Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1926, p. 10

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_v-.vvvw \II - -- _ snoop 1 (Unionstation) 12.01 A,.M.Aug. 18 midn!ghtAug. 17); 12.30 P.M.Aug. 18; 10. 45 PM. 1. A1133. 20; 10:95 PM. Aim. 1); 12 PM. Aug. 31; 911) PM. Aug. 81; 12.30 PAL 12m AM. Aug. 18 (midnight Aug. 17); 12.01 noon Aug. 18; 1.35 A.M. Au.81; 0 - O 12.01 A.M. Aug. W (midnight Aug. 19), via Chat1nm,ALondon, Hamilton and Inglewood. 9.00 AM. A112. K}- via Gnnlnh ("..ns-m..-...... .....u -r._ _| - CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 80--Phaeton, $3665 ; Roadster (wire wheels standard equipment, wood wheels optimal), $3810; Coupe, two-passeriger, $4245; Coupe, four- passengef. $4245; Sedan, vopassenger, $4535; Sedan, seven-passenger, $4685; Cabriolet,$5120;Sedan-Limousine,$265. ELIIIIC3 CI-II` BWUIQI EII.\J\rC3`vD `J-\rVlD\r\v| to insure invariable accuracy in the manufacture of all fourlines of cars -_a positive protective process of guar- anteeing the owner exactly the same basic quality no matter what price he pays or which Chrysler car he buys. Certainty of unsurpassed perform- ance is thus built into every Chrysler car, no matter what its price classi- cation. ` . - The Chrysler plan makes possible greater value for the investment than has heretofore been dreamed by the automobile buyer. At one step it eliminates purchaser s risk and makes possible the purchase of either the lowest-priced or `the highest-priced Chrysler with the pos- itive assurance that the quality in each is equally unquestionable. everyone of the four lines-a common source of engineering skill-a division of overhead and operating costs-a combination of buying resources-a magnicent system of special ma- chines and special processes devised L. :_A.'.__. -_.`--___-LI- -_---.._...- -._ 6-'54:. ;_ Ewllnited Futuu RESIDENCE PHONE 1011W By WINNER 10 'c1GAn` MAKE Killakes your constant travelling companion and avoid discomfort. speedily of-I fective, harmless and easy to joke. Slip a box in your pocket """ ``- i"" TUBBY % uuLu was sllgntiy aamagea. _ I wish to congratulate the local pu- pils. `under the teaching of, Mr, Hall, who successtullyipassed the Entrance exams., and particularly Monica Hall wh_o+_ is only eleven years of age, and who should be very roud of her suc- cess.vNo doubt she has received many good wishes from her man_v friends. Mr. Hall has been very successful with the majority of his pupils at these exams.` . 1 ' . `n--I...-... 1...... .` v........ u..- _n...'-. v N -:-V Ulllo Ithas een a long time since I notice ed any ews items from Phelpston in your valuable paper and other waiting and waiting and also wondering. I mode up my mind I would `have to send inja few newsitems to kind of keep up -our. good old reputation. r While. no doubt, many of our friend readers have missed these items, your writer `has missed them also, nd ii . our old ~e_o_rres.- `pendent cannot ' meback on_ the job, we shall trv and snrnnn nn 9 four ifnrna puuuv::uL uuuuuL Uulut-:_ UILCK 0I1_ U16 J01), we shall try and. scrape up a few items weekly, ,1ust;to let our oldfriends know we are still on th map in the samebld place`. whether Wasaga Beachyis boom- ing or not. ' ` \7r\ vv\'ov-my v\1nI\t\n {u this .lI.~L...l..A. A -.. Ul U1 IIUL. _ W Not many places in this district can "boast of alady who` at the age of 82 years can` getaround and walk as e'rect _ns our esteemed. citizen, Mrs. Long. On U". c. riuu. \, ` _ Harry Braithwaite met with a pain- ful accidentone day last week when the rig. he was driving was struck by an auto. the impact t~hro'wing him out, injuring his collgribone and shaking him up badly. Two_ cars meeting and the glare of the headlights was the causeof the driyr being `unable to observe the buggy till struck. The auto was slightly damaged. I Wlh f ( IY'|Q1`QfII`Ifn fhn `nnul nu- Uruya arc, uu-U13 1.1118. - James `McGinnis. generai merchant; has joined the Red and White" Chain (Stores, and has had the whole ex- terior of the store painted to cor-., respond with the name.rA new roof has also added to the general appear- ance, the work having been all done bv S. Platt. unmutv DInn"`v|'Icvtu~V.I-;n _-..J. --.lLI. _ ..;x.'. UVUIIUIE` Llidlllvs `V Althouglfa little late. the piece or sidewalk so much `spoken of in previous correspondence has been satisfactorily repaired or in other words raised above the street level. ' ` Dnod uynub In -nus.-.-...uu.I..... a...-........|.v-. un: auwsu. Level. ' I Road work is progressing favorably In many parts of-the township but most of the visitors notice a decided change in. road conditions after leaving Bar- rle coming north. I Mr: ("Icahn and 'Ao..~I.+....'13a|....... -4: nu uuuuug norm. _ . Mrs. Clary and daughter Eileen of Lethbridge have returned home after visiting VMrs. Clat-y's mother, Mrs. R. Long. Mrs. Long accompanied them" as far as Toronto where she will re- main a short time with friends. '7nnfhnvv Inna hnnn {Anal an on... $1.1... Iutuu it suurl. ume wun IPIEYIGS. 'Wealther has been Ideal so far this vmonth and while much rain has fallen` in most sections of the country. this neighborhood has not recelvedeven an equal share, but at the .same time all crops are, glo-lug fine. ~ . Jnrnnn `Mnfllnnta annnunl nu-.....I.......a. rxayt-:3` 1':-Lzcuuy. ' It is too bad to see so many youngj boys spending. their time in` the pool. roomduring the. evening and also a- round the station on arrival of the evening train. - Alfhnnn-h`~u Huh; Ian. M... ..-4...... -4- AVLICEI, AV. I.`l'l15U1'. - ` Misses Verna~ arid Mabel Rowe of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with friends here. ' mum. mm... 1' xu:-.......-+A..... ....`'.a nr i'n-...._.._ aux`. ' A Mrs. L. LaBey_ and son Louie, who have been visiting with Mrs. N. Fraser. returned \hom`e from a trip up the Geor- gian Bay. '|\/[V5 nn Mr: D Tnnnuon can nu-ulnu, saan Day. , M1`. and Mrs. P. Donovan are enjoy- ing life at their summer home here, a relief from the high temberature of Humberside; - " Ila nu.-I `.Ul ....~ 7|` `I ;.11._._ \.r..... `V numnersxaeu . Mr. and Mrs. `P. L.` Moran. Mrs. N. Wells, Miss. 'VVells and Miss Daley of Tulsa, Oklahoma. visited with Mrs. C. Hayes recently. ' T! In fnn had` tn can an Ir\r\nv-I17 Ivl\IIv\nn`- IL WLLH U15 LIIIUIU, D. FIKLC. Miss Irene Hayes spent a couple of weeks visiting: relatives and` friends In Afinnfln (`Ifv and T\Ynuy Vnnlr wucna vL.~uL1u5',` reluuves emu II'len(.lS m tlantic City and New York. iss Jessie Calder of Toronto ac- companied the Misses Reta and Mae. Mccarnen on'the1r holidays here. T.nn..-T.nffng whn lennan nf lnh: 1 3!" Relieves l_I_heu1_na_tism ;u.L:\..tu ucu Uu un:u.' uuuuuys nere. Leo. Loftus, who disposed of his farm recently to Vin. Kenny, is talking of going West in the near future- '1\'vI` and `Mfr: Tunuln `D4-EA A6 `ltlrnn... UL Ul.ll5 vvcul. 111 L111: ueeu` l.u(.uI`8.r Mr`. and Mrs. Irvin Boyd of Moon- stone spent Sunday. of last week the guests of S. Platt and sister. Mrs. Fra- I 88!`. `Mn... 1' 7-1:--. ....,-. ...-.. 1-_._:- ___.,- .l'1UUl\l'1uC. , ' ' Mrs. C.` Riley and family of Copper Cliff are the guests other sister, Mrs. .Al`ex. Tarrant; V r 1|/rum 13:5:-_un 1-.1.-....:............ -32 \7..... v-..u- | 111518. J. htl.'l'tl.Il|n \ Miss Rosie Henderson of New York is enjoying her hplidays the `guest of Mrs, N. Fraser. " Tlzfigqnn 17...-.n. .4.-I \.f..I....I 13...-.- -49 WILII l.l'lUllllS H!`.'l'U. - `, , Miss J eam L1vi'n-gstone-and W. Evans of Toronto Sunday-ed with Miss V. Flatt and Mrs. Fraser. '\ Norman Dnwdnev nf Rf Xlfillinmn hm: \rlk_1Ll. auu M1135. 1`l'i1HUl'. \ Norman Dewdney of St. Williams has returned homeafter a` few weeks vis- it with his uncle. S. Platt. A Mien Tray-an T-Iowan annnf o nnIIr\`n no Duurucy. . Mr. and Mrs. Barrett of Toronto spent the `week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hockridge. ' mrm n nu... an .-1 egmnu M n........... Id. flail. _-. I M Louie and Lawrence Hockridrze have returned from a. visit at Beeton and Toronto T Inn )SnII.-..-..1.n.. nuut` a.......n.. .9 x7... ' . Jno. allagher and family of New York are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. "Buckley. ' T Mr and MFG 'Rou~n~n.I-4- nf 'l`n.-nu-.4-A `i'?i?;."`Goldste1n. daughter Helen and 'a}onHRl bert, visited with Mr. and Mrs. . a . T ....a.. ......a 1 ................ 1';r....1-..a.:n..... 1...-.- -V-veumatism get a bottle of Rheuma `T131300 FIUOHHCG (0 D30 I`UDDlSfl." Many people, the most skeptical of flkoptics `right in this town. and lln the Jieountry hereabouts. bless the day when Wm. Crossland and other drugglsts ot- Efered Rheuma to the afflicted at a canal! price and guaranteed money re- funded if not satisfied. I! you -have 2t1. \ liday. 31 Frzik `Bernard: of';`I`oronto is on his ginnual visit stopping at the Phelpslon ouse.. ` . mr`.... 'r1..1.1-+..c... .1'....'..1.`.o..... 11.1.. .._,a uiils; Tomney ana_.son' Willie or Tor- ointo-are visiting with Phelpston rela- t ves.- . ` -A . . ,. maa`) 'n.....'.........u' ..o`rn.........a... :. ._ .u.:.. PHELPSTON >14 >11 44* &&&&&w&&&im SXJEHI. I1. LUVV uuya Wlbll l.'Ul.LlVU IIUFB. ` S Jno. Hayes of the Phelpston House lslvisiting his brother in Brooklyn, N.Y. Miss Mary Hall is visiting in` Mus- koka, enjoying -the lovely climate there. . i_Miss Kathleen Stone of Sault ;Ste Marie is visiting with relatives here. f Ed.oLoftus of Toronto was the guest of `his sister, Mrs. Jno. Hall, last week.` Dr, Lewis and wife of Toronto spent Sunday of last week with Mrs. Fraser. Miss Campbell of Toronto is enjoying ltilernvacation, the guest of Mrs. Jno. a . .. uer` _' N Hall. \ `Ill-u U8 uepu.1`u':u LU!` IJIU VVCBLo I [Misses Harriet and Vivian Gallagher: are spending a week in` enetang. -. Miss Violet Platt is home from`: UJVU SIJVIIUIHE H. WUUR, Ill Ulllullu Violet from`; Brooklyn, ,.N.Y., on her vacation. , Mr: (`Jung `x\r`l'n'P?`nA of Rfnvnnv nnnnfl Thvillag ', misses B1ll"`4Bec-kett since he departed hit the West. V '[ Minna: Warrior and Vivian Gnllnahnrt H. LCVV ll'd.yS IIUFU VKILII 1131' pH.l'UllL:3- Misses `Anna and Veta McG-imvxis I spent a. fw days with relatives'here. ` 1'1-In I-Tnvnu nf H-IA Phnlnsfnn T-`Inna;-x' DTOOKIYH, -$V.!., (H1 118!` VECHEIUH. Mrs. Chas. Mcae of Stayner spent! a`few days here with [her parents. ~ 1 `Nliiicnnsa -Anna and Vafn Mnainnic. ,2!` you suffer from torturing rheum-` itticz pains, swollen, twisted iqints, and I\I 3'1'er intc-nsely because your system is Id ! of that dangerous -poison that Inixkes thousands_ helpless and kills "thuusands years before their time, then ~ `ycu need Rheuma. and need it now; QYB,Pf fnlrinp `H fnnv hnnrnuf onto -n-ikr oL\`>,=r2EsH s\ss~v Sm-gja \-\\T -HE w'm;-; EYE Wednesday of last week Mrs. Long celebrated her birthday and her many` friends congratulated her on her splena did health and .ap_pearance, she being spry. graceful and erect for a person of such years. Jno. Scott. our old friend of the 2nd con.. and an intimate friend of Mrs. Long. has "also crept to the verge of 82, his birthday coming in September. He also is enjoying excel- lent health and is able to call frequently oruold friends and travel alone. also working with the harvest and doing `other work almost daily. VVhile members of the family rescued Ted Bmoton, 70. an infuriated bull which fatally injured him was held at bay by a dog at Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mrs. L. Bolming. 66 Union City, N. Y.,` exercised cool courage when lost in swampsof New Jersey. by sitting` through the night, awaiting dawn. She [reported no ill effects from her ex-_ perience. T him. . , f1 unuuls Lue uppuulullent was passed. On motion of Mr. Langman, seconded by Mr. Toner. ordered that Joshua Andrew be paid `$25 for drainage work required by him at the junction of s.r. 21 and the 8th line `for the-outlet of water from this point. Any ditch dug at this place by the said Joshua An- drew shall be pronerly protected and theyroadi kept safe for public travel by Anna!` all-X nnnn AA 4... .........A. -4. 'rn...I.. LfauII|.a were pass:-:u 10:` payment:- I VV. Johnston, 65 loads of gravel, $13; Wilfred Johnston, 84 loads of gravel.` $12.60; W. P. Turner, tongue for snow plow, $3.00: W. P. Turner,` storing snow plow, 50 cents; Copeland Mi1ling_Co., account. $28.00; Mrs. Andrew, 303 loads ._of gravel, $30.30; S. E. Campbell, cul- vert pipes, $246.51; Thos. Coe, grant -repair roadway, 11th line, $160; A. Kirton, work on 7th line. $20; D. S. Kenney. grant, gravelling 4th line. $107.50; D. S. Kenney. 152 loads of gravel, $22.80; Marshall Langman, to pay grant on 7th line, opposite lot 20, $225; Marshall Langman, to pay Arthur Langman for 150 loads of gravel, $30; Jas. Gribben, work on grader, $42.50; Jas. Gribben, work on 4th line, opposite! lot 20, $17.50; Dawson Kerr. 65 loads of gravel, $9.75 S. French. 21 loads of gravel, $3.15; D. Kerr, 75 loads of grav- el, $11;25; Amos Bell. 71 loads of gravel, $12.80; Arthur Langman, 7 loads of gravel, $1.05; Mrs. Loftus. roadway, $25; Walter Draper, grant for work on 8th line, $100; Albert Argue, work onl bridge, $19.95; Jas. Kenwell. work on road. $8; Hiram Snider, 77 loads of' i gravel, $-15.40; Hiram Snider. work fill- jng gravel, $10; Hiram Snider, rent of roadway, $2.50; Jno. Hayes, work on road, $21.25; Bart. Kelly. work on road, 810; John Bralthwalte, work on road $5; Earl `Conn, hauling gravel on s.r. 21. con. '7, $15; Amos Bell, 48 loads of gravel, $9.60. \- n rnnfinn nf `Mfr 'I`ho{n annnnana luv Jlllll. ' j Council adjourned to meet at Phelp- ston, September 11. at 10 a.m. C. S. BUR'I`ON.1Clerk / 51`av!:I, a.0U. `- - On motion of Mr. Train, seconded by -Mr. Toner, ordered that resignation of Dr. Corcoran as Medical Health Officer be accepted and that Dr. L. Tyrer be appo nted in his place. A by-law con- firm ng the appointment was passed". On mntinn n? Mr T.nnp'nnnn unnnnn At the meeting of ms Council heldl at Elmvale, July 31, the following ac- counts were passed for payment:- VV. Jnhnsfnn 65' inane nf m-o.xns`I sun. gnu uccu rsuuuulu, uuu uceu IL HOW. Start taking it today. ,1-lheumai acts It once on kidneys; liver. stomach and blood. and you can sincerely exclaim: `_`Good riddance to bad rubbish. Kant! nnnrnln I-Ir-In rvunulv cl-nnlnnl -0 Lunua nu.-:-u`:-:5 UL Lne-corn oorer. . Falling into the chute of a grain bin. John William .Watson, 21,5 year-old son of Mr .\and Mrs.` VV. H. Watson. whose farm is about seven miles from Maple, was smothered,to death. While V-afnrninp` tn Ru-auwny-.a fnnm iuupu.-:, was smotnerecgto aeatn. While returning to Bradford from Sutton show with his prize horses on Sunday morning, Sam. Hastings truck was struck by a car at Bradford bridge and one of his horses slightly injured; The bridge `is too narrow for the traffic and this `incident is another argument in favor of opening up the connecting road between Dufferin St, land the Penetang Road. UppUH.C Lue msntuuon. ; Gapt. Frank German. aged fifty, of Midland, was drowned on August 7- at Port Burwell. It is believed that he` fell from a gang plank in the dark. The {`Tnnnr1inn~Q+nornghn T :.-.n.. 1.....- Lcu u'uIu a gang plank In the dark. The. Canadian Steamship Lines have undertaken several large works in Midland including construction of two frreighters and are also planning con- struction of a large dry dock.` Arrnngnmnrlfu H-nun nan mag- rm. auuuuuu UL kt Large QTY GOCK. Arrangemerits have been made for granting of special permits to those wishing to ship sweet corn from Sim- 'coe county'if inspection shows that the fields are-free of the-corn borer. Wnllina intn fho nknc-n ,-.4! I`: .~.......:.. L.:.. ucqu ran away. Capt. Michael M<[:Cormick:" well known mariner of Co/llingwood, recent- . lyomade a heroic respue of a woman in Toronto Bay. An 9i2`hfOnrI-vnnr-_nl .-.-:..1 .... ..........4.- ul 1. Vi UHLU nay. An eighteen-year-old girl, an inmate . of` the Ontario Hospital at Orillia, was` drowned,.while bathing at the beach opposite the institution. ' . F`-nvif Frank tlovum.-.... ..,.....1 Ann... -42` _\JPlII"5 WUUU. Erin Donhelly, a 12-year-old boy.: was trampled to death atBeaverton when the horses he was holding by th head ran away. [ ` (`ant Minhoni n,n.n.~..-..a.I- " --an ' wwwwww"A DISTRICT News bbhld MM mmm.mmm.v. H15 a wuL_1__uu` wmcnrequxrea six stitches. It is announced that another steam- ship company-is to provide .a passen-` ger service (ron the Great Lakes out of Cpllingwoo . M `Erin hnnhnllup n 10 ........ -1: L--- Rixeumatics $%&&&&w$$&$& un-: wuu Luur norses. . \ i It has been decided to purchase a, .new X-Ray apparatus for the G. and} I M. .Hospita1 in Collingwood. I `The "new `l Y'n-itn nhnvuhln :. n...'......... I Wm- Smith. aged 22. son ofisitfephen [Smith of Beaverton. was drowned g near Bala. ` Inna! load .......I- 0.2-- _-__,,,. . .~ - HURT BRIE: Early last week fire completely} de- stroyed thelgarage and repalrshop at Perkinsfield. Thos. A. Grarit; rominent merchant I . lot Orillia, died there recently at the age of sixty-two. \ A large feed stable owned by Geo. -Smith of Meafbrd was destroyed by fire with four horses. T! has hnbn Agata.-U: .4... ...-.-_I.,,- 1Vl...I1UplI.&I II) uoumgwood. V The "new United church in Graven- hurst. recently built at a cost of $25,-. 000, was dedicated on August 8. I LIQSOHS Of Orillisa have oxxyoiun l'\ 'UllUlll Mrs. Ann Inn. But _Wait Till the /1 Party"s Over; FLOS Lcoumcn. W3A. Grose, Dealer and Distributor. , _,' 2 _ V V s > M . ' / ~ \ . ' ' ' " - . ` , ` / `xx - ` \ . - _ ~f`"}~'77T ` . ,. .ser- / . IK` ' > . ` \ ' I ' , 10 OWEN ST., PHONI.-3 No. 21 vvnnaa pzuuro 1 one-_ QJAO ' FROM WINDSOR (midnightAug. -. FROM PALMERSTON Aug. 20, via Guelph, Special through cars from other prinipal points qnnecting with `above special trains. For de1 ' Canadian National Am-n1~ - special through from other prinipal points 'connectin._g' trains.` For` Jeans coma]; goal 4 Canadian Nntxonal Agents. , THROUGH TBAlNS--COMFORTABLE OOLONIST CAI`-38-SPECIAL CARS FOR WOMEN AND Cl-|||_DR, Purchase `your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways, whether or not your nal dgs ` ' Wat is a. point on the Canadian National. Tickets and all information from nenrest Agent. tmahon an *__A___4. A`)-lQ1lQ-n _-`-----A- ...__-_.-- ........- .._...- nu Iv uuupug vnu uunuulln nnuona I`-`ROM TORONTO (Uniox1Station) A.M.Aug.18 : Aug. 18; 1230 P.M. Aug. P.M.Aj`u. Sept.8; 9.00 PM. Sept. 3. - 2 non OTTAWA 1.1;. 15 12.01 noon'Aug._ 31. . Hide in the modem. sanitary way; `packed to retain proper condition. Guarant.ees Gre,ater Value to the Car Buyer vv---vwvvvwuuw ?l;h<;usands of sufferrs vpuch for the relief dbtaiiyed from / , wuA'r!suss~r sMm\?\ WHY THAT mo `CAN'T . rscni . mum om. ( LET HIM 5-we `(A ` \-rs-\A-r r-'or2 ? / Avsvlcly yuuulus BCVCIGI. C313 15 one thing. Building four lines of cars under one name and .one management in one unied group of plants on a rigid systeni of quality standardization is a. totally different thing. ` Chrysler manufacturing,like Chrysler engineering, is different from ordinary manufacturin -radically and im- measurably digerent in principle and practice. 50, 60," 70, Imperial 80-These car. numerals attached to the name Chry- sler mean miles per\ hour and they mean something vastly more impor- -tant than that in creating -value. They mean a common basis of quality for all four lines of cars-'-a rigid system of V close measurement and ne manu- facturing applied alike to each and Large quantity pt-od.uction has -long been standardized-quality standardi-A zation has beenvaccomplished for the first time in motor car manufacturing by Walter P. Chrysler. Merely" building several cars is one 4.1.:__. `D__:l.I2_._.t_, ,lo 4- I HARVEsTERs * WANTED CHRYSLER 60-Touring Car, $1540; Roadster, $1605; -Club Coupe, $1665 ; C/oaeh, $1760; Sedan, $1900. CHRYSLER"70-Phaeton,$2035;Coach, $2035; Roadster, $2195: Sedan, $2260; Royal Coupe, $2470: Brougham; $2540; Royal Sedan, $2615; Crown Sedan, $2 760. sow wheels optionc " C passenger. $4245; ve- seven-passenge Cabriolet,$5120;Sedan-Limousi F. O. 3. Windsor. Ontario, (freight only to be added.)-The above prices include all taxes. bumpers 4- _ and rear, spare tire, tire cover. and tank full of gasoline. .. _..... Inn: .;uvnu;uuUu LL U111 LlC8rC3t Agent. Travel C/{NL4 _DlA-N NATIONAL Produced Perfectly P P Under Perfect Conditions Chrysler Model Nufnizers Mean Wilson : _Quick Relief for

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