Wool: Ibup- ; willnd this ` an intern!- lnc to visit. - 9 in andhoo but is now. 9 your wraps our care. QUEEN S HOTEL, BARRIE `BANIGFTORONIO CONSULTATIQN FREE .We 'assert _this. to be true because thosewho saw us yes- terday are seeing better today. Being right, oilr `glasses enable you to see right. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST nIuupnA-..-A_ Z - `Remember `T the `D';t e ._ j____---un'- SUCCESSOR TO 0. R. RUSl an, 1 . n --~ 1 16 ms? '"2.i' Phone 80, BARRIE 39 Elizabeth Street Warren: Manager blunt n uinxn ` A-".'. AA-.-_ warr- EDMUND Lo/c~ALMA RUBEN5~LOU TELLEVGEN ram ts, KEENAN`MARJORlE oAw~ aum:rr LESLIE FENTON` PAUL PANZER` LYDIA KNOTT emc MAYNE ~ MARTHA MATTOX ~ HARRY SY|`1OUR- ` ermm nvuurnawchau A " . xshowing :-Tv'vice' Each"Ni'ght', 7.l5.\and 9.15 _ HARRY LAN- COMEDY? % v V On the Storm King Road . V ` `OUR GANG COMEDY - BETTER MOVIES A Two Shows Eaqh Night, at 7.15-and 9.15. . Saturday Matinee at 2.30. REGULAR PRICES. Harqld l I39: Heaj:ren s Se: te Blan- gait` vunnmuv Derailed. with a thunderous crash. the. Overland Limited lay 'a man of ,twicted, ame-V enveloped wreckage -- Sinclair and- his robber hand` were at work again - Romance`and thrills go hand lin hand in this miuhty epic of the railroad and wild: - A thuriderbolt of mys- tery. thrills and wrecln -- The greatest melodramatic railroad picture e\ver lmed. THE szusmon of THE SEASON: ;Ho1>E cmasr comsr mqunnv-TuEsnnv-wznussnnv CIRCULATION it Ins" I1:-`xv- Barrie Kiwanis K/arnival %EP%Is0v.,4:`t1*HE Ancuaw l NOW PLAYING % THIIRSIIAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY IN CONNECTION WITH 1"`oo comes 1 ~::.:~.'.~.'.~~ -';-sums? `V WW ` ` ' l aonumvmunv underous :1, ame- - Sinclair ,1$I!i.!.NG |immins pm; H.I.WARNlR. LILLIAN RICH. ` JOHN IOWIRS I. LILYAN TASHMAN $0!!! Iv ILLIUVVJ. CLAWION I WILLH. HITCH nun vu uvu av Mann N.-lPlM!I1Au~ Cuncrn Iv GEORGE NIIKFOIO A iltnorounu Imooucfnou I `s'm"a":' Wwnuuwaubnvn MRS. HENRY wood scmmo BY LENORE -.1. corrt -Year. I vu vvl I|Jr\I-I- l"~l"\|V Softball fans are looking` forward with keen interest to the game at Bar; rie Fair next Fri(la_\g when the Knock girls go up against a team from the Toronto Ladies Athletic Club. This feature `alone will be worth the price of admission to` thefair. Prominent Toronto girl athletes will also be seen in the track events. -u-au-- vul I I-ll\E.I-Y T. J. O'Flynn.`Independent `candidate in Dufferin-Simr.~oe. is likely to have "a libel suit on_ his hands. It is under- stood that W. A. Boys. K.C., is bring- Aing action for damages in connection. with the references to Mr. Boys which a.ppe.u'ed in an advertisement. Reply to Mr. Rowe? which appeared in `last week's issue of several papers ctrculatt ing in the riding. A-suntan 16. 1926 uucul 5U. 1Il8_V [BIC on Wednesday for Toronto and wrll reslde w1th h1s sister, Mrs. Smith, at 831/2 `Wood- lawn Aves. ;uu:u1uc1'a` OI W18 Club. . I ' Mr. andVMrs. Brooks`Eave been residents of Barrie for over forty year_s.- Though of quiet, unassuming dispositions, they have made many warm friends who are sorry to `see {them go. `They left on Wednesday Toronto and will rncirhx m:+1. m. " Kindly. sentiments were also ex- I pressed by A. Hay, Geo. Vickers, J.` l I I E.'Billingsle,v and J. 'Mc*Cutcheon, menrpbers of the clu1_J_. I -.. ......x 1m... 1-: -ALzA . wwu nu`. nrooxs over the cnessbqard.` Mr. and Mrs. Brooks both resnond-I ed, _express1ng their thanks `and `also , saying how sorry they were to leave} 'B'ar1'ie. 4 72:...-n__ ,, - ' - '1 .r:u'.aI:.xV uuuun "[0 F. BROOKS Members of the Barrie Chess Club presented one of their number, Fred Brooks, wi? a purse last Saturday night as a arting gift on the eve of his departure from Barrie. The pre- sentation was made at -the residence of` E. T. Tyrer by Fred Marr, who voiced in particularly happy terms the club's regard for Mr. and `Mrs. Brooks and referred to` the many in- teresting and protable hours spent with Mr`. Brooks over the chessboard; | I iMr. and Mrs. both resntmd-I 7-`Breaking into the home of `Mrs. J. Martin, Penetang' street, sdme time ,over the week-end. thieves or more P D i D likely, a thief, stole a valuable gold watch" and an alarm clock. So far as can be,ascertained nothing else`was taken nor was the house` left in a ran-' sacked` condition. As Mrs. Martin had been away from her home for a time. the theft was not discovered until Tuesday morning. The police have been notified and are taking` action. Entry was effected through a rear window, from- which a storm sash was first removed. On leaving the marauder left the electric light burning and went to the trouble of replacing the storm 1 sash. He left behind. however, te11taIe']] . footprints on a sofa which had been ` placed against the wall below the wln- ~ downnd the window itself was left 1 raised. 1 [ 5 W :-j--:-1-juuu Baiiie Fa.i;f`,TSept. 22, 23 apd 24. BURGLAR GOT WATCH I AND ALARM CLOCK PRIESENTA-TION F. BROOKS Mavnknu- -3 LL. 7!. ' NOTE - v . - - u - u U I Q O O I o I O o O I O I I 0 01-17 , The [two Independents are Mr. \. mox-Alber'ni. . } -Prince-LIEdwaVrd Island ` Nova Scotia New Brnswick . . . . . Quebec .. Ontario .. `Manitoba . . " Saskatchewan. . ` Alberta. . . . . . . . . . '-. . British Columbia, ; . . . Yukon . . . . ..; . ,,,, This morning .bhe Canadian Press reported-the~cFmplete party stand-' ing by provinces as follows :-.- , ~ -V _ _ ' _ T V - .\ Lib. Gan. Prog. Lxb.-P ; U.F.A. `Lab. Ind -PrincefEdward Island . _ . A 2 . 1` n n \ A -` - `. FOR SOFTBALL FANS .++`ha11 mm... M... u,.-.-.___. ., LIBEL surr LIKELY f\VT.1'l-..... 1-- J - V - CANADA, THURSDAY, 16,1926. are the 1* Values. PARTY STANDING. nvpnovuyuzs when L you "se-ea-,"}".l"ar:>i;l- at V Dreamland next, Th1irs- 'day,~Friday and Saturday I013 0 On.-nmnum C/2!ease . I- `:---For an enjoyable evening out of doors spray Fly-Tox on your clothing. IIU uu: uusul ne Iouna that the doors of the barn`, of which the henhouse is a part, were all fastened on the inside, whereas he had fastened them the previous night on the outside, and he had to get in through a hole in the henhouse. He found that 160. chickens were missing and he found most of them later -in the day in a eld and by the road about two miles 1 from home. ` I 3 `E . 8 E H 3 .\B'ourassa, Labelle, and Mr. Neill, 3 HLUCL wanulg une rest 01 the family! , ' ran`~tp the back door, where he -heard a car starting. He got out -his car grid hg and has fathfr -gaarehchge. ome istance ownt eroa t e rst car stopned beside another car that `|was parked in the ditch and his fa-I .'ther got out end asked them. what .'they were doing, whereupon they; .'drove _o . They had both been d't`1V- . ing without lights previously but at .lthis juncture the witness turned on. {his lights and obtained the numbers] :of both 021-: Tmmn... ..........1--I LL- 5 I` ,..... 1d nappy in good 2.75 per dill I1` v~'~' -' av" """`J' ., The car which was,left in the ditch contained two chicken crates capable of\ holding about sixty birds. This] car was seized by Constable McLean of Bond Head and the following morning` the witness, in company; with Constable McLean, Sergt. Cox: and Provincial Constable Kelly, went I `to Holland Landing, where they` found the `car which he had followed I the pievious night. ' 13......-11--- _L_1_ , 3| .1 -_-.. 1...`.-nvua uA5uu. Bradley stated that on his return to the farm he found that the doors of }\!3`lh' (`VF 11111::-:11 4-`L- L.`_L_-_.,- Inna uguha uuu uouamea tne numbersl {of both cars. Inquiry revealed the` factzthat the car in the ditch belong- ed to Mrs. Riehard Foster and the other to Percy Foster, a nephew of the accused who lives with him. They ' oursued the car for some distance ,but it got away. r-n1,__ ___- ,:_1, r Richard Foster of Holland' Landing e was committed for trial at the next- 9 court of competent jurisdiction on a` 3 chargeof theft of 100 chickens from , James_Bradley, a Tecumseth farmer '.- living near Bond Head. `A simil'ar 1 charge against Clarence Brown of Newmarket was'withdrawn and a charge against Foster of theft ofa motor rug and a pair of headlights . from Harvey Dales of Pennville was ; dismissed. The charges were heard - by Magistrate Jeffs last Friday. Fos-. ter, through his counsel, J. R. Boys, , pleaded not guilty and elected trial `lby judge and jury on the chicken stealing charge and summary trial on thesecond count. No evidence was given by the defence. Gordon Bradley, son of Jas. Brad- ley, stated that about 4 a.m. on Aug. 26 he was awakened by the chickens squawking. `Rising, he looked_ out the, window but could see nothing. However, he heard voices of men talking. He then got dressed and after waking the rest of the family rnn\.l-n Han knob Ann ---`L---- ` ` ' CHARGED WITH CHICKEN! THEFT; SENT 1-`on TRIAL YOU'LL SING . For: my u. C3DUU. anu `I'D `n -known-1 %f'RIDAY,/OC'l'OBER "1 st `I the reason aron?" the centenarian. 5: time back, ectively. -___.__.. ---nun: \pJ1l\.lllJl.I|J 1' #133 AVE. A . _ ; LONDON, om: Aw]: $1-:u.F the HERBS the JUICE comes ffpm. Asthma," Piles, Dropsy, Bedwetting, Skin Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Rheumatism,-Bladder Trouble, Dia- betes, Bright s Disease, Stomach, Liver, Kidney,_ Blood Pressure, Neuritis, Heart Troubles, Constipation, Lung r ` T and Bronchial. Troubles, and all diseases. Gallstones removed, no operation necessary. " . - Goitr,e removed, no operation. _ IIQIIZIQL -an 4 `-1---- --- -- FRIDAY, ocrosm 1st Herbalist He; ; TH ERE IS A HERB FOR EQJEIRVYVBISEASE , __--.- -..-- aIanJnur1AJl.1i Mr. Murn, the prdprietor of the Ca1\1adian Herb . Gardens, expert in herbs, will be at the ONE DAY 'ONLY, ALL DAY AND EVENING Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6 Saturday til] 10 p.m. Evenings by appointment {BARBIE-H. A. Sims Manager. BRANC : ' ' H E8` 4 LLANDALE [ELMVALE-~-H. R. Mam .-..'\ others in nd annh standing apricot, 0.50 ea. CANADIAN HERB GARDENS .bl:'n.~I n nun . -_ _ _ { mil See BetterTomorrow See ROBERT H. SMITH , _ ____- v..- puouo This surplus he Vwisely deposited in the Bank of Toronto. Wiser still, he sought the expert in- vestment counsel of his Bank of Toronto manager. 1. That was years ago. He IS now retired, com- `fortable and prosperous. D.-. L- --!Il p 4 . , ., --l.-..v...n But he still comes in for advice on banking and investment matters. For he regards the Bank of Toronto as a good friend--a friend that gives ser- vice and that is unfailing in its welcome. A friend that has earned the trust and cordial good-will of thousands of farmers like himself. ____ _ ...yv Avibi-Ill] Snauccu. WlLthlZtl1e("loan `lie bought more stock, machin- j/ery and seed. His farm prospered and his prots sw,elled. ,After selling his crgp he paid back `the loan and had a handsome surplus. Tm 0-".`.'____ L _ _ V! -I I ' ` ` ` " ' ` - ` .H'E was a farmer of sound "character and ability. So when he asked for a `loan to (amt...- .. vvuo .. ...uu-:1 u; suunu cnaracter and ability. tloan to further develop his farm it was readily granted. `V754-I. `L- 1---- I-- ' ' during assort- t yours