.,vn9119e `DUO `I'TI3`kY"I"`I' nunn DAD F,TDT `nu-: CANADA STARCH co:uMn o .. MONTREAL dlltl NOURISHING "RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ntapt I'..L...u.In4-3.. G.-CIA Q2.......- `IA'....:.. A_L ('1 ________ 1.2-..-`- kP;`:,:'e 1-`iftela led on any of Barrie Mnilier ISON I '70; -A" L T W % Rideliall ` COFFEE ` ervice +HR5hA;;b6i=+% @526- Buy Advertised Thin. Shirley was so %surprised go Hear Vmy%voi<;e*! ' A. A. Moisarrn-I `Manager From the roaster direct to vacuum sealed containers.` This is th'% wecre,t of fu1l_-avored "mi rm g % dfaalt cw:-/I$.v'z.z'e 9L: I muuuu l.|m|Id._|lfrI..lln_\uul. > `(You know, Ichave, read a good deal about Long Dist nce service, so this, afternoon called my married daughter}? ~ .~Do you mean Sirfey who moved up to Morganville, last spring? Yes. and do you know I could hear her voice_"as distinctly as I` , hear "ours. -Shirley was so sur- "prise and delighted that `she T 5 wants `me to callher everywek. ` Constant impr_oVmerit i_n`_t,elephone V "pme"nt and _setvi\ce'ha_s`vittually t `_abolishe_d A distance. a Every -day` _ " ` frl_et'1ds.in cities hundreds of miles a';'ssrt,fate re-`united by. the modern /` mfagic---L031; Distance. " _ V` _ t1-1m~youseve:'v ' {ted a, distfantfrlendt by telephone? L- trot, why not give ~. so_r'n_eone_"a pleasaht`surp{ise. , ~ `_ -. H) `A t 'dThdB=11eT19hn C=mnv*ee`d = F d V " i;-1tt;it*c;.5s9??4`e} t l.`Ul'5l VQIIBSS. ` Having done this he showed his faith in God's love and Christ's forgiveness. ` T for he went forth '-to live `as if he knew ., already that, he was forgiven. After `, that first burst of passionate weeping, ,he did not seek to hide himself from ,the other disciplesgwho knew of his i sin. Instead of avoiding them he sought their company. He was with John when Maryhvof. Magdala brought them the startling news that the grave was open and no body; there. He was with John Lin~'that`swift run to the tomb. and din Iinot` hesitate to.enter in and see .for himself. He, was with the other dis- ciples in the early .morning dawn by - Galilee, and_ there received the public assurance that his repentance had been answered by forgiveness. He was re- . stored to`_the p'ositiof1 he had forfeited by his sin. ~ . mvm-v..-..m`..- nf this 1\Tu 'lI.-..u-..........a- ' 3 :3 . ?!*:I'svl-!I!:*I*?!*Ji*!*e-!1MvI~eM'I w*aKrl` 'luA_`{E`;.~.'HK`~80RROW 43 ~ -;.-" n:L:etom- A ` ,*'("Eh.O'r_i_A|ll` of Turs)_ j}lge.io;:lt} r. or Athens there,-were so many altars andsso many gods that'it was commonly said that it -was easier `to. find, a.-`god in `Athens than a man; ;Among- all `those Jaitars there were two which appeal to our minds more than `all itt_1e,`res.t._ One was the Altar to`a.n Unknown Godptrom which the apostle Paul drew great lessons in his address. on Mars um. ml... -Mane. uron as... An... .ru.uI 'u!`6W 8l'B.l'..18SO!'l3 "1 1118 8.0013888, 03! "Mars I-I`ill~.; The -'othex'~ was the Altar ot `1~`eags.4It was` dedicated to "no par- ticular sbd. It `bore no statue nor im- age. But there]-he vpenitents came and there -they weptgaway their sins. T-Invn reunion`: -0 4.1.- ..-.._..':I_ ..1_ 1...- v--`-sv ynoyg, VVVv&,vI`.VV_GJ `I.uU;u`,u1rtao _ 1-Iow_ much ,ot_ the _wor.1" s sin b ._ been washVed_a.wa.y' by tears Jesus ea. d that there was Joy. in the presence of the angels `of God over one sinner who repentedr-Why? Because tears of re- Den'te.n`cb are `an outward sla>n;oi! a. sort- ened ] heart. ,a `heart made tender - enough to seek and receive the balm of, God s forgiveness`. Iv .is .only when 8....s_oul is so tuched` by a. sense of i_ts_.; own sln.a.nd eed that it wi1l`~con_fess. M `its sin. so humbled that it .will- acknow-` ledge its h_elples`sn ess and cry for hard`- on-7-it is only then that ibis possib e tor G.0_d to save. Even 'God's omninotenc cannot `force forgiveness and salvati upon an unwilling"s oul. In the brok andcqntrite heart. the -tea.rful"eye, the .humble'praLyer tor fongiveness lies the dooro! hope whiclnopens into ever- lasting life.. i This nma I-hn..m... .141. H... .....'....n.. !i&xamai3 1 $1 .`- V`X.3F'ii 3 unsung uIe.. , _ . .-This was -the -_case ,,with the apostle Peter`. `He .-had. sinned arievously. He had denie` `his. Lord ..in` the Lord's hour of greatest. need. His sin was so . heinous that alt has been bracketed with that of Judas who 1betra.ved, his Lord, But the aftermath` of the two .si_ns was entirely different. Judas de- Epairedb of pardon, and going away, hanged `himself. Peter went out and wept bitterly. In some wailing place..- of the Jews `he `went and prayed for tprgiveness. - V I T-Tnulna Ann- kl- I... ..I_...--_.1 I_.l.. 1-24.1. guy nis amp _ , . - Every-reader of the New Testament is familiar` with the work Peter did. and the place he fil ed in the infant lchurch. Today` we Ch istians call Peter la. Saint: we name ourichunches after `him: we love to- dwell upon _his life with its contradictions of weakness and strength." of sin. repentance and forglveness,.hbeca'use it is so intensely `human. such a picture of our own lives. We hold up that life before our children to teach them lessons of. Christian livingnx -We `tell them how Peter. the man with all those faults and failings. nevertheless became a saint and armartyr all because once upon a time he wept bitterly in a. wall- ing place ofthe Jews outside the walls of Jerusalem. . your nder- every rtist? of a ry of - uwwwuu nvvwru I u_v . A candidate for political office, while making. a campaign speech sought to discover the "denominational sympath- ies of his audience. in order that he might turn the information to advante II FA ` ' age. '55 was an Episcopalian (stony silence), but my- great-grandmother belonged to ghe Presbyterian Church (continued silence). My [grandfather was a. Baptist `(more silence). but my grandmother was a. Congregationalist (still frigid silence). But I had a great aunt who vwa_s a. Wesleyan Methodist (loud ap- plause). Ami`-and .I, have always 101- I | lowedjmy great-aunt! .'|'-In ant In___`Rnntmi Transcrint. `?My great-`gra.ndfather," he began.` uweafmy 8'P_eB.t-aunt." vHe got ln.-.Eotou `Transcript. _Buy- Advertised Things. A(f;G`dMMODATI.NG~ V/~` . f"r. . _ 0 _'.F`ollowing.. the ,lite .of\St. Francis __ot Assisi. who died seven'hundred .yea.rs_ a.go,Vthere,began a.. revolution in man's -relation to-bird lltewhich has never die_d- end 1 which in these `latter days is advancing with ~the creation or bird `Alway there.` has -been a company of t` disciples. world`-wide in extent. whose lives have been. sweetened and purified ~ by `,the love of. birds/and whoa inspira- 1 tion, fidelity, joy and love in the pre- , sence of bird lifeghave been sustained l -and renewed by the immortal memory 3 of._Sa`i_nt Francis of Assisi. \ . 2 ~ -`~'I_`_`liou' Saint Francis`.-blesser of our . wings.` U'_IPi-iest of the morning lark that soars . and. sings, r . - r Contessor not the Finches. loving _ I Dreamer, . A Vvho by thyfa it became the Bird's A` . Redeemer." - V ` ` f~i1sa.ncItu`aries"in"e.ll parts of the world. i { ./. c.pu:;4oa~.u~ `t'{o'w ma to wa1`up ,uftheQ~xiion:.g _ ' .4An`d. `see thegtlawnipg slun, A To`. think of -the Joy; that await you, ' `tln theda.y that hag just begun. A smile pnvyouzi lips for each passer . `And the sun wil1'mor.e brightly shine, ..: greqtlng and br1ght Good Morning" 7 _:Ort,Va.ny. < cheery lipe Will make it a. tr'ueV.'Good\,Morning' For the folks who pas your wdy, And your smile will brigh n the corner .;. ..._VVhere they have to spend the day. . I r*%%yg*aww**w****w*wa*y* N S RE %qggg&$$%**%&*i$&*a*** xi *| F1` %>x< direc- ways. ours. come roper ` rteueemepr." _ 7 ~ . . -Rostand. s `From the `great mind before which Saint Fi'ancis*bowed in such exquis- ite humility, the mindjof Christ, there `power which survives all the controv- ersy, all the bitterness. all the insin- cerity ` and the ugly amalgam that have marredithe history of the world. In the presence of it` men know that they are in "contact with=the- greatest power in the world. the power_ of love. To Saint Francis this power was the secret of life and religion and through it his immortality is a. pulsing "emo- tion, ever beating. in the hearts 01; all who love birds. Hiscontemporaries are butvnames in the history of the world. There came little from them that the world needed. From Saint Francis there has issued, as from the mind of Christ. a stream of emotional loveliness` which has never run dry and which has cleansed thehearts ofimen and re- freshed their spirits when no other .power could avail. - "- 11---. ......\... gnnu.-dnlup uunnvafnnlng issued some mysterious and mighty- 1.10 We! UU ulu n. V all- Many men. scarcely understanding themselves, expert marksman who have carriedrtheir guns into `the wilderness for the greater _p'ort1on of their lives. have come in contact with the B1r(_l s Redeemer and have put away their- guns. In the dear name of Francis Of AS8181." "" I .A npnturv 5120. it is said. Goethe or Ass1s1."~ -TA,century ago. it is said, Goethe visited the little Umbrian town of As- sisi. He lookedfor a few moments at the portico of the ancient temple of Minerva and then he went away. There seemed little to detain him. Now three hotels can scarcely accommodate the crowd of. visitors of all nationalities who flock to Assisi at Easter. They do not go to see the temp e of Minerva: there are better templesat Rome and elsewhere. They go because gssisi is the home of Saint Francis andto visit the bird sanctuary. A mile from the town is this bird-sanctuary, bearing the inscription on . its walls. "Shooting strictly prohibited." Within. the walls is a tiny monastery. A priest points out an old ilex tree where Saint Francis ` used to converse with and singvwith the birds. The sanctuary is a world of bird song. `The traveller who` supplies this description concludes: f`The sense that the greatest of bird lovers loved this place above all `others gives to the familiar melodies of Blackcap. Wren and Chaff-inch a` lovelier and more spiritual meaning. Here Saint Francis lives again, in minds made better by his presence." 1-xn.'...'. 13....4m....: an` hlmanlf 1-n at-nnr, ms presence." Wheri Rostand set himself to study the mysterious minds of the birds. in his Chanticleer, he found it quite impossible to separate them from their beloved Saint. Probably in all litera- ture, not forgetting the Little'Flowers" and Houman s Little Plays of Saint Franci-.--there is nothing to be com- pared with jRota.nd's . Birds Prayer,` THE most signicant chu_nge in fashion h ' to befoundinthenewbodicesbf the Ian t 1925 models. Vrhe blouse and _the bolero transfer'the intetest to the upper part of_. the fmckfwhile the blouse and the dol- ` " man cut "perform the same oice'in the - new coats. The ftock illustrated A worn recently by axsiilart woman at the _' "-*` Ritz in`Peris who had had it made to take ' bocktoNewYork. `Itwasofblackmoire 'in a very light weight and the from and j ' of the sleev.es.were of the new _'grayn beige that exactly matched her b ,_ * Rankings, glovesand fog fur. "Her hizt 5` wishoes inere bI:ck1%k<;!2c.1r.fm9k.e st 1=nAANc;s' _Ar{B Fr:-1: . BIRDS - TIieMBolero% Put: an Entirely New F}ont on Fashion IO uy I.u_y'Lu.u L ilks keep. 1 and THE;5AIE EXAMINER. ' . _ ` , _A__,____ ..-J v_v_x_w1'uu'uu1 we uramt; tne W_n0le8Q1'n3 '_ grain we ate: ` 2 . v .~ Fpr all`tThy careyzof us `who on `Thee _ wa ; . - A x The brightness 4of.o,ur eye so smalland _ round ; 7 _ _. Which spy the fogs no humaneyes had found: The tools `Thy "tiny: ahrdenhers nave} "lack . ` ` ' ab ,rep1ja'sentatI1Vre aliih irexprbduclzulveot the splrttpf-p Saint Fra.1;cis.. .. - . - y - . o God ofVLitti`o'B';I_-dq 0 God `or little birds, Whn maria nnr hndhau Hal-H-> an U uuu UL uu,;e -mrus. _ ._ , _ Who made our bodies light gs spoken words: [ , ' ' .' ' ` vv uu xuuuc uur uuules ugglp ya spoken -_words: Who. painted thy=blue ~sk. upon our ; ,win`s:` ' * - 1 vv uu. 'px..uu.cu Lny ` 01118 `SKY. UDOII O\1_I' ; > ,wi.ngs;7 T_ . *- Ve thank Thee for` the dam and for - the s'\tin2's.. . * ' - vy`c Luann Luce 101` L118 uay.- aha ID!` sr~z:ings.. .W_hex-efrom we drank; the` wholesome 2'1-ajn wn afa- "J&i{5 ously. _ ' and blight: _ For-give, we` pray, our little sins tonight. The" stolen, tempting -beprjes, two or`l three._ _ 7 * .- |:.u1uun.'uw we will sgrlve Wltn ween 1.11:: Lvll Luy unyAga.rueners never . "lac .. ` , Our rakes and prurging-hooks of white and black, , _ C_` _ Tomorrow we will strive with weea: `And hg-hi" ' " ` A - .uu: swwn, Lemptlng - 0851108, two Or`l three. , ,,'.';` We cannot sleep if unto:-given by Thee. Unless Thou close our tr,i,nl<&e-fguarded eves ` ' -' ~. `- uauvuyu &Il\I\l UIUQQ `Uul. u';'u1c-_uu.l.'uuu eyes. 2 7- . And keep us neath Thy w\lng,.tlll morn arise.` Q:--` 2 g ` ~ Lord. if some man have snare and stone The songs, Thy have strown. paid with i birds _.b_9ut -_h_i path The toil that slew the Wevil inhhls wheat. ' / Ayf fledgling sweet`, Te`a`.`h usqrgiveness, though 99 EV. though his net have_cau_ght `some! itv/be notl . .-.v-uu u-:._.vn3nv_vuva:I. buvusu Ll. UU IIUI. easy, \ - . In.the dear na/me of Francis of Assisi} Forgiving man whatever hurts or fgird Because one man/hath said. My bro. ' ,_ ther birds. ' necause gone man/nam sald.v"My bro- birds". And thou_$-`Saint _Fz-ancis. blesser of our V Wings..` 2 ~ - Pray for us! , Priest of .the"morn1ng lark that soars and sings, Pray for us.- . Confeseor 9f the Finches. loving Dreamer, "Who by thy faith `became the Bird's Rnnnm Ar- vvuu uy uxy Laltn Decame tne bxrcrs Redeemer, ' I Gave us our souls, absolved them of all taint. ~. Pray for us! and obtain. beloved Saint. Our grain of barley. millet, and oil wheat. . - ` ' 1 uur srtuu UL uuney. 111111612, wheat. . _so be it! So be it! so be iii: trafc His spirit of love. of birds finds ex-` pression seven centuries after his death ' not on. one, but in qvery`.Continent in- the ever-growing interests in birds and their protection. Sanctuaries for birds are world'wide and Canada has some- dozens of them. i` A ` `I new person Mbtlir is the % % _ ~ Health J`Doctor% Just: try it. 'I'he cleanly" health. odour `quickly , :but.`] When the day is done and; all the big and little worries are crowded into the % background-- Before you go to sleep, revel i in the delight of a`Lifcb1i'oy bath; %%?HEAL1'H SOAP %?uri/z e\s and 7`;-otects 2 `V Cutlo col:-Hughes represented. 7 % . _Let `the creamy, mild, antiseptic lather cleanse the _ clogged pores, sooth and relax `the millions of. tiny skin nerves, and give you that exquisite-sense of . perfect cleanliness no other soap can give. -Thenyyoiur weary muscles and fagged nerves will relax, gratefully, your eyes will grow heavy and _ you will drift off to a slumber such as you have ' '4 never known. ; . -- in :Tth'eAmorning,yo1i will awake feeling,.like a new person. y 2 Virtue of Merit ` . "ig`:ft;l: e-oufstgnding 1e.a.;- Canada !3"F`h. c;1:)l:1"ship Matriclation, Solo Singing, M1L1sc,Z A71-t,Z`Conve;s'z;i:i'<.)Vz1`;l" ' French emphasized. , Outdoor Games and Sports. HEALT`H'RECOR-D EXCELLENT. LIMITED NUMBERS. FOR` PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PRINCIPALS ` that is /HERE Is A Swami: DEL;g;10us ENWNS SYRUP 321!` 14, 1925`.