5118 H1 BXCE 1181114. K11 over Canada, _Dodd s Kidney Pills are retfognized as suffering wo- men's best f?-iend. . They act d_,irec-tly on the kidneys, making them sirong una.-knnibkiv kahuna QFA 3i{.'e' 1' t1"3}n' iii;-Bi}; and `healthy. Diseased kxdneys are l-kg nuns). nu? n{nn_l-nn.+`|av tr? on `"1: Novh` .5cot.ia L`n:l;TJsed Them For! Headaches-, Pain; in the -Back and Urinary Troubled. - .. lSimpson{CornAe.r,' N.S;, Jan.` 17 (Spe; cial) . Mr 1. . _ _ _ . _ _-.1 n.;_1.u.. v:.1....... um- `So Say; Mts. H. C. Deampnd! of Dod s Kiilney Pills i l HERB JUICE is the only medicine for indigestion, gas pains, sleeplessness and a. general rundown condition."_ said Mr. S. G. Seager, 318 Bruce Ave. Windsor. Ont. I was overseas "and ever since the Great Vvar I have suf- fered from. these complsiints. I wasT sing weight at the rate of three pounds .. per month. After taking two bottles of HERB JUICE imagine my surprise. whenm_v condition began to improve. I continued taking it and gained. fifteen pounds in weight. I feel in perfct condition, I would strongly recommend"--HERB JUICE to-`anyone: suffering from indigestion, constipa- tfon, gas pain-s, stomqgx or liver trou- ble. I would not take one hundred doi- lars for the "good HERB JUICE has `done me." . 4 I:'-.. ..-|.|... \Al... .n..-..-.n-...n -..4 u-_n ALL THE FAMILY ,USES THEM WITH | % SATISFACTION; WOULDN T TAKE ONE !A % Humlzggnoums `done me." ' For salqby Wm. Grassland and leaf- ing druggists qverywhere. 3c 3-ux: an Iuueu uuu`lgnr.'." And was it an accident? At the inquest it was. That was the 3 verdict. Biit when people began poking, `round they found it wasn't. I needn't go into it all. a.nd'.ein fact. I have only the outline _of the business. -but the things that came out were these. First. `a big, solid block of cash was missing. Second, Nachbar was [linked up with that missing cash. Then.people began ;to `hunt for things. I llYl.__L AI.,-_ ,, . ` ' Pleasant Home Treatment Workii Fine: Used By Doctor For Many Yuri; . - .-...,... -..- ununguauu ! First. they got no change out `of sNachbar. He produced letters and 1351-, lpers by the boxfujx to show that his` dealings with Roberts were straight---_ iforgerles, no doubt. but good ones, es- gpecially since the victim was a, dead un--you can bett her life Nachbar ' was sound on this. e's the real brainy =ba,d man. all right, all right. Things `were kind of -tied up untilka fellow from the` American Department of Jus- 1 t_tice `hogan to find the trail of the`! uvder. He found out that Nachbarl ad been in the district where Robertsf .was shooting, atvthe very time of the 9 murder." f`11n.~......o ......_ _..4.n_-_, _LA,,A`_ a nun . u unurut-:1`. 4 , | Clement was rather startled. That sounds rather crude for :1 crimina1'of ,Neuburg's pnopenslties," he said. ` 5 u'.\*r....... u ........_n. ____._1_ n, _ . . . N ....=,... la.-V.-nu;-onus, Au: Batu. ` . Nope. it wasn't crude. He traveled- Iby a different railway system to a tilt. lfV.\n4-8_u.A ._ __...- In. :1: w---r1u uur-|I'II'\Enl I I Chickens and . fowl `ere~the most` jprominengaoffering o a rather slim market 1` -tendance, was small and if produce was - somewhat lack1ng.- either was `the de- nma nd`-heavy. The b tterly cold weather was no _doubt responsible in \a `large degree `for the -small attendance.- Chickens brought tztom 28 to 30 cents a pound and most of those who had birds for sale disoosed of them. But- gift` .was 8airly- plentiful and sold for Om ' f (want: 9 nnuun I7`:-u-nu-. ` t Saturday morning. At-} gpedp1e- into the wilds. Vvell. Roberts ! ggoes shooting into the wilds and there :is a bad accident. I-Iis gun bursts and- ,`-he is killed-outright-." I And In: if on onnhinnoo I ww&&&$$&&m&mmm 3 %$im$&i&&maa& sA1'u RDAY MKef' _ rn.':..v._.__ ._ .1 4---- v "A"A"A"A_`_'A"A"ST TTTTTT THE MARKETS ` m'm mmm.7. mm m.`mm.\ r.mm K. %K9g1).pf_e & Co; Imperial! Royalties Company ' announces that the regular Monthly. Dividend sf one and one-half per cent. (1% %l} will" be payable on January 31st to shareholders of `record of January 25th. This is .Monthly Dividend No. 76 making, a total of one hun- dred -and thirty-four and one- half .per cent. (1341/2%`) paid to sh_areholde_rs since organiza- ,II `nan \\'.'UH. L0 llllll IUIII." \ < i It was another hour and a all? be- fore they reuohed- Cnhnlt.` He e they lam-nncl that the tactics of Mr. Neuburtzl hm! {ttzc-,(nnpl!.%he(1 all that that vlllainf de+:ir Heloise and the communion Medu Srnythn had left. They ha'd= mlmn Hclmis-3 to North Buy. By this time Hwy -We-PE`. nlrea.(1y beyond North Bay and any telephone message tha.u_ could lm yxnt thm'e_. - [ ,,,s 1,,.__, A`__ _-_"._'__,_v __A uau vpl':l.' ucuh. `L0 -.1`/2"/0-} paxa to, shareholders smce organ1za- `txoh m Aprrl,_1920. IMPERIAL ROYALTIES . COMPANY` , . `By J. E. Horn" Iulllllt Torbnto and London` " Ontarjio V `mv1DEND NOTICE ---\\/any auunnu._v QJLIIAIIII Lb (Continued on Daze 10) I 7 Limitsd No. 76 500? .4-45c` 24-25c 28-30c on- I Buy Advertised Things. V Examiner Adlets are great sales- men and they work for ljttle pay... 25 cents a week. _ - _ ' I ` (couuuued from me? weoki All the name. he had to` tire betoz"e`he" was ready. He had worked round. to 8. fairly good position, when he saw no ` more than the. hands ot.'_ Blwashlthe: zreet was covered) doing a peculiar; hlug. The hands seemed to be rolling , nhza-nu-nun The hands: riinhad roll- Fur Rendelling .Repair1g IIAIIE-XII A iv 2&1; `id TAILORESS and DRE5_SMAKER ' 2 Adelaide St.V_ Tel. 1053W .. L. R. ORD ' . CIVIL ENGINEER , Ontario gnd Dominion Land `Surveyor 133 Blake St.. Barrie. I Phone 623 _' "I""""'5 `mum:-: Maxi.-`.RN;N. 58 Small 8t_. f 'w_ELcH, CAMPBELL 3. . LAwLsss , Chartered Ahcountanfs Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto` [-1. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer 'I`.. E. Lawless. C.A, Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. MAUDE E. CL_AXTON. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal : Pupils prepared for Toronto Co nserva- tory of Music examinations leading up to and inoluding A.T.C.M. degree; Studio--Klng Block. Phone 424 EDMUND HARD! Mus. Bac.. F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano. Organ, Vocal, am} . Musicai Theory. .~ I Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory 01 Music and Univm-nitv-nf Tnrnhtn `B. M. SYLVESTER ' Teacher of Music Bandrkaster Barrie Citizens" Band Formerly Ditjector of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmast-er lot 134th o.s. Bn.. bandmaster of 75th 1`.-n.nno.-. a....s.:..|_ 15.-.... ' vuvlunlnlv ununrt U! NURSES Barrie Branch . A Residence, 86 Worsley`St. Pho_ e 751W WELL BABY \CLINI I from 2 to 5 o <'>lockT every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through your doctor. _ yrs. 3:. u. IUHNBULL Graduate McGill University. Montreal. `Office and Residence--Cor;- Elizabeth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. -Phone 105. Office hours: ` _ 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 pans. 7-8 pm. $---1-99 me gun." ; "Aw I ,t::nt the gun. _but you didn't; get. that-. hm! mam." ~ 1 "He muszt be :1 pretty sick man. any-: how," snlitl Gatlneau. pnifntlng to the. blood. He can't be far 0 ." I They followed the trail. It wormed- in and out of the rocks. and against! some of them wan `a. smear or blood. Then suddenly, acrosa an open space ringed with rocks. they lost it. Slwash. had evidently staunched the flow be-! fore he had m'ns.=xed t.hi.su nlzme. They. stared at the rocks. the hard surface or. which ..sbnwed no footprints. They: could see no sign of movement. T 5 He might be at any point of thee rmmpm-is there." said (Element. "We? might. hunt all day for him, and not find him, .And we d0`n`t n:u'tlcularl.V' wzun. to find him." ' ` l fl iltuu nnnfkn hrnnv and n hall ha-` VVICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Ban-in Bllh ,- a. A. UUHBETT ' NOTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancer, in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- irzmging of loans,` etc. Insurance of 1 kinds. Executor, Administrator a d Eustee. Thornton. Ontario. 4-52ci } ,:____j__}_ 2- _..-....- V-.4 -vlnug uuqlu :(`-oron to Sc.ot.tish Regt. I. PLAXTON a PLAXTON li3ARRIs'rERs, so ICITORS. -ETC. 1 Offices: 707-8 ent'Building, a Toronto. `Ont. , . C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon` Plaxton I James O. Plaxton ' ' on. w. A. LEWIS I - Surgery and Diseases of Women [Associate Coroner County of Simcoei - ' ---sn1r`l_._ uri. W. H. UAKSUN `_ Graduate of Toronto Universityx Phoqe 61 Off1ce--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 and 6.430-8 po.m. I urges. LIITLE &. LITTLE 'Physici ns and Syrgeons, Barrie, Ont. lofflce nd Residence-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., in` by appointment. Phone '213. ` AT. T. Little, M.D. VV. C. Little, M,B.l _ R. MORTIMER LYON " 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto. M Will be at 91 Owen St.. Barrie. I First Saturday of each month. ~DTseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-11 a.m. to 5 a.m. Barrie, phone 2. Toronto, North 33261 Physician and Surgeon`. Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 [Mary St. . Phone 101 [Office hburs: s-9.30, -2.30. 6-3.30.] | , ! Ilfln l`o W. , '41.." J. SIMPSON. M.B. t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I Office and Residence---Collier~St.. cor- |ne_:r Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275.| V . ll`! 1!. ua;r{n.> esnurireu. . He saw Siwaish jerk and dive for- ward out of sight. He thought he had hit, but did. not waste time speculating on the matter. He nipped forward rap- idly to. close with the brute. He had covered `halt the distance when 'he. heard 2; shout. and aw the detective Ciatineztunn the ground where Siwashn had faiien~ and` disappeared. Gatineuu stood upright. but drew no shot. Clem- eni. discardd cover and ran. scramb-. ling over the rocks to join him. tr- ........L-.I LI... .......4. B........l ,`n`-I-uouvnun -~ `g BOYS 3.. BOYS ` . Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public 4 A. conveyancers, Etc. 4 Money to.'Ioan a.x`lowest rats of,-1-n-` terest. 0ftice-13`Owen St.. in Mason- -ic Temple `)Buil.ding`. Barrie. 4 RP!) hh (\ffinA:Ii"Jrn In: `A r1.--I\I1I.V Ion-II \l\I II l'\Il Barrister, Solicitor for obtining pro-' bate of wills. uardianship and ad- ministration. Ge eral S--Hcitoi-_. Notary. Cnnvnkmnnnr my - uuuuuu auuu. |.`l'Ul`.lUl'.l Fllcl - Conveyance: -Ir {Office--Hinds Block, 9 D1 5 Ba.rx_'1e._ ~ MONEY F " H. H. CRESWICKE T Barrister, Soclu-,r, Notary, (etc. | MONEY T0 LOAN. `Ross Block. Barrie I M "DUNCAN `F. McGUAl-G. B.A. ' Successor to\CrsWicke & Bell > BARRISTER; SOLICITOR, -ETC. MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block. Barrie B n ! DR. FRED A. Ross 3 Fommerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie ` `Late Surgeon Specialist with" the Imperial Arm-y, 41/2 yea.rs.. * General Surgery and Obstetrics _ ' especially. L L Office--140 Dunlop St., Barrib 1 Phone 710 P. 0. Box 1078 ` gum muuuust. 1\or0ntq conservatory 01' and Universxtyof Toronto. 113 Vvorsleyo St. Phone 683. _ I Na 0: EIJ"_I'IIJ3C BUVVHHUU V Architects nndzstructurai Enginlort : ' ~ ` 18 .Toronto St..- Toronto. ` l R. J. Edwards, G_. R. Edwards. B.A.Sc nu unupne nuunmg. b8.!`I`lB. * Branch Offipe-Elmvale. VV. A'. `Boys. K.C., M.P. J. R. Boys. ........._..uuw - up ru-uvuvIuIVIJ~ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. E \Masonic Temple Building, Barri . MONE-Y TO L0 AN - lQJl'_\ 1.1:`.-u nu-u nwuggu aw i`! . . . . o u . .- Ho reached the spot. fnund Gatineaml but no Slwash. 'I`h_ere was blood on the` ground leading away through__' the. rocks. (`Jemrmt was about to ask. ques- tions when, with a loud Got it. Steve." A the" driver 13-rambled into sight. He had a. large automatic in his hand as- well. as his own revolver. , -4 L1... _-..._1_b_. H ..I.....L...I G. .3. are: BURNS ;z -6 \(Over Frank Dutchex-`s grocer; L store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal Adjustment and Massage Electric. Vibratory `and Magnetic ' Blanket Treatmenta Patho-Neurometer Service . Phone 405J for appointment -wuvru-nu ;vIv\i9p I-I--9`: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.` Masonic Temple Building, Barrie . MONEY TO LOAN uunu_uIV LUNGNIAN Barrister, Solicitor; Notary, MONEYV TO LOAN \ vRoss Block._ Barrie RADENHURST e. 'l-IAMMOND KDDTGTEVDQ mrvr 1 AAAA '-urn R.` J. EDWARDS Ac; EDWARDS nL:`AnL- an-J'.--nanbn-cl =I|l;n`- DRS. LITTLE &. LlTTL_E ticiamz and Sui-nnnno Ran-.- DONALD .:nos's. LL.`B-. DI)`lC1"l\`l`l1 1-.\1' -Iruvn-.~u\ - DR. *5. G. T R ate Mnaill I1'nRm.E5.9Ln%n n1g_uyy" -- l I 4\u.vu.ui \1ll|.lll!.`-1'1 u_ was UUII1[)l6l.el.V We .~m.w him go down `smash! when mystified as well as aghast at this at.- -you tired," explained the ~de`ctective., titude. He was atzhaslt that this stupid Ho. Him: right into sight before d'rop- _ fellow should talk so that all the world. pim: out of it; his gun dropped out of; could hear. He was mystified. be- his hand. hit that rock, there and went; cause. unless Clement Seudon had sud- boumzlng down to the font 0 the.out- denly lost his senses. this dashxto Or - ..,op_ _ _1 gu(gj.j8 you mg 111 powerful. min was obviously not at all the thing I came up here quick to get him it he" to do. ` ' ' wasn't done. while .the driver went tor` :1 also found out--" he" began. the gun) You found out the next train to you d1an't;Orill1n?" said Clement loudly. ...,.; n-.-.4. L...I ....... H (`nHnnnn nnvnna-1 an than no H... I;.l:EXANDER cow_AN. . L-.. nu-n bnoon LONGMAN 3 min`... c1_u_.:._,_ . j-.T DR. N. W. ROGERS hV'i(",i9 11 A n H Qnvn-nnn E. cpsmzv CHIROPRACTIC J. A. CORBETT PTT R`l Jr" (`Van uuuu .. *'A1z1-m'Ia\c`r`s -MEDl_CAL MUSIC VYUIDEIH Ill-'5 UWII l\'~VU|VUI v "Say. you`-',:{.$nt him _pret.V.'- shouted! the" driver; "But where is that bad- m.'.v.n'!" Hun. unu. hi. on dnuyn `un\nah" whnn JLAVI \.a\J|.]l ---and-- II I.I (`Al LEGAl.._ 5--1.1 a..lIl. to D DJX1. l 3326 1 ock, Dunlap St., To LOAN Ulv NIB-TV `IV. `LOAN! Vi etc. ll `of Ill'6(l. - V` He had to fire. He recognized si- wash's game at once. Siwash meantto hypnotize the men below with that cigarette smoke. With their eyes fix- ed on that. they would not notice they feilow was worminground them. The first intimation of his tactics they would get would be shot from their exposed flank. and that shot would be aimed to kill. Clement recognized this in a. tiaqh;-e.nd41jired. He saw Siwalsh jerk and dive - Tl11eB;arrie Eftaxiner . Puhllnhoad -avarv Thumdav after-nm uv- arc UVlII`I`I|'\Il` . Funeral Director` ahd Ernbalmer Ambulance Service - Phone 431 Motor and Horse Equipment Cor. Mary ind Elizabgth _8ts.. Barrio - --w 91*.----' j""" "" pu},1uned, vevery '1`h`unsda.3T'_-;;t_ernoon at the Post Office Square. Barrie. Sub. scription ,_Price--Canada and Great Britain 82.0.0 per year in advance (in arrears ,$2.50).: - United -states, $2.50 per! year in advance. Both old and. new addreses should be given when changeot address `is requested. CAN- CELL_A';'1~`IQNB--*W 9 find that most or our `sinbgscriberfprerer not to have 5 their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit` before expiration. While subscriptions will-snot be carried in ears over an extended Deriod, yet,&Eless me are notified to cancel, we a ume the subscriber wishes the -service continued.` REMITTANCES should. be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. t J . A. MacLax-en. Editor /, W. C. Walls. Manager It you have not plenty of whter, bet- ter see T. H. Rutledge about drilling a well. I guarantee water and drill with gasoline--no woodeor water to haul. I I have~.two machines and the prices are reasonable. Write or none me and I will call on `you; I`. H.,RUTLEDGE, Shelburne, Ont. P.O. Box 122. - Phone 122 ,v___ ----vuju 'Ol'9II`|i8Vt- ;nd Choirmaster Collier Street~ United Church. .All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY; VOICE PRODUCTIO1\' and SINGING (all examinations).` ALSO Mrs. Emmie Wilson - Contralto Vbcalint- l=n+...o..:..-- .....a . For interview arid terms, apply at V 62 Ross St. : BARBIE 3 Phone 2491` u.--u -runuuai; 111,801] Gontralto Vocalist, Entertainer and Elocutionist ' Singing. Speaking. Public Oratory . and Dramatic Expression. 'rjHuRsDAY;` JANUARY 20, 1927 Hoitace wasn, _.A.R.c.o. Motor `ambulance in connection BARBIE, ONT. : Phone 82. uulu IN .'~'.'IL l.lllH't9.- ` I '!`Iro_y Ind vanished into the nm'zqf of . u:-.~.ow~-.i-- I a an vvnuu avrrulnu Al SEbTlS_BOOKSTORE Your READING Needs ARE `WELL surnuan AT \'t\p\I-Iwuon 15:; 4-. a.-...__ _ ---v- - go-nwvsvl Illlll Embalmel I OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 `Elizgbe'h St. : Phono 218. `where we; are equipped bettelzthan ever ya attend to all your wants in the Harry Barron :-j-.-. "I E6} Hot Water Heating and * 7 PLUMBING flo ulcuuuiin, "Igrog IJEPK. 12-4, 46 Bloor Street Wst, Toronto. "E ` Y,',I'HIN(_3 ny % WIWi7AF Agent` for McClary s Furnaggea. uuuuwuu III: CI-Illlclasi nuay IIICISI3 'in any. one of SHAW TWELVE BUSINESS TRAIN- IRII` Cl`I.ll\f\`I Q `l_`__;.__ v..v..-.- _------_ If you. want your children to have alert minds. vsouud nerves, niddy cheeks aglow with health. it! `I.,,, , , -,I - II give them` OLAJEll--Thpy lovg 1 vvnuvn DUJIAVDJJ Inll`- ING SCHOOLS. Enter any time, No vacations. Day and night sessions and home study courses. Free particulars. P. A. Mclntash, Mgr., Dept. E-4, AR RI.-sup o..--o \lI.'-o 'l`-...._s- _52 Elizabeth St . : Phone 952W is }he keyndhe t success a students `in 'I'\IfI."I VD `DIIQINIITC GIVE US A CALL Phqne 180 MULCASTER ST. W- 1- B!CHA_RD5 I .}.1iiEJ "159 - FUNERAL DiREc'roas_ ` AND EMBALM_.ERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WATER! WATER} .-u 2' uLJ\lIlI Funer;1l' Director and G?-i C0 IS OUR ADDRESS ~ PLUMBING AND HEATING ` PERSONAL INSTRUCTION RAL ESTA'l`E P. .(_2.__L_LOYD w. n. Mmmxm 32 WV XII line of thy rapid may make CL` A IIIIQ Now on nle at all Druggisu--$.l_.'00 a jar. , is caused b remove uric blood. Gin izing this kidneys to box at all (1 A51 unnulilc BRONCH Swullow R AZ Tcmplctonx, CHRONIC Rnnuru `ruunsn bathethe a pxece or sanu-axg ardxs u lI 0!'I"| t CREOP ICU`) AA __ura Author of Lovi Ceilingsf `.`GreVez`1.Pad_ieIb,'." ~ : VPr_inc'e Vof..._Wa\l`a, `etc. DOUBLE CR+OSSE MO_THER__ w. DOUGLAS _NEWTQN_ n.-. qrtnur Gwluvll-JBIIOII neuourir!" mi "That*-g'tr_ue."`agreed Clement. all}. '01! this bears _.thlng`s on}, The meeting a ;pla,co`A.l_q;, mjthe wegat, a.t'A-_8ag1tt;pr_obab1yA B 2 I of `PA to many uluuunuua. No matter what your age may 5. 9,. how many medicine! You have uua without success. ~ it-'you`;wuut to `forte; you have` a Bladder a.nd~'en;loy` the nu %ea.oeful. unbroken sleep. u try -UB4, 8 today. Your drugglut win refund -the small can it you org not. well nlannn! .l'(IULUl'l.lVt" l.ul`Lly. ~ -' - - _ We've got to. find one. We must.` ,; take another of. those motor trolleys." c No good. There isn't onq." - ?',i "But. my dear man we can't wait ;houx~s.",t-thouted Clemnt. showing his ytmxiety with his waving "hands. "Do_ 3 1 you realizowhut may happen in, those- " hours?" He began to stamp up the t platform in his agit.ation.. _ : ; "It can't be helped." snnpped'(}atin- loan. forced to_ follow him. We've Just ' got to wait."_ - * . f waving a hands. arguing, Clement -greached th. ondiof the nlattorm. He '.~ turned and shot a glance along it. He `. still waved his arms angrily, but in an 1' even "tone he said: "'Fhh-.1; Twat. n,.H...... In... .. 1 . . _ . -. r1_1. iuxu \._1'.J1. lines. \ . "Couldn't help himself. Look at. the address. Bent! in the lgonkies: we're ;he only` cable `company to. serve it. alga.` he thinks he's.wel1,cov`e;ed. Bead ` I iuuvvuua uuuy um uullu Lrkll; to uruun. g You played him princely, Mr; Seadon. VVe'll sett-la hlm."V ` ' - v. 66H0`v?Il Q. HT An... :41 34.. ..... An r -_.u_ ___.- A- -- guy um Lruut. u0OI' EUIHITI." - . 3 Cl ement'was shrouded in bath towels when the little, detective ame back to- 'the hotel. He was all s iles, and sat` beaming at'Clement a=`he fanned his gyounzbald head with his hat. I -4`?! In: ah:-nu no (ulna! Ana .. .....n n I gyuunr: utuu ueuu Wll ms at. ' It, was easytas tnllln' off a wall." he grinned. -That teller went stmight to the station telegraph (mdvfmed inj n blank. He didn't even_ look round.` Here's the blank.". . `.`(!nnA!" nunln (Anna-:6 tau--. .u.a ...... L Llllllu o' "Our. work. We have thevpull nught to have known better tha the C.P.R. lines." "l`nn'1Rn I> knln `u3vv\u.1`\' I there . " VVhnt a tool." said Clement- "He. 11 t_o' use" ' i Y 451;`. an` LL- "I.'lUyV . _ I "Leave it `to me. All I ask you to do is to dawdle about in the lobby or the [hotel for five minutes before going` ; to` your. room. I want to set. out of the ,b n.ck to be ready when hf comes out got the front door again. I lhmnnf "Inna nkwnna 1... know. .........1..` IIUFV B LIIC3 Good!" c 1 get that?" ` (\In~ nrnm (`LII itt` '1 swear `that's. Joe Wa'ndei'sun . " Axsruuur uewtnuu. I /' .`0ur party reached Nor-th`Bay from Cobalt. Learned. of business in Orlllia.."We go there next train. - - -Nimmo Bates."- .`<'Nh'n,n1o iBats". said , Ciment. I'll Jmma. nmv uvulfnrl r1..u........ 'u'.`J_.(..! ' `H9 Nlllyl piqued! % _3Wl|.l' '.llIl1.luC 00!: V_VllXl(lB!'uni" ~- ' ` 5 5 "Why not. smiled Gntineau. `"s!nc'e' Arthur ziewman In . Adolf Neuburtr?" "'l`hnt fmm,'nurnn nlnrnnnf Ntxrnnm uuu 'll|:9l|n . ' ' , , ea. he's following us. that atten- ; the friend of yours. It's probably that Joe Wandersun. He's the only one un- accounted for." . M V ; ' "What's his game?" . . ` ` ,' `fEusy. He'll sleuth us to our rooms then he'll wire brother Neuburiz some- l_where.west that.'.wefre here and` fol- glowlng hotly the blind trail to Orillla. I Ynu nlnved Mm nvlnnnlv , M.` - ganam. 1..-uuus tuullg. _ ' ` I As they went to their hotel. Gatineau made a olnt _of crossing the mad` in front o a gram; shop. window. He |chu kled. U Inpdn Onlln--.l'_... .... 1.I.-A -;_;-_. BIN-Ill WU UU." . There is 9; hotel here. we might get a sleep;". ' . . f`Ah.! And a bath. I want. one; We'd, atter get reservations to Orillia first. lthbugh.--sa've the rush at the end. `Come nlnmz." | Ll|UUHll.`Hl LVB ' Come along." 5 A: than want run IJIIUIII LU LJFIIHI1. ' , Xavier Gatineau was` comuletely as" , that `_ should that world- znnnl Han We ran nu-anma kn, \.IUllll=IlL rsuu 'luKlIlP.' Wutl gestures. `fl wanted somebody to hear it.` That think-set man bver there. He's been shadowing me ever since we left the .motor-trolley. Now play up, my lad." ii-Ia `made a gesture. of resignation, and said aloud. "All right. then. I suppose` thgre is nothing moire for l_tVbut to wait. But it : awful--p.'haqg;ly. . .What shall we do?" ' `""`\nnn In :1` Inntnl 1.....- . .-.' ._-l..|-A -,.L uuug mure yuu ve round out, quick." I've found out that Neuburg and- (`xunninm-pulled` out from here to the `west. That means/` the meeting place |wrm't. be in Orlllia. but somewhere gweat. in Slcamous. likely." |,. (XP nnnv-tan" unlrl I"\n n.-.'o....x..I.a".....' Bladder weakaegs/1 Getting-Up-`Ni'gfhts% Quickly Relieved Iweut. In aucamous. likely.-" _ .Of course." said the astonishing `Clement. i . ' . s V ' But you said. . ." " . "More than that; I howled it." said (`.lement mu `making wild gestures. 1`.`t wanted smmnhndv tn hmm n~ vmmo ! w"'Xl::L.ll`d! We can't wrgit all iliat time, , Vxe must (Ind a quicker way of getting I t are." [ 'I`her'e isn't it quicker way," `said. the detective tartly; -' I 7A'vn ant tn Fina Ann Yxrn w-....c t-Vt-n LUH8 rug`. sum: 'l`hlnk I'm acting like a. Jooney. Gat- ineau? There's a reason. Tell me any- thing more you've found out, quick." found out fhnf Nnlihnnnn and He gave hisinforination in a matter. = - of-fact tone. He was astonished. in fact. horrified. .when; Clement seadon said in a loud voice. "Orillia! I see it:. i it's like them. They are banking on us V rushinglstraight west to Slcamous. the .dogs;! Vvhlle we vscumper west, the meeting between Miss Rays and Gunn- ing will happen in Orillia, or near it. `Vania vvirn-Iv Ian yvvao UI\_lvv u \.u I.-ac uuubuu _I `It's a neat blind.` But. thank` heaven; ` we have your organization behind us: -that's saved, us: we'll steal a march Iron them to Or illia." ' Ynnlnu Ilnflu-`nu in 1nn.-- ;..~......1..J...I-. `uruuu: Hutu ulemergt l()ut1l,V. i - Gatlneau named the time of the ; train. tzxving not to feel that this young` .m:.u1 was a. tool. The young man ex- ploded. ` ` ` t ` "Al`\IIIVr" TK74: nan ! urnllv all `H-{no Ola... I vouvvv v-an-cg--up vuuouooovwu n uunavu The ladies have gone_ south," said the llttlefdetective. "'1`he,v've gone` to.a place called. Orlllia. It's a Junction town. They can break off from there "anywhere- back` `to Montreal. or to the West, or even down to the States`? `rt- .....-.- I.x..`.:._-_._.a._..A.n_.. 1.. _. .._.LL_._ 1! ya: - ',IvllUl'U - ' superintendent alone. When he came Clement to be missing from the plat- form. but he was stql there. I-IIs`~ey_e [that caught Gatlneau 8 said. ``Well?" all... IAAI-.. Ln..- ......... .......;.|. n __n_1 Mystlfled at this strange `behavior, - Xavler Gatlneau went` mm the station- out half an hour later he exnected-V KIWI! ` Ul'.L7|.llIU1u|u| n I _At North Bay. they had to walk a-, cross trelght yards through groups of men to getto'~ the station offices. This iwark. slight though it was, -seemed to Uiave so "curious an effect. on Clement 3-that he behaved entirely out of the ~ normal. He refused to so one with Xav- | ier Gatineau. Tho -IIO`n nfnnflvvn Yunnlinfna` Inn on` III! II uuuuu o The -little detective esltated for a.` moment. puzzled, and `Clement said quietly. "Go 111-! must` `stay outside. Itor 11* reason." In `a. louder voice he cried, I'll put these sultcasesln the gtitggage room, and. `make inquiries - ere." ' Munlfln n6 Okla cl-unvnnnn h`nnuIlt`\a| ' ` 11188118 0! making the JOUTDOY. I It was swift and thoroughly ~I{ncom-- [5 to:-table. They had to cling tight to the center handra.`il~as they rocked and swung through a primitive `country ?o bare rocks and skeleton-)ike. burnt- out forests. Clement. bone-tired from his heavy and sleepless Vnight.~~ was saved from pitching onto` the ballast, several times by the grip of the motor. 3 man1oz`..Gatineau. ` i At North Bav. their had to walk a. wuuueuux H11!-I31-H.(!I.l0. ' ,Madc from a syeclal tormula. a.ml used In the" Dpctors successful private practice for 'nearly 60 years--URA-. TABB. -how obtatpable from ,your elrugglstj for Inexpensive home: use, have brought quick help and comfort "to many thousands.- Nn mnttmv what-vnuuturn aimir in nu. ' cross lines that I" ral_lw43y iunctlon. \ ~ '1: The Journey from Cobalt to North! ; Bay waemade on one or those skeleton amotor trolleys railway men use to get. `from place to place. It was the only or making the Journey. A `It wan nwlff. and thrwnnghlv `r(rmnrn. The wire _rend'.:f TM M" -."";1n'fVf/Springvs I-Iot`el. Arthur Newman. ' ' ('||n- nrfv uusnhkn `M'n-.M-."-D/... u Ulll . . l '_cr1ed '(`3lefnent How djdyuou; `WsI':vVard `with, this radiated` from that nlnn . ' HIDE. `L116 118.!!! 88811160 L0 06 ICUIHII5 cigarette. The hands finished roll- ing_ the cigarette, and, with the utmost. cunning it was lighted. A bi-and putt of smoke was up, and another, im_zned- I iately drawing a. sputtering of shots` from the men below. Siwaeh. 'hidden.= puttegl for 9. minute on the cigarette. then the hands appeared again, and Clement watched `them fixing the wet butt of the smoke cleverly to the face of-it rock; Siwash ha.dTalculated the 9 ` draught well. for the lighted end gave off a. thin thread` of-Jsmoice. .which..oc.- casionniiy became putts, in the now advanced light of the growing day. Dizjectiy he had fixed up the cigarette.` he appeared and began to slink away, between the rocks. .. .'rhen Clement fired . Ila hurl on (I-34: I-15 1-nnynanlun HI- F I urul Ill u-sllnz-g-b'l\vas!n ;\'11Ke. | There was actually nothing. fresh` concerning the ladies. it was obvious that they had doubled on their tracks; in the tangle of ruil\vuys south of; North Bay: that was the first item` -Cratineau offered as they sat at lunch; in the Alexandra Hotel. ' Is thatjmcl news?" asked Clement. "VVell. no." said the little detective. They're coming along here all right." I like the positive sound of that." `smiled Clement. "You are nositlvee?"` .Sure. The_v'u follow this big rough! neck Neuburg. an Gunning. ' And Neuburg and Gunning?" Gone through to Banff.' l ' Well. that's as we expected. `Miss Reys will join them t_here-or zjather all ofnus. We'll be gff` the pleasant company, too." i - -"Sure." said . Gatineau reglectively. Well. then." `said `Clement, all this being as we thought, would you mind telling me whatthe bad news is? Y-Tau?" (avian! flu: HH1n Rn!-nn6{uvn um Clem. . . . ' "He did not. . I see what you mean. -Hts tactics gppear to have been the ;su`ne,as now.:`.I-Ie didn't show up in the onnn. he merely played the part of a disinterested adviser to this rich man's orphan. Fact is. nobody noticed Nenbtlrg. or-:NachbIr.as he was then. until, Roberta died." - ' A "And ha-.d1d--how .-'_ Gatineau look." rgayat him Quickly." . ~. ."F{_e went out on mnhootlnxz trln--" !.Yen". said Gatlneau. That appears _,2td;;-bq,\l)13Lp mgthgd: tn-.,t.,h_o;a_e.,_t);x_lngs . Gets . B l utuu n V Nimrrio Bates.?' ' 1 "That quiets `brother Neuburg, see? "grinned Gatineau in the face `of Clem-4 ent s\perplexity. It tells brother Neu-I `burg we've muddled the trail and cut.` 7. back to headquarters at Montreal. ; ' Quite natural. You see.Jike you. I fig. - ` ured Neuburg d want reports, and he 3 can get them from Montreal. . ti Ganhe? How?" I -5 "The Chief will see to that. I've sent. `all facts to him, he ~ll send_reports to '1 Arthur Newman that will keen'Neu- V burg purning. Trust The Chief. he's. ' a. bear. 0! course Nimmo Bates will; sign 'em. Meanwhile we `go comfort-' t ably to Banfih T ` _ . 3| .~ Clementlroared with laughter. I 7A nf all fhn nnlnn fnnnunnlnnu ; ulll, 1_wpnuer.' ' Criminals_ do strange things," said. the detective`: It's a` kink in him. I suppose. P'raps Neqburg` has a fancy those. [initials bring luck---that's the so'rt f thing one finds in rogues. Or, it ma be an easy way to keep his `gang t g*ethei_': his A and N may be so -chavac eristic as,to guard against for- ge1-_v."- V I ~ A` 1'? "And it may. after nil. be mere clev- erness. Many people would not credit him with the daring M using names so `similar. and be put off the trail. But- the fact is.that Neuburg is Nachbar." `"T`hA`r`II\{nP {Q Iallnnv Inn unnnlu l\`1\Inluo Ull", . ` - V ` . "Real bad; I kept my mouth shut . about it untilwe could -be sure---`but it `was real bad.A'1`he' teller he killed was 7 a rich dude in Oregon. There was some ,`aort' of Vcrazv bucket-shop deal that this 1'eller-hls name was Ro.betts-- was interested in." - > ` `-`Did Nachbar or` Neuburg appear in the` deal?" ' : '11: (`CH I-Inf-. Y aAn nyhnfi urn`: vnnnn I u - .-. .` . r `!instead of Sicamous. In fact it's',lov.e- _'ly."_Ban1't and its beauty will be`idyllic V r a-a -lovers . reunion. Also it is near ,` ioamous.,and.they can getaway from it;-as `they can get into it. easily. The ladies will `beable; to work roundybe-- `hindgus gandfreach-there?" ` i ' \ `-`Easy,' said Gatineau. , V ; `(Then we go to-Bar_xff-,_ Meanwhile therd' ls thls fellow Nlmmo, or Joe." "I'll _ fix Joe," said .Ga;ti_neau grimly, , `But.there .s this telegram. Neuburg will expect reports from Orillia. . ."= '- "N.ope!f' said. Gatineau- ' / "But of course he will. this telegram." _That telegram isn't the one that was `sent. _ . t Eh? gasped Clement. This is the one I sent." . " He handed Clement a carbon dupli-= 'cate which went: ' ~ t Bantf springs Hotel.~ Arthur Newman. - "Our party reached North Bay" ` 1- , from Cobalt. Think business better _ ilonie Montreal. We go there\next I I P8 11. ` M`k?ln.._a.p. 13.6.... I! Luz` Iuuruur uy u.D.J-L, ,_ y - Queer that he should be alllteratlve in alias." sa1d.Clement. "Arthur New- man . . Why has he used those initials again, I wonder?" I l"IvIrv|'lnnln Rn afnunn-A +k{nnvn " nnhll uuuuu;';:.. , - ' ; .._I ve already learned it." `said. Cle- men; dryly. vvas the.cz-lme a..bad one."- `- ` .A un....1 ;....:. 1' r.-..;. ..~.-. ...-....i. _u___,. decided?" _ , |- . As certain as we can be from the facts on hand. -AI'.ve judt read a. mes- sage from The Chief. He's sure. He's >been looking at those old descripuons :provided by the Oregon police. Adolf Neuburg is Albrecht Nachbar. wanted for murder by U.S.A," I Clunnv fhnf he nhnnld ha nlilfnv-nl-hm What a wondlgtul comfort it is to- sleep all night and not get up once from - Bladdegr Weakness and Irritation. 'l`Ha dnllv` annnvnnna vnnmzn nla-ht: uw LHUI. la. Llltll. meuuur 1 nawnoar." ' ; The Chief is sure: he sends along ; warn1ng',to' be mighty .spr_v in dealing with .the teller. He's a tough nut. is Neuburg`.." i ' ` n ,`I"vn~ nlrnnu Innrnn H " `nah! f1hg_ i T Fl`0i`n_ North Bay to Winnipeg on the run .to Banff. Clement was occupied gmainiy by mgnotony and his own 4111-; xiousithoughts regarding Heloise. But: `at Winnipeg they picked up the trail: ' again. Gatine-nu heard news from Mon- : V treal. and both saw the man with his arm in a-slin=;-Siwash Mike. | 'l`hr.`n~n ll]-nu` unhmiiu .~.n4-1.1.... a......v... svsuuy nu`. uu_I. w1_u1 n.., We Neuburg." said Gatineau qutly. "Neuburg?" . He is the murderer. . "Well, we've always felt fairly cer- tain of that, said Clement. after'the first twinge of horror had run through him. You mean. thedmatter is now decided?" f I An nnndvhluu non guy. A ... 1-.. 0....-- 41.- -LUHIIIE Iuu wuut. ulc uuu news 18'!" ``Hey?" crled_ the little detective.| looking up from the soup tyzt is called gumbo. ' "You -have the `how-can-I-break-it ` gently air. Out with it.f / nflu TVS! NeIIhIl`." nhi flnfinnnn nu uuv. tum guquletly.` V ' As Joe Vvandersun stared amazed.` three 1nrge'railwny policemen slipped. out of`th`e office. I I mm... 1.1.... ` ..1. ...... 1.....- n ."......a n.-. auruuuuuu ul n1Unu`ez1I. . \ As the police hustled the half-dazed. rogue away. Gatineau, went to the booking window. ' . ' iaxr TH:-vn a-A6 Hanan nan.-......'.Ax...... 42-..: uw urruuc uvements OI uunn1,n;.=:." I `She'lli 1 nd him too erratic. .I m_ thinking." said Gatineau wisely. . "I'm hoping that, too." said Clement..g F. Both had `the sleep they needed, and a meal. and went to the railway station in good fettle. Under` Ghtine u s in-'= structions, Clement sudden], turned from the platform and entered, the booking} hall as though making for the street. V '.l:k.\.w..\.. ".1... 1..\.: ..u_...1._--__.s\ u-.___ 1. au'wt:L. . . -l 'sPhe`man who had shadowed` him from the hotel did -not hesitate for 21`, `moment. but trailed after him. In the` middle of the booking hall the hand of`: Xavier>Gatineau_-`came down on his shoulder. and he swung round to find; the muzzle of an automatic within six! inches of his solar plexus. He started to put up, his hands. . W 'at's the game?" he_ snarled. I ant you. Nlmmo Bates. said` Gatineau. I want you in connection with the Jewel rohh`er_v one the Empresa of Prague. Cutout the rough stuff,` Joe. and gn.quietl,v.' ` : l .AH Inn `K7nnnvunn ufnuwncl nvnnnn I UIJL ux. ule uzuce; / Take him alone`. bo_vs."'said Gut-I mean; The Chief will give you in-- structions in Montreal." I i Ac flan v\n`Ina `\IIlS"`l\` OLA hi" AV;:_...! ` UUUKUI5 WlXl(lD\V. Say, .Iirn got those reservations for? `Banff on t e next westbound? Good. She's on` time. I hope. u:uxn_-Dtnuuul_.j Wuunlluu uuu u'!'lC.L|Ol1. The daily annoyance. restless nights of misery. backaohes and nervous tr-| ritabtlity that result !. rom_ Bladder, Troubles. are wrecking the lives oi. thousands who m!8h`t otherwise be In? the best 70!. health. _ [ i V Tn ha nl-"un|n- hag} unn nu-snub Inn--gl I-IIIIU WU GIG` uvu1'uu.uun).{ nlm." _ That's It." agreed the little deten- tlve. The only thing that worries me? is will thegirl--M!ss Reys--figure ac- cording to })Ian. I. mean it she has any sense she'l be suspicious at "all this M round-about `traveling, this chopping` ' and changing of plans." "I hnnn aha t." ha " cold '(`h:v-nnurnf nuu uuuuguig OI. plans." , I hope she will be," said `Clement. But_-I'm afraid she. won't. She doesn t_ know the country: her companion. does, She's bound to`fol1ow blindl.v.! And then anything can be put down to the erratic `novements of Gunni,n;=:." I ` "SHE." 1' hr} him fnn nrvofin T`nn u \alUlllUllL.l'UU.L'Uu Wll u.I.ugnI.ex_'. Well, of all the calm. foreseeing, _clev'er little men. . It's a; dazzling idea. Gatineau. Neuburgv wilk be certain we're `at a. loss in Montreal. will think he has plenty of time, while all the time we are overhauling him. - 'l"hnf'c `f " nnmnn fkn III-fin 1'n6nn_ u I x . I cHAT=7i'ETa VI `mg nAnnu: exuuuz uuu uculhuy. uxacuacu nuuxxcya `use the cause of nine-ten-ths of all ills women are` heir to. Sqund, kidneys mean nure bloqd. Puxe blood means good health. ' . ,4 - u. r was uuuy~ pxenurul and 801d t01`_ brought 50 cents a dozen": Beets. 25c Carrots. basket 20c `onionsmhaskete 25c Cauliflower. eacm 10-15c _ Vegetable marrow Q. . . . . . . . . . . . .10-15. ,.Potatoes, bag .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` $1.50 ' Cabbage. ea;_~h_ . .`-. . . . , . . . . . . . 10-15c .-Egg plant, each/.................. 15c . E Apples. baske . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-350,; L; Apples. bbl. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $6.00 _;Pork.efz-onts . . . . . . . 17c .-`Pm,-k. hinds 19c ;Beet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-14c Wood, load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5-$9i I ' Poultry. Butter and Eggs. o 3 t"Eggs,doz.........; . . . . . . .; . . . . . ..50c' Butter, pound .'- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-45c` ' Fow1,`pound 24-25c' :' Chickens (broilers), pound . . . . fcream. pint` 80 "Buttermi1k.q,t.. ........ `f 0151' 42. to 45 cents a_ ndund. Eggs V` L3uuyauu- LIULLIUL, A\.u., uuu. `u \-up`. cial). T I have used Dodd s Kidney Pill: for! over `nine years and found them very -good for headaches and pain" in the hack, writes Mrs . Desmond, who resides at this place. My bus; band has used them for rheumatism _ and , I have also given them to the children-. on several occasions, and am glad to say the Have given /great satisfaction in t e case of involun- tary urination. I would _not,be with- out them. I have also used your Diamond dinner Pills and found them ex ce1le nt."V - -' A1! _---;. -(V........l.. `INAAAP... Vida`.- CHIC` UHL UllnUltlEll- ` To be at your best. you must have` peaceful. health-giving sleep and tree- ~dom from daily irritation--that'a wh M Dr. southworttva URATAB8 givelu wonderful satisfaction. ~ lfnn (main .1: annnlnl 'l\n-AuIIn > n_'J