecei was shooting towards Sicamous. Be- .hind it trailed the-skiffs and canoes, `that had been tied up at the lakeside. : Flnvnnnf uhnf nnf lulu at-In on hac-an `CREE -uuu UUUII LIEU LID III. (.113 IIIKUBIUU. 1 , Clement shot out his arm and began .vrlng.' He was too late. The motor- ( .boat had gathered speed and was 9.1-; -' ready covered by the trees. - . T-Tn nnul nnf hi-I-' Anlf T\Ynnhnv-tr whn ' ruuuy UUVUFUU uy LHU Ll'UUB- F He could not hit` Adolf Neuburg. who` iwas steering-Vit. - _ V the two men. who had been chasing ' U ` They rushed `to -the water's edge. as nNeuburg came tumbling down` the slope through the trees. The e1ler's` an Indian!" they shouted. Led us on la.` faked trail `right up to the top. While glue doubled back an made for the wax ter. lawair on it. sakes. I`wantter get that `big teller just to cry quits. - 'Vnn wnn f" said -lnmnnf, VV'n r-A 'We onlysaw him When` he d`got 013 181181` JUBL LU UT) quus. ' You won't" said "Clement. We're i marooned KTIC viva nIn | nl\r'\I1 nnnfknn Inna:-u `H8 DISCOI, unu EUL IL. V _ Gunning and the mountain of a man went in a long, wild stagger. across the shack. The table crashed as their writhing bodies smashed into it. They tripped and thudded into the wall. They stamped and wrestled clear. went ` iin 9. writhe across the floor again. The woman failed to get out of the Way. `The fighting bodies struckher and she `was knocked across the room. Then Gunning screamed. A hutze. fat thu b` -was pressing. pressing with monstro 3' 'power, up under his jawbone beneath` `his ear. He screamed and wriggled to` `break away. Nachbar with his incred- `ible mobility slipped clear. In the same imovement his pistol flickered tnwauds Gunning s chest, A report and a. scream sounded together, and Gunning! tumbled forward into the arms of the man who had shot him. nnn. kin Irnrnnnan at-rvnna-fh Nnnhhnr z 1:. i ' Not so fast!" snapped Clement, an`d, as the men stopped, bewildered- .Fetch out the woman and the'half- gbreed. Tell 'em to get into that boat lfirst." ' I `IR -an TIYnn4Ia-nu-nu-n mun:-u `AA nuuln Glvuunnk BIUHIIIUUB a _They/ did not go straight to that `place. They*h'ad reasoned it out that Neuburg dare not go there. He wo1`1ld' know that Slcamous was warned. and` that only arrest awaited him. ! 'l`hnv nnf fhrnncrh Han lnlzn of I'|hnIv1- Lllttb uxuy ul`l`UB|L IIIIII. ! They cut through the lakgat their Ibestu speed" searching the shore on_ either side, swinging. into little inlets and out again, in their search for the _motor boat that had carried Neuburz. u A mnrrin Han hnur iahnnha and nnh-sf, nuuuuxus LUWQIUK ."Chri'topher!" yelled Gatln They're shooting up the shac . 'N Auhn1-2": nnmn `ha nlz'" nhr I "'J.'ney're anooung up tne S!_18.0K." ` . "Neuburg a come back, shouted glenzent. -Take the ,-back. I'll take the M ton ." M ' - Tho anvnlrn ' 130::-I nlunlvn m1LgRnuII-Jot` ` ` uauu UIUIIIUIIL, "Ul.' HU U. IJLKUII IL. ` Indeed. the motor boat that had been gleft behind was the one they had watched Siwash and Neuburg tinker-, wing with. ' I ' I T.Af'u hang a .1nnl.r of-if hnvlnnnrll. 'uI5 wuu. . r. Let's have a look at it. anyhow! fried oneman, and `he made a run at= t. ; n'M,.+ .4. 0-3+!" ..........-.: n1...~......4- .....\,1 I c -v - I Mrs. Wandersun was led out. Siwash following. She glanced round. hesi- 'tated when she saw there were no. boats at thestringpiece. Ahand. urged .her towards the motor boat. ' ' She screamed. ~ I Get in," said Clement curtly. (`We | : are in a hurry. 1\Ynl nr-lad fhn xxrnmnn `kTnf" ` I 1113 1.161. at. ulu lune. ! "That man must not be allowed to get free!" he cried We've got to find, "him. Gatineau. and settle with him. !We've got to get him." 1 T ' II It was more than an hour before they? were out on the lake. pushing towards Sicamous. ' rm...../ Am .....a- .....-.' .......:....1.4. 4... 4.1.-` U. LUIKI.` boat. In. Luring uuu wxu conquer rneumatlsm. " For over fifteengvears Rheuma. has been sold and recommended by the" best drugglsts-in America. It has re- leased thousands from agony. pain and. despair and should do the same for you. . lo ' """1`he hand of Nachbar." said Gatin-I eau. -holding, up he cartridge. Vnn"' ncn-and Invnnnf Panv-no ah-cl: , . ` | ,Sure,"` agreed Gatlneau. ."`M'iss Reys was to be sent off in a hurry in that boat for something. Somewhere.: when the time fuse exnired-wlthin sight of Sicamous. probably--the mite would send up the gas tank. Boat and girl would just vanish before the eyes of, men in a sheet of `flame--a natural. brilliant. devilish accident. (`Inn-son} nirvana! n'In1yaCnoHu HI ml-unn1r lIul.ul'l.l. Ul'lllll1IlL. UUVIIIEU dUUluUIlL. Clement. almost physically ill, shook his flat at the lake. I "VFI-uni V-nevi vnuvnf uni kn nlinunvnn-I "I\' 99F 3'9"" Ifeller, must meet Him at the Three, . 1 V9 5 W38 `'ki"%' at Pins with all he could get hold of. Then a. dynamite cartridge. fixed cunnlngly beg t out. A `near the gasoline tank. There was a} u n 1 ti _ time fuse by it. but not yet connected _gWh;!_}-? mountains 3a d Ga new up. . . A The hand said 'Gatin- e.E..:in`rS1.in2. 9.lff;\lc}.1!.t.aara1.(.l...!.tg.e cau. 'uu1uu15 , up (.116 Ui1l.`L!'1(.l.SU. ` Yes`," agreed lement. feeling sick.. That was to be the `accident" in the, | wilds." ' u'm...... n` .....a......-AI r..n......... -chum-.. cHAI=75'ER VIII yelled Gauneu. I11 tho chunk Y `rm; B_AliRlB txaumnn , ,' - SA1'UBl)AY MARKET 1 There was little\ to. choose` trom in ' the way of. produce on Saturday. but the demand was small. the attendance i, being almost the `smallest on record >} for the season. A few chick ns and n fowl were noticed. the former ringing I 28 and 80 cents a poundand the latter I.`about_26 cents. Geese sold for 30 cents - a pound. Eggs brought 45c aydozen and l u butter 45 a lb. '1`here._were a few Quar- - ters of beef. which brought 9. average [of 12 cents a pound. A few. loads of` . , wood and hay were also offered at the usual prices. - ' t `Beets. basket 25c 3,Ca.rrots, `basket 20c .'0nlons. basket 25c -`Potatoes. basket 35-40c Fcabbage, each 10-15c 9- Eggplant, each 15c" ?_Apples, basket 40c -:Pork, fronts 5`Pork.hlnds ............. 19c !Beef . . . . . . . . . . . .. V11-13% " bah Kano 1:4: i _l"'UUll.I'y, DUCIGF KIN} J 5 _Eggs, doz. 1 Butter, pound ,-.Fow1, pound . 5 Chickens (broilers), pound A |Gz-cam. pint ,|B'uttermilk. qt. . . . . .. REEUMATEME 5, Who I A Revelstoke number. Ast fer a. ; teller named` Locust." 1' Lucas! shouted Clement.` What i did he say? v Ev Said something about things was = all gone bust, and that be. this Lucas teller, him at Three, t `Dina nrll-h all kn nnnh-1 a-of hnl n? 'l"hnn ` LHKUU fill! 13 8. uuuuuu. uuu' ' known pass. I know it. A hard journey, but it can be reached from here--and v- Dntrniafnbn ' ' 1'\vUVU1HLUI\b'- 3: Can we get there quicker than by following Neuburg's trail?" ' Sure! But why worry? We can put ` a cordon round him. We've got him. ' I ve got to see him taken with my ` ,,own\ eyes before I-believe that. Also 1 ' want to do some of the taking myself. t I owe Neuburg something. And then- there's Lucas `with all he can -get hold L I of. " u-a....u........: .. ..'....... 1.4` i THEMARKETS aaaaaaa aa aaaaaaa IUUGKU o . . j ' In skin diseases its action is little less than magical. The itching of ec- zema is instantly stopped`; theAerup- tions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of bar- ber s itch, salt rheum and other irri- Itating and unsightly skin troubles. vnli non n`\+o:h MnAhn,a IIGULH5 GIILI Ulllsllbly anun 01UL|UlCB' You can obtain Moone s Emerald Oil in the original bottle -at any mod- lern drug store. It is safe,to use, [and failure in any of the ailments noted above` is next to impossible. Wm. Crossland can supply you gt nvnr Hnnn 2 DUB}. - . . . . u u ,Baby beet . iWood, load LUV. That's right, pop, .' said young Can- iada, leaning over the porch rail. You stop being mad;` there ain't no call for it. I'm just putting things straight with `these tellers here. Put up your gun; ~pard." ` 'l"hA mnnlv fnnn mac urnnfhnr-Ari In oi huau uuyuuuxs yuu vc cvcn. uacu. Not only does this great healing antiseptic oil promote .rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds, but boils, abcesses and .ul- cers that `are discharging are almost `immediately relieved and cleanly ghealed. -r.. -1-:_ .1:-..._...... .-1.- ..,.a.:....':.. nun. 11 lane \Jl. VI: any time. \- (conituuea from last week)` np\--;. -3 LL- .....~.- .u;-u Ann c-