3. .!.27 f. cum Ill uruuu. I Jas. H. MacLe1land of Orlllia spent! a. day last Week with friends here. MPH Rlnlvv '|\/fr: Vnhnwsnann Elna Feb. 1-Mrs. Alex. `Ross spent a. `couple of days last week with her par- ents in Orillia. 7 Tons `L1 `Mu. PIT ..II......: -0 r\..nu_ __ ,_,L zvru any xuure. | Phelpston friends were very sorryrtog receive.the sad news of the death of: Jasper Martin of Hll1=dale, who died at} his new home in Toronto last week.` Mr. Martin was well known in this; vicinity and was very highly esteemedi by all who had -the pleasure-of know-I ing him. Deep sympathy is extended: to Mrs. Martin and the boys in their great loss. . ' wccus aunu more to come soon. ` I Sunday evening during th_e strong, wind that had shifted to the northwest. theiHydro lights went out every few, minutes and just about the time em-j ergencygasoline and oil lights were; brought into play, on would come the; n electricity. It-surely was annoying and- yetamusing. ' V ' `Mn Mm r` `M 15 1...... ....+' ......:.. ..._..? -_y\-:t,,uzuusu1g. - . 5 No. the C.N.R. has not made any; move as yet to have the lights installed ~ at the station here.'They apparently; think the couple of oil lamps sufficient, for the public at this out-of-the-way. place, Prokably when something ser-: ious happe s they will come around to! their old slogan of Safety First." ()nnAn.Q`nin Hm thaws-nnmmm-u no +1.... l..llU.ll.` uxu axugun U1 "D uIel'._V r`1rst." I Once" again -the thermometers of the, village were in dispute when the ma-! jority made a-showingof 32 below dur- ing the cold snap of last week. but it would be poor policy to tell what the `other fellow s instrument registered. Needless -to say wejdo` not have to go` beyond North Bay to find 32 below` zero any more. Dhn'Inn$nn Fydann 1171-sun an-N... ........-- J.-. :.u.vuuntmu weu.-tnel` comes along`- Several cars of hay have been ship`-s ped from here recently. The move-; ment of grain at t_`he local elevator has not been up to theemark, but there isi a good reason this season`. A carloadl of -Vvestern oats was; handled here last` week and more to come soon. I Snndnv Avnniha nv-{raw 4-Inn nnn-..~ ux um country. I The recent mild spell` has put the skating rink that the boys found `back in the fieldvout of commission but there : is work belngedone to create another: which will soon be ready providing, favourable weather comes alorig- | Several cars nf hnv haxm hnnrr n'hhr\`_- xsulue 11108 uucx 0!` geese. ' P. .A. Coughlin and Lawrence Scot I have been making some big shipments' in live stock recently which proves} that the farmers are still on the job.` .Last Saturday there was .a.` rise in` the temperature oi . -over 60 degrees; from the day previous. The sudden`; changes taking` place this winter are no e doubt the cause of so much sickness in the country. 'l`hn rnnnnf rnll anal! `I-mg nuI- +1.... ______ ---- u---w---uUI Keep BLMATC;-!'_FORD'8' Bu Mun: before your him all A the nc- THEN COLLECT THE EGGS.` Sold end Recommended By ` Jyuuvuw, also Lne (lance 18.31 . week. P, A. Cpughlin held a. successful shooting match on Saturday last and! a few local citizens came away with some-nice ducks or geese. P. A, ("_nncrhHn and `I .nnnonv-m.. Q...-4 `i Mfs. M. Long. has been on the sick 1 st. , . ~ A ~ - Byrne Kelly is in Midland Hospital 3w1h pneumonia . - - l \(IhI'I Ynnnnlr In {Hui}-ling, kin l-u- n6L.u. _une1u. ll ! Darrle. Mr} and Mrs. Terrence O'Neill were `in Toronto `last .week attending the funeral of theolate Jno. "Foley. Quite 9 In:-an nnrnhnv-`nf Dhnimnnn lullfdl U1: tl16,late JIIO. E018) . U V Quite a large numbergof Phelpston voung people attended the carnival at Elmvale, also the dance last week. p. A , hA`A I: IIlIInann`II` gia%&&%&%$%&m%g; Luutcnew. at present. 7, Friends here were sorry`-to hear of the illness of Mrs. Robinson of Elm- vain, - V |-IIU I _va.le . `llm wi 11 puuuulunla. `- V- - 5 rm Kennedy is visiting his brother. Mat hew. at present. V ` Frinnn horn warn any-rub!-A ham... an _vu.w. Mrs. Jas. McGinnis spent a `few days with` her sister. Mrs. v'1`homa.s _O'NeilI. in Barrie . `M34 and `Eng mnhnnnnn (\I\Y..:n _.-..- $&&&%&&$&mm&w&[ nus K j_ _..? . _..__ _;- _? T f%'5' -- 60% --:1 o+7;1P:?\_|_A:`-8f:>"-'_m Grbse`, Dealer and Distribqtggj `Q.CC-Iii. our-I unuunnduuu nag g-4 :14.--1_-`.1 -....A_ _ 1o OWEN s'r., PHONE NO. 21 1 E RESIDENCE PHONE 101 1w V. E D.*3_L,timr, Dealer,` Alliston [ H. J. Murray, Dealer; Eeeton : Ah ' Afh ;'aj1b;gz2i;g;*?I7e*JIas't ` 5 war. 4 to? 0R0 sTA'ri6N PHELPSTON i/c.,'u.-..II.'.v_u.`_n. nop;u..2 Nv'u-Mains u:Au`:iM n. 5 pay IIIl\"Il`lI\JlIB lI.lG' VVIJII\I NFL` LIGVG rtJl_'fd'Chl,"Y!lel' to long,-estab- iuhcd cars` of both lower and l_s_I_-A -.__-3-- -__-9.__. 2- tNl__.._I-._ Qllllcl .~n_|}.G, U?l.lBlll` III A vus yous: engineering, design, eautv; per- When public opinion takes hold of a product like the Chrysler and in three years time lifts it over the headsof twenty-three other long established cars-from twenty- seventh place in volume in the in- dustry to fourth place -the` signi- cance ofthe act isalmosttoo plain to require analysis.- It can only in V of` course, that l_ hay f inth Chrysler A t'i'es anflvalues here. a . Inthef `ptqualitycarelds an sacs IV]-CIGIITII \lI.Il IL! [Ill-Is `GUCCI! is bed can goth higher e', sensing in.Ch1-ysler Lana maa cngc, 9-7*`!...192-1, _. jjTj Every` .Princess Diamond-rcgardl s of ' ' ' xlly selected by experts, for its eglue-vvstee-?1lrsec: 5' puntyr Fashionable white or green gold settings m s1'HI$ MARK iN@E$ son VALUE Reeve s Jewelry Store - ....--w V31` b B-3 ;-ABLISHED 1832 Capital` $1 0, 000,000 -' Reserv T V ' It is compound to the lat ounce of wholuomo on-making materials. II RI 11:-:-_-- __ Buy yours underfthe double guarantee at ormsnce and long life, elements of progressiveness which inspired them to invest in Chrysler ucts the staggering total of ve undred and thirty millions of dollars ($530,000,000) inthree years time. It is an inspiring tribute of public condence-one which lls Walter P. Chrysler and his_ organization _.h.I. - .J...'._ -...1 -....-.-.. -........ _ O l-II UlCI. 31-IUI II-IU l $l`Ju with a [deep and serious sense of 1-esponsib' ty for the future. 0 `I. Q- 4.I__!._ _`I-;-_.____-A_-_ -_ _2_2_`lI__ ---rv-----------,' -- ---v--_ I: is their deteri '-_fti.on- so rigidly to apgly _the Chrysler princi he of Quality that ourth place in the industry will be merely .a temporary stopping place--a mo- mentary pause on the way to the higher place they will earnestly try to deserve in public esteem, This` Bank win welcome Saving: Acoount-deposi: `I0 Cicada `:4: 4...}! --_l._-- J .. 7 "-5- 4 nvvuuup`-UUIJUYI IS Egmadebymaawhendemed. Reserve $19,500,000 Resources $245,000,000 BARRIE upon your foresight in providing for it now. 1LEHEiE Y. FEED &\\\ ///%/4 `Em < i Pllonq 1010. Box 231. am-Io.` % . sous AGENT"!-`-OR; HECLA FURNACES naonassl :' ; : Ixsnunlpst. V ' V A I ;_.l'ull ifafonnatlon fuihhlied oz; ninja! ' -V _ L th e*opera,ting minqs. V H III M I t C 9! O I` I , O BOUGHT -9 501- mu:'.'. "Capital .a ".'l'o:'k-H!:1I: INSURANCE -_- Sqmo otboat companies represented. BQNDS-1 ; 'V na1d:p::om,m%coFvgs;T Brown & Co. ORDER YOUR FARM HELP NOW - To make absolutely sure of having FARM HELP FOR 1927 send in your applications gt oncg to % j ' R , GEO. A. ELLIOT, Director ofcolonization,` < "" Parliament Buildings, TORONTO, ONT.` V -318 2 anag- I THERE'S magic in that wofd A ' he'a.t,f'. whethet,you thinkx of it just hgfoiie arising.in the morning ' 61*- oh` ybur; way!" home at night `to a" waxy: fire,- v side. `Come to thihk `of "it, while you're oaiyour wiy ho'ma ,L haitate here ldng enough` to order a ton of ourvhigclass ' coal. ' T -. % o'N1:1LL's Coal, woga _&_Co!:e Yard V-__v ---u 68' Brndf$rl5t..! Bank Phone 748 I Evonluu 9131 MUST BEVSOLDBYAUCTION ` % AT YGUR own Pnncrs + srocx INCLUDES MEN SAND LADIES READY-T0-W1-'.AR% % AND DRY GOODS. FTHEBA`LANCE0FTHE HUB STORES GOODS AUCTION SALE Our time is up end we a.nuet leave" the premises in the next few days. - FABMFEB$ or ONTARIO I and that AUCTION `SALE COMMENCES `FRIDAY. 7 PM. CONTINUES ALL DAY SATURDAY This Auction is next doonf to Woolworth ; G S0N u-vyww I-uuuw n ow:--u- --" one of 'the'worst' accidents that Have _ --happened In this district for` some` tlm ;occ:,u~t'e'd on, Saturday when Jimmy `Faltls had the misfoytune to have'h1s- left hand out offtln a cutting box.` Doc- } tors Walker and Fee were immdediatelv , summoned. After his wound was :' dresa_ed 'hq was removed, to V Oscar lWhites1de"sv"from whence hb was "tak- ; e`n by mot_or'*to.the R.V. Hospital, Bar- !` R. " ' i Bil uy UH-HgUl' l.U.I.uU up V . .LuJnyu.cu, uq.L- r 6! I 3 David Wilson. -who has been staying with ~.J1m_ ,v;y_ _.e1.tip in` Barrie, returned home` on ofxde.y"nlght. _ > 1': l1'W1Uu ` Gilbert Dodswell spent Tuesday in .Barrie. . T ms: week. V. 7 Frank White left on Monday morn- ing having secured a job with the C. N,R. neariormta. ' ' uung wuu uruusul. ULIL Ill suuu acyw. , Mr; and Mrs. Arthur Orrock ot_.Iv.v jspent. Sunday with Mr., and Mrs . W. T. Irwin. flllknnf T\nRnnrnII anon} Tiionniv Iv} .l|l-`U'VUHLl EH13 WEEK- E. V. Wilson loaded 5. carat very fine white /ash logs. They were ship pad to Peterborough. . ' - MFR, nrlnv hf `Romain nnnnf 1:: Han plsu Lu ruwruuruugn. Mrs. Carley `of Barrie spent a day wlthgir. and Mrs`. G. W. Caldwell last week. ' wmun; nn..u'.' Inn A... 1ur......:.... .....'...... "V "Feb. '1---Russeli Deator`s" s.le`.on `Thursday was well attended. Every- thing was brought out in good" style. Mr, And Mrn, Arthur nrrnr-.1: nf Tvv agulu m we vmuge. . V . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore had 9. visit last week from Mr. Moore's als- ter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Bztterson, `of Hutton. Ont , Nnlin T.AH'IA T-Tart urnaanf hnvna uv Hh nay -parents ms: uunaay. G. 'W. Brooks` and son areat the Sc: harvesting this week. `:1, V `lfnnh Innn I: nnvrnf runny Jatn-. io:353 ";k`atinar' on ' the" min Saturday night and on `Friday night. Shanty - Ba talled.,aga!ii in hockey with Oro tation, . ' Nightvservivces areinot very well at- tended in the churches orrsundaya. !sti?t too mans; radios-or lack of inter- G . . bett9n(._ 4 Leonard Whiteley got a. carload of wood last week some of whichiwas sold in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Alhnrf Mnnrn had 0 A. '1'. Moore is getting quite a. bit ._ru.u.eruun, U1 nuuon, Untu /Q Miss Lettle Hart wasoat home with her` parents last Sunday. G. '7. .'Rrnnlri: and inn arm nf Hm: I:--> Plumbing is. the most neces- sary and important part of your home. _ V ' Your health is -safeguarded when you deal. with a reli- _ able plumber. We have the experience, the equipment and the desire -to. serve you well`. j nut Loan `Hand in Cutting Box .- _n '..u--'-_-.._.._4. __;n.:....4.... u_..4. I A .3 . A II-) rum 2 EGBERT oz-ma` VVUUKJUIIU UIIUUF .l.llU [JKl1'UI.H:l I'UDIc The Baptist Young People's Union held a very enjoyable sleighing party on Friday. it being` `the monthly so-` ciai evening, Three sleighloads left the village, some taking the high road and others the shore road. and in due time arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fischer where the com an.v. numbering over 60. were hosni ably entertained. The evening was spent in music and games after which adainty lunch was served. A hearty vote; of thanks` was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Fischer . tau 7 14" 'IKn`II`IIvAn . nnnbnn AC `dun -i:3 .r'J. McEwen.- pan or of the United Church at Churchill. will ad_-`'` dress the B.;Y.P.U. on Wednesday'eve _ shins .thls' hvfveek. VIBIILIHE 11161103 IIUFB. 4 Mrs. Jos. Franck spent a. few days` visiting trlenda.,!n Uxbridge. nor! Wrllnb In hnrnn Inn fkn"4urlnl-an 1-Z1YV7I'rs.'. Hikihet',t`fDixon end `daughter Mary are visiting the torm- ` er's patients at Singhampton. Mrs. _Dixon's mother is on the sick list. John Pilkey is on the sick list. Miss Jessie Parks oi. Collingwood is visiting friends here. Mrs. Inn, Wrdllnlz nnnhf 1: four nvn ` , T, , _. ,,,_, Feb. 1-Mr~.' and Mrs`. Geo. Muir spent Sunday w1th\ Mr. and Mrs. A. Beardsall. Elmvale. ` ` Mrs. F. Richardson and Miss Jean spent an afternoonwlth Mrs.,;D. Scy- thes. recently. . , Chas; Thurs-low made a. busjnessntrlb to Barrie this week. ' W ' ` "Inn Ah Ilnfll-uunln Cn nu-gnu:-Al--.' - EU I3I'l'lU EH13 WUUIL Miss Annie McG1nri1's ls,anend1ng`a._ tew days under the parental root. ' M!ae`Lizzie Tlmrlow visited a. few uuya wun M183 rear: UBIIBP. ~ - I Miss Tens. Richardson lsirecovering after no; rvecen-t operation. 9 o .DH-[JIJBL UIIUFUII UH uauuuuy UVUIllIlu R. Canning .,of Toronto spent the week-end under the parental roof. Tho `Rani-Inf Vnnnna `Dani-\1n u 'l'Trdnn vununs Lrgunuayxn uxunuge. ._4 Bert Frallck is home for the winter months. ` -r....1. ml-..\v..I..I. 1.. .........u...L. .. 0.... .1...... lIlU!lI.l'IBo ' - _ ;Jack.McNabb is spgnding a few days in the Queen City. ~ ~ 18 any!) H1109 E113 DEPBHIEI TOOK. v1{(!ss'Luz1e days with Miss Pearl Usher. - `Illa: Tana Rinhnrnnn In-rnnnum.-Ina UUIKL Lljlllu. _ - The many friends here of James Fel- tis_ of Egbert will be sorry to hear of his accident, he having had one hand taken off in a cutting box. _ St. George : W. A. The January meeting of St. George's W. A.; Utopia. was held at the home of Mrs. D. J. Miller on Tuesday even- ing'.'Jan.~. 25. Thirteen members and three visitors were present. Bible reading; taken from the 103rd Psalm. was given by Miss Viola McMaster and the missionary reading by Mrs. Beck- erton. The next meeting will be` held at the home- 1 Mrs. Joseph Tiffin on Tuesday evening. Feb. 22. Bible read- ing will be tak n by Mrs. A. Elphick and the missionary reading by Mrs.- W. J. Miller. . Jan. 31-Mr. Ttiggitt of McMaster University conducted the service in the `Baptist churdh on Sunday evening. `R. ('!n.nhln:r nf Tnrnnfn unnnf H-an ~wr uuurxy um: uunureu years." V ' `We sincerely wish yo.u every succes and happiness in your new home and community and hope you will add` to your friends but not forget those who will remain in Oro. May you have as good neighbors around you in, your new home as you and your father and grandfather have been at the old home- stead As a remembrance of the an- preciation of your-Qro friends we ask you to -accept those few gifts which will assure you of our esteem and love ' for we know that old friends. are the ) best - friends . `Feb. 1--Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown! spent Sunday with Elmgrove friends. Mrs !\:fn1\/fnnfnr an:-I 1\/I'M: `X7111:-lnnnn Splll. Duuuny WILII IMIHIEFUVU l.l'lE.'IluS. Mrs, McMaster and Mrs. Wilkinson have returned home from Toronto af- ter a week's visit with their sister. Mrs; Irwin .. `II-u .nnA"`l|'-nu Tnlnv. '|UI'n'I 47-.14-ulnb n-..I LVLICB o l.l'W III Mr. and" Mrs". John` McKnight and baby Ernest of~Baxte1* and Russell El- phlck of Camp Borden spent the Week- end at the latter's home here. 1` flnulnxi AC T1!!! In `Hal!-{no nylfk f` `Ullll cu. LIIU HZLI-Ul'U IIUIXIB nere. ` D. Gauley of Ivy is visiting with C. Arnold for a few days. Wnnrln Iillnn chant Quintin`: nivk 'I3`,nr Al'Ulu LU!` 1. .l.e,_VV uu.,vs. Erwin Miller spent Sunday with Eg. bert friends. A ' Tho Jinan Cial-uu Mann AC Tlflnna I315`, uruuWuu;-- e` -To Mr. Duncan Graham and family.-- It_1s with good wishes to you that `we meet here tonight to cheeryou up on the eve of your departure from our community of which you and, your forebears have been no small part for nearly one hundred years.- `VIA ninnnmzslv wluh vnn nxrnrv uunncuaa _WuU.L LU Lll!'.'1l' new IIUIIIG at 'l.V,V. ` Mr. and Mrs. Graham and three children. Thelma. Willie and Erma, were presented with 2:. Coleman lamp. `mantel `clock and tableware and` the following address was read.by J. Caldwell :-- . Tn Ila 'I'\nnnnn flunlnnum A-..I In-...lIu on aurgaay. , V ' Miss} Helen Mcconkey and Miss Mc- Donald of Barrie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duncan. A Farewell Presentation A number; of friends of Duncan Gra- ham and family. gathered at the. home of I-Iy. Mccuaig on the evening of Thursday, January 27. and spent a. happy time together beforetha. family went to their` new home at Ivy. Mr and Mr: llyvdhorn and 4-Ivn-an b Mr. and Mrs. Frhk Dunsmore. and Howard of Cundles viited friends here on Sugday. 1\/Had T-Tnlnn 1\/I'n(`nnLrn\r on "R/I'{u:I 7|/Tn- LU!` L.HlUl` - The cast of characters was: Deacon Dubbs, Ernest Spence; Miss Philipina. Popo.ve!\..' Miss Furlong; Miss Rose Rawleigh. Miss Cloughlyz Rodin Craw- ley, Lloyd Spence;-l Amos Coleman, Al- lan" Forbes: Tricksey Coleman, 'Miss Vera Walt; Miss Emily Dale, Miss Ma- bel Wattle; Major McNutt, Hunter Russell: Deuteronomy Jones, Harvey McLean: Yennie Yenson. Miss Mary McLean; Pianist, Miss Camilla Cav- anagh. -7 A ' ' Tho 'I'IfAl|\V1n`n knfurnnn nnfg nvaun An, zllcllo , _ .'I`he intervals between acts were oc- cupled by a number of black-faced ar- tists including: Misses Vera and Nina TMcLean.- Helen Pattenden and Isobel Cavanagh. `Harry and Thomas Patten- denand Ben.,Knapp. ' ("_nnH`n nnulufn In H-an ulna- ucu . unu nun. Jxn pp R.'D,.Coutts glssfsted in the_s1nR- ing `in the last act. . , 4 Luwu. '- . V `_ _ ` A (speed. carnival is to be held in the ' Princess rink here Wednesday. Feb. 9. : ~ ' (a.dvt.) Enjoyed the Play ' The young people of Midhurst and Minesing ` Station, gave a first-class` entertainment in the form of a. nla.v entitled Deacon Dubbs." last Friday evening iunderethe auspices of the L. ()_.L. All theparts were well taken. It would be hard to improve on the eel- ection of the cast from amateur en- tertainers ` Tina nnnt A47 A`-ununnne-Ann u--any Tnnnnn { Jan . 31'---4M1`-. and Mrs. Ed. Hughes and` children of Czar. Alta... spent a few days v1aitlng`Mr. and Mrs. D. Luck. recently. (San:-an Jnnln-nan nn `Minn Vnlrnn uucnc. recently. . George Jackman and Miss Velma. Crawford. `have gone to Owen, Sound: the former for e. few.weeks visit. the iatvter to resume her position in that own. - ' A .......a ..'.....I.n.I`|.. I. I... 1....IA I... H..- - FE_RGUSONVALE* u..|. -I 11-3 ......1 an-__` 1-4-- BELLE EWART EDENVALBL MINESING GUTHRIE UTOPIA `ran nannuz zxmum amncr, Luvs. A. A. neu. Miss Laura Graham visited her bro- ther. A. N. Graham, one day this week. ' '7\'h-an Tfinln 1'1...-....a.....a 1.-.. ..-.._ A- ween. _ Miss Viola. Crawford has gone to `Toronto . `lhfna `IF . `I'Yv..-.1-.. ........ ..-u.I. -__1_;.x_'-__ Ly! f 1. uruu LU I 1} Mrs. E." Uncles was with re1a.t1ves_ini 1 H_aw.kestone for `Sunday. u. uay Luau. ween wuzn rrlenas nere. Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. McArt`hur and Mrs. Maclnayer of Or- illia visited Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Arthuro for a. couple of days, last week. ` Minn F`.r'Hfh `Dav nnnnf n An ruin. hm... lL1`l.Lll" 101' a. couple OI aa.ys,1as1: Week. I Miss Edith Day spent a day with her sister. Mrs. A. A. Bell. Nina T.onno fluoiunna uh-{L-`A L-.. L..- % THURSDAY: FznIujAajr' 3} i927.- -