,,_ _._._- ....'. -uu II IVIVIVIGBLBI" I Mary Jane Sproule, wife of the late ,_W. '1`. McMaster, died on Nov. 29. at her home in Cookstowny after an ill- ness of a. -few months, Born in U;opia. on Feb; 18,1859, the lae~Mrs'. Mc- I Master resided there for a. number nf uu men. 16,, 1.809, the 18.! Couse gave two readings. one par- ticularly, The Night Before Christ- m`as'," being especially interesting to. the children. Miss Mary Coleman of` Cookstown and Miss Dorothy Andrews of Beeton gave pleasing readings. There was a lot of baking left over,` so on Thursday evening a social was held in the hall, followed by an old-time dance. The` Late Mrs. W. T. M IA'...... 1...." n_.._,-- BEST V%AI;.UES%% CLOCKS `No wonder the enchai1ted`display of Reeve s Jewelry Store represents, to all..of_ us, A Land of Dreamscome __ l`r_ue. This .entr'ancing treasurehouse is heaped high "with beautiful gifts'_.that serve a PRACTICAL purpose. `Here you ll find .the' one PERFECT" presentfor each name on your list. .. . . . .You will nd a seleciionnfor. everypurse, every person a_nd every personality. wme Uta A711 5. 1V.l.U' number of Toilet Papr 6 fllj ' Hous e bf Gifts- Balance ien arrangd to suit purchaser. uve memner. men to Lewis cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. J. S. Humphreys. Rev. A. N. St. John and Rev. W. R. Clements and the ball- ~years, coining to `Cookstown in 1900., Her husband died in 1907 and two sons 9 predeceased her, Chas. W., in 1904, and George Elmer, )vho .was killed in the war in 1918. Surviving are, three daughters, and two sons. They are: Mrs. A. J. Ba.rt1a.m Milliken. Mrs. O. H. Brower, 'David,A. McMaster, Re- gina. Sask.: Mrs. L. Baker and W. J. McMaster, Cookstqwn. One sister, Mrs. M. Bell, Utopia, and a.brother, VV. A. Sproule, Brandon. Man., -also survive. The funeral took nlace on Dec. 2. to Cookstown United Church.- of which Mrs. McMaste_r had been an ac- tive member. then to Lewis were condunfn hv `Rm; 1 u SATISFY cmcxs .QPEN EYENINGS nu. cH|i1s1'MAs 650.00 900.00 Dec. 6-Misses Irene Kavanagh `and Hazel Payne of Barrie spent the week- end at their homes here. B. F. Tracy is on the sick list. Miss Hulduh McKee is` in Toronto tor a few weeks. ' Harvey McLean and Misses_ Vera. and Nine spent last Sunday with friends in Edgar. Mls A. Alfnv hon uni-uunnsul 4.- III--- -Srpe_.cial sale of fountain pens at Crossland s. 49c- Ra`.dio_--Mohawk, 6-tube, shielded, one dial: $80 and $91, less accessories. A. E. Patterson, Allandale, phone 148. bearers were Robert" Robinson. Alex. Robinson, Thos. Milligan. James Mil.- ler, Andrew and VV. A. Miller. Floral tributes were received from the- United Church, Cookstown, and Scott. Collegiate, Regina. Among those from a. distance attending the funeral were her son, D. A. McMaster of Regina... and a. large number of relatives and. friends from Utopia, Barrie and sur-- rounding district. ItxLL-,, r V ___..---D ...-...p nvvv _((5ther Cookstown news `THURSDAY, nzcz-zhmzirn 9, sun... ' Grandfather and _ Westminster 0 0 Chimes - -`$50.00 to $150.00 "CLOCKS `$3.00 to Boys `and Men s . POCKET WATCH-ES! ' $2 to $75 AND HEAPS '. /\.I-W r\rlr Iirs BROOCH ES ` AND : BAR PINS 75c to $75.00 '6i5o'i-H'ER' `1j_1=11NGs wlux ner urotner. 1-Iemxv Alford. 7 -- Mr. and Mrs. John McKee of Mid- land attended the funeral of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. T. McKee, last` week. on page 2.)` wumers, ne Bowles, Col one each. around the he accounte Barrie Ie period by score to fou session ope an` offensi not stop a lead they 1` bitt was th winners, ne nnu11na (`AI For the perhaps f0 8 Bradford on Barrie 1' the Bradf local youn was played impossible their best game this . both were . First Ti Eve BRADI V4 yux, \.\l L uppvr fru could not -AA\,l\la.llU. Consud reply in that he } opening h of the C01 3.119. J1r .Plum. Jam .3%9c% McDo that he had had and not] only hit ter, he L and said the huus and afte regained lainant is hand; him and He char having l were on C o1'ro actual Blakoly A mo there, 1\ jaw, kn 1 u , L11 McKn. let`, ()1 tangr; bury; 1\ie`,' fil; 1.1 1! fl - .I II! John Stan} 1193' ('1 L` Samu Louis shal and 1. McNi three Jew z IIIUF 5 1|/flax `T _I`The-`I ~v Gingersnaps` . lbs; 3-lb, Jar Orange Marnju;-` % l/a`d,e . ... . . ; .*39c or me bride. . 1 After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left for 8. short trlp.'Mr. -and Mrs. Elson will reside in Toronto. awsuxluu U1 nzagar. ` Miss A. Alford has returned to Tor- onto after having spent a few weeks] with her brother. Henry Alford. I Mrs. Jnhn Marx... 1.: `Ian; Elson~-Nesbitt . On Wednesday, Nov. 24, a pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. A and Mrs. R. G. Galiaugher, Cooketown. when Margaret Blanche Nesbitt was united in marriage to Joseph P. Eison -of Toronto. Rev. G. L. Gray of Rose- mount officiated. The bride, who was unattended. was iegivent away by her` brother-in-law and wore a, gown of rose georgette wih silver trimmings. She carried a.- bouquet oi Sweetheart roses-and iiiy- or-the-valley. The wedding march was played by Miss Evelyn Arno1d..couei-n not the bride. Afton flan u....:.u.... L------7' - -- She11%ec_1_'V-alutsv 49 15; _ Icing `Sugar ._ .V -lbs. : %SeeVd1es_s ~Raisins2 lbs, Spec1al Biend Tea ,. ...1....- ._- ----. - `JAYS GROCERY Fomatoes . . 2` can 25 Peas 2 can} 41. J3; ruuarson, Auanaa.1e-, phone 148. There was -no church service here on Sunday on account of the snow storm. '|\IlaA'- 'IA'n..l..1 ' Y..I.|.u.1. - -- 1- nu ' GI.Ul'HIc . V I Miss" Muriel Jobbltt and George! Brown of Toronto -spent Sunda.-ywlth Mrs. C. Jobbltt. Special price, slightly used,pia.nos. A. E. Patterson, Allandalia, phoixe 148 l'U1u'UU. ' Rad1o---Mohawk. 6-tube. `shielded. one dial; $80 and $91. less adcessories. A. E; Patterson, Allanda.le-, phone 148. was -no ahumh mm... 1..., Dec. ll--:The A. at st; 1=a.iii's Church held a parlor social on Friday night at the homeof Mrs.vS. Reynolds. The lucky ticket `was held by S. I-Ioughton who.won the quilt. At Mr. Houghton's wish the quilt was resold for missions. The evening: was spent in music and singing and after ten o'clock there was dancing until ' the small hours of the morning. About $40 was realized. ' 'Duln__IDnLnunI- n A.-.I__ _.I.I,I~ '- UIUUK. in ED! HIOPHUIK. --Expect car or nut cake on track any day. Any person wanting coke, tele- phone and I will advise when car ar- rives. Stove and nut size anthracite coal in sheds at Craigvale.-B. Webb. Dec." 8--Fortwy -thvree `members of it `Minerva Lodge journeyed to` Toronto - last Wednesday evening for a frater- nal visit to Queen City Lodge. After a very pleasant-and instructive meeting in the lodge room all adjourned to the banquet hall where a loud speaker siaadio was installed and election re- turns acted as an appetizer to the good `things to eat provided by`. the hosts. After the customary toasts a splendid programof songs. humorous sketches. a lecture on a trip through Great Bri- I lain illustrated by slides and a. three- ` reel moving picture travalogu e of a j trip from Montreal to and across the British Isles brought a very. enjoyable ` evening to a. close. A tired but happy .` crowd arrived back at Stroud at 8 o - ` clock in the morning. --Exnent nar nf nut nnlrn nn hnnnb onus l By `the official-count otgthe ballots `Q3: in the provincial election in Cen- hs` Simcoe, which `was. made by Re- . turning Qmcer 8.N. Hunt on Wednes- ~In.v-- the Innjnrltu (if ('9' in union 4.. .: .tho.maJority `oil 0'. E. Wright is :lllllI_'\l_I.I-IVE!` D-IN: nurll on wanna!- oveased to 196. .Wrizlit s msjoniti jin rise. is set at 90..-.that in .,Pe'netaug at 821 and his majority in Tiny is in- `-Iireased to 285. Figures of other muni- cipalities` reported last` week remain unchanged. There were 10.485 vdtes polled. a little better. than sixty per- cent. of the possible vote. `At Edenvale and Tory Hill` less than half the votes -were polled. At Edenvale 83 ballots `were cast auds86 unpolled; while at Tory Hill the `proportion of unpolled . votes was even greater. 82 out- di! 9. possible 137. & each lb. FREE, ` MAJom771?5: 1m menu: us so MINI`-:1N S'l`_1_\TION * Fin Sittu 919 BAY POINT Malcomson ticketed Eh: ftnnvnain n ....... .._ ETH_ESD3 iED<=AI? 1' 1'1 v-5 Esmoun .41. 1'. A. iviaicomson ticketed the following steamship passengers `for -December sailings: `Miss Rose Lyden, . Miss Hannah Lyden, Barrie, to Glas- vgow and return- Fred Flack, Utopia, to Liverpool; keg. Friend, Cooks- town. to T.1'vm-nnnl. '|'.r........ nn.`...I :11`. w. u. mtue; Delegate to Grand Lodge in Ottawa in August, 8. Gar- side; Alternate. Delegate, T. Pearce. - Afterthe buninman nf Han -y....n...... .. mus; Alternate. Delegate, Afterthe business of the meeting ` `bu/`nquet was served. L uuw reapecuvely. ' V ,The officers for 1927' are:-I.P.P..' J. Wood: W.P., T. J. Edge; V.P.. F, Goodwin: Cha.p.. W. Wardlg; '1`reas.. W. B. Webb; Sec'y., .V. E. Knight: Committee. W. C, Curtis. W. Rusk. A. Jew, Jr.', A. Hook; I.G.. O. Walton; ,0.G., '1`. Pearce; Auditors. W. Wardle. T. Pearce. S. Garslde; Trustees, W. Rusk. J.` C. Miles. J. Babb: Physician. Dr. W. 0. Little; Delggate Grand uuvcl-I VI ! [GU73 Kempenfeldt Lodge No. 158, S.0.E.. held their annual meeting and election of_officers on Tuesday night. W. B. Webb and V...E. Knight were elected to their offices for the 35th `and 21st time respectively. .The officer: fnw 109')" ...m,,'rnn- Y "I ujvwjrl] TUI A quiet wedding took place on Mon- day in Toro to when Miss Elsie Annie Ayres, dau ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo..l Ayres of Mlnesing, was married to Victor Henry Nel-son Magee of Allan- dale. soneof Mrs. George -Moore "of `Thornton and the late John Magee of Sunnideale. The ceremony was per- formed, by Rev. S. M. Beach, former minister of Burton Ave. _United ,Church. . : I ' lllllllluulf I Church. , _ extent. "Mrs. C.` Marcellus has received ' word that her brother. c. L. Nixon. . formerly of Dalston, but now of Cadil- lac, Sask.. lost his barn, eight fine work horses and all his `implements by tire on Nov. 15. 'rhe'ceuse of the tire is a. complete mystery. Insurance covers only a ortion. of the loss. The bazaar, eldfunder the auspic- es of the WA. or St. George's Church on Tuesday was a realysuccess and the proceeds _ah1ounted to over $200. Mrs. (Rev.) A. R. Holden was the hostess and the convenors oi the various booths were: fancywork. Miss Leon- ard; novelties. Mrs. J. Little: aprons, Mrs. A. E. Patterson; homemade bak- ing, Mrs. McFadden; candy, Miss R. Spearn; afternoon; tea. Mrs. E. F.` Wood. rusuu E. - - ` ' I " The Y.P.S. of `Essa -St.'5-Presbyter-- Ian church helda very succestul and enjoyable bazaar . and sale 01 home- made baking in the school room otthe` church on Friday afternoon of last week. as a result or which their treas- ury was `enriched to a considerable extent. - < 'K|na' (V I)`. II...._'.II-_... L ., ` - - ` mm. a. a. nvunton. 4 `i Radio-Beauutul new `models or the}. tamous Strombetrg-Carlson " Neutro- dyne. AI. E. Patterson. Allamdale. phone 148. 49c.I L._ E. Mclymlin flayed the organ in East St. Presbyter an church last Sun- I da.y'1n the absence of Miss Bailey who. 3 because of the storm. was unable to be/ pI`6B8nt. Thu VD Q I`. -1:\...... ma. -.'n..-_I...-L_~ cu mverpool; Reg. Friend, Co6ks town, to Liverpool; HenryTOfard, Cookstown, to Liverpool,_and return; Mrs. Dutton and son, -Cookstown, to Liv9rpool'and returq; ' vvv uuupus. ` Mrs. Clarence Jackson not Coiling- 'wood [is visiting her parents,-Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bvunton. , `RnIn:12nnnHOnI many ._...'.I.!.. -1 4L-` .uuIung. ` Gard-on~ Kelly has retu6'ed- -aftr I spending the past; three months- in Winnipeg. . ' ` Mrs. (".In,rnnnA _Tn}!bnnn `A air!!-- g:Illfu.llUv wuere ne nus spent some nme.| Local fishermen ans busy trying to, get a supply of minnows tor the ice fishing. . . flnvonn. Ynllvy Inna ....a..a..._...1 -a.___ wt apeuumg a.'.weeK In '.l'Ol`Onl'.0. Special price, slightly used `pianos. A. E. Patt epson. gallandale. fphone .148 Jack Arden has returned from Co- chrane where he has spent time. ` Local fisherman mu hlnnr +m.-1.... 4.... wuvn-uuq vusuuru In `.L'O!'0l'll'.0. - _ ' : Mrs. E`. W.TDobson` has returned at ter spendig azweek in Toronto. Snanlnl nrlnn nahfliy "and Hnlnnnu . H. .VF$i1-man has `hio;ed from 131-o.dtor7l St. to William St. .' ~ - ` ~ (En:-Ann `Linn: has -an-n'.a'J.'.'-... 15-15 at. I0 wuuam at. I ; A -_ m`_ . Gordon How has moved tram Bgld- win St. to Centre` St-. M I Mr" and M: `In 7. .,t:.......`.....' ......_- ' wm_ an L9 venue at. " . Mr; and Mrs. "W. J. '-G_r_acey` were week-end visitors` In Toronto. ' Mrs N` 7"TIt1h|:nn ha. -.m+.........-..a ..o axwigxwwiwxiiiig 3 ALLANDALE , g: - ..t_.&_:_:, - -h - - - ._. _, A little salt will remove rult stains from the teeth. ` The fat of good meat wlll beusnow white, never yellow. V Discarded silk dresses can be made into servlcable sllps._ - ' j 5>xoz<`>xoxox<>xox~ix%< -x>x>x'o`xox<-x`<" . _ L _ g . T g 1! I:Vl-___- I___ :._.'_..__.I A.-___, on V ` ` I. ` _ v_ `V- ,f__ ___ _~ _.--._._:--....., - 1...... _-av: vv;1u11%lU1V`} V 1 1925 e M00161 Essex Coach le %Four-Door Essex Sedan, % New 4 _(ALL' CARS FULLY EQUIPPED) A Ecash e /Depioeit will e Alvnold. eany% of these cars until Spring, ] ,tl1en arrang slashing Price Reductions. on (lur Stock of Hlltisonandfssex. cars 8.0.E. Officers. 9.1;; -r..-:.._ - V A Mag;-Ayo_-as -nlnu LA.-J- ._I.. To MAKE Room FOR NEW MODELS WHICH WILL _BE ANNOUNCED IN JANUARY ' - . .. _ - Anglican Church` Supper The supper held by the 4ng1ican' church. on Wednesday night'was at- tended by. a. large crowd who thor- oughly enjoyed the supper and the en- tertainment which followed. The pro-. gram was `provided by local talent and was` greatly appreciated. Rev. `Mr. Hern of Bond Head" acted as chairman. Cookstown being without a rector.` Enjoyable solos were rendered by Mrs. L. E. Monkman. Miss .Wllma_ Stoddart and Miss Mary Hopper and -Matt.,_ Lowrie of Thornton. Selections b.v Messrs. Glass, McMillan and Arnold were greatly appreciated. Mrs. T. Mc- 4 Millan accompanied them...Mrs. J." R. = Lemon and Orange. CPAGCI OPEN "E_\(ENlNGS TILL " CHRISTMAS ) %, coo1'rpv_s_/N `wt j*<:T (SMALL MILEAGE, P'1i15EcT co1~TD1'noN) In: 1-1:-~ V-n - A 4 GOLD TIE PINS $2 to $35 "_ ";,adips -`and Gerl_ts" II1!\I:ur-n ` f" Single: `pieces `a;;'r1`_i-%-s`;*;s I- . AAA AA` 3.00td $1i.oo 0 RiN_c" '0 $1 to $100.00 W88. Inn...` 'FOILET WARE sTc_>_1~_1gsAET MILITARY BRUSHES AND STETS REEVES JEWELRY STORE ' WRIST ` WATCHES `LEATHER PURSES . ss,o s` $2 tof$1E_)' f . ;_l'l-IE snkjt uxauxuizn V g