Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1926, p. 3

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art. leading ares modern down man's UTOPIA mm EDGAR: _ are `/1-"eat _al_eu- .--....-... --.. ...,.,:....- - . \./\r\4'lA\J \JI- \u.q._y a. Miss -Minnie McVAr`hur has returned to "Barrie after spending some time with he1_' sister here. V Read ThVe Examiner and getVall the local `and district news-$2.0_0 a year , Sept. 14'--Igiivss `C-rz:v\;f`ord' spent! a few days with friends in Sttfoud. `Ill..- 7:1 111--.- I_-_ ___ __, 4- .1 Ulf|.ll.l LU. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wellfer and -children spent a few days with friends in Toronto. ' `|Ul'{nn VI"nnn:-In `Dunn;-Inn `Ivan: `..:LL. ..... ul LU]. uu LU. i Miss Tressie Brandon was latives at Edgar for a couple of days. 11.2,... m,ra......:,. lA ..A..LL_.._ 1.-- ._-L..,.__-.'I JHIJHLH VVILII LFIUIIUS Ill LUFUIILU. Jim. Blakely and Miss`A1loway, Mrs. R. Cunningham, Mr. and" Mrs. VV. Cun- ningham and Muriel. Mr. and Mrs. L. Spears and Jean of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane of -Thor-n t`on. Mr. and Mrs; H. Whlteside of Alliston. _Mr. and Mrs. J. McKnight of Baxter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. R. Cunning- am ' ` - . . cunua ham .... -.,.. ~..-.,... ....... .....-.\u.: up: nJ\.A \I\.a\A. Miss E. Elson has returned home af- ter spending a week with friends in Toronto. - `IA ... ......1 van ..- 17` In 117..u.";... ...___1 `I\-. *\/Ulllllllslltllllu . Exh1bition.vis_itors this week are:~l Orval Terry, Miss Irene and Matthew! Lowrie, Mr. and Mrs: E. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. J.'0. Ne'w"`ton\ ` ' * ` T\I1"mi (1 T`t`|A`I]Cf\1` In IAAISA.-.-..l...-.. .\._ .. AVLl'B- 11- U: $\C\'V LUll'.'\ r I Mrs. G. Dadswell is holidaying for al mbnth` with `friends in '1`ot`on'to. T`V\'l 'D1OIrx`uv nvu lKInn Alln vvvv -- RI...` _|.UWlIllllCu ' I ' ` A very satisfactory_an'n1versary was` held [in Egbert Unitedichurch on Sun-j day. :Rev. W. I-I.eBra_dford of Brad- ` ford `preached to a. full church both at- ternoon andevenixig. The special mu- 1 sic by the choir was very much appre- ciated by all. ' ~ (Last _Week s Correspondence) Sept. ~7--Braden s an_d'Woods schools reopened on'September 1st with Miss M. Wice of Aurora and Miss L. Alder- 1 son of Allistozr in charge. ` - 1'1--- 11v 71' v\_-_.1n-_._1 gn -rs, ,1n_,,,~: Hi-te.'v-. of Bradford will preachat Egbert United anniver-` Lsary, September 12. \ lfiuansn `Dhv-Hid or-nr1"{\Hvn 1\/| nr-wlann pazy, >:cpu:1uuv:' 1.4. \ Misses Phyllis and` Olive, Morrison are attending continuation school in Cookstown. ' ` 1... 1' .`n........ .40 ,x1n..4..... ..........4. .. c,..-.' \aUUI\LU W 11. Mrs. J.'Dunn of Alllston snent . few` `days last week with-Mr. and Mrs. E.. Erwin. " ~ ` - v 'l\'<{n4`w- Tnnv. nnkunnn AG 7l'\I.........4-n... ! 'JllL'VVJll. AM';iss: Jean Cochrane of Thor.-nton spent a few days. with Mr.- and Mrs. R. Cunningham. , A ' mvi-.n.;+em. muum-a Hm. xxvnolr r)Inn'~I v- `G. Read or the Royal. Canadian En- V.l.l'o Hull IVLFB. IJUJIIUB `xuuuuey. glneers. Jttawa, is at present in- this district making a large scale of map. survey for `-the Department of Militia and Defence. It will be his duty to pass up and down the roads and across `the farms, marking all watersheds` and land_ man-ks,7creeks,` etc. He will be in this locality`: for about a monthhhis blocks reaching 'out to the eastern` townline. A uuuuuu 1113633`:-soul-tsupuuv r\II|'v|`C'vl\n.:na-an-cw -uvnnl M LEW uaya WILKI. LFLUHUH III EJEUCTE. B .. `Mr. and Mrs. McGregor and Mas er `Bruce of'Wheatly visited Mr. and re.` A/EV. Morrison, fspruce Grove Farm." A Mr. and-M1"s.`t H. '1`. -Arfaold` of Toron- to spent falu vfefwb days at Elmcroft Farm." ' . Miss Edna. dbburn _and__ Miss Smith of` Everett sperit thet week-end_ with_t Mr. and Mrs. James Mooney. A `(1 `Rand nf fhn Dnviil (`av-podium I`,-u- Cubtttz] on Wednesday.` Sept; 14.-Mr. and furs. L. Doner of Stayner visited the for-m_er s unc1e.`I-I. _Mr.-.a.r`1`d Mrs.` King and Mr. and Mrs. G. McCutche_on of Toronto are spending! 9. few days with friends in Egbert. ."Mr and `Mrs Mnrnpnr and Mnanu HUD5N SUPEP- S124 .939 T?.I'N h All eA1`uminum Body-New Colors--` 1; New V Beauty, Comfort and Distinction Standard Equipment ' Includes: Au- tomatic Windshield. Cleaner, Rear Vieiv 'Mirror, Transmission Loci: .(buiIVt-in), Radiator `Shutters, Moto- Meter, Combination Stop` and Tail `Light,`~ Front and [ Rear Bumpers, ;Spare.T~ire and License. FOR SALE---Farm s, Suinmer Prop- erties, Town Houses, Bake Fronts. F013 Rmwr - Sfumrpir cotgages. own ouses urms e an un-' furnished. '. ~ 17tc ljENRY-&C0%W1N% - uvuvvwwoun :v- t ----p- Hudson . . . Hudson 7 Pass. Sedan. ~Huds6n= Brougham ". . N1` YOUR boon tn: pail: zxngmn Q nuvnnv ya I arinlluvo \IIl"I I I` 'U `UO Qll'IlIJ IJI3 III$ B1993 - 1 ALLANDIXO mn`woo5' wAu 3n:os;,.cremou .Lw. RowE;3ea%onL H. McCURD,Y, Tottenham --j-.-j:. :- 7' 1 u--- T jwj-u j :- O C Assoc1A%n;%JpEALnRs 31.53 Braaora suee_ 1. 3 :g no '_~ A! I `Inc 25.945`: gin II. ` , uuuay, Dcytcllludl` 1:1, 21L 0 p.'Hl. The annual Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at" St. James Church, Crown'Hill, on September 26 Holy Communion at 11 a.m. Evening prayer at 7.30 p.m. Rev. C. R. Spencer of Shanty Bay will preach at both ser- vices. Dunlap and-Klulcintor Sta. Phone 3} : BARRIE V : Box 595 vvux u.u;1.uauuu 1a.5L Luursuayg Mr. and Mrs. MacMi1lai1 and Allen Priddle of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Priddle. Ilium 'E`Inmn (VnLn.~. -4? r\.... ._..-._L H11 . zulu aura. rnuule. Miss Flora Graham of Oro snent I Sunday at her home here. T N/Tina Qqin poncho!!! in By. Uri!-v\':"\4\-\ uuuuay cu. ucl` uuuu: Ill-.'I'. ; V Miss Sadie Bagshaw is in Hamilton for a few days. Services at St. James` Church next ; Sunday, September 19, at 3 p.'m. V Th9 annual T-Tn|~vnqf '|"h;n1L*ua'it.'ina- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sm'ith..and fam- lily who have -been living in Weston ' for some time, are moving back to their farm. - ' ` ' . Thos. Speers, eldest son of -Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Speers, was married in_ Sudbury to Miss Eva. Strudrak. ' ; uuuu auu apcxu a Lew (lays wun II`len(1S.i Sept. 13'---Mrs. Thxfs. Adam, son Hor- ace Adam and (laughter Bessie (Mrs. Lewi_s) of Toronto called on Mrs. Ir- |win McMahon last Thursday; Mr and Mru R/fa.-'l\/l'n1-.u'-. on-.A Ann... uuuuay at. 111:: uutne nere. _ E V M-r. Brown took for his text on Sun-I day morning, 1st Samuel 16:6-'(. Rev.` J. Brown of Stroud United Church is] expected to preach here next eleven o c1ock. Sunday School at 10.15.l I Sept. .13-The frdostddon `Sunday night did considerable damage to gardens `and buckwheat. 1|! ,.-.-..-I 1\1r..... .7 T-\-_-_-_ __-:| 4-`, 9. ' LLIIU UUUIXVV Il\'J'(1.L. Mr. and. Mrs. ' J. Davis and - family and Mrs. W, H: Davis motored to Tor- onto andspent a few days with friends. I Mr, nn `1\/fr: Wqlfnr Qmirh on: cam unuuuay 111 urnuu. V ' Miss~Jean.-Jobbitt and"1`om. Guest are attending Barrie Collegiate Insti- itute this fall. ' (`Vin-cnunnn A........L..A.._. __..1 11.- ___ .1 1u.upa vvuu u;..a. ;:ua'A\-uy vvu-am Mrs. A. A. Smith and chil.c1';';e.r.)' spent` `Sunday in Owe Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B1atherwic}< gt, un: uuuuay at. .n. D. .Ll`InS(,!'OI1g"S. Claytus Irwin of Detroit spent the holiday at his home here. REM nvnxxrn tn:-{I7 6'1. hi.-. 4-nut. A... 20...". I I Se t,- 14--The sympathy of this com- 1 mun` ty is extended to S. Warnica .whos brother, Gus. Warnica, `died `in . Orillia on Saturday. Mr. Warnica spent {Sunday in Orillia. ` 1\/Hl:n..Toon -Tnhln-I nunilv 711,.-u. IV...-.4 1 uuc uua` Lau. `- " Clarence Armstrong,and Mr- and Mrs. John Armstrong of Toronto spent the holiday at H. B. Armstrong's. Clavfus Irwin nf nah-nit anon? 1-ha `L116 IIUIIAU U1. `.1 . \1 l.lllllllUl'l-Ill Ull Bullf `day. ' , . Misses Elva Bradley, Vera Whlteslde 'an`d~Marion Cerswellb of the ,.Junior Instfqute and Messlrs. Gordon Bradley. Gordoh Brethet, Cecil Brethet and Cliff. Carscadden of the Junior Farmers Club `took bart in the: judging. com- petition at TorontoAExl1l\bltion on Wed-` - nesday, Sept. 8. T 'l`hn nvhihi nf V'n\vbnhC& nia-1: 1111-\n'h uuauny, D81)! 0. V; ` I V `The exhibit of Yorkshma wigs which Jack Culbert sent\to.the Toronto ex.' hibitlon were awarded third place in a I class of sixteen. ` Sept. 15-LMisses 'Je`an Ema E.c'1ithfAn- ' drews, who have been` spending the summer at Orchard Beach. have `re- turned to their homes, here. ' `LA ... Ana `ll -.. 1xv:...+......`.-.....I `An ... I Am ! I curneu to men` nomes neve. * Mr. and? Mrs. Vvintersand Mr. and Mrs. `Wm. Stbnelof Aur ra. visited at the home`of G. Gumme son `on Sun-. ` Rn`) Buy Advertised Things. $2225 $1325 $2350 B1<:-1FiFN'r nermon. _ V 1 J. E. Wallwin has returned after: spending a week with Toronto friends.; also attending the Exhibition. V . 3 , - p, , ,,__1.__. .._-__- J...- HAWKE_STONE CROWN HILL BOND //Z // // ./ / / . The new Brougham, larger, Wider, with all-aluminum body, and rich new, smart and lasting colors, is commanding the greatest salesson record for this always favorite model. Roomier, more comfortab\le,_with new lines and new upholstery, its beautiful new body by one of America s most exclusive builders gives the nesf. custom quality; _ _with an amazing" prices advantage through large produc- tion. With `the new Coach and the new Sedan, it enjoys, also- the advantages of the improved Super-Six chassis which, while giving even greater reliability, smoothrzessand per- formance, substantially-increases gasoline mileage. ' A plnblie appreciation, never rivalledfin, all the great receptions` accorded _ past _Hudsons, has swept` the. New 'Huds\on.tov the .r---~]~=j-* `v_-i_ of its long leadership. KLJDLI u.|.|.vu\-nanun tau o a - ~ . u w . on , r Threshing and fan plowing seemVto_: be the order `of the day.` ' Thirty male prisoners escaped from!` Tenders are being called for the re- the General Penitentiary at Kingston.! pairing of the walls of the Citadel of Jamaica. l Quebec. =3. {Eel e m` fz'm9 CTl1e GREATEST M`- LAU_GHLIN-BUICK zoinpletely u1shioed V engine V VIII II:I"l.'IR AUTOIOIIIJS All IUll.'l'. MGLAUOEHJN-IUICK WILL BUILD TIIII C;H.BEELBY wauwm. . . A V. Mrs. W . Jerrett and 'DeForest Jerrett! of North Bay`. Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Machell} and Mrs. E. G. Machell of Toronto, `L-ment Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.` Hermon. . 1 I2`. TK7n1IuvIn mm mam:-rim! nfn-rj 4. 1'1. DI:.l:.Ll5 I 'BXI'2Fii Mc\Laughlin Garage, Elizabeth St. EVER` BUILT The McLaughlin-Buick Valve-in- Head engine now.has rubber heels. Here is an engine completely insu- lated and isolated from all metallic contact with its chassis. Thick rub- ber` cushions, fore and` aft, absorb noise, and save the engine from road shocks and strains. Never, in all its successful years of motor car manufacture, has McLaugh- lin-Buick ever` produced a car so far ahead of its eld in performance and value asthe 1927 McLaughlin-Buick. Money can buy no ner performance, no matter how much you are prepared to spend. . MF-716 f-.::sz:~j;;;;;.;;;;:sasn-:w............-.-u - wan: nmu Aufbuoanns All wru- ua.Au.cxu.m.au1cx mm. mm. `tuna 1T.( L7_!`llJ PCB . Mrs. A. A. Garvin has gvetuvrned after visiting with Rev. and Mrs. Shepherd at Burgoyne. , . Mr and Mrs, V. VV. Bovce snentl |D,uuuu._y nu \Jvvuua vuuuuvu ` I-IarryAB1athe1'wick of, Toronto spent the week-end with Wallwin. 11/I'M. 117 Tnmmu and rhwnrnqf _TnmvnH"? ol. valued at ailroad siding ~.. IVIIIII avasu a.` . I Sept. 14.--Rev.'. "Alex. "S-bepherd. `"0! Burgoyne todlbcharge of the two ser- vices on Sunday, Sept. 5. morning and evening, at the re-opening of the Un_-~.` ited Church." ' ; V `Klan A A rlmvvln hnn vphlrnad after at burgoyne. _- Mr. and Mrs. VV. VV. Boyce spent Sunday with Elmvale frfends. Mn. DYE!` Mr: Frank (7:ai~v1n;hf.De.l Dulluay was Jaaunv n . . u . . . V -5."... I Mr.` and Mrs. Frank Garv1n}of~De- troit are visiting relsgtlves here.\ `,1, 1-1-__,.1_- ..n AII.....I.I~ in union LIULL CLLC V`LDl|-Illa lulsuvnvvua QI\anvI\ Mrs. Elsie Handy of Allandale is vis- iting: with Mrs. Forrest Wallwin. V ' `Inn- A LV.....IA..1.. ......:I nlnllnnu unnni-I lJ.|Lt'Ll an ax. Lovaonv vu . . ~ - . . . w . . u .~,y w. . Harold Mcmelxanand Mrs. McLellan ` of Toronto have retuz_'ned'a_fter_ a,.week's stay with her mother.-Mrs..C. W. Pink. 1... -n-;.-._....._ -4: nv..n.......n1..` in nivnn "1! Do 5 (UL us Juan :1 Innvunnv-_; . .v.. u. -V- William /and ' Mrs." Taylor turned and are bu1ld1n;:`a little` home on a lot near the English church. ,Congro.tulations, Barrie! A car d`r1ver'H was heard to remark -that_`h e_ -never saw the streets `of Barrie better my car ,dri.v1ng'. Good sense. -Barrie is getting there; ` - *4 isunaay. . , I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Partridge and fam- ily spent over Sunday in Stroud_wlth -Mrs. Paz`tr!dge's mo'ther_,_Mrg. `Wice.._. ..nn.__,_ '__-j'1ur......' rn..-.1.... `Antvn ...-., uvug vvnvu aawn on.vuuv.. no--u-pr. vv . - ---v-,.- . Mrs. Patterson of Walkerviue lsvov_Aer on a visit to see old friends _a.n'd is staying with her son William gnd 1\[_,rs. Patterson. 7 . `lm QVII1 MPG 'R1nIlh nf 1't`.r1{Z"\~.'Y1d .I:'atIeI'80D. Mr. and Mrs. AB1ough df`Ec1`ga?\~:;1nd I-Iovey and Mermo Adams,of Toronto` were guests o~Mx'. and Mrs, Adhmson Sunday. l M nnil Mn: Pnv Pnnvtridgn and fam`. THURSDAY, _sr.-:1=1'1-:M,n1-: n_i :5; .1926 ha been 10- nt :1 month woods near Iwuu-----_ -`-T'.. Sef)t.' 13-Most of the h'b.r{rest is gathered in around Shanty Bay and . putting in tall wheat and threghingf is the order of the day. Mosf*o the grain` is deficient in weight. , _.A.__.. 1.. _-n.~'_.. --.. -..v In uvaawavanv cu: vv v.,5..v. Another new cottage is` g_o1f1 g up on`. the bay front. `Mr. Dickie of Toronto purchased a large lot -from E.oV. lion and operations,._1;1ave/ already `begun. `Dan M Pnlpv nfhnlntnn in taking` gun. . a -- Rev. Mr. Paley ot\Dalaton,is taking! Rev; A. Craw's appolntmeqts on fSu'n-g day next; Mr. Craw going to Cr_qwn_ Hill. Dalston and -Edgar. . (y A ' -;-.a_~L n-..4.:- 4.1-..- -4 ":1.-.'..,' .1111], .lJtuuLUu auu 'J:4u5a.r. I ms Gertie Adams ot.orn11a VH5;-4. pita] is at home on her holidays. 11---`; 11.1-11..- Ana 11...: `R/fnT.A11cV:|rI `START FEED;lNG. %V lamzmgl gs: YTrgl , 1:vR1_{:1'HING 7 :-IN-`- REAL ESTATE Buy Advertised Thinks. ATLYOUR DEALER S' BROWN & 60., Barrie. HEAT has landed the rst prize` at the Comfort Show. We ` have an abundant stock of` the. best hard fuel evr freightedl to this town; `. ton of it belongs in your, home now --order it to? day. - ; t g ` p~nn:u;s, 1 III `I Q 4n.I`.~1 vv-, vvww cc :w--w ----_. `L as Bna`r;ra s:'..`n.n-in` `, . `Pith; us : `awning, o1.y F `If -tlze_-Bl'__1sket " A 4:. and have you'r pullets laying before cold .'weathetf; ' BLATCHFORD S V BAR -NUN` HEN SCRATCH FSHMANTY WT r?1Bi1BRsr garded a. no drivers were in Shamokin, ILUFH Will! 31!`. H.110 &ll"H. do &V.l.L'.lJUUJl. Mrs. Alex. Patterson 01 Walkerville. formerly of Shanty Ba_,y,. called on trlerids here last week. ~ ` ' ` f \, Miss Isabel Mccuaig of Barrie was `a. visitor here last week. ' T Dank` Aallnnn AC f\I-Oncvvn .785}!-135 utvllu -4--v v-v -- 7 '35 w-`- u nx.g.;u;.;`::: .15 9iitI"`A_WGOk; &anJ\n1up w Sept 12--M r_s. Currie"o1_3 Sau1tV Ste. Marie` is visiting her` sister, Mrs. Jos. [*Klss1ck. ` A 11.. ......1 1m....- 1 ..I...'}./no n......I..-....+.-.... I U}'U'Ll$u li:lLUl.'. ' A - Lefruy Upitei Church W.M.S._put `on a` speclalvlfeatlgre on 'l`hursday of this week in thefform of a blrthd'a,v . party held-[bat 't-he summer home of Mrs. B.L T. -.Ba;t'emfan. , Belle" Ewart. Each member invited two `antral! took small ; 'bags,contalnlm`z as mrynyllcoppers as `years old which a1;nq`unt_ed~ to _a con- siderable sum . After` the regular ser- ` vice _a musical program was given and [tea serv;ed."I`he attendance waslarge, and the` partymuch enjoyedf by all. ' I LIICJVLI. \al.|UVVCll. I The Women's Institute held their iseptember meeting at the home'of_the . president, Mrs. Vvesley Caldwell, when M! several items of businesswere discuss- !ed and dealt with; Mrs. Caldwell -ar- ` range a sp en d contestand awarded d 1 d1 lprlzes to the winners. Mrs. Whittaker [and Mrs. Best.` Daint,v- refreshments . and a lsocialMl}ourKbroughti the meeting `to a c ose. ss ate Cockburn kind- l,v invited- the Institute to meet in her |13."_ - -' home `on Wednesday afternoon, October \v\-.-cu. _ Miss J_ane_ Gugins of Beeton is spending a few days with her sister, `Mrs. J.'I-I. Mccarmx ' ' ` |' "I"Inna T.-.n'Iy nun:-'l nnvu Truavxn (`P Tnfunwv 'c -.CLEVER H S! . T - hel-(At -the bra fast table), " ummy,Tho_wV do the ._ens know the size` of; my 68:-cup?"V .. j s - '~ . I rescues mil- land locked rflow of the / Sept. 14--`-Mr. and Mr. Ja's.; Rdss of Cpldwater visited Mr. and Mrs; George '1-11113, Sunday. ; I ~T\/fr dn R/Ive A- Fnhink and `Mfr and muss, Duuuuy. `Mr. and Mrs. A; Elphick and Mr. and Mrs. `VV. J. Miller spent Sunday with lMr. and Mrs. Herb Manes of Cooks- ; town. ' ~nm......n+..1nnn.m +.-. 'mr.. ` n.L..1 `Mrug HUN. DUQL - ISM - . Mr. and`;Mi:`s. D. J. Miller. Mr. and . Mrs. A`. Elphick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ;Arnold; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin and ,Dora attencled Toronto exhibition last Week. ` mn,... 1'.-...... r<......:....-. Ac `o.....-.... :..' |`&V1l.'S. :1. 1'1. lV1Uk.l"lIl1l7, , ' 1 Thos. Jack and_ son Lorne of Lefroy -spent` Monday with Mr. and Mrs. -D. J. Miller. . ` Tlllvun `l)nknn+ Gd-nnlnu rs? 'T\lIH+nn' fnw-vv\_ u. VIHILUT KIUl'C,ll1Ul. WUUKo Robt. Addison of Ottawa. visited with his brother. T. A dison. last week.. ~ `M :-v'nn.-`I Mr: nhf 'l`hnv-nnnnn EYAVA [NB Ul`ULll!:I'. 1'. A ULGUII. 18.51. ween. `Mr; `and Mrs. A obt. Thompson were at Sault Ste. Marie last week attending` ~the funeral of Mr; 'Thomp\son's brother- Iln-law. `Daniel Everett. whose death occurred cm Septernbeztj-1:" ` L,UVV1lo , { "Cong'ratu1ations `to Mr.` and Mrs. Thos. McFadden on the arrivztl of a son. Sept. 1st_. _ 1\II'vv anr1`.,1\/Hue TW ,T 'I\i1'|nv Mr and J. lVLLHt!1'o - _Mrs. Robert Stanley of Milton , form- erly of Allanda1e., is `spending a.- few days with Mrs. Richard Bell. 1\If;~c ` ' Dnhnnf 'F`.IHu unnnf 1-]n`n urno'Lr_ . LIHB IlU.l5lJUl'llUUl.l. ' " ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hm-stand _ch1ld- ,rexr of Clarksburg we're week-end-vis- iitorswith Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean. `Inn Alnv Dnffnnunn nf 1XYa1bnnIrCI1n 1-ll Ut1l'5C U1. LUV UUIILIIIUGLIUII BUHUU1. I Mr. and Mrs. Connell and Mrs. M_a- honey 0!? Keswick were visitors at the hpme'of Mr. and Mrs`. Geo. Kissick fe- cently. \ ' ` I An'nnria- fhnqo urhn `oi-fn`nHnr1:fhn 'I`nr-_ F5390!` AArno'r`1=: thse who 'attended%the Tor- onto exhibition were: William Hayes Aandson Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Best.` ~Mrs. `Alfred Hutchinson and Per-c.v. Miss_;~Elizabeth Patterson. Ernest Ash. Miss Lena Patterson. Ivan Slessor and Orloff Caldwell. " ml... xxrm...-....:.. 1'.'....&u..+,. 1...1.: n...\:.. ltly WJLII lV1l'5o 1\v1Ulla.lLl JDt'llo ' Mi's."Robert Ellis spent t-h`e_week- ~ iend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Mi1I_er, iBarrie. ` - ` `` Sept. 13-M1ss Agnes Thurlow of] ,vT_oyonto has returned to her home af- ter a two` weeks vacation with re- latives here. I `EV nmpl `I7 Iblnknubnn nfnnn I-"Ina lLlVEH IH`.`l'Uc 15 E. and.W. `Richardson attended the } exhibition last week. - -`Alina 1\lfanu GI-v-ofln `angry! :3 `Pour out: UJSIUUILIUII ll:1S|._WUUK. . * "Miss Mary Strath `spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cumming. Thflun Annln I/Iinflinniu in unnhinal WIUI HUI` 5l5|.t'l', J.V1l'E. VV U1. puuuuuna. Miss Annie MIcGinnis .is snndine: two weeks-with her, mother. Mrs. F. McG1nn!s. ' lflun TAv\v\In blnhnuunn `(V Ivn.fna BBL. -l.v)*`\JH.pL.lll H.110 JV.ll`H-- Dy U1, Barrie spent Iastweekr with friendsdn `this neighborhood. - - ' ' Mr ona `Mun `Dnv T-`I'M:-cf nri nhH_ KKISSICK. fMr. andvMrs; Lukes"'of Cannimrton spent .-the week-end with the latter's sister," Mrs. Reynolds. . . Mina Rluhnn n1 flrnnfnl la fhn fonnhnr MCUIHHIB. ' . Miss; Jennie Richardson is visiting with her brother. Fred. Ricliardson. . `|\/Him M'a n Qwnn `vinifp-with frinnn WILII HUB Ul'UL[lU}'. 1`I`U|.l. I\n|Ulll11'UUll. Miss Mae Swanovisited-with friends in Toronto recently. ` 1\ll vvu-' (Inn Thfnhv anon!` on offarnnnn in" Q: LHU 1lUlI.ll'.'_ UL $V1l'B. 1`. lV.lU1'u.lh ` . ' John Cumming has returned to Elm- I vale after spending some `time with his son, W. `Cumming. ` //F` 5151.:-:r, J.V1l'B. nay uuzua. . Miss Bishop of_.Grenfe1 is the teacher In charge of the continuation school. | Mr nn Mun Fnnnnll uhrl T\/[re '|\A'n_ H1 L'UI_`UIll.U reueuuy. _ Mrs; Geo. Muir spent an afternoon in ?Barrie recently. "Mica 'F`.vn Rvnnf hnnnf n nffbv-nnnn 2+ `Dtu'1'u-: 1'v::Uuuuy. I ` "Miss Eva Brant spent an afternoon at the home_of Mrs. F. Moran. Tnhn l"nvv-uv-nIn'n' hon wnfllvrln fn 'F`.Irn_> Sent. L13--Mr. ~ Ralston and atphew, on their return from a. motor, trip West," spent the week-end at. S. Smith's ' "FHA mnnv frinnrln nf Mrs,` Vnnfc-A W881i, spent CH8 WGBK-EHO 8.! S. EHIIIIIB `The many friends of Mrs. Yeates will be pleased to hear of her -improR /- ment after her serious illness \at the R. V.`I-Iospit`al.. T ' 9 .1\)fnnh nvmnnfxr in nvhftinln ' fn rt. V. rxusyltuu. _ t. I r -Much sympathy is extended to Sam. Warnica. Big _Bay.Point, in the ` death of; his brpther A. Warnica,_.whQ `passed qway last we k. Interment.w`as `made in St. Paul s.on; Tuesday, Sep- I tember'14. , _ `Diving nmrvvinn of Rt \Pnn'l'n nn Run- ' tember 14. I Divine service at St.\Paul"s on Sun- `day',.. September 19, at 3 p.m.; Sunday lschool, at 2 pm. T Qnhnnl nhilrlrnn awn Ihnlzincr fnvmnr BUllUUl,l1L .5 pdll. ' ' School children are looking forward to an enjoyable -day on. Friday, Sep- ?tember 17, when the annual Rural {School Fair: is to` beheld ._t Strand.` ' U11 ,1 UUHUEJ U}. ldllw-VVUVK. V The`-"n\ew contjnuatloh school is now nearly completed and presen`b,s~-quit a handsome appearance.~-W'I`,h'1`e _ were forty students` present for We opening and 'this'nu'mtger; will .be somewlfat in-, creased later. = T p.Fu-nuv TTv\IO-n ("Ir-(nun "X7 If Q Inr| `ale, Ont. ...v v. __ VThe_ election passed V813`; quievtlyfin ;so far as Lgfroy is concerned thpre vvwwuu, vvnoguoo yo-you-5 -av -- 'belng only one publ1c_meet1ng held in- " the entire community. ' `lllfmn Ilnlnvnuv -urkn Ii rinxnr. nvnr Q0 "le EI.H`B UUHIIIIUIIILY. _ . I _ Mrs. Malroy, ,-who is now over 90 years bfage. had themlsfortune to fall lasit. Sunday morning, breaking her wr st. ` A ' ` - I ' 1:r........ "Val-an ...Jv l\m'I`In "nun. 0...: 4.-nun t. L ` `l Harry Tebo -of Orillig was in! town on Tuesday of last -Week'.' " ' I '|`hn`.~'nnw rlnnnnnnh nr-hnnlv In nnw daughter- " ' A . A Dr. R. Stewart..dent1s`t, or Brad- ford, will open a;n ofce at Lefroy, in Nesbitt's hotel. on Wednesday of each I week, "commencing Sep'temyer' 22. 37c 5-11-- _1-_;1__- _.-___.: __-.__- ....l-A.I_-. .l.. tar. Mrs. Warn, at ueurgxuu. uuuuu. gongratulations do Mr. and Mrs Thos. Dg_nn_al1y upon the arrival qfta daughter- hr 1.1.. n gmwm-t. dentist. of Brad- sap:-f1 4V-*1iwrs. W. E. Mccuxlough is spending a few weeks with her daugh-, ter. Mrs. Ward. at Georgina Island. Fnnurnfullntinna An Mr, and Mrn_x A _ . \.|..uvvx:uJ . _ Sept. 13-`1Capta1n and Mrs- Syme at larrln nnnnf Inn} rurnnlr with friend: in . _-P`5W!CK A F;-:_R":UsoNvALE ..C' -C WE}5.- IEMBER 13, 1928 .` J U

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