...-_..,. ..... -usua nuwwusy`pw8(l. T119 - co-operation of other organizations vvniaigvht 'be >enl1s_ted to secure for this .. - mun: u!-All mu. uue wuowmg: DISMEMBERMENT - 1655 or SIGHT LOSS 01-" HEARING -- LOSS 01-" SPEECH TOTAL DISABILITY -.-- HOSPITAL EXPENSE SU GICAL OPERATIONS - IDENTIFICATION NON-DISABLING INJURIES Let us tell you How little it costs. Q j `;jj___._ c-Asa ESIRYOUR In-wmrzs .SlNGER S%' BLUE AND WHITE TEA ROOM IIIIS awn` run I CLUE-2 - WE SERVE LIGHT LUNCH, ETC. CITY DAIRY ICE CREAM AND BRICKS always as. Al cc we use a Frigidaire` Eiec_tric Iceieu Cabinet. A Phone `1377 Phone 1081 SIRAWBERRY. _ BLUE~GOOSE ORANGES MARMALADE "R!-IUBARB Sweet, Juicy and Seedless. ORANGES 2 large bunchep, 25 . 2 dozen, 55 . 3 dozen, $1.00 `(I'll '1-I1 nuaupua-.1 -_ -_-_ _, , `Se`rvIn Pgl: 0 Soup, 4 liars 25 `Servus` Bat. Fwd:-., 1-Ib.,tin, 23: `Servus Cutile Soxap, 8 Inn 25 Bulk Cocoa, 15 1b., 2 lbs. 25c I~.I uvvi--\-- -._ ssnvxcz `V __ uy Our Accident Policies pay you .-au- -1- ..::__ ___ _%, Mr. Cunningham, it appears, isnot the first citizen of Orillia Township to occupy the warden s chair in Sim- coe County. According to A._ F. Hun- ter s .History,_.Iames Dallas of South Orillia was warden from`1$44 to 1846 inclusive, James Sanson of the same township :held the office for four years `beginning 1853, and John Kean was honored with the warden- ship in 1868. -. ' x. 1-`. A. MALCOMSON `SINGERS GROCERY SINGER'S RUIT STORE weekly Store News DELIVER/YT TO ALL PAiif5'E}"T0 wN. The Hot Plate` . BLUE G0OSE 5Mi2-1'\PE FR1J"1'1_*w 2 for 25 --`3 for 25 +- 4 for 25 sINGR's I` `Phone 45 Box 453 \.U 5 Even when low gracie fuel is burned V a remarkable improvement is ob- r tained in engine performance. 6-Greater power and more mileage per gallon. _' ` 7 One setting of carburetor is {sul- cient for all weather and driving conditions. " A 8 Greater exibility, particularly at low engine speeds . In asking an amendment of the assessment act to relieve `the muni- cipalities from paying the cost `of preparing voters lists for provincial" elections, the County Council made a reasonable _re'c'1uest. The voters lists are as much a provincial charge as are the ballots or other election , printing. It is sheer imposition `to ask the municipalities to pay for such work. a . - ' CUTAFLOWERS ind Pbmms H DESIGNS counrrasv - _ .QL(u.,rrY .\ ' - made 9:6 order on. shortest notice __ROBEl 2T OWEN `SPl;'.ClALS ` V -"Cor. Dniop and Mufcaster SPECIAL cash sums for the following: ugg- A: FLORIST BARRIE ' % Ontario has 720,436 families aid of these no less than 63.25 per cent. own their own homes. :. N. Rank} 2 Cull? 3 Cl ay Agent. 133 'Dunl'op St. 3 Al condition as A Phone 447W 41 Dunlop St. Sagisfaction Guaranteed VIHUI, ZIHU 1 L581 IUU -Mrs. H. VVi1lis. M this simple. stron;:t cod liver compound 11: ed for weak, nervous and frail Children. week you, take Vinnl. stronger, eat and sh,- tains no oi1~_vnu'1l lik Crossland. druuqist. Doctor Order I__ For N_ervo i was weak, norm Could hardly walk. 3 Vinol. and I feel 100 1 ZEN:-cu 1'_`l' 1X'1l:.. L`. UUUK, D2ll'l'lU. Miss Anna .\IcI\'<,~rn at the time of \\'1'i`il` I. Dllhiv Duran in .. I. "I`.oi'onto seems to 1ge.tryi1I' 1: equal Chicago : recprdsfor hold-ups. GL LHU Llllle Ul \\'l'lK.ll Ruby Parr is um.- round again after :1 .~ the cold. `Kn nu-.4-"I \l .... :11. CHI: UUIU. Mr. and Mrs. Uh; tained about sew-nl_\` ing. The time xv.-us till the e:u`l_\' lmurs Everybody l`epul".-41 Mine Jnqcio I-`.._~h... 1:avL`1'_yuUu_\' l'lfp1Il".4'1l Miss Jessie I".i:4hn] the week-r-ml with h- Cutting wood is the IIJUI-VJAIID VIILII lI\'l l`V| l\rIiSS Olive P(`.'u'n('I` end with Mr. and .\ cock,` Barrie. Allan A .....\ \t..L',._... `,-... .--vu-nu u\.A\. alt` H Miss Jean Metculf : a. few days last wen qloughley. :Mrs. \Vm. Turloy \.`lUu5lllC_Y. vMrS. the way people wnult Her daughter. Mrs. ( staying with her {cw 1|.l :.... /\1:.,, wx Feb. 8--Quite 21 nu ple around here are ix IE1-.. 1', - THURSDAY, FEB}? A.Moffal Phone 531 A ` (c``m.!iued.1r9in;pae 1) `Bell _Tel_ephog1e qo.` as_'to _the re- OX` E EDITORIAL" co~wIMi:f'r @A%T}TOWN. COUNCIL 511 Barrie Eciffship Matri French e TT1'A1'I'l\Y" Y\`l'3IWf\Y`I If L Cllbll C HEALTH RECO FOR P -wanna on yuwVvuUI cation. and baby I under akin. I.n-i-Q-L1..L.hl.JI Cuticura lnle Family STA] And me The suggestion of Ald. Rogers that nrf. ll?` FHA vnnnnnnl-u. .uu_...l 1... LL. . SOLE A( BANKN(; ' FIFTY YEARS I I Bfanche I -6 BARF icncs Lclru R134 At this week's meeting of the Town Council a motion was passed asking the Market and Parks _Com- mittee to consider disposing of the _ Beatty collection of birds. The mo- tion is rather indefinite. It. is not clear whether "disposlng' means selling `or simply -finding a proper" `place to house the collection. After the effort made and the money spent to keep this very fine collection in town- the nmnmn ..1......u ...a. '..--.x-'--- "Read'1`l`1:a Exdmtner and` heat `a`1'l`the local and district nowo-02.00 3 war. {- v-__.._- -u-'w- uvvv n UVVUI Beaverton Express -1- There are few travelling showman on the road these days. The profession has fallen upon bad times, inasmuchas the expense of showing ha -soare'd`to`- unprofitable heights. . `t with heavy hotel expenses, high license fees for `halls, "amusement taxes and ineidentals the professional drama has falleninto the discard. `Perhaps this "may'r_be not altogether a misfor-' tune for it has given new life to ani- ateur theatricalsv. which in former days were so popular. Almost every school and social organization is now` trying. its" hand/.at theatricals hand with` no mean su_c_ces_s as maylbe seen in the excellent manner in which many really heavy productions` are rendered. From an .educational point of view, also, the results are 1 excellent. e Busineu More ;l'han Diplomacy Acton Free Pre'ss--To.put the mat- ter in its briefest form, a Canadian minister at Washington is a business, not a diplomatic proposition; and the dividends that the Canadian people will expect from it will not be a lot of rhetoric about"`status, but some practical achievement` of `economic worth. ,Is`n t itabout time the poli- ticians gave up` their attacks upon this important officer untiii it has had an opportunity` to function? ' .- -.- v.- w w w as w w w w w w my '1` h`. Among Exchanges wwm&m$&wm&mmwam V... \I vu wuss: auu QLGGUIIIUIID UL; 111' so contribute toward the care and treatment of others, while the well`- public are not called upon \t_o\ con-, tribute their 'proper=,quota towards this laudable work. Hospital boards realize the unfairness of this meth- od of financing yet they have no oth- er way of meeting theiryoblig-ations a's lon'g`ras~they are compelled to treat a considerable percentage of- their` patients at a loss. a &&aw&&m&a$mmm& "w Last week there was presented to _ the Ontario Government an analytic- ` al report on the problems of the; hos- i pitals of Ontario prepared by a spe- . cial committee appointed by the On- tario Hospital Association. This re- ' port showed that the average `cost _ per day per patient in the hospitals ` of this province is_ $3.12 and it . asked that the rate for indigent pa- tients be increased from $2.00 to $2.75 a day, the municipality to pay $2.00 and the government 75. cents. Even with the higher rate the hospi- tals would still be contributing 37 cents a day towards the maintenance of such patients.. The report further jpointed out that owing to inadequate ' support for poorpatient-s the hos- pitals have had to charge pay pa- : tients higher rates in order to meet the deficit incurred in caring for the ` poor patients; As the report says, it is entirely wrong `to make the sick who can pay not only pays for their own care and treatment but al- an flI\I\`~1n:`\Iu`-n L'..--._-_.l `LL - ~ , ed in Collingvvood by the County I The feeling of ' dissatisfaction is ex-,' iQuite ailittle storm has" been rais- _Council s retirement of Mrs-. F. A. Bassett from the Board of Education. pressed in very vigorous terms by the Bulletin `which, after testifying to the fine service given by Mrs. Bas- sett and pointing out that there was no demand fora change, sharply cri- ticizes the county councillors, con- cluding with this statement, Never before in educational matters can it be recalled that the Simcoe County Council has? been a party to action so unfair and so unjus1:ified.. What- ever be the facts of thecase, it would train its artillery not upon the Coun- ty Council as a whole -but upon Col- lingwoo.d. s reeve and" d_eputy-reeves While the reports must necessarily members cannot be expected to judge recommended for local appointments, so` the recommendations from the representatives of "the municipality concerned naturally are accepted. be `much fairer for the Bulletin to ` for on them rests th-e responsibility. . be adopted by the whole council,_the : asto the qualifications of persons . . At a l_uncheon in" St. Paul_"`of, a} trade association, `Walter A. Schill- ing, head of a "radio concern, declar- u ed good `advertising is essentially . news. The fact that a desired artic- . le can _ be bought at an attractive ,` price is important news to the man , or woman in the market for that ar- ` ticle, just as important as any other news in the paper. So is the descrip- tion of the article. So is its picture._ It makes no difference whether the article is a new brand of bread, a piece of standard radio equipment, a fur coat, an automobile, or a can of tomatoes. Its offer, for sale, is im- portant news to the person who wants bread, radio `equipment, a fur coat, an automobile, or tomatoes. And the -advertisement, _well prepar- ed, has the power to make the reader want `the bread,` the radio, the fur even though he previously has cher- ished no such desire. a coat, the automobile or the tomatoes, o VTnvollAiu Shown GP Fewer u u o u -4-up uaua vary 1-I-"U COHGCIIOII town. the Council should not consider selling. Ald. `Calves. stated that the _Women s Institute were planning "to haya the birds suitablyplaced. The counnarntinn ml no-hm. ...........:_-u-..- . ~ - - _ -I very fine collection 3 suitable loca-.' tion whereit would be easily access- sible to the people. ` First Class -I`i:):1.o1:1";' -,- Kathleen McLeis_h', Rowland Hammond,_Velma Orok, `Constance Hardy, Edgar Le- Gear.Phillip Beattie, Douglas Smith,` Kathleen" Webb, -Dani Billingsley. Second` Class Hnnnnra _~ `F!unlm.~ nauuuuu VVBDD, -UOII. mumgsley. Second` Class Honours - Evelyn" Murphy: Helen .Garrej:t, -Annie John- ston, Neil McKenzie, Fred Bang}:- mgn, Anne Ord, Norman Osborne, 'i'*f{ia Class Honours -- Amert Price, Arthur Livingston. ' - . Form 813 J Fi1_'st.C_lass Honour-s-John Morri- son, Doris'Kearns, Wm. Pulford, Jack Kennedy. _ * . Second Class` Honours -- Isobel Smith, Evelyn Tuck-. ` - .vm.:..A m...... u. ..... _- - -----.,m utuuau, nvmyu Iucli`. _ -Third `Class, Honours --'- Muriel Thompson, Isobel Carr, Margaret Ilgac rthur, Dorothy Pugsley, Ethel me . `T . 1!|_,___, t! .1.` uuu 0:} First -Clas Honours-Hester {Cod- ling, Jas.T Mizen, Bruce Sutton, George Tomlinson. I n:mnA' (VI.-. u'...`......... *rv_-4-I.I 1 uwuzgc J. uuuulsuu. Second Class Honours -- Harold `Booth. _ } I'l'IL :_.I run _ -, , Iv - McBride. nuuur uuracauueu, Norma uuunrxe. Third Class Honours --Grace How- croft, Harry Burdette, -Tom Spencer, Verna Osborne, Loretta Luck, Hazel -.13--.- n A G IILOII Z\l First `Class Honours---Frank Daley. Second ` Glass I-Fonours--=Wal1w:in Fisher, Betty .Nelles, Mgrion Scott, Cameron Clute, Gordon Dunsmore, Arthur Carscadden, Norma Guthrie. (nun I-Tnnnxinuflinnnn I'll --u - The Barrie Board of Health has been urging parents to have their children treated with toxoid to im- munize them from diphtheria. Ad- ministration of toxoid by competent physicians, coupled with a campaign of education, has slashed the diph- theria death rate in every centre where it has been generally under-' taken. According to the last report of the Calgary Board of Health, its nearly complete disappearance from that city during the past twelve .-months was the outstanding feature of -the health records of the past year. The two reasons above referred to are given as the causes of this im- provement. ` walla \l'Lu.'lUl1, .l`l'll.lS luculnls. Tlriird Class I,-Ion'ours-T-Willa Jbb, Catherine `Byrne, "Ward Smith, Al- bert Leonard. _ m__..;- an us uu;ua.u1au., xueuua 18380818. Second C1ass'Honours -,-- Vernon Markle, Arthur Quinlan, Verna John- ston, Jack Percy,` Edith~ Jamieson, Edna O-"Brien, `Frank Mclnnis. Inna unn'nIIuun ' Y3- `I';'LL V cu.u JJULL, uuua. nurcnaru. ' Third Class Honours --Q Gordon Johns; Victor Hart, Boyd Arnold, Ethelwynne Arnold. - `Form 213 A _ First Class Hoou'rs-G1adys Wil- son, Esther Leigh, Bert Stone, Park- . er McMillan, Thelma Teasdale c I\fII\I\A (VI--- ' `ILTA..----_- `7--~ VV llo Second Class Honours - Monal Beatty, Stella Clute, John Lay, Ma- bel Sanders, Muriel MacArthur , Don- ald Duff Chas. Birchard. . 'l`l.':wJ 1..-... `LT ..... .... A 4.: I A Form 2A ` First Class Ho_nuurs-Annie Story, pMelrose Partridge. Minnie Partridge, Edith Hubbard. Ernest Arnold, Ma- I (Continued from page 1) ` Walls. c-..-___1 `nI-, 77 `- bel. Drury, Maud , Ford, Mildred {COLLEGIATE cuu u; .u_urwn Ave. to town nmits. Kni~ght--Rogers-.-That `the/` Water and Light Committee consider `hav- ing the Allandale and High St. gores adequately lighted. . j2 _ __, 'nuu. sauuut: eugme. `. Ald. Tyrer thought a mxxer and engine would soon pay for them- selves. Last year they had to pay $3.00 a day for mixer and $3.00 for a man'to run it. `TI..:...L4. 11-1-.1- J.1,,, -nu a luau 'uu ll}. `xnigff L McFadden .- That the Water and Light Committee `consider providing more lights on the south end of Burton Ave. to town limits. I(n1'.)`}1f':`Dnna1m "l`L..4. '4-`L- i`Y'I7_L-_. W1WoCuaig-4-Cres\vicke-'hat' Scott Bros. be .paid $300 on snowplowing contract. - ~ `I-______ 3_ n I -. - "` I It is good business on the part of the Town Council to renew the policy _ for insurance which protects the municipality from actions for damag- es in connection with accidents` on the streets. `Last year the company paid two claims of $100 each. These two together were $130 less than the amount of'the premium, yet a single serious accident might make the V `Town liable for ten times the prem- ium if such insurance were not car- ried. It is a `wonder that there have. not been several claims this year al- ready, notwithstanding the expendi- .ture of twice the ordinary sum in sanding the streets. \.uuu.v.'auunb I Moran - Creswicke - That the Board of Works consider the advis-. ability of purchasing axcement mixer and. gasoline engine. 'l`\n-nan knuuonkt an --3---- --~ -` a.u\ovUl.Jv ` - Divisionoof. Road Money Tyrer-"-Coles-That the Board of Works consider the advisability of deducting from their estimates the uncontrollable expenditures and al- loting the balance to be spent to each. of the wards in proportion to the amount"of taxes to be levied on eaoh ward. [`__A,,_,- 1 III: . .- _ Rog'ers---Knight--Tha't the com- mittee consider the advisability of setting aside for park purposes a portion of the land owned by the Town southof the Clarke & Clarke- factory. n:..:.:..._ - -1.` 134.-.! II- --(V I_vvuI Ill UBC uul. Aldl Coles stated` that be under- stood the Women -s Institute was planning-to find a suitable place for it. ` v_y, uuu UUllU'Ul.a.lUllu - _ Alderman Moran said he would like to see lthe collection hand- ed_over to some organization` that would care for it. . Such a collection would make a valuable nucleus for a local museum. A1,!" (1.1... _L-L-JI`n`| ; uuuu - auu tuu. b D0188. . Knight-Rogers--That the Mark- et and P-arksscommittee consider the advisability. of disposing of the Beat- tys bird collection. '- A"lAnuu...... 1|.I'......._ _-:_I 1,, I`- auvuu lP.LUUo Creswicke--Tyrer-That the fire engirge be overhauled under the dir- ectiori of the Chairman of ? Fire and Police and Ald. Coles. TInm'InL `D........._ TI`L-.I_ .1, It once. _ . .. _ , Ald. Rogers `said the present dump is filled up. Last year's experience had demonstrated the advantage of" having only one dump and -it would make a new street available. Fore- man Shuter said Cotter street dump is now overflowing. 5 Preparing the` g'roundfor the dump would cost about $100. (`won-.u-la`-.. 7I1-...-__ fl- _ a . I an U1 auyyuca. . Rogers--Nixon-'I'hat ground . `he prepared for a new dump between John and Brock St. on Sanford St. and that the work be commenced -at AI-.! ~"|-____-_, 0'1 .1` - - uuwua` wm Lena tneir co-operation, as has -been suggested, the effectiveness of the scheme will be greatly en- hanced and the resources, advantages and attractions of Simcoe be set out in a way that will draw wide atten- tion and will ultimately bring re- turns that will more than repaythe expenditures. i Dill `Ell UI ' V A -Motions . ` Moran-Tyrer--That the Board of Works consider the advisability of offering. for sale or exchange any unnecessary equipment of machinery-; % or supplies.- `Dnmnua+_RYuAn 'l'|L..J. `.._.--..-Y L A ` . .I:uusn_ce=np0r ' f ` In" addition to recommending the payment `of alnumber of accounts, the Finance `Committee recommend- ed that` the poiicy in the Globe In- ldemnity Co. be r'enewed_; also that the court; of revision consist of De- puty-reeves Mccuaig and `Crow-irke and "Aldermen Coles, Tyrer and Knight. / u'..a.:...... _ V (Cont!n_ued.1roni;pae "Bell "Telephone Co.` as `to the -moval of .poles from `Dunlop and ' Elizabeth streets. The Clerk" re-1 -plied that there was no definite ar- rangement. East year the manager told him that it would be some time as money had to be provided for the purpose. - ` ' I I`:-......V-.. D.._;._J." Exgmmmonsl Form .30 "Form 32} Form 2C Fina n'ce Repbrtx '5 An fin -Ivnnnvnnum By granting $1000 towards a coun- ty display at the Toronto Exhibition, the County Council has made a fine contribution to what promises to be] "a valuable piece of publicity. . If the towns will lend their co-operation, hue Jinan cnnnmnnbnd LL- -L`J-'A-L9- quuuau, narulu Dp1`0lTC. | Third Class Honours-Emily Gol-5 lop, Helen Glass, Ha:-1e`y Cummings, I Archie Marshall, Jean Jamiesonn Lloyd Arnold,.Agnes Jamieson, Mar-3 igaret Ross. ' A ` uuuumuu. I Second Class Honours-Elsie Rob-I inson, Florence Overs, Victoria Quinlan, Harold Sprott. | (`Jana I-'nnnnwu:n,_,ln"w.`Iu N! - -..y.vvv, uauu,;ua.ac 1.I_yl.`uI:o V Fifth Form ' First Class Honours--Edna Ball,` Vilda Walker, -George `McMillan, ; Marion Ross, Mary Coles, Ottelynu Robinson. I (4_--...I ru_, 9' _. . ._ - ` yguusaxvc [ `Form .4B .. First Class Honours-Constance l Hinds, Wm. Hipkin, Jack 'I1::1y1or. Second (nan `Inn Aura, nnnn --5 k asulua, VVHI. fllplfl, JECK '..l'ayl0r- ' Second Class Honours--Margaret` McMartin, George Pearce. (`Jana U A u A - - ---- `I,-" 7` zucmarun, George Pearce. V Third Class H'onours - Mabel. Sprott, Marjorie Byrnes. I F`N~`J-In `IVA-.. Third Class Honours - Aikensl W` gins, Jack McKi.v.mon, Chesterl Cars n, Catherine Hardy, Clarl Quinlan, Stewart Bryson, Lesliei Clark, Albert Ballantyne, Dora Mac-| Quarrie. ..,____ .., 1 Adeline Wisdom} - - i Third Class Honours - Frances Hurlburt, Chrissie Coupland. ` Form 4A . .First Class Honours-Elsie Wil- son, Vona Ness. l Q..........l nu--- 1-12-, auu, vuua LVUSS. Second Class Honours - Arthur Gird-wood. Melville Farrier, Claude Craig, Marjorie Graham, Arthur Mcrglean. `L2-..I l'II_, `I ? SWJIJCII Meaford-Goal, Long; Coleman Riley; centre, .Tuo ing, D1 on; right wing, Vai Chapelle, Lougheed. Rn;-vn_(1nnI TIT-1-L - ana ugm; was restored. defence, hy; le_f t 1; subs., .I-.E___ - _ -..u uuuoavwlllllll UL nsuc JVUSUICH BUN` part of the property owned by the , Town south of the Clarke & Clarke factory be utilized for parks pur- poses is not one that will commend itself to the ratepayers. The land is not suitable for park purposes, but is admirably suited_for industrial sites. Barrie needs additional industries much more than it needs an exten- sion of its parks system. One or two thriving industries on that property would please the citizens much bet- ter than any park that could be es- tablished there. 'uuapI:ue, no ugneeu. ' ` 3 Bairie--Goal, Walsh; defence,` Doyle. H. Partridge; centre, Smith; left wing, Kennedy; right wing, S. Partridge ;_ subs., Walls, McKenzie. Referee, Lou Walker. ' (Continued from. page ot. a right, hand_ shot among the Te disappointment? There have been a few games that he has not scored and he easily leads the team in this regard; but `he could not find the range in Meaford. Doyle was effec- tive and Walsh was not to -blame -for any that --beat him; A e ' j -A Record Crowd `The game` was witnessed by the largest crowd that ever was ' as- sembled in Meaford rink. No provi- gulars. Kennedy's shooting was- a I aion wasmade for the Barrie delega-I tion` and theypwere forced to find `accommodation wherever they could. The: spectators were treated to a lit- tle excitement that was not on the programme. In the excitement two sections of the fence fell in, precipi- tating a number of specgtators onto the ice and the game had to be stoo- ': ped twice to make repairs. The lights flickered considerably through- out and eventually two-thirds of them went out, but the Meaford play- ers, familiar ` with their vagaries, just did a little hocus-pocus with the switch and light restored. Magi-`m~A__a....1 `I ........ 3-2- -- ~vIs11:IcrF1NAL. The Ford Hot Plate Vaporizer is the most advanced improvement on the Ford engine in the last nineteen years. It producesa perfect fuel mixture which burns to the last atom because it is completely vaporized. Crank cae dilution is elimirted. ` - cold weather `performance and starting. 2 More even distribution of fuel to the cylinders aords smoother ner- 1 Gasoline bums more readily anci ' completely. . ' f c. a; W.""i9i33'};""i`g%%`&" The-June examinations in the Pub- lic School at Whitby have been elim- inated. Pupils who make at least an average of 65 per cent. in their year's work and sessional examina- tions, and whose attendance has_been regular, will be promoted next June without having` to write thefinal ex- amination. A child's record for the term is a much better indication of his ability and!` diligence than is the passing of a promotion examination. gvavcy uvuu usauluuuuu U1 sue; I.U cylinders aords smoother per- formance. - AUTHORIZl_-3D_FOR'D DEALERS, VVBARRIE, IMPOR TANT: owners of Ford cars and tracks can have zhei _ Ford Hot I .-"late Vaporizer` installed by their Authorized Ford Dealer: J The `Ford `Hot Plate Vaporizer ' ;. . t Gives these Advantages Aikens I Chester I . Clar I Leslie i ..._ `ll - _ VAPORIZER Insurance -- Steo:ir;s-l1_i1: Recent sgdresses by the Hon. Wm. Finlayson, `Minister of Lands and Forests, show that he is fully seized with the importance and necessity of conserving the forest wealth of the province and of starting to replace, through extensive reforestation, some of the timber that has been long since removed. Reforestation is work that-\ does not show -quick re- sults, yet every year the `plantings grow` more valuable and fifty years hence will be a rich source of wealth to the province. '