--....... uuuv uu_u1ugeu a. pate: ectric grates. - " The action had been brought- alleged infringement of. a Ca: I patent for an improvement inra `able eleetricwheater. but the k `Judges decided that there was 1 vention in the adaptation of 2 known idea. .. u. 11 . Llulll her parents, :'ien.. last wee Ira: Jones an farmer's 133.1 `*0 l\IvI\I- C4--- 09 A i~st= WW MINESING s'mf1f1p_1~_: '0V, 7_Quv~n-'.-.n`I..-- :.._ -_`_. ,,-_ -__.y-uv\q DJIJ`III\.A ov. .7-Sympa'thy is extenqen eaved relatives of Miss I passed away at the home ~ ;tie on Saturday night. `allace Pattenden hapnene t might have been a bad a week. When threshing he arm in some of the machine re he extricated it his at _v hurt but ho a. an:-~ -1-- was .. n_ IQ! I . _'l. . unxvl B 0V6!` HUl'e.' Humphrey 'entsx, MI or uuu, Au '. ` Week?` _s and so: 3 father. Sunday. Luabcu It 111! he is doing 1 of North Ba here for at pp and J. M e holidays at Q!` SOT! B y of and J 11 Maurice Thos. Stol uu: uume OI 1 happened an acc -nalnlnn I... ~- T13: a. uau aucw hing` can machinery : Urea Harvey dining set-vie e- supreme in the trains- portation world. T Just nlaifeoupon agtop of space. I 5 . Barrie Mrs. T. yuyalclans. 11') three-or four weeks"treatment 0? 0.121351 the remarkable improvement in your vitality, your appe your interest in lite. Buy _it from the druggist, $1.00 a jar. A II`! Dunn--n-__ nu: arln ng nicely 1 Bay is v short t I MnT.AIIn. as snort rm McLellan ` at the for; I rice visited Stokes, in extermin- I ned with I accident 1e caught inn!-v 9 ru-1 L lullllcn llan of ~ form- ; ----3-a mw I] III , Nearly every oung an young rl needs `Olajen between the ages of 12 an 18. That is the time at they tax their strength most and use up the vital mineral elements in the body. These minerals that make us mental and physical strength are Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Lecithin an Potassium. Olajen replaces these elements and restores energy. It is simply wonderful for warding off coughs, colds, anaemia and other similar ills. It has been prescribed for years by leading physicians. Try three-or four weeks treatment of Olajen and notice your appearance and Buy it the druggisf- $1 rm . a... V1Sit!_ . Rat- _vv you 57 now. visit- : time. Ian I\` U" Ill well i vugnl 1 ` and ` Iivntu \ ._ . a .. .9 .. .f_~. ,. . / Light Weight .1 . 35 lbs. coMP'r|11v ouALrrv T . Meqium Weight . 45 lbs. FINE QUALITY Weight 55 lbs. EXTRA FINE QUALITY r~ Extra Heavywight lbs. - sugan`. FINE QUALITY` 4 fingcamnmed Brantford, Qntario 17 u nuonng renaerec The Ball '131{iIl3"Mi11 Co., Ltd. -- __ 7__,____--_ v-_v< - Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Servfc on Brantford Roong rendered `by - D-n.n|__-2 sun A - - - VQIDU I'& tin` I VVIJTITI o\'n7'seu.~ I CAN TELL 8 Tue wtw HE LOOKS THAT J % at DOAH see ANY sense . sunganuv -rm-nnlo J. W8 HE ?'T.`.`!9.6:. . gn'_.. n VI $32 ("'_I nztnose 'n2\cK" ..Wt.R cf 362-A.\ Barrie \I* Hi] `I J'll\ degrud ciety : N01 (1 pnwvr they 11 (`nrnpm deal M fortunz hands Y`(',(]-Hm `hurmx-"1 wn._v.\ . also Ihl 0.. I H India "r\ ,1` Tllven `(hw I-..l. (,`:Lp'. work Litera ...1 X.. ANY Tud 12., III xiihfll nlu vene.HN4Ko - JoMp~'1aaoucn.'5. H003 Csrgraog '. ,`. ."\Jm A. 816 ` 1 : : ; . , Sh Th Sh Th ' -2-1-xsjj ` Benjamin Franklin published { pa.- ,per on causes of earthquakes. T ' ..I.A M. Mc`-Boyle, of Galena, III.. was` `arrested at Monmouth, 111.; charged I with theft of an airplan 1` I ` Hearing 9. false report that her son `had been seriously injured. in 9. foot- 1 : Utill I-ffne. Latrobe, 1 drowning. . a few others away on a a. visitand I think some here have visit- -; ors but your correspondent cannot. e, procure all names at all times. 5i Last '1"uesday evening the lights on = i the cross of St. Patxick s Church shone lforth brilliantly an were admired by. all. The bulbs. about 56 in number and .- of powerful-candle . .' strong dazzling light that can_.be seen Iformany miles. It is understood they will show each.ni1'=`.ht from 6 to 9 o'- clock. With the darkness above and I below this strong light one would won. der at the first glance where the strange sight came from and many at first were really bewildered and asked 1 queer questions. . ; Your correspondent has noticed in the columns of the ..Toronto papers of last week, letters sent from the north I by hunters describing some exciting_ 1 experiences they. have had with bear and wolves. `One experience _ for instance where the hunters were kept up a tree by wolves whochased them from thescent of blood from the moose theyhad killed and were carrying and which they` threw into. the lower .bra.n'ches,0f a tree where they climbed and remalnedrall night. Sounds rather fishy. wonder what they did with their I rifles duringvthis predicament? The rifles were not mentioned in their letters so it appears rather strange to anyone who has had in the northern `woods some experience ut.-as 111 me new career.` ' . ` A Among those who spent the week-t end holiday inthis village were: Pat. ` Donovan of Toronto. Willie Gomne,v of; Toronto, Robert King. with his brother` Daniel; Miss Annie`McVeigh of Pt. `Credit, the Misses Anna, and Irene Hayes from Toronto at their home here; Mrs. Gearin of Toronto with Rev. M. J. Gearin: Mrs. MacMil1an of Toronto with her parents. Mr. and i Mrs. I. .LeGace. ` Thnrn nnn'n 0-... ..LL_.A-r Mr. `and Mre. D. Buckley are vieingl `in Guelph. ` Dr. Leo Hall has located in Toronto. 'Best wishes go out `to hlm'fO1` a. suc- cess in his new } -AIYIOYIQ` fhnun nrlnn an...` 4.1.. _,-,- %`P_HELPSTO*N &mm$$&m&&wa&&&s uurulg a muse report I seriously a foot- game. Mrs. `Luuan Chalmers. oti robe, Pm. committed smnm- 1... Fast Growing . Young Lads and Young Girls mg Il.JI..I n...n-__--_ e. 1V.l!`8. mman Chalmers. of` Pm. committed suicide by- gavuls at melt nomes. Mrs. Terry and, Orval attended` the market. at Aurora with some produce !b on Thursday. - `- nruwy. ` Visitors with _Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Irwin on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Wil1`McKa_V. Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicol, Misses Rock and Laurine Irwin of Toronto, Mr. Nicholson 'oi lA;n ten Mills. _` D Misses Laurinle Alderson, Kathleen Boyle and Mae'Wice spent Thanks- lgiving at their homes. ` ` MPH. 'l`nr-ru innrl !\nunI. ..d......:...1? AL - I naxucruu one or ugnert's own._ ` Mrs. W. Lennox and Lambert of Ivy spent Sunday.with Mr. and Mrs. W. Broley. v""nIa Ityll-u Ill ... .... ,3 11"., -vvv - UCLY. . ` \ Walla/ce Downer; student at Vvycliffe` College, occupied the pulpit in the Un- lted Church here .on Sunday. All were glad to have him as'he is always con- sidered one of Egbert's own. I Mrs. W. Lmwnnv and T'.o,..~.t....`.a. -a ~r-.-. ' v uuunuug. Geo. Purchase has installed a. new radio this week. He wIl1'not lack for visitors this winter. ' A number `from here attended the temperance rally in Alliston on Thurs. day. . . you new rweuma, and need it now. \ Start; taking _it today. Rheuma acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach and `blood. and you can sincerely exclaim: "Good rlddance to bad rubbish. I Manv nennle, Hm nnnnlv ..1.....u-..u -a uuuy day. _i,-,_. I Nov. 8-Your c/orresniondent regrets [to report'itha-t Wm. McKnight passed to the Great "Beyond on` Saturday morning; - [ - I An Diinkon Inna. .l_..a.._II'__1 _ pruvuneut. Miss Dalton, a, resident of Shantfv Bay for over thirty years.` who has been with Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Peterson. was bufied in St. Thomas cemetery on Sunday last. _ 5 wt:n: zuuuug me mnanxsglvlng visitors. ` Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leach of Tor- onto have returned and are at present .Leach's health does not show any` im- with Mr. and Mrs. Alfted Palit. M1`. provement; ' Mica h0`fni| n an.-.I.:.....a. -47 nu-_,_.- Lizard and shark fossils wer found n the Sotfrls Valley, Manitoba. yv. rtuey uuwxaung. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B1 _Mrs Joh `Rose and Hovey Adam were among` Tth `Thanksgiving visitor and Mrs. Alfma T.Anr-h n4 rnm._ -Beaks} Mr. aha I :; '5 Lu`. ;v.u's. ujtev.) uraw. ` V V This village Was addened on Satur- day last when the n ws came that the second so of Mr. and Mrs. Rov Part-, .rldge had `been fatally kicked by a! horse in the stable. The little fellow was found in a dilng condition shortly latter and owfng to the absence of his {parents was taken to the hospital by Vvendall Graham. Shortly after his ar- rival there he passed away. The fun- eral. which was one of the largest seen! .here in some time, was on Mondayggo- 6 ing from the Union__Church to Crown! Hill cemetery, Re_v..'W. Craw and Rev. W.-`Paleybfficiating. T T . Mr. and Mr: `Tun 1:1.-X.-.1-_~ 1\/r.. ......=I uu, D1`. Mr. and Miss Gr y of Toronto pent the holiday at e manse with their` s ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Craw. ` ' I l village Vyas gaddened on7Satur- _a___ u__:;_ -_,n_ vvu.u um.` uuugzxterwat uwen sound. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Lel1an. Miss Me- Lellan and Harold motored from Tor- onto and spent the week-end with Mr. , and Mrs. C.'.W. Palk. .0 G. V . Caldwell is on the sick list at present. Mr anti .-Mia Tun `n.r....u... .....-I I-'.- Mr. a'nd`Mr`s. Jno; Martin and M2`. and Mrs. Hlldred Martin. Toronto. mo- tored to Shanty Bay for the week-end. staying with I-Iereward and Mrs. Mar- tin. Sr.` ` Mr and 1|/I'icu-5 (Inc... 4.4! rn......._- _>__-._.. It you suffer from. torturing rheum- zctic pains, swol1en,,twisted Joints,-andv nutter intensely because your system is [full of that dangerous poison" that makes thousands helpless and kills thousands years before their time, then you need Rheuma, and taking it mam: n:m........ ....a.. .Nov.` 8,--V-Mrs. Henry Gilchrist left on Saturday for a two weeks visit with her daughtermat Owen Sound. Mr, and Mrq `Mxrnlion mm... M. I`. . '. y ` Mrs. W. Jardlne of Stayner was ser- iously injbred and..he husband. owner of the car. Ernest Jackson` of New Lowell, driver, and Asa Doner of Stay-- ner, passenger, escaped Without injury` when the auto "in which they were rid- ing` was struck by a._freight train on `a,C.N.R. crossing` near .Woog1stock. I .4. qua year. Mr: town as a whole. A _ V The Mickle, Dyment & Son Lumber Co., of Gravenhurst, have 250 men employed at logging operations in their amps on the Muskoka Riger and Black River Jimis. `The Comnavm/'s mills at ,Gravenhur'st and Severn Bridge wily run the full season next year. uu: xuxuusr 01; we LOWII. ` ` At the next ciyic election.-citizens of Midland wi_ll.ha.ve an opportunity of deciding whether they wish to con- tinue the ward system or make the change of. electing the councilfrom the town whole. '|"hn 1\lI'h-ulzln nivmnnnm cc-.. v.-..-L,n 1'01`! NICNICOII. An` u'us'ua;l communication was re- ceived by the, Alliston Town Council in the shape Aof_clalm for compensa- tion for sheep killed by dogs within the limits, of the town. A1 fhn vinvf nl-min ..'ln..4:.... _:4.:_.__._ -n cu. J.V1lllCl' U1 '1'0l`0l'ltO. were Injured" when a. car in wich they were driving collided with_ another auto near Bass Lake. . / ` Arthur Paquet was sentenced to six ?onths in- Burwash for stealing $85 rom`. under the pillow of ._a.- sleeping roommate `at the C.P.R. bunkhouse at [Port McN'dcoll. ` ` An` I-|r"nn`uin~I an-.........._.I-..4.n___ __.-- -. in Muskoka . - - f uu-.uuu;_gr Ill ;L(1e_lat `I was chosen as Consex ' B. Hunter wonthe `_ road race at Midland 1 ' field of seventeen st: whom finished. Watson's . hardware was gutted by fire on ' age being estimated and six thousand o1 ' In `a recent shop er: `ilila. Miss Ruby Wren n nnnlvnn nix-. nu: `Ill. nos. 1}`. of Graven by an elec where he .\Mrs. Jas. S. Miller nrlnn as An in JIIIQ. $1113! a. motor Mrs. The: "Hung `I: Ri1euma;t-ivi.;s us enuyu tamed a. juries! G. member was cries Muskc D 'I'_`l ..... vv nue jut Stayner Inna n fw Gu l'I'.'UUlIL ant otor car. an: Therrien Wt nnu `I3 `Eln-u. SHANTWSXY EGBERT pqunuls ax er fell from ' fractured -`j EcC{e'l II ;the an on '1 _--vvvJ vvv 45005 0' No longer harassed by smothering. coughing or choking. ' Killaker Tablet: Wbrk Magic THIS wonderful remedy was dis- covered b a noted medical docv tor while witg the army in France. KILLS the most obstinate cases of COUGH3. COLDS, FLU.ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. e Will not afv feet the weakest heart--is _,perfectly7 harmless. "` Sold 5y all pmqaa , Money'Refunded if;Not Sstlsfactorr ~ } V zfatone or Bracebridge. 1e_ last Provincial House. s Conservative [candidate] nuggets Wren M (I lth... the and t\ V FUII W Miss -\ n bod. the annual ad on_0ct. 3 starters. fi uteistore ` Oct. `27 ed at be: gollars. ers' cont Hour: ---A_ . III a. rib :33 $111.. W; trln to F] a. former : s fatally n f TI-nnnn an All. VV_YUl` H.110. Florida. I. formerresldent s I-tixred at Iroquois Falls ad` as a. lineman. 1! Mars. and Mrs. `o; were Injured" hey 7..- _~-' --cabana. syLuvv G Jillo '5. cums -I.lMl`l'ED V-% 27 mm: S t1_-eet nut, rm-onto -- ` lat Go 3' contest in won first pm IS M. Wyer it-In fn `lo`lnu-IA 59` VV [1 tree and" . IFU III. 358. t. ~27, the d` between at I ) M Ll Y.M_T.C.A.U . 3.0 from a. fifteen of I uuy., 'm; Giftenl and s'us-' ' other in-! lt Stayner . dam- nvnnn `lira . Or- prize, er and nld _Quick Re1i;?f37 lull]- five < Beavers areirapidiy , ated in Qregon. L116 10!` Orillia Mrs.- the for I\unIII8.. ..-.uu_y u url. uu c ne Miss Alford of mg her brother he Miss F.` Knapp Barrie spent the h er's hom e hre.` I NH-n ur 1:J.........1. uauly Ill.` J MC an `I vvucue on saturdz Wallace Patten: what I xlast t his arm some 01 before extricat badly hurt but : Miss Alfm-A no 1 I Nov. .7- bereaved who passe Wattie or rQl\rn;\ -`-for your 2` tlgel-hndy Pocket Pack- \ as-uervea true Bachelor