Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1927, p. 7

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3? '3, 1927. .5.-...__.._ THE nmuiu-: EXAMINER ered in Hamilton or London, which will qualify your after the close of the Puzzle Game, Max-ch lat. w Prizes `Will Be Awarded and Empire is offering you in this Picture Puzzle Game 1 can't help enjoying the hunt: for "C-Words" in this all join in and have a jolly` good time. Give Mary 3 to oldest son a. pencil. Make it a. game. See who can run. It's easy to do, it's educational, it : amusing, and Last year's business in the local Su-I preme and County Court earned fees] totalling $1847.30, according to the an- nual report of the Clerk, John Mackayu Ninety writs were _issued in the two courts, two jury and five non-jury ac- tions entered for trial in Supreme] Court and eight non-jury cases in` County Court. Judges sat ten daysin Supreme Court and twenty-seven days; in County Court. chattel mortgages and bills of sale numbered 454. renews als 184 and discharges 18. There were 454 CHIATTYEL MORTGAGES AND BILLS OF SALE IN 00; COURT| 'was no business except receipt of the! treasurer's statement and election of" directors for the year, who are: Thos. Nash, Wm. Rusk.,W. T. H. Gilroy, Geo. Livingston, Geo. F. Smith, Jas.' Corbett, Geo. Leslie and W. J. Crav- . en.i At the inaugural meeting this] month the officers for the year will be I appointed.` 7 I oe or three yearly subscriptions to The We will give extra. amdunts on 3,1] manner. If vour ilhuinr In ......n:-.: .......... .-.--av, q1J.,vvUaVU, CDC. 1 Prize List.) In qlmlifylng for one new subscription must `be instead of $30.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first prize, pro- vided THREE yearly sub- scriptions to The Mail 0 new vmuu mud. n. on An \.4 .l. 1U&\ atlons) . ' pct :6-=-1' ca-cu. or $0.00 or London) are sent in. PHTA, Q1 nnnnn no- 40-- -_- .~..... 11 vs Au quauueu 3' and you win fourth so forth down the prize mpire oers a chance to "share in $7,000.00. He}-3 is the offer ever mn:ln_ FOR QIMDI V lrimnnun can Wfnnnou in? nu... can nd. We publish this picture to-day only to start you on your road to riches. It is a. large picture. All the objects starting with C" are there and easy to nd. And that is the key to the SEVEN-THOUSKND-DOLLAR GOLD MINE. Fifty cash prizes will be given for the 50 best lists of words submitted in answer to this `puzzle. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects and articles in the picture that start with the letter C" will be awarded First Prize: ' second best, Second Prize. etc. ...... uusvuusa Ull nu answer is qualied (1 van win nupot. H- __-__ -. `as- are chance share greatest gt-)I(-I ' made, FOR SIMPLY FINDING C-WORDS IN THE SIMPLEST :LMARKED EXPANSION SHOWN BY. MANUFACTURERS 'LlFE REPORT 808.16 0I_ ulyluenul payable holders. ' ' Buy Advetglud Aua.uuLa.\:|.ur!':l' uue ulsurance com- pany,.another record in new assuranc- es was established. The new business for 1926 amounted -to $70,630,396, bring- I ing the insurance in force at Decembex , 31st, 1926 to $361,166,647. The assets of `the Company increased by seven and I three quarter million dollars and the; payments of policyholders also con-: -stltuted a record. Surplus earnings in H926 were vex-v satlsmntnn mm `hnun nuuuucu a 11:00:11. ourmus earnings in 1926 very satisfactory and have ..made possible a further increase in the `scale oi dividends payable to policy- Ihoraers. rurnacea. I22 proceedings in bankruptcy, 31 as- signment of book debts and 25 certifi-, U cates under the Workmen s Compensa-_: tion Act. Four true bills were brought` H in at the assizes and verdicts of guilty I were returned in each case. \ I l By thefortieth annual report of The I Manufacturers Life Insurance Com- nnnv _nnnfhnr 1-onnu-A in mono nm............ Can ydu Find %in_ This Pictufe. ausunul. uanuan. 4. All lists of names should be written on one side of the paper only", and words numbered consecutively 1. 2, 3. etc. Write your full name and address on each page in the upper right-hand corner. It you desire to write anything else use a separate sheet. I, Only words that are nouns commencing with the letter "C" as are found I}: 6?.-bster's New International Dictionary, 1926 edition, wiil be counted. The nouns must be the names of objects seen in the picture. Do not use obsolete words. Do not use hyphenated words. Do not use compound words or words formed by the combination of two or more complete English words, each of which in itself is the name of_ an object. Do not use words denoting a condition, abstract words, colloquial words, and words described artoreign. The words must name concrete objects seen in the picture. Where the plural is used the singular cannot be counted, and vice versa. 6. Words of the same spelling cannot be used more than once, even though used to designate different objects. The same object can be named only once; the object so named, however, may contain as one or more of its parts other objects which may also be named. . 7. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of names of visible concrete objects shown in the picture that begin with the letter C," with the least or fewest number of errors, will be awarded ilrst prize. The second largest list or correct words, with the least or fewest number of errors, will be awarded second prize, and so on .through the list until all prizes have b een awarded. The prizes will be decided and awarded on a percentage basis. Mis- spelled words will be counted as errors. Neatness, style or hand- writing have no bearing upon deciding, the winners. 8. Any number Of neonle mnv nn-nnnv-ntn in .n.n......:.... `L- 12. All unlvul rm receive the same consideration reizardless of whether or not Q nbocription to The Mail and Empire is sent in. 13, Three prominent Toronto citizens, having no connection ` with The Mail and Empire, will be appointed to act as judges to select the winners. And participants by sending in their answers 33:00 to accept tho decision of the Judges as nal and conclusive. n0 3100! Oil Ml-I011 2nd. and annnnnnnvnnno nf nurse ID IDCODI uu aoounon or the 14. judcoo with 2nd, and announcement or the pi-in winnon and correct list of word! will be published in The inn and lupin as quickly thereafter as pouible. acceppeu to quaury answers. 11. All new subscription: will be carefully veried ?Puzzlo Mainazer. Candidates marking old Sl1bSCI`iDti0n8 will positively fortolt the credit of such subscription as qu for prizes. re: Tlgryg citizens. havinz nn nnr correct worus, and the same number of wrong words. the full amount of such prize will be paid to each tied participant, 10. Subscriptions, both new and renewal, payable ln_advan(-9 at $5~0 D6!` 3788-!` by mil. 0!` $6.00 Per year dc-liyered by carrier boy in Hamilton or London. will be accepted. However, in quallry- ing for the 83,000 prize at least one new subscription must be sent in. No subscription for delivery in the City of Toronto will be accep ed to qualify answers. 1 . All new luhlnrinnnn will r... ,.......o..n-. ..__;...,. I vvlllllcn u. in answering the Si` Any V n1}}nBF' 13'1" x;e'<;ple"r`n.t:y-co:.o:>erate puzzle. but only one prize will be awarded to any one household, ` nor will prizes be awarded to more than one of two or more have been working together. 9. In case a tie results from two lists having the same number of correct words. the list of these two having the fewest words wrong will receive the prize. In the event of a tie for any prize offered. where two or more answers contain the same number of correct words, and the number $6.00 mail, per vear d(-Hvnrprl hv ....-...,- any group where wnun: nave no nearing deciding the winners. 8, Any number people may co-operate in an In tie results frnm rwn Hut: 5...... u.. _BIJG CASH PRIZE Rules at The Mail and Empire C-Word" Picture Puzzle Game THESE EASY RULES TELL YOU WHAT WORDS TO USE AND WHAT VVORDS NOT TO USE. 1. Any man. woman or child who live: In Canada. and is not a resident. cg Toronto. and who is not In the employ of The Man. and Empire or a mnmber of an employs : family, may submit an answer. It coats ncthing to try. 3. PIHIQ winners in fnrmnr nlnfnl-A IIIIIQIA suntan nnntlna-God hv answer. 1!. coats nctning Prize winners in former picture puzzle [unoa conducted by The Mail and Empire winning $200.00 or more are not eligible to participate in this puzzle. 3. All answers must be mailed by Saturday. Febrnsry 10, 1927. and addressed to Puzzle Manager, Room 206. The Mail and Empire, Tomnto. Canada. >, CANADA, ROOM 206 I2 I V I Rev. F. T. Grafton, United Church Aminister on the Singhampton circuit, i (formerly of Barrie) left on Tuesday, *Jan. 11, on a three-months cruise on board a White Star ocean liner; The itinerary will include calls at various European cities, across the Mediter- ranean, through the Dardenelles. two weeks in Palestine and returning by way of the Panama canal. Mr. Graf- ton is taking the journey on his own initiative and expects to gain much valuable data in the Holy Land through personal research. His con- gregation have kindly granted him the necessary leave of absence. Mrs. Graf- ton accompanied him as far as Toron~ ' to where she will stay with relatives. V : E. __._j '<-was REV. F. T. GRAFTON TAKES :3 . JOURNEY TO THE HOLY LAND __-...._....- ~.usn=u.acu IIWICID7` DUDE quick results. It will pay you to - use themoften this year. me Judges ` It Of will ha nuhll-had in kl-no, Ont. ne 122 Exminer classied -' areas! rI:n'D nn.I`L- YA. ., 0|` cxuuy vermecl by the as new Ilcrlntlnn an nilnllfvlno Then Start Your List- M H5 115 new qualifying by the as now }.e 952w mg and nded period. ed to cancel. 1' wishes the ITTANCEB ply at no 249J 0ll Weeds 3 AT Oratory In. Mon 82. {DS yer us 1 `LAN GEE stared letter. yable at par en. Editor Manager \\.avv..---u vv --\-vvvu-av, .The Advocate notes with pride the many positions of .service to the county asa whole, that a former Cookstown boy. I)_. Harry Coleman, holds in the County Town. He is treasurer of the County of Simcoe,' a member of the Executive of the Children's. Aid So- ciety, Secretary of the Mothers Allow- ance Commision, as member of they Board of Directors of Royal Victoria Hospital, a director 01 the Barrie Fair and a member of Barrie Kiwanis Club. Harry is a busy man. He h_a.s- always been lntereted in anything that was for the welfareof all; and the people of Barrie can rest assured that he will do his part in furthering every under- ; taking which -is tor the benefit of the community. The ` Advocate compli- ments Harry and he eshe will be long spared` to assist in t ose things neces_`- nary to better conditions in the com- ` -munity. . , - ` J Fines and costs paid in police courts in Magistrate Jeffs Jurisdiction. in 1926 amounted to ,'~$4.296.'20. Of this amount $2,590 was paid to the Treas- urer of the town of Barrie. $1,301.20 to the provincial treasurer, $400 to the Federal Government and $5 to other municipalities. Magistrate Jeffs sat on 372 cases, 299 were from the town of Barrie and convictions were made in '282, while four were committed for trial by a higher court. County cases numbered 73. convictions being regis- tered in 56 and three being sent up for trial. In addition to, fines collected. fines amounting to $870 were imposed and not paid, the accused going to jail in default. There were 53 indictable offences. 23 0.'1`.A. and 293 under the Summary Convictions`, Act (other than 0.'1`.A.). Much work -was also done by the Magistrate in connection with the Children's Aid Society and a_num- ber of investigations made with a view to making the children -wards of the Society. b.,H. COLEMAN cOMMEN.DED FOR HIS PUBLIC smnrrab ACTIVITIES -........uu. va. oauuunaanb 911:: VVCILULJ The township claimed that the water complained of does not c'6me from the ditch but is surface water which seems in from ponds or comes out of the gravel subsoil in the plaintiff's cellar. Thry claim too that the plaintiff knew of the ditch and water conditions when he built his house nine years ago and dug: his cellar too deep. R; G. Agnew. solicitor for the townshin. stated that if the plaintiff succeeded in his action. it would open the way for every house- holder in Glencairn to take similar ac- tion. _ . POLICE MAGISTRATE JEFFS_ A _H EARD'.372 CASES IN 1926 '.l`here were a. lot of witnesses` on each side including several engineers. Much of the evidence was of eytechnical na- ture havingto do with water levels and expert. opinion as to the best method of handling the water. VIVLA A-..-.....I..!.. _I_.1___-: AL-A -- uuusuuuteu uy U18 EOWIIQHID RDOUC tM--`v-"V9 years agowas concluded on Jen. 24. The plaintiff also asked for an injunction restraining the township from continuing to divert the water and for a mandatory order requiring the township to close up the ditch and allow the water to take its natural course. . Hearing of the action brought by` J. A. Coleman. of Glencalrn against the township of Tossorontio for $1000 for damages to his property alleged to, have been caused by water diverted from lts natural course by a. ditch comtructed by the townghip about tM"`v-4 lve years asrnwas nnnnllxda nn TOSSOROMTIO HAS surr. OVER WATER IN GLENCAIRN CELLAR.` .-... ........_u U;;:.cI`a. I He is survived by his wife. formerly Miss Catherine MacLean of Collins:-' wood and two sons. Archie who is with the Ma.cLean Drug C0,, and John`: ~ also by the following brothers an sis- ters: Mrs. John Farrell. Mrs. ` ottie Grose, Fred Wood, Barrie: Jas. Wood.l Toronto: Alfred and Miss Minnie` `Wood. Dalston. t eri any V ay and e atuay nu. P. "to E 4p on-onto. aux . w uuu uecame secretary-treasurer. a. poaitlon he held until his death. When in Barrie, Mr. Wood was an en- thusiastic Liberal and a very active memlwer of St. Andrew's Church in which he held the -office of secretattv of the boardof managers. 1.7:; In nuu.....l-.-J I... 1.1,, W In - JIIUUIUBI`. , . I George R. VVood. was born ateDal- ston 59 years ago. the son of the late John Wood and Anna Soper. who came` from Devonshire, England, some seven- ty years ago. George grew up at'Dal- l ston and received the greater part of his education under_the teaching` of the late '1`. '1`. Young, at the village` school. After qualifying as'a teacher. he was in charge of the Moonstone school for three years, going from there to Beachburg. near Pembroke,- where he remained for a. number ofA`.vears. In 1905' he joined the staff of the Bar- rie public schools. holding the princip- alship of the West Ward School until ` 1912, when he resigned to take a posi- tion with `the MacLean Drug Co., Chi- cago, a company founded by his bro- 'ther-in-law. Alex. MacLean. which had a chain of drug stores in that city. Mr. VVood became secretary-treasurer. nosition he held until mu .a.-mu. worse and he was taken to the Wesley- an Memorial Hospital, where he died at 3.25 o'clock gn~'1`hursda.y morning, Jan 13, the poison having reached the heart. The funeral took place on Jan. 15. to Rosehill Mausoleum, after an im- pressive service at Rosehill Chapel conducted by Rev. Henry Hepburn of the Buena - Memorial Presbyterian church. of which Mr. Wood was a member. , flnnnn-A `D 117...; _.f - * day his condition became very much UH. Ll- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1927. ` -:----- OBITUARY `LIE I A :awwama$%w&&wamm 9 (Cookst;$(v7r1( Advocate) AJ_____J._ .._L-_ _-.!.LL ___. auulu; senous.and. called until Sun-I s then found that. 'om .strepticochus,! moat. On Wednes-I yuan-6 svunucu. Ql6.Ul.D and $110,859.71] was spent on_ construction. The largest 1 `smooa TO PAY $36,576.51. ' . PROV. HIGHWAYS. 1926 W-ORK During 1926,-$1_82,88'2.55 was expend- ed on the Provincial Highways in Sim- coe County and of this` amount -the County is liable for 20 per cent., which` amounts to 336576.51. Maintenance `coats totalIed'872.037.84 and $110,844.71 . anent on conntrnnnn rm... 1...... 359 WILLS IN SURROuA'l'E COURT. SIMCOE, _IN 1926 Surrogate Registrar E. A. Little has reported 359 probates or letters of administrations granted duning 1926 and fees collected lforthe Government amounting to $5819.03. 112 of theses-. tates were left by farmers, (37 by mar- ried women, 78 by widows, 12 by mer- chants, 11 by laborers. 4 by physicians, 10 by spinsters and 32 by men classed , as gentlemen. The largest estate .19.- mounted to $47,783.35 and the smallest was $100. ' . . ~ . Subscription Rates---"Payable in Advance The Mall and Empire anywhere in Canada by mail, $5.00 per year. Delivered by carrier-boy in-Hamil-, ton or London, `$6.00 per year. V ~ No payment will be accepted that will advance sub-` ecrlptions more than three years from Marchneut. " (_____ - . _-. u- nan.-nn\&J The greatest opportunity of your life is what The Mail to play and learn" while earning a big cash prize. You 1*. Picture Puzzle. All you need is an observing eye. Let : joll pencil. and Bobbya pencil, and the wife `a pencil, and the Mal find the most "C-Words" in ten minutes. You'll nd it's ea it`: WORTH THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. When you have made up your list of C-Words" Mail and Empire at $5.00 per year each or $6.00 it delivered Londo answer tor the Big Cash Prizes to be awarded promptly Puzsli 31` 1! A an---- ---2'----} nend it in along with one Given '% Away -. --v-. u --vv I __.__________._______________ In the event or u.'1`ie for any prize oex-ed, uqount of such prize will be paid` to ea participant. , Innlu cl an: . $71000 List To vvausr, Dell- t drilling a . drill with to haul. 1 prices `are me and I Choose -Your % Own Prize 4 from the I ,.._.7... ..... nvuulvv wag pruu according to the table below`. Ramaxnbexho qualied winning answer wins the In-gorjmounu. Aim for the Mg n_nMI nxniai ' 7,ooo.oo CASH PRIZES v ur / It ""3 " "" There is no catch in. it. There is nothing hard toldo. There is nothing to risk. And there is three thousand dollars to win. Turn to the picture below. Within its borders are a-number or objects and articles. the names 01' which begin. with" the letter "C",. You will nd all sorts of things that beg?n with the letter C"-there i a. Cat", there is a'Cow, there is a "Cross". El "C`ali"' `and a -Cigar",tand,"Cabbage", etc. None of them are hard to nd. None of them are unusual words. Easy words. Wait- ing right on this page with $7,000 buried in them ready for you. See how many you -----_. - ___.n.____ 50 CASE Pniiii-T${J ANSWER 7rHI`s_ PUZZLE J--`WIN liI-C&- .1 - : _._ 3101: IA! 0061] inclusive .- F REE-_-_-_j$'7}0|_19` 1}} Cash; Prizes--FREE UOGBAND PRIZES I-IIHIQI IP IIIJII amen---rayanie m AGVOIIOC T 0 per -5 payment be vtions Your own subscription will count, or subscriptions to start at some future date. Just write on the order when you want `the paper started and it will start promptly on that date. You will find it easy to get subscriptions to The Mail and Empire to quality your answer for the 88,000 Prise. It is by far the best daily newspaper published in Ontario. ` pro with an winner: th Judge: The In] imor one 481 nt , Barn-lo THE MAIL EMPIRE {OFFERS THIS TREMENDOUS FORTUNE T0 EVERY MAN WOMAN AND C] and win` a-share in $7,000.00. The greatest Eame on earth arrives to-day. - For every. man and woman --who really wants to succeed and has the wi ' ' ` ' [cg vthemnagigreatest chance at riches that ever came, .the fittest oer ever I ECUUII YOUR ANSWER TO_ THE c.woab" 1$uzzL1:imf iii: .MAiIEB "1361 LKfEE'$1AN snuamv, FEBRUARY mm r--:-T:- `ow Mfmy Obje`cts.B,e1'nt.zi)1g_r` Wit]; the Ltter C II\I.A..- - _-4I_l_._. L-.. ; run If No laborin- QCVJIU 'l` h Mail and'Einpi19e s $7,0(_)0 Gold Mine Offers $13,600 For You `meeting of.the BarrieAUnion Cemetery in; a balance of $796. No changes Receipts reported at the annual Committee in the police court room _on January 17 ' were 794.64 and ex- penditures were 32 50.46. leaving a balance of $944.18. The endowment fund showed recfipts of $6713.22 and disbursements 0 $5918.22 of which $57.00 was invested and the remainder represented interest transferred. leav- were made in the by-laws and there .SS 1' pped ttend n * the JLUIJI L01` UUIISETIJCCIOII W3-S IDS SIX mil-' es of-[asphalt highway between Fen- nells and Stroud which cost $75,403.16. A macadam road between Orillia. and Severn Bridge cost $34,923.71 and a small piece of construction in West Gwillimbury came to $517.84, , The heaviest maintenance charges were on the section between Barrie and Orillia. on which $46,642.71 was spent. item for construction `was the six mil-i . Of- asnhalt hlg-hnmv hnftnnnn 1:1-.. {UNION CEMETERY ENDOWMENT i FUND MUCH INCREASED IN 1925 > 31,000.00 500.00 -800.00 7 65.00 | AK All (IU.UV 80.00 vaauu 30.00 30.00 30.00 On All wy {KI}: HAW S 'I'RAlN- % VIN!-IIV 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 15.00 uvuvuu 1 I100, Q.I,ilUU.lN ; '1'nllYl F1110, third column of gures in (11 the $8,000 prize at least. subscripti sent in. ` ' And that : not all. amt prizes in the same manner. If your by THREE yearly subscriptions pripe, you will receive $200, and dov list. $32000-00 Here's How Big Prizeswill beAwarded . instead of $30.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first prize, 9 _ provided ONE yea:-ly_ supscripuon The C-Word" Picture Puzzle Game is a. csmpnitn to increase the popularity of The Mail and Empire. It costs _ nothing. to take part, and you don'tihave to send in a. subscription to win 9. prize. If your list of C-Words" is awarded First "Prize by the Judges you will win $30.00; we are making the following special offer whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending in ONE or THREE vans-In an}-u_-n_:..4.c___ A, 1 vu uuc aunwcr wuuung nu-st pg-xze, `P provided yearly subscription to/lhe Mall Vand Empire at $5.00 per year has been sent `II. PHIB. `5nn.N}' Third Drive CQIMI nn no- la..- ..uc uuu: uuu nxupxru um 30.00 per year was been sent 1:. Second rune, 3500.00; Third Prize, $300.00, etc. (See soamd column of figures in Pljlge List.) , -_.-_..-- ...., train a. panic. 1.]. your 113` Or "C*VVOrdB" yeariy subscriptions to The Mail and Empire. lzlvrc: h

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