; s - ----=i ' The following `list /of prize-winners is\vsubject to e_rrors and omissions.:- Judging Competition A V Beef Cattle, John Hamilton, W. C. A. Brethet, Andrew orchard.` Hgrses. De-i `Witt Chantler, John Wglson. -S'H'ep, Hubert McKenzie, Alex. McMurray. . Swine, Eugene Smith. Jack Coupland. ` ' `} Horses ` MISCELLANEOUS-.Farme _rs' Green Contest,_ W. I-Iussey. Single tum-out,-~ H. A. Grose, W.Hussey. Lady driver, Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell, Pony, attached, Ii`. Peacock. , V; V . ,. I'J`lA\7V 'TI`DA`k"l"._NI'nfnhn foam '1` `BIackstock,' J. Spencer`.-Mare. H. Black- iztock, J. Cochrane.-LFoa1,.L M. Bell, H. ROADSTER-Yearling. M. Bell-; H. 5LUlI IX . V ' I Blnckstock, J. `J. Cochrane. Two-_vear- `year-aid; H. B-lackstock.' Sin`%1eV horse `um, H , A. Grose, Graham Bros."I`hre_e-4 1 attached, VVJ Hussey, H, A. Grose, I-I. ` Blackstock. D'..Lu.. '. `, I r. reauuun. I v ;iEAVY DRAFT-Ma_tched team. T, D. O'Neill, J. A. `Lenfrox. ,H. I. Barn`- hardt. Three-year-old, E. Coates, Jas. McArthur. Two-year~old, Earl Carson. Yearling. `Norman Campbell, John,Mc- Lean. ;-Foal, J. D. ;Kna.pp', Norman CamptSell,`VVJFral1ck. [Brood "mare. N. Campbell, H. I. "Barnhardt 2 and 3. Mare or gelding, Coates, T. D.~-0 -' Neill. Jas. McArthur. Jesse Willard foal`, J. "W. Orchard. Clarion foal, J. D. Knapp. . . A(1`PT(l'TT.'l`TT`R AT._...T\/I'nfr-he-H `nu iv .1 u. nnapp. AGRICULTURAL--Matched hair. J. McLean, M. G. Cunningham." 'l`wo-year- ` old, T. F. Bell.'Eldon Wice, J. A. Don- nelly. Yearling, Graha.m Bro_s., H. Smith, Matthew Bell. Foal. J. W. `Or- chard, M. .Bell, Eldon Wipe; Brood mare. J. W. Orchard. Wice.V A . "\v*~t\r\v-rt-.11-ur\'\vr4 -|1'>_L;a, ,,1 `A Oochrane. JIICII. U, u . PERCI-IERONS Richardson. Foal, . M'a=tc.hed tem. _'A. A.` Hubbert, Jos. FADDWAIIFTZV Qnon P `PI (`A1111-1: Uocnrane. A CARR'IAGE-' Span, R. D- Coutts. `Chas. Watso. Mane. Chas. Wa.ts0n'1 and 2. "Foal. Chas. Watson 1- and .2. fsingle horse, `attached. H. Blackstock, R. D. Cou_tts. Three-yeair-\old, H. Black- gfnnlr O 1%. I}. LZUU stock. 9 `I)f\AT\C Phone 79. if ZND PRIZE BAIGD i'1~i /c"i.AsTsfD AT .WILL BE PRESENT ATwo%DAY;%%_;:> % THE BEST uvx-: srocx Vsnowmf (2OUNT_Y- FAST RACF-SON A FAST II u0cxe_.1u.u_u _o, v.I3n:1.uer,' oz nuns 4. nwe ]1z:0mb,- best fen, Breth_etf& -Sons, J.:H. `cke.. `A ~- _. ' _ -_ \ ` For Pr.ize- ifs and informatii)h`wr'ite_Aordbhori A J4 _ES McDERMOT7I`,'Secretarfy % % L..\...,. '`If'\ -- A A? l`.1..___".-1- Luis I-nu-uirriw I\|I!I'C Inc an man in gun cdME_AND sat: FOR You WILL NOT %REGRE'lL_`;_1,T ; CR1-:\A'r cH'1i.D12E;~1's PARADE \Jl.\l'Il`II \I\ll-`_\lllI.\ I ` ON THE'1;vEN1Nc[ or `me LAST DAY` [ GRAND comm? DC L [15].]. \;l'l1WLUl'u X DUIIB lndallll 6. . 3x1='oRDs--Aged `ram. John` Brethet & Sons.'J. 'H.- Locke. Shearllng _1-am. Brethet & Sons.1'and .2. J, .1-I. Locke. VRamla_,1 nb;'J." I-11 Ebqk 1' a._nd,_2L.T Br.tiiet' ` &` Sons 3`. Aged` we.T.Brethet &[SonsI 1' an}! 9'`'.]' ..'l .n`nIrA ,I'1 ,`I' `III Pair ,dregse_d_ c'_hicke_hs'. 5 U -~ Avlmuy ox =~_I_1amng:'. 11. -'u ';!_;: s_`. "Campbell. ` . 3. _`Chicks-_-,-(Anc.onas,_ cockerel. H. L. . *Jones,'Ed*gar Thomas. Pullet, E. Thom- as 1 and.;3, D. Jamieson 2. Brahmas. cockerel`,-` J. Donnelly 1 and 2; pullet; J. Donnel y'.1 and 2. Bantams,`-game, cockerel; . . Greenfield land 2; pul- _ let. W. Greenfield irlvand 2. Campines,- : `cockerel and pullet, John Penton .1 and A . 2. Houdans,._ cockerel and`: pullet, C. ;tLowe. White Leghorns, cockerel, Chas. 1Lowe, W. Johnston;-pulIet,~C. Lowe, _ {D. J amieson. Brown - Leghorns,_ "cock- li'ere1,, W.o_`Johnsto`n 1 and 12;. pullet. _?Chantler & Sons. W. Johnston. Buff L:Leghorns, H. L.-Jones. Gordon Reeve; gpullet,` Gordon` Reeve. H. L. Jones. ' `Minozfcas, -'oqkere1;' I. J Carruthers: _ pullet, land; 2.0rpington, `cockerel and lpul1et, s..J. eynolds. Barred Rocks. .-`cockerel, Harry- Morren, S. `.I., Rey- nolds; pullet, Sr?-:J. Reynolds 1 and 2._ 2VVhi/te Rocks.-,cockerel, Johnston; . ,pu1l'et, D. Jamieson. W. Johnston. __iRocks, A.O.V.', 'co,ckere1, Mrs; :H. _H. =MaxweI1, S.` ,I:,Reyno1ds: .pul1et.. S. J. ' Reynolds; Mrs. Maxw`11..R_hode Is- `land Reds,`cockere1 and pullet, C; M.` I-Hickling. .Whit Wyandottes. _cockez-el }and/-pu11et,' J. Donnelly, -R. .M. Bell. Wy- Handottes, A.0.V., cockerfel. W. L. Mit- . chelI,.Frank Rayner; pullet, Cecil Poole . 1 and 3. Frank Rayner 2. 'Best4pair, -iA.O_.V., _m. Livingston, D. Jamieson - L-.__'I_-__._ .___I -_ :1 3-, ,1, o U--.v. v -, 17 lung .n4A v;nAau\.vnA, 1.1. uulxnsvuuxlu _ - Bronze. turkeys,.ma1e; and female, I. - J. Carruthefs` Holland turkeys, .ma.le -_`and_fema`, I. J. Carruthers. Toulouse .' geese, C antler.` &` `Sons.-'Ay1esbur`y 7 ducks, female, I.""J'.' Carruthers. Rouen .J_ ducks. male and female. I. J. Carruth- , -ers, Chantler & Son. .Pekin,ducks; male, ;. I. J. Carr11thers.~Douglas Ferris. India. . ;Runner `ducks, male and `female, Chant- :_iler& Son, I, J, Garruthers. "!1.I..->..._ rn_-.__:_u_-,_ -run` -5,. -" hA`lI Pair rnnnn ' nlpdnd Ifrhn` E99 `1"F'"A'r-` `Y `.-?3rWP.- u-_-1'3".`-1. -.`E-'1' 3- ; ,C9lhD59l1. _ -7 _ - ampb, 11.`: '=B1[-bi: bread. A.*D.;1 Ca.vmg:an`,x-` tsa;.,P;t;te1 son. Display of` 2"1&.`: -51)`.-"2-.c%z`m n ' 1 V Chantler & Sons.-"Mrs. Alex. Fletcher; .ot cahnedig 1-`alt. .(McMahbn; 'Ed \-(I ..-.. --- \Q_\ru _. -aw-run `Lo . ' Rabbits,_L. Cook, J. H'ad_don. Guinea `pigs, Billy Malcomson .1 _a;n`d 2. Belgian hares.,J. Haddon/. Best `plgeen,.by. boy or girl. Billy Mglcomson. Best~Ba.nla'm 4 by_boy or girl, 3B. Henson. - l . Dair.-y ProdI_'1ce'7- ;_ " _ 6 lb. butter in roll. A. D. Campbell. 10-lb crock,` Chantler & So'ris, Miss E. Patterson; 2-lb rolls. J Mrs. John" Campbell, .A.\ D; `.Canpbell,; Mrs. qA. Fletcher. Fa.;'mer'sMcl;1eese, be1l,. Mrs. John Campbell.-, Homemade bread. -A. 'D.- Ca,mpbe11v.,M::_s. John Campbell; Maple syrups-,;. A. _p.::;(':amp- stt. .Ex_1_'ac;'e.d/.honey, bell,.-`\Albert- P1: `clover, -H. - G 'Marv?ood.=j;,fIpney. basswo`qd..-`W. H. G:"`Marwo_od.l.Aggqrc_ed ` pickles, Miss M. . `Cga.1n1>beIl1:'"' Selection: . W&tP3e`_~`$89P.n`t. 91 Wk. .. ~.r Jarvisc ,`l1-f;(3a!1,D,1>11-KDGIO .`"B`88,`.} Walt. . ssyr. (-1a.m9`he1I:~:..x~'.,1;* A ' `A. .. mp. , 11` : _.4v:.u-a wuu, an Ilo vuLAuuuv|n._ - ` Pigeons, Tumblers, Bil1yMale o.mson,- `Jack Han er. Jacpbins: ~Bi1ly Mal- comson 1 nd .2; Fantails. L. Adams. Magpfes,` Billy VMal__c'omson It" and _2.' ;;Pouters, Billy Malcomson `I and ._2. i`Chequer :I-Iomers, C. My:-Hfnds.. ' Johnsto Homers. . A,-C.` ~W.= Jol\nston. C. M. H 1165. Pigeon'A.O.V.-`-. A 'l'|-*|_I_.I1._ 1' Iu-_1, 1- -rv-_ u-u .-. . Bronge turkeys, female, R. _M. Bell. White Holland turkeys, I. J. Carruth- ers, male and female. Toulouse geese, ma.1e__e and female, Chantler &'Snr'1s. Aylesbury ducks, male. I. J. Carruth-J ers; female, Chantler & Sons 1 and 2. Ducks, Rquen, male and female. Chant- letj &, Sons. Ducks. Pekin, male,'I.'J. Carruthers, Albert Pratt; female, I. J. Ca'rrut`hers. ' J _ ' I. M. . BACON HOGS-Best pair, Crscad-= den &:' Sons, G.; F. Drennan . . 3/" /_ .Pou|fl:ry~.` ` A `A'conas,cock, H.` L. Jones, Chas. Lowe; hen, Chas.vLowe, I. J. Carruth- gers. Brahmas, hen, Jack .DonnelIy- 1 and 2. Bantams, game, cock, W. Green- field 1 and 2; hen, W. Greenfield, Er- win McMahon., Bantams. Cochin, `B. ,Henson, C. Poole; hen, B. Henson, `C. Poole. Campines, cock, John Penton,,1 and 2; hen 1 and 2. Modern Games; 'cock, W. Greenfield 1, and'2: hen, "1! and.2. Games, A.O.V._ cock, W. Green-. .fie1d. W. Johntonz. hen. W. Green-" field 1 and'2. Houdans. cock and hen. Chant1er`.& Son: :Hamburgs, cock, C. Lowe; hen, Chas. Lowe 1 and 2. White -Leghorns, cock,'Cha.s. Lowe, Chantler _ & Son; hen; C. Lowe 1 a.nd,l2, D. Jam- ieson_3. Brown Leghorns, cock W. A. Pratt, Mrs. B. Cook; hen, Bil-l`y. Mal- comson 1 and 2. Buff -Leghorns. cock, I. J. Carruthers; hen, I. J. Carru'thers,' Chantler & Son. Minorcas, cock, C. Lowe, I. J:' Carruthers.-hen, I. J. Car- ruthers =1 and 2. Barred Rocks, cock and hen; S. J. Reynoldsl and 2. White Rocks, hen, W. Johnston. Rocks. A.0.C. cock, S. _J. Reyno1ds,`Mrs. H. H. Max- wel1;- hen, S. J. Reynolds `1 and 2. Or%- ingtons, cock, W. Greenfield"; hen, . J. Reynoldsuwhiteb Wyandottes, cock, Cecil` Poole, Chantler & Sons; hen. C. Lowe 1 and 2. Golden Wyandottes, cock. Donald Jamieson; hen. D. Jam- fieson. Chantler & Sons. Wyandottes, A.O.V._,cock. C. `Lowe, F. Rayner; hen, 'C._Lowe 1 and 2. Best pair of-fowl. A.O.V., Mrs. H. H. Maxwell, Wm. Liv- ingston. _ ' ` L__, 1, , , n . .. _- __ _- -L Swing ` . YORKSHIRE-- Boa:-;.._1926. G. F. Drenna-n 1 and 3, Carscadder; 3; Sons 2. Sow, G. F. Drennan 1.and' 2, Cars- cadden & Sons '3. ' Sow 1926. -,G-.` F. 2 Drennan .1 and 3, Carfscadden & Saris`: vv- v vvsc } 16$f14s; E1?Anva1e,; Ont. R" 0llB Ageu ewe, ..DI'8Cll8E 8 `E0118 1' and 2..>J. H; Locke. Gimmer.` J ; 1' Locke .1 and _3,vBrethet- & Sons 2. `Ewe ion-uh, `hon! 'n"n'n Rrnfhnf ` & ,nn .T 7| -T -_ zs,u`._1'_.z.~r.gxpe!'_ `.3.A`1'1&.".,'-`1`.)7.-"~.v.<|:, Inti- sens. D4_I}?sa` - Leonard,. `AJlIanda;1;.._ Mrs, .L. Pat-b -ter,s on` "Edgar.-Q V _:'Cop.1ch Cover, Wbo_l-eEl1en L -Barrie. ,Cu:t Wdrk, i;?ished "'amfas1e-j-gG;1ad:;rs Wans, .LB2i1frief; 7f~Mis's`. .B. G_owan.b Dresser .S_8-rf. IiibT9idT1i-Miss G. Simiovms, .Barrie;- Missu -Beeby, ..~Str oud._ `Dresser .Sca1'-f,` A. `A..O.V.-`a-Eleanor" _Y9ung, `Barrie; Miss E. _Beet1iby; ~ b1i6id=ry' Cntrv-e,f"t :ol1ored--Mi-ss May_ Q11-ifnlan, Barrie`: Mrs._ J. WI Hughes, _ Barrie. A-Ehnbroidery,'Cntre,:`;conyen ti.o1'1-a;l-Mrs.' ,0rok, `Thormton; J . Quim1Iagi`,,-'ff" Bar1'ie. " Ce.ntre,1 ` A.0.V .-'-;M1'xss 13.` Foagan, gMrs..J.j . C-ovwam, A."-"-B`ooth, 'Q_}1in'l'a'n.' Fatticy 15_Ieedd'4work; A single] piece--M'. Ross, ~Ai1nda1e,' Mrs,`-J. TQi1_*1-an-" ~: . I / Harrlsitching, -:Barrie.'; Hamadkerchiietfs, ;1;}xree, '-hand `trimmed .._.Miss B. Gowan; ' `M. Rp$. Lace} Fillet Crochet-e-Ama Leonard, Mi-ssi A. BIoo ch.j Lace, made, three] .'L__1 - _. ~- .`|l':.,.,, A Lady -s Convalesemt J acket-M1`1s._ A. C. Duuggan, Mrs. M. Chamtler. La.dry sl5 Night. Robe, .embroi_dery---M_i-ss B;l Cowari, Alma `Leonard. Ladies Py-l -jama;.s~-~E11en Doubson. Lamp Shade --Agnes.Lya1lL Barroie; Gtladyrs Simon. Library Trable Run-ner, c-ovlored, em-l Cowan. 'La.d`y s Work A{prc_mV-Mi-saji ' E. Patterson, S&hantyvBa, -y;' Lena ; f;Patterson, Edac5;a4r.*A Ladry s- Wonixfi, Apfon, ptlaimr--Miss f`Ad'a:m, .Mi'sS VPa1:te_rson. La.dvy ,House- A 131%,: home ma-de--E. Patterson, Miss; Adam. Lady s"W-ork Bag'-Mi-ss Booth. V Lady .s CamisMoe-A11:maj Leonafd, Mrs. W. Justice, '.Barrie.}! ~ A 1- 1 . 1:` It I `I _ .`I__)-. l`l,-__#,1, ,- - - -- ...- --v.-4-. --on-we-V, nun. u\. u ;y:1!es--z1\ .["' - "Ties" A7 "B-9'3o`.'h, Miss, . B Child's Dress, had _ ma >-Mrs: 'D A1-cg` Hinds, Miss Adam, fawkestone. Curti 1, Irma II ... T T --.}....J ,nn.....:..x;.. ~n'.- I-:17:-llpvixly 1131586, - Co ' `Ill! (5 156511 pen, 1). AFIHSEPOIIS 1 _B.!l(1`Z. I SHRO_PSHIR_E-rAged ram, ~ G. F. Brennan. Ge,o:Crawford & Sons (Min- esing) 2 and 3. Shearlhig. ram, G. F. Drennan, Crawford-&i Sons.. 2.: and 3. Ram lamb, G. ADrenn,anv1. 2 and 3. Aged ave. Crawford & Sons,1A and 2. Gimmer, Crawford. & Sons, 1.-' 2V ang.,3.='Ewe 1.a.m!5, Crawford` & Sons:..1.'2 -and ' 3. `Best pen. ;'Cra.w`o_rd"& Sori's_ 1=_a,n't! 2. `lTY'(\1Tl1.__Aa-ad ram J'n'hn' `Ry-A1-ha! And _. a- 1o;gg;;st.p added new__ 7 - oeang crankshaft A motor -e- world s smoothest type-pow- ers all new Nash models. New`-ty pe erankcase -breather A `which prevents crankeaise. 2 dilution. - " New donble beatn headlights , t zstee_ring' wheel` control. `Richinew body nish _colo1`-s. , ' e;n_eiosed bodies are of the e `ex"pep,si,re wood frame body ~ construction employed by A_ oanv Europe- Nash Features. ,' Stggg, _._ ,Barrie.\_ .,`Shirt,__; man t or -' `boy, cottQn--Mrs. _N. '-S.I1"i _i't'.-h.' _S].i:p- ;` pe's_, boiidoir--Mrs.., 1J`. "Q1'1in&la;n, ,1Ross. '_Scarf, ;knitte,d, lady or_ maim- Miss A. Booth, `Mrs. ML r,Chantler.{ glsweate-r, kmitted,_ pu.]lIIo.ve;--Mns,. ,..D -Arc_y ,HiVnd_s,. Mrs, M. Chantler. gsweater . Coat, kniutted-Mrs._ M.| Chantler. Sofa Pi-Ilow, embroidered! ean MscM-i11Ian,_M,iss Verna Carter, ' ;;;Ba';rr_rie. Sofa P_itlll'o'vv,t I Patterson, M.'Ohan1'1er. Ser-] Ci viecttes, ` Jsix, `e_mbroidereq'-:Mrs . R. 1 Wagner, Barrie. Serviettes, six,| ~;crochet_ '*.rimmed---Mi~ss ' G. . Booth, I yi4Mrs.`Chan=t1er. `Spreads, app1iq_ued ;.---Gladys Waolivs, `Miss M. E. ibelnl, . Ba1*r;e, Spreads, _ksn.itted--Mrs.,; KR. Povvyelil, Bar,1fie; Mrs`. J. H. Ha.vg_er- I- gc-raft, `Barrie. ._ Spreads, A.0.V'.-,I `IMiss J. .Quantz, Mrs. R. Ps0We1l1.L _ I`atti1_ng, ni-shed article--M'rs. J`. o:,Quin'1-ally, Miss G. Simo-1'1. Tea"'Cvosy,t .!emb1-oidered-.-Miss B. C'owan,, Mrs.; !D A,ncy Hinds. Tea Cosy, wool-- 5Mrs. M. Chant-1_er, Alma Leonard. {Tray Cloths", pair, embroidered--Mrs.t `AA. C. Durg1gan., Gadrys Waxll-s. Table Cloth -and Serviettes, in-itia-Ied--Miss B.` ,.Corw"an., Table D-oy1~eyIs,A set of lsizf---Miss A. Booth, M115} J. Quinlan. ---4`.-up an A-'\4\4\.U|IJ" JJGL` rie. Rag Mat, _, hooked.--Mis. H. Rx ` Orcha\Ifd,v_ Stro1id;', Lena `Patter? `sonn Rag Ma;t,Tbraide'dA-'-A`.-Mrs. `s. .v. 1 Jones,: Oro' Sization; J_. [Qua~n`tz. Rag Mnf A (S `T In ... 7-` Ti `oowam Quilt, A.-O}V.--Mi%s.- 'Bhi1.i - ---2 are Vvllg manor pm"... Cases, mb_rbiaered--Msss'B, Miss? May Quinlan. ,- Cases, day, pair-MisV B. Cnwan, kMi$ G. Simon`.-g Pin 'Cushion, A.O.V.-_--T_M1`ss/A. EI`1en Dobson. . Quioltlied-:`Com.forter-- Miss Lena Pattison, R. Suth- erland. Quilt, oapp1iqued-_4Mrs.' J. Wv.. Qi1iJI!t,V pieced--Miss` B. i Love, Barrie; '9 Miss F.'Beet1Ftry;VBa`1:\- -mg Dan: 1].; L__I_-.1 `lbs . 1 "77zs1_Sin 1plest andMost jEff1c 1_ent _ Ful1yequalisecito ri ght/andvleft, ' banish entirely the dangero front and rear, these brakes ugswewing characteristic of artially brakes. - V V Tlhe sixteen nevi? Nash '_models V A ouu J.'.l.'.l.l.l\JVVLV-"1g(l ram. 1). Arm- strong 1".a.ii 2'.`J. H._ "Lock 3.-Ram lamb. D; strong 1 and 2, G.` F, Brennan: 3.. -* = `ed ewe. '13. Armstrong. 1 and 2. Gimmer. D. Armstrqngv-,1 and 2. Ewe lamb, D. -Armstrong`,-1 and` 2. Best pen, D. Armstrong 1 `and-fa. . SHROPSI-IIRE-,-Azed 1-am. G. ' Ii`. A. B.*"m0MAS $3339 / nlnnnnu `.4... _`_ I BR'ADl'-%.`1OjR~D%S'l`., W-~-y~ v-, uun.`:.u\,ugg vauvu. Ivlandl K-nit -1`\;Ii&,. -0.` Patterson,` M-rs. 'J.` H. Havercra.f.t `Woolen "Socks, darned-`-Mrs.` A. Pra`-t, Edi-thv Pratt. Best ve `artiel-es suitable 1 -Br Chris'bmas--Mts.. R. Wafgner, Banbara C-a1derwood',. Bar- ' tie; M-i~ss E. Patterson. __ Vanity. Set; 1;;`v:B`;'mE`ii`f;r :f...2 I 9 - . .` ` oot::om-'Edith , ,Pra.tt, 2nd.._... Colllar and Cu Set---Li:l4lia`n Hinds, ' 2nd. [Dressed Dom_Li1:_1ia.n A Hinds) `Dora iRowe.` Tea -Cforth,---Lil1tian Hinds.` _'Jea:n_ Ma11'co Barri-e`.' ,..Ree-d :VeaVfiIIgd-JriWJal1:vi$, Barrie; Lizl-' Jan: -1n s. o A-p_ron,. plain--- lLi~lIlian Hinds; Reta Haverson, Cum- gges. Work `Ajproun, fn'c`y-I;ren'e irnds, Barrie` Lizlnltian Hinds. `.0011- }~le-c-tion bat` Cghild-ren s Wo'rk-Jea'n| JLay, `Ba-rrie; Irene H.'md1s.. . . FINE A~RTIS---.O1a:ss '32 |v~ ` Oil` Paintings 1 I F_ig'ure Paintin.g--Mi's. J H; Mc- LQuarry, /Barrie; Mrs. J. Mc- M Qparry. Landscape Pain.tinzg-Miss M. Suthemlamd, Bar'rie;?'Mrs. H. B; 1Arms1`.ro , A.I[lan~da.1e.' . "Mar-ine Pai_ntin-g-~M11s. H. B. _A:Erristron;g,' 1Ul'.'... 1' T1 1ur_n-____,-_ / __ _____ -- ..... -. --. .. _.......,.......,, |Mxs. J. H. McQuar;'y. A_nima1s-M11s. J. H. McQuarry, L._ Conbertt.` In_ani- mate Objects---C. `Wei-don, Bar- rie; A Mrs. R. F. Fran:k1i.h, M Orilia. Water Colors -- {med---Mia A. Booth, Alm_a Leommi gTawe1, Swedish aaming--Miss;M. 1-3.! iCa.mpbe'll. Bath Towel, fancy-. }A:'11n_a Leonard, Mrs. A. C. Dugggm W6oh1e'n oGnloves--Mrs. W. {Miss E. Patterson. Woo'lile`n- Hand .Knit Sqcks, ooars'e--'Miss E. Patter- !son., Mrs. John Campb'e1J~. - W-odlden; IHamd Kn-it Socks, ne--M11s. W. Jus-I itice; Miss A. 0. Patterson. `Woonen I.Ha_n_d Knit Mit`ts_, dIoub1e--Mrs. J-ohm I'V_`..__.1_ Jn xv __._.-- nnv onnavvll, \A'vuIlJ.lu 'ca,&xi};b-e7uI1, N. --Campibed a IT-..) 'I'f__'L 11344 n -n v.|. L we.` I! VANI- Woollem La11~d'sca:peLb-'-:1;Iv`1.~. Miss C2111, D. D. VVi`Ll`1l1UbL. _ ' .HOLS'1`EINS~--Mi:1king cow,` R. [GT3--Z ham 1. 2 and 3.r Two-year-old heifer,` R. Graham. Year1ing"heifr, R. Graham. Heifer calf, Jos. Cochrhne. JERSEYS-Mi1k rcow-. ,R. `Graham. AYRSHIRES-Aget1 bull, AAJ, -Hunter ' & Sons, R. W. Henderson; "Bull calf. :'Hunter & Sons. 1 and 2. Milking cow, Hunter &'Sons. 1, 2 and 3. Two-_ ea.r- ' ma heifer, Hunter &"_Soris `1`a`_d 2.I 'YearIing'heifer, Hunter & Sons 1 and.2. _ Heifer calf, Hunter & Sons.1, 2 and `,3. _ A"-I-I-vi-CCQv\la-II . -u--an. ., --\I|` nun .n_.Lo\o-Annoy . - - -.. - V - _ yge_J. am"'-' , `D. Mc've;;;;;.T Three ' Swede '1`.urni*ps-aF. J. Love. Jwohrn Yeastes, AJIl and:a;1e. Three White Fi-ezlld Carrots-.-ABbert Pratt, AJ1an- da1le; `W. A. Pratt, A1:1and'a1'e. Three Red Field Carrots--F; Huse, D. Mc- Waters. Tlhree Dong Red Mangolda --W. A._Pratt, Albert Pratt. Three Yellow M.a,ngoI]3dls--J-. Yeartes,` B. B. Wamica. Three Silgar Beets--J. Yeartes, F. J. Love. ,'I`wo Pumpkins --H. A. Jarvis, `J. S. McWaters. r Coillection of Field Roobs--IF. Huise, B-an-ie; D. `McWa1',ems,' Thomton. Tweibvq Potatoes, Irish Cobbler type -J. T. Cassi-n, 1 Eugene Smith, |Utapia} Twelve Potatoes, Green Mountain ty!pe--`-C. M. Hiclnlng, M. Hickling. Trwelrve Potatoes, Dooiey I'-1XT_L , ' Drawings -Pn and Ink Sal-{ebch---1 and 2, J, H. McQua/rry. Pencil Drawi~ng-J, `H. MaQuam'y, Constance Rooke. 'C`harcoa'l Drawing---Consbance Rooke, '3. H. McQuarry. Pain-`ti-nzg on China ---Mrs. B. Cook, Barrie. Crayon LI`)raawi'n'g'--Mi-ss M. I. Suftherand, Bar- ` ie; Miss M .I. Suthenland. Pecnocid ysketch, chjlxdfren .un_d_er 15 years- 1 and`.2, Mrs. R. F. Franklin. `Co1~ Lection of Rho- oos---H. `D. Ath-erton, Barrie; H. A. Jarvis, B'an'-ie.. Connec- tion of Painttin.gs-~C. .. E. Weldon, `Miss M. I_. Sutherland.` ' ` Ro~orrs--d1ass 33. i fLyalL Ma1'ime'--iG0ns13an_1ice Rooke, Bar1'ie;'Mr!s. R.` I..Fra.n1dLin. Inani. mate Olbje-cs".-'-Constance Rooke, J_ F. Grafton, Ori\11ia._ Figvure Painting -J. F. Grafton, Comsstamce Rooke, (Continued on page 6) Elecq \ . \ ..._.,--`_ ......--, .........-v- _u.~ -uv..-.:. -, - um--u v. swEEPs'rAKEs-- H-erd- .of beer" `breed. B. B. 'W.rnica. Herd f milking breed. Hunter & Sons.`Shor om b.u1l.j_ C. Henry. Shorthorn female. H.-M. Dyment. Fat steer. C. W. Henry. Best. beef bt1ll.'~C. W. Henry. F . _ 3 .; Best baby beef. H. M. Dyment. Best; senior calf, C._ W. Henry. Junior calf; C`. W. Henry.`B. B. Warnica, `H. M. Dyment. ` - ~ Sheep ` I LEl'CESTER-Ag'ed ram. F. Spearin, R. F, Carsca.dden.`2 and 3.. Shearling. ram. R. F. Carscadden. Ra.m,1.mb.' Spear-id, R. F. Carscadden *2` and .3. Aged ewe, F. Spearin .1 and ,2, F. carscadden 3. Gimmer. F. Spearin 1 and 2. R. F. garscadden 3.-_Ewep1a.mb.. P. Spearin 1` and 2. 'R. F...Ca.1-scadden` 3.; Best pen; Spearin,.R. F. Carscgddn. SOUTHD_,O,WN`--Ag"ed ram, D. HA.rm- . gomng 1~'gna.. 2- 31 n ~r....1.... 2...... IN` \\ `\ HOW` AWARDS ` A y n BARRlE FAIR, 5h'1(,iKSLUUli. 5 _ V ` f A _ ` Cattle _ B ' , 4 _ $HORTI-IORN-Aged bull , C. W. `Henry, " Erwin Miller. Two-year-old bull, H. M. -Dyme_nt. Bull 'ca1f,'I-I. M. Dyment. Milkingcoyv. H. M. Dyment 1. 2 and 3. Yearling `heifer, H; M. Dy-r ment. Heifer calf, H. M." Dyment. Sire` and 3 of His get, C.\_W. Henry. Q . HEREFoRD..-Aged~`bu11..B. B. Warn- 1 ion: Yearling `,,bul1, T.`AI-I. Dewell. Bull} emf. B. B. Warfniqa, T. -H. Dewell. Milk- '; ing cow, '1`. H.. Dewell. B,`B. Warnica* B2 and 3. TWO-year-old .heife_r, . T. 1-1.9 Dewell, B.\,B. Warnica. `Yearling heifer, I T. H. Dewe1l._Heifer calf. B. B. Wa.rn- : ica 1 and 3. ']`\.;;H . Dewell 2. Sire ani. `three of his get, B. B. Warnica. Pan`; ,of Hereford calves, B. B. Warnical and 2, T. H. DeWe11.5St/eer or heife_r" calf, B. B.`Warnica. ~_ ' . 1 `LI(}"l'.Q"lVl'i`.`l"l\TQ__`|\ll iJlrnr~.- nnI1r' D (Tan, 3