aced by sea: and d down ing that e motor f paper. McClary s Sunshine Furnace, installed by McClary s accredit- ed dealer, is guaranteed to sup- ply that kind of heat delivered uniformly to all the rooms in the home. ` And you burn hard coal, soft coal or coke, at wi11-no struc- tural changes - simply operate the drafts. You have no fuel worries with McC1ary s Sunshine, Furnace. Write your nearest McClary's Branch for free booklet: Winter Comfort in Canadian Homes, that will give you much interesting in- formation about heating, fuel and the proper installation of furnaces so necessary in solving the problem of comfort in Winter. No Wonder they are Healthy and Full of Animal Spirits 'The new kinvd ' ` of_soa~p. 1 BARRIE nmmi 52 ..Elizabeth Street P32, 5.. . .Q....: ` ruins a "ell THURSDAY, Rudusr. 33, .1923_ `until ! cu.--com --. ..L-..-..`......_ _ , gqusfr 26. 1923. The %rhomingi;f:1Z'er'Lit u di.rco'vere'c1 E15 BUGS-the most disgusting of all insects! `Get rid of them with Flit. - iFlit spray destroys bed bugs,` roachesand ants. It` searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destroys. insects and their eggs. I Flit spray also clears your home in a few minutes of disease- bearing dies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Spray Fliton your garments. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. ' ` Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert/ entomol-7 ogists and chemists. Itis harmless to mankind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects--arid does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. Distributed in Canada. by Fred J. Whitlow & 00.,-Toronto. T5I:{1( STANDARD OIL co. (NEW JERSE.Y) Kills All` Household Insqts Iol - the "u yellow .-`antwh uh; . black band" ` At Lunch -Delicious and Refreshing 6-O . It pro- tbe way. 01 sign. service. 4: steel, . llllllls VLUI` _BUllIU`.'_Ul. B11056` UUU-LB. LUIS] usually:-are chosen =to harmonize in colors with the coat. For those who. like warm raincoats. some models have been lined with kasha and attractively printed -kashas are exploited for this .-purpose. ` 2 - - usutu ra.x'1:uu.n CHIC. Interesting fall fashions include the newvraincoats that Paris is sponsoring... Rubberized` crepe de chine is the kind of material generally adopted for these coats. In the collection` of the nrincinal manufacturer 01! high class Waterproofs are various colored crepes, among them Amany pink shades and some gray tones. "I`hn nilhnnnffn nnnnanu-n fnn on n? l LUKUU. . This is a. tailored model of biege broadcloth wigh a. shawl caxfe and set- in satin vestee. The sleeves ave of the close fitting variety down to half way between elbow and wrist, when they begin .to flage. having a decidedly wide cuff in bell shape. 7 Pnfhnr nnn nrrrhrninrir in -nninlrn UULL LII UUII auupe. Rather deep embroidery in pointed motifs finighes the lower part of the coat and the cape with braid and bor- der- trimming. The costume has the. usual `Parisian chic. Tn!-Anna!-Ii\a C1511 'na`n`1-noun I-.n1...I- LI... Auuzuy LHIIK uuauea unu SUIHB gray tones. The silhouette sponsored for all of these coats is one just as Well studied as could be ected. in an afternoon coat.` The hip-length cape treatment `appears in buttoned effects, allowing the little capeto ms taken off. Pleats are strongly` exploited and are seen in group arrangements on either side of the l-model," -however. in;verted- pleats more often are utilized; a favorite treatment ,is to s ow one inverted pleat at the back an sometimes to re- peat it on both sides of thepmodel, while. a martingale adds to the tailored attractiveness of the~coat. Dn8nIrn4I glib annulus In Ui1nl0IAnn'v|' nun 5|-|.1'H.Ul.lVUllUB3 UL LL16` UUil.In Printed silk scarfs. in marocain` or crepe, dq chi e, are uaedjetfgctlvely as lining`r _so ego! thesei coats. They unnn-!In~,..nv-A nhndnn iin `hnrnnnni-zn in 4 T o By MME. LISBETH \ Elaboration of trimming details dis- tinguishes the naw fall coat dresses from those of previous seasons; A very rsmart model, illustrating this, is pic- ! tured. Prnml- an AV L..n........: ......:..1 4`: L1--- the garment is finished. Flatten all tin cans befoi-la putting in `the trash basket. This can be done with `one blow from the axe. and you will be surprised to see how much trash your containers will hold after this is done. - G090 M'_OBN|NG' "Good morning!" said in accenfs cheer- . ful_ ' ' LIIU UKKU UU_2S Ll'UHl L118 UVUII. Ivory-handled knives will stay far whiter if kept out of the dish water. Place the knots.of the basting threads on the right side of the material. They will be much easier to pull out when Wlaffnn en]? fin nnnu hnfnv nnffincr in nd. Ore., an old- eded in making beer keg. Lvxanca 3 l-XII : WIIQIU WUl'lu 5,331.11 _ l I - drearful- . - A ' . ` Warms the heart in e.v'r,v breast; Makes the sunshine seem lots brighter. And the mists to fade away; ' Makes the hardest tasksseem lighter-- ' Lifts the burdens of the ,day_! , Something magic in the greeting That just seems to brighten things! Trouble clouds are swift retreating-- Joy comes in on angels Win-gs!. - ' It's a certain gloom dispeller; A Makes the whole world seem less Run.-nu The Churchi1l'Junior Institute Will meet at the home of Miss. iMargaret Robertson on Thursday afternoon`, Sep- tember 2, at 2 1i.'m. Those `in charge of the program are. Reta Clement, Mina Constable, Margaret Robertson, Helen Nelson and Georgie Reive. A prize will be given for the best bouquet of flow- ers. The roll call is to be answered with "a quotation from Longfellow." Fifty-four members and visitors met at the home of Mrs. D. Luck for the August meeting. Roll call was answer-` ed by. A Favorite Bib1e~ Character." Miss A. Orchard prepared some inter- esting current events and Mrs. G. John- ston read one of Nina Moore Jamieson_'s short stories entitled No-Summer. A splendid` paper on How to make the gnstitute a Success" was read by Mrs. ook. nil..- nnvlr vnnnflnrr 1-:vCI1 kn HAIR nf Irina` L;UUlS.o The next` meeting will be held at the. home of Mrs.'Wm. Webber. September 2. Roll call, Exchange of Recipe of- our Favorite Pickle", a paper by Mrs. Wm. Fralick and Mrs. W. Cook. ' I Don't put axjvay the fresh cakes orl cookies until they are absolutely cold. Ti 1111 annil fhnrn in nu} Rh-an!-"Iv In!-nl UUUKIUS LlllL1.l Lllly ?1l`C auzsutuu-:1_y UUlu.' It will spoil them to put directly into the cake box from the oven. Ttrnvuvv luau".-lln.-1 Ira-Ian-so nrl ml-n1! -Pnvv uruuu u1u1'1ux_|s: 31111.1 111 uucexns U eex'- 3 ful. " . "\ Starts the day off with a zest! " Makes rthe whole world s_eem,1-essl drearfu1-- I I LVLUJVXU-`.5 LIIU W XIULH \'\' UILU. EUUIII ICES dream: T . \ _ - May God bless the sunshine fel1er- Whose Good Morning!" rings with- cheer! ~v 1'..'........ 1:1A..m...: 1'_1'.......'........: MIN ESING WOMEN S INSTITUTE IN WOM_AN S"REALM ,?` $&%%%%&%%*%&$**%w$***%+$ kn trip)--Shake. I! CHURCHILL JUNIQR IN-STITUTE rnl... ru_.-.__|.:n.'r.-._:..... 'r....I.4..n...4.- ..-.n1 Trimming Details y Elaborate 0ne s TIPS TO HOUSEWIVES Pet Coat Erock -;James Edward "r_H1:*19.-.AaR1E EXAMINER `iv-Iungerfozjd .__..- _-v....__._ _.1.- vw.-----r anaannrnu ' At the rst Canadian girls track [and eld championships at Varsity stadium. Toronto, Saturday. August 14th; Miss Fanny Rosenfeld tried a comeback with only a two-weeks training course and after she nish- ed for the day three new Canadian records were on the book. The old mark for thestanding broad was made by Miss Rose Hunter with '7 feet 11 inches, but Miss Conacher leaped 7 feet 111/2 inches, and Miss Rosenfeld was forced to lea-p 8 feet 11/; inches to win. She broke her own record of 84 feet 8 inches for the discus when she threw it 86 feet 11% inches. Miss Clara Ballard started the javelin throw by breaking her own- record of 96 feet 10 7-8 inches by throwing it 100 feet 10% inches, and Miss Rosenfeld came right back and threwit 106' feet 61/2 inches. - ' Don't give the `officiating clergyman `more than twenty-five dollars. He doesn't expect more than ten, and the shock might prone too muc for him. Besides, there's always a te dency on the part of bridegrooms, to over-estim- ate the services that preachers per- form. Wait until the _first quarrel and you ll wish you had. slipped him two bits. . r.l.i1.l.`Ulu 5 l'UUl. I Jvon NDON I TIPS FO_R___N,EWLY.WEDST I (St; Thomas Tilmves-Journal) I_n registering at at _hotel,_the bride- groom shou_!d a1w;ays.. sign his own `name. and ,then., .a`ft getting half- wav to the elevator. r urn` and Write `land wife" after it. I, nofnrn aknirinnn --n---~-1------ -~-- ---A~- xauu wue auer 111. Before shaking yourselves and"7)pen- ing your, umbrellas and club bags, spread a good-sized sheet on the ,floor. Any reliable cook book will ` cdntain several excellent recipes for `preparing rice. . ` - mi"c>n t become too affectionatein thel hotel dining-room. Remember that the other- guests have to pay for their meals when they develope sudden at- tacks of ._nausea. ` ` ` l U1 B.u"1"li1L bride should se1.1d picture post- cards of the hotels in which she stons 4to`a.ll her girl friends. with crosses in- dicating the general location of her and Harold's room. ' 11.-0+ n-hm um '-an-us--n-- --~--'~~-----'- -vb I\II&VV IIIl'\I' Paper bootlaces are used in Ger- many? , T-Tait` an-nnrc P-nafnn`n an-n~u~.n... 51...... .2. u1a.uu.Lu.uLu1'e UL UULLUIIS. _ If a man had the leaping powers of a flea, in proportion to his size, he could jump a. distance of 76 miles? Launu ux.-uztusea. ` l The bridegroom should carry a fake telegram or two, ordering him home at once, `for use in case his money runs short. 7 A | 7l'\L..-. 1.`..:,:.. ..y...'..-1.1 _-_x ,_2LA xuauy ; Hair grows fasterin summer than in winter? Nearly a. mile of wire is used in an ordinary piano? 'T`hn h!2'h'H' nf Anfina on :1-hnlploupu Ul.'lll.lld.l.`_Y PIELHU .' The habit of eating and drinking hot things is largely responsible for lbad teeth? - A 13nl-nl-nae. 4-...` ...-.1! ..--L__..2-_-1__ 1.. ;1,_ kents. mister 2 _l uau LOU L11 5 Potatoes afe ueed extensively in the manufacture 6f buttons? T1 9 rnon hon-1 6-Inn `lnnnh.-.'.u ..;.....\..... -1 MISS ROSENIFELD coxvuz BACK `J. RICHARDS 5 DO YOU KNOW THAT- 1.--; _ London, Toronto, Mont:-e'al., Winnipeg; Vancouver, Saint John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, . ' ' . Saskatoon, Edrnonton, Liverpool, England. J 1% 1603 Sinnshine Furnace 1.5 a1r1e!AfthP the Bath tor R 462 No Rubbing.- You Just Rinse! Change the hard work of wash"- ing into just When you use Rinso you simply soak the clothes a couple of hours, or overnight, in the rich Rinso Suds, rinse--and that s all. `For millions of women the makers of Lux have taken the hard ivbrlc out of washday with Rinso. large `Package ~Low `Brice Made, _}3x the Makers of I;ux % Thenewkjnd `-3. They live in a home warmed and humidied by 21 Sunshine Furnace that delivers heat soft as a summer breeze to all the rooms in the house. They breathe pure, clean humidied air. ON T wait for their dress- ` ing gowns! A bare-pelt race from the bathroom to their bedroom! How.the little savages enjoy the freedom of their birth- day suits. ` {Q to have