s OLD ENGLAND Is New Her Sons and Daughters Home for TT , and NEW YEAR S We have already booked many passages ` '- _VVH,Y NOT `YOURS? T SIMMONS &LC0; Uzp-Town Tickgt Office and Information, Bureau CANADIAN NATlONAL.RAlU1;Yg$YS ` " ' L -.- II A I t\l\I n1\1\'o-2? . "; n-1 . i ' [EVERY COATMCST BE SOLD ` PRICES IN MANY" COATS CUT IN HALF '. Coats at Below Wholesale`C9st to cfeaf `If you.{1re stillvvwahting a Winter Cloth Coat-Buy Now. comnm CLEARANCE on-`Au. WOMEN S; AND CHl1.DREN S CLOTH cons THAT IS FREE I-REE! ELATE AND ROCK - SOLE AGENT FOR HECLA FURNACES l 531 : BARRIE - = 113 Dunlap St. COAT SALE [(;Ij[ 3 DOW IN UIVIIIIH Er SMITH COAL THE COAT STORE. IN ALLSIZES COKE " . `3.:'V,_I .I|onoA 447W `A I -f*-mgnnna, out. 15'(':'Si}'i Phone l092W Resiqencf : xguq < n v ,\.u. vuv uvauavaa usullluyll ' nospltal Accounts I I v`H5Pital' Grim` In '? cases it Several reports of committees and 0 `S W1S- {d thatd thle P9-tlents tW;" by-laws were put through at the clos- v 3 9 P337 9 9 eve .9 - .9 ing session on Friday evening. The Coal, & COIKG -ifrth1' . f 3t 3'_`*"d* - most important report was that of ` 35 Bndfd 3h 3",`. I "I_`he` Legislative Committee. thfo the -Finance `Committee regarding .ph.... 743 ,5 EvQ'nin'. 9131 the `chairman. Conn. Lambert, i'ec- hospital accounts which recommend- ; _ _ . 0mme11ded*t1'!at no action be, taken ed that each hospital he required to regarding resolutions from the co_un- send notice of admission of each in- ty of Renfrew suggesting an amend-c digent patient, giving date of admis- merit to the Public Health `Actand sion, name of. municipality in` which A` teaspoon otammonla with 3; cup or cold tea is an excellent cleaner for black tel_t.p - * ` " from the county `of I-Ialton with_~rc- the patient was a resident, length of- , gard to,the changes, in the Hospital -residence` andname of doctor,_ in du- _- "HERB JUICE" certainly was a life saver for me." said Mr. S. G. Seager. Great War veteran residing at 818 Bruce Ave., Windsor. In speaking fur- ther he stated: "Ever since the Great War I suffered terribly with indiges- tion, general disability and severe gas pains after eating. I was losing weight at the rate of about three pounds per` month `A and could not sleep. I purchas- ed some HERB JUICE because I read in the paper about how many people had received almost unbelievable re- sults. After taking two bottles, imag- ine my surprise when my appetite re- turned and I did not have any furth- er difficulty in sleeping. I have gain- ed fifteen pounds in weight and feel rested in the morning and able to go to my work. I would advise all people suffering from indigestion. constipa- tion. stomach .or liver trouble to use ' HERB JUICE. r..- .-I-`|... \AI... n..-..|......| -...a 1-..]- .r1.mnu JUlUl!4'." 1 For sale by Wm. Grassland and lead- ing druggisto ever-ywhore._ 48c GREAT WAR VETERAN SAYS HERB JUICE ] WASLIFE SAVER C_ Q. D. at one time was ' help. It now. means the wireless call for coal quickly delivered. Let us help youwith your fuel problem. Let us serve you with the best ton of coal that ever heated a. home. For interview terms. apply it 62 Ron St. : BARBIE 3 Phone 249 IVQICI QQOCIIIIIU V V IICUII Oontralto Vocalist, Entertainer add` Elocutioniot, `inging. peaking. Public Oratory , , and` Dramatic Expression. Orninvt` Jvoirinaotor Collier Street Unitotlchurch b All grades of ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY: VOICE PRODUCTIONK and SINGING ( ll examinations). A80 _-q-: renrel U.E.0. e next meet- sday evening, Chas. Degear, `mg a delegate ion, therefore uested. After euchre ptuty s amusement. Imunson, Abacisfszn 2, 1926 Brown & Co- Costs less than half a ham per hen per day to feed. 10,0-lb. bags . . . $3.85 25-lb. bags . . . . . . $1.10 ORDER TODAY `FROM Horace .\`Vils9I_1_, g.I1|I-:=~_s:4` I-'_"_l\l -the:-. Bg.s'et, '-' IVVIBI-AVE EUQIIVI-'iU II`I\Il"' ING SCHOOLS. Enter any time. - Ne vacations. Day and night unions and `home study- eouruee. Free pertieulnre. P, A. Mclntoeh, Mr., Dept. E-4. .46 Bloor Street West. Tnrontg. ` in the keynote; .to_ face: all students in any` one of T El `IE QIIQIKIEQ uuviivii nu IIIIIIUIIII all IIIIISB any S!!AW S. TWELVE BUSINESS TRAIN-4 IIIIS Bl.Il\f\l G B__A___ -___ Thingsl if you intend to -lay-up your car this winter, store . your battery with us, for. your own protection. - If you do not, let us make the necessary adjust- ments, '..for winter driv-. ing, to your ciarnow. Bu-rig; ----:.4 `H-51.1t.ario Exide Battery Service _ ii'.;1.;_ PERSONAL msrnucuon L WINTER `, WEATHER 'BIy}iJ& "_s"tE ' "'0WII' '1! I `#7///WWW W1?/1 yazmeed coa1.Ja.s!' J'em1'zzd as.- 7Z1.'sre/mlzafs yea were fa nd Iz.5_.. _ ue Dec. .12 due by sale us by sale Dec. 8 ob Dec. 11 ..:.v..vw~ IRA `the rapid may make ELI A IIIUC - wrwu v vuv disc I! &l_I $IIQ J IH\iI\IIII Reports of the Finance _Committee recommended payment of twenty 3one accounts of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie; four of the Tor- =onto Hosgital for Consumptives; two of the oronto General Hos ital; ;`twelv.e.of the Muskoka `I-Iospita for Consumptives; four of the Collins- `wood General & Marine Hospital `and one of the Soldiers Memorial three was. found that the patients were able to pay and eleven are` to be `further investigated; ~ ' 4 v'...:-I_;:___ n____,,,o'.. .- a . couraging. ` _.-..- ., uwov R. H; McVicar, divisionalengineer of the highways department, stated that although Simcoe was the last county inthe province to adopt the commission, the results had been en- 7 tried honestly and earnes ly' to do their duty and he` believed it would. '- work out as successfully here` as in other counties. / He pointed out that, while the reeves have no authority on.county roads, they could co-oper- ate by passing their `criticisms and suggestions on to the engineer. `He stated that it is impossible to get the work done with farm labor and he recommended the purchase of one or two -light tractors next year. Some townships, he. stated, have used trac-I _tors and can drag a whole township in a week. -' Designated as County Bridges/ The Roads and Bridges Committee granted permission to the towns of V Midland and Penetang to erect signs on the county roads leading to those towns as requested by Couns.iI. K` The commis ion had; `Brown and Dutton. Payment of the a account` of - Thos. `Kirkpatrick, amounting to $27, for/lcaretaking,of With h regard to requests for the ; county to assume the bridge over the lKirkpatrick's bridge was -authorized. N ottawasaga River on the fourth line `of. Flos and Baxter bridge in Essajas ; ,county bridges, `the committee ex- 1 pressed willingness to7do- so if the ` icounty Judge will declare zthem ,` county bridges in the regular way. The request of the town of Pene- ;tang toconstruct the central twenty V; feet `of a street was referred to the .-road commission with instructions to , ireport at the January session. . _ _ ' _ , (' . I Coun. Spicher ha}/i opposed` the ap- pointment of the committee last Jan-' uary, but he -had novcomplaint about the way they had done. their work and he "thought it would be a mis- take not to appoint the same men again. Couns. Denney and Carlton also spoke in ,approval of the work `done by the commi-ssion during their first year. , 'n`1v in-vn to-o I Coun. Dutton, the third member of the commission, suggested that _in future there should be an_ `organized ang of men to do the roadwork. If this were done he thought the work would be accomplished. V --v - vv v --1 -ICUVU DIV ZWVUUCYUVIVJI . No Friction wi'th-(Engineer Colm. Coombs, secretary of the commissxon, set at rest any suspicfbn of friction between the engmeer and the commission. The commission, he said, desired to co-operate with the reeves and did not take anything out of their hands.` They had tried to be- fair with everyone; -thought, was a mistake `anqxlxee urged wcoun. Byzrnehthouight there was Feeling-that with the appointment of the. commission he responsibility of the representati. s ended. This, h the utmost co-operation be ween the commissionengineer and t repre- sentatwes. [uvoovuva v ww- . Coun. `Crwford expressed his willingness to- co-operate `with the commission, but he understood that, `.t.he` reeves had no authority. \1'_ 17L.!.-L: ___ -_,!1I, IN I I Coun. Cunning-hamof Alliston was {of th_e opinion thatsomething more could and shouldbe done to keep the highways in `shape. "If we have to 'fire the whole bunch. I'm willing to do it, hedeclared, but we must do something for the roads." ` Thought Something Amiss " , There is something wrong some- r where," stated Coun. I. K. Brown of Midland. We are not getting to the bottom of this road business. We could not run our-own in the hit-- and-miss way we are using with this question. What we have heard to- day is just excuses. This talk of not being able to get .men is all poppy-cock. We can get men if we pay them enough, but we're not get- ting the work done and we're `not get- . ting the best men. -Coun. Brown ` expressedthe opinion that the com- 4 mission was composed of the best A men in the Council and the work I would" be all right when they have 1 been `working together for a time. . Inn... Coun. Jebb" of Tecumseth then wanted, to know what. had happengd on the road from Tottenham `west to the townline. $6,000 had been appropriated but only`a third of it was spent and. the road is in bad shape. The Engineer replied /that it was very difficult. to get help in the south part of the county.. This work was laid out but the patrolmen would not touch it until after the harvest and then it was too ,.wet. Coun. Jebb then asked about the road through Cookstown. whichlhe stated.'is the I . (Continued tram page 1) Iworst road `from here to Toronto. Cars get stuck on the street and` it` is so bad that one merchant has built \ la platform.`but in front of his.store_ so his- customers can get in and out. Mr. Campbell stated that the `road 1 was good all summer but was broken up by the rain and it had been im- - possible to get at it, Some .%"Co1i,1i)-lE.1,ts,_. Bi1t' its`! Work `for the Most Part V is;`_Approved ROAD COMMISSION UNDER DISCJJSSION` BY co. COUNCILLORS] ;'.;;.. "c1+.3;"s{e"tf. iiere had'been some trouble with the hot water plant at the House of Refuge and his committee was-given author- ity to see about the necessary res _ pairs. Inn`-`An A` Innlunn 'I\ul-LA-. I...) January session. . On motion of Couns. Dutton and McGibbon, the Roads and Bridges Committee was asked `to consider paving the centre 20 feet of Holland St. in the village of Bradford, a dis- tance of 800 feet, and report at the 1': -.--v-. -V-v-v av- yauuvv ova uuytrnnuue 1 A b,v-law was introduced author- izing the conveyance of` the south- east ten acres of `lot 1, con`. 6, Ves- pr, for a gravel-pit for the town- ships of.Vespra and Flos and the county as tenant-in-common, the leg- al costs to be naid by the county. I'1;--.. .ro_..1L-_ _1__1___1 LL ,. n Wyley, $15. The Education Committee recom- mended that the matter of grants to "the ' variousTeachers Institutes be left over to the January session and the Printing Committee recom- mended payment of the account of Walter Scott for'$17.80 for supplies. - `A I.-. 1_-'_ ____ :._L_.__I_._-_.j -__L1_ , , `lilyuamfurther report the request for a grant of $90 to defray the expenses 51 ! of the judging teams to the Royal Winter Fair`was laid over to the 1 next session; the Children's Shelter was asked to careffor a boy now there though not committed, until , he is six years old or is committed to the Belleville school; a grant of $500 was made to the union` school section 14, Tay, and 15, Medonte, to assist in building a new school; payment-of account of Boys & Boys, $237.91 and W. H. Martin, $15, was authorized and it was recommended that no grant be made the W.I. of Duntroon for placing a light on the corner of the , county roads at that place. Commission Paid to Couns. " As "requested by thetreasurer, the Roads and . Bridges `Committee amended a former report regarding the Waubaushene bridge, to permit payment of`~thet $5,000 granted by the county to ).'the department `of `public works instead of to the town- ship of Tay. Couns. A. A. Cunning- ham and Templeman were appointed. to have necessary repairs made to the bridge over the.North River be- tween the -townships of Orillia and Ma-tchedash. and the treasurer was `authorized to'make payments on ad- vice of the committee. Paymentof commission work and mileage to Councillors was authorized `as fol- lows: Warden Davis, $7.50; Couns. Arnold, $20.50; Asselin, $11; Bag, $16.50; I. K. Brown, _$10;fR. A. Brown, $15; Corbett, $11; Crawford; $7;;A. A. Cunningham, $23; Denney, $18.50; Doran, $ .70; Downey, $12; Drysdale, $17.5 ;,Glover, $14.60; Gooden, $10; Gratrix, $17.50; Hambl,v,. $22"; Holmes, $10; John- ston, $21' Jebb, `$10.50; Kiernan, $19; Lambert, $10; Luck, $7; Mc- ..Leod, $5; Patterson, $11; Potter, $29.30; `Robinson, $17.50; Shields, 17.10; Spicher, $18.20; Templeman, $32.50.; Tom, $16.50; A. H. Wilson, $12.`; J. Wilson, $12; R. Wray. $6; . 'I"Iun. `Ia`aIunnL.n. f'.u.......L4. . . _ . ........ [local munia ,'and reeve t `of the pati< to pay for , Such accou: lable agains: to the hos} that they tients. Th. to pay all . ered genuin ity and all, be `held oi the Financ cil. . On reco: nance Comr ed guarant township of the town of - pointing TI Stewart of authorizing tain -legitim accounts 01 as they are ment. Pay St. Andrew maintenance was authori The Road` brought in agreements land and Ste struction, in quirements highways. a1 ing -E. McD caretaker of Severn rive: year: -' By-law, to across the Flos and th: as county 1) the chairma: and the rec Essa were a look` after th ter bridge. The 'Clerl `tain a copy .commander which .was re II J e...~.1.... u Una UIQSUII furnishing % per ah- edit sums. ...,- . -,..- --uvv.-vu uyunu vv sun 3 The. Finance Committee, recom-' " mended, with regard to the Hospitals ' Act, that `all accounts be received ; and paid if found correct, payment; to start from April 8, 1926. Local} municipalities wh_ere patients are- found to be resideffts under the Act: are required to pay half the ac-` counts when so notified by the clerk. . With regard to an account from the Muslcoka Hospital for a- patient from Tecumseth, which had already been paid by the township, it was recom- mendedythat the township be refund- ed $177, half the amount of the ac- count. Payment of $28.50 to _the* Royal Victoria Hospital for a pa-f tient was authorized and also an ac- count of $4.00 from Dr; Harvie of . Goldwater, which had already been` paid\ by thetownshin of Tay, and an account from the Collingwood G. & 1 M. Hospital for $61.50. The request, of Couns. _Wilson and `Doran for re- |` fund of $50, school taxes on the re- ~ forestation plot at Anten Mills, was .1 granted. - - ' ` 1).. .. c....n...... ._........4. 4.1.. .......__i. c-.. ` uxucuy. / _ The session was conclu ed with a short meeting on Friday night when I a fewbelated reports were presented by thetcommittees. Presentation of 1 reports const_ituted_the bulk of the! bgsiness at the [Friday afternoon ses- E smn. ` 1 A_,,,_,,n 1-; u. CIvo.n Q: -Irtvvvva u; one .|Lvuac UL Awcxuge. ' Geo. Davis, Sr., father of the `War- M den; Vex-Warden C. H. .Eplette of Goldwater and D. L. Banting of Essa occupied seats on the dais and'spoke I briefly. mhn nnnn:A-. Iuvnm n.\.....`I....I-J -_.LL - budge Vance presented his report,` regarding the property of severalsin-' mates of the House of Refuge. and sugg'ested~that~ a scheme, be devised whereby _inmates, as they are; com- mitted to the institution , would have, T profided by the person_who commits them, a statement giving full Dar-i ticulars of their friends and relatives and any property they have in their own right. Judge Vance also rec- ommended` that a set' of `books he kept and arrangements made where-; by Mr. Jardine `can look after the `property of the inmates and that it be subject to the audit of the in- spector of the Houseof Refuge. fl ... `l\....:... 0.. .c-LL___ .1 u. `Viv _ .- `"`.``,`fT""'` , ..""" , Act, w"anting each municipality 3 to I a play for its own indigent patients. I -- ' The Property Committee V ..The, report of the Property _Com- .. '; mittee, presented by Colin. Gooden, ti recommended payment of an account 2 ,,:for $180191` a new typewriter `for ' ; the `Judges office; that the Council 1 ratify the agreement between the townships of Vepra and F103 and the Reforestation Committee 'regarding.__ the tansfer of` certain lands, in the: two townships; that no action be tak- en with regard to the account of _ R . A. Stephens, Eimvale, and that n the request` of Couns. Kiernan and i: Spicher to have the offices in the a \cgunty building numbered be grant- ; p le '. " fhseveral _Accounts Dealt With _Ii->;-pji-t':t'zl' Accounts .` \_____,_.l,, D _ THE BARRIE EXAMlN~ER ;';* saw:-:1: FLUSHING W CASE 1s LOST BY N] sggg Town or BARRIE; wu.-----u nan-r\\l\lI` I? \ll` At the beginning of the long season of colds the `loss in efficiency, wages and the cost of medicines and doctors fees is mounting rapidly. With the first intimations of the autumn and winter eason come the` annual grief and tribute to diseases of the breath- ing tract. As the weeks pass common stock in the aspirin trust "becomes more valuable. A lnznuvunnnnu. -u-..........I-.. LI.-L 41.- -,, BUEHUB. ` The more pe ple know about right living the healthier and happier-they will be. - . e.-/ - ILIHUUB. . . ~ \ Costly though sickness is, however. nothing is gained and much _,may he lost by trying to evade it. One `should try to avoid sickness. but when it comes, to dodge its responsibilities and to substitute ignorant home prac_'- tice for scientific care. is foolish. By stopping work, going tobed a d can- ing the doctor at the beginni of an` infection people . often will escape pneumonia and other dangerous di- seases. e ` Vlnn Cunt;-any -'.--_I; I-..-__ -- 7 IIIUIU Vilnl uuule. A `newspaper remarks that the an- nual loss in working time through di- sease and disability in the United States is a least Pre- ventive me icine can reduce that con- tribution to waste and in doing so can save, the people millions that go toward the extraordinary expenses of \illness. ' 0 rt.-.-n-. n.........-:. _:_u_____;, -L - _-- --_- v--e.-no-n AlJ"AIOVVI The sympathy of Council was ex- pressed _to Coun. D. HJW1-ay, who. was prevented by illness from being present. ' j_ ' 1. u.I. 1u;: e. ' 'Clerk,was instructed to ob- of the letter from the of the ill-fated Nancy, read to [the Council by C. H. J. Snider, and have it included in the minutes of this session;_ A 1 I ` ' 5ii d'63 Id withput -__.- ------v-any-u vc. V1150 QIEDDIUIII A by-law was passed re designating roads in Tay ias part of the County highway system to `correct an error in the original by-law. rm..- .........n._. -r n-V-- '- I ' plicate to the County Clerk and that 5 ghe forward a copy to the clerk of the [local municipality asking the clerk ','and to certify to the residence "of patient and his or_her ability Dav f0!` hngnitnl Yh9;n+nnuv-nan Jcarn assume the Vigo bridge Nottawasaga River in the Baxter bridge in Essa bridges were -passed, and chairman of Roads and Bridges reeve and` deputy-reeve of appointed a committee to the completion of the Bax- ' IN... .n1__1- _____ s..,:,,,.-,- I - - wan auuiurmeu. . Roads and Bridges Committee by-`laws ratifying new with the towns of Mid- Stayner regarding road con- accordance with the re- of the department of and also a by-law appoint- McDonald of Cooner s Falls of Wasdell s bridge on the river at a salary of `$10 a `Du 1-... L- ......-...__- AL. 192.. 1 -1 recommendation of the Fi- Committee, by-laws were pass- guaranteeing debentures of the of Innisfil for $5,000 and Midland for $24,000. an-, -nointing Thos. Beecroft and W. T. Barrie auditors for 1927, the treasurer to pay cer- -legitimate accountsand to pay of the "Children's Shelter certified by the manage- Payment of the account of s Hospital. Midland, for maintenance of six indigent patients . authorized. ' ML- D--.1._ _._J ha-J A V4. mu. yavscllu auu tun Ul'_Ul' aoulny }to the hospital maintenance. ,Such accounts are not to be charge- lable against the annual grants given hospitals. unless it is shown are strictly county pa- The `treasure`i' is authorized accounts that area consid- genuine by the local municipal- allmaccounts disputed are to over for consideration by thle Finance Committee and Coun- c1 . ` f\__ ____ , -I II - -- ---I , F _.. -., V- -.-.. avunalvll-bl ;, Wm. H. Hall was awarded $120 _ and costs against Carlin Foyston of} .Minesing on a claim for damages Iarising out of an auto collision at` 7an intersection on the highway near. f Churchill. Judge Wismer found that ' the plaintiff, who was on a sideroad, reached the corner first, that the vdefendant was driving too fast under fthe circumstances and that heisaw `the plaintiff and could have stopped ior turned out. . a -- S. W. Shierfock was given judg- 'ment for $23.60 andw-.osts on his claim against A., B. Thomas and judgment for $25 and costs was giv- .nn in fnvmu A: 'l` D 'M..rv..... .: rm... 1 ,en in favor of T. R. McCaw of Elm- va'le against C. J. Hicks of W.vev_ale on a note and account. D. M. `Coutts ;of Thornton got judgment for $60 ,and costs against Geo. Alpin of In- ~nisfil. This was an action for pay- ment for a clove; thresher sold by :the plaintiff to the defendant. The ~latter s counterclaim, alleging that the. machine was defective, was dis- missed. " \ u5_uIc.I-up uu upau uuu costs was EIV-I 5 ---.....-.... . vunau ____ . ...,,...... . " Another principle, however, that is` `applicable is that if the town by ar- tificial means brings water to a per-! so`n s property and d s damage, the] municipality is liable. This is what: happened in the Buchananicase. Noi costs are `allowed in either case. ' Taleof a Shirt Five other Division Court judg-A mehts have Been. handed down by Judge Wisme . An even break was securedby O. Marsan, who as de- fendant in an action for $.50 by; ' Lem Bros. for a laundry bill and` l I ,counterclaimed for a similar amount r for/the loss\ of a shirt alleged to have ; -been destroyed by the plaintiffs.` ' Both claims were allowed, the gar- : pertyv of- the plaintiff. - ment in question to become the pro-] 1 E (Continued from oage 1_) . t `nects with the -sewer system using it I improperly. The town authorities 2 attended to the matter as speedily as ' - ;possible and cpuld not be held liable gfgr damage prior to the use of the :,'f1re -hose. Mrs. Guthri_e s claim and] -`part of that of Mr; Buchananewere I for plumbers bills incurred in inves- I tigating the obstruction and both are -`dismissed in this regard. A .__1.L-__ ___ nctioneor \ H. J. Buchanan`Gets Juvd'g_-% ment for` $11 ; .Wfa;1ter Baqked up Into Cellar ` A DANGER SEASON :5 on \ 4.1..` 1.......x.._.:.... _n AL- -V where the 'pipes are, is where there is apt to be trouble. If any should oc- cur at your p'1ace, send for us at once. We are experts at all sorts of repair work and we are also experts at getting on the job promptly and at keeping the bills down. - A. Matt, Plumber and Heater orrace and Yam? 217 Dunlap St. Phone 1324 WOOD A No. 1 BODY HARDWOOD HARDWOOD EDGINGS : HARDWOOD s1. PINE, TAMARACK AND MIXED WOOD