Miscellaneous "F013 L DI.- 29c 111 29p GE_ORGE RITCI-`HE ` The many friends "of George Ritchie were sorrye to\1earn of his death on July 15. The remains were brought were interred imBarrie Union Ceme- tery. The late Mr. Ritchie had been ailing for several months: He was 73 years of" age and spent the greater part of his life farming in the vicinity of Barrie. Hewas very well known. To mourn his loss he leaves a widow and V tenv chi dren: "Emerson of Sudbury. Bins or 'Penetang, Morgan of. Toronto, Grente1..Mrs..N. Vemer of Toronto. Cecil of. Dunferrnie;_Sask.. Mrs. W. E. ;Pea'.oock 'o;Montreal_ Iva for Toronto. from Penetang on Sunday, July 18, and ` ..Mrs. J. , ilson.`of Barrie.rMrs.r J .' Rob-A -Milton` of Detroit, Mrs. Geo.- Masonof ` - ---w-wart` I IVIVIU At the-isennox picnic to be held on Aug. 2. Island Grove. Hon. Mr. Meig-h- 'en.Prime, Minister, Sir George Perley, Sir Henry Drayton, Hon. Hugh Guth- rie, Ministerof Defence, and other dis- tinguished speakers Will be present. In addition to the speakers, there will be a. wonderful programme of spqrts, con. sisting amongst other things of boxing bouts by four Canadian champions. 29c \4lClDCDn ' Vivian Graham. aged 46, son `of the late Mr. -and Mrs. W. R. Graham, -.formerly of Barrie, was killed when his car stalled. on a crossing in Tor- onto and was struck by a train in charge of Engineer Frank `Hill, Fire- man Chas. Wilson and -Conductor W. Gaston, all of Allandale. The gates were down on one- side of the cross- ing but Mr. `Graham got. onto the tracks before the gates ion the other` side were` lowered; He was `born in Barrie `but left here when quite young. He is survived by, four sis- .ters.' ` `St. Mary's school held their annual picnic on Wednesday at -St. Vincent's Park. There was a programme of races -and games, the report of which is unavoidably hieldover for a week. Rev. Dean "Swee"ney- took occasion to present DorothyDo,v1e with a dona- _tion of '$5~from'the Women's League and a similar gift from himself for obtaining highest marks for St. Ma- ry's `school in the recent Entrance ex- aminations. Prizes` were also given to pupils passing highest in other classes. * ` ' I YY.'--!.._- 'I'1_-_`L~____ ,. 1 an -' W63 ll ditln. . REGISTERED BULL. dark red Short- Jzorn, two years old July 30, quiet to handle. Apply to Ambrose Moran. Phelpston. ~ 4 ' 27-29c u:-2 LLLIESKJDUO J. B. Clarke, K.C;, a prominent member of the legal profession, whose death occurred on Sunday at his home in Toronto, acted for the Town of_` Barrie in 1918 when the validity of the debentures issued to cover the cost of construction of the Collegiate Institute was attacked. Mr. Clarke, who was recognized as an authority on municipal issues, suc- U cessfully defended the action, which E ya: heard before Chief Justice Mere- it s . "August. 7 `D ocJ.vu.c. uam. ouuuay, duly Lil. 1 eV.Vi E. J. Whan. of Barrie preached, and: on Sunday next, July 25, Rev; Bee- cher Parkhouse of Fergus will be the preacher for the day. Service at--11 o"c1ock every Sunday during July and ni....1-_ 77 n- vvclc pzaycu. ` I `The Wasaga Beach Community Church opened for the season on Sunday,A_Ju1y 10, when Rev. M. 0. Price. of Minesing took charge of the service. Last Sunday, July 17. Rev. E. J Whnn n'P pnvv;n nu-onnnknd .~--J' uvvu wucu bllcy cuuiueu. At the weekly mixed lawn bowling tournament last Friday night, the first prize winners were H. Tideman, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Scythes and Mrs., Cheesman. Second prize went` to J. Hyslop, Mrs. Beelby, Miss- Warren and `Mrs. Woodman._ Twenty rink-s participated and some keen games were played. Ti... 1xr.......... 1:.--.-L ulu V puu C----(arden dpartdy "at the Rectory, raig urst, Tues ay' Juy 27,-`aus- pices`St. John s vChur ch. Pro'gramme by iss '_B:ryspn _ and concert party fro `Barrie, .l!'lCl1ldl!'lg` ladies quar- tette. Baseball game, Elmvale vs. Anten Mills. ~ . 29c The Sunday School of `Central Un- ited -Church held their annual picnic on Wednesday to `Minet s Point, with a largeattendance. s.An interesting. programme of spprts of various kinds was carried out and supper was serv- ed 111. the evening. " A mn+nr{a+ uh.-. nn.4- :..- .. ..-n:._.-..;_ cu All UUU evening. I A motorist who got into a collision this week near Crown Hill when on the wrong side of the road [had to pay bills for damages to his own car, to" the. -car which he raninto and to another one which ran into the other two when they collided. A!` fhn uranb-117 an-lug ! 1-..... L..._-`l:___. Bl-|L'allUUo ' ".Some` of the lunribezf used by the. `Ladies Aid of Burton Ave. Church for tliebooth which they conducted at the-eldeday on July 7, -was stolen from the Agricultural Park before the ladies had time to have it re-. moved. , V ` I'*......J..... ....y_.L__ "-1 Al `I'- A valuable horse belonging to W. G. Kenn-edjr of. Allanda-le was killed by lightning. early this morning. It was one of his `fine draft team, but `fortunately the loss is covered by in- surance. " -.o....-_- -2 LL- 1.____-1 , " vuuu uuc ul.'a1gVu_1U muge. ' Rev. H. A. V-Berlis of N. Tonawan- da, N.Y., preached two ne sermons in `St. Andrew -s Church last Sunday.` Matt. Lowrie: of Thornton sang a solo vory acceptably at'the morning ser- v1ce. A ` A qn.In..`L1- 1.-..-- 'I__I-.....:_... L, T11 xuc axuulal, wan 1.uau.l.'Uuo X -Edenvale picnic and.'.`fgi'-ove so-_ cial`in Rupert As Grove, Wednesday,` July 28.. Admission 50c._ Come ear- ly and meet.yo`ur friends before the jam. . ' '/ 29c In the parade `list of the Twelfth of July ce1ebr'atiton_given last week,- ittshould have been stated that the Stroud band `of 28_pieces marched with the Craigvale lodge. ' `Pm: II A .n.`..1:g -4: `M m............... FARM FOR SALE at north half of lot '20. con. 2, Flos, 41/; miles from Phelp- 3,ton, belonging to the Estate of the Kate Jos. Nicholson. On the premises are a frame house, barn` 45_x70, with zstevbles. Farm in good state of cultiva- tion. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to .A. Quinlan, 1 DeLisle Ave`. Toronto. > . 28-30p "aIaI;r`;'.3r Reynolds had a valablei cow killed:byAlightning recently" on h`is.farm near the Union `Cemetery. ` The animal was insured. T 'm.:....-....1- ._--_-- _-- .11-_l.---, I -20., . _ avuc "At the golf linkson Tuesday, Mrs. W. `S. Dignam made the second hole in -one and her total score for. 18~ho1es wag 90'. ' 'D..--.._`l.l.. 1.-.-n" _ __,1,,11,I TNei1l`s" Coal and Wood `Yard, phone Georgian District, A F. .&, A;M. `. ---For plumbing a*nd.heatm`_9:, ring 214. J.` J. Neelands, 48 Blake -St; Prompt attention to repairs. 13tfc --For `real summer wood; try a load of our `hardwood edgings.--O - I 1 I I 748. ' 29tfc `A4. +1.. .....14: 1:'..1..' .. m.--_:-__ ~u~___ _,-V-All sizes linoleum Amlxgslat W-. `A. ` Lowe & 'Son s,- Elizabeth St. tfc Tuesday s temperature of 86 was equalled only once in July, -the same being registered on_the 8th. `hm (1 n 'l(:..b.....4...'..1. -4: n..:11:.. UUIHS IIUEIDIIUIUU Ull_. IIIIU Oldh Dr. }G. D. Kirkp'atrick of Vorillia has _been elected D.D.G.M. for "the Georgian District, A F. .&, A;M. ' ___n`n1n I}\`1-nnn'Iv\u'v.nn n i L.\nu.....`... ........ ; VB p.Rea.'ders. 8c word: minimum, 50. 3. mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm .:&ww$mmig&w$&m g LOCAL NEWS I l vnu, uu vvuzu. uu1uuAuIu_uu\;. km&&$a&mw&%&& THE LENN I.` 'I`_._.____ _,l . SIX-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE-. Hardwood oors downstairs. lights and water; owner leaving` town; no reason- able offer refused. ` Apply 98 John St. West. A . 29-34 -- A3!TUARY. `rut i3ARR15? I`-ZXAMINEHR nunuuoua nuuvvu LIJUAII uul. A115 uu-_:u.' 1'6` cent sad bereavement, and also for oral tributes. ' . 29c Thos. Anderson and family of Gen- tral Oro wish to thank their friends and neighbors and the nurses o.the R. V. Hospital for kindness andbsympathy `in their recent bereavement. 29D` * We wish to sincerely thankour many friends fortheir. kind regards and Sym- Charles Srigley and family `wish to thank .their friends and relatives for kindness shown them durin their re- tributes. 29c' Out:-ui1.u a, uu.I.u1'u yuu uuuluut. nexp loving, V . ` A heart that was. purer than gold, And to those -who knew her_ and [loved have . nuu LU Luuac -wuu KIIUW uerl unu 1 her - - A T `Her memory will never. grow old. HA . TY_____._ 5| _ ,, 3 i` 29 HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick house. SBVGD POOIIIS, GVBP) convenience, fac- ing Queen's Park: price is right for quick sale. See Bob Binning or can .11! house, 121 -`Toronto St. i 24tfc. T Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and tcue in heart` and mind.` A beautiful memory left behind. She .had a nature you couldn't help invinex 'SEWREY-In loving? memory of our. nnr txrlfn and nan!-hnr Mnxr Qnnnnnu .IJc`x.u| uzmrs IULI. us xuutsuueuu L116 WUl`l(l can never ll, T Gone~a.ng forgotten by some they may es `. ` - But neverVsh'all their memories fade. Sweetest thoughts shall always linger Around the graves where theyare laid. . --Sadly missed by 9011 . fhnir lnvina r-`hnrh-an r 29c Time has passed away since those sad. days - When those we loved were called away. Gone are the faces ,we loved so dear: Silent are the voices we loved to hear. . Death has left us loneliness the world nun rusuvnn R McMIN_N--I-n loving memory of our` dear T father, Alexander. McMinn, who died May 6, 1906, and our dear mo- ther. Dorothy Osman McMinn, who died July 27, 1925. ANDERS_(`)N--In the P... V. Hospital. Barrie, July-18. 1926, Isabel Ander-I son, wife of l`homas Anderson. Cen-I tral Oro. aged 53 years. I BLANSHARD_-At the home of her daughter. Mrs. Harry Stone, 152 Pa- cic Ave.. Toronto, on July 17, 1926, yM:1rtha Ann Canning, widow of the late Robert Blanshard, in her 76th year. t _ _ BLOXHAM---In Toronto. July 18, 1926. Charles M., third son of Leonard` Bloxham, Holly, aged 28 years. POWELL---In Barrie. on VThursday.l July 22, 1926, Richard Powell, in his` 81st year. Funeral on Saturday. July 24, at 2 p.m., from the house, 10- Sophia St., to Barrie Union Cemetery. SPEARIN--At the R. V. Hospital. Bar- rie. June 30, 1926, Orman William Luke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Spearin, Berczy St., Barrie, aged 5 months and 28 days. ` - . SRIGLEY--In the R. V. Hospital. Bar- rle, July 16, 1926, Olive Victoria. wife of L. Charles Srigley, Holly, aged 53 years. . . STOTESBURY---At St. 'Michael s Hos- pital, Toronto, Thursday, July 15, -1296, Henry Harry Stotesbury; of Barrie, in` his 81st year.. Interment in `Prospect cemetery, July 17. `ARCI-IER--On -S-atu-_rday, July 17, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Archer. a so (Ross Alexander). '~ BINGHAM-In,the R. V. Hospital. on- Vvednesday, July 21, '1926, to Mr. and_ ~Mrs.`Percy Bingham; Collier St., a. daughter. ' CARR-At Cowansville,-' Quebec, June 24, 1926, to Rev. and Mrs. R. Wilson Carr (formerly of Edgar), a son. CLARK-In Allandale, Sunday, July 18, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark. .75 Gowan St., a`son. . FRECHETTE--In the R. V. Hospital. `Wednesday, July 21, 1926. to Mr. and Mrs, W. Frechette, 105 Bradford St., a daughter. HOBLEY-At St. Mlchael s Hospital. Toronto, on Sunday, July 18, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hobley (nee Er,- ma Webb), a_ son (Ross Alan). HODGE-In the R. V. Hospital, Friday, July 16, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hodge, Blake St., a son. KELLY-In the R. V. Hospital, Sun- day, July 18, 1926. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kelly, Innisl St.. a daughter. MURPHY--At Baxter, July 16. 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Murphy (nee Vera -Leach), a son (Morgan Caesar), PRA [`T--At the Mount Hamilton Hos- ixilrul TI-xvnilfnn Tnl-v 10 1000 4... 7UI'.. u:Avv1;\.J.u1.~--.|.u .lUV1ll uuuuury u1..uur. dear wife and mother. May Sewrey, who died July 24, 1923. '1.\tI.l. 1. -J1L LIIU AVLUUHL 1'l.'(llIIuHLUll 11.03` pital. Hamilton, July 13, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pratt (nee Frankie Srigley), a. son (Harold Gilbert). r I"l VE- OOMED COTTAGE AND LO-'1` afar sale 147 Collier Street. Price rea- xonahle for quick sale. Apply at` 147 Dollier St. / , A 29p CARDS or The Shades: T White .B13.Ck: Cordovan Russian Calf b Moonlight Zinc a _ Rose-Taupe Sunset f Parchment Harvest Sunburn The WelLKnown Venus Silk Hosiery IN MEMORIAM Week-End Specials IATSARJEANT & KING S ---~-- -v.. L-i:I_us barid and D;-Jhter. 903 `DIED IIUU L174` 7!) 0 -Dauly IIIIESUU Uy their loving children. _1-:1cH SILK BOOT wncu Eon OUR SUMMER WEEK-END SPECMIS AND WATCH OUR wmnows REINFORCED HEEL AND Ton; ucta u; LUWI1 uouncll. Chief of Police and his staff and the merchants in their pathies in this our lonely hour of be- reavement in the loss of the husband and father. who has gone before While we Wait for theredemption of the body. 29p MRS. WM. REID AND FAMILY. `The officers, and members of L.O.L. No. 452, Barrie, wish to extend hearty thanks and appreciation for the ser- vices rendered by the Mayor and mem- bers of Town Council. Chief and the mnrnhnnfn ;. n..,..-.. ALL SIZES -'-"'22 SHADES ORDERS %PROMP'I"LY: DELIVERED TO`ANY PART OFBARRIE on ALLANDALE NEW POTATOES, N9. 1 u `I-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE` for 39.1 nentm). smrmzra. and anvnn A.....:.. .. Carrots, 4 bunches for 25 Maple Leaf Matches --nun: \{\II I V V ` Fresh Ground C 65 lb. lulu offee Fancy Mixed Acmscoz _Bjscuits, 35 lb. I-lb. tin 26 At this store on Saturday, a doll or teddy bear will be given with 2 `packages of Corn Flakes or Pep SODA BISCUITS Fresh, 2 lbs. 29c_ WHITE STAR GROCERY V w1: s1>Ec1AL1z1:1N TEAS AND com-:1: `I i A I-I-ll` Toy pail,` 23` - @ OT'I`AGE FOR RENT. inside conven- iences, sewer connection. electric light, corner Map1e,Ave. and Dalton St. Rent $9.00. Apply 190 Bayeld St. or telephone 310. . A _ 29c Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Saturday till 10 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Our whole time is devoted to giving you an EFFICIENT OPTICAL SERVICE `You will be agreeably surprised at the speed of our repair service. ' fhfs ldnely in.th1e `. I` . cer9.2n Yhnrnhonm na 1' A1 ROBERT]-I. SMITH Where You. Get-Service and Quality PHONE 1123 ` AND BRING THEM HERE .-1 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST RIBBED GARTER Tor Old c~Ln-.uuu1vInu..I r1.L)Ub'Ih` '1`U -141!J'l'. Aug`- mat 3:41;, at 68 Ecales St., all convenienc- w.~.:. Apply at 7 Peel St., or phone 1243 -- New Cheese ' 28 lb; SUCCESSOR TO [REE .0. R. RUSK 39c lb. ISCOE. V 26` % Zip `Hand-Cleaner 15c tin . . . . . . . -. . .V Sllbs.` for 25 hearty co"-operation in making July 12. 1926. the bizzesxt nelhrnfinn mm hnlrl ucql. Ly cu-uperauon `In making July 12. 1926, biggest celebration ever held in Barrie. I 29c John Bowman, W_M., S. N. Hurst, R.S. SOFTBALL PLAY-OFF The play-,off between. Barrie and Le- froy in the southe1;n_group of the Dis- trict Softball'League will be staged at Allandale next Tuesday night. ' `-V-B113 St3l1nt0!i'B semi-trimrneacinl mllnnnnv __ 99 ha ...u. :......_.I -3 T_HURSDAY,'.-JULY 22, 1926. 39 Elizabeth St. Phone 80, Barrie sncedi Pineapple 2 tins 35 Sweet Mixed PICKLES Reg. 30, for 18 The Shades: Old Ivory Peach V `Todst Gun Metal Beige Flesh Pearl-Suede Oriental-Pearl ` Beaver Pumpkin .uuuD1`4"J.`U nw1V'1'-:w Mulcaster St. Apply Mrs. S}:-anacxv, 43 Owen Street. .'Ph(me 1221.1 27tfc ..__________________________._._._______ Jul. 1 II A S[)x-RO0MED HOUSE TO LET. Aug`- 331:. Ecales Sf... all r-nnvnnlnnr-_ _ 12:10 BAY POIN .[` cottage to` lt. Free` iieae, newly deco1.'ate'd. Apply A. B. May- yey, Big Bay Point. V 28-30p - _ .`OUSE"J.`0 REN'1`-99 Mulcaster St. _&.\rm)v Mrs. Sh-nnnnvy 4!! (`mum Mm-3+ zuuuus; .|.ilU uruy-uort specgal tour- ` ting; 1919 Gray-Dort pecial touring; SD60 McLaughlin.six. new ,tires and new battery, snap; 1919 Ford `touring with starter; also good rubb`er'-t1red_ buggy; one driver and one heavy mare Apply Harold Hill, 16 Bayeld St. 29c 2 USED CARS---1024 Star totiriimg, bal- Boon tires, disc wheels. other extras and guaranteed; 1924 Startourlng, in good condition, new tires,and guaran- teed: 1928 Star touring in good condi- tion: 1928 Star half-ton truck: 1922 Chevrolet 4-door sedan"; 1919 Chevrolet ' touring. snap; 1921 Gray-Dort standard touring; 1920 Gray-Dort special tour- inc: C!rnv-'nnv~f unnnldl l-nunlum. FOR SALE--one Studebaker. special 6 car in first class condition in every respect. has run 8,000 miles. Apply to J W. T. Elliott. Phone'269 ozj 845 Bar- rie. 27-32p 2 MSED PARTS for Chevrolet, Maxwell; Studebaker `four. McLaughlin light six and Fords. Apply Roy Black's garage, Craighurst. or Harold Hill, Barrie. 290 FORD SEDAN FOR SALE. starter, generator, license, 5 tires, rear end ov- erhauled; cheap for cash.. -Apply 137 Bradford St. Phone 1321. . 29.p -- '_`-' J *-`-"'.'-'9." 5 aemx-nrunmea zzllrlusigier -7;` 22 %rid%vin:tead_c. V n. : or - v , , % ' -axson- Erazgmtn sf. Ty . LXE 1 CHEVROLET SUPERIOR SEDAN for salekpractically new. Phone 138. 29-300 IDALVES STRAYED troin premises or undersigned. lot 13. con. 3, Essa, about June 1st:\ three red yearlings, two zstoers and heifer. Finder please notity hester Corbet.t,- lllston. _ 28-29p ZDQG LOST---AIn~M1nes1ng. in July 12. black and tan terripr. with Vespre. tag No. 1. Finder please notify J, E. Craw- xord. Mlnesln * 29p STRAYED-From lot_ 42. con. 2, F105. ame red yearling steer, with horns; neon about three weeks ago. Finder gease notify Clarencecummings. R.R.. helpston. M 290 I LOST ---' Between Mark vMcMaster s farm, Utopia, and Barrie, 33% tire on xlm. Finderplease notify Dr. L. J; Simpson, Barrie. ' 290 -I-IIJJVIJIEJIVQ Will UU TUUUIVUU uy I116 un- V derslghed up to Saturday, July 31, 1926. 101- `cleaning out the Redtern Ditch. Township of Innisl. Specications may be seen at Clerk's office. Stroud "W. Lennox Black. Asst. Clerk. 29-80c LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Highest Ices paid. Call morning or evenings. bone or- write M. Alexander, phone 822, 142 Bradford St. 28th`: TENDERS will be received by the ,un- nlnrniarnn Inn in Rnhnvdnu .'I'u1v R1 1096 ` '96. yr. vv cur-uuu ---------w---- o Help Wulxated ' MOTOR .OR SA.-ILBOAT WANTED-- No junk. State price and`pa.rt1cu1ars. Box 667, Barrie. 29p ggm. 20.!` same`: Faun, E1izab"eua St. WANTlBD-Lady's vbicycle,` secnd-' hand; give lowest pr1_ce. V Phone 580W- #---T LJLV-I11 Dt1..l.J1.'JDLV;1LV VV l1J~V Ll`4-lJ"""-IIUV ICU` present Portable Baby Range, adapted 10:` every house with electric lights. Liberal-terms. Write or phone A. E." Smith, Orillia. Phone 428. 29-31:) IIUUJ-I \1l`JLVJ`4I\ut'L.I4 JVLILLLI VVJ $L_V -IJDJJJ UN Aug. `lat. App1y_Mrs.*JefrAey Mccar-' thy, 50 Charlotte St, - . . v `LIVE SALESMAN WANTED---To re- nrnnnnf Dnvvfnhln `Rn!-nr Danna nnnfn gwammwwwwwmwwwwg GOOD GENERAL MAID WANTED byv Ann '13! Annlv Mrn`._TnHnnxi Nfn(V,nv~_ TWTTTT WT TTTTT1 ` LETCOLUMN-W Live Sto'ckF or Sali 9.080 Bill}: :00 WHITE WYANDOTTEA farm-rais. ed pullets, April and early May hatch- ved. $1.50 and $1.75 each. Order ten or more and get an" unrelated cockerelr Ianda.Ie.. _ = free. Frank .Mad1ga.r':. Essa. Road,MAt - ` . V ' 4 29-349 19 per word nilnimuui 2.50. .1. .w. .w. .w. .w. .1. `.w. .v. .w. .w. .6. .w. .w: .w. Property For Sale Property To Let Aljqst and F dund V. VAutomobilesv ,Wnnted tfb W -Wa1l aper in Iatstdesighs, all prices. v xclusive agency for Shaun- ton s semi-trimmed. `W. A, Lowe &- . S`ona`1f3lizabeth' St. -4 _ tfc TOR QUICK SALE-2 prize cock birds umd 8 hens (Wyandottes), all prize mrners; also 65 egg electric incubator. TE. J. Crompton, phone 1153, 191 Bay- fjiefa St. ~ T 290` _,,._.....____...______.._..___.__. THREE iwIL11s%wEs'r BF BARBIE R0 `R0 N03 20` I V. Tiierefore eve _take this o`ppAortuni_ty. ;of drawing your attention to the. fact `that, if you have the spare mone_y to invest, you can not` do bettervthan7to investrit in a pair of our high class, opure-bred, registered `Silver Black .Foxes. ' . Be sure `and come and look over our foxes before purchasing and let ` as book your order now., A Pair %of%Siliver Black Fdxes can m'ake"a. man wealthy, but they cannot Ts_ellT_ _thems_elves..f :.--w-ow wu -w--anvil: JFIIDII .will hold an auction sale at West Half Lot 7, Can. 6, Veapro. * of farm stock and implements. Also the farm, consisting of 100 ac. - Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McCQNKEY, Auctioneer._ and do call upon all citizens to observe it as 8, Public Holiday; V 29-30c Dated at Barrie, this 22nd day or July, 1926. . J. F. CRAIG. Mayor. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to set apart a. day as 21. Civic `Holiday , now therefore. I proclaim . _ 7 7' 7 U St. John's `Riverside Hospital Cochran Training School for Nurses Yonkers, N.Yl, '/3 hour from N.Y. C'ity Registered School. Two and one half years course for young` women. Full maintenance anduliberal monthly al- lowance. One full year of High School required. Classedmitted Sept. 15th. Address Superintendent-' of Nurses. .26-29 :: :r GOITRE, so harmful to the general health. can be corrected by Chiroprac- tic, especially if taken early. Dr Burns. Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist, 60 Elizabeth St. T 25-30.3) ..._._____...__.'_._________..___. G PHONE 1109.} and have those leaky kitchen utensils mended. We do` all kinds of soldering and repair work. We lso sharpen anything.that gets dull. Lawn `mowers ajspecialty, um- brellas `made -to look like new. Goods called for and delivered. Brockztlsmcis. ` - n - .u:.-uuu:u..un.:u_JJ Dr.I.UI.1. J.'.l.'.|.U11JN UUWS or sale with six months old bull and heifer calves by good sire. Cows guar- anteed with calf again, to tredhen b`y mu. Geo. Crawford & Son. Qro Station. _ ~ 28-33c j c PHONE 11091 FOR PROMPT DE- LIVERY. We handle trunks and bag- gage. light" moving . Ashes-and garbage. Our prices are reasonable. Local and .long distance. Brock Bros.. 147 Owen St. 25-293)` - on Wednesday, % Angus; 4th mlsn At`vv\:n.:nJ-uni-nu A3 LL- ?-fr FDR VRENT---Suite of front steam- heated offices. very central and suit- _able'for professional or business oc- cupation. Also good club or lodge room. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block, Phone 183. V A. _` 28-30c -u-1 M`I'S`S7 -MILLER, expert marcel1er,- trim and clipping, ladies attended at own home 1_ desired. Phone 958. 28-33:) u- TWO ROOMS TO RENT----Bath at. Apply 109 Bradford St. 29-303) T ROOM AND BOARD-in private` home. central location, home. privileges. Ap- `plyat 7 Peel St., or phone 1243. 28-29p FOR RENT-'1`hi'ee roorzfs.. bath `flat. 58 Owen St. _ 27'-290 FOR SALE OR TO LET-Three bxgic veneer houses on _I-Iolgate lSt., `equipped with hot air furnaces, bath, etc.; good outlook. Available immediately: mod- erate rental; or. will sell reasonably. Sarjeant Co.`,l `Limited. ' 29-30c HOUSE -FOR SALE OR BENT at. 34 Mary. St.: also lots for sale. Apply to John McG1ll, Box 1009. Ba.rr1e._ 25-_30p j FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. In In- nlstll, 200 acres. soil good loam. F'or further particulars apply to John Walt, Thornton. I-1.12.1. 25_-840p a ~ EGISTERED SHORT!-IORN COWS oldbullv Ini.-u. ..-1...... I.-. ........-I -1..- SNAPS FOR QUICK SALE--Baby carriage, cream and bfown: reed strol- ler: Oak heater; kitchen range; all in- AI condition. Phone 1153; 191 Bayfleld St. 29c F012. SALE-'-mect1~1c xtures. dining- room and. living-room, almost new. Phone 1166 or enquire I536 Bayeld 9Sqt. ' ._ D FOR SALE---McCormick binder. 51,5-rt. cut, in good condition. Cheap for cash. Phone 328, J. A. Goldie. . .29p :_u.y J. nun 1` Un. EJ114111--rI'a.U[..lU&:l.11y new. snap for quick sale. Harold Hill. `16'*BayLeId,S_t. ~ 290 BICYCLE FOR SALE--Goo d onttlon, ha.r2'n.ln fnr nuir-.1: nnln. 1500 Annhr BICYCLE FOR SALE4-Pra.ctica.lly new. smnh fnr nninl: smln 1'-Tnv-nm T-T-n1 BARN `FOR SALE. soxso. Apply VPeAnetang. St. Phone 19-15W. HAY FOR `SALE--10 acres clover "and tifnothy mixed.'Phone 1045W., Barge. '.;l : . ` ` p Lu. 1 yum 1: un Dl`I.JJ.l1l" Ul'UUU UUIIQIEIOII, bargain for quick sale, $15.90. Apply 31' John St. V 290 _-p- FOR SALE---Lloyd cream baby car- riage in good condition. Apply 110 Sophia, St. _ . 28-30p PULLETS FOR SALE--Ea.rly March birds, pure bred, Plymouth Rock, bred to lay. Broilers delivered. Apply H. Dttaway. phone 605r6. - 28-83c . FOR SALE-'-He1 n.timan. piano. almost` 'Vn.ew. Ap`ply"a.tTExTa.mln`er office. V` 29;") -2 .1- MONDAY, AUGUST 9:1. 88. Civic Holiday _ J. w.aossL1Na E98 FARM - v--uvvgun-J I hung IIQII. - Administrator of the Estate of Norman Pratt __-!II 1.`_Ij ,,, CIVIC HOLIDAY AUCTION SALE PR-0CLANIIATl0iN jgwmsana Board E gle ToTr To Let a II ;-W FOR SALE, due to reshen,.calt at foot. J. E. Robson,,Sha.nty Bay. 29p