Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1926, p. 8

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FISHING SHACK for sale, nearly new, with stove and lines complete. Apply to John Caldwell, 2nd Oro, Shanty Bay P.O.. R.R. 2. L - - _ ' '52p Tuck's. BRICK--About five T_thousa.nd gas; used brick for sale cheap, alsp 9. new auto knitter complete. at A. J. . 50-62D. ANUMBER or SE'1`8"OF HARNESS fnr lnln fill clan Inn; nnlnn ('14:.-5 A &VULV.l.J.'5l1$ Ur` 151:5 U1!` .t1.A;LV.I.'J5' for sale. Will also buy saddles. Geo. Irwin. 29 Collier St. Phone 198. 52c FOR SALE--Gr_een wood. dry rails. Scotch collies, 4 months old. .g_us.ra.n- teed healers. $3.00 and $5.00. Telephone 607r3. , A 62-1 . CUTTER FOR SALE chap. Apply W. Abbott. 53 Dundonajd St.. Barzjie. 62p SOME 4-rt. Mnmn-' woob. cliea '. Apply J. A. Mills. Phone 1991-18. '48 c- HOCKEY BOOTSAND SKATES `for sale, size 6. Phone 814J. or apply 81 Worsley. St. . ` ., 52p _F or Sale or_;To_ Let WLO8'l'-Small black puraeV between Ec- cles . and Mary St. on Sophia, con- tain! g sum of money and laundry ticket. Owner at 128 Mary St. or phone ' aszow. . 521: Miscellaneous - Em F9r{f_5u'= .For_7Snle nutri- 50-3 s:u'uuu.u1' .|.Ul' P4 UUIZOPB. IOWCLI A L 4 _ Bar 19. Ontarjo. *ef_q Dated Dec`exhber',28. 1926. ~51-1c AXE LOST on 2nd concession. Oro. bo- tweap '1`. Aconley's and Provincial. Highway. Finder .please notify. '1`. Jloonly. Shanty Bay. RR. 2. 521) NOTICE`is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons havin claims against the Estate of Willi m ,J. McKnight, late of e Township of-Essa. in the County of on :or about the`6th day of November. oi. -their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day or January, 1926. after which date the Executors will distribute the assets otthe. estate among those entitled. thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that. they will not be responsible to any person for shall not then hav _ been received. Yinxv 11- 1-\ Ann Asimcoe, farmer, deceased. who died` 1926, are requested to send particulars the-assets of.-said ` tate whose claims M NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the_ Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Patrick J. Fitzgerald, late of the Township of Medonte. in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased. who died on or about the 26th day of September. 1927. after which date the Executors of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January. 1926.` after which date theiExecutors will distribute the assets of the estate amongjthose entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims or which they shall then have notice. and that thev ` will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said -estatefwhose claims shall not then have been re- _ ceivd. V , V DONALD ROSS. ' Solicitor for Executors. A Barrie. Ontario. 1 Dated 23rd Dec., 1926. _ e51-1c cu:-in-CV. IIIIIr`$ Registered School of Nursing, affix-y iated with Albany Medical College. offers a three-year course of. instruc- tion In all departments of Nursing. Application should be made as soon as possible foradmlssion to the Feb- ruary~1927 class. For further informa- tion apply to the ,~ 51-2p -8UPER|NTENDENT OF NURSES \ Albany Hospital. Albany. N.Y. r KEELEY--In loving memory of Alice Ann Keeley. beloved wife of Alfred .it9.2{eeley, Barrie, who died Dec. 30. We cannot clasp your hand, dear mother, ` - Your face we cannot see. But let this little token tell We all remember the'e. ,--Sadly missed by Husband and family. Always remembered by A granddaughter Jean. 52p '.;_?2f_ I NOTICE ;TO cREbrm72s'- GOSNEY--Iri loving memory of my! dear father, Frederick Gosn"e_v. who _ died one year ago Dec. 23, 1925. + Z9 ., Q..AI-. ..,.z.....-.1 1... run--- -- ..n. uuu ,vvuA aau .lJUUo as), 1.060. 52; ---Sadly missed by Euzabethl 3 2c per" word; minimum 50c. vmrsummmmmmmmmma BOUND, LOST-Wh1te hound with tan ears and two black snots on body. `Finder please notify Dr. V. A. Hart. Bnrrla. K')h uwu` parents,` N11`. and Ml`S. Beasley. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Beasley and daughter of Orlllla spent Christmas with their parents here. $&$wwaw&&w$&&&g wwwwwwwwwwwwwwg IN MEMORIAM 5 pxg >14 any you vvuxvu, uuuununl DUC. ! %wm&aww&mw&mww ----.. an 0 vv oaluvv JUL QUUo U65 On Christmas Day Chief Stewart and Provincial Constable Kelly were called to Innisfil township where a disturbance `was being raised at his home by Wm. Holt. When the of- ficers arrested-him he put up quite a battle and on Monday morning, on a charge of assaulting the police, he was given suspended sentence. Misses Reta" and Ruth Beasley of Toronto spent Christmas vacation with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Beasley. A1-chin Rnnnlnv mm auu 1311511511. Large. congregations attended both services in Collier St. United `Church on Sunday,.the feature of the morn- ing service being congregational singing of Christmas carols. In the evening` the choir furnished a special I programme of. music. `,, _g_._.......- -a.- .--uunvo --Poult;ry Show, Jan. 4, 5, 6, 1927, in Market Building. -Come and see the `best in exhibition and bred-to- lay poultry.-_ Buy your ticket now from one of the members which en- titles you to ten draws on birds, also admits holder to show for 25c. 52c I\.. fVL._!_L...,. 7` 1*" ` " NOTICE TO CREDITOR; _-__..-- v.. ....u vnlnvlb vvcac onuaaucu. H. - McGinnis, John St., reports that he picked up a station in the Hawaiian Islands at five o'clock on Monday morning.on his three-tube DeForest & Crossley radio set. The broadcast was in both native dialect and English. ` Taarn-A nnvunuunn-nL3-.... _LL-_..1_J 1A1` j S'1`R.;AYED--Red. two-year-old: steer atrayad onto the premises of F . `S. Prleqt, Mineslng. Owner may have same. by paying expenses. 50-52p _.._.. ----g nag; wyyuun IIVAII "CUR: . At noon on. Monday, W. D. Minni-l kln s sedan collided with one of M.! J. Brennan's delivery trucks at the` intersection of Elizabeth and Mary , streets. The left front wheel and fender on the -truck were smashed. R [Y `ll_fI_'_, A The judge in `Singer & Son's essay contest brought in his report -too late to have the winning essay published in this week's Examiner. Mrs. Vic- tor Ross, Oro Station, is the winner. Her essay will appear next week. AA. ____ -.. 11--.,` Ivv - --. ' --Poultry_Sho`w. Bring-out your! birds to the Barrie Poultry Show! where good` prizes are offered. Get prize list from `C. A`. Kelly, -Se_cy.,' or at.Lowe s Furniture Store. 52c MIL _ 1.. J _. v.-- -..-v vunv unvvau T-he store formerly occupied by Frank Height is being remodelled, with anew front and -the interior `re- decorated. When finished it will be occupied -by R. H. Smith, - n-__I4___, an ` 1' MI. L` Clflllo Roads are ` in g ` motoring, except th condition` makes ca} cessary, Numerous ded into `the ditch. _-v-._v -v-v-a vv vvovvon vaav_ vvbliiiiln J. .D. Knapp of Cugdles received! a shipment of high-class `Chinchilla, from England this week, which will add to"hi`s good stock at Silver Crest Fur Farm. 4 ~ 3--.- N . . - I DIIUVVI 3--Wall aper .1 in latest designs,` all prices. xclusive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & Son-, Elizabeth St. tfc -R. J. Lee's car skidded at the top of Little's Hill on Christmas Day and banged, against.the- bank with suffi- V cient force to wreck one_ wheel; `P 1'; Assocn. was held on Monday night kg` make preparations- for next week's s ow. ' 1IY-II_._..___ 5.. `,1, 1 ` A meeting .0: the `Barrie Paula-Ay` gxwwwmwwwwmwwmig LOS'1"--Prov!nce of Ontario coupdn. No. AD. 8411; value -$27.50. Finder 'p1eas'a` leave at Examiner and get re- ward; T . `;.-ANY *.*.5:1. 1T-`"- and .-. -...'.1 5-`.-- _ efuderh. 8c Word: min1xAnum`60c, $w&%&&xm&wwm%$ I '1 L '1 I .uuLVa..u.IJ HUGE. Solicitor for E cutors. "Run a l\nI-an LOCAL NEWS | ndarh. 3c wm-d: minimum am, pm van nuvuvw IJVVII L\'v'\JcI DONALD ROSS. nllnlfnr fnv Tairnnni `are greaf shpe fof! , thattheir slippery careful driving ne- cars have skid- 4-`Q1: A1`C-n1` ' comm: rm-:. amt-iux-: EXAMINER Q-iil Report of Junior Room r Sr. II-Jaek Madigan, Sadie Reed, Helen Hawthorn, Verna Patterson. Jr. II--Florence Little, Jlm.`Guest, Bobble Johnston, Charlie Dyer. Fred Bedlam, Muriel Kennedy. Sr. I-Evelyn Patter- son. Pr.+ Jean Reed, Hilda Pearson, Myrtle Patterson, Irene Kemp, W`a.lter Conron, Archie'Kennedy. Fred Conron. VERNA (1 vwrnm n.....|..... UF-0UND-Fountain pen on Bayfield St.. Apply 13 Sophia St. 52p. uuuu Au uleu` recent nereavement. 521) _ I wish to acknowledge my deep ap-, preclation of the. prompt and satisfac- tory settlement or my fire 1oss-by the Home Insurance Co. of Toronto. through "its Barrie agent, L. 0. Van.-.- Ed. 'I`zja.vers.`GrenfeI. ' 52p `ya---p-wna `on nunrnlvlhul I William Third and family wish to thank the `friends andnneizhbors for` kindness `and-`sympathyi extended . to. them`!!! their recent bereavement. 5211' to acknowledge mv ("learn an. av Irnl-\I\ILAIJ at the United Church narsonage. Stroud by the Rev. James Brown, Miss Gladys May Berry of Terra Nova. Mulmur Township, to Albert I Roy Prlngle of Barrie. PRINGLE--`-BERRY--On `Dec; 22. 1926f FIRTH--On Dec. 28, 1926, at St. Mich- ' a.el's Hospital. Toronto, Alphonsus Firth, aged 60 years. Funeral one l .Thursday from St. Mary's Church, Barrie. ` ' I McKERNAN--At 1155 St. Clair Ave..~ W.. Toronto, Tuesday. Dec. 28, 1926. Mary Gordon, widow of the late Jae. McKernan.A The funeral. will take place upon arrival or 10.56 train. Fri- day. Dec. 31. to St. Mary's Church and cemetery. Barrie. for interment. M0`LONEY--On A Tuesday. Dec. 28. 1926./at his late residence. `4 Mc- 'Kenzle Crescent. Toronto _ (formerly of.Barrie) `William Michael Moloney husband of Sarah Mccabe. father of l Anna and Alfred Moloney and Mar- guerlte Varley. - V 2 MULROY-At St. Michael's- Hospital. Toronto. Monday, Dec. 27. 1926. Ag`- nes Elizabeth. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mulroy. Phelpston u no?-IA` CARR---At their home "Cloverdale Farm". Painswick. on Dec. 18. 1926, to Selby E. and Ada 0. Carr. the gift of a daughter. ' 23 HICKLING--At Edgar on Dec. 1926. to Mr. and Mrs. G. `V. Hickling. 9. daughter (Marion Jean). RYAN--In Barrie. on Wednesday. Dec. 29, 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ryan, -the gift of- a daughter. Iujuvjjlv ll! 7' if . , After a short illness Reuben H. ` Webb, a lifelong resident of this sec- ? tion and well known citizen of Barrie. died on Sunday at his home, 15 C01- lier St. Although his health had not been good for about fiveyears his death was quite unexpected. Born at , Stroud in 1863. the late Mr. VVebb was - the second son of the late Wm. and ' Sarah Ann Webb. He lived at Stroud until he became a young man when [ the family moved to Barrie and he was ` associated with his father in the Am- erican Hotel until his marriage in 1888. Since then he had lived nractical- ly all his life in Barrie and was for some years engaged in the lumber business. Mr. Webb served the town as a member of. the Town Council for three years and was for a time a mem- ber of the Board of Education. He was an active member of the Thistle Cur- ling Club. a member of Kerr Lodge. * A.F. & A.M.. Barrie L.0.L. and Trin- ity church. Surviving him are his wife. formerly Miss Jessie Plewes of Bar- rie, one daughter, Mrs. C. J. Smith, Barrie: a sister, Mrs.AC. W. McDonald, Toronto. and two brothers. Gilbert S. Webb. Barrie, and Mark Webb. Mel- bourne. Man..\ The funeral. took` place on Vi-'ednesday. afternoon from the home. Services wereconducted by Rev. A. R. Beverley and members of the Ma. sonic Order. Burial was made in Bar- rie Union cemetery. -Lue L.c:nI.rzu .\1eLno(1u-H: unurcn. E Surviving are one son. Dr. George H. Locke, chief librarian of Toronto.` and two daughters. Mrs. \Valter B. Starling of Tornnto and Mrs. \Vi1liam Lattimerof Belleville. ) nuuwu uu`uuL'.n0uL untarlo. In Toronto he was pastor in 1884 of the old Snadina Avenue Methodist church. which occupied the site where the Broadway Tabernacle now stands. His second chanze in the city was the` Yonge Street Methodist church. Fol-S lowing his partial retirement he acted- for ten as as:-.ita.nt pastor of, -the Central Methodist Church . nrvix.-`ha no-n nun nnvu T\... n....._.... w---v WTTZI II III &V\E At the advanced age of 83, the death` occurred on Monday, Dec. 27. from heart failure at his home, "22 Rose Park Drive, Toronto. of.Re\'. Joseph Hen-' derson Locke. who had the long record of 62 years service in the Methodist church of Canada. Born in 'I`araghan,' Ireland. in 1843. he came to Canada with his parents, who settled in Oro Township, and he entered the ministry from Barrie in 1865. He was stationed at Bradford, Sharon, Benmsvilie, VVes- ton, Colborne, twice in Belleville, twice in Toronto. Brampton, _Co1iingwood -and Peterboro, and was. therefore. well. known throughout Ontario. Tn '|"rn-nnfn kn nrnu none... 1... 1001 ..a unuuvv II III! I IIITIQ Mrs. Wm. Third. Si`.. of ,the twelfth" concession of Innisfil nassed away in 4 I r the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on` Dec. 19, from bronchitis. after a short illness. Her maiden name was Sarah Lane. She was born in Esquesing township and was in her 84th year; For over forty years she lived on Man- = itoulin Island. coming to Innisfil sev~' `en years ago. She was a. member` of [the United Church. Her husband. now in his 94th. year. survives together with four sons. Jno., Jos. and Geo. of Innisfil and `Wm. of Manitowanins and `two da.ughters. Mrs. Wm. Arm- * strong of Honora, Manitoulin Island. 4 Mrs. Wm. Mcclinchey of Monteithp 0nt.: also one brother. Elisha Lane of Acton. Ont. All the family except Wm. and Mrs. Mcclinchey were presentat. the funeral -which took nlace on Dec. 22 from lot 24. con. 12. Innisfil, to Stroud cemetery. Rev. A. D. Cousins gconducted the services and the ball- bearers were Alfred Webb. Fred Webb. Ed. Guest. Eben Guest. Fred. Elliott `and David Akens. I _`zF`OUND-Fur mlt. fur-lined. Apply .Mllne_'s Store. - 520 . . MISS OLIVE SWITZER I The passing -of Miss Olive Switzer removed a. member of one of the oldest families in. the county, she being a.` daughter of the late Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Switzer of Sunnidale. Her death fol- lowed a. short illness from Dneumonia. The late Miss Switzer was born in `Sunnidale and had lived in Barrie for_ the past twenty-eight, years. She was a clever musician and was a member of Collier St. United Church. Surviving her are two sisters, Mrs. S. Kee, Toron- .to, and Miss Josie Switzer. Barrie, and three brothers, Samuel and Peter. at Creemore and William of Sunnidale. The funeral took place .on Tuesday {from the home, 51 Collier St.. Rev. J. `J. Black officiating. Burial was made at New Lowell. Out of town friends `attending the funeral were Mrs. Sid-' lney Parkinson, D. Kee and Frank Rit- ichie. all of Toronto. s i \_lDl_I. UH! T 14. 1`. ,;sARD..oF REV. JOSEPH H. LOCKE `LA -.1-.....---Y --A- A3 "" ` ruxue neuueuy, rreu uom'on.I VERNA G. WICE, teacher REUBENZH. wsas -.- rwd ROOMS TO RENT. Annly 17' 713m-ton Ave. ' 52c MARRIED V'|*I"v\`-svv A -_ MRS. WM. rump -'iUT-.Y .{3'3N F. D. CANCILLA ` Kccept $ 1'1-IEOLDYEARAOUT &ithe AND % allenge um NEW YEAR IN .01!` % ATTHE % A %.B;A7RRIpEj BOWL1N(_; ACADEMY _F. D. Cancil|a s" Fruit Store THE THREE LUCKY NUMBERS , _.-w- Winners will pleese call {it store and` _, receive prizes. FOUR`RO0MS To LET. over Stand- ard Bank: modern conveniences. Apply `Standard Bank. - . , 41ttc 15:, 568 -- 2n}i,T4 L 3rd; 115. A complete show from 7.15 to 9.45. Also from 8.30 to 11.00 p.m. Obey.the Law at 7.15 & 9.45. _ Empty Hearts at 8.30. T Is there honor among thieveh? Here : one answer to an old question. A melodramatic tale of a gentleman crook who laughed at laws and locksmith; but'couldn't dodge love. ,Bert Lytell plays the super- crook, with a well known cast in support. Wishignrg All a `Happy New Yea}. Capilo `i':`; Theatre EXCELLENCE IN ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY-TIIESDAY-WEDNESBM 'rize \ nlunsnnv-ranmv-smnnAv~ ` ATLAST!'-' on Dec. 23.. blackand whit; .`1l\II!\f` nfh hnnuyn hnurl in Man uh-um, 1>n.....42s 116 Dunlap St. ___A1'..__ VSQWTEWQWEWQQE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, _192e. ..j-j-: The i Block Signal ---ANDALSO A glorious heyday, but a harsh payday. Boys and girls step- ping high, wide and fancy, hurtling past the danger sig- nals wide open. The story of the boy who saved himself and he girl who saved herself for 1m. With Mary Astor and {ROOM AND BOARD. central location. ?hone .855J. A - , 52!) In the leading (male role. The Perfect Screen Epic of `Youth The Block Signal at 8.30. The most thrilling railroad picture ever made. High Steppers at 7.15 and 9.45. Lloyd -Hughes. From the famous story HEIRS APPAREN T by the still more famous author, Sir Philip Gibbs. withRalphLe{vis I353 sp(`e;1't Chili ents. Mr. a Bradford . It _ ,_ ,1 : 1100M AND BOARD, Annly 15 Fran- ees St.. phone 1086W. , 520 JJLCIULUIU Mr. and and son and spent ter s broth . `II- - I o VV IDUIHCI Mrs. A. is spendin. her daugh Baxfield . (V 4Ill`- L)ll\l. ;- Misses man of T itors with F. Wisema `Ith, A KVVVCII CL- Misses Bird of T itors with Mr : Bird. `been. slger: 'narent<. M Owen St. 'l .'__.____ l.lL7 V C- Marshal inf Northur ;:ue=ts of Laing. T T . Keppell partment. onto, was (mas. YT Illa.` Harry 2: families. their pare Love. 11', ,,, `L , X ` `Miss M snent Ch . 1'. and IV 31:. `ff , II Timmins parents, A - 11-- BOARDERS OR STUDENTS wanted. yaloovpomfortable home. every conven- xenon. Apply 89 Bayfield St. 5.2-2p I"" v Misses Toronto .< sister, Mr. St. `I I3." `ll . J a V I V Misses mzerite G their pare M`. l'IV\ -`O LJICII l(`ll? Mr. an family 0 guests wi II .. .. ,1 gu;ut.-sub wx Mr. am Detroit w Mr and TT|I1',AA 1. K/ClV(lll( Mrs. E. `holidays i 3?. P. Viv If` ""u AVLCI-I3] M1`. :11 St. spen `er .< pare "I.Hm- (1 'l'lll..` llll Mrs. G nzrned ' `week-end `II "" I`Cl\'C'll 1! Mr. zm ~`.".hri `W. Wars `II larr. fu Mr. an Yingwvnnn -ents fur If fV .1: Inn 1,, H11 Donalc Tanis 1 `home fm 112,, . 'T1"wo' HOUSES" FOR SALE. centrally `located. all conveniences. Apply... Dr. Oaks; corner or Owen and Collier `Streets . _; _52-en, gnu nu, . Mrs. I `E318 misf `right wri ll.'.~. I vC [J11 I K . I -` Miss G 7: snendin T. Cavanc 7'.` Il'_.,, parents Joa ( a umok Mrs. J. . Nss. 3ospita1 at her h Miss J `nndavs aunt Rh IIVIIIIC 1UL Miss E 3:: visitir} `Clarke, 5 `I! `H 7]. 3 U1 U LHI `Mr. . and U] I . '1. Miss "Rock, A her hom Miss . X` Y 'F'1igh from 0 `Mrs. Pa IVJ L (1 13. Mr. :1 `trait an of J._ .I. ll!Ill\.l(l~V I Mrs. Va TV`l' 1 Sta yneri NI 3 Ss 'hulid 21 y il 17 `f`i`OI_%'SALE-One matched team tzra.V Percherons. weight 2800. One matched `~:Ieam `brown Percheron mares. weight about 2800. Two sets of new. heavy jaleighs. runners are made of blue oak. 2% inch shoeing. ,A1ml_v W. D. Coch- 'va'ne..R. R. No. 2. Allandale. 49-671)` uunu. Mist Clarke IYIHS. `n , II (`ll'(l - xi El1i_ott A7113.` 'Ohrkt hdbs holiday Bdrx werei Fran onto W Miss her bro Miss spent C Mrs. spentlin `-t. ow n . II` JJIIL-1: Bergi Tfhristnx Clavtorx Mrs. J I I ""M. for th `In Pete Miss `w/uh h Miss Christ LJAIL AJLA Dr.` ' at his mun HU Bdis: treal f T 111.1. in Pi Mis mas i Mis. over t Mr. in Wi Fre -spent '17.. . A FOR SALE BY '_I`-ENDER--50 acres at Barrie; -known as the Lount Castle pro- jnerty: Tenders received until Feb. 1. 1.921.'No tender necessarily accepted. _1'.. H; Clarke. 139 Scarborough oRd.. ':`1.`orouto 5..- 2p spent A lgrcn U Wm .his he `.F u. Mr. IL ' I 7f'HUt{ W V COGKERELS FOR SALE--Severa1 "Mme,-`hre d White Leghorns from high tvtecprd stzfaln: -also pure-bred Barred __Roc1 rom Ottawa mutant strain. _JPhone`_ 601r32, Victor Bonney, Mid- nurst.` , '_ 50-20 'F0,R SALE--Some bacon type pigs six Weeks old. also a young general pur- pose horse about 1350 lbs.. or exchange for lteavy draught. J. R. Constable.- "Craighurst. Phone 17111. Stroud. 52;) : FOR" SALE--Dark red reglteredg shorthorn bull. 13 `months old-; also 4' two-year-old cattle. D. J. Mmer. Uto-I - npia. : 48-53p ' HORSE FOR SALE-`Good sound '.voung`h'orse, weight about 1200. sor- rel-, neither lame nor lazy. Apply '98 `Wellington St. Phone 961W. 52p WIEIKEC ID!` HCEHQIHH EIIIIDBIT VVFILD L116 '?0al':y)l_l'e' Basket co. -Ltd., Oakvlllo. :"Ont';.. ` - 52-2c YORKSHIRE WHITE 80W. 18 mos. --old, weight 360. for sale, with 8 `good `pigs. .3 weeks old. . . 52c "TENDERS will be received` by the "undersigned up ._unt1l and not later '_than"Ja.n.uary 4. -1927. for 10 cords of` _ body1wodt1, maple` and beech. to be de. HVareu_,,to` school,S.S. No, 12. Innlstll.' `notA~latef.r,"tha.n `March 1. 1927. Lowest mr any tender: not necessarily accepted. ' HR. Wfedfern. Allandale, R.R. ~21. , 52c ROAN COW five-yezu-s-old, due in January, for sale. Neil D. Mccunlg, `Box 80, Shanty Bay. 52c ow--ua- jj-ow--o:a- jfrvvE,N';*Y BARRED ROCK COOKER- ELB for sale. bred-to-lay strain. Apply '-to 109' Essa. St., Allandale. `52-5p I-IOLS'I`._El'N COW tbr sale. due Jan-1 nary lat Apply Jno..Bemrose. phone 606 r23;-`-'._.. nu. . . '- 52c KJIVII I-'\JUl-4115.! VVl'|LV_'-l.l`J.Ilo .}1;:oas' Call mornings or 4 , , 0 or write Alexande "822. 42'Bra.dtord A . A I.QQBft:WANTED. Elm. Birch, Maple. and` Basswood. We are also in the tmatiret for standing timber.` Write the Q/\nI'nlIn' Rnnhnf n 'T.fd,, Dn.IzvIIIA_ `WAN. l`ED-.-5To hear from owneffarm ;':to:_' aalif State cash price . D. F. Bush. -Minneapolis. Minn. 51-3c LIV'E'POtfL'1`RY WANTED. Highest g`.rloas' paid. evenings. AIIA nun unull-A `IR Alnvnmtlnr nhnnn '4!U_I!'9.;-tll`1_vIB.vjvvr1ce now 10!` pttrucutura. Maohewn =*Bt_:i1ding Reports. Ltd.. 345 ..:ldela.ldeZ StIf W.. Toronto. . - 52c -ALL KINDS OF WANTED. LIarhu:.I- `inuvhsnn nnl Dhnnn R24 nr an-Ifn -HJJIJ IXIJN U5 U1! ` LU W 1.1 W ALV '.l.'l!JlJo hl ghe's`:. _?rtces paid. Phone 384 or write 8. Le` _.'Ba1-r1e.a V .: . 52-6p REPCtR,.'1`E1 to -_send news of `dew Fbu g`a`,tl1-68,, evnbusinessea and bus! _es,d_ ;`_ remova. s. Stationery and awoatagehzupplled. Interesting work tor `ape: .' tl e.v Write now for artlculars. .\lh`u\l9.'nn13i :?RI'.Illrlin|: RannrtnP 'I'A:d-. 345 \ . . WANTEE. `By a. local Batik. a male Junior clerk. aged='16~ :to -19 years. Shouid haw had two years rcourae, kg 51` llegiate. Apply Box I! 'Exunm9:_-4 ; ._ 52:5 A O0 . e$Kp'eHenced,, by. day or week. .`.`....`,...`2; S: `.!.`.`i`.f3`..."%{`.'% "" `.`?"";. V_..._......,._._....._..__..-_....__- _s" jg-13,.` Vgachl ". ` '._.m`::?:o:`:~'g:;'7:`5`3): six :35. uonu 1_Ol`:' snarl or tour. 10 cents Anhvn.-~|'|ian' n,|-anal! -nlnn an aunt; VT `VI : '3`-IV TN) US IUIIIV LU WWII '-"**"**:= .`:'=*= d?rlto%1otoE?x '- 0!! OI!'rIl'O. O6 0 . Ark! lair I!f\I I111`: .14 In; yet" yv,U_l'u Uuuu; luluzluuul 600- I` hvxoxc 5-xoxa -xoxa vxoxoxoxoxoxo. per wojrd cash: m{n!muui' Xlilil 1 &&sV;s&gV;S4 fun Bijlu Rooms and Board ;A%'-FT `F0!-.UM1E' El Live Stock`-For Sie Property Fot Sal: Lost Found fa.` kA:t j17rAzTII}DGio({ 201:`. x savor. pnr. ; . r woo. a'(- c?hto;8;t. ` . 52o 810 $6: -0" UV: 004 ~WllJL ana DPQWXI _ ru ,8 months old. Finder please not-V. 1! phone 1,97. Any person found har- .1.-;_l)pr11Is' d08~-tter date 04'. this notice -3411 be prosecuted, if my 911$`, start Jam. L, at. Phone 1-34. Wanted . Flllll U!` UVUllIllIlo Alexander. phone . 41tto`|.. 62c| -Duy auaunuonw semi-trimmed wallpaper -- 2 in. wide instead of nld,18-in. - For sale `by W. A. Low E` 861). Eliza .bethVSt."- " V 1:19 so 620 NOTICE is -hereb,v'given that. all creditors and others having claims a- . gainst the Estate of Harry '1`. Arnall. late of the Town of Barrie. in the , County of Simcoe. Physician, deceas- ed, are required on or before the tenth day of January, AD. 1927. to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the un- dersigned at Barrie. Ontario. Solicitors . for said Estate. their full .names-and -addresses. a full statement of their claims, duly verified, and, the nature of the security. it any; held b_v,them. and that after said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of ` the said estate among the parties _ en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of wmn he shall then have ` had notice. , Datedeat. Barrie. this'ot De- l cember. A.D. 1928. STEWART &.S'1`EWAR'r. , . ' Barrier Ontario. '50-62c - Solicitors to:-_ Executor. 4 ff`/Ot, _.l.;U.'.l." on UB0. 26.. omcxana Willie _houud with brown head. in the vicin- ity of Churchill. Phone,19r5. Lesfzroly. - - n AKE MONEY AT HOME-Men and women can earn $1 to $2 an hour in spare time writing show cards; No canvassingor soliciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today, `The Menhenltt Co. Limited, 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 41Mcttc HEi fS 1`ITCI-IING AND PICOTINGF-V Prompt service. work guaranteed. Give us aytrlal and save. transportation to other points. Prices ,reasona.b,`a. Singer Sewing Machine Co.,.Ba.rrle. KA_0.n C. J. POOLE--HART BATTERIES. storage and re airs. Moved to Marsh- all's Garage. P one 1043 or 1147. Radio batteries called for and delivered. 62c j KNITTING DONE TO ORDER. Hos- lery refooted. Best yarns always stock- ed. work done per agreement. J. Platt Rose. 52 McDonald St. 47-52 : ` BROOK BROS. hare a. sawing ma- chine and are ready for business. Ap- ply 39 Collier St. Phone[1048W. _61-4c :: NO'1`ICE-Fa.t pigs killed on commis- slon and dressed. prices reasonable. For full particulars apply to IR. Leslie & Son. Thornton. Ont. 50-3p : DON'T FORGET JOS. BOWMAN as Councillor for thn Tnwnnhin .4 t....-, uuu 1 ::unur.u' JUb'. JSUWMAN Councillor for the.ToWnship of Innis- fll for 1927. M T ' 520 ` -#-Bus? Stant?n" sent`!-tnzrlmmed 'allmmm- 99' n ...a.a.. :....a.--.I -1 1' DoG'LoT;trayaEim as Manon`- nit` (III Hon, 9., H'A dn I-nu-nun 21 FOR FIRST-CLASS CARPENTRY phone 1154W. Albert E. Prince, 46 Rose. St. 48-529 ---- i hvtrns ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburfs Shoe Store. -Miss M. Mc- Arthur. 87t!c. ;- NOTICE To CRElm)IT_0RS ' ruuu IUL 1, 00 ILXLZU I1 ... 0!`! west 8106 Bradford St. Very cheap on easy terms. Apply A. Longhurst. Lefroy. or Eaten & Eaten, Barrie. 540-55p `FOR SALE on T0 LE'1`--'I`wo bricks .veneer houses on Holgate St. equipped with hot air furnaces. bath. etc.. good outlook. Available immediately. moder- ate rental or will sell immediately. The Sarjeant S0. Ltd. . . 52-1c f FOR SALE OR REN'I`---Frame house and lot. with water. lights and plumb- vng.-No. 256 west side Bradford St. A)so`1ot 21, 66 ft.x120 ft.. West side . Rl'Hdf0l'(1 gf Vm-v nhnon run an an : TO REN'I`--Small living abartment on. second floor, facing Dunlop St. Steam heat and water supplied. Very bright andpomfortable. Apply 8. W. Moore. - T ` 52c T0 LE'I`-3-room suite or offices and 5-room apartment with hot `water heating; also two brick houses. Apply .W."Sa.rJea.nt. ` _ 51-1c "BED-SITTING ROOM for rent with cooking privileges Mrs. G. S. Luck, Rest Room, over Carey-Hurlburt store. .2`) FOR RENT--Steam-heated anartment and front offices. central. Immediate possession. Apply Hampton E. Jory,_ Barrie. . A V 51-4c I DoG'LosT`-strayeawg:m as Manon`-" aid St. .on Dec. 26. - its and brown mm. I mnnths old. Finder nldanna nn+- `FLAT TO, RENT over Singer's groc- sery. corner Dunlop and Mulcaster. Va- 'cant Jan; 5. 1927. Apply W. P. Soules, '30 Ross St - 529 I FLAT TO LE'1`_--F`our rooms and bath. newly decorated. over E. A. Harris flower store- Apply upstairs` over store. ' 49tfc. ` HOUSE FOR RENT at 14 Burton Ave.,' all conveniences. Apply 42 Burton Av- enue. , - _ M 52-51:: HOUSE TO LET. with all convenienc- es and good garde . Apply 69 Tiff-In Street. . , _ 51-520 GARAGE TO RENT. Annly 78 Mulcas- ter St. '52:). [OFFICE FOR RENT. over Simmons '& Co. Store. $7.00 per month. 47-52c FARM -FOR SALE--68 acres; within thirty minutes walk of Barrie: brick house: bank barn: plenty of water. E. H. Reid, Box 561. Barrie. "phone 895M. - 50-3c SPARTON RADIO RECEIVERS are still increasing in favour. Have your- demonstratton arranged at once and be ready for Christmas. Phone or write Roy Slack, Cralghurst. 49-54p SAL'I`-I expect to have 3. car-load of salt on track, Craigvale, the first week in January. Customers in need of salt kindly phone in your` orders. Benj. Webb. b 52;) WOOD FOR SALE-4 ft. hardwood `and dry poplar, also box loads of hardwood and poplar. Ed. ,Lahay, phone 608r28. ' 51-52p LOST --- Beagle ,hound .owned by Thompson Jennett. `w1th'D;, Wa.llw1n s name, and tag on, in vicinity of Allan- dale. "female; valued as a. kegpsake. 15%;. , . I1 - ward: Iv}; phone.

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