. , CLOVER MILL, -Sawyer-Massey, sale. Apply a._t Examiner oglce. Property To Let Miscellaneous Farms T For Sale A N D `o'r'H_; Agtomobiles For Ionouonuno $1.10-$1.15 `sonnncuonunu-0` povonoooool ...o......"25'27C 3 $2.00-$2.25 \ 20 Du!" 27-32p uauu. ` 31-36!) fan- ruwr 01 me narry rant Estate; or to 1. DUNCAN F. M CUAIG. B ' lsollcltor for thecsaid ma+g+fre'-1193-E2. uuuuauuruy accepted. 7 _ I . ' Tenders may be left with or mailed to A. G. Muir. ghanty Bay, Adminis. -trator of the Harry Palk Estate; MCCUAIG_ `Ra!-I-In nmr |uuJ.Vu1-uV 11`. LVLCUUAIG-. Ba!` Solicitor got the said 1_~;s_ta.te. auu uuucesslun or U18 '.l`p. 0l.'.0rO. PARCEL N 0. 2--Smallvgore contain.-v mg about 2 acre a d being in the rear of "Lot NO. 4, Range , in the Tp. of Oro-. - Tenders mav be m n fm- thank .........u U1. um. u u. 9, nunge 111 me '.l`p. of Oro-. Tenders may be m de for each parcel separately. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. "l`amdm~n rnnv `ha lam man. .. _.-.n_3 cur! 1162. nx.uu;-- ` PARCEL N O. 1-One-third interest in the south half of Lot No. 14 in, the 2nd Concession of the `In. otoro. - NO. Vanna nosvuinl-. SALE BY TENDER Farm Property i1.1.Tp. of. 0Aroy Sealed. tenders will "be received by the undersigned up till THURSDAY. AUG. -19, for each of the following parcels of land:- e .`l3A'l3II1n1' `Lin 1 r\___ .u. _ . . uuruug g'I`8.(1l18.E10n Or other causes. Successful candidates in the En- trance examinations held at Barrie numbered 127 and the results from - the rural centres in the district in- M creased this number to -about 175. Most of those `who passed from Bar- rie can reasonably be expected to en- ter the Collegiate."-while the continu- jation schools in thedistrict will ab- sorb practically -all of the others who purpose continuing in school. These continuation schools are `feeders for the Collegiate,- as many" of their pu- pils when they have completed the course in them come -to Barrie for upper school work. .__..._._____.__..._..._.__... b FOR SALE---Six-roomed cement block attached house; furnace. bath. modern equipment, attractive location. Terms reasonable. Apply 85 Bayeld St..' Bar- rie. 31-36!) Principal A. R. Girdwo'od,.speak-- ing to The Examiner on Wednesd-ay, would makeno prediction as to the probable attendance at the B.C.I. when school re-opens in `September, but he- stated that it would in all probability equal'that' of last year land might exceed last year s mark. Mr. Girdwood pointed out that, while 1 there was a large Entrance class, it ' was impossible to tell. how many would continue_at school and it was likewise impossible to estimate the number who will leave thecCollegiate through graduation other Qllnnnaeal noni1:An+n. :. 4.1.- '51.. nur- . 32;)! for 32c V to 32:: B.c.1. ATTENDANCE MAY EXCEED 1925 HIGH MARK , , members of the Barrie Band being in ,__v_- _...vv"--`aw can \alllLal`a.l`nJ Last Thursday evening. many fHuntsvi1le with the B.C.I. Band, the 'members of the Ivy Band generously volunteered to provide the weekly concert in Queen's Park. Their ser- \,rices'were given gratuitously and the ( neighborly spirit shown by them is greatly appreciated. Five or six of the Barrie players assisted "them in the rendering of the following pro- gramme :- 1, Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye; 2, overture, Recollec- tions of Stephen Foster; 3, New Annapolis; 4, overture; -Southernl IMelodies; 5, Evening Meditation;i 6, overture, Olympia; 7, Scotch! `selections; 8, Colonel Bogey.' I uuc :.wcu.'|.u U]. duly. On Sunday afternoon the second accident within twenty-four hours occurred on the Highway about two miles east of Guthrie. Cars driven by John Walker and John Emms col- liderl and both autos were badly dam- I-aged but none of the occupants of ;.either car was injured, beyond being ishaken up. - 7 PROGRAMME BY 1vYT3AND MUCH ENJ--OYED BY CITIZENS T ._._A_ H11. _, 1 vvaa uaucu U11.` V Last Friday` evening H. G. Robert- son, S. N. Hurst and C. E. Partridge Went to Midland, where they present- 3 ed the Past Master s ring awarded to R, FIHTYIYHDYE n`I`nnI- r\..--..-`----- cu 0": 1. am. xvzasuel` S rmg awarded `[30 B. Hammers, the oldest Orangeman on parade at the celebration here on the Twelfth of July. (In Qunrlou fI'p+l\'I1D\t\I\uA LL- ..-..-...`l - COTTAGE for sale or to let. five rooms, unfurnished. at Minet s Point. Apply E. B. Reynolds, 79 Mary St. Phone 1072. . 32c ::-._ LIL 1u`c_.;Uo A baseball game was arranged `on Civiv Holidaybetween a Barrie team and Hillsdale. A fair number of fans wended' their way over to the park, but the Hillsdale team met with an `accident on the way and the game was called off; Tn..L 'EV._..`I-__ -__-~9 "V " ` JJQJI County Treasurer D. H. Coleman. County Engineer F. -G. Qampbell and W. A. Boys, K.'C.. County Solicitor, leave tonight for Ottawa to meet of- cials of the Department of Railways and Canads regarding the Atherley bridge. L ` A . n..-..L..'l`l ..-._- - --- - y.u_ys:;o cm was one case ltlf-1' year. Warden G. L. Davis, `County Treas- urer D. H. Coleman and County En- gineer F. G. Camnbell were in Wau- baushene on Wednesday, when the rst sod was turned for the new. hridge to be built across Matchedashf Bay. (`Anal-.- "I1 n . _ _ . . _ _ ,, `IN 1-7 1-: I I uuc uuuuxc U1. August. .The B.C.I. Band is to play at the Toronto Exhibition again this year. This time they will be in a class con- ned to boys, and so will not be com- peting against experienced adult players as was the case last year. 'I!T___.l-,, IV 1 T` uu: .:.uuu lllbln, ab 0.00 p.I; -A play. Eyes of Love, by Ivy: DramaticfClub. will be given in rink, I Minesing, Tuesday evening, Aug. 17,` auspices Ladies Aid. V Refreshments sold at booth. - .32c Principal A. R. Girdwood informed ! The Examiner that he is unable to state when_the results of department- al examinations may be expected. They are generally announced about the middle of August. Tho 1201 Dona :. L- -1--- .L H-4 um uwu pulplt again next Sunday. 1 --For real summer wood, try a`; load of our hardwood edgings.---O -j Neill's`-`Coal and Wood Yard, phone 748. ` - 29'tfc -Wallpaper in latest designs, all prices. Exclusive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. tfr 3 The August` meeting of the Wo-f men s Auxiliary of the ChiIdren si Shelter will be held next Monday, the 16th inst., at 3.30 'p.m; ` .-.A nlnv 'l-Tvcm A-P T A..- H 1..-- 7----` .LL1vValll5 UIUU LUIS WeeK. --F_or plumbing and heating, ring . 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St.i Prompt attention to repairs. 13tfc 9 Barrie was prettywell deserted on Monday, most of the people goingf out of town for the civie holiday. I Rev._J. S. Shortt willlreturn from} hisiholidays this week and will occupy ! his own pulpit again next Sunday. ` --For real nnmmnr nrnnrl 4--.. .- uuvvc or. con 3. uzanetn 51:. Raspberry piing has been ular pastime lately. There is crop. ` ' QIIYVIIXII` Y "` ` :..|.uu. uuus. uunnmg. , - 1 Peter Bryce of the Mothers Al.-5 lowance Commission is to address the . Kiwanis Club this week. ___n`A1n v\`u1vm`n:..._ --A' L-~- wsuyo ' ' I Several Barrie Lxberals were In Orillia on Tuesday night to hear `the Hon. Chas. Dunning. 4 pntnr `R1-vnn n I-`In- `IK..A.L-.._) A1 V , ..~m.umu.u nxuun nuush: for sale. central. garage and garden. Apply at 79 Owen St., phone 293.1. 27-32p 1 [1 Readers, 3c word; minimum 50c. & & & & & &' &..V. .v. .v. .v4 .v- -- --- A-A -V--All sizes linoleum tugs at W. A. I Lowe & Son s.,;%izabeth St. L ` tfc l pic `rig a pop- lately. a fair] crnn. I g$$iii&&$&$mmm&;3 3: LOCAL NEWS-* i & nnn-a on ....._.a. __n._ ~_,,, - u; minimum 000. u i3ii3m&$mm&$$ Dr. J. Waring, V.S., of Madoc, will be at the Queen ; Hotel, Barrie, Aug. 17, to see; anyone requiring goitre rernedy. , .__ ._..____a ---v-- nvwvnnu uuvu UULU VG`? ment. `D329 Mr. John Mackay wishes to express his grateful appreciation to many friends for kindness and sympathy shown in connection with his recent bereavement. ' 32p | `Mr. James Power and two sisters, Mrs. Hodgins and Mrs. McLean, wish to thank` their many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and flofal tributes in their recent sad be- reavement. 32p I - ,.....- -.-o .... .. . vuvlnu us; ca. v cxucu. L. 6.40 Mrs. William Graham and family.; Shanty Bay, wish to thank their many friends for kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad bere ve- _ ` 20] Ill -. *r..1..... 1n'....1_...._ _.-:_I. - I' Jas. and Jose Smith wish to thank! their many friends for their kindness during their recent ` bereavement. 32c `K/fr-5 TKTI`lIn-us f1...-.I_..__' _ .. -I A -- *7-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for central. garage and crnrnn A....u.. .. --...c. uwu. Au, `vau- 32c-.--Sadly missed by Wife and -Family ....__:.._____.___.___.____..... THOMPSON--In lowing memory of our dear husband and father. W. J. Thompson, who entered into rest on August 12, 1925. a__ _,,_7 __AV_,_ ` . ...._.- - on j SRIGLEY-In loving memory of Chas. E. Srigley, beloved son of Mr. and! Mrs. Eli Srigley, Aliandale, who died` in St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur, August 13 1923. Time may come and bring its changes, Fresh with every coming year, But your memory will be cherished In the hearts that loved you best. Ever remembered bv Mother. 32c Father, Brother and Sisters. j _ RANDS-In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Martha Annie Rands who died August 13, 1925. One year has passed, our hearts still sore, As time goes on we miss her more, Her welcome smile. her loving face, [No one on earth can fill her nlace. The dearest mother. the sweetest friend One of the best whom God could lend She was loving, thoughtful, gentle and true. Always willing a kind act to do. -Sadl_v missed by 320 Husband and Family. ` I; 2c per word; minimum 500. !>E>EM>Ymmmmummmm.v.m.1r, IN MEMORIAM `Zn non urn:-Ac -n -. run .. A Us vvutu, uuuuuulu DUU. $i&&wmmmmm&$%5 lFosTER-0n Monday, August 9, 1926, at Baxter, Mary Foster, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fost- er. aged three months and ten days. [PREECE-In Orillia. August 9, 1926. ; Lt.-Col. John Preece. formerly of thel 35th Batl:., aged 60 years. i m&&&%m&%m&&&mmg} DEROUSIE--BALL- On August 9. 1926, byiRev. C. R. Spencer. M.A., rector of St. Thomas` Church. Shanty Bay, Ont., at the home of the bride's- father, Edith Helen Ball. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ball. Shanty Bay, to Mr. William Edwin DeRousie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DeRousie of Cornwall. Ont. JOI-INSON-MORDEN- At Ogema. Sask.. on. Wednesday, July 28,1926, Marian, daughter of Mr. C. Morden| fn Ml` Alov rnhnunn D A Qn Tun uuuuun. nvauaole zmmedlately: mod- erate rental or will sell reasonably. Sarjeant Co., Limited. 32c ---;-------'--- BELFREY---On August 6, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Belfrey, 52 Ellen St.. a son. V McDONALD-At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. on Monday, Aug. 2, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. George V. McDonald. Beaverton, a son. TODD-At Churchill on Sunday. Aug-g ust 8, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry `Todd; a daughter (Mary Thomasine). uxax tau, uauguu-:1` UL lV.ll'. Li. XVLUFUBH to Mr. Alex. Johnson, B.A.Sc., Iro- quois Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Orillia. CARDS OF CLOTHING TO MAKE ROOM FOR oUIXLI BOY S sun IN THE STORE IS I of M;n s and Boys Suits and Furnishings M"-NE S % August Clearance Sale A REAL SAVING or 25% To 50% on ALL surrs MEN S FWURNISP-I`l`l\`l (.}`S MEN S KHAKI BREECHES ME.N S KHAKI TROUSERS MEN S HOSIERY, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, ETC., E1/`C. AUGUST CLEARANCE IN .n'u1\ 911.111`; U11. '.l'U um"1'-'1`nree brick veneer houses on Holgate St., equipped" with hot air furnaces, bath.. etc.; good outlook. Available immediately: rental or will mall mo=m-nM-- DIED BORN EVERY sUrr IS SUITABLE FOR ALL THE YEAR WEAR! A Genuine 1| .---Lnght now, -----TWOINBARRIE* Mclaughlin Garage : :% Li TOURING INFO3MATIbN, LEGAL ADVICE $1000 ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Ask any C.M.-C. Garage for information. JOIN CANADA S TODAY C.M. .. BEST The Continental Motor Club (of Canada) . Its benets now available to the motorists of Barrie and surrqunding district Service Garages on all highways} wherever you see the C.M.C. "sign, giving members twenty-minute free service in garage at any time for inspection, adjustments, etc. A. Free Road Serce, including twenty minutes of me- chanic s time on the spot. Free deliverv of 92.: nil See display ad. EXCURSIONS :_:..-:-- FOR SALE OR TO LET-Three brick houses on I-I0l2'n.fn Rf nm.a......a- Chevrolet and Oakland Dealer Ruckstell axle,-special 3 to 1' gear high tension ig- nition, air valve adjustment from dash, hydraulic shock absorbers, water pump, speedometer (oil pump, dome light, balloon tires, spare tire, dash light and step plates. YOU MAY HAVE EASY TERMS ON THIS CAR. page 7 in this issuo and TRAVEL C.P.R. See H. E. JORY, P.O. Square, Barrie. Ticketsoissued eithef via Midhurst or Toronto. TAILO RING . Sale '-. % 13- _.c9UL'rr:R ..v_,.. 1111 vvuul uuoC_y.), DILCD 44 [U .46, button on shoulder . . . . . . . . . . 95c Boys Cotton Jerseys, sizes 22 to 30, 39c 3001 WHITE WYANDOTTE farm-rats. so pullets, April and early May hatch- ed, $1.50 and $1.75 each. Order ten or more and-get an unrelated cockerel free. Frank Madigan. Essa Road. A1- Iandale. 29-34!)" - ` Pullovers and ,Overall Suits, 95c-$11.45 Boys Cotton Bathing Suits . . L . . . $1.00 _Boys Wool Bathing Suits, $1.75 - $2.25 Golf Hose, fancy lisle, 50c,65c, 75c pair Boys Combination Underwear . . . . 85c Boys All Wool Jerseys, sizes 22 to 28, }'\ll++r\r r\~r\ nlaA..I-` A- """ "`\-` H11-JV kill]! LO ClllLl Viiirivxniaists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95c Children s Wash Suits, 2 to 6 years, $1.25 Ch1ldren s` Khaki, Blue and Blue Stripe pllnnvnro nnrl f\nn'..n11 C`...'L,-. nu-I 1161 An- Boys $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts and C`L!_-L :rice+ -n `Free delivery of gas, oil, tires, etc.; free towing. -`,\r\ 1..--___ THE BOY S STORE 1925 MODEIL 4, ADVICE AND 1` [Met 11) A 1\!r\rw : Phone 138, Barrie [.ick s Garage FURNISHINGS ,_.._______..________... REGISTERED SHORTHORN COWS for sale with six months old bull and ` heifer calves by good sire. Cows guar- anteed with calf again, to freshen by `fan. Geo. Crawford & Son. Oro Station. 00,,'.)9.. 9:!" 41 Dunlop St. uwss`:.5; LIIC U15 INSURANCE He is your f SOMEOM WE "ARE YOUR} A. Mol SOL Phone 531 ` farm- nulls-.t:s, Anvil nn nnnlvr `Mr-.. 1.. When the pricc up and I ymn can y 56 Telephc I HAVE "BLUE SK 751711; sf` TYD A \v/~vwl ESE .-/1; _ `W ee 1'. - !ul., xv: her '\/I. ______.________..___.______._. PULLETS FOR SALE-Ear1y March -birds, pure bred, Plymouth Rock, bred to 1`:.z_v. Broilers delivered. Apply H. Ottnway, phone 605r6. 28-33c ,____________.__________________ , fIxv`| TH! ..______.______._____ JERSEY COVV for sale-6 due to freshen now, call at or phone 931W. _____.___.____..__.__ GOOD QRIVING HORSE for sale, per- fectly iet. Cecil Sutton, Shanty Bay. - BROOD SOVV aid young pigs for salt; Apply Alvin H. Wice, Allandale, RR. 1. Phone 677.1. 320 __________________________ - BROOD and : Annlv Alvin H lino Ali - GOOD COW \tor sale. J. Fleming, Shanty Bay. -- ---- FURNISHED ROOM to let. with or without board, suitable for one or two business girls or women. central. Ap- ply 17 Innisfi-l St., or phone 1077J. 32c ROOM AND BOARD for one or two students or teachers. ten minutes walk from Onllepriate. All conveniences. Phone 328 or Box 1054. Barrie. 32p ._.___.__T_T :s`tudc=.nt'.e nr fnnr-have 4-on w.:....... ..___.____.__._.____. f (.`.0MF`OR"l`A.BLE ROOMS with board. two minutes walk from Collegiate In- stitute. Adults preferred; at 183 Eliza- beth S1. Phone 1271 32-371) _ TFURNISHED ROOMS to let. suitable for c'.olleg`e 01' business girls or boys, with all conveniences. Apply to Exam- iner Office. 32p . COMFORTABLE ROOMS for students. one minute from Collegiate, honsekeep; jng privileges. M. Turner, 14 Small St. Phom-9 564. -"' 31-361) - TO LET--Comto1*table rooms, central- ly located, housekeeping privileges if desired. Apply Examiner. v_ 32-33p ONE OR TVVO ROOMS to rent. alsol board, an conveniences, central. Apply at Examiner Office. 32-37c - j BIG YELLOW DOG strayed onto lot 18, con. 1, Vespra, August 5. Has tag No. 51 issued in Sunnidale Township on it. Do}: Cluite lame. nwnnr mmr hmm n u. u; nssuea m aunmuale Township Dog quite lame. Owner may have same by applying to Jas. Brumby. Phone 609r2. 32c : LOST-Large fawn colored hound, long ears. Finder please notify J. J. Dumond. Brentwood. ' 32-33c ,____._.______._____._.__. ------.-:._----1--------- LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Highest 4 rices paid. Call mornings or evenings. bone or write M. Alexander, phone 322, 142 Bradford St. ` . 23tfc!' WANTED--High school or business` college pupils, with or without board. Apply to Mrs. Fred. Barker or phone. 963J. 32D] Hi PRACTICAL NURSE wishes position. No objection to assist with house work. Apply 44 Penetang St., Barrie. 32p ___________.._._____... I HOUSE WANTED--A house wanted` with lake frontage in exchange for, good brick house in Barrie. Box 339. p ._._______......_._.__.__.-:____.__.._. I I ROOMERS WANTED. with or With-.' out board. Apply 109 Owen.St. 32-370 1 w v. vv vein vuvwnn oooonnonnnuogn -v 7 Ei&&xwa$&&wmmi% YOUNG MAN WANTED to work on farm; experienced. Apply to Examiner Office. ` 320 One "cent a word. `cash. teach inser- tion (minimum charge, 25c); six inser- tions for the price of fouz-._10 cents extra. when charged; also 10 gents extra when replies are directed to Ex- I aminer Off!c9 gm&m&mmw&&&a&&$ WTWWWW mm WWWWWWW u-:1` COLUMN F or. Sale on- To Property `F or Sale/ I COTTAGE at Waeaga Beach to rent: also some small houses to rent cheap in town; general store, and business for - sale: large brick building 40:60 for aale, suitable for grain` sbippipg house 9,. a chopping mill: soggy; ,_" farms Ior sale. Apply to Egertoga phnston. real estate agent, 28*:Ma.I!`.* Rhone 9423. _ \ 31.-36c 2 , Barrie. J 1c per word cash; minimum 250. Live Stofk For Sale 1 Rooms apd Board Lost and ound Help Wanted Wanted uucg,1'cu.e, nousexeepy Turner, - jj years old, mall at 2'7 Dtxua QI- Apbly to W. 32p PROPERTY FOR SALE-$3000 buys 10 acres of land within quarter mile of Barrie; on `this property a nine-roomed brick house, garage. henhouse. stable, orchard and never-failing stream. This property suitable for fox ranch or poul- try farm. Further particulars, apply to Box 1044. Barrie. V 2 31-36 u yum-as mu 87 Ross St: 32p 3 LILLIUIL 28-33c . THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES vN'0. 2 Fall Wheat ...........~... $1.80 0'00-no-3uoocoousooounot-no Ryej...........-.............. so{ocn:_noooIQoJIooono- V\I`lCllIOOl`0IlICtIllIOI; Butger, per pound` a .1. . . . . . . . . 32-86 Eggs. per `doz. ......... . . . . . . . . .' 25-27 Potatoes, new, per bag . . . .` $2.00-32.25 - .u~wv nnvulnvv ml`)-ated at_`Bar1:ie `this 11th day of August, .A.D. 1926. RADENHURST & HAMMOND. 32-84 Solicitors for the Administrator . . `NOTICE IS HEREBY given pur- suant to Section -56 of the Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims or * demands against the estate of the said Norman Pratt who died on or about the` 6th day of July. AD. 1926, at the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe. are required on or before the 1st day of September AD. 1926. to send or deliver to the under- signed, solicitors for the administrator of the said deceased. their names, ad- dresses; and full particulars in writing of their claims -and the'nature of the security, ifany, held by them. i AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned datethe said adminis- .; trator. shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard onlyato the claims of which he shall } then have notice. 4 'l\_4-q In` :-: M'I-SS MILLER, expert marceller, trim and clipping, new Wax marce1,- ladies attended at own home if desired. Phone 958. 28-3313] --.3 - FOR -RENT--31 Eccles St. 6-roomed brick house. all conveniences, also garage. possession September 2. Apply Box 489, Aurora, Ont. ' 32p HOUSE TO RENT. brick, 6 rooms, newly de_corated,v all modern conven- iences, hot water heating and fire- places. Phone 599; 31-36pi """"""l ! nun name 1' aeptemner` 1st, steam- heated apartment on second floor. Ap- ply'S. W. Moore. 32tfc, l 7 T HOUSE FOR SALE-Modern seven-A zroomed brick house. electric light. fur- nace, bath and.replac'e, good stable, centrally located at 17 Worsley St.; vim- meaiate possession. Apply E. H. Bra- den, 63 High St. Phone 225W. 31tfc : uuumu LU nrnvr-99 Mulcaster St. Apply Mrs. Shanacy. 43 Owen Street. Phone 1221J. -. 30tfc _________.___.__.__...__._ I 'T FOR RENT Septe'mber`1st, anartment nn annnna man... A... . FOUR GOOD ROOMS T0 RENT over the Standard Bank; modern convenien- ces. I 30tfc. I _- HOUSE TO RENT-99 Mulcaster St. `ADDIV Mrs. Shanar-v A2 numn as-....-...a . McLAUGHLIN CAR. Special Six, in good condition, new battery, new tires; small mileage by private owner only. Apply 46 Wellington St. West, phone 282. 320 : pie. __._...____.__.._.._.__.._._.._..__ USED PARTS for Ford. Chevrolet. Gray-Dort and Rec at Wilson's Gar`- age, `_Minesing. " Phone 103. 31-3213] 1.'\JJ.\. DtI.1J.EJ""\JIle stuaeoa-Ker special.` 6 car in first class condition in every; respect, has run 8,000 miles. Apply to! 1 J. VV.. T. Elliott. Phone 269 or 845 Bar- rie. on on... NOTICE _'ro CREDITOR? - FOR SALE---One Studebaker special! first class condition in mmm.= HOUSE FOR SALE. 57 Innlsl St., 8 rooms. cement block. large garden; double garage, back and front lawn. modern conveniences. No reasonable offer refused, easy terms can be ar- ranged. Owner leaving town. Apply on premises. 32p ':'."_.-._:-_.+A---------- uuclly u`t:t;s, zz apple trees; two miles from Loeust Hill, good road half mile. store three-quarters mile, 20 miles to Toronto. No agents. See owner. C, R. Smith, R. R. 2, Claremont, Phone 8121 Markham. . 32D -i unnuu UVAHU, uuut-HUUSEA 6UX1Z. cement silo, water bowls, power milker and engine. 2 good houses, 8 and 5 rooms; ch`erry trees, 22 apple`tr_ees; two LORUSI`, Hill srnn vn-an-I how ....:1... . CLOVER FARM FOR SALE--L|0tS 16 and 17, con. 10, Markham, 120.ac1's, 110' workable; 55 acres alfalfa. 15 alsike; 13 sweet clover. 14 fall -wheat on clover sod; 400 loads manure per year put on for five years. Barn 80x40, barn 60x 30, pigpen and henhouse 40x20, drive- shed 30x20, milk-house` 30x12. cement silo. bowls. nnwnr rnillrnw nun:-3 - FOR SALE-West half of west half 01 lot 16, con. 9, Vespra, and northwest quarter of west half lot 17. con. 9, Ves- pra. `Jerome McBride, owner, R. 3, Box 735, San Diego, Calif. 31-36c ._______________________..__.__ _________.._______._._______ FARM FOR SALE--5()_ acres. west qr. lot 33, con. 2, Oro. 30 acres of.timber. For further particulars apply to Chas. Church, Egbert R. R. 1. 32-34p $325.00 BUYS a. $595.00 I-Ieintgman & Co., piano, slightly used; mahogany finish with bench to match: Ionic de- sign..Good as new. Cash or terms. For particulars apply Thos, Kennedy, 417 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto. 30-33c .j_ the Matter of the Estate of Norman Pratt, Late of the Township of Vespra, in the County .of Simcoe, Farmer, Deceasled _ -- . ' BUFFET--Solid,;quarter-cut oak, new. -! for sale. also Williams cabinet grand 3' piano and Cleveland bicycle. 118 Sophia - ` St. - 321) J MONARCH TYPEWRITER,' in good ,' condition, for $35.00. Apply The Barrie -j abdlo and Electric Co.'Llmited. Phage . I ._ c ` ' ..______..__.____ FOR SALE-Two electric washing ma.- chines, new and fully guaranteed; no reasonable offers refused. Also a. few electric xtures. Time payment taken. Sutcliffe, 28 William St., Allandale. 91 -05- FOR SALE-Edison diamond disc cab- lnt phonograph, almost` new, with about 35 high-grade records; will sell cheap, butmust sell at once._ Apply to Box S" Examiner Office. 320 LLUUIJQLJ 3 seven rooms, ever ing Queen's Park; -quick sale. See Bo at house, 121 Toron to St. 1` un D'A.l.4].14`--Bl`lCk vhouse. convenience, fac- price is right for b Binning or call ___..______..______.___.______._ "HOT POINT cabine t electric range; used only a short time, will sacrifice at $65.00 for immediate sale. Apply Barrie Radio and Electric Co. Limited. Phone 120. ; 32c - `FOR SALE_ CHEA.P--White iron bed- stead ja_nd mattress, with dresser to match; `also soft drink fountain. with ` two globes. Apply 85 Bayeld St. 32-4p ,""""-"""""""""`-""":""" - IPIANO FOR` SALE._ Ben Upright Grand, condition and" tone exce11ent_. Cheap for cash, Apply 46 Louisa St.. I any evening, 6 to 8. _ 32-33p ` `FOR SALE-Far'm'wagon, 3-ih. tires. $20: also Beatty force pump, nearly new, $10. Apply 22 Sampson St. 32'p . BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE--Llo.vd reversible gear; cream; in good condi- tion. 85 Mary St. Phone 868. 32p -2----- . RASPBERRIES FOR SALEA. Rich-` ardson,'Napier St. Phone 894E`. 31-2_p PIANO FOR SALE---Apply M1s_s* M garet Warnica. Phor_1e 18r22. Stroud. I ---------------.-------------r---- LARGE TENT FOR SALE-Annly Arthur Meeking, Glenwood Beach. 3 ~-~ so--- FOR SALE--Sofa. lamp, velvet talus` and wlc'ke`r chairs. Phone __________...__.._________.. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE-- Hardwood oors downstairs. lights and water; owner leaving town; no reason-t able offer refused. Apply 98 John St. `Vest. ` 29-34!) '1'_"_"__ ,"""""'-"'-'-""""'_-""""'