onsidered % .1 Now `Iv ` `:> . I $13.9sk.$15_95; . .` '4, i '/////, -r`-2MB-'=R%`=?-oi~V:~=i2`i=~ REGULAR U1? To $30.03 -}>r ' :}NO0L-RIBBED \ UNDER/EAR% _Men s LEATHERWORKMITTS W-Q _-rand vother-s% FLEECE-LINED` DRAWERS -~ g C- uN.vERWEAR sm-:cI.ALs ~ MERIN0 3`*fv%:& -79c. Me.;sM;:imy Flannel WORK SHIRTS, 989% A ~ THES PRICES om won FA 10 um onm on as eoos Lnsr IRST com: nnsrsivzn-%% MEN'S % * *TWEED ~ ` PANTS. T`$1.79 $1.35 Corticolli ` `Embroidery I Crochet A Dorihc `*'- Spool Silk V-Floss Cotton ' F aen . 44 spool V 1c skein - 3c ball \_ 9 doz. LAISIES" - FLEECE-LINED ` N COMBINATIONS NEED TIIE ll:00M+T||EGA00DS MIISI G0 QIIIGKLY CLEAN SWEEP Chamoisett '\ A GLOVES KIDDIES or BALANCE or AB AliKRUP`T STOCKS air During the last 2 years we have bought about 5 or 6 bank- brupt stocks. V While most of these goods have _Beei1 sold, we still ha\.r_e alarge part n our shelves. As we need the space we are going to` practically give these away. LOTS MOREWE MusI an Inn or - coTE We Havelo Make Room % givenit. This ppens e time when the `;store is piled high mjivtlfnew Fall Merchandise. As we only have a short _time 1.: sell it a_l1'we have deeided to send half of the goods to out Barrie s_tore-`-'-`-ai1d here weare with the same goods. A This means, OI-`T1-IE OWEN SouNDj%\BRANcH-X'r 923 SEC(T)N`D : & V AVE E. AN%D_Wlf._ D9 NOT INTEND TO CONTINUE -'1"! II`!-I\IH s-an we ARE JUST MENTIONING soM1 89c| Black, -White, 6, .ClTa;o-i-;tte' .J ;G'-9.VE ; 15 ;;;i; Girls Pemaianz . Merino Combingtipns` Silightlyhsoiled . 6 ; iaiE's7 " ~ Kg) gLovEs An l\l\ 2:. v .1! -1-Z-ggular $2.00 49c%'I>YaIi`:}' Dorihe 1a%`n 1's ' % `BOYS. ;. I Wool Ribbed DR_AWERS 29 REGULAR UP TO $5.00 29. LADIES `iamusas Parl ` Rickrack Buttons Braid "5c doz. ~ 4 yds. 5c_ * - BARRIE 1' N 50 EXT DOOR WOOLWORTHS A * T-OW