ir first of a -Western picqu-es: f_4j -Mun % UIHIJISU 15 xuuuc. ( . , A request from Bond Head for per-. mission to sell the manse or parsonage. ,or- both. was granted by Presbytery. 'fII_- I.I-.A. Al _l._..Al.... --.......ll..I._-_.' --.lII' ,vn uurvvuu vv son: an uvunvuu -5.7 a. I vow; u-vs ,v u ' The list of standing committe s will .appe_ar in next wekfs Examln r. WI! [118 approval U1 rvusuyuwy. ` \` A request from the I-Illlsdale circuit toAhave,the Hobart appointment trans- ferred to the Warminster circuit was -approved by Presliytery -and Rev. F. L. Brown was instructed to `visit Hobart and consult with the charge before a_ change is made. ' ' ` A rnnnnnf fr-nnn `Rand T-Inga:-I fnn nary. UL (.116 U.Il.1[E8(.l.U_u!'Ul'l U1 uunuua. -. The Severn-`Bridge .circuit asked to be transferred from Muskoka Presby- tery to Simcoe Presbytery because two- thirds of thecharge is in this Presby- teryand train service is more conven-V ient to (attend Presbytery meetings in Simcoe. The request was forwarded to the. Conference boundaries committee with the approval of Presbytery. A rhninnht from `i-hn `F-Tilhzdaln nirnlfii _UU[lLl.'UB Wlllllll `((110 rruauynury. Several; important communications were read. among which was '9. request `from Rev, 0. Graham Jones oforo for ha`. PresbyteriaL certificate ' of good "standing-`as 9. ministerot the,United Churchzof Canada. Aftersome discus-A _s,iofn."the1 communication was `referred to a. special committee to ascertain the reasons for such 8. request and to for- . ward. the nnrnd i'n- i-ha nnsrf nnfnrnnn .l'Utl.BUH5 LU! auqn H. (`GI-ILIUBL unu LU l.Ul.'f \a.I'd.`vth3 ,same` to" the next Conference 0 the 'Ur'11KtedCh_urch of Canada. Thu H'nvnrh.'1Qr{n'n` nh-nu nnlzn in . I _Graduate of . A'k'l'or>_Ln`to Hztirdnjusing Academy _ (former1y' `mariageress of their Dunnville, Ontario, Parlor) will` open herjbusiness df bnea t to the ladie_ s of Barrie. young pwIJIe- r .2 . * . . ,- Miss Mary Alliston. B.A., girls work uexzretary of the Toronto Conference." ,spoke-on girls` -work and told of the plans and pxjoglltn of the United Church fox: intensive group work 3,- mon the `teen age girls. Wn nwln: 1-I1`: ndrnnlnn n rpnnlnnn mun cne 't,een_ use gurus. v Fo owing the addreeees.a. resolution was passed` urging the Presbyteryfsv religious `education committee to open V during the tall seasontschools for in- tensive leadership training ;var1ous centres within the Presbyter . Rnvnv-nl. lmnnrfnnf nnnnwuunlnnnnn &, nev. n,-'-nj. 1.'Hu5l\I:y;vl. nunlvuug upunu v on" the work of intensive ,lea.dershin trtiintnk _within-,- the -Presbytery and save. a. ca1ief.ul1y"prepar`e`d ad mess on the need of trained leaqers if he work highest results In char cterlbullding YOKIHE D90D1e- V Minn Mm-v Alllntnn, FLA nrhr-In work or religious educatlonis t produce the v among :Sundar _school pupils` and r'iB3ei'"rT37s eatest st ry`: T |\ A nun.-._T - . MISS v. IRELAND 0003}. W ul'lI.llIlBI.Ul.`. Q1631} VV XUVIIIU, i!Ol.|.. -The -attethoon session wasnivfen over to` the work `of religious educatgon. Rev.. D.'1ftoy. Gray 'ot`Sta.yner_ took the chair- and M gave an} intejresting and; inspiring `address out the `principles underlying the rgliglous educaltion p`rogram of the U_n.ited.',C;hurch of.'\`Caha.da.'.t t ` Dav "W... .13. Dnnrul 1: 1n! 'l7'.lrnunh: nnnbn ._uupull_- , 7:` , V .. `- ' . . ~AJI1at,on (Kn9X).*. $810: All!ston'(Wes- ' ley),.$_13_60; Ang'us'.; $360; .Ardtrea,`$884;x ' _ . jand Klrkvl;!'le.b $135; `Barrie (Col- -H 1);, 514560;, Basrr1e:# (Central); V 8932:` Ba,rt1e`~(BIurton)4 $1080; -Beaten, 8700;, Bond Head. $1061;-e-Bra,dford,_ 3800;. Cold .A.wa(_t,ex`,0$1350: Churchill; $837; Coiling-` W0Qd.':3'$-1050`; `Cooksmwn. $800; Cree-0, xmore, 31,090; .Da.1ston,, $700; Elmvale.` 81292;!` ' `Guthrie. .3450; -Hawkestone. 03476;]-I111 dale. $1035; Midland, $3420; nM1nes_`mg. $874; New Lowell, 3630;` Natta,wa.;:-+ 265;Orill1;. $7300 ; -Pe_ne-- tang. $430; Port McNlcoll..$200; Rama. .!R`70- Qlnnwhaw-in+nn - Ith Qtuvnnr pulls. 0960;, 1.-con` M.cJ.V1c0u,,-uuu; nu.x_ua.. $529: Syxghampton. ' $509; Stayner. $1350; 8 road. .$787~; Tottenhamt` $612; '1`h'or"nton,. 3585;" Victoria I-Iarboun. $6,09;:Warmlnster. 8129;. Wyevale. $311. . ~"l`hn nftnivhnnn nmanlnn urnwalvnn nvnr , lVICIIIb'IIl IlI'9' "BIB!" VVIVIIIK 1'-'4dinlsV and _Scnlg Ttgtmentn , .. 0VP1Zi:N`9 T06 1; --Evenings by` 2 appoi'n1;men't " Bank _of Tofonto Building Owen Str_.e'et` :' Phone 27 `VI`IUKlI`l\_lCII` pyvnoo Hwy`: 1. `,`, ' '1f1i>.!o}iow!ng .a`11 o.at1ona to the xarl `ions/_cha.rgee In` ggmcoe eP rebyt;ery were v-kdceptedumanltnously -by -the mIn_1e't.e!rs: ' and `lay delegates present- 'L`here*'ara`. five/Br, elx minor changes tromr.the-gal-locations made `at the June` meeting.'; v . - . Alllnfnvi III:-nnv\" g91n- Alllnfnn lfnn- For Ladies -Who Care SPECIAL, Marcel & Curl, 75, TRY. TH`: TAlLdRED.TRl M -2 ____ AA};-_'_ QI__._L . ; .z;;a*..;.... In `mug `o.`.`u....-.:.'.... `.. n;.....u....... 4- 4.1.. wvvplo shLv"FoLLowINc { am HONORS IS . - KIlII'T"" Bauty: Shoppe .~()FfENS OCTOBER. 2 T ` Vi-inir;;n:I:ii;;:l;;:;s;;ix;; Manicurin'Io' Water Wiving >.dn'\:-'3 ll` n-In Tu. -L-A-5 gdvun Vuuvoublvll [ll alrilllll va. unav church of.`C1ahada.". Rugs! y:ot Elmvale spoke wnrk nf intensive lenarshin Avon) HIGHER PRICES _ Pinon; 279: uxu I.O"'llh 1'01` 3818 :V_"qz'_.>,_!I. 'Ei.izgl3eth St.: - ---uj----n-jg-u ' _Innisl Cquncil meets at Stroud on Oct. 4, 4 ` . ' . . -_-Buy V,-Staunton s semi-trimmed iwallpaper 22 `in. wide instead of .old 18-in. For sale by W. A. Lowe Qnn; `mmnknl-Ir Q4-- . ~ V - 4-3- I I I u 1: -.2:-`av jj'VV I-33 on September 28. a quiet autumn wedding was solemnized at/St. Paul's Church, .Innisfil, when M. Mildred Webb. R.N.. youngest daughter of Mr. G. W. and the late Mrs. Webb. Stroud. was united in marriage to Mr. Walker| `McFarland, only, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. -McFarland. Mount Albert. Rev. A. D. Cousins performed the ceremony. The bride. whoiwas given in marriage by her father, was becomingly attired in a gown of Venetian blue zeorgette and 'cut` velvet, `large blac a hat and black satin shoes,andcarr eda bou- quet` `Qt Ophelia roses `and`,lily-ot-the- valley.` There were no attendants..Im- mediately after the cenemony Mr. and Mrs. McFarland left fora. motor trip to:Amerlcan points. Upon theirreturn` itheywill res, bride travelle in a. fur-trimmed wrap of ` Spanish raisin needlepoint with hat and gloves to match. The bride.receiv- ed numerous gifts, among them being a handsome cheque` from the" groom's parents. Q . .. __,' j e a.tAMount Albert. `The- nus 'suve1' DH._1` pm. I V I The happycouple left amid showers otcontetti and good wishes for a trip to Toronto, .Niagara and other points. withoufgeserv , Sale u;1.3o pan-, Y. Auctioneer. '4 A} uiuux J.JUllUl.l5l"lIl. . ' `After _ the ceremony about forty -guests sat down to a dainty luncheon. The groom _'gift to the `bride was a. , ndsome -heque; to the `bridesmaid, -a sterling silver bracelet set w1th~._am- `ethysts; to the groomsman,-a set of gold cuff links; to the `pianist, a ster- l1ng'si1ver ba_r pin. hannycounle left amid shnwnm. v_vu1u'u' um; cut -velvet and was attend- ed,b_y,' her sister,- Miss Laura. McLean. who_ wore a dress `of Burmese gold 'sa'tin`-faced `crepe; Mr. Percy Brown of Dalston acted, as best man and Miss Jean McLean played the. brJ.da.l -chorus from Lohengrvln. After ceremonv ahmt fnrfv . -, r'AruI1Iu(.iE-,-Mcl.EAN .At the home of `Mr. Allan -McLean. Edgar. a. quiet wedding was solem- nlzed on Saturday. September 26, when his daughter, Mary Irene, was united in marriage/to Mr. Orville D. Partridge. son of the late Mr. `T. Partridge and Mrs; Partridge of Edgar.` The ceremony was performed by the-Rev. Wm. Paley of Dalston. The bride. who was given away "by? her father. were ad dress of winter leaf cut velvet and was attend- Qd hV' hl` nlnfnr - Mia: T.oI-nun 'MI'nT.nnn uusucu Luau Vvl':UlS JJIUHI it DWO IIl0IlBS' . visit in Western Canada, most . of which was spent with tT1eir daughter, Mrs. H. V. Western. at Wainwright, Alberta. "Mr. and Mrs. Sarjeant also , vi-sited_,Ja_sper National Park and the ' Pacic, Coast, going by C.N.R. to Prince Rupert, B.Q., and then down the coastto Vancouver and Victoria, and returning lay way of Calgary. LVLLBDC5 -D W 1014313 ' John Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs- Walter N. Duff leave tonight for Hal- ifax to attend the annual -`meeting of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite. AThe,,v~ will spend`Friday in Montreal andvsaturday in Quebec. DH!` ,qn19{n.n1mI- nun ;vg.ux1u;'ea1 uuu pauuruay In Quebec. .Mr.,and `Mrs. A.- J. SarJe-ant,re- turned last week from a two months 113:3`-, :1` 1l7.\..J-.....;.' 5...). ...-..L --E Mrs. G. 0. Cameron. \ tMr_s. Kee of'Wes't Toronto and some friends motored to Barrie last Thursday and `were delighted with the Eair; especially the `needlework. They spent the evening. with the Mises.Switzer. - ' . -1... C|.'_-I-:_. >_..'_I 11-, ' , ,, 1 It 0, u. xx 1 I. ` | AgrT<:1:l';`z'al Representative Stew-] ar_t;L. Page was in Ancaster on Wed- ; nesday assisting in judging at the ` s_cho'ol fair" championships .for Went worth `County. ' I -Mun T A Dunstan Al C---3-E4. IV..- VVUIIIII '\JU|4|lllayo U `Mrs. J. A. Russell of Swift Cur- rent, Sask.. and Mrs. A. `W. Wilkin- : son and Miss ~W1'lkinson of Toronto were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Cameron. "II-.. If..- -0 .1!T-..'A. rl1-..-._J.- _.__I l H-:I\ ?2!`:uar`x':i"Mrs.'Vernon Hook return- I ed today` (Thursday) from Detroit; `and will reside in Barrie. ` Mr. Hook! will be associated Tn business` with J, G. Keenan. ' I A......-...-n.`.-..-I ~n-__.-__..L-L:__, nu, 4 v ha;; ample While 70 % s addreaped I A A.-I- \' -` fitmand E. A. Burns, ch`'oprac-: tors, were in` Toronto `attending the . D`rugless' Practitioners Con`vntion, ' at the Prince George Hotel, Sept. 23; 5 24 and 25\ , M15]. and M-r_ Vnrhnn T-Tnnb 1-of-urn- . been seriously ill. their wedding trip and are taking up` ul nungaeuxl wu.u 1181` 1110131161 , W110 nas `Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.'I{eid (nee Mary A. Train) have returned from} residence at the corner `of Mary and Rols_`se )ts.' ' I -._..I TR A :T'!__.__- _, -13! gv;x`a. value. :1. neu_y nus reuur ea po B_arr1e after spendmg three we ks m Kmgston with her mother, who has I Hahn any-in'IVIa11r {I1 ` Thursday. lwultieioss Guida Burtofi, who hes Been, spending her vacation at her `home in `, McDonald St.., left. for.~'Toxon_to on I - f `Miss Clark, Supt. of the R;V.H., was in Toronto today attending the S funeral of Miss Flaws, Supt. of Well- 1: nalnv T-Tnuhifnl -C J.ullUl{Gl UL LVLIE A esley H seital. (` `Mun nu auu uuun Ill uwu uuys 01 Due Fall`. Mr. and Mrs. Wm./`Moore are the guests of `Sir Philip and Mrs. Pocock in Ldndon during Centennial Weekf . `DA..- "l"...:.... 1.3;. 4.1..:.. .....-I- A-.. `n- ' V ware.` ` ux uuuuuu uurulg ueuuexuuul WEEK. ~, Ross Twiss left this week for Re- .' gins, where he_ has taken a V position with the `Wood V-allance 'Co., hard- 'll`:.... II-_:_I_ 'I5|-___L_,, "1, 1 1 Ill uuruu Day lulu new ulsxearu. `Mr."`.and 'Mrs.. Gh-as. Farneld and` daughter Mary motored'~- to Lindsay and took in two days of the Fair. MI` and Mr: Tn: I'Mnnmn nun A-Inn ` JIDUI . li',ss `Mabel Hill, R'.N., has return- ` uuuauu unu norm Day. ed home after a, _two months" vacation. in North Bay and New Liskeard. ' Mm `'-....A an 111...... 1:!......a..1.1 _...1~ uua. m.. uuruuu, Luruuw D17. ` | Harold Hill and Arthur Brennan 'are .on a motor trip to Toronto, Ham- Ailton, Buffalo and North Bay. ' Mi `inn an`-`sun FBER 4 7.3o;9.3o \ yuu.'cuce Duuul an A_.u1SE0I1._A- `V Mrs. -Nellie Macdonald of `Toronto is spending thisweek with Txerg sister, `Mrs . M. Burton, Toronto St. t.nm.1A um ....a.:. A..n..... n.............. um M guest A 01 (_J.lI'S. L1.` hart. ' | `.Miss Ha _zel\ Tuck has returned; home from attending the funeral of Clarence `Smith at Alliston. . MVIG Mnnnnni AJ9'I`-......L- pm u.I. vweena; " - I .D.'_ Kee` and A. E. _,-Anderson of West` Topdnto were Vi8ltQI`5 in town 9 over theweekiend, . ._ M... `D 1 cm. .... -.. .2 mm - , - .Mrs.. R. J.. Thompson of Toronto ' uvczv uu-:- ween-enu. ` I spent}: few days in town last week, ! the guest of(AMrs. L. `Hart. L | I Mii HR1]\ 'l`nn'Ir has itnknvunnri ' Sanford St. ` .3 , ` ,_ _ _ ' ' | % Mr: _-and Mrs. .Wm. .Galli`e left this I morning for '.l`or to spend a cou-y ple of Tweaks} I . h`-TI-.. ......l" A In .A._.1-__,-_ -1- ayI=uI.uflg_ wn `uays; gt Kort _b'evern._ ! eMrs; }J. G. Monkman will receive _ on Wednesday, Oct.V6',;'from font to , % six; ~ ::".1iss Neiiie `Tuck bf New Flos is _'pl1da'ying with her` `copsin, Miss '*Ha- I QnI.; F11nb r` ' ` uyu zel, 5 `Sanford (St. . ` ze`l,.-"l`_uc!;. ` 7 '. v | y S. J. Irwin of Toronto spent` the: week-end at the home of Wm. Hill,` I`- ....A `ll..- II'__'. fI-1u-.]- u~ n.- .- . .vypc_ V 1:: >1. (u'qnto,_WIul "nerT.sons.' f 1 Miss %MAarga`r'e`t.. stewm `left mg % w;.,..;1., to- attend" Trinity 'Col_lege. Mr. and::M;rs. :W. N. 'W_hate of Tor-` ! onto;are visvi-tingv'B_arr:ie friends. . _q_'Mrs.`_' `G. Tumbull has been s`pen'ding'j`ten'.days- at Port Severn. I MFR; J Mnnuvnnn ":31! --.--3--- I". n `V ,~`: 4 -.;M1!_sA. Laying ais .. -speixdihg " as gwee'k*inr'1'or9nto.= _ `- _ ` `_ ( ' ' ' Mrs; Philip V ve_ .i$`_spending 1 wek in` Toronto]with`her`.'sons.` g iian '. IKnuiudu`.`l- E4-......._L .-I-:.m. A.L_ 1 Screen Door` i Lawn Mower ~:,~ 9. dresser, dressing ` ress and springs 951 walnut nish,- ;; rlngsy . ' . M ' Congoleum Rug Garden Tools rum QL....._ ,; ._.. r 5 % *5 .* . `* 2 5 .Dl:'ncnn.tA~I.. . mg! -nu.`-a v manna as an "D, Lauyuo VJ. IV 611' sley Hos? ital. Mrs. C as. A. Kelly has retur1}e.d |"Rn1~vin nrfnv annnrn-run {Human nun bu --_--._:----,--.-. McFAaaLANo -wEa I-..L-_.-I_ _._ PAR;I'R|DGE-Mc|rEAN I J... 1.-...- -5 Ir- 'a".'.-`.1 "to ' ,. 2 I-. . ' - r . ' %T*!~=%<.':nAawi x..A%gtu';x > lions from VUVVC I :tfc' -. "u -u nvuuvrslj I-ll-`E90 !, _On Wednesday, September 22, just 0 ' as the day was closing, there .- away at her home in Barrie, ~Rachel iAnn Porter, wife of 'Jas, Mccandless, - and one of the town's old. and esteemed 1 citizens. Born in~the manse in Clark. ` ' she was the third daughter. of the . late Rev. Samuel and Mrs. Porter. `Her 1 mother died when "she was a child and V with her three sisters she spent the early years of her life in the different fields in which her father labored. at- tending the public `and high s'choo1s._ -While in his prime, her father had to .retire, on account of throat trouble, . and the family moved to Torontowhere -she studied art, developing an inborn! talent. Many years ago the family mov- _ ed to Barrie and here at lovely Sunny- |side, . her artistic soul found pleasure `;In her work, which also brought re- 1 tmuneration.-~ Many beautiful paintings, 1 both in oils and water, colors. came from her brush. Two of the sisters had married and Rachel with her elder } sister cared for their father inlhis clos- ging years. Severalyearsylater she be- ; came the wife of Mr. Mccandless. and ithey, continued to reside in Barrie. Within the past six years all four/`sis- ters have passed away, the others being Miss Mary Porter, Mrs. (Capt.) J. E. ' h Mccarquodale, and Mrs. l(Rev.) Wm. McConnell. Before her` declining years. she was actively interested in the work {of the church, and was a member of " St. Andrew's .Presbyterian Church, later going into the United Church.` I nu: a..x......:.. .....u_-..-.a -- Lune ax. RIBI. xuun at cne ueceaseu. Mr. Mccandless is left to mourn the ;~ loss of a. loving and faithful wife. whq will be sorely missed in the home. There are also six nieces all residing Iln Toronto. ` V J 1 , ' CHRYSLER MODEL Nviumzns MEAN muss -mm noun ;w._A; Grose,DeaIerand Ditributor ag - --&- 1.2. ;_ -.......- uv...5 nanvv aunt: IJIIILCU uuul.-:11. I Old friends gathered at the home on Thursday evening and lovely floral itributes, were sent. :The`serv1ce was taken by Rev. J. J. Black, and Rev. Dr. : , odds. The latter made a touqhing and 'beaut_iul prayer, and Mr. Bla.c.k read the" twenty-third Psalm and spoke words`-of great comfort, taking for his `Heavenly Home, he said, is open to .all. It leads us to where Jesus is. to a prepared" and permanent home, beyond the cares and sorrows of worldly strife. ton on Friday. Rev. Jas. Wilson was the officiatihg. minister and a number of friends and relatives gathered to Itake a last look at the deceased; Mr Mnanlnaa in Inf} bn 4:... subject, ``Heaven, ' The Way to the His way, the way of the cross, leads . home. Intermenttook -place at 1 .-_v-,-,k-Vve ' `I-`.III F` lzii-3 R9 m M 'Be'yon'd et~T;her.' res`ide`nce.`~..lot -25,! con. 10, .- Ease. Perso_n's*are known` by-"the esteem. , A in '-w`hich_`t4hey ajre`-held by their -friends. ti There 1s_som`ethlng, behind the es-l teem when ; so large 9. conco_uz`se` turns -o.ut_; as~f followed her remains the {cemete,ry.`Peo`ple, though._they may be I . unconscious, of the-fact.,are,li_ving ,en- `istles known and read by" men and Mrs.. Brooks was esteemed and honor- .ed by all who knew her. Qf egdelicate constitrutlon she of necess'ity lived "a quiet and retired life. For-a..year -she had. been an invalid. The late Mrs, Brooks was predeceased by her'_hus- A band twenty-"eight yeargs . Four daugh- ters and one son survive. viz.. Mrs. E. Guthrie of Ivy, Mrs. F. Wray of Toron- to. Mrs. Fred Webb. of Stroud. Russell =and Rachel on the homestead: also Jone sister. Mrs-ninhm-A r~......a........ ..a dn: ?1'ireday,:Tsptember; _12,:::Mrs.elAn-; 'nie Brooks `p`asse_d;e;way to the Greats * v__ .v____ -y- j 2&1: jr TZTT1, `10`OWEN s4'r., PHONl'3 Na. 21 % RESIDENCE PHONE %1o11w; uuu nuuuui on `line nomestead: 8.180 on sister. Mrs.-; Righard ;Corrigan of Pal er ton. e funerahwas held on- Friday `om r late `residence to the :Union`_ emetery, '1-`Vhornton. Rev. T. J. -Dew. of Christ `Church. Ivy." conducted. 7 the service; thi deceased being a mem-.9 1 `her of that c urch for a number of` years. He testified thather. sufferings `were home with a christian fortitude, (`truly marvelous band that her spiritual I attainment - was of a .high -character. 'Friends from Palmerston. Bee_to_n. lcreemore and Toronto attended the I funeral. Six nephews acted as pallbear- ers. The sympathy of the whole com- \ munity is extended to _-the bereaved. New _____ ..- -_r- rior to, orclinary manu- facturing practice and. methods, because it de- mands xed and inex- ible quality,stund_ards which enforce the same scrupulously close limits --the same" rigid rule of engineering exactness - o the same absolute accu- "racy and precision of alignment and anemo- '|'nn--.In cl.` __..----, mugs: - ya me melluleo ment, the machining and the_manufactu1-lug of QVQFV nap!-_ non:-than and uuuiy onnuarcnzauon fe:-I from, and in supe- ` rinr On- nu-rungs-u snag-nu- g;_yl-IlPI`l;;I,lII?lI-Il'III`.nI dI process in our lines of l`l....-I-- -__- ,, nnnn iThe Chrysler planLof 1 %:..`P'J?i2?:?32 353' 5"zBv} ` Mann qvIR`$_;; ANAJ lEV Biaooks n`..-.`..a'.... ' A Q-._A.-_'__L , -A -- AJ/`\MES_ 1".`.`. ,f...:'1':?.'.'.`. :9.'.'.' min" 0uts_tndingVduc o/the vCHn Mc'cANnLEss $__.A.__,,I Allprleu .,omuo.'aaauaa xu,bum Iruund1":;',spaI=-ctlrc.incovrqp\dIan }s'!ullofxnog1I: ' R SLERso" Hows EA5H 'NIGH/13? Times, 7:15 Inc! `-9.15 .GULAR PRICES-' ee Saturday .1: In point of size, seating room, beauty of design, beauty of.n- ish and power, - the Chrysler "50" stands out so unmistak- ably that you recognize the price at once as far and away the greatest-offeringever made `\ `JhIIQ,4unu':n;-`pun gag- Lining up the ve cars side by side in your own mind, you will be smrtled by the contrast between them-and especially by the contrast between the Chrysler SO and all the -4.L ;-- `I scucal. uuc|.1u-cv` 0 Evf ur-cylindcr cars. With only fourvother cars of large production in the four- cylinder eld, it is exceedingly easy to recognize the outstand- ing values of the Chrysler-S0 and decide which car to buy. A. F. A. MALCOMSON V may bc INSUREDi ag'ain$E f?re-ano 1;:g;1:ning at MODERATE COST by our SHORT DATE POLICIES. - - J You cannot afford to take a chance. For informatidn write e._- us/`an-4\J National,AA sthelicg;1d%Ba||rb;;n Dalicing TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, I926 ' mo DE JAN!-zmo _ -vUDQCCv`. 'u'(':RE n. HOWS. EA H _----- vv---v nun new P5199 \rl Ire *1o55 Coach '1o925 se 5. wtuam -.omro.'ane:uaa taxes, .lraunJe:.r,opftdrc.tincfpvrp\dun`}s`fuHof; Teacher a'1r.1'd.Gra\ciL.1aVte `1`Vl$1alis t of Normal Sc} 1ool of `Dancing ` NEWYORK nrv % 'l`HORNTOI:I_ IEKNCH .- 3; Nancy Hargreaves, "l`;_--I . ' u we reprsent AL_L STEAMSHIP LINES. Passprts arranged for. Cl}NADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. `FARM PRODUCE re INSURED"a2'ainst fire and um V L If}EW`YOR f{,'('3IE`1-(_ WILL" OPEN CLASSES, IN qy- purl nan! ax Sydney Charlottetown ` vuuw. _ Montreal ' tunknn Auuutfcal. Quebec St. John. N.B. Iqhnfnv wmmpeg Fort William Windsor. Out. Inn (1 non Winnipeg Fort wma. .1: Write SS-Peel St. or telephone 959W. CIRCULAR UPON REQUEST . V \ . Vahcouver Victoria (`Q1 not-u V... ya-mu. av auu yuu Will r "not consider any other car in its price class. . ` `1o925 Se_da1i `I160 It will continue to yield a sus- tained speed of 50 miles and more per hour, 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds, and 30 miles to the 'gallon-for months and for years, as the result of Chrysler's plan of Quality Standardization. At last it is possible for you to make a convincing and conc- clusive comparison of values -studyingthecomfort,appear- ance and performance factors of the Chrysler 50 in coma parison with everything else oered:--and `satisfy yourself almost ata glance in which car you should investyour money. Examine and ride in the new Chrysler 50 and you will "I\l\I' 1|p`onn=p-I454. A`.-- -4]... -__. F_INEST OF FOURS I`.0.3.WIndIol'.0ntal'|0 T CHRYSLER `"50" COACH (as illustrated) -A-__a- `I055 ifur::p_f 'thoAvVWast ATURIN G u "ADI A`! Colombia Peru Venezuela . aanto Domingo Port-nu-Prince Nassau Portpf Spain Buenos Aires Rio de Jaueiro Montevideo. Cara %l on: , st. John's. Nd. Havana uonuon New York Paris aura: ndI'n .1-.. u n .o.b.Windoor Ontario bvddluoubtoscadded) $1092 BARRIE, ONT. Phone 447W hfhaw:Ic Eold pany, Limit- nwnnnuvlvu -In V liage Thirfi 7 ' .;_._,, |1lIIIIJ[ !`.JtlII`i;; - pyope EH`1?"." EM" Ever Pop;-lg? I7'I'II IV IIII - ,s1A 1r", 'VSEPT`E vay Tearle and 9" !9!*~i!l II II I `Ill-1' DUE too riumerous tog "urniturefi W yd Hlntofsf I`I3I.'I.`I)6Q Examiner Adltfkijfqn reat sales-Z men and ` they work. `fozylittle 'pay-.--_ 25 cen'ts_`a.week.l .*,f. ,: ~ vjjv--wp/.-It Office " _ Residence} 2`7`{ %";F:;1'3']5.'~ , A 15 9"``? 5*- uiu . I V ,_-J,.,.,_ _-l . ; 5.. Mrs. ' Wilson nnliinnln "I`-'.I-A. ` E_L.'._;_!__ .- %A%L.o : For gnfqrvlw. b,na, 1:e:9ins; apply at 62_ Ron 8!. :_lA_RB`]E 3; Phone 24! "' ... I_l-lIlIlll.ivE"VVV II."Il , Cont:-alto "Vociliut, T-`ivntartaindr and .. . ' Eloeutionint Cont:-alto "Vociliut, T-Entdrtaindr b Eloeutioniot _ 1 ` Singing, Speaking. .Publlc Oratory . I and VDra_.matlc VE_xpresslo n. I I ' I} (W, ' "OF `NO: 1 DRY HARDWOOD ' `%'HARDWOO`D1;SLABS ' HARDWOOD EDGINGS ` , . : AND wqon H 2*Cut`Vand,split to . 2 A . "O (D 43. ULVLLVU HARLAN AND `T RUTH MILLER OTE our. running for this show: er of Paris" twice at 7.15 and 9.15;` ng Edge once ea c'h ht at 8.45. ` 4 .- -v---u v V Dnv\vl'|.",`.`l`IOI\O%OO ' . , ` ` 10:-gainist,an8'hoirm'utor . ; - Collier Street United Church - ` Al1'_grades of ORGAN. PIANO and THEORY: VOICE PRODUCTION and M_ SINGING ,. (all; _ g;:anj!nationa')_.- A Ange ' O .' 'M.J- .l:*.'.~.:`:.'2f;.` unL`-:'_ ` vut Bilpllt I0 y Uu[..'ID'l'lIGl' s,.`na.y , `o:b;rjf3. ms I 11, a.mA.'-- $,poci`gI. W;M;Sg Soryico. Miss Marion C06 Xtrom theisouth China` Mission, ',.wi l.1\l.P*3ak'. `Special. 1 and appropriat`e."mt`1sic by c`hoir.. 7 p.m_.+-RQV. J: Mon-in Hiulillig . _A `will p1feach..; . _- u Rev. J. `J. `Black conduc`tsvanniver- . sary' services `at Edenvalq. ` ` . . -v ' `cgiilier St. _Vu;.it`,ed CI1i\I;rchi.] Pour T Tnln-...L.\.'..."M5I`.'.;I- 1'! A ww--cu uuuo . Rev. J. J ohnstorieV`~Blk, -B;_A.,,B.DV. Mixiitexs - " ' Hqface Wilsof 'A.R.C.0. 3 Organiqt _a.nd' Ch_qhfl`eade;-. ~ r , Tvunuuy, \JI9_D:.:_,|_'$,-35, .1926 11 a.m=.-4-Thir\d Rsurr_'o;ction." 3 p.r'q.v-T--.-BiblAe S_cho`ol. _. ' 7 p.m--`VTCon_secration." V ' -._.(F'_fthT "in serieg`). u V! awn . L Cp,|IUl'o"' V Rowe. o'rga,'n!at.` Miss Margaret Slnclaifgf Clgoirleader ,. w-av-wt V; IUEU Rev; W; "G. I-4I;a_$z41Ana`: Toronto `will pre`ach.`",both servicgs. .. _ - ovvfv; uvlljf : ` I Rev.__J. ~S-,v Shortt..'M.A,., ,Minist'er Edmund 1-may, Mu'a.]ao.o,. F;'1'.C.M.? V . Organlny and .Cho;uhuterV _ V y uycI.'u_y us mfrst, , Ontario. of `patented Matheson by loration Co. ng Co), Ltd. g equipment et from the shaft is sit- ' s the south- underground asset to_.thist 11 aim. - 7 4 34.,p.m;-SIi,n'ay.,Sh 91 1 `Miss ~Marian Coon 'of, S pth China 3 .will give -511`-`addre_`ss ataithe ' .,evenirigAs:r:i39. _,_ L . J; 1 -"--9- I -6 Buying: unurcll av. `E. 3. Whan, p.,;t`,_;. `Inn `E3161. 3... ... . $ndny, Of`f0 l`,I`O1iV_,l__;-3, 1926 [ Re'vff;i;3G- ?3i~$li ' Harry Bar;b;;,_,_{ph6irI*.d9r_V Q` Mrs. E. Ri}:hagdggn;"._o:gg;;g.c, _ GET IN % YOUR,;i surriiit NOW`_ . 312'," "'7-v:'.. .. . ,% will preach _.8t;1V.>7 he -,3V_.v,Cn-_`QfI)' s ` ` . ._x , ,.. -.,v_;,~~_' . mean; l"`\; `y - . _ v_ ":~ :_?" ., _._~r:; %'"" " ',-T.~`;V-in-I};-vent, 95 I A .5` V at 2.30% aha, _7'-,9 gli;k*- V V `R00K$0V?N+?=3VI`1!; A `REV? WF; 35: `}719!f Tsa-sa-'y;1-aeaw:4A%:` ii` 1?`. 11 ptdduced ' are n t so in 0.3 PS9 e c araVcVt_e'r-` - A ST: ANW`-:V'$ c.,;.*..%,.: ~u..a..a A 1 11 n4__.'.-'_:.1._v_;". " 0 . VIS;TOR$ii*ii:I;5;DMED HA?Nl;I:EONLY' J 1cm): of coALANn.coKz% % wast ANTlC01'Ei wFLoAm)" WASH" "`uuJI'y,~`. Oqt':bcr C. N26 1!! 1 * wv. _.':n menu-k"n+. `B-nth` .n`;ua.:...~ " V5um'luyV, :i9fA."'6 Tl-iE%FAM0USfWARRENMC0KE%. w -weighed .on/ttown;:ehi AEREENFRQM wnomm gvou AREWAKRVIVED-THAT . HOME warn CDAI. rouuogne WINTEES NEAR--WARM YOUR ~ember it as orig `of. est pictures. you .. ve ever seen. BKI It Kg- _ __,