Gordon Stevenson ou.n.r\Ia.n\ 6 3 .Dl\I`vKI All, cheques must be "marked accepted" by Bank and made payable at par. Barrie. Licenses required by mail add postage. Rates: Within 20-mile`: limit, 50: beyond 20-mi1e*limit.. 100. For application forms, send stamped, addressed envelope. ('\C:..- -..-.. I3__ .'___n-.3 n I Phones 1005. -V-.1o1o `TheVo|gaBoatman In the cast are Eleanor"Fair, Wm. Boyd, Theodore Kosloff, Victor Varconi, Julia Faye and a host of others. ... .... ontJv\-0' wuyu UBBUU uuvulupe. Office over -VBoe `:VroftT'a Bull: -v nnv-Iv wow vvo-van: The most sensational production `this season. Screening at '7 and 9.15 . % each night. Prices: Adults_33c, tx 2c ; Children 9c,_tn_x 11:. INVESTMENTS ALLWFEBF P l1I!l\II III a n Ivlrio. Irlua. J. l:I.l..lUl T BARRIE KIWANIS CLUB -. The death occurred on Monday `of . .. . ..ElibthS hBll. if fTh 0 the twelfth 8nmVe1 S81`Y Of K1- i J. zgllfott, 1:irl3oyse St.v,v ti%`(t)he eg%I `wanis, the Ba_rrie_Club last Friday fifty-nine. years. eMrs. Elliott was a had a splendid talk from George daughter of the late ArthurABe11 of Bel- Patton, ex.president of the Dowmffast, Ireland, and Sophia Drury. In! A - 1896 she married William Anderson. tolgn .Club' fT1nt' ion. eth. hlstofry ; who died in 1901. From this union four an 311715 0 he 01`8'8n1Z8t1Qn- Ge- ' children were born. one of whom died Hubbard presidedeand there Weregin infancy. The others are, Misses some fine solos by Harry'Barron, [Janet and Annie Anderson of Barrie I J_ R" Dierfwonn the attendance prize, ; and Herbert Anderson of Toronto. In _ ' - `, ~ - F1907 she married Thos. Elliott. who i 'a he 9'1"? by J . E`. B~1nmgSley' . survives her. Mrs. Elliott was an Ans- on Wednesday. the Club held a mean. The funeral took place on W'ed- . Ladies Night, which was well atunesday afternoon from the home, Rev. ` tendevdt The chief feature of the ;A. R. Beverley _officiating. Service evening,Was'a.de1ightfu.l address by . was conducted atast. James Church. I .\ . -_Crowri Hill, and burial was made at ; ;`grish`tl}7`Vit_`an .Ht_im llictept I - e~ ga ermg 1n rlpp es 0 au er._ Mr` Mcmuicuddy has 3 greatgfundl The deathJ3cl:t':*r:c?Ealifornia on f `5t1'le5 and knW3 hW t0 ten ' Jan. 12 of John Foley, a native of Bar- them. i Attendance prizes, plates do- ! rieand a resident of Toronto for `the nated by W. A. Turner, fell to thelipast thirty-ve years. The late Mr- lot of Mrs. G. 0. Carneron, Mar aret | F1-"- h '35 31"W'tW -"`'5 f age Webb and`Amme1,t.Price,_whi1e m,_ I was born in Barrie and after going to . . `T ` t t it th "t Vti lone McLe1lan'rece1ved a box. fl`b1(1)sionresos. `ll: naa"t?een 1% Sggrrhgalltg chocolates ;and roses. The men s{for some time and" left `on Jan- prize went to Les, Chittickl V It was`liaI`y 4 for his Winter` home in Cal- a` cup and'_sau'cer given by A_ F. A_ ! ifornia but died a- few days after Malcomsom `Atmmedy trio was put . his arrival. The body was brought . bltT t'f'l`bll dthf- on by Messrs- Hubbard. Dler 3ndle1}:l{to(<))k(;)ll(z)1rceoor('1) Jail? lsfmne i still- Cameron `and `there were selections vived by his wife, three sons and one by a girls" string` orchestra. . daughter, all of Toronto, and a brother, `A Icannnu nf Tnnnnfn 'lUl'mn `I ;-.1. T Au- An tn` | Rev. .Neil Camvinbell "of Barrie Vwillg `have charge of the services at Thorn- ton`, Ivy and.Ba;xter, Sunday; Jan. 30. >n _- _--nu-- nun vvrnnilhl \rl1\llJ I On `the twelfth anniversary Ki-3' wanis, the Barrieclub splendid talk George; Down-- town Club, Toronto, 1 on the history` and aims of" the organization; Geo.? Hubbard presided L and were, Harry'Barron.i _ ierewon `attendance prize,; tie given by J, E. Bilrlingsley. ; n TIT.-ml`...-..-.A..'.. LL- n1._1_ 1-,-:11 year. _ This morning the Finance Com-; mittee. heard two deputations, one- from _the hospitals of the county re- garding indigent patients and the} other from the Trent Waterways As-,' sociation, asking a grant. nug- ear. mu: A policy-~ to protect the County from liability for accidents on high-I ways will again `be taken out this! year. i [for $5. " L` w. ca uura. - . . I The County?s shares in the Agri-Ti` cultural Joint Stock Co. will be sold to the Barrie Agricultural Societyf for $5. - . A \ . V\I\`:nuv J... _..-L-_L 1.1.- '11. . I '1.u1.' ua .cuuuuua.D10n scnool. I There are 85 inmates in the House of Refuge, according to -the` inspec-. tor s report. " $100 was granted` `to the Simcoei Foresters. FIWL- I`|-.-..L__l__ _L,,, o '.u A - ` -._-.._..--., c-vs-ovvvvlvll, Jultbllllyo _ ' [ Severn Bridge asked a- -grant of $1000 to assist in establishing a con- , tinuation school. Edgar asked a grant ' [for its continuation school. ' mknvn nan Q: 3uumnL..... 3.. LL. 7?. n - I I I I The vWarden s banquet is , to be held this-(Thursday) evening. . \ Chairmen .of the Standing Com- mittees are as follows: Finance, Glov-I er; Roads` and Bridges, Scott; Rail-. ways and Canals, Templeman; House I of `Refuge , Jebb; Legislation, Bates;_i Reforestation, McKnight; _Conti'ng'en-i cies, Coomhs; Equalization, D`enney;' County Property, Mc`Cuaig'; Printing,i McLeod; Education, Hambly. i Q nnnn Una -` H `D- .3..- ._u...I ( -` _--- 2--tuj $DG&J `OF 72\OWENvSTREET.- BARAIE VBRIEF NOTES 01? % l . 'C0g:Y COUNCIL; .149BTL9s9TsALE CLUB .-*LL- L-__,In.I o _ 'ugoRNT5N uAI1I`Ill l\lIIKI ` After a protracted illness Henry Kir- by died last Saturday; in the Royal Victoria Hospital at the age of 78 ' years. ,,'Born in Hampshire, England, "the late `Mr. Kirby came to Canada gut the age of 2-2 and lived for aetime `in West Gwillimbury. He had been `a. ;r.esident of Barrie and Allandal for i many Iyears. Mr. Kirby was one of the oldest-members -of Allandale L.O.L. and also belonged to R.B.P. 601.. He -hail belonged to the Salvation Army for forty~two years. His wife died seven years ago and the is survived by two daughters, Mrs. S.` Henson. Stayner, and Mrs. Albert Crawford, Allandale; `one brother. Alfred Kirby, Schomberg'. and a sister, Mrs, Thos. McQuillin,` Collingwoocl. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. under the aus- pices of the `Royal Black Preceptory, from Salvation Army citadel, where services were conducted by. Capt. Diicflnson, to -St. Paul's cemetery, In- n s . ' ' Ixnn E5 3 :3 A Animal: `V -v uv--I 1 death occurred in California 'Jan._ lrieand `the jpast years." Mr. who was sixty-two of age, going ;"1`oronto went into the contracting `'business; He had been in poor health {for times iuary 4 but died .his back to Torontoo'r burial and the fun- eralvtook place on Jan. 18. He is sur- vived Toronto, James. of Toronto. Mrs. John Kelly of- Barrie is. a niece. Among those from Barrie who attended the funeral. were gGeorge Cameron. J. W. Cameron,.M. J. Brennan, James Brennan and John Kelly. . . . . . . _ _ -\ruvaTnA\l 5 manual I 3! On Thursday` night of last week ;!the young people of Central United` -,church, presented a missionary play-9 :`let `entitled \The_ Conversion of the A `. g'Honorable Mrs. Ling in the Sunday: [school room of the church. The fol-v E;lowing' comprised the cast: Misses; . ;Evelyn Kig`htley,.Jean Lowe, Winni-5 t vfred Appleby, Audrey Partridge, Ha- 2 fzel Partridge, Norma Johnston, Mil-; 2 :dred Chown, Hazel Appleby and Bet- .,`ty- Kightley and Wm. BaIlantyne,.| :Jack Walsh, Arthur Carscadden, Har- ` wry Partridge and Bobbie Parr. Be-' ltween the acts readings were given} by Miss Jean Lowe and Mrs. Frank :lEKe1cey. ` V _ l ;w ` . '1` jawwmwwmmwmwwmwwwf I _ ,7 V -`B ` \. --Buy Sta~untpn s _Sen}-trimmed 1jf ,`,`O{ `wal1paper,-T 22-m. wlde mstead of _; a tie iold 18-in. For sa1e.by W. A; Loweihad cc ;& Son, Elizabeth St. V " tfciand 0 fhn rm `g$&&&&a&&&&&wa&g! `u. uuuuut-:u,. d. In mumgsley, U1`. IA. '1`. Little`, Dr. R. J. Sprott; Sides- Imen, J. E. Billingsley, S. Blackmore, 5H. A. Sims, Robt. Holt, D. H. Cole- man. A. S. Morrow, J._ R.` B_oys,* H. H. .;Creswicke, Dr. R. J. Sprott, W. H. ' %G. Marwood, M. H. Esten; Dr. W. C. iLittle,'E._ C. Channen, Chas. O Gon-`. nor, F. Shannon, R. H. Johnston, J. Kennedy, Horace Coles, R. Harrison,] . . Fos, r, H.-`C. Channen;.Advisory.a`. Committee, H. A. Sims, J. E. Billings- ` gley, D. H. Coleman, T. Shepherd, Dr. ?A. T. Little, H. C. Channen, C. R., Kendall, Dr. -Sprott, Mrs. R. J. San-5` ilderson and Mrs. W. J. Simpson. A MRS. THOS. J. ELLIOTT A dtmfh nnnumua nn 1\.fn.-.A.-.- 3A Mxs~s1oNAR/FLXYLET |.. |'l1L.-_.__`l---` -- OBITUARY HENRY K|RBY- -._-4.__ -L _ _-u n run a. special U`8.ll1 I0 Meaford. The game between Collingwood and `Meaford ended up in a near riot. VVith Collingwood leading by 2-1 and only a. couple of minutes to `go, one of the Meaford players poked the puck into the net. The referee; Lou Vair, upheld the umpire who declared that the rub- ber was pushed in through a hole in the back of the twine and immediately a number of fans swarmed on the ice. Order was restored and the game was finished. Meaford are entering a. pro- test. ,,_.._._. __ Jan. 25-Miss Lee arid `Miss Beard spent the week-end with Bradford friends. V - 117 T T A _ _ _ . -3 ._1_.1_., ,1 - Gua1;a;nteed'};i;}:est'jirice paid.. ' Phone 384 or write H. LEVIT, Barrie Will "b: T at home all day - `Satur- day;_'Wednesday `till ,1 p.m.; othr days before 9 a.m. and after 8 p.m. PHONE" ORDERS ANY TIME. uuy wuu ueiroy Irlenas. V Congratulations _to VVi1fred Jack who has returned. home` from Kingston. having successfully passed all his engineering examinations. . 1\rTi~: Ahnvnnthu ur\n~nI- <:4..a.....a..-. :.. ens,-u1t:e1'1I1g exammauons. ` . Miss Abernethy spent Saturday in Toronto. Rev, James Brown attended the funeral of his uncle , Jas. Brandon; at` Edgar on Saturday`. - Pvinr tn HA1` nnr:nv-fur -o Pnn `L1'.~......"l4..... &wwa&ww&w&mw%& &&mw&&m&m%m%&m$l LIJICIIUS o W. J. Leonard" shipped a. car of fence and telephone poles to the Boake Co. of Toronto, last week. , - Mr. and Mrs. Mccouish entertained a. number of. their friends on Friday ev- ening. ' 1\/nee Nlfcna-Inn `D.-dd ....-..a. ..--.... (V--M mung. Miss Marjory Reid spent over Sun- day with Lefroy friends. (`tnnszmhulnnmu +n 1x.m+`m.1 -r....1. mam By reason of Col1ingwood`s defeat of Meaford last Friday night, Barrie re- gained the position they lost in the . local junior O.H.A. group when Mea- 'ford defeatedthem here. Barrie and Meaford are tied for first place and if the Colts can repeat their winning performance over Collingwood here on Friday night and then win in Meaford' the `following Thursday night the group `is theirs. Manager Doyle may run a special train to Meaford. The gnmn hnfurnnn r1n1n.-.........,..: ......-1 . I Central retained their hold on first place in the phurch League by defeat- : ing St. Andrew's 2-1 on Monday night, I while th three-cornered tietwhich ex- .i`sts bet een Trinity, St. Mary s and, - 9 Allandale for second place was unbro-' B ~ken..,Al1_andale, the only one of the, rthree--teams to pla'y,sdefeated Baracas; _,`2-_0. In the first `game al1 the goals! . were scored in the first period, Ballan-I gtyne and Garrett scoring for Centrali 'jan_d Roe for St. Andrew's. In the se- -;cond* game N'ess found the nets in the .' first frame and Kelcey got the second , goal in the final period, - _____________ . ;0R|LLlA BEATS CAMP BORDEN ! ; 9 T0 2 IN sue-zeno WEATHER _ Only. the real hard-boiled hockey `fans braved the bitterly cold `weather! .on Wednesday night to see Orillia.'de- .ffeAat Camp Bowlen by 9-2 in the las_t local intermediate game of the season. Although the Airmen held Orillia to la. in the first period, the visitors I had considerablly the better of the play `and only good work by McEwen in the nets prevented them from scoring a number of goals. The_ Airmen, how- ever. deserved more than the two goals with yvhich they are credited on the score sheet. They were through several times and at least "three times "they missed the open net. __________ R.A;YYfFiJ..3V`2iNTD IN cEN'rRAL .S-;|LL ON TOP ~ KEY LEAGUE CHURCH HOC -1 n o o n U 00 25` ....'10. 25 l 2.0! *18 ` . ' (* below zero). . ;26th, 8 a.m., 28 below, noon, 22 be- ] low, 4 p.m., 18.below; 8 p.m., 23 I; below, midnight, 26 below. `27th, 8 a.m., 13 be'low, noon, 4 above. -` W. H. BUTTERY. :- STROUD V - - - - - - - I February 11, Friday , at 2.30, do! ,drop into afternoon tea and sale of` [homemade baking, auspices Women s ,Institute, Orange Hall,` Thornton.4cI I A . ou pct` wuru; 'm1n1mum 50c pf ` $w&&m&a&mmmm&w_ R% F $&@%%$$%%$%$%&! COMING EVENTS >2 I in nu... ..........1- . -1"! _-_._r p A 3c per word; `minimum 50c Q ' K4 >3>F>X<>X<>Y<>E>Y4 mm.mm.Y.m.v;l ALL ORDERS must be .paidA\for `in full on or before March 31st, 51927. * .. ~ BARRIE INSURANCE BONDS our our THIS ADVERTISEMENT and present it at our `Studio. We will accept it as two dollars on ac_- Acountfor orders of onehalf dozen or more photographs `in cabinet size or larger. If your order totals fifteen dollars or morelwe will allow double. ' A DEPOSIT OF `ONE DOLLAR cash must be made when sittig is made. . THIS SPECIAL OFFER aptjlies to new orders only. ackson, 1 hotog%mpher In cLean~,br1ght Aluminum All parents desirous of having their children immunized against diphtheria are strongly advised to co sult their family physician for treatment. Toxoid, the immunizin agent, is supplied through the local Board of Health from the Provincial Board of Health Laboratories. This agent confers a lasting immunity against this dread disease. - Phones 789 and 489. _P.O. Box` 562. -._._ -..,_---.-. an Ina`annnlvAI\IId JIVJLIKVYI ' where insurance in all its `branches will be handled. Life -- Fire--- Accident -- Automobile -- Plate Glass -- Burglary J11? **4*2 7 n I - _ NOTICE or Low. BOARD or HEALTH - RE DIPHTHERIA IMMUNIZATION 3. A. STEPHENS, Chairman. -_v-> ANNOUNCEMENT When you serve RED ROSE ORANGE- LPEKOE to your family you aregiving` them the best tea you can buy. Enquiries `solicited from those interested in" CANADIAN MINING .i Your Friends VVant Your Photograph GET A NEW ONE MADE Now UNDER OUR SPECIAL OFFER: The undersigned beg to announce t hat they have opened a f"'.`lII',`I'I II IllI'!8\ A III!!! A lI----4--- , _. ............. - rnuuuuuuuw: rune ulall DI F irst-class Companies Only Represented. . WE soucnf YOUR PATRONAGE. ` Crown bife Office, King Block, Barrie. -.-_ -.....- lI\r\Q vv uu uuuuuuuc uuab Lue nave 0 en 0 5 GENERAL .!N!lR,AN.CE AGEN . , .. .- - IIVBAVA 1\`VlV1I'|nl\1r\r.I\ . G. F. DOYLE & SON `is good teg Eyesight Specialist ` BARR}!-2 Hours:'9 to 12; 1 to 6 Saturday till 10 p.m. Evenings by appointment Phone 80. 39 Elizabeth St. ROPE-RT 1.1- SMITH DAILY QUOTATIONS ,A. T. LITTLE, M.O.H. I07 MINES