under ng their (some- horses. usually r town.. le bus!- nclpally hold 1!- g soma- d truth. y gain- e medl- of the eautlea. red and sea and intwala In your provision closet should be _a can of soup, :2. package of crackers, a can of salmqn or tuna fish. a; jar at salad dressing. olives and plck1es4a.nd a can of peaches. Then let anyone try to embarrass you by appearing unex-' pectedly for luncheon. ' V ' uumv and ALL CLEANING `She comes as on to the house-keep: 3 sex - Thcs bnghi little mad the! we call Jane Gillex You:-`UroeerSell oiI C W G-ILLEYT CO LTD vnnanvn I|,AuAnA . -raunsngv. bzczmnmz 23. ms NV Vwuvwn `av bpvz -wv_ , Barrie RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS - ntarto Scholarship Matriculation, So1o'Singing', M_usic,7 Art,- Conversational . French emphasized. Outdoor Games and S orts. - HEALTH RECORD EXCELLENT. I H " LIMIT DNUMBERS. FOR PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PIINQIPALS_ SUB unu jewels nd who tlon as phreno~ vEE'l'H|S MARK son VALUE ' Every` Princess Diamond-regardless of size-is care- purity. Fashionable white or een old settin mak every Princess Rin abeau .8it3u 9. rincess Ds1samoncei\` 4*,`-"~'~'-"iv or Wedding 'ng wi imp icir condence. ~ fully selected by experts, for its blue-white re-and MAGIC BAKING POWDER vv u-cu:-I-Iv vv B1 70000070 CANADA -a;1ci-tl:at's the highest {`. "3 0999'. Reeve sJeweIry Store i:.w. cu.La-3&3. 1:15.- TORONTO. CAN. 9. @465 Avenb_en olleg"em __..-........... -.- nnvvnnv nnn Hnznu Buy yours under the douiale guaranite gt B8nt6d`_M1SB 1500111 ! WIUI I1. uuauusun box `or-note paper and an address was read thanking her for the kindly in-` terest which she has MW 3 `taken in the work of her class. A_ easant at- ternoon wasbrought to a c ose by the 'singing or AuldLang Syne." lost. on an average. one new a year. Felicitations were also extended by A. R; Girdwood and E. Longman, both: of whom expressed pleasure`. in- the fact that the Board '01 Education had seen fit to make official recognition of Miss Booth's servicaand extended good wishestto her. -' ' - . ' `- ' Address From Trustees p Dear Miss Booth:-'1`he members of the` Barrie`Board of Education learn? with regret that you. at the end of the present term. have resigned fro the: teaching staff-.of th'e Victoriagublic` School. and in doing so the Board feel that they are Josing It valuable ,teach- er and one who. through the years.r has shown her ability for the teaching profession. and bestowed on her work. aniong the pupil who have passed through herehands. such wise care and close attention. seldom excelled! ; During the yearsthe present Board; and 'those`ot former Boards feel that: them without some tangible expres-. they cannot let you go from among sion of the veryhigh regand and es- teem in which you `are held by` them. and at the same tim'e. wish for your many years` of enjoyment of the rest, which you have so richly earned. `X71: urnnl ask vou, to receive atpthe have richly earneu. We.would ask you. receive hands of. Mrs. E. M. I-Iuxtable. this ring`. as a. slight token of remembrance! or your valuable service_s.\ not only to the Board. `but toithe very best inter-. ests of Education in the Town of Bar- rie. V _ V From Pupils Too ' On Monday afternoon the pupils of the Junior Fourth class of "Victoria. School entertained,Miss E. Booth and other members of the staff `at tea. During the afternoon the class pre- sented _ Miss Booth with a beautiful L.-up 'm!.nntn nnnnv and an address or namt. _ V __ ...'A Fine` Influence A .Mr. Marlin. who has been associated with Miss Booth for. sixteen years. re- ferred to the fine iriuence she had` had on her pupils. She had_been an example ot untiring patience and in-' 'dustry and in her. forty years service. she had only been late twice a.nd\h'a.d average, one hour a. year. waiinltnfinnn were also by ' Zrijli visu- .W I I f'|I`3I'I&_VV A very successful -year was report- ed at the annual m'eetl`m.=.' of the Ladies Aid-of St. Andrew ; Church. held on Tuesday `of last week. Receipts` for the year. including balance from 1925. a.- In unted to $1295.94._ V \ fcera were chosen as follows: I-Ion. P/res" Mrs. A. G. I-Iabbick: Pres.. Mrs.-Pae: Vice-Pres" `IV/Irs.`A. Cowan: v'1`reas., Mrs. W. A, Mcconkeyi Sec'y.. Inn `Tnu 1\Kn`\/rnviflh .` 4 1 . Jflcvontinued, from page 5)` 'had been "a gt -evat helpto him and to the younger teachers. hr lninhnv-dann. the oldest member ILVUIIHUE UL nqsvuaw vvvuuu up`... 7., _--., her. ! ~ 7 _ ' Fred Marr. secretary of the Board of? Education. extended, good wishes to Miss Booth and humorously remarked that, since he had been writing her; monthly cheque . for twenty-seven; years. it would not be surpryislng it he; should continue to do so through force of habit. _-} HA 1Nnn- Tn finance ~~ TEACHERS HONOR, { g A MISS E,\ BOOTH] Long and > AIS-ff-{ S_e19vic`e` Rebqgnized by Gifts and 2 :Adq`resses % he gyp- nn Hmv the teachers. Dr.lR!cho.rdson, the oldest member] or the Board in point of service. ex-1 pressed regret for M1ssABooth s retire-| ment, for she had been a. successful teacher and he had hoped that other avenues of service would open up for. Finn A.,1\ Mrs. Jas. McMart1n. ST. AN`D_REW 8 LADIES AID _ ._..__--.....D..I '-nun- uvnn nan! is. S. CHiLDREN ENJOY | YULETIDEFESTIVITIES COLLIER s'r. UNITED The annual Christmas entertainment of Collier St. United Sunday School was held on Thursday night of last week. The members` oi. the Sunday School were entertained at a. supper first. iollowing which a white gift ser- vice replaced the usual Christmas tree. The Sunday School room was filled to` capacity for the program which com- prised recitations by Barbara Gird- wood. Jean Lennox. Gray Smith, Fran- ces MacLelian, Harry Coughey. Mary Johnston, Jean Lay. Vernon Mitchell. G. G. Smith. Edna Tuck. Dorothy Bry- son, George Weldon and Doug. Smith; songs by Donald'Felt. Mary Johnston. Dora Thompson and the primary class and a mouth organ solo by Victor Knox. A. F. A. Malcomson. superinten- dentdof the Sunday School, presided._ wry rvuvuru -u-v v The objective eet by h;I:" EY'\ -omen s Missionary Society of St._ Andrew's Church for 1926 was $600. At the well attended annual meeting. on Dec. :8, the treasurer reported that this had been exceeded. the_ total amount re- , ceived during the year being over $700. `All the phases of the society's work were well mainiaiined. A Illa. vunv-nhnnn in upon nvuaunnfn in EMPB. 1'4`. A. WIHHIBI`. , Officers elected for 1927 were: Pres.. -Mrs. Wismer; 1st Vice-_Pres., Mrs. J. S. Shortt: 2nd Vice-Pres.. Mrs. Mc- Max-tin:- Sec'y.. Mrs. W. A. Twiss: ' Treas'.. Mrs. Elmer Braden: Secretaries 10! Departments: Tidings, Mrs. Mc- !Martin: (3.G.I.'r.. Mrs. W. J. Thomp-M Ison;- Home Helpers. Miss Jamieson; Program. Mrs. Livingston; Library, Mrs. Mccuaig: Life Membership, Mrs. Gallic: Social Committee. Mrs. Gordon ~Cooper, Mrs. Byron King and Mrs. Hector Cameron: Welcome and Wel- tare Com.. Mrs. McMartin. Mrs. Hab- bick and Mrs. Raiynforg. were weu IIl.lI}I. uleu. A life members in was presented to ;Mrs. E. A. Wismer. nlllnnnu nignna Once 1007 nn:n-n- `Di-an SALVATION ARMY The annual Salvation Army Christ- mas Tree was. held on Wednesday night. the hall being` filled with child- ren and their friends. An interesting program of musical numbers, recita- tions, dialogues and tableaux was put on by the band and the children of the Sunday School. W. C. Hunter acted as. chairman and at the close a short address was made by W. J. Walker who commended Capt. Dickin- son an the vpleasingprogram` that had been given.` The program comprised the following numbers: National Anthem. School; Transvaal Flag Drill; Musical Ride. Primary Clas: dialogue,. Seein Maw Off"; march, "War Cry", Band; recitation. - .P.S.M. Miles: tableau The Christ as`x..Star": action song. Harps and Palms"._ girls: recitation. Lola Pitchford; .Scarf Drill. girls: March of the Crows, boys; recitation. Laura Wood: march. `?Cardii f." Band; Star. Drill. girls; tableau. '1`-he Flag": ' llBand; song.` "0 Canada. Sunday _Star Song; recitation. .Betram Pitch- I ford: Rule Britannia; tableau, Nearer |My God `To Thee": tableau. Merry i gl1irrl'::tx3f1as`; s tableau. _Silent_`. Night ; | V s'1'. ANDRE\_N S' nun 1, , , ,a mi AL- .1.'_-___)_ I._.1 VI: r1II-I|-vv v The scholars of St. Andrew's had a right good time at their annual en- tertainment. held on Monday night. Instead of a Christmas tree. the ybung- sters were given a supper and they made sandwiches. tarts and cakes dis- appear like dew before the rising sun. After supper the presents were dis- tributed and a lengthy program fol- Ilowed in. which the children acquitted -themselves very creditably and re- ceived recognition. in abundant ap- piaue. Mr. Longman was chairman ` land the numbers were-as follows:- Recitation. Hadley Jackson; song. "i Miss McR_oble's class: two songs, Miss gCampbe1l's class; recitation, Dorothy ! Robson; song. John Robson; dialogue, `Miss Loth s class; recitation. Audrey McD nald; `piano solo, Catharine Bro n: recitation. Ruth Cleland: chorus. Miss Scott's and Mrs. McDon-, ald's classes;`recitation. Marion Farn- field; vocal `duet. Marion and Chrissie Scott;- piano solo, Margaret Twiss: Bell: song, Mrs. McDonald's class: re- citation, Eric Hardy: `song, Mrs. Mc- Cuaig s Jc1ass;. recitation, Agnes Trav- ers; chorus, Miss Hunter-'s class: re- -citation. George Thompson: piano solo, Marion Twiss;, star drill. Miss Ross'_ class; recitation. Muriel `Fullerton: song, Joim Robson: recitation. Bert Thornton; piano `solo, Helen Luck;. re- citation, Marjorie Huxtabie: rcitation. Billy Lennox: Diane solo, Margaret Mcmiartin; address. Mr. Shortt; chor- us. Mrs.` McCuaig's class. lsong, George Scott; recitation. Walter i > _ __ ,Brlght with the crlmsonvrlbbons. ; ' And painted holly spray, a'1`he1r golden magic warms a. heart A '1`.hat s half the world away; Wherever ship makes haveml By alien shore or tide. The little `cards of Chrltmae zo ' To bless some lone hearthslde. lb love this festivrseason. l .'1`he roaring fires aglofwn .'1`he song and least and happiness, The statflight and the` snow; But best of all I love the cards That kindly people, send` . lT0VVO1Ce a Christmas blessing I From friend to a_bsent'friend. .l.U HERB aunpne lll!:_t1|-EQS -That greet you everywhere; The wishes that they offer . i- For health, for wealth and cheer, `For peace and .g1ad*contqntment To meet the coming year." wuuuwvwu-urn: II-:I- `It By Molly Bevan I love the dear old`custom_s 4 That bless our Christmas Day: Theholly and the candles, .The trees and ribbons gay; The carols and the laughter; TBA nzlftu fr-nvn fvviaru-I fn fr`-land \ :As sw.'eet_ 3; belis far chiming ~The'JoyQus words they bear, lThe llttleslmple messages .'l`hnt 9'!-nnf vnn nvni-vur"hnrn- BAl?`l'lST The best program ever given by the. Barrie Baptist Sunday School featured the annual Christmas tree_ held on Tuesday night and attended by alarge and appreciative audience. There were forty numbers on the program and all were very well. done. Santa Claus pre- sented Rev. E. J. When with a nurse on behalf of the members and congre- gation of the church and E. Arm- strong. superintendent of the Sunday School. received 9. picture from the Bible class and the teachers and of- ficers. Following is the programs- Chorus by school; Lloyd Whan, recita- tion: Gertrude Morris. Olive Biggar and Helen Bodd. recitation; Ruby Roadhouse, recitation: James Carlton, recitation: Bettie Poole. recitation: Teddy Carlton`; recitation: three boys, Chas.- Herma. . Billie Martin. Eldon Marriott; "The Little Watchersz" Mary Cole, `Temperance in Meeting; three- boys, rant Pyburn. Neil Morris. An- gus Beach. recitation: Billy_ Richards .3011, recitation: O1lie._\Cole`. recitation: :g&$*&w**&iwwa$%*w**w*: IN_\ %W S REALM g w%i%&%%&$$$*i&%&&wam$&ww% sne CEPDIS ENG [119 Laugnterp Thb gifts from friend to friend; Lnd best _of all the greeting card That `kindly people send. '- c'Hms1'MAs GREETINGS Bv Mollv Bevan .s1'. ANDREW S W.M.S. - vvv_ "THE BARBER EXAMINER Sadie Johnston. recitation: chorus by `school; Lyall Jarvis. recitation;- Miss Robinson's class, \What the Mother Goose Wants for Christmas": Myrtle Whan, recitation? Gordon `Robinson. recitation : Louisa Brown. recitation: Miss Sinclair's class. pantomime; Miss Shaw's class. Jesus. Our Light;" Ethel Beach. recitation; Ilia Knapp, recita- tion; Freddie Anscomb. recitation; Chas. Graham, recitation: chorus by school in tableau form. Eileen Arm- strong takinig tableau part; Victoria and Gladys Anscomb. duet; Chas. Rank, recitation; Miss Hamilton's class, Freely Give"; Ralph Carlton. recitation; duet by Gladys Lee and Elsie Millar; Mrs. Grey. recitation; Eleanor and Georgie Brown. duet; Mrs. Hepburn s class, Joy to the World"; Herb. Markle s class. "Old Fashioned Kids": chorus by school; instrumental `duet by Mrs. Hepburn and Chas. Hep- burn: Miss McLaren s class. dialogue. UFUUEIIIQ 111 ii. VUFUIUL Ul. HUI. guilty. Pleasing vocal` solos were given by Misses Muriel '1`hompson.,He1enyGlass and Hazel Partridge.` piano solos by Miss Nan 0rd and Gordon Corbett and readings by Miss Louise Hurlburt and Miss Gladys McBride. A .dumb-bell `drill by.` six girls and a wand drill by nine boys of the physical trainings class were both well done and.two folk dances by Misses Edna Ball and Marion Ross were particularly pleas- ing. Selections were given by the or- chestra. ' -stealing a Latin composition examln-_ The seating capacity of the aB.C.I.[ assembly hall was taxed on Thursday night of last week to accomrnod_ate,the~ audience which attended the open meeting of the Senior Literary Society. A very interesting program of .music,l readings and drills was provided `ny- the pupils and the various` numbers were exceptionally well rendered. in connection with the annual` oratorical contest a change`has been made this year. and instead of hearing all the contestants on one night a series of preliminary contests will be held. the winners meeting sometime in the spring. The first of these. preliminary contests .was held at the open meeting. There were two speakers, Miss Mar- jorie Byrnes, whose subject _was Pion- eers of Canadian History." and -Miss Vera Charlgswho spoke on Canada and the` U11 ted States as Neighbors." Principal irdwood. announcing the decision of the judges, stated that they had decided in avor of Miss Byrncs.] One of the most interesting features of the program was a mock trial. in which Edward LeGea'.r. a pupil in form 30. was charged with dynamit- mg? the vault in the supply room and ation paper. Harold Sprott was on the bench. Jack Vvalsht was Crown Attor- ney and Donald Cameron counsel for the defence. Wm. Lang was clerk of the court and Margaret Ross court stenographer. A number of witnesses were heard on each side and the iuryl brought in a verdict of not guilty. `Plnnginsr vnnnl srnlnq warn aivnn In.` MOCK mun. FEATURE` 9.1" n.c.1.A SENIOR l..lT. , Lua esident rm; Is `A nA1"'rEmr1.Ess 'n:An-uNu-'onM lavnnmsnrac powtozn QVT jiCCC: - vw 7-7-__-w-.- _ -- ___v - V___ The Rogers eperetes direct. from` any Iight"'s,gket~ on aizyvelternating current. No chexI1'i_c2'11's;` no charger; n9 attachments. You. Just Plug In-The'n Tune In. It costs about 4c a week to operate dally, and you_ get umform, everlqsting power from the day you plug in-- forever more. `x-`` - - 1 - A 4 nj 4- - -- Thereis nothing, _in-a:ll- the vjviorldjof gifts, that will bring the spirit of Christmas into your home like a radio. Day in, day out, year in, year out, through the mystic magnetic waves, there will come to you and yours the joy of music, ed`u?a1.~ion, `entertainment. A home without a radio this year w1ll miss a world of music not possible to hear in any other way. _ , Secand I:e`artIie new Rogers before you buy any Radio e - ' Prices, s14o.oo to $395.00--Easy terms; it desired J.'ll-IILILI-Ilnlllbl U1 IJG|pl`\oI'&\n), ununynavnui -`I. urruvwvvwvvvuu you-u vuuy \IA vrrvnuvnvu, yvuy Igltlbllhl uuu v\.u u -t.he new 1927 Rogers Batteryless is the only Radio that embodies all of these features. "332 and hear it beforeyou buy. . T L - , - _lo_Batt,e'1-ie; _II.e_nIiga`l.-No A_erial-Single Dial Control F Estbnshed 1869 1 rim}. nunil tone Efflxaaip cnag-'ia}tm'a" G. G. SMITH & co. of it) lasting B those nother's Mn (r1r- `Col-.`Oo`l.liorAand Bayfiold Stu, Phone 82_ Phone 45 Box 453 cur FLOWERS and POT PLANTS DESIGNS `made to order. on shortest notice ROBERT OWEN FLORIST BARRIE Satisfaction Guaranteed Page Eleven`