Arie: maltingv-. these deductions and alloca- onsan addition of $5,371,564.56 has been. made to the undivided prots. The surplus over all liabilities, contingency accounts and capital stock, now stands at $34,011,565.25. For six years in succession we have increased the prots to participating policyholders. Dur- ing this period our prot scale has been doubled. While the assurances in force have multiplied two and a half times since 1920, the amount paid or allotted as prots to policyholders has multiplied ve and a half times. We are grati fnvannnnnnn `non 4-Ins ........_;.I_ ....... _-!_,- .-,,, - To our 9-_pro;its have been paid or allotted during the year to the amount of $9,235,526.80. - `--'vvv,vvwu " reserves on the newly acquired busi- nessof the Cleveland Life, and on other re- assured policies; have been'raised to the same high standard as that used for the valuation of liabilities under our own. contracts. .2 An `additional amount of .$40f),CO0 has been setaside to provide for greater longevity of annuitants. The total held under this head- ing in excess of _ Government requirements, is now $1,500,000. ' Poliyhoers Incl,-cued for. Seventh Successive You-. Phony 45 __- Ana Bog` 453. CUT FLOWERS and P01 PLANTS P591535: . nade fto ;order on ihortest notice I wu .uxe IIUUUBEIILY or navmg 8. wen I13`!!!- ed rlatform for theaid 0! passengers. A 1 me Hydro power would help them along with their slogan of "Safety First. Why are they so slow in instal- lingfthls system when the power is so handy? . ' At the raft: the hnrmnn `unclean nun ROBERT OWEN Canada : Premier ` Aunt-unica Compin! THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 17. 1921 Fnomsr 2 BARRIE Satisfaction `. Guargxifqod The nu-nun F.O. Club :1 pated in their supper in tho 11. Supper vx eight nftor xx program. Thi address by t Instrumentals Sc-hell; r0('it:1 Farlane. His. Bowman: N-pl Mrs. John f Donald IL-Iuio: }Iondr_V: sun Rnbt. Courts Milne. Miss ( and Mr. Jul Mrs. Crwdml and Drmum least. \\'ilI. ( some dr:I\\ in: club \\'hi<-}1 In The ovr-nin: National Am `nu nu ulu cuu UL uw winter BGESOR. A number or Phelpstonians are in tavor of loaning the railway company to. few lanterns to aid-inelighting upthe - iattorm at the depot as the C.N.R. - oes not appear to pay much attention to .the necessity of having a. well light- Gd nlatform for the aid nf nnnnnnonrn lu5uL. All I!` On Thursd: of Mr. and M at their hnny wedding nnni xvere enjuyorl and Mrs. IN- from all. Aft ing For they Much sym family of [hr- tyre whose d at the ham Frank Silvort Mr. and M: ed their frio night. All rv (Wn '1")-sun-Q1}: Mr. and Knock spout and Mrs. N onto on Thur illness of hm` She was new Mrs. G(>I`(1nn Feb.` H-.I spent Suturd \r_. ,,, CIRCU1 THIS G. Frank DIAMO SILVER REEI UK! 011 IE8 X'8!!lDV1l. V `During the, past week we have had Ideal winter days with very little stormy or severe weather. In taotwith thevexception of those" two real cold Inaps the winter to date couldhardiy be beaten. Gobd sleighing. snow -not too deep in the bush, roads in excel- lent: condition for care. or any other kind of traffic and not too cold to en- Joy -being out daily. May it continue IO"t0 the end oi. the winter season. A` .........I..... -1 1-n.-I._..4.-._n____`-.._ 1.. Modern You n Our Bi And C WE A sUNNm LEAI RQBI Hour. Satu Eveni Phone 80 In a brigl Wedne4 Also Picture Catali A Wild xi BU at `nmnvaxe. _ - b It is, said there are numerous appli- cations for the job of handling the gov- ernment liquor store in the township and-gthat a number visited the Member in Penetang recently with that object ..m-I-view. The Commission will no doubt look` after such appointments. \ Not much has been heard latel,v're- zarding the prospects of Flos Tele- phone System linking upwith the ,Ves. prasline. I do not know what was "the VIQW of the Vesprapeople in this re- . I set and yet am under the impression at-`:there are a lar`ge*number from ' `botli townships who are__ anxious, to see thes.`_vvork put -through, ~ ~ ' . rt of the old granary thatfhas been atankiing beside the elevator for some ..tlmq has become an` eyesore to most of. the citizens and should be removed. It is` surprising that the owners do not aell-fit at a big reduction and get rid oi -it. for it is more or less a tire trap. an,d`is placing the elevator and station `house in danger. C.N.R. otticials should have condemned it long ago and insist- t ed on its removal.` 'nlIrInQ fhn nnnf nynnb nu; hang haul You SA1 No 2 Two Matine Mon R 4 M14 FIE! /E/ya ounl Sel wyyvwrownovu vi. uonaangw can gwnnvovvn The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. ;Walsh was buried here\Sa.turday. Mr. `Walsh bringing the body most of the way by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh have the eepestsympathy of the com- _ munlty.'n nuimhru nf I-n'l-nn `lava n.-In W`Jl Ila 111.010 1 1', LBW WUUKB Ill`-I3 OUR` cuded that i is advisable to wait a while ti1l.there'is some improvement `to the present reception. H. Loftus was in Chlmsford r_e_cent`- ly looking over the land in the vicin- ity of the recent rich ore discovery and seems to be very-highly pleased with the appearance of things in general. VIII.-A l..On_I. Al.-llnl `I II'- anon` `Inn 'I\ I unulug L110 WHILE!` In (.116 Vlll8.8 IND` frag around from one place to another. s this a. sign of an early spring, or is it Just a. sign they are seeking mod like the Arctic owl? ' T.nnI(Inn- fnvurnr fn'nn'nHno~ fhn +1-uh-a (I18 AFULIU DWI! I Looking forward to cooling the thirst of ma y citizens and travellers in the comm summerless summer. local bus- inessmen have been storing` _their Ice gufwply during the past week.'the ice A ng hrnnghf v` frnm' ('*.lnrnnnh:' `Dnn Illllllllyo 7 Large numbers of blue jays` are `mndlng the winter in the village flip- 3 p us as I-`n{n n nIa-you A. an AoIIn`II n-unluuu-n 1\In In nu guy uunug use yuan. ween. ne J06 befng brought 1` from Clements Pond at Elmvale. . `If `n nah` I-Hahn nun vinnnnnnnas nv\vn"_ Jrluuy xuguv. . Quite a number of local yoilngnfolks, A Ittended the play "M37 Vlrisih Rose" at `-Hlllsdale last week and report an en- ._3o able evening. ;` as. McGlnnls, general merchant, got In; a car of salt last week and after unloading halt. turned the balance {o\2'er tb Mr. Ronald, merchant, at Min . -ulna. . Terrence O'Neill `after exnerlmentln` with a. radio I ran. few weeks has don- nludnd that 1.-in n.dvlsm.hln tn :1 "'"'*'v;u'`u.T:'I'I. )m.``:':'.`,a'z'a'`-:.2:o.'n?i:""' $.11: cad` (or Iollqtvurvo-I-T , _: `.-_J- -_-_n. -_._-___-L,- .-_ -. Q.`;` "' .153 :'u;'3"a.';'ux.`i..".5'$.' an dndvlthu. `hula-.l: and burn- ing `van unto. and mom -l ocmchodchowuuhgoc. Myheo lion. and I could hardly Itllld my clothing beam it lrrluud the nnptlono on my body. I could not gouywhuu. and could not slap a ` Q "lulu ndvuuuuacact Ow- : leap and Olauncat pun . . u % had all`: uolng tlinqouhu of loop I.:.`I.a-v- (ll.-.A\ Ill-- nu--I.-- WII,||I00VOIIdWlII|IOIICl`lIp- `fuuunpk. IplI:hIIQ`0Id" th:`nbonnIo!DlutuIIutl'wu- "TDJI1 "eves QIOOEI any an-v-cg Inn!-It vvwyoni and. Mrs. Tefrence O'Neill vis_- Silt! with friends in_ `Barrie last week. in. and Mrs. Thos. O'Neill of Bar- spent 8unday'_with Mr. and Mrs. - lie`. McGinnis. Jfrank Lottus of Auto did consider`-` work for local citizens last week Elm having his buzz-saw in operation. 21 sleighload or young people attend- the `play and dance in Hillsdale Vzn-may nighttand report a. _glorious time. , ,1 . A. Coughlin shipped a. carioapd or tine stock here on Monday .this week -while Lawrence Scott shipped `on Sat- -urday last. ' l V ~ ' _Jno. Devlin. I-I. Lottus and Alex. Tarrant attended an At ame" given by the K. C. society in Penetang last I`-riday night. A _ young folks lffnnnil Hm nlnv "M17 Trish `Rmm" at lh".38CIlII m U Iouhgy I`nDn'n 9.3. Eczema In Pimples On Face And Body -=Cuticura Healed { _d a new driver. , V _ 13: E. Coyne at Toronto vlslted her e here last week. . Ins. Mcmnnle got in a. carload of W tenclng.lo.st_week. re. Burllngham of Toronto ls visit. relatives` in the vlllage. ; lad to report that thls little village once more free from illness. . in-ct `llnsvunn nl macaw l"_nnntv wan Q (l E I108!` Ulltl rut. nuuuuy nun pus`- pnce more trees Irom Illness. Iert Man-ran of Essex County was a. ltor,in the village recently. In. Mary Mc'1`ague spent a. few 'e with Mrs. M. Long last week. _._j II..- 1-._..-._-- f\D"AIII --Inn k _` a Pit;-iayol spent a. deaf visiting .1-rle last week. , V ., ;hea.r that Pat. Keaney has nur- {nd a nail? ah-luau PHELPSTON suwagiw$aw&$&ms t?;:.il1tjiiiIAI:yl>,I<.>I , UHF. 5-8c .V_VVUI p UYUF uuuoyc , ` The A. r.1=.a.. .0! St-. John : Church 3 -dgcidodlyi-\Iucop>utul- 50619.1 av.- ...-uuuw an auuuvuolv null 9|-G-JUGS`; ` Miss Mary Wedell ot_ Schomberg spent theweek-end at her home here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Her- " fman Braden. on aturday. Feb. 12. a son. .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coleman or Druid. visiting with friends in town- " _Mre. Herb. Job!) and dauxhter Lorene visited .in .-Aliiston over the j week-end._ . ' ' - Mrs. M D. utherhnd is with her gnothen. Mrs; Glover. ;.Couleon's Hill. whoieveryiil.-.. . -. -- -Miu Corinne Harriuon of Toronto wee. with her mother. Mrs. Wm. Din-M . goody. .8undar. ~ . * K" W B H.` -1 `Q5 O-I._l; Q1-.. -1. ` --v-ocv v v `on was vVl\'UIlIl 0 _ v w . v I Mrs. Jno._ Lewis qt.,Ba.tte'au is visit-' in; with Mrs; Edwlufhgwia. . I|ln_'_ can - A A, _ ___., . -v_ - 1-nu-so n-vvvawo M153 'iD_;-a;no_r_;Armptronz is visiting friends `in Elmvale and Stiyner. ` <` `M1..- 11...... 1:r-.|-n -1: _...I_-_-- -cunt` oovooov Ill QVUWJCIUI I w.. vA.,.Dlnwoo.dy pt Toronto `iwas homaovor thrweek-`end. ._ _ _v _-Mrs. Hum-ry Fishery was 9. week-and visitor In, Toronto. . T 1 J. B. `Flynn spent, _the week-end at his. home in Staynor. . , A 1\I_:--.l.. -3 II|-_-_.A- '---- coo1 ' %ig$iw&w$xw&&&$ lwww&&w&&i&mw&a' r!l\l\v.a-ivntx 111 r` '- .v- ---"r--'" -'""""-`"-v' i _ . The high quality, and protable character of our investments has again been demonstrated. Asa result of continued- reduction in prevailing 7 rates of interest, and "of satisfactory industrial conditions, there has been afurther rise in the market values of our long-term bonds and of our preferred and other stocks. The appraisal of our securities made by the Government Insur-' .ance `Department shows that the excess of market values over cost hasincreased during the year by $6,894,266.26. In addition, the sum of $1,729,364.52 has been realized as net prot from the redemption or sale of municipal deben- tures and other securities which had risen to high premiums. The rate of interest earned on '- the mean invested,,assets has also risen to the- remarkable gure of 6.69 per cent, as the result of substantial dividend` increases, bonuses, and Beneciairies -- - . An` Increase of $9,025,000 %Peiy`ments to Policyholders and % ) Total Payments Since Organiza- % ition _- i;.k- - 0 -0 Reserve for Unforeseen Con- Q tingencies 0 4- - -e- -' Surplus over 0 Liabilities and 0 V Contingency Reserve - 0 ' An Increase of $5,371,000 ASSETS at December 3 1,1 926 A `An Increase of $h42,|9b5,000r V - v- v-- v--vl ---- w-_ luvs uvucovv Policies and group certicates now outstarld- ing aggregate well in excess of half a million. . wzulivgjfres relating tqresources and earning power are equally satisfactory. L - DBL--L9_L ____n.,, -`r -` - - ..._- v.--.- v-_v- -v-- -I-..-u--own . The asshfnces in force, after dedinction of reassurances, ._ . . . show an increase of. . . . . over twenty-thx-ee_ percen 'l\,II 0 _ 1 ~.n- . ` - I The operations during the past year have re- sulted in substantial advances in all depart-V 0 o u ` ~ * 'po1iciesApaid for. . .% . afmost double the gures of two years ago. ' - I'l`I__ __,,A,, D. n 1 o A T Total `Income Assumncas m FORCE (ago $1 .2s6,49o,ooo , 0 . ` ,An Increase.of.;$_,235,393,000 0 New`Assur,ancesPaid For ..- 265,889,000 ' " A1:Increase'of $72,412,000` "_ . T . $suNL1FI-; ASSURANVCE COMPANY 01-` CANADA SUNLIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Dividds ta Policyholders fncrgased for ' seventh -sgzckcvessive yeqrf ' I I I: -.-j7u Theulfate Mrs. Geo. Neilly l Mrs. George Neilly, who passed a- way on Feb; 5, had been in failing health for a year but the. immediate cause of death was.cold and bronchitis. Deceased` was born in West Gwi1lim- bury in "1872. Seven years latter her gnarriage she became a resident of Cookstown. she was a'Presbyterian and` when in good health was a very active : church work '. She was we liked in.ethe~_coxnmun ty. Her husban redeceased, her three months. She s survived by `three daughters, `Mrs. Elliott of `Detroit. Margaret and Al- zada.- at home: `one son `Eldon, at of Bradford; four sisters, Mrs. Geo. Copeland. Misses Freda,-~and Jessie of Bradford, and Mrs. ma. Copeland of Thornhill. s * V ` the Presbyterian church and Coulson s AI-Iill.-cemetery, Rev" 1). Ferguson took the services and the ball-bearers; we --,chas_'. H0l1nt3.m\Qea-R0bt. Ney. -'1`. . .'W5"`v`- 1119- ;,Cil1heenevn`-T- Coue.;andre'hos.e Hti: Among those attending-tron: out ottown were; ' home: her mother, Mrs. Macpherson. .; :'.l`he funeral was held .on Feb. 7. to 3 ' 1: enixig and dance on" Wednesday 6: last week. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. McPha.lland da.ughter_ Ruth an Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fish- er, all or oro to. vlsitedwlth Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F` sher over Sunday. Additionel Cookstown_ news on page 10. - --?.g. . I926 um? nxfrRA'<:'rs FROM DIRECTORS mapbnr . Av1A11oN oppoggpnnwx IIIAM-mmn_A...n. ..... ... -_J v- '-- ugva U0 W'iI`he quality o`fthe investments listed in the ` assets may be judged from the fact. that on 99.55 1' cent of the bonds and on 99.71 per cent 0 the preferred stocks, not onedollar of in- terest or dividend is in arrear for even one day. On our common stocks the dividends now being . received are greatly in excess of the dividends payable on the same stocks at time of purchase. TL". ......-1 _..__1'.-- ---___A - - - ` _ _ v.. .-.v as-snow wuvvna an IJIIIC VI. PHI W The total surplus earned during, the year amounted to $20,457,077.28. From this the following appropriations have been made: The sum of $2,000,000 has been de- ' ducted from the oicial valuation of our se- V curi tizsto provide for possible fluctuations in mark t values. This raises the amount set aside for this purpose to $5,000,000. In` otherfwords, the value at which our securities are carried in the balance sheet is $5,000,000 less than the appraisal made bythe Government authorities. , The account to provide for unforeseen con- tingencies has been increased by $1,000,000 bringing the total under this heading to $11,000,000. ' stock priirilggs received in cdnnection with many of our holdings. ' 'l"I_- ..-_-I2;__ ,9 .1 o _ .. _ - " _ The book value of our Head Oice building has been written dowmby a further sum of $250,000 _ though it certainly could not be replaced at even its original cost. % 34.01 1,000 345,25 I ,0oo 257,816,000 `n,ooo,ooo ..uuv,u- n u... an nu-4n~vuu rvu.u hi; .'son.`Wm.rElson, `rho:-ntogd V . Mr. ad Mrs. Uncles an family he 8_!1_t_" Sunday with relatives in Bar- , ,._ . . . ` uutnxs 1101116 In 1301']: Artnur. . . ' J . Elaonxspent the week-end with his vson.`Wm. Elson, Thornto . "'5 nuk `Ilium T`fnn"lna an In-..l`l.. Uflulll. 0118 (Jay last WEEK. . ~ ` _Wm.- Rummereld left on Monday togfhis home in Port Arthur.` 3 Elnnn -at-Anni `MA vnnnIp_nwuI -.-ILL mlulunq. . ` oBax_ter of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnes. Iluu Vlhsna `I39-nun: ya! llnlunln -nu.` v-a--an-wrni \III\lI\'IVI`III rm-7AN'1`ED-Ambitious. inexperlencd men to become Airplane Pilots, Mech- anlcians. etc.T pecial Low Tuition rates. Write Box 835. Pete:-boro. 0nt.. tor turther information. 5-9-- WIUI ml`. 8.11 JMIJFB. W. 158-T1193. Miss Tena. Fraser ote Guthrie spent a. few -days 1a.st__wVeek with Miss E. `Elana . Archie McCu'a.ig wlslted his sister 1_n Orillfa. one day last week. Wm.- 'R11rnrnn1-HAIR `loft nn Mnnaw DUI). _ J.0""Jll'o unu ELIE. U. UH-IHDDGII returned to Toronto after spending a few dayewlth the 'la_.tter's parents, Mr. and `M !-9:". (1, ('!rn.wfnr.' LBW uuyu. W151] LHU Ill-I-LUUI land Mrs . G. Crawford.` IE:-Q `I41 1 . untnfnr c uuu aura. \l'o \Jl'.Wl.Ul' _ _ Mrs. E, L. Crawford and family are spending some` tlme- with relatives in Mlglan . % -` '-ne`:-nu A. 'l`nnAn`A In -pl-ILl_`_ OBI!) JEIIIOII, .U!'llll8.'; MP8; U'80._J and Herman Mattenley, Toronto. ll $Vl.l'3u -LRJFIIG $Vllly, ueuioyi mu`. End Mrs. Wilfred`-Neilly, Mr. and Mr Lou Neilly. Mr. and Mrs." -J. Nemy, Gllford; Miss` Fern Plews, Miss Eliza.- beth Elliott, '.0rmla:; Mrs. Geo._ M011- and 'n'nvmn`nn Mnffnnlnv Vnsnnfn A. G. Elliott, Detroit: Mrs. M. Meher, Mrs.` M. Tlminohs. Mrs. A. Averill, A. Neilly, G'eo. Copeland, Misses` Freda. and Jessie Macpherson. all. of Brad- ford; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Neilly, Mr.` and Mrs. Lorne Neilly. Letr_oy: Mr. -and Mn, Tllfi-ad Nlnlv `M :-, and `M :-n 38,576,000 78,972,000 Feb. 15-Mr. and Mrs. `gcamnben Afnu-nai in Tnrnnfn nffnr gnnnrna n rates. Write Box 835. Re: rut-Ather information. I Buy Advertisd. .'{9R{ 5T&9N h the "Home - Educate the Children Provide-for Old Age . Advance Business Credit - % A SUN LIFE POLICY IS UNEXCELLED. 1.15 BoLfi`eld'. St;" "' 5"" ESTABLISHED 1865. C. .s'\13*L'IF1:11z_I>"1;s{-5-.` Dividend; to , .-r--v-. -wv wv--\a.uOllIDlI I.-llll\}o VVCGIC slallucu to announce, for the seventh consecutive time, a further increase in the scale of prots to be distributed to out policyholdes in the ensuing V%l'- ' `CHIN! At {he rate the hardwood bushes are disappearing it is amatter oi! only a- tew years. when the majority or the (armors in this vicinity will, becom- `pelled to turn to a substitute for` fuel." A tew years ago the station yard would. during the winter months. be- come piled with hundreds. oi! cords of good sound wood but in recent years the most oi the wood has been going. to the-mills in the shape of logs and the Eard here has been bare or a long ` me now. It is too bad t see good sugar maple being slaughtered so ruth- lessly and in years to come this same timber would be very highly prized but the future does not appeal to ev- erybody. A I