Seed and F ed vM:rc-l-1ar-1-t ' 37 Elizabeth St. / Store Phqne 65.. g There is a heavy fine` for any f one selliqg ungraded Clover _ 7 `Seeds. The mostgof the Clover Seeds that are sold for syeeding purposes that are not cleaned e or graded are dear at any price. . We `have our Clover Seeds coming in now and for those, who wish to secure their Seeds.7 early we can offer Government ' t Tested Seeds.x ' ` T ;.%v.y BRIaTT 2 n`--V.` Feb.-21-.-Mr. arid Mfs. Thomson Orillla spent a few*da.ys with Mr. ax -Mrs. Jae. McArthur. . . . Miltnn-`(`.v-nmfn-oa 4.. .-....---1:--- -mus. aas. McArtnur. ' Milton; `Crawford is. spending\ I-'~`time at his home here." Misses mnnn and ':.`l'n-.u `rm---- nun nu V game. uurImg.Newa ' M ' The semi-finals in the McCarthy cu contest were played on Monday night In the presence of a. large crowd of spectators. Lloyd Pearson beat Wm. Moffatt 14-10,` and Dr. Tyrer won from Eric Simpson by 7. T The Pearson-Moffatt game. was very interesting being hard fought right to the last end. The otheryzamey-was more flead from thestart. The final min k.-. ...I.....: n<-`--'- gxvuu Ll'Um lZIl8- start. The final will be piayed Tuesday night between Dr. Tyrer and L. Pear- son and, `should prove: an interesting e V ' EVE few ume, aas. x-atcerson. amp, The teachers and officers of . St. John's United Sunday [School-"enjoyed 9. sleighride last Wednesday night to the home of W. F.`Downe.v. A Mr. and Mm. wrna 1|/rm.u..a..... ......a uue msurance U0. " " The following local curlers attended ' the bonspiel in Beaverton. `this week: Geo. Martin. A. G. Beardsan,` Geo. Rit- chie, Jas. Patterson. skip, teachers and nfnnnu -4 :4. wnursaay la-st. ' . ` ` Congratulations are extended to -C. E. Dutqher in winning a prize -in zth contest for 1926 In the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. THA fnnnniinu Inna! -....'1....... -.;.4-__.1-s we iumner camps-at woman River. Avery enjoyable evening was spent by the Presbyterian choir at'the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilbert on` Thursday la-st. (`.nn9'v-nhulnnng o-"C" .._a..._;...n 4.- II xs. :1. zmuazewmover, Ktneqweek-,eI.1.d, Jos. Baker returned home Saturday` after spending the past few months `in the lumber camps-at Woman River. A.` VGPV QYI1nV.h`n nvnnhna nvnn gunn-L GOVERNMENT CLOVERSEEDS ~ at J. R. Graham's. ' ' ~-:ew.aa;yq.;,,Iut molt." "'6n'Z3f"3 r om: N In Barrie attending-`-the;tra;ctor:goliool. Miss Mae H1klln':1ot;B:.u:r!e yhzoet has home In Allenvi'ood.`ove`:'the"vteek-L` on ' i ` I _ \ ,.. - Mrs.-` Scott of Sunguqsle visited re-; oently with her parentemllf.-ind/`Mru; i E. Bunt. ., . V Jack Cook of the Standard Bank b atatt in Hamilton spent the week-end . Mrs. Aroma Glrvln` of; Toronto was the guest or her parents, Mr. `and Mrs; R. H. Middleton. over. the weekend, Baker returned hnmn Hahn-(Inn 0130 sjrgmon IUULH OI shipped : .of the `bead of ' ('Vnn.uuu- . ,- V 4"; I. rIIlI_Ij.!."l\vI\: 1-` ; Divine Service at st. Paul : An Church next Sunday morning 8.331. ' '9 V . ~ . , r_-__,- ,,...... an an. cauy Uelgznla `in the parish with bright prospects for the future. \ < T ` Lewis-'-Sheppard _ T f ,A very pretty wedding ,was soiem-z n'ized in Missionary Tabernacle, Bath-I _ hurst St.. Toronto. on Monday;-Feb. 14.. when ;Ethel Gladys Irene, `daughterr " oi! Mr. J. B. Sheppar , wasvnnited in- .marriage to Charles Eismere: Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs.` Hartford Lewis. Cookstown. Rev. H. E. Irwin officiat- ed. The bride wore poudre blue canton embroidered in gold`. with hat to match. ; ` and carried 'Oph_elIja_ roses. The bride was attended by Miss Vera. Townsend who wore sand -oantion with hat to match and carried fpink-e carnations. _ Mr. Alex. W. Greemjanj overseas friend or the groom, was groomsman`. Follow-a ing the ceremony at reception waeheld at the homeot the` bride art the h` ippyw._conple:~.*lett.(tor .: `Niagara ~ Falls..t_B_ut/talc _o.ther,,ipointe. `They will '..!!;8kQ' , their? ho some ,-,_ ....... ...u gun. UL a. SHOWS!` 0! fruit and,vegetab1es,_to the new rector and his wife. ' ` ~Good progress is alr`ady~,'' prospects :'for ` ' .,.....u.. u_L suuuwlu and the singing of Blest Be the Tie That"Binds.: Induction Service" `Held. A On Monday evening,_the 21\st,` the presence of a -large congregation at St. -John's Church.` Cookstown, the Vei]r11erable'Chas. Ingles, Archdeacon of Si coe, formally inducted. the Rev`. J. Templeton` into the incumbency oft-the parish. The assisting. clergy werethe Rev. Thos. J. De_w.*Rura1` Dean, who read the mandate ,of induction, and the Rev. C. R; P. I-Iearn; Rector fof Bond Head. who was the preacher for the occasion. V . Following the service, supper`, was - servedin t a parish room byjthe ladies, ot the parish. A pleasing `feature of the V evening `was the gift of a shower oil. ` and his i ~ ' '\I`l\'DIn1u:- I... -1.-:`- ` ' tn of and` gue of Nations has been an Aid to `conducted and ably presented. Cnhe and served by the local 1eag_ue;a.1'1d a. .1 wraaagvllo ' Vieitfrom Alliston Y.P.L. At`. the regular meeting of the Y.P.L. on Monday evening,.Feb. 21, there were over 50 visitors from the League of Wesley Church, Alliston. The `visitors came in sleighloads and put on the pizogram, the main. feature, of which was a. debate: Resolved that the Lea.- World Peace." The debate. was well judges awarded the decision" to the at- firmative side. Lunch "was -provided` happy and profitable evening` `(was brought to a close with the usual res-_. olution ofegoodwill and the singing "Blest Bethe That,jBinds.": Cal` `Inn! -I.uu weex-encl'O1.' his home here, ` -' V Miss E. Kilkennyo! _ronxvl1le. N.Y., ' .is [visiting with Mrs. . o` t., Marling. `Miss Gene Arnold has 1'` turnedihome ' after visiting'. with frien/ds` in. -Toronto. Born to Mr. and Mrs; Da on Evans on Saturday, Feb. 19, 1927,` daughter. Misses -Irene_ and Glenvirle Harper spent the week-end with friends in. Barrie. ' Mrs. Jas. Feltis and Miss"'Mar.v Ina`- h_am were viitors in Thornton one day last week. ' ` M Danna A0 AII:_.;.-,, - -- - i ans. uonneii nas -been conned to his bed through sickness. ' Miss -Olive Speers spent Saturday with friends in Barrie. ._ . . * Mrs. Ernest Mm~risonj`has been". con- i.'ine'd to her bed through illness.- .Fra.nk.Ag`new `of nnlm-.m.m,..: -...... _. .. _- --- vav 'A' Chas. Baker is agein after his recent illness. . " Geo. Guest is confined etc his bed through illness. 7 ` ' ' C,liffo_rd - Guest of BaLr:r1e_'wa2e.' a. Week. end 'V1S`1t0I`_' =1n=, town. Jae. Donnell has been ehfined bed` through sickness. .- .1 VA` . ""'. -"" .>I< f$$&&mw$mw&wammmI ax? C99!`_5f1'0WN E E .. an ucuruy. ' _ V ' ' ' 8[ -A play entitled. "Prairie Rose" got- a ten up by the young people of Stroud V was put on in Lefroy, on `Monday ev- I. ening under the aupices of Lefroy 3 United Church choir. There was a good L attendance and the play was much I enjoyed` It is understood the proceeds i gvllld be in aid of the church building un . ' L * Mrs. Milroy, who` has been visiting ` with her daughter, Mrs. King, at New- market for some time arrived home on Saturday last. Mrs. Milroy will .cele- brate her 94th birthday on Wednesday of this week. She is to be congratulat- ed upon reaching such a ripe age and still maintaining all her faculties. Mrs. King arrived with her and will remain for. the anniversary. . ` uy ur.. anu mrs. Mcuallum. . ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Grose, `who have been -actively"engaged in farming on* the 4th-line or Innisfil for many years, are retiring and will occupy their home in Lerroy. * A * - A nlnv AVIfI"In:IVll`Dnnl_l.' n-_--- Imam to; some time. 1 ' o ' t ,- ,Rev._ Geo; Brown snent the week-' Bgfend at F. Wha.n'.`Hisfsing1ng in thq 1 Union Church onsunday morningwas much enjoyed. V I , ` Mfg A'fItAv| AC DAAJ.'_.. `PI-I- by Dr.Jand Mrs. `Mccallum. uu Bl.I.ul'uy, ten. 13. ` I * I ` A number of local bridge fans Journ- an 4 eyed one evening last week to Churchill of.5 where they A` were `royally entertained by ` 'O B Mr. and Mrs. (1 (Iv-nan Mu-I-A I------ 1- A spun: ;:.`ues`.uay,oI U118 `WGBK inttown. . : 1! Mia; Norm,a.`~='1'ebo qpent;-the week`- d en? with her` -brot-her, Gordon, in Tor- on 0. - - - t - - I . 1\4rs.v`R.`-`,Couc_h of 'A,"8:nda!9, spent Is Friday of 13%: `week with her mother. V` was Edith ' Rhine: ' left -`oh Saturday 1 tor Toronto where she? expects to re- main for F; meat the week.-:~ uuruly U18. WEEK. " ` , . Congraturatlons to Mir.` and Mrp. C. W. Stewart of Mossbank;, upon the arrival of a. son in Barrie Hospital` on Saturday, Feb. 19. 1 t A hllrnhnvv nf Inna: 5.4.1.... a......' .n....._ I us uuu .enJ0y6G. - .Mrs. H. M.4A1tken of Beeton, Dis-q trlct President; of .the~Women s Insti- tute. was the guest or Mrs. G. 0, Allan during the: week. arnfilflnnn Ivan `ll - ` .._.1 11.... 'I- ` Pa` AAr=nzlVlA:an may at 11 If you izarv%e*no$t yet tried Half-and?HdlfQ ~ . foryou; Order from your grocer iorc You will_ like Half-and-Half argd so the % And best of all it is a. delicioushealth food for all ays diicult probleni of giv- ingthe youngsters a palatable food with rou They like this new bread, so well th richer foods which upset youthful Half-and-Half not because tastes. so good. at they` do not ask for other digestions. Children `loved it is good for them, butlybecaulse it _ ghening qualities. ` . Replaces Foddsi 1e young folkk. all the family. is "one selliru Thi tk a: coming '1 Wish to can Seed cause they like _ its tempting nut-lik `and attractive appearan`ce. white and ondiehalf biz-opwn bread. People eat Half-and-Half not only for the health p'ro- perties supplied by the whole wheat, but be- e avor falf, %ther7eA is a treat in store '-or our sa/lesmdn (today ---tune at ms nome~nere.'- ` _ ~ ~ Misses Grace and Hazel Elson Suns dayed with friends in Al1a.nda;le.' v ' A number from here attended the .ca.rni)val at Shanty Bay on.Sa.turda}{, 7 Feb. 19. andalso brought home quite a. number of; prizes.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ros are enter- taining a new visitor. It's_ a. girl," Mrs. Webb of Allandale spent 9, day` ` last week with Mrs. M. Elson. - ` . On Monday,zFeb. 21, the Orilllat;lun- iors journeyed here andengagedx the `spring shipments of stock, three carloads being Saturday and Monday. ;_One the largest shipments -was ten head cattle ahd nine hogs by Jno. H; Cravw -' . lord. amounting to, nearly $700.00. Mr Crawford also shipped nearly $700.00 "u worth of wheat recently. - - `N