I. Read The Examiner and ;:.'et all_ the i local and district news-82.00 a year. HCCCC "v;CCC!--C_--C--C-_---I I A\!ll'A' I33 1!!-II-nu!-Ir!!! I\IsI\I-Arc r-::_-::-:CCCZCCCZCI SANTA ma ssnvxca BUREAU I , . Trnnnnnrndnn RIzIa__ nofnnlt, I ..c.......':::;.:'.:=*...:-:'...'m-...:*...,.= "M Then will be _._i persons In party. LNIA PIS SERVICE BUREAU T';'.r:.':;*.`:.=.;::;"~`- -my vuuunsu Aw suusucuuxo G. uycuuu. \_)Cl.7VlCC Bureau, in charge of its representative at Detroit, Mich. ` This Bureau is prepared to assist inplanning a winter trip tothe Southwest and California. Detailed infor- mation furnished about railroad fares, slee er rates and hotel accommodations, as well as sig tseeing trips. Complete itineraries on request. You will find this service very. helpful, as a time saver and money-saver. You are invited to use it freely. Fill in and mail coupon below and we will do the rest. /- QISHE LPUHI UH! `munun. (1)3010 ny MPH. M.@'1`raln was much enjoyed. Mrs. Tyrer gave her\ report on the annual convention held in Toronto. Dnnawnvn nnvnrnlftnn Inn Wnhnulnwtr In Igcggnrzuon neg`; Detroit. Mich. ` u:. :::".`.`.`:*...`.'.*.`:..'.'::':*...,.'* '.:.':""- "W W ' ' Expect to be sway about. wee`ko. Also mall ducrlptlve travel folders. r*** I Inna-h--1---nuqufnunununnnyuunu------I ; u "mess ms amac: E-it`-L'.'i! W 1 United Fume 3 brothers 1., spent a Wyevale (Held over Vtrox`:; A,11e.It flweelt) V - ' Lv'I.oAv rm -` The Elmvale L.O.B.A. No.-435., el- `Deted `their ottlcars for. this years as `lollows: W.M-..' Sister 1 . Rowley: 1). IL. Sister Ella Ritchie; Chaplain. Sia- ter Aggie Wright: Rec. Sec yA.. sister ,.3Iattie Arnold: Fln._- Sec y.. Slater, Gladys `Archer; Treat. Sister Olive; Stunning: 1}. or 0.. Sister Annie Rit- Bhle; let Lect.. Sister .R.'Roblnson: tat Com.. Sisters .1. Mills. M. Lang- lum. Lylla Ritchie, Kelley. Ethel Rit- chie; 2nd Lect.. Sister Gladys Beards-. cll; Guardian. Bro. Will. Archer. By WINNER Wedding stationery, choice in quality and correct in style, at the Barrie Examiner printery. 201;! Jan._ 18---Mrs. I. Spring spent a few days this week with her aunt, Mrs. W. Culbert of Bond Head. 11115:: Tnnvu Rlnuoin 8- uuuu II {II cu-86-In VV. \.zUlUUl.'l. UL JDUHLI I165-U. Miss Jean Martin in very,ill with pleuro-pneumonia. Pafnr Rnr-inc` ha: rnfnrnn fv-nrn "Par- pu-:u1.'u- pucuuxuluu. > Peter Spring has returned from Tor- `onto and is staying with his son, I. M. `Spring. I Mica Tlain Pnhinunn `luff horn Ina} Miss Elsie Robinson left here last `week to take a course in nursing at Nassau Hospital, Long Island, N.Y._ 1' IA qnnann n4>+nnr'lar1 I-Inn nnnnn`l Al I Dp1'lLl5 . .LV.Llll.Ulll5 o Walter Jones returned home on Monday after a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. 1\II'nn. Tl7lnnvu `Dam!-`nu tn `rut-uvv\t\ no-ni- utcuua 111 .l.Ul.`Ull|.U. Mrs: Wilson Forbes is home again after a. visit with Toronto friends. The regular monthly meeting of the `Women's Institute was held on Thurs- Ilaay, Jan. 18, at the home of . `H try Baker with thirty-one me era and turn vhnltnrn nrmmni-. A hanrtv _......,......_ .......I.,......., ..\...5 ._.w.._, .v. .. ` I. M. Spring attended the funeral of his uncle. the late Wm`. Graves of Minesing. Vfalfnr .Trn-Ina rnfnr-nail `hnrnn nn THURSISAYT "JANUARY 27, 1927 EIGHTH l..INE, INNISFIL IC_---C-----C-----` I ANNUITIES N lllll _uu: ,..; shnuld IN` `inf; wnulrfl I ll \ `A: the slum` i113: of In tiallv it And em! -nun.-. : lK"lll'l' I anon? IV nun. 1.1- All `well- \\ U1 Lll . hmw-\'~1 1ey<>m1 Tue: thrv infez-im'i -Ll. A...\6`.... 1|. 1.` L1 ll`. lift of :1 A67 rm... H mm lllltl AIH tI1m'ofc~ 11.5 llll.` lost. tn s pom`, to 1 less. tn .~ His hm should an order. I: (}()lHI!1- 1>l burdens. ,\...1 1...! 0` pg By Itr-\'. 1: >3 >14 >3 % >24 >14 >71 >X<>X<% K4>I< rc >X I,'u1 Ill and hr- '\',\... THE TRIPLEI (`hr `THURSDAY The irr roasted pliment Which s g%&$ww&aa&*&*$$g for Everyd DAVID r'.Ii)l'o- `-PI`!!! Are to cel Na abo ' g TTTTTT TTTTTTTQ` ` ELM ALE NEWSE r..v..v..n.v...v. any. .v.;v.Lv..v..v..u.v. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE` AS The DEALER. wu-an SELLS rr V r K1`: Mrs. RN11 Woman : Institute __ -__4.I I- __Ln.. Your: cHuI:e:- a Which would you buy if you had ve or six hundred dollars to invest in trans- portation-a small new car, or a larger and higher grade used car? The answer is obvious to" anyone who looks over our selection and knows our reputation for honest values, LIVINGSTON BROS. ` Dunlap St. ~Bnre Jan. 18.-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. _Wz;ezgettN of Ivy spent Sunday with M1 . and Mrs. . W'.'1`. Irwin. ' ' * 'IIv-nunn has I-urn fnnrnu nn flan nnn. _HU-AIIIHB IUSB LU!` $VJl'o VLUl1LUUu Mrs. Hunt returned home .on Sat ur- day after spending a week's holidays ugtlzh her sister. Mrs. Morrison, treeta-_ v e. nvvu: fl #1!-an Inna` rnnnnknlna A` `Jan wgme of the local members of the Alllston Horticultural Society attended {he annual meeting on Thursday even- ng. ~ * fnllnnn Tlnurnnh vnhnvnnil I-n.I"hlu l"%i7allce Downer returned Vto'I"h1s' studies in Wycliffe College after being on the sick list at his home here. (`call 'kYnu1fnn ni-1-nnn O1:-no I-nan!-hnnn U11 U18 BJUIS NHL cu. [NB HUIIIU 116113. I Cecil Newton attended the meeting of Simcoe Presbytery in Barrie this week. ` . - | and a. radio dictionary. Price 50'cents; is obtalnablefrom Hugh 0. Ma.`cLean. 347 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. axi W;1`.`i{:1r11; )`:?'has two tams on the road` today with the snow plow. preparing. the road-for th'e teamsters who arel hziuling logs for Mr. McAee. , I Mvn I-Tun! rnl-nvnn hnrnn` nn Hn'hnv.. Ecnliif w(He1d Ovepfrom Last .Week) FIVSIIVF lII5lII'I`I'\\I II o/%00B MANgAcTURE;g_% LIi~"'i'3: INl_IRANCE COMPANY Fii.. s"5 ?31i1's"S' . A Big Hockey Score T. E. "Harley's hockey team visited the local Tuxis team here on-Friday Jan; 14, accompanied-- by a few young ladies. The weather was exceeding cold; consequently there was` not the usual number of spectators on hand but those who were present saw a good match. Th local youngsters led off with the scoring and soon had a lead. but the visitors got warmed up and - made it interesting and overcame the -lead. tying the score in the last period. At the close of the game the score was 14-12 in favourof Minesing. The goal keepers were given a busy time and made many good stops. After the match the visitors and Tuxis boys were invited to the basement of the church where lunch was served by girl!` of .the two Sunday Sschool classes and as social time spent together. flng NV.-In N..- .._ ......... n--I" 1-1-___-o_n' ll! o An interesting` feature or the pro- jram was a. photo guessing contest. won by Mrs. Jas. Hilland Mrs. R. P. Burton. A social hour was spent over the ten cups. Glen Rebekah Installation T Officers of Glen Rebekah lodge No. 209 for 1927 were installed on Thurs- day, January 13. by D.D.P.. Mrs. Bertha. Dunlop or District 17. Victoria Harbor. with Miss Brown of Victoria Harbor as Marshal, .assisted,by the `following `members of Glen Lodge: 8ec'y., Mrs. Olive Beardsall: Warden, -Mrs. Bessie Ritchie: Chaplain, Miss Gladys Guest. During the evening a {fat g'rand's Jewel was. presented to iss Florence Mann ng.J.P.N.G. Vis- Ifnvvn frvnrn Vlntnr-in `I-Ynvvhmn unama nm:_ among us, uvvunn I-sauna nywlll. \.U5Ul.llUl.`o The Tuxlp line-up was: Goal, Harold Tracey; defence, Arthur Adams, Doug- las Ronald; wings, Hugh Johnston. Daniel Keast; centre, Cyril White: subs`. Merven Parker. Gordon Kent and Robt. Parker, , .'.l`hos. Roe made an efficient referee. I ` Jan. 17-.-:Old Man Winter surely put ,In his appearance over theweek-end. The temperature on Saturday register- ed 25 and27 below in some nlaces and .the fall of snow on Sunday has filled Ithe roads and made them impassable for cars. ml... uunanu G.-.1...-`I .u.....I...-..._...... ....In. "W3-Sa has been received here that Jas.vF1ynn of Beeton. `formerly of Newton Robinson. had passed away. "n 'r'I....4.c.. 1.. n _ . . ..... 4;- ---._-u_ 1.- -2.- _.-.. -..-. _-up-.-.....v.., gouu puuuvun uvvwg u "D. Cotts has gone to work in Mr.` McAfee's bush at Egbert. ~ A V D A rnnf nu Wwiuiv 11734-Iul LVJUAIUUS UUSH HI. L`Jf-{DeI'C. The A.Y.P.A. met on Friday with Maud Stafford in the chair. It was missionary night and after Lloyd `Con- nell had read the scripture passage the speciaiprogram for the evening fol- lowed in the form of lantern slides. These slides, which were "on India.` gave some very splendid and vividly picturesque views of that country, its buildings and its people. There will be no A.Y.P.A. this week on account 01: the practices for the anniversary and Sunday School concert.- Y'r----__._1 tuu____4u, n . can . --_ - vnnvva uvsnvvb In *1.-I.;;vJa.r;1` Chantler of Allisfon called on his grandfather, Jos. Chantler,_on Thursday. M - V/V7. LUIS cums. I The Sunday School anniversary will: be held here on Sunday next, Jan. 23. morning and evening service. Rev. Mr. Irwin `of Alliston is the special speaker. Tgleire will be special music by the c o r.. . . 1Ul'.'.n 1'l7I..H.-...l.:.. 1...... 1...-.. ...x..I- 4.1.--- UllU.ll'o - Mrs. Whlteside has `been sick these last few days. ` , Mv and Mr: ,T nhnnn urn-1` ~T.Inuil gum. LUW uu. . Mr. and rs. J. Cobon and -Lloyd visited at. Wm. _R1tch1e s. Beeton. on Friday. A Inrrrn nnrnhnvv n4 Han mnmkong AG .1` nutty . A large number of the members of` L.O.L.' 209. attended .the `annual dis- trict meetlng in Bradford on Tuesday. L. Cave installed a radio 1atel,v.\ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pulford enter- ltrilrmd a few friends on Thursday lng . TK7-nn kau Boon honnivrnl` `Anna 41...; NEW CANADIAN RADIO BOOK A 144-page radio book which tells in every-day language how to choose. in- Ital. operate and maintain a. receiving set. has just been issued. It is called MacLEAN'S RADIO MANUAL and covers in very simple language the essential features of radio. There` is a very complete. list of Canadianand `United States broadcasting` stations. pavwvv NEwT6ii'hoB1NsoN New A-. -\ `- /- - :70,-630,396. lnsurance.igForceA - - - - 361,166,647. Assets,` - -6 - -6 - - - - - 67,643,709. Dividends to be paid Policyholders in 1927` , 1,633,031. MINESING BRANCH OFFICE-Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio; F. O.-MARSHALL. District, Manager V w. J.-WALKER, Special nopooontaeavo. ` 1-`HE nkluuz Examine: Gama?- . Write for Copy of`Annual Report _ `WOW . 19: 19- `- The report tor, the year showed that ,3808 books were borrowed by the;mem-_ hers last year. There are now in the - Ind under may now become members library 1705 books and additions Willi Ihortly be made. Children fifteen years for 50 cents a year and take books from the juvenile section only. uuuepwu H. p0Sltl0n In '1'O!`Ol'lt0. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webber of Mines- has spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson. 'Il{na Tnnvr `Dn1oI-uh . A0 'l3-.....!.. ..___; AFUIIIB VVHJBUII. Miss Jean Baldwin o- Barrie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wilson. ` A Anon n-you-`ALI... 1.. .;.-_A_: 4.- A an..- .9 Jan. 17,-Miss Isabel! Dawson hos accepted a. position in Toronto. MI`. and MPH TKTrn Vfnhhnn nf `Xingu . uu-3 nume or Mrs. ben. ran` on Jan. 13. The following are the 1927 officers: Pres., Miss Mildred Ford: Vice-Pres., Miss iE1sie Cloughley; Treas., Miss Gladys Harris; Sec'y., Miss Jessie Ho- ward. ' better . Mrs. Wm. Parr spent last week with hler daughter. Mrs. Bert Allan of Bar- r e! I IQIIIIAI \Y!.-... .0 LI... 111..-; .|_ 41.- _.---_A suv.-:=n._uI. ;v.ua.s_ M, rucnarason last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales are ' visiting? at the home of the latter's parents,_Mr.: `and Mrs. A. Jary. Mr: Ian D`? h rnnf uvifln n In-.11! uuewis Nixon of the West is the guest of Mr.` and Mrs. W. Scott. Tho T-Tnlnina 1 .'l nn.-1 hnlnbip guano -6 cu. nu`. uuu Mrs. W. 509. I The Helping Hand Society met at the home of Mrs. Ben. Parr Jan. 12 Thu fnnnuylna urn nu. 1000 ..cm......... Jan. 18-Mrs. Geo. Snider Tentertainedi a few of her friends on Tuesday even- ing`. A pleasant evening was spent 1r_:j playing progressive euchre. . H` has: hnnn nnin in vnabn ooh. pxuyuls pl`U5`!`eBlVB eucnre. ' 5 It has been decided to make exten-! slve improvements to the Cralghurst Hall. The hall is to be r,aised and a; full-sized basement built underjlt. also a. new roof put on. . ! A minmannful nrnnmnemhm aunt"... nu-m UUIIVUIIHUII umu HI 'J'U!'UlHuUu Program committee for February_ is Mrs. Lamerau. Mrs. J. Elrlck: lunch committee. Mrs. D. Rowat. Mrs. M;'. 7Beardaall, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Gra- ham. An Inlvnnnnflnal fnnlru-no l\' Olga vnnn_. a. new row. put un. . 9 A successful progressive euchre was. held in the Hall Wednesday evening" "under the auspices of the committee in charge ofimprovements. 1 I Miss: A, 'I"nrnr.n~ Qhnnhr than you kn Lu uuarsz: un. uupruvements. 1 Miss A. Turner, Shanty Bay, was the guest of Miss` M. Richardson last week. Mr, and `Mm: annaalnu om.-uag.a'+:.....: I nauu Lv.u.'a. A. duty. | Mrs. Jas. Rix, Sr., met with a. bad; `accident on Wednesday evening, Jan.` 8. It seems the trap door of the cellar` was open and Mrs. Rix walked into the` `open space falling to the floor below., Besides breaking her collar bone, .Mrs. Rix was badlyshaken up and cut a-I bout the face. She is doing as well as- can "be e'xpected_. _ I uuapwe:-5:01 cue Angucan congregauon. A carload of hardwood was purchas- ed by the United Church from E. Coombs of Bradford and hauled to town on Wednesday and Thursday by members of the congregation. On Fri-' day the members gathered again and sawed it Into short lengths. - 'l`hn.'hnnl'nv fnnrn nloun Han! an:-nu.-I Jan. 19-Mrs. Eugene McBride is able to be up and is feeling somewhat better. 1\A u`a rm `D.-e . . . . . ....4. 1..-; _.....I- _.us. Jan. 18- --"Mrs. Castator of Toronto was holidaying at the home of her mother, Mrs. Burton, recently. ` 1\/Han Dannie: Tn}-u-nnnn A9 VI`:-M-I-.\-.`l..'.-..... yvaa uuuuayxus cu. uu-J uuuu-: 01'. I181` . Miss Bessie Johnson of Tottenham has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnson. duning the past couple of weeks. , "Rev, F}, M `Rn!-Iran: and h A Mr... [tug at. Auanuuxe on Iuesaay. _ I 6 The Bond Head hockey team have entered the B.T.B. League composed of Beeton, Tottenham and Bond Head. The game on Tuesday evening last was a regular league game and not an ex- hibition match as stated last week. The result" was a win for Tottenham. Lack of practice and the.entire.ab- I I sence of subs handicapped the local boys greatly. (Kn Wrinxr nvnnhnar 4-Inn hnnbnu 1-navy. uuys grtsuuy. On Friday evening the hockey team journeyed to Schomberg to play a. friendly game with the puck-chasers of that village. the resu}t being 4-2 in Schomberg's favor. A nnnlnl ulna HAIR nn 'l`nnaa-`asp nuns-n,_ UllUlllUUl.'5 5 I.U.:VUl'- A social was held on Tuesday even- ing at Jno. Gummerson s under the auspiceslof the Anglican congregation. A nnrlnnd nf hnrwnn mac nnr-nhnu_ '3-`;x'Cx'-'-i'i3-i'x'3x"x&7;x5si'x3'xJi'-x-3| uawcu It H1120 BIIOIT IBIIKIIIB. Thehockey team [played their second league gamejn Beeton on Monday ev- Engng of this week, losing by a. score of I uulug uu-.3 past. uuuple U1 WGBKS. Rev. E. M. Burgess and D. A. Mc- Clain attended the Presbytery meet- ing at Allandale on Tuesday. It The Rnnd T-Toad 'hnr-ltnv fnn-um haunt lu uni] '. jgum V llBUlh Deep sympathy is "extended to Alfred Ifood and Miss M. Wood In the loan LES;l`ABLlSHE_:D 13375 1926 CJWGHURST BOND HEAD -nurry Df WIN! [irty-U119 HIBHIDGFB and two visitors present.. `A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the- -committee on Christmas relief. A let- ter of appreciation and thanks was read trom t e. Superintendent of the `Barrie Hos tal tor. the tlowpr vases gent from t is branch. Apsolo by Mrs.` 'l`rn.ln urns. mlnnh nn1nvnrl_ Mrs. DALSTON iilt`t`llg_ HUI!- E.. The annual meeting of the Dalston ' Women's Institute and Farmers Club 3 was held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 11. :1 in the basement of the church. After "o the business meeting an excellent pro- ; , gram was given, followed by a contest ?;-In which Miss Vera Walt and Mr. 'I Paley were the winners. ' A dainty 1| lunch was served by the women. The ;` nextemeeting will be held at the home 5, of Mrs, Rex Watson on Feb. 9. , . uu.u=. . , 1; Andrew Osborne ,-and his Efrom Sault Ste Marie, Mich., - - few days last week T with [1 friends. - ` I. I `- . cw. ` Wesley Brown is under the doctor s _ care. Ana...`--u ri.-.1........'.. ......a 1.1.. 1....-u_...__ ,-- .u..\..-u 1 Mrs. Wm. `Robinson of Barrie is holi- | daying with her sister, Mrs. Jas. John- ' son. 7111... n........-.1 .........u...... -4: 4.1.- 1\..1...4...._I ~ of their brother,AGeo. R. Wdod of Chic; . ago. ' I 127...`... .s______., g, , u .u u - Library Mutiny - * '_ U i_ The annual meeting of the Eimvaie Library Association was held in the `library on January 17,` .whsn' the ~toiiowing- board for the your 1`927:wsro ,1 ed:--Mrs. W. J. McGuii' Mrs.` iilis Turner. Miss Richmon . John] L. Coe..J. D. Bmart.W. H. Ritchie, W. '1`. Baker, Rev. W. C. Stubbs. Rev. E. E