Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1926, p. 4

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Cleaner, Presser and D 109 DUNLOP ST. yer jrnom-: 229 _fQr_ Economical Transprtatfon Roadster $640 RIM known. __._ 7.. sm ~ A *a:-.:.':..::.':.=.';::z'.--.s-*:- 2: Touring 640 Utility Express - - 73 All }\irl'{ at Factory Taxes Ext:-av W lmpreeive coxnbin_ation of quality` non, modern deagn, modern performance and,` modern appearance! The Smootheat Chevrolet in Chevrolet history is selling at the Loweet Price for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. '\ ..5uu uu _yUl-ll. PICSCHI tan}! and Tank Cover forms a protective insulated sur- face ,that prevents 80% of heat-1oss-a combination that makes for efciency, dependability and economical heating of hot water. - - McClary s consider the A. & F. Heater and patented Tank .Cover the most ef- cient water heating equipment on the market to.-day. The heater is attached right to your present tank and the`Tank COVE? fni-I-run n ......4...-A.:__- .4- Ar - - --- --- vwwvvvuv A heater that makes running hot water always available at the faucet. - No pre- vious preparation or delay. N o incon- venience. And wonderful economy. _Such is McClary s A. & F. Electric Water Heater-a new invention that has brought comfort and pleasure to thous- ands of homes. i l ; ~- L AHEATER that will t snugly to your present hot water tank without any plumbing alterations. A heater that is not aected by ime or sediment in the water. Your dealer in electrical sup- plies will show you. McClary s A- & F. Heater and Tank Cover are the fruit of years of study and research to provide householders with an electric water heating system that assures absolute satisfac- tion. . Coupe $810 Sedan $920 -.C'oaclI 810 Landau Sedan 970 ComncrcialChuis - - 495 730 Us": Mia III` I. '. FIRTH I V Dealer and ER ,Dist/ributoi' r._ Phone 138 `- 'm`k < F(-nm-H'< : point \'.',h(- (-oncretv la in}: :1 t\\'(- to get th< as pr).<. 10 dotr-nv` the mm! \ other side mar. I~ .u: `.Verim-.w]:: ._ -_, I vx-pm a welo .)lI_\ club : ;:larH_\' 11' Y Union % I \\l|[ have 21 race fu morning V1151. . , Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale of Kitchener spent the week-end with friends in town. Harvesting is in full `swing and the wheat crop is cutting much better than expected. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Swindle upon the arrival of a. son~,~-on Sunday last. . V Mr. and Mrs. W. J. I-Iardie and child- ren of Toronto are holidayinget Mrs. -Jno. Muilen's. A number of tourists have already returned to the city and the movement will continue from now on. y Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Atkinson motored to Dunbarton and spent the week-end . with Miss Maudie Atkinson. Miss Violet Reynolds of Beeton has . returned home after spending two weeks with `Joyce and Jean Broome. Rev. A. E. Owen or Uxbridge took charge or the morning service in the Lefroy United Church last. Runrhuy Al|l [ `V ('id(-(I all" an. (`(1 ft) V when i Penetar WATCP intt-ro.~ being: hope I as th`! up n 1: M El among I wan-r 51:1 inal mun start` :u_"; last em}n rzru-.~ regatu1 g*eat su the n1or their rat it 130ssi attend a hnetk ponso the even for a re Kempmn r-nu l1(L `V, at "WW ANO1 25, B3 cauuutcu. Torontoare `Inn `|.n.n.....v.. Aj l\'L Barrie at Mine` 0. . fehit, A1 For in` Th4- ranizm '1 u add CIRC TH \. V.` d In rm LEI`, Jack urn Ill Mrs, R. Loverock is visiting friends` in Toronto. Gordon Tebo of Camp Borden was home over Sunday. Miss Mary Brown of Toronto is home for two weeks` holiday. ' Mr. and Mrs. .1-Inland of Toronto Sunduyed with Mr. and Mrs. A. King. MP. and Mrs. F` 1-1 hannnll no mm. A Ull LU p(-Il' LEFROY . 'r>1<>I<>XOX<>XOX< >103 >X<>IOXOXOX<>I0l um nuur UUQD DJIOE 1=~9~~v`9~'e c_gwRc;1;uu. V - Exclusive lnvlctuo Ania: Invictur materials guaran-7 tee unusually long wear and enduring good ep- pearnnce; and there -is a range of design`: and models to satisfy every taste. .ta5`ec v. D. 3Q&.a11' w-1&3 `ll vsux-AIIGDI W just a perfect ' glove- like t. ---that;s Invictus workmanship! ' ' Step ink an lnvietue agency an tn-yon up Invictu; Shoe. See how cosily; your foot nestles ; into it-' not a pinch anve where--not a gape or trace of slackness- 1-cal: A -- - -~ - ` ' s BEST 0001} Sub: ` News of towns eople gain xor via-2 {torn coming will Ae welcome by The ~-.8xamin9r. Phone 222 or 228. . 7 .a. n. uuuce at snemurne last We day.` , . Gordon Vood or Allahdale is Ins relatives here; ' muvee here last week. . Mr. and `Mrs. Nokes offroronto via"- lted Mr. and Mrs. H. Bigger over the week.-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jdhrl` Johnston.\son Lorne. .da.ughter Lillian and Miss Luella Wilson visited Rev. and Mrs. g. A. Leece at Sheiburne last Wednes- (Lyn ' uuu J.V.I.l'l. U. LUCK 18.8! week. . W. F. Ronald of Toronto visited re- latives here last , Mr. -9.11!` `Mac Mnbnn A. rlI....-..A-- ---~'- Aug. 16-See Coming Events for particulars. regarding the opening of Minesing Orange Hall. A _ Mrs. McDonald and two daughters of Penetang. Mrs. Clute and three Elmvaie. Mrs. Banks and four children of Sheiburne visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Luck last week. W. F. Ronald nf 'l"nrnv\I-n uI.u...1 .... uauuuu In '.L`O!'Ol'l to. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hudson of Tor)- onto Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elson. V mw uuys wun MISS E. Elson. T I Miss Minnie McAz-thur is home again after spending a few weeks with 'triends in Toronto. . Mr. and 'I'Iva.`T 117 u..:--- -- - sura. A. A .5911. Miss Mary Mccuaig 01 `Victoria, 13.C.. is spending some time with her sister. Mrs. Wm.'McArthur. Miss Edith Day has returned home, after s ending some time with. friends in` C01 water. ` - - Miss Russell or Orillia was with Mrs. iklex. Ross tor a. f.ew.< days. Miss Tenn Fraser of Guthrie spent a few days with Miss E. Elson. MAFfhIIw In Inn-no-A ---A-'- Aug. 17'--`c. `A. Bell oi.Sau1t 't. Marie is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bell. Minn Mann 1|.r..n....x_ -- ~--- - vited to attend. a The of Trinity church met in the basement on Wednesday even- ing. The devotional leaflet The Gen- ulness of Prayer" was read by Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Wigle read a paper on Christianity and the Liquor Traf- fic." It was decided to hold their annual quilting on September 8. The need for quilts is very great and It is hoped that all the members will take some part inthe worthy cause. The supply secre- tary has asked that all quilts be two `and a quarter yards long by one and seven-eizhths yards wlde. uyuy tvtuxylllgt BIG visiting With MP5. 8. J. Carr.` e V Trinity Mission Circle will meet at the home of Miss Charlotte Mason on Tuesday afternoon; August 17, at 2.30. A cordial invitatlonjie extended to all the girls. , On Tuesday afternoon, August 24. the members or` St. Jude's W.A. will hold a quilting .bee at Mrs. Geo. Hill's. The ladies of the congregation are in- vited to 'l`hn `I17 Ila -0 nI...I..u-- uoagson. ' ' . x ' .. . W. B. Sloan wasiln Stouttvillemnd Markham recently. . '~ i Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Carrol and farm! -of Thornbury spent theweelg`-gnd wit % Jno. Boygs. . , _ A I Mrs. C. J. Bantink, Misses Audrey and Muriel McDonald and Miss Dor- othy Mcxnight are visiting with m Am. -Juaes unurcn last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr of Torontvd and Mrs. J. P. Carr of Barrie snent Fri- day with the latter's son, B.[J. Carr. uuy wun me xauer's B.sJ. Miss Edna McK!nnon of Orlllia. visit- ed friends here last week on her, way to tHockley to visit Mrs. Burrows Stew- ar LUJ1 art. an-u. W.-A. aqmleson on Sunday. Cyril Hughes of Crown Hill, student of Wycliffe College, Toronto. `preached in St. Jude's Church last Sunday. . 7 Chas. Carr nf 'I`nrnnln puuuuy. morning and evening. ' | Mrs. J. Powley and son Harry and Miss Vera. Wise of Toronto called on Mrs. W..A. Japmieson Sunday. Cyril Hughes 01 Crown 1-rm ..+...a...+ .J.. A. _uuWl'8C6. Rev. Mr. Stevenson of Alton will oc- cupy.the pulpit of Trinity church next Sunday. morning and evening. J. Powlev and lint: I-ram-m ana- nuuuuvxue. ` Mrs. Harvey Carr and children, Lela and Harold, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Carr. - Miss Doris Webster is spending two weeks in Ottawa, the guest of Mrs. T. A. Lawrence. RAV Mfr Qt-nunnn.-u. -4 AIL-.. -_-n- 1101' EU: ' ` Miss o. Cbleman of Xnandaxe has returned home from visiting` Mrs. Wm. Pearson. ` ` Mn.` and Mrs. H. M. Thompson and L1ll!an'spent Sunday with friends in Stouftvllle. iuul. ween wun nero aunt. Mrs. J. Cross- 9} . , ' - Miss Aileon allighen of Toronto vis- ited last week ith her aunt, Mrs. B. B. Horton. o - MI... n n;.u......... -- ---7 - - - us me an I-Iodgson. T 12 I uer ulster, ivirs.-,J. WV. uenry, ' 1 Mrs. `J. "Falls of Rocklyn is `visiting her daughter.'Mrs. N; D.; Clarke. i .: Mrs. A. I-Ialbert is spending two Weeks with friends in Mono Centre. . Miss Irene Graham of Clover Hill is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. L. Wright. A Miss Belle Stewart is visiting her" aunt, Mrs. S. Anderson of Crossland. `Sherlock Barlow of Bwrk's Falls spent the week-end at his home here. Elwood Corbett of Blairsville. Pa.. spent a few daysin town` last week. -J. R. Jamieson has returned home aftervisiting his sister in Huntsville. . Mrs. Wilfred Ayerst `and son Billy of Detroit are visiting Mrs. A. E. Ayerst. Miss Eva Jordon of Alliston spent last week with her. aunt. Mrs. J. _Cross- ; iev. . U1` -ncnodv on 18 oR.ST.ATI9r9 MVINI-ZSING ' .'.--" I - " "'.`-`-V-v,.-f":. . visit- l.Ul' U181!` V . anon. , ' Miss Viol` Stone and her friend. Miss Ellen Studd of Orillla, are visit- lJl'lll.HIu Mrs, Bert -Preece agud son ot Hamil- ton, Miss Redshaw o Claremont, Mrs. Smith ;and son of Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Calder; Miss Fewster and -Miss _'l;uck of. Toronto are at Miss `-Allinghamhu for their valgation. `Mina `7ln Go.-...... __-I I-- '- - Aug. 16--Miss Ann Penetang is visiting C`-raha.m. `Inn min` 11...... ---!I nvj 1e Mccualg of -her aunt, Mrs. IVI USU!` I I'll) Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen and son Tom, accompanied by Rev. J. J. Pres- ton ot Tecumseh, Mich..'lett on Friday for a motor trip to Metis Beach and other points in Quebec where they will visit Mrs. Allen's sister. Mrs. George Meikle and other friends. From re- ports received they are having a good trip. They arrived in Kingston on Fri- day night and Cornwall `for dinner on Saturday. They expect to be away two weeks. guruuw unu namuton. _ 7 -Mrs. Clinton Lawrence of -Palermo is the guest or her niece, Mrs. J. E. wun men` aunts. Ml Mrs. Robt. Barnes. 9.. nu.:Kung's at woodland Beach. Miss Mabel Bullen and Miss Viola Plasky of Detroit are,` spending -a. couple of weeks at Waaaga Beach and] I with `their aunts. Mrs. J. P. Dean and Barnes. -LEI LUIIIU. and Mrs. Morton and Lawrence returned to MThor`nbur_v -on Monday after spending a week at W. C. Hickl1ng s at Woodland Beach. Mabel Bullcm and Man In-14 Ul. iurs. mepnen's rather. J. P. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lambie left on a two months trip to the West last week. They -intend going as far as Scott, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith and child- ren and Mrs. Jno.iW. Smith of Hamil- ton spent a few days with the latter s sister, Mrs. A. Voliick. ' .Mrs. Fenton and daughters of Wau- baushene are spending a few days with the farmer's sisters. Mrs. Wm. Rance and Mrs. Jos. Ritchie. Rev. R. E. Mrs - T.n Ilrrnnnn nn&u..._...1 4.- III _Morton imauus iuurgareteana Agnes McMur-3 ray and Wilfred McMurra,v of Toronto are holidaying at Wm. Smith's. M Mrs. Will. Walton of Toronto return- ed home after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Lylia Ritchie. Mrs. ,Preston of - Aghes and Miss Rumble of Hillsdale were the guests of Mrs. W. H. Drysdale last week. Mr. and `Mrs. Burke Stephen of Carrfpbellford spent a week at the home of Mrs. Stephen's father. J. Mrs. Jan T.QrnhIn mm A... -- uv vvn-cuu an :8. Us DlSnOp'S. Born-At the General Hospital. Re- gina, on August 6, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marcellus. a daughter. Misses M8.P2'RrAf,nn Acrnnn 1 - ---4 ua. xvuuu nexen Malcolm. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Webster ` children of Richmond Hill spent week-end at A. C. Bishop's. Hgspitag. _I ulna nn-Au........4. o innn . - su. 1'5. 1' 1'80 rutcme. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepherd of Dres- den were the guests of.Mrs. Robt. I-Iisey for a. few days. ' V Miss`K. McEachern and Miss Mar- garet Myers of Toronto are the guests of Miss Helen Malcolm. I and, chllgiren Hill smrmf fhn, uu. v1u- .DeaI`(188Jl'S. Mr. and Mrs. M. C, Hart and son Charlie of Toonto spent a week with lMz;S. Fred Ritchie. ` I` and `King IV...` C1|----`~-r ` "` u .1 . L` UHLGP. `Miss Alice Robertson has rturned to Toronto after visiting her'.sister, Miss Helen Malcolm.` Ml`_ Rh!` Irma: Tnn 'l _`l ..!4. _.._'I I`-I 7--w-i own or Toroxfto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas. ' . Mrs MP8. NI nv-lav-`nah... Al G---"* ,Lu.sau nelen Malcolm.` Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holt and Clarence and Roy of Egbert spent` Sunday at David Beardsalrs. Mr, nn Mug mr n 1-7-... , .- I.l.'c1l'UUl'. Mrs. Roy Hart and daughter Kenzie of '1`oronto`are visiting with Mrs. James Pearson._ ~ j Dr. and Mrs. Geo.1 Mc`Ka.v of Mimico spent a few days at the home of W. A. Malcolm. ' .v MIVE T 7|` 7"-~~ " ` '- Malcolm. T V7 "Y W Mrs. J. M. Hyams of T6'ronto is. spending a few weeks with her brother, J. '1`. Foster. I`/an Allnn 'D..r1..-..A---- ' muss Margaret Robertson at Toronto ` is visiting iss Mildred Graham. `Mr. and Mr .. C. `C. Brooks of Toronto spent the week-end at J. T. Foster's. Misses Dori and Reta Gris: are. holidaying with friends at Brechin. Mrs.. J. H. Hayes of Toronto is visit- ing her niece, Mrs. Andrew Lawson. Miss Jean Christie returneti home on Wednesday after a week in Victoria Harbor. v Rina DI\1v `l'_'r....A. --- 1* - npcsu. we weeK-enG in. Barrie. Mrs. Huggins of Toronto is visiting A her s`!ster. Mrs. Chas. Houden. ` R. A. Cooper spent a few days last Week with his parents in Belleville. Mrs. Chas. Fraser is in Toronto at- tending the tall millinery openings. ' M188 Mar-szmmt `Dnh.:....o...\.. -1 m~-- * um name" HHS week- , ` H` vAlex. McAuley- left on Monday .for .Capreo_l to visit his sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Keily Sundayed with friends in Craigvale. is visiting at R. A. Cooper's. ' ~ Alton Johnsoncbf Midland spen , Tuesday at C. E. Dutcher's. Miss Laura Forbes of Brrie is" the| guest of Miss Irene Lawson. Mrs. F.C. Bishop and ,Mary Johnson apcul. Mrs. 8'1; vu.u.e1` murceuus. daughter. Misses Margaretand Agnes McMur- ay Wilfred MnM1Irrn1y nl "`t`u|nr\v\l-A _ _, -3 c-' *3` 'Q` 'Q` '5` ` ' -. U ' `I-Iart7y'Brock spent Sunday with Ed- win Campbell; ~ ' M163 Blanche Andrew is holidaying `at-Wasaga Beach. A " i , Lorne Campbell spent 3. few days at `his `home this wee 1 ;Alex_ MnAi:1n:v In-M ..._' `I-V - ` Ii Au`l.alV_VIVl'IIfaa'1`LVVD 'I'_`l ......--1-|.'-_ _L mull 8- Rev. A. E. Ow ducted the servic Bu nday evening." MI`. and Mn: 1 o..u...5 um um muunery openings. Miss Margaret Robertson 5 visiting Miss Mlldrad a...:....... wvxesrowz Motor Trip I-an V'l\L_- 1` uuccusuuu meets quality at ow cost. FROM the day of its pronouncement-"the - um oothest Chenverglet in Chevrolet history has been winning ` buyers by the thousand --because of its swift and eortless acceler- COl1 ill velvetv nnorntinn no nnrnnno ._..J. 2-` ---uvusule (it as awn: and enortless acceler- ation` its ve very operation at every speed- its abun !ant power, and because no other ca; so successful] meets the public' demand for aualitv our cost. halt` ` the I _______.__ --Just `five years ago at` the foremost scientific `industrial research institute of its kind in the world a. new product was developed. This product now known thruout te world as Fly-Tox is benefiting mankind everywhere. Get Fly-Tox at your`:-etailer's, always, in bottles with blue label. 33c _._._.. _....v. .. vvuouv ,,_ 51;- Mr. and Mrs. Jas..Leigh of Barrie Sundayed with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leigh. Mr. and Mrs.-Phil McLeod of Le- banon called on _relat1ves here last week. AIU UL. no-uua.u. Miss Doris Kendall spent A few days In Orillia. ` Mr. Parker Sundayed in Toronto. ` Mr..and Mrs. Weymouth and Geo. Noble! of Toronto spent the week-end at the latter's cottage. and My-n_.Phn mr..r..,...: ..a 1- 4-wuuuuy evening.` ' _`~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce, on Van- couver and Mrs. D. Lennox of `Barrie ` were guests of Miss M. Boyce last `week. ~ suns. J.` ICU. 1481811. Mrs. Erson Kendall of Novar spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. 1{obt.'Kendall. - ` Thihac T\nul.. 'l'7A...1-v1 ,,, - - - uuulc U ver aunaay. Miss Agnes Laurie of Toronto is. spending her vacation-with her sister, Mrs. Fred. Leigh. Irs. Ernnn Vcmaon he '!u........ __~,A Arthur Stone, Toronto. . Mrs. Stone, Sr., of Toronto, is the guest of her `son, Thos.. A. Stone. Lyn Fellows and Miss Chelsea. were home over Sunday. Miss Agnnu T.snn~In M: m.......... 1- 7 go |ing the ]Eormer s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone, MPH Qfnru: n .-.4! vn........A- -'r -' .-"3'{ cu`; ISCFII [Dr comparable cost 03 _ 1': BELOW-McClary's A. as F. Electric Heater before it is applied to the tank. `It in plastic. ts anu;1y,is easy to in- stall and adjustable to any size tank. u 1: plastic. anui1y,is 1` any size tank. j ABOVE-McC '3 A and patented Tank over. BRI'I\BT_ll..nI-...v- A uaurge or we morning servlce"i'n the Church last Sunday. -. Miss Henderson of Tottenham and Sass Henderson or tayner. former .school teachers here. spent the week town. ' - . ` It is `expected that` Rev. Thomas `White. son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McLennan, will preach in the Leiroy `United Church next Sunday morning. Richard Forbes had the misfortune to lose two fine cows during the week. They were found dead in the asture` "field and the cause or their deat `is not .

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