Thousands of _ unfortunate neonle `nutter almost daily from dyspepsia, indigestion. fermentation. sour. acidj "stomach. flatulence, gases or distress -alter eating`; If they would only form . "the agreeable habit of slowly drinking `after each meal a glassful of hot water "containing a teaspoontul or two tablets `of Bisurated Magnesia they would soon `sfnd their stomach so strengthened and improved that they could eat the rich` I I ?' an and most satisfying meals without ` the least symptom of indigestion. Nearly all so called digestive troubles unecaused by an excess oi! acid and an insufficient blood supply in the stom- ach, causing the food to ferment and giant` before digestion can take` place. -A glass of hot water will draw the _ {blood to the stomach and the Bisurated` v--Jagnesfa will neutralize the stomach . maids and make the food contents bland and sweet. `Easy-, natural digestion without distress of. any kind--texthe wesult. Bisurated Magnesia is not a xative, is? harmies s'.pIeasant and easy -to take and can be obtained from agntv -mliableglocal y-drlizist; Do not .coni'uss ,_ Bisurated Mag_nesia` with other -!_orms_ jot up esia-f-milks. `citrates. `etc.-.- but ' get it -n the pure -Bisurated xterm V` niuunnn An Odlln-\ Annnnlnllin uun"n s\nn_ 3! I'll Teacher of Music Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band ' ; Formerly Director of Music Christie St. ;Hospita.l undero D.S.C.R.. bandmaster to: 134th o.s. l_3n., bandmaster of 75:1: E Toronto Scottish Regt. I ; VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ; ` Barrio Branch - I Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 751W , WELL BABY CLINIC ' from 2 to ,5 o'clock every Friday. _Application for nurse's services may he made direct or through yoxp doctor WELCH. CAMPBELL &. LAWLESS Chartered Accountants Phone Main 6874. 69 Yonge St., Toronto [-1. J. Welch. CA. G: D.'Ca.mpbel1,' C.A W.~S. Hulbig, Productioxi Engineer .T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. ELCH. LAWLL-:ss chrfrnd At-I-nnn6an6- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. `MONEY TOLOAN. Ross Block. Barrie - ---vw:u- u - uuvuavrllilg Barn` [Successor to Creswicke & Bell! . BARRISTER, ' SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN; Ross Block, Baxjrle BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: " 707-8 Kent Building A Torontb, Ont. I C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton James 0. Plaxton | nus-vuu uu rl-r'II\l\ll` U u. A. UUKHETT . NQTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer, in- cluding drawing of Wills,` deeds, ar- ranging of loans, et_c. Insurance 0'1 all kinds. Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Thornton. Oqtario. 4-52c I , ,,, DR.EfG.TURNBULL. Graduate McGill University,` Montreal. .Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth -and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. - Office hours: . 9,-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7_-8 p.m. EDMUND HARDY Mus.I Bac., F'.T.C.M. ' .- Teacher of Plano, Organ, Vocal. and Musical Theory. I i Organist and Choirmaster or . St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ' Goldlnedalist Toronto Conservatory of It Music and Univernitv nf 'l`nrnv-ifn VVIIIIU NR7 UTBUISUIRS SUUS UH LU UIIU BDUIIINMII`, is absorbed into the blood, attacwe seat of the trouble qnd checks the gro h of the_ ` iill, ...---uv-uvluvl ID I'IP|I'IlVI\II`IJ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,` ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie . MONEY TO LOAN ` Tb; w. A. LEWIS | Surgery and Diseases of Women NAssociate Coroner County of Simcoe --.qnr1__ DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or ' by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little, M.D. `W. C. Little, M.B. jj_ } MAUDE E. cLI_\XTON. L.'l .C.M. Teacher of Pnano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory or Music examinations leading up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--Ki_ng Block. Phone 424 -anu- DR. W. H. CARSON Graduate of Toronto University `Phone 61 0ff1ce-58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a_.m.,,12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie, First Saturday of each month. D;iseases' of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-11.a..m. to 5 n.m. Rnrr-in hhnnn 9 'l'\.-.....-....4... '\`I'-__LL I-Ann \..uuuuu.a.u0n not Barrie, phone 2. _______._._.. M L. J. SIMPSON. M.B. - A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St.. cor- ner Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 276. uuuumeuaust roronto Conservatory . University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. .` Phone 683. V __._:_____.__.....__...__.. DR. N. W. ROGERS Physician .and- Surgeon. Special attention_ to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. . Phone 1.01 | Office hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.30. 6-8.30. o\rvnoCuIU- nu-av-o-par- -Inivnovnca of respiratory diseaaesrenauie excellent for bulldlngup the svsten_1 after colds or flu. Money` refunded If any -cough or cold is not relieved after taking .hnnnmrnu in rnnnnnnn Lair Irnnr AI-IIra;n. .urK. rx-mu A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Arm-y, 41/2 years. Genera`! Surgery and Obstetrics { especially. [ Office--140 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Box'1078 DONALD ROSS. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ' MONEY T0. LOAN `av-uuvlv jl`\JIVll\lV Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc.` MONEY T0 LOAN Page nlnnlr Dl'Iv|uA`:\ TIZRADENHU RST 3. HAMMOND KDIDTGVHEVIDG (NA? uusvn-u.`-an. ` DUNCAN F. McCUAIG. B.A. `- A... l1._-___-x_u_ n u-u_.u. Auanaale L.O.L. 432 PAI-.AXT(.JN a PLAXTON nT'I'IT.11'|Q cdrx-r vruvr-u;\-s.-.. Goabon uoNeMAN r-Ia!-on Gnl.`..:a..._ -xv _ A . _ _ __ H. H. CRESWICKE {afar Qnlinrnr 1\Ynl>n-up a. M. SYLVESTER Thli n` M nna:A IUI`I$IDIllI `NJ U uuu UUIUB IUNLI DU ugious tuble. ou can sto them now with ulsion, an em ' ied creosote - II:-Iv {n nlnnnnn I-A Ilnbh r`.nnnvnII`a3nn a o on. FRED A. ROSS v nf hrs: Dnea 9. 1:1,`..- zuunuuz. `.L'U LUAN oss Block. Barrie I-=- 695591. |- J. A. CORBETT `D`l"{12T.`r rs ....... .. :uuLUr, Aumxnzstgator and Ontano. ;:_-:.; SOCIETIES MEDICAL uucl. uuul -and- Al I.I (in I 'MUSlC a---.u. a..m. 110 0 Toronto. North 3326 auupc-vv y Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment 0 Wat coughs and colds, bronchial agt 9., b_ronch1tis a.u_d other forms resplratory diseases, and 18 nvnallnnl-. fnr I-\n1'lrlIna`nn Han nxyufnm offal- 11111011131108 EGPVICO " rnone 931 Motor and Horse Equmment Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts.,Bac-rio vu- :- IvIIIiI`ll\lI` Funeral Director ahd Embalmer Ambulance Service Phone 431 Ilnfnnv nvu-I Hanan `lnuinu-ngno If you have not plenty of water, bet- ter see T. H. Rutledge about drilling a well. I guarantee water and drill with gasoline--no wood or water to haul. I have two machines and the prices are `reasonable. Write or `phone me and I will call on you. I` ll III:-I-I Iiinau-u -- -- vv can cu.-.1: `Ill 1r. H. Rurigbcs, Shelburne, Out. 1 R0. Box 122. -A Phone 122 For interview and terms. apply atj 62 Ross St. : BARRIE : Phone 249 :- Organist and Oljnoirmaster Collier Street United Church All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY; VOICE PRODUCTION and SINGING (all examinations). ALSO Mrs. Emmie -_1.__u.- \l-__|9-; --,,. 3 VV IICUII Oontr-alto Vocalist,- Entertainer and ' Elocutionist Singing. Speaking, Public Oratory 1 and Dramatic Expression. J ` 6- 9 smm .8500 Motor. ambuknce in cohection BARRlE. ONT. : Phone 82. I Horace _A.RfC.O. 'GlIgIl 9! C0! .13 I105 IVUBVUU. uwur wnsyng to du-ectiops, Ask Kym` drugglst. Omomulslon 00., Lmnted, oron , Ont. P. C. LLOYD Funeral Director-and ` ` Embalmer OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elizabeth St. : ,Phone 218. _ I-`OR Hot Water Heating and PLUMBING TRY sE6fr76'6i{Fo?zh 52 Elizabeth 45:; : Phone 952w where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of Agent for McClary s Furnaces. is the kynote to success an students in` any one of "l"\lIl.`l III.` or venue: ..--uvv-pa nun cuuucuta Indy IIICISB in * any` SHAW TWELVE BUSINESS TRAIN- ING cunrnc 1:-_.-_, , I vvaauvu DUJUVILDD II\.llV- . ING SCHOOLS. Enter any time. Noyvacations. Day a :1 night sesaions and home stingy courses. Free particulars. P. A. Mclntosh, Mgr., Dept. E-4, 46 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Harry Baljron BIJLIIS THAT ilEVEll]P I V99: __!`_':3\'3.'N9 Needs ARE wau. tf1=VPY_1_1>' `X; -j--n-: 4-_ _:.A__ W. J. RICHARDS MULCKSE-1R ST. ' E.K.ii.-h;.1"1s}'9 _ J-`UNERAL nuuscrons AND EMBALMERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WATER! WATER! IS OUR ADDRESS PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL Phone 1,80 F PERSONAL INSTRUCTION Iif*%i"*F:ii'<{"' *7~EW=Tt?7._-?i_T!=T4'.e?-7:1 W. D. MINNIKIN 32 the rapid may make ELI A IIIIC llK,'llI l . THO fum- to I{n:~: ])r0sHi\'v H` conduvtt-(1 OLA I ) . . . . . \. lJ`lHllU\`L!'\l \ the Burn: ..l-.....,.1. ..r day his ('1: `worse and } an :\T(*I11HI`i no 4') -1. (ll. \)...c) III` Jan 13, Im- heart. 'l"|\.. 9.... LIIC [WU church. member. f1,.........- JIl('lII I}('l Gonr;.:0 I sum 5!! _\`(': ."n.I-sun 1\ ,. ,`l will \\|V`||l from I)r~w- ty years :1: Eton and 1` his edur-zxt the Into '1` School. Af Ln .... 1.. 7:? S-!-:;l3t`;t':'1'I;-.=h"l.)iaorde. "93 WHAT PHYSICIANS ADV|SE._ LU .|)K'lll'llll he remaim In 190: ) he rie Duhliv . alship of I 1912, when -Onn udoh '1 II? \V 11.`: Ill Schnnl for I to B(*:1('hh L.` .1... .lUlA'-v tion nn.-.-.-. L'd_`.',U. thew- hnd ' `II- n. "}'V`AlL'7H When in }: `thusi"u. i'v\r.v\`.:u\u uI-'x~,nn-- - which ht of tho hm: I1!` Miss wm-.d -riot. 6 VVIPIIKI l|Il`l with tho- .\I also by th 1er!:: .\Ir.<. Grasp. I-`rm Torontnt Wnud. Dzxl u ['1 . \ I'I the tmvns for dznnnu have hm-n from its con-:trur-I (-( 4L:..4.. l'..... III lllllll gravel Sui 'T`h' v r-1-xiv Pbxslsfentbo "ha and colds lead `to unions t uble. 5 _:AI. ('1... .....I....... ._ .......I..3 1...! ............J... TOSSORO WATER ' ll"lY' uv sid.r- iY`I(']1l(1 of tho r-\'i tu1`(- huvin and e-xpor method of 111 _V ("hill of the din- ho hnilt I: dusr his: no 80Ii(-itm` ft the plnint `f Irtnlhl In ll \\ llill` holder tinn. un nI_ from n.-..1 I ll lllll and f th" to A13,-.n. The tuxvrl` conmlnim-41 dit("1 but i 1 4'...-n .a.r.... ....` amount ....._.. ..6' ll) (ll! I*`(=de-v Illlllll` 372 (-:1 B.'H'!`ir- 00`) u Ulllrfu LU lost?" tlrllt place. let meteu y0u,.I l.l1l:lJ. uur dangerous pal Neuburg, Newman. or Nachbar. seems to be fairly certain`, that he has been given a new lease of lite-has days on his hands in tact." "What makes you think that?". "First place. he had booked here for himself and Gunning for an indefinite {number of days. Then, quite suddenly. he decided tojgo off to- Sicamous. He` `sent telegrams to various people-one 'to meet Siwash at Winnipeg. one to Nimmo or Joe Wandersun at Montreal. `and another to sister Meduse--tellina' ` ~ /0! the change. And the reason he feels "8afe'is.that you and I are definitely` "marooned in Montreal. The Chief has` `played. the game as I expected he 'would. His fake wires coming. appar- 'ently, from Nimmo (who we know_ is `In jail) are gems. We are apparently `standing baffled in Montreal. hunting tor the trail. One can read between the 4lines that Neuburg is sure "of that-. ,;t'r instance the mere fact that he wires 'to_Nimmo at the Place Virzer Hotel} _ shows he thinks it all right. Again, his , wire to Siwash confirms this.- He tells ysiwash to come on to Sicamousi not ,-Banff. He also tells Siwash to meet 'Louis the gluemaker of Quebec on `-`such and such a train at Winnipeg `and: `tell him there is no need to stand by! `-and watch trains for us .vet- that was. evidently why he was sent i?or-but to meet Meduse when she arrives and do -as she tells him. Oh. Neuburg is cer-' tain that we are out of the Irunnin `for the time being, and it's because of that. he's gone oft to Slc.amous." `_'_Clement thought for a moment`. "Yes. that sounds Iop.'ic:1l," the admitt- .. ~e a.. "With us close up on his heels he: would have to rush thixigs. Probably; his first plan to choclzmnte us was a; lovers meeting in this place of lovers. There would have been a--an affec-| tionate reunion. and then.` if we were threatened, the pair would have been spirited away. And wlmt would have happened to Heloise Reys when they wnra lnnf ',7" gr U" \'|I an an trial. In fine-S mum and not pr) in default. offenr-es. 2 Summ.'u`_\' t\ '1" A \ POLICE LO... \ trial I rvumlu an.-nil U. 1 .n. 1 . by thv Mu the (`hildrr ber of inw- to nmking: Society. Particul of the inn passed ax On Satun chill in 0 Though In his illness a ph_\'.;ici: day morn he was 54 an infectiq The A man)` pr) as :1 wh brxv. D- County : g%>I<'.>I4l VA` >X<'% `K4 K4 T T 5. :.`.s"po CIU ll takl conx` !nen' spar nary- tnunl PNEIJ A THURS! ` v with `I I5 BU (`nth .. ..I z-in." 1| _:1.x tho V\ ll`lI IIVIIJNIA 3lDl)uL \."C I110!"-.-y, anynuw. 13-V. 1 ."1Tl` "we. T don't like weittnrz. `Certainly Miss Revs appears to,be coming here, but with these brutes. with that de- maniac intelllgencetof Neu`burz's work- inz asrainst us. I am tearful. Who can `sav what suddetyturn events might` !take. and-s-and` what terribie ~crima misxhtt be. committed without `our being able to !riterpos.e?"= . V _ vn Clement Sadon {wigs manifestly uh- easy. Not barring the path which led -'1`h;1t7'sVa1 l." agreed 'Gat;neau. "We know their movements to .a dotted"1 . an "we know Miss Rays? is coming on, here. I supnose we hadbest just, wait around un\tll she comes?" - `'Vnn " nah! (`Inrrinnf `N-I-any-as anew-nu l1l'UUU. Ul`1`Lll SHE UUIIIEEJI ` Yes. said Clement, there seems nothingalse to do at the moment. We must wait `for a. wire from The Chief about that money, `anyhow. But I -1-rm-' '0naq (Inn 1'. `PI` mqlfina Tier!-nlnlv pUWHl'. UUL _ruweu.' . V That was Neuburg covering him- self up." siald Clement. Nobody saw or heard him leave. nobody can con- neat. him with-,-with anything that might happen a tL GuIpning's shack in lthefwnllfiis. Iiuppose that's all there'1s so at. - ~ um1....c-0.. nah! ...........u 'r;.-.u.....-... unr- |uuu Out. 811. . V l Gatineau said. Sure." added a.code Inumber to the message. and had it sent off at once. Then he went on with his story. fter this business Neuburr: met the two in the hotel. and they all went back to Sicamouspwhere theyloaded their nurchases into the big motor boat . They didn't, as our man thought they would. go on up the lake then. but went back to Mrs. Wandersun's house. It was about one o'clock at night when Gunning and Neuburg actually left for his shack. A railway- man. who had been on watch. woke our teller, and he Just had time to see them sneak of: in the dark. Theytook an awful lot of additional packages with them. loading them secretly-a regvular sort of movingday. our man writes. as though they were going to stay in the wilds for a. long time. The two men only got into the boat. and then. strangely. the boat left, not under power. but rowed. A ` "'l`hni- .1179": `l\Ynnhn1-Q 'nrhrm-ina- ' him; I m mus T0 BANISH` RHEUMATIC mus -.... um... \Ioc\4 "o. ...-y -4;-u-v_v\.y` -There` was a very significant pausegl Both men looked at each other. and! both -men were. thinking. the "same! thoughts. They were recalling that! N euburg as Nachbar`. had worked through a. bucket shop in his plan for robbing Roberts -of Oregon. He was working through a bank now--not. of; course. that the famous bank was ac - ing as his confederate. but that the smart `young man was. This fellow had no doubt figured in the'bucket shop at `Oregon. and'had managed to worm his way into the bank at Revel- y stoke to further Neuburgis ends-since. Iobviously, the master rogue had plan- pied well ahead. Au lnnvvunvu vusflnnn l\I| I-lulu u-\'n\IvuI- ht-\I JIUU. WUU uueau. As Clement eflected on this point he! reached for telegraph form, and at once wrote the following to The Chief at Montreal: " T ' Find out what interests Heloise Reys has in Revelstoke Branch Grand Dominion Consol1dated'Bank- Neuburg has conferedate there." . .!`(1`hat' may bring sorr!ethine;." :he_ said. as he handed the message to. Gatineau. "11! Miss Reys has~any,mo- ney in that bank it must have been ltransferred from the `-head office at Montreal. The Chief will be` able to find out. eh? ' (In!-{noon unl Quinn nvn a nnn LIIUBU UITJUIKB UL yuura LU!` l.'b'U. 11511. | Our feller guessed that. Neuburg? would go back to the other two-any-g how he risked it. He followed the; smart young stranger. when he left; the hash joint _later. This feller sneak- ed round several blocks. as though he_ d1dn t_want people to know "where he'd; been. and in the end he entered the Grand Dominion" Consolidated Bank.3 In there he went behind the counter." hung un his hat and settled down to work. He was one of the employees. "``Al\``l\`CCIl|lu .. --n_-- ml.-....XJl...-..I. ` A . . ._.. ' V.--4 --`iv av ~-.s~-anus was av 51-VUUIQIIII--an T The rest of the tory explains some_- thingvof `that. I should say. he wants ltlme to be sure he's got his plans per- tseict. According ltlo thg reports! from aux` camous man. e s een a.ct ng rat er` strangely at that end . Our -teller at gllcantzoxs has sent c;nntra1lIn- lgtters: s3 3 saemens`u. eu urz an Gunning arrived in. due course at Sica.-' lmous station. -but instead of goipg to ;i:'".:::*%;s h *:;:`: `:"J`w`a*:" y V em a oe an ersun's l house--where, of course, lyn-s. Wan- ] dersun is living. T T\YAirf rnhvnlna -'|\Tnnh1n~:r nylon} nurnl uurusuu I3 uvuls. - , '1 "Next morning Neuburg went down! _ to the lakeside and overhauled the bi: lmotor boat that Joe uses on `the lake. but instead of going in it, the three- }the woman as to the sta- v tion and caught a train to Revelstoke.! ;Revelstoke is the nearest considerable, town: they have to travel back towards Banff to reach it. Our agent at Sica-'| mous is a. real `live man: he bhoned through to one-of our fellows at Rev-2 elstoke and caught the same train as` Neuburg. Reaching Revelstoke. the [triodid some shopping--shadowed by our men. The proceedings were ordin-, lary enough. save that they seemed to; lBh0W a strange passion for buying` {medical things. Also. Neuburg, giving 1' |Gunning' the slip. went into a. store; where, mining outfits are sold and` bought several , high-explosive cartrid- ges and a quantity of fuse." lnmnnf maa an nvnlnrnnt-inn of ' UUIHE Btralgnt On Here." ' I I That's 9. point that baffles me!" admitted Clement. "Why come he :-e?l `(Why not go straight onto S1camous?"| unu'_- ..-..4. -1 4.1.- ...L_.___ __..u_n_... _-___ 51:5 auu a quuuuuy U1. June. | lclement made an exclamation at; those words. He stared at.the little` what it signifies. but it is a matter-V; worth` noting. But there is something nueerer to come. The woman and. Gunning went off to dinner in a. hotel. I Neuburg did not go with them. In-i stead he went off by himself and found. . because he was looking for it. an ob-g scure sort of hash joint. He sat down and ordered a meal. Our f`e11owvwho'. was shadowing him walked in casual- ly and got into a table nearby. Appar- ently there `was nothing add about; Neubut-g's choice. but presently a; young, mart-looking teller pops into. this joint and sits down at Neuburg's i table. Neuburg was reading a paper. by this time, an paid not the slightest; attention. Soon, though. they got into, conversation, just like two strangers.` What theyusaid, of course. our-teller couldn't hear." but it didn" appear to. amount to much: soon. too, Neuburg, paid his bill and went out with. 9. `Well. good-day, stranger. Glad to have be- come acquainted. I shall certainly try those creek or yours for red fish." nniv fnllnr crnnnnm-1 fhnf `i\Tan1l-un-cr! ldetoctive who said..No. I don't see I - HUI`. suiu L`l H.LH1Bl:l.U. \ I - Yes, that seems likely`.--Now the 7 letters." V \ \ i a - ` The one addressed to Heloise Reysi :5 was a simple letter stating that Henry - ; Gunning had returned to Sicamous and 3; had gone along the lake to his home. t;The letter said that Gunning" was - l quietlike, and not quite this, usual self. 5, He said he was going to rest up for a. lzwhile as he felt sort, of seedy. The 2-writer concluded by giving -directions rihow to find his shack. and declared .` himself ready to do all in his power > to help Miss Reys. He signed himself! --Joe Wandersun. Joe Wandersun! cried Gatineau. InTI.'nlI "I".-nu .-n.......\.II T`l'..--. .11.: L. __.,_.1;_ (`were unable to help themselves-have People who hz:we been tormented for `years. yes, even so crippled that they "been brought back to robust health `through the mighty Dxwer of Rheuma... __ Rhogma. actsAw1th_ speed. ItA_sl'_1ould' IIUVJO snow \lnnn\ln u -nv wuannvs an. svuu Heloise Reys ciepositedgsum 20,000 cash and securities extent 120.000 in Montrea.1.Branch Dominion Consolidat- ' ed !romVEngland before leaving that o'm`ntry.s Same time opened account 26.000 cash Reveistoke branh. Week 0 `ago authority in own handwriting to transfer all` funds securities Revelstoke' branch. [Most securities easily negoti- ---- v-.. v. -. -5--.` _- ~-...I 5- v ...5 \.4 v -uvoauu o But the money." muttered Gatineau. No woman wrouldtransferl a huze sum to a local bank. a bank that may. per- haps. only be going/to_serve her for a fewAd.ays>?"' `_ `'1 am urnlfh-lb fnr 'I`hn l"hInP'n Mala- El. LEW uuyu .' I am` waiting for The Chiefs tele- zram, said Clement. That will tell us how much she;_has in the bank at Revelstoke. It.seems1llogic_a1 that she sh_c_>u1d have a large sum-yet I fear ` The fear vies realized". In the after- noon The Chlefs wire came. It read: _ new c u_, u\_ _,, ,.,_.,v4_,u', I5 u\':yvIupu15_. _ But how can, they get money out of her--how keep, her unsuspicious?'_' (('I T;;.<. A}: \Y....LI__.. ._1._._ L- I---'._ 1'I_ ..v. -mvu ..--4;: --V. uqnuuuygu-vuu. How did Nachbar plan to keeh Ro- berts of Oregon fromgiving evidence? u 4.1.- ...-._-.'- n ...--;.4.-_.-.1 11_4_.n_.---_ `UH uxuy. 1 nay x`a.n:: All. clear. Have seen` Landor at Revelstoke. Break your journey there for slg'natures.etc. Be as clever as you are, my dear, for you `are to have a shock at Sicamous. Play up. The! Englishman-who does not look brainy is safely interned at Montreal." InI__.-_ -_--.._ -4- 2.-:L;-1_ _ uuuuur UL J.1.UVUlSl.UI("' _ - The mart young man in the bank is undou tedly Lander. `It all fits in. Miss Reys is to callion the bank on her way to Sicamolgs to register er signa- ture. and so on. Lander 1 the man who will interview her, All that is part of- their plan for getting hold of her money. You can ee how the thing is developing." 'RIif hnw (inn. fhnv co-At rnnnnv nu} nf ..._v `...~.-. v vnl-nu-J \.n\4IIl:" aunnavo It says `nothing about a dangerous: lmness. T mu- n.....1......... u_..-.v..- ..-s_._. 1- ____ IIHIUSS. . T "No. Perhaps they're /going to use that as a weapon of shock, to make her lose her head at a momenvwhen it will pay them for her to lose her head. But the _other letter-the one `addressed to Meduse Smythe?" 1:11.. .41.... , _ - -- pour. v . Got 2: bottle of Rheuma from Wm. '0rosaIam7, or any drugglst today. It. must ,5-,*I,ve`you the joyful relief youl "expectAor your money win he t'eturned.| ..-...- hr--uavv` uv ---vuuuv uunaag gun The other letter contained a few Vlln- ~es only. They ran:: . All nlnnr `I -Tnvn anon T.o\-inu ao- . . _ . . ....,, ....-- navun `Av .us.-um. uua. ` Thre. were no Initials even. and the message was written in block capita1s. Bold." said Gatlneau, putting the message down. -1\Tnf an unvvv` hnl acid I.`1nrv|c;n uwaauge uUwu._ ' . 1 Not _so very bold." said Clement.` The Englishman who doesn t look` brainy is interned at Montreal. you, understand. He feels quite safe. He: doesn't think anybody will see that message `but 'Meduse.". A'Il" urnn nvnuua ndnrkf nlnnuui '4-1.;..a.. lllUFtl,l:',U UUL V1t`(lUE6.' ~ ` ' And you were right about _their smrlnglng the. dangerous illness upon, Miss Reys at the last moment. That's; what he means by the shock, eh? And` Lander of Reve1stoke-" "l1\unnnn6 uranium v-`manna lo.` #1:... Inn.-I-0 t.ilU_lllEllLo - ] Thenext fact was that a wire had come through from Meduse Smythe at Winnipeg. saying she was coming straight through to Banff. Immediately ' on receipt-of this, things happened. The man Lucas-despite_ his bhd arm --went off up the lake in a canoe. ap- parently'to Gunning s shack. On his- return there was a bustle. Mrs. VVan-i dersun. in the language of the. agent, lflacked about like ,a worried hen. I Qhn had run rlnuyn in fhn ulrnl-Inn . .........--.. .~~....-. .-..y Ive -v uu.-vu naval: . I She had run down to the static , and had sent off a train, letter to He-' ,lolse Reys-to await arrival at Banff, I---and also another to Meduse Smythe. 3 | 'r_r....a...... .....a. ..:.a -4: u....`... 1.4.4.... `it... "'llbl GIDU GllUl-llUI.' LU ULUUUBU Dlllyl-U. ' < Having got rid of theseletters. Mrs.` i Wandersun immediately prepared her- ;1 ,self for a Journey. _That done, she; ;_b_ounced into her neigh or s shack with- I ;a lamentable story 0 a friend taken ` ,'dang`erously 111 up the lake. She said_1 `she had wired to _his relatives. and she` thought they were coming on. She 1 `said she was going to her sick friend 1 1 with the young`man Lucas to run the ipower boat for her. and she asked her neighbor if they would mind telling. [anybody who might arrive before Lu- '1 5 cas returned. that he was coming back ` `from the sick man in order to take ` .them up to him. ` - 1 I T-Tnvinxzr Imnrnnan fhic nu-m'n kn-1 U.'b'?1.l.' ` He didn't write it. It's _fjor.9:ery."' You mean his wife forged that-." His w1fe-no. Remember Roberts. man, and .1 how forgery apparently Iplayed _lts'part in that case. The. same. capable scoundrol forged this. N m1hm~g- m~ Nnwrnnn nun xfcinhkan uu.yu.u_1e scuunurat Iorgea tn1s."_` ` VNeub.urg.or Newman or Nachbar. or whatever you like to call him. For- gery is part` of And there's, another point. You see it contains a; hint of Gunriing s. illness-i1lness is also part 0 this devil ; game. ; says nothing about a dangerous lucv nuns-5-nu Inna-JIJ uvnnaw vn uuauan Alnvupubwul ' .There'_vs"a.s no message. He had to gwalt hours before .-anything came. |'1`hen it came from Sicamous. That message. however, was significant enough for thosevwhocould get an ink- ling of the ominous riddle behind it.} URL- ..._.._L .4. cu....._....._ ..-..-._4._.1 LI__A_ `or it costs you nothing. . ulruugu LIIU u1u,'.uL,V IJUWUF UL nuuuum... _ Rhouma. acts with speed. It should` `bring In just a. few days the relief you have prayed for. It attacks the p -1 "sons that cause agony and pain in th I Joints and muscles and quickly the tor- turing soreness completely d1sappears,i While Rheuma is lmrmless and max. pensive. it is one d1scnver,v' that has forced rheumatism to yield and dlsap-I near- '....a -:-.'u..\. V.--.uvuu.a nouguav uunnaunu an. The agent at Sicamous reported that` , a young, dark-faced, slim man with his right arm ln `a. sling had arrived at Slcamous. He had gone to Mrs. Wan-T de:-sun's shack. He called himself Lu-I lcas. and looked like a halfbreed. - ' lurnuln nn flan anal nr\tv\vv\n`\I-At` U53. uuu IUUKBU llK8- H. nauureeu . Siwashon the spot, commented- Clement . Phg nous an.-.5 um... 4.1....` .. ...a.... 1...: .|.llU!lI up LU nun. _ Having impressed this upon her `kindly friends, she got into the motor . boat with Lucas. and went up the lake. ;Lucas has not returned yet. -The agent` had notpressed his inquiries for fear '. of stirring up suspicion. ' - ' \ Clement had listened to the readings of this renort with a face grim and ""0 UV VV auuera UK! a Joe |VVell, I'm gormed! How did he write itlmatwhen he's snug..m_j_2'1il at Mon- I tram?" ' I Q I-lltlLr \Vl treal?" Il`l _'I n A .u|. u|lL.V|:5 fl auapuuuu. ' '1 reading`. 4 report with a face grim and! gwhlte. VVhen it was finished he said. l i'l`hl seems to,be the first -move in. lthe definite plot. Once she arrives in` -Sicamous. Heloise Reys will be spir-I {lted away into the wilds. You can see ` ;how they have planned it. Nobody but Lu'cas is to take her there. they don't 1 iwant outsiders` to figureln thls." `1 can...) u. ...--......' A... ...- u__4. 4.1.--- _1-__.. uulolv vnnvw-uvg-I vv gauuav Ann ynnnag I An it seems to me- that they don't ,wa.nt_ anybody-even Mi-ss Rey.'s-t`o' ; get there before they are ready for% `her." said Gatineau. ' VA: (`Hui nnnv-nu 'IIIrn`1v~ ,,, \Ynu> \dr1a..-.u 3! My 10-year-old daughter was weak ` and had no appetite. Since giving her |Vinol, she has an amazing appetite and strength."-Mrs., W. Joosten. The very FIRST "week they take Vinol. children begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. A simple strengthening: iron and cod liver compound in use` for over 25 years for run-down men and women and weak children. Con- tains no `oil--pleasant to take. Wm.`, , Crossland. druggist. 0-3 i ..-.-v-g, ---guns-5 uvuu . Eggs, doz. - Butter, pound tFowl.\pound i Chickens (broilers),`pound -_Crea.m, pint -r}Buttermilk. qt. . . . . . VVlEU*'Hl:l.l.U.' ` I don't care. We've been passive t too long, anyhow. Come along. Find i that car. It's our turn to attack. ' :--, Made from'a. special formula, suc- cessfully used 1n.the Doctor's private practice for nearly 50 years-URA- TABS are particularly designed to swiftly relieve the pain and misery [of burning Urethral Irritatlons. Ba:ckach- es`. Bladder Weakness and Gettlng-Up- Nights. Safe, Pleasant. Inexpensive- and supplied by all good druggists on IIJI`. DUULIIWUFLIIB UISILLADD au. UIICCI a guarantee of money. back `if not sat-A L `lsfied. If you 'needa..medicine of this kind, try URATABS: today,_~ - .456: . 1 . . No matter what your age may be. how long you have been _troub1ed or how many `medicines you have tried without success-if you `are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethra] Irritation. causing days of troublesome annoyance and. nights of broken rest- you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth s URATABS at once! `Kn.-In `C-n1\vuA'a av\n-nIn1 Cnnvnunin nut:-L, Pleasant. lnexpenhivo Home Treafment A Quickiy Relieves Dail Irritation and Gptfing-up- ights \ V I `Rub Gently .and~ Upward A Toward` the Heart as Blood in`Veins Flows that Way l `Many-people have become despond-I ent becausethey havebeen led to be- I lieve that there is no remedy that will; : help reduce swollen veins and bunches. T1 vnn VH1 crnf n fnrn_nnnr-n nvvinrlnal ' llUl'l.l.. . ! M6one s Emerald Oil is a harmless.` ;yet most powerful germicide and two; ounces last a very long time. Indeed.`l so powerful is Emerald 011 that old; chronic cases of-Piles are often entire-[ ily absforbed and anyone who is disap-3 ,pointed with its use can have their; -money refunded. Wm. Crossland sells`, lots of it. , 5ci :__ Druggist Tells ` I . Easy. Way To End Blidder Weakness .uzu.'. warrant oeulg 1881160." ` Of the whole of that pregnant mes- ;sage one passage, and one alone, stood out with a terrible significance. ` - Neuburg is Nachbar! 1 ' . Neuburg was Nachbar. the murderer. Neuburg was the cold-blooded genius who slew Roberts of Oregon in the wilds, and for the sake of a. huge sum of money. The telegram told that the girl, Heloise, had to hand a great `sum _of money, and she was being lured into the wilds--1ured towards Nachbar. the {brute who would let. nothing stand be- tween him and his greedy desire. Nnllhlirp` wan 1\T!2nhhav- fhn 1~nu~mA.:n-an HOW To REDUCE \JNZPlll|.llIUll, an uuuusuwu UIUUBUUU thatie asant to take. Creomulsion is 9. new 'ca|diaeovex`ywithtwo-fold action, it soothes am! heals the inflamed mem- lhxanee and inhlbite germ growth. Of all lmown drugsi-`creosote is mcognized . `by high medioal out orijsies as one of the `gneateet healing agencles for persistent moughs and colds and other form_s of threat v.rn...__l.I.... I'V_...._....I..:.... .......L.u...-. ... ..J.lA.!.... ucup rcuuue BWUUBII VGIIIS anu uuncues.' If you will get a two-ounce original bottle of Moone s Emerald Oil (full strength) at.an_v-first class drug store {and apply it night and morning` as`: I directed you will quickly notice an im- movement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. l 1Ul'.l.\.....!... 13...........1.: Au 3.. .. I_._....-1__.. able. New message. Neubhrgt is 2 .bar. Warrant being issued." i Of fhn nrhnln n-F 1-hot rn-novngn+ Lwv.-acu nun 11110 I118 greeuy aeslre. Neuburg was Nachbar the murderer ---and Heloise was to bet his next vic- ,tir'n. Only dimly he heard Gatineau `saying, He wants to get all that mo- ,ne,v-145,000. I_t s all underthe hand `of his tool. at Reveltoke. I see how it I is. But what beats me is whow anv one .would think of. transferr1n,9:- - '1' Did aha? ennnnn rnhannf TX7uc: -WUULU LHLIIK U1. u'a.ns1eI`I`1n,`.{--" '3' Did she? snapped Clement. Was .not it forgery? Nachbar is a forger as well. Couldn't he, have forged that letter ordering the transfer? Gnfinnnir nv-inf! `lZ`nno-own! Von 4-`land-ha 1::I.u.:1' uruurulg tulu L!'21IlSLel`." Gatlneau cried. Forgery! Yes, that's it. That's likely. But even though that letter was forged, I don't see how they are going to work it. What's the game?" Flnvnnnf ulitianniiv konnvvan `r\I\vv\v\1l\`a-\`vo 5u.u1u: _ , Ciement uddenly became`c_omp1etely `aware of e detective and what he was saying. He echoed the words. VVhat s the game? I don't know. But I'm going to find out. I'm going down] to Sicamous now to find out." A ' A Now? gasped Gatineau. ' Now. I can't wait here passive. Anything might happen`. That girl. might be prevented coming here, might :go right through, might be turned a- side. I'm not going to run any more risks. I'm going to Neuburg. Can we batch a train? -- "With a car, easy. There's,one due. i Get the car.". ' . "But to rush right in like this. Is it wise-safe?" H1` A.-unit ......... 117-)--- 1.--- __-__s__- Gives Girl I - Appetite and Strength` "3.'.x1r'y'.' ia}i. ';.a' .I3.g'g.a,.v. A..- An VARICOSIZLVEINSE 'Vl.I.|guu 5|-Du UUIUH u UUIIUF lP1'l1I'B Ul. IIKIIITULBII "tmublcs. Cmoxulslioglcontallns, 1n 8,ddl}f1,iO1 '00 creosote ot er e ing'e ements w icl soothe and the infected membmnes xund stop the Irritation and inflauunation, `while the creosote goes on to the stomach, in nhnnvhnrl ind-n Hun hlnn nttnnlza Han Anni-. .....- uu-.. uv vovvvi -("I`~o bra continued) A v--Jv w'vww- -._.. 1rw::f$.'; Am Stop Your Rhqumatlsm Send 10c.for erotic trial to - Templetona. oronto. 50c and $1 boxes at your dn~;-sist a. Sa: Speed Relief n -d`m nnndn:-lnn`l A I`. ' ?`i`z?'ii'fi : 1\AIach-j 43-45c 42-45c 24-25c 28-30c .. 80c W. M. --VV. J. Mun":-o. Allandale Rec .\_Sec'y._--F. Longhm-`st, 202 ' Brad- ford St...Barrie. ` Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each * ` ` month, "rAILonE's's :55 DRESSMAKER 2 Adelaide St. Tel. 1053W L. R. ORD V CIVIL ENGINEER Ontario and Domjnion Land Surveyor 133 Blake _St.. Barrie. Phone 62? III |;lliIU_|l""'llHllSB. Ullfltllp EEC-. alum t -in the Blaurated "form yowder or tablets) especially prepar- -.akw-- . no