Lcluded, \z}nufac: Tuesuay. V - ` Mrs; Strathearn of Toronto is spend- ing some holidays with her brohmer. Fred. Chew. . `Ilsa and Mn: Fnmmnf Wnllwln .n.d 51.10115 Bulluug vvavnn J-rvunwvvon qocvauauau I Picnics, garden partie and ball games seem to'be the order of the day. ma.....-.-u-Iuuuau nnoann In how-A hnf lain scuupa vvusl vv now may `to wow. u. vcnxv u-v-.1. Strawberry seasori is here but late this year. The crop will not be as plentiful it rain does not come soon. . , . . The monthly meeting of` the Oro Station Women's Institute was held at the home` of Mrs. Geo. Crawford with a large -attendance of members and friends. Roll call was answered by a home remedy" and the delegate to the convention gave asplendid re- port. Miss Burnfield gave a very in- structive and practical paper on "Care of Eggs and Poultry". After the meet- ` `ing closed Mrs. Crawford served a de- lightful lunch. vrm... nnrt meeting will be held at the llghttul luncn. `The next meeting will be held at home or. Mrs. Alex. Ross on August 5 when roll call will be answered by a. pickle recipe nd Miss Jones will give a naner on music. ` plcme reclpe Auu . a paper on music. 0R0 STATION T111 `Edi arment 11 sizes, A Ploaiing Recital .--_.l_-I _---IL-` '_.I-..'._ Mmnuksr U.F'.O. Picnic LEI-`ROY ANGUS 13 Vlsllilug 'daE -l.'lUl' IIUXIIQ: uurc. Miss Mabel Carter of Mount_Albert is visitingsat her h me here; ' - v Miss Aileen Dinwoody of Toronto -is visiting at her: home here. ` Miss M. Jenkins of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. `and Mrs. D. Hopper. I `nu-1..- 11-..-- r1...._.I..... .0 `Alan. `Attila J. uusuuy. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. F, Coleman and Miss I Gilker of Toronto spent 1st of July with friends in town. In hint` `Alma D:-uni I":-\r\'ln '11` `Dun-\4 t\nr` ' LUWXI UH LUCBUG o .. -V . ` . Miss Dorothy Pugsley..ot Barrie is holidaying in town. . . ` ' Miss Hazel Clute of Wyebridge is home for the -holidays. ' Miss` E. Gollop of Maltoti is spending. the holidays at her home. `R/Hat: Fnnnnr Wnnnnr nf. `F-1'n.m'ilfnn a&$w&&&ww&&&w&gn& . sent C0. ' Thos. town 91 `Klan Elle nuuuays EL 1161' IIUIIIU. `Miss Eleanor Hopper of I-Iam'ilton is visiting at.her home here. 1|/Ha : Mnhoi nrfar nf 'M nnnf Albert 51:5 vv-Aux; LVLIQ uazu g-gnu. ca. --v.:3.n..-. Miss Rena.` Couzins of Mono Mills is spending the holidays at her home. Karl Burling of Iroquois Falls is spending his vacation at his home here. Mrs. Ed. Hull of Los Angeles. Ca.l., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ferguson Kidd.` __._-n.___ 3..-..- 1.-.._ ...4..._.1...: .51.- vauouonna cnvn uvunnug o-gnu. - v-5.-~--- .__....v..` ' A number from here attended the U.F.0.. picnic at Killamey Beach on the 1st. . c Illa-on VIII-.AIu-n `IIVA-.3-`An AC Vnnwnnfn 35 ~ Dawson. [lauda- w' "1 he1ma. F;orbos of Toronto is holidayingwith her sister. Mrs. T. J. 'II'n-.51..` and (Ian Avrfcnn 1111:- ~JJH.WU. - Gordon Martin` and Geo. Avison vis- !ted..Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Kidd` on` Tuesday. Mr 911:? Mr: W nlnmnn and Misanl `UH .l!lul'llH_V IRHL. A I St. John's Sunda,y_Schoo1 intend -to hold their annual picnic to~Kil1'a.rney `Beach on July 14. . ` Mr and Mra Than 'Mfn1\/fillnn and "y'a f them ` .DCt1Ull U11 July 1%. _ Mr. and Mrs. Theo. .McMillan and family are spending their vacation with {friends in Newboro, . I 13431: `D `X7 and-1\/Ira "Ronni-icrn and m.unuu.y 0!; [H18 WEEK. J. Boynton and daughter Florence of Fergus called. on friends in town on Tuesday of last week. . T\nff 'l`I-unrnnnnn nl Qt (`nthnv-Inn: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook\ of Brantford LICIUHUB Ill. LUWH. I called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nevils. Sr.. on Thursday last. . Rf ,`I'nhn'a Qnnnv Qnhnnl infnn .fn Jucauuy UI. 1&5! WVU_I\- ' ' Dutf Thompson of St. Catharlnes spent the week-end with his grandmo- ther. Mrs. Geo; Duff.. _Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Burgess of Tor- onto were the guests or Mrs. Wm. Dinwoody on Sunday. . Mr and `|\:1'v-'9 nvl T-Tnnnnr nffnnn JJIIIVVUUUJ Ull_ Duuuuy. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Hopper attended the funeral of Mrs. Honper s aunt in Aurora last Wednesday. Mr and ' `|\/[rd '|"hna Dnfnrgnn and Lu'u:uu.s ux nu.-:wuu1'u_. - ` Rev. R. W. and Mrs.ABevez-idize and two children moved to Tottenham on Monday of this week. I Rnvnfnn and Anna-hfar Wlnrnnno n1 l`LI.ll`Ul'l ll. VVUUUEBUGJ. Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Paterson and family of Tqronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Corbett. A `II... noun` `lun {Van WA and 0:.-uniluo LV.l.l.'. uuu 1V1!/3. VV -, d. \.aUl'U!:l.|.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid and family of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.`. H. Ross. "55 `Kn-I-an` TXTnArvrrn6I- `once unfuuunn WILH HUI` dull!" AVLICB. \_1!':U. LVl.Ull'. Miss Doris Dunning has returned home after spending a week with her. aunt. Mrs. J. M. Pugsley. Barrie. . 1... , 3 ilk... \v_.__-1_. 1v1I_._-_-._ -_._1 ..-.-, ..-_-_ _. _. _ ..g...-v -..-_-_ Mr.. am}! IVI-fs. Norris. Hoover. and daughter Elizabeth 01 Tottenhamspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, D; Hopper. `l'..... `lTIJ_.-.._.I 'I_-..LL`.. _..J _-._ IV-.. for 25 AVLF. auu AVLFH. .lJ.. 1'1. RUSH. Miss Mabel Wreggett has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks with her aunt. Mrs. Geo. Moir. Rfau T\nnC1 1'\IIn'v\'3n!- has nnfnnnn -us.---.-4 vvnvnn ---. .~-.... -.--.... - --...,`,-_- Mrs. Edward K1-etter Aanrl son Ger- aid of Buffalo, N.Y., are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hartford Lewis. tin`! and `Eva l'VIAv-nnnfn and ?nInH1r LIIUIII LU LUWllo _, Mr and Mrs. Burrows. Sxn. and Mr. and Mrs. Burrows. Jr.. or Toronto. called on Mr. `and Mrs. _W . Copeland. Sn. last Sunday. Mica Wllfh Pnnnlnn nF.'l`nvn*nfn nn JV.l.l'Ho VV Ill. L;U].)Ull1.IlUa Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson,Kidd included Miss Shirley Ferguson. Mr. Wittet. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe and son. Mr. and Mrs. '1`h'os. Ferguson. Mr. and. Mrs..Hardy. all of Toronto . i VIII... max" -nhmlubnu .-.6` bk.` Tfnu-AA The new minister of the Unite Church. Rev. W. B. Clements." B- D.. J occupied theepulpit in both morning and evening on Sunday. July 4, and gave very ue addresses which were; well received by the people. _Rev. Mr. Clements occupied the -pulpit in the afternoon at Nlcolston and Rev. R., B. Beynorrpreached a.t~Bethesda. _ _ I On Thursday `evening. July-1st:' a`; large and representative gathering of - the Bethesda and Cookstown con.<.=:rega- ? tions met in the schoolroom of the United Church. Cookstown, to say _] goodebye to Rev. A. L. Atton and fam- 5 ily on the eve of their departure to 1 Coldwater. The chair was occupied by ` P. Greensides and a very fine program . was given of vocal and -instrumental -1 selections interspersed with speeches! of a complimentary nature. expressing 1 the good wishes of thepeople for the 1 future welfare and success of Mr..Atton and his family on their new field of labour. Two beautiful solos were given by Mrs. Hull of Los Angeles (niece bf ' Mrs. D. F. Kidd). A social hour was then spent. the ladiesprovlding abun- . dant refreshments. Before the meeting closed. Mrs. Atton was called forward ` andpresented with a very appreciative , address and a well filled purse. ` _.- ...--.., -._-, -.._ -v-- -n ---- ----- - .-v .. --. Rev. and Mrs. Clements and family iof Flesherton moved to the parsonage on Saturday.-. The citizens welcome them to town. 1ur.. ......a mt..- 1:o.............. al. ......a `Ml ... nix. luau ouuuuy. Miss Edith Copeland of -Toronto and Mr and Mrs. Stanley Copeland of - Churchill spent Monday with Mr.` and Mrs. Wm. Copeland. 1X7nnIz-nnn-I vlnifnru with Mr and Mrs JR. IV TO SR. IV--Pa.ssed--Haze19 Ley, Jack Elines. Bert Coleman. Elean-- or Carefoqt. Rec_ommended-Marcus Ross, Roy Houghton. nu-rs I-vv INA 71-: 11'? 1'f...._._... LV.!_-l-2.. "E11-`:1, I.I'fJT6-.};{C.`.;:Honors--Sinclair Watters. Allan Nixon._Passed-F1or- ence Harris. Coralene Marling, Jack Parks, May Cox"r1gan.T I R I-7`T.V`|\T'|\T fnnnhnr ._,. hotter time. JR. III -TO SR:II'I`--:1-.I`o`n.t)`::s`1-G' wlvajc-13:3 Nixon. Nelson Splndloe. Pass-Morley Attoxg, Ethel Ney. Stewart Houghton, Helene McAfee, Robert Miller. Robert Cottield. Earl Macfadyne, Lillian John- _son. Ralph Broley. 4 17 rnrx I11 771' Y1 ..__.._ 1` ........ wvang A-may-a go. `coug- ' SR. II TO JR. III--Honors--Laura. Cofeld. Ivan Houghton. Irene Graham. Pass--Elea.`nor McMillan. Mary Ken. Florence Marllng. Arthur Glass. Rily Zalkin. Madeline Baker. Mildred Mc- 'lcu-Inn `mnnnnid T-Tannin Dnnnvnrnnnn ZEIKIH. lV.ll:lQUllIlU JJKJCEIY. xuuureu LVLU Fagden. I;I!'i&!l1{cllS 5-Iarris. Recommended \- erna c an . . E. I. `RICHARDS. teacher. JR. II To SR. II-I-Ionors-Jean Couse. Jean Nixon. Mary Miller. Lorene Jebb. Patricia !-Iopper. Doris Ross. Pass --`-Jack Mccuuough. Kenneth` `Robin- son, Madge Coleman, David Allen. Alex. Zalkin. ,Mur1el oCopela.nd,_ Mary . Taggart. Everett Allan. Recommended -Beatrice Harper, Bernice Harper, Alvin _ Rutledge. - 1- 1' 'r1'._...._... 15.-......-I`I (:1 v an: awn uvuavn JR. I TO SR. I-Honors---Russell Reid. Violet Whiteside. Pass--`Dorothy Baker. Clara." Harris. Leonard Hough- ton, Mae Dra.per,_Garnet Ley. Recom- Cended-Elea.nor Corrigan, Walter arr. - ' ` -_...--.-._ -..\ you c A.` on`, SR. PRIMER T0 JR., I--G1anviI1e Harper, I-Iaxry Couse. Lorne Houghton. Douglas Ross, Jean Beveridge, Dalton Draper, Harriet McFadden. Kenneth Neilly; . . 0 '\YIT`lI'l'I'\ IIIIN $15 `r)'I)T.IK'C"I3 JIE. .l'1`|..lLIll2lI\v L U DR. .I.`I.`I,l.'LVJ Donald Elines, Doris Draper, Marlins. Leonard Ross. T \ T n M (`_T.A`R1 (`F`. ts: AA Cookstown auto met the morn-` 1ng__tr`a.ln at Lefroy and took the first picnlckers to the Beach. From then until late in the afternoon the crowd `was augumented by auto load after auto load until a. final insnection of QOIJDE, LU U!'lll5 tut! uI.l`5u u.u.vuua.uuc.| Q ,..... ....... . .-...- The second Kidd Reunion" picnic was held a.t.Kllla.rney Beach on Satur- day, July 3. Ideal weather helped, no doubt, to bring the large attendance.` A nnbufnuyn nnfn rnnf fl-In rnnrn- Arthur` Givass is lioIid.a;vlng In Tor_on_- , QUUBDIUWIV `V 5wxw$wa$%m$xmw3I "mi; and Farewell Socialiani Presehtation `3'1'=Z.w PRIMER TE) SR. PRIMER-- \a\'Il\`r` Tllnnn 'I'\r\I-`In T\ru'.|v\nvI 12111.11 COOKSTOWN . Fleming? of )n Tuesday. Dorothy Pug duo` in fnwh P.S. _Promotio'n. Exams. rho Kidd Eicnic uving; v-n-.---s_ LIEIV '.L'\J BIS. .l'l.`i.l.'LV.I.l:4.l:\." mes, Billy onard , . B. M. CLARKE. teacher 1y ` Pugsley. .ot nth Tottenam - FLYNN. teacher u-cu [59 pr. in sun 2 BXAIIH ` - was \ ;,,.: cu,;u_y cu. A vote of thanks and three cheer for ithe President followed by the Nationall Anthem, completed a very enjoyable outing and one.of which the Kidd `family may be justly proud. ` I Among Hanan whn nffnno +1-..:. rzma lte registr-showed the number prJe-' , to be about 200. n. 1:... H...-3..-.....n+ -4: n..,;.... ...a... u_.;.a SUIIL LU Db` RUUUL UU. . For the` benefit of those who had come from a. distance. dinner was serv- ed about one o'clock and shortly after- wards the `program 01 sports (which was enthusiastically entered` into) was commenced, the prizes being especially ` i- ` attractive. After the_ sports were: fin- -ished. Mrs. McLean of Tonawanda. N.Y., who has recently returned from a European trip and tour of the Holy` Land, gave a sketchsof the history of` the lKidd family in Ireland. Mrs. Mc- ' Lean has searched the records in `Bel- fast and although the account is in-` teresting, space does notppermit it to be given here. ' \ A fnnhn-n nf anoninl a...4.,...-..L ....... .. U: 5.1 v cu ucrc. ` I A feature of special interest was i-a.. copy of the Family Tree which Tru-! man Kidd ,drew up and brought for- inspection and correction. To assist? Mr. Kidd in this ork. an historical` committee` was ap ointed consisting` of Fred. Rowe, Mrs. Thompson and Mr.`Be`dat. who will_. help him compile and edit the work. L T T A9 flan Avnnuufivvn wean.-.L!V._... ll. _-__ ___L auu cuu. .I,l.lU WUFK. At the executive meeting it was vot-i ed that last year's committee function Thompson, namely, Ferguson Kidd. I again with the addition of Alfred I Cookstown, Pres.; Rev. Wm. Morris. Toronto, Sec'y.; AJH. Kidd, Cooks-| town, Treas. ,r A Affnvv cnnnnn all--Int...-..-I `I........u|-- :_l `communityrsinging which "Was much] u, 1. 1.'c'cL=i. After Supper allgjoined heartily inl enjoyed. > A vnfn nf fhanbg and H...-..-. ..1......'....`.. 3.... [BER ' I-allllly llldy UU Juuuy pruuu. Among those who attended the Kidd Picnic were: Rev. Geo. Wittet and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and! family,. Detroit; Miss` E. Thompson,` New York. N.Y`.; Albert Ferguson. Chicago, Ill.; `Mrs. Kruetter and son`.\-- Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. and Miss McLean. Tonawanda, N.Y.; Miss Morris, Van- couver, B.C.; Mrs. Clark, Rev. and Mrs.` W. M. Morris and John` Morris, Jas.' Ferguson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Promoli and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, D. Scanlon, Mr. and Mrs. Seagar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thds. Ferguson and daughter, Mr. and'Mrs. Chas Buchanan, Norman Wittet. Mrs. Will. Kidd. Mises Eva. and Florence Kldd, Truman Kidd, Mrs. (Dr.) Mason, Mr. and Mrs. `Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bedat, Miss May Morris, Karl and Ewart Kidd, Toronto; Mrs. Hull. Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Jno. Crozier and family `and Mrs. Geo. Cro- zler and family, Orangeville;. Miss Annie Willoug by, Lawrence and family, New Low- ell; Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Glencairn; Joseph Oliver and daughter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson, George- _town', Mr- and Mrs. Alfred Thompson. Stewartown, and numerous others from Alliston, Bond Head, Beeton, Elmgrove and Cookstown. Brantford; Mrs.| 4 July 6--Miss Florence Harrington. has returned home after spending some time with friends in Bradford. 1' 1'r-'.__,__ ___.1 .,g._;. 1 mother. Mrs. Hamilton Young. ..v--._. ---.... .. ---. -- -u..uu -nu ad: u~\nA\lI. \Ao . J. Young and sister. .Mrs. Somers of Toronto, spent a. few days with their `I\A._ V_-I_...I.. _ `l"-___,, , L -------v-, --- -. .--.....u.... . -.-unca- ' .Don. Neelands of Kenmount spent the week-end with his parents here. MI` n!` MFG T-Tnrvnnvv (1? Tnwnnfn can LIIU wuun-cuu WILH H15 L[d.l'!'.'IlLS Here. Mr. and Mrs. Harmer of Tor nto are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Booth. - i I Bert. Mcconkey has returned to Tor- pnto after spending a. week with his mother, Mrs. R. M. Mcconkey. Mr. Quinn of Bradford spent Sunday at_ Mrs. Herrington s. I/Hun T-Tnlnn `NI'nl`nv-nbcnr ho: nnhauno.-I dI._ LVIJKS. I.1Ul.'l'Ill5|.Ull 3- Miss Helen McConke_v has returned `to Orillia. after spending a week with her grandmother. `|\/fr on.-I Rvu ("low-Irann Qnninnn on IIUI 5L'U.llullIULllUl'. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Spring andl Mr. and Mrs. Percy Spring and family of Toronto called on their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spring, on Saturday. 111.... 1I'...-_...._ -3 !l!_____L- .1... _-x_n;:-__. ....-... -3-. .... - yyv. p...... -..D, v-o uuuuun us; a Miss Harmer of Toronto is visiting her sister. Mrs. Isaac Spring, 9th line. `Miss Mabel Herrington is holidaying, in Bradford. 3 Mr. .-....a `Mr..- `n..- u.-n......u.....1 .._-..4.| v--v my... V.-u u-.1. .-va ans n.l\.nI4AA\4||\.A on I I Quite a number of ladies from here] attended the barn-raising at Robert` Lamb's. Nantyr, last Wednesday. I Ming mvnlvn `David nf 'I"nv~nn1-n in lnnH_ .uau1u nu. uauuyx`, ldiil. vv uullesuay. Miss Evelyn David of Toronto is holl- dayirig with her aunt, Mrs. Angus Warnica. Tllfvu nvnl `lfnn Tin...` and 1|A'_ than` 11.... I $13.00 up . aint Shoj vv umuxua. | Mr. and Mrs. Yard and Mr. and Mrs. Alpeter and family of Toronto spent, Sutnday -with`Mr. and Mrs. A. Wick1um.] ) . Tjffln A? Allonnin an)` '1` l Duuuuy 'Wl.l.l.l J.V.ll'. 31.110 lV.l.I'S. A. VVICKIUIH. L. Little of Allandale and T. Cook of Painswick called on Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Black last Sunday. I M!` nn Mvu TXTFI] O'o\|roml- A? Vnnunn , | Ill Dl'd.U.l.UI.'u. I 4 Mr. and Mrs. Don. Sutherland spent _the week-end at R. A. Sutherland s. AVl.l. uclllluax Dluun wusl. Duuuuy. | E Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart of Toron- to called on Mrs. Herrington last .Sun- | day. Tnlvy 91 Re 0-Inn Ann AF Q4-nnnh-. nnnuunln uuy. : 9 July 21 is the date of Stroud's annual ifield day. Everybody come. PIIL- _ _ _ _ __1 _,_,,I nan; C` 1- I . __--.. -.._,. ...v..._, yum. \J\.Illl\.4t I I The annual garden party of St. Paul's Church, Innisfil. will be held on the nhrntnh a-nnnna nu TKTnAvuu-Ann `I'u`lu 1,1 `I uuurcu, .I.Il[l1SI11. W111 De nelu 011 [De] I church grounds on Wednesday, July 14.! I \CHEVROLET PROVIDES A FINE APPEAR- ANCE - CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL OF THE HIGHEST PRICED CARS-DURABLE DUCO FINISH -- LATEST IMPROVE- MENTS IN DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT. HERE QUALITY AND COMFORT COM- BINE WITH GREAT ECONOMY. . ` ` As. A - ' . I A` ` N A A ' A Oakland and Chevrolet Dealer ' T `M `h I. ` . I A b and AI..LISTON - A AAAAAAA E R. V \ om:dA;;Ec:;v:11:I 3:: )OD .Y .3,` _1926 `Buy Advertised Things. ix ? ()Q T W Q ENERAL` M~ _ T0Rs i STROUD up -1.1: duh I A I III!!! Q II\ fi .IWt\I\FI" ll VTVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVV-VVVVVVVVVVVVVV lI--|'- ` C VROLET ____._..=, I . ` . Two boys were drowned in Des- to save their canoe from falling over- plaines river, Illinois, whileattempting .10-foot dam. A__,_ ,_ _ _ , . `There are three` necessary things.t'o be considered by every purchaser of Silver Foxes if he expects to make a success in the. business:-- `- :1. yard `. .' VESPRA FUR FARMS 1.--Purchase only.healthy and prolic foxes of the very best quality, type, color and fur. - - 2.--Consider carefully the reputation, knowledge and ability of the. man you are dealing with. 3;-What services will he guarantee you in furthering your success in the undertaking? Is he a competent man in the business? Why is it that some have not made a success of Silver Fox farming? We believe it is chiefly because they have not had a pro- per start. ` ' ' We have made an absolute success of this business and we are thankful to -be able to tell you that we have not had a single fox die on our ranch since we ha{'e commenced business. What is more, we have not had a sick fox for three years. Does this not speak to you for our foxesand the care which is given them? Our foxes are` exceptionally healthy, government inspected and registered in the Canadian National Live Stock Records. - We are raising sixty high class, well developed Silver Black puppies this season. VThe grandparents and parents of these were purchased by us in the years 1923, 1924 and 1925 and were selected at the Royal `Winter Fair, Toronto, from families that won prizes at these shows," and have been selected from hundreds of foxes on different ranches of Prince Edward Island. ' ' `These `puppies parents are among some of the cream of the Silver Fox industry of the world today. We have twenty pairs of these for sale as breeders. Come and see them and get our prices; also see ourcontract, guarantee a'nd ranching proposition. We are `sure it wil be of interest to you. We are properly equipped to protect your interests in every way. 5 We furnish you with registration papers free` with every fox we sell and are now booking orders for fall delivery. ' R. R. No. 2, Bare, Ont. The Square Deni Used Car Sales, Bayeld s:., Barrie, are oering" for one week Ford T outings, Sedans and Coupes at sacrice prices. No reasonable offer refused. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! QED" `A SQUARE DEA`L TO EVERYRCUSTOMER. Lgok for our sign. ' _ Phone 651 or write 1925 Chevrolets, reclaim, good as new. _ 1924 Chevrolets, bargains. Remember, our cars are in first-class condition and our ` guarantee goes with every sale. Thisis the secret of pur success ontlie w. F. HONSBERGER, IBARRIE, om`. J.W. cossunc, PROP. 3 miles west of Barrie SPECIAL SALE ` QUALITY I-`oxrs 1?RoLu=1c STRAINS AND KNOWLEDGE clence Phone 61 1-`r-6. con- pro- `U41 UV: uumanoaovanv young nun nnnnn news The afternoon was spent principally `with baseball, `both hard and softball. `ll':___...I.___ ._--4. '|l.I_:I.`..._..;.- 1.. LI.` A_._4. JD 1V1118KUKH.. ' A I" Miss Norma Crawford '0! Emo is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Chappel of Woodstock are spending a few days here among rela- tives also. 1\/has cam: MnT({nlo\y nf Tnvnnfn nn July 6.-In last week's ews there was an error in the statement of the size of the new Orange Hall, it being 22x50 instead 22x20. . ' 1\ 1'nnnn DI!-n Tiudntrnlznn on 'I'oRnV_. to get stripes zes and t before e while 0% off es, sun- .pink, se, sale ZZXDU IIISLBIIU. &ZX&U. V Misses Rita Llvingstonand Made- line Torpey are spending the summer in Muskoka. 4` `V - 154.... 1\Y,.'......... nmnuuvhna `n! Ii`.-inn In npcu I. There. mu. Vlltllls Jll &VUl'lllD. Lal"cloWI.Ul'\.lc What might have been a ser1ousac- cident happened here last Wednesday -evening. George Crawford, who `was going West on the sideroad. ran into a. car turning east off the north tenth. Both cars were somewhat bent up a- bout the tenders and steering gear, but no one was hurt. Will the Council `wait until some more serious accident happens on. this corner before placing 1 a dummy there? wt-vwvu-wt vvvw -w-J . The annual fieici tiny and concert of `the Minesing Athletic Club held on Dominion Day was quite a success. The Club does not expect to make money from this event. the expenses being heavy for the class of sports and -entertainment they furnished. 7'11..- 4.051;-..`-.;\- -virus` a--an-ab -uc-I-nI-n`I-- " ':'vi'm2I;"};ie{ '1&}a}1.}2t- ii." &fe";' event at softball. resultingjn a. victory .1 r)':' the visitors. score 10-8. Mldhurst than met Elmvale` and werp defeated. score 8-5.. 1\.'......a..... .-.....a 'D`u\n1!n`n`O`\nu\ -4-.......i .. UUl-U UL U LU U9 The girls were then called on for .so1 tban matches. The first `was _be- tween Minesing and Mineslng Station. "the former winning by 14 to 13. The second was between Minesing and .Edenv5a.le, Mlneslng again winning by 11 to . ` VHF: n u n 1 I v A m A n n u v nun] Inl\ll1\(I K unslnuu M_I~:x"ed Miles catured `firs,.prize for` best decorated auto with Alfred Arm- strong, Jr., second. . The line-ups in the various ball `teams were: T\.IiAl-nnnnI- T I`. ("nnurfnmA;\ Ta`. Hahn- &UIlcHl! WUFU3 w Midhurst--J. E. Crawford D. E. Scan- Jon c. S. McLean.` E. Spence, Marrztt, Brown, McKee, Wattle. and N. Scanlon. 'm'lrvnynln._..lnnf1rhnlI\ 'Wvnmn n nmn- 'L/UU1'LlIUy UVUF L116 _'VVb'U3\"UllU.- Miss Dorothy Bell of Owen Sound is visiting Miss Norma Crawford. `\K7I-mat rniahf hand: hnnn n ucndn-nu an- r*!UU1'U 0'0-. . . Minesing and Elmvale then staged a. snappy hard ball game; victory in this case going ,to the home team by a. score of 6 to 5. . ' Vfnn nvhnlg uynnn knn nnllnd an Inn - "' I have There were several races. A relay race was won by a team from Eden- `Va-le; 100-yard dash by Hamp. Frallck "with Cooper of Elmvale S0..ul'\d; boys race, Elden Courtney with Blnnleot .Anten Mills .2nd; girls race, Stella Luck _1st. Stella Graves 2nd. ,,- 11:14.. ____A__,__3 `n1____L '_.._1__ A-.-- .A van, mum gov -o-V.-- Girls teams: Edenvae--E. Miles. .M. Dixon, A. Fralick. M. McNabb. Mar. Jory Dixon, V. Rowell, C. H1ltz.`L. Cul- ham. and F. Dixon. Mlnesing Station.-- }I. Kavanagh. M. McLean. H. Pain. N. McLean. E. Orchard, 1. Davis. L. Ka.v- agagh, C.. Kavanagh and W. Orchard. Minesing--M. Luck. N. Crawford,` S. Graves, B. Graves, S. Luck, 0. Beeton, `I-1. Ferris: J. Luck and P. `Walton. wpy,,,,-_-|,, Y;_..A..lL..J.- 1...; ..I.._._..- LIVES also, Miss Sara McKinley of Toronto and M.ias. Norma McKinley pf Midland spent the holiday with their parents. '11 Ava .a.. ...vo.-4, III `The Women's Institute charge 01 the supper and provided bountifully for all. * = .-. - The evening entertainment was held ...-.~v.- nu. ---. "in the\ rink. The entire progreim was furnished by the Woodmen of the `World entertainers. who kept the, iarge crowd interested throughout with their Jokes. songs and` instrumental music. ,,:.-1 _ _ . . . _ _ _ -n'.- ..L 0 GA `ll- A-`LEI.-an ]eII\'/t. and Mrs. Fred Elderi and niece . of Alliston visited Mr. and Mrs. J. -Courtney over the week-end. ' n/I-ice: .1'\ni~nfhv R911 nf (\un:nn Qnnn in .Dl`UWll, LVJUIXUU, VV MLIJU. cyuu AV. DUl:l>ll|-Illa E1mvale---(softball) Tyrer p. Camp- bell 2b, Ritchie 8b, Cooper as, I-Ioughton, of, Thompson, If. Marcellags, rt. Black. 1b, and Arnold, c. ` 'W`.h-nunla.....(hnrr1 hnH\ Rlfnhin 'l`hnmn. kJ1'U\V!, L/CJIIIJUUII, IXFIIUILI auu Ilallv M;meslng---(hard ball), Grant. J. Crawtord. Priest, Miles. A. Armstrong. E. Crawford. L. Adams, A. McNabb, `W. Luck. ' '1M I-1nnII\ A vwnnfrnna `Mn- JV!` nu, uuuau uuu ............. .- . - - . - _ . v- In rink promptly at 8.30 Mr. Arthurs (the manager), opened the evening per- -formance with a melody ofg"Old South- ern Airs. on the piano, which was well received. When the curtain rose the mem'bers.of the troupe appeared as black-faced Southern niggers. in yellow and black costumes. while the `two jolly end men. dressed in red and . green. were ready to keepthe audience laughing. with their funny sayings and antics. VFor\one and a half hours these darktown entertainers kept the aud- ience in roars, while their songs were `pleasing to all. After intermission. `Hank Perkins (champion fiddler) con- tinued the performance and got a triple . recall. This was followed by the W. O. "W. Hawaiian trio which was repeatedly encored. The final act was a. clever comedy skit call "The Silent Burglar". with which was combined a song and dance. The program closed with the chorus "Show Me the Way to go 'Home by the entire troupe. and` the National Anthem. a .Lu, uuu 1~u`m.uu, 1:. E1m vale--(hard ball) Ritchie. Thomp- .-son, I-Ioughton. Marcellas, Cooper, Crowe, Campbell, Arnold and Hall. Nl:hmaingr_..(hnvdv hnlH G-rant. J. VV ' ;1:?g-(softball) Armstrong. Mc- Nabb, Grant, Fxtallck. Miles`, W. Luck. "N. Luck. and D. Ronald. 1a._I-..__-n- `IN 'll'.lI-.. any" all 59c;nz pera or , ,--I_. Buy Advertised Things. were burned in Ontario in 1925; THIS E-MP`HA'-SIZES THE NECE`S'SI`TY OF HAVING Adequate Insurance ` on `farm buildings. A. F.A A. Malcdmson .Phone.._447W A:. BARRIE We gix9E s"pec4ial -'attention 60* fa1;m _msurance and place your an I\I\1'I'If\nVI;AG Ac ldflll IIISUIRIICU auu ynauu -yuul. busmess in compames vof Undgubted Financial Standing AT MODERATE, RATES; l.`nforx;ution reg(rd%n ummor trip on all waters and _` 4: II II -I I ll_!I ____ ___ munsnmr, JULY 3. `1_.92c[ nu -I-- vuu -- vvuuwv-- Canadian Na;ional Eight Hundred Eighty-Six FARM BARNS` Successful Field Day .______u 51-11: .1--- __.1 L-.. MINESING --- .vonov V- on-now: an `ID nauvvgv-u Thomas Kirkpatrick and family of New F103 and Mrs. C. W. Sa8'e..fca.lled- on friends at the lake front during -the week. ` . , V ,, * -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gllpin. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Gilpin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irving, Mr. and Mrs. .1 . Mc- Call and M. O. Wragget haxse been guests of A. Kirkpatrick at his at Klllarney Beach. 4 ('1 F3. "|\/I'n(`.nnnAv and fnmilv are at 00118.88 July *6-'1`he_ Letroy United `Church W..M1 S. held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday of this weekat the home of Mrs. T. A. Sawyer. ' l nu__.._-._ 1-r:__u-_._A._-1_._ ,..: a-....n.. -5 Gala .:uuau_'uuy DUHIUII. C. E. Mcconney and family are at Killarney B ea,ch.1or:a.-.month.. ~ 11.. -__.1.1r_.._.viv 1NI___1._ -3 AI1_...1-1- '_'1i&1?f 23 4-1:[`x",;:7.%$If-.v(.3hja'.x`)-1-I-1:)?lilandale I called on Lefroy friends on Monday evening of this week. ' T-Tnrrv 'l`nhn and flnrnn nf Onrnn UVUILUIE UL Llll WUUK. I Harry Tebo and Gordon of Camp Borden spe_nt Sunday at their home. run. '--..4..!..---.-I .1--- _--_`;I.-.. 1.. A- age of Duco: ty. Lm..4.... ;.:..... --_ ..--f. ...`..v_.-v ..._...--.~,, -. -..v.. .._...v. -The [continued dry weather is de- laying the already late field crops. A..L!....-. 1571.... I..... _.-..-..I..._...3 '5 up`:-c .--,y -.-g up--v havoc: -any-.7 gun-v --v-u, V- yrwu 1 Arthur King has purchased a new McLaughlinvseda.n car. .T (1 Vnnun Iujrmanv imnrnviny his: 1. Dl`UllIlU.llo. . - .Roderick Ward and Elvin Dean of Detroit spent the week-end at their homes here. . `Mfluu T\nIln Tinnn an:-1 `rnlz Av-nnal-hnncr v v. vac.`--4.. vs.-ya uw-av. u on. - V.-.-..-v-w. | Mr. Hart of the Standard Bank staff" is enjoying a. holiday. He is reiieved` by Mr. Field. - | Miss Mabel Sawyer is visiting rela- tives in the community. A I 11.1.... A l A II-.. 11 `V 1.3:. 11-..}--- --u-nu can `any --...--.-.- Miss A. C. Al_lan,- R.N., left Monday morning for-Penetang where sh'e will have charge or the hospital for a._ couple of weeks. Mn and `Elna `LT `IF Qnnf nl Tnnnnfn LV1U1.IU.l.l5'1luIl'5ULl.ll car. I J. G. Douse is greatly improving his` dwelling by the erection of ,a- new` verandah and decoration. throughout. an -v 1 v'\___I, 4L_@` The U.F.O. annual picnic held at Killarney -Beach, Jul_v"1st, `appears to grow in popularity from year to year, the attendance last Thursday being larger than any previous year. The day was ideal and the many sports well contested. Especially interesting was the softball game played between Le- froy `and, the Lakeshore . team. the greater part of the game being played without a run. Due to a slight error on the part of the Lefroy boys, the Lakeshore team won out but worke a hard for what. they got. _ e- The musical recital `given by Mrs. A. Adams and her pupils in the United Church Thursday evening of last week was an event of much interest. The at- tendance Was not aslarge as was ex- pected due to many attractions in the neighborhood the same evening. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers with the junior pupils. placed among them making an attractive view from the body of the church. Mrs. Adams takes much interest in her pupils having taught large classes continupusly and successfully for many years. . July 6-Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Plaxton of Allandale spent Stgnday with Mrs. E. Brenna.n.. Dnnwlnb Tlrnn a.n'r'I `ITIUIH `Dana AF Wet. ,, Mrs. Henderson, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henderson and family and Mrs. Robertson of Stayner spent Sunday at Ed. Smith's. 1\/rum `E61-uaI'I"nuulunn nf Tnnnnfn In 9c pair es, sale for 25 nd 59c 98c ea. 69 ea. ` U1 WUUKH. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Scott of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Meller of Port Arthur were recent visitors at `G. C. Allan's. HUIIIUEI IIUl'Uo Miss Della Dean and Dick Armstrong Vof Torontovvlsited at TW. Dean's. u up ,1 , _ ,1 ua. 4. v. vnovv v at-aov\rvI Mr. and Mrs. D vuuv onald Ferguson and Jean of London. Ovnt. are holidaying at Thos. Bell s. 111.... `llllillg Tlflni . .' `rude. u. if-o Iron 5? WI nnlnnufnn .l'llUBo DUI 5 Miss Mfnfe Whittaker at Fleshrton 1; vsiting her s1ster.'Mrs. (Dr.) e . Klan YJ'4'5n:Innnnn Q Thfn and 'IKna mu. aluuu 3. Miss Eth,e1`Coulson of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Coulson. \ . ll -. nn lzfuu l1onPFr1n1v `FAA!-A an!` l.Ja.V1(l LJULIIEIUH. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey_Foote and Dorothy of Toronto are visiting at Leonard Lee's. 1Ul ua 1' T.nnI'rn nV'I"nnnnl-n uinlfn of ueunuru 1466 B. . Mrs. J. Legge of Toronto visited at W. J. Gauley's last week. . Mina Edith `Rnnnhn want fn Tnrnfn W. J. uuuxuya lam. wean. Miss Edith Roache went to Toronto this week. ` T Ilna Tnlnn (Vnuhann and ran `Dan:-\I'n> U118 WEEK. Mrs. John Coulson and wee Bernice left on Saturday, July 3, to spend _a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. Jas. Marshall. at I-Iawkestone. :11." Au... 1I9-I...L_.. -n- rn........L.. 8.. ouwn uunuunng wv 0-1-1 vv ._w-.-....v Miss Olive Webster ('>f' Tdronto is `holidaying with Miss Jean 'I`arBush. A c-___.- ..--...1_-.. ..u......:...1 4.1.- r\........... g of the skets, a enjoyed. unvnnuug nag: n nvnn ---...-u u vv... - W- .- _..--. V A large number -attended the. Orange service in the Orange Hall on `Sunday. Miss Edne. Latlmer is visiting friends in New Lowell. , `Mrnn 7|` A Qlrau-rnrf nf Tlflnnlnha cnnnf In New uuweu. V - Mrs. '1`. A. Stewart of Winnipeg spent a few days with Mrs. A: L. Stewart, I uuua uvuasvyv v v : n o . . V n us...` Mr. and\ Mrs. W. W. Boyce` and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton spent Sunday with friends at `Anten Mills. Ilium Donn] Tnllnn in vlsaintr -wlfh July 6---Miss Marjorie Broley is vis- iting Cookstown friends. 13.. _..A.Il.__ 1:7 1:7 13--...--A-..l `AA -nu an luau auvuu Iva .-..--u an ~..-v-.v Congratulations `to Mn. -Lorne Poole who were married lrf Tor- onto recently. / - I`hn `Minna: nvam: nf (`!m:.nmm-A visit- onto recenuy. / The Misses Ovens of Creemore visit- [P191105 at 'A[8 LVLUIS. Miss Pearl Waller is visiting with i Mrs. Lorne Handy of Mineslng. ' Mrs. Sam Weaymouth of Toronto is _the guest of Mrs. Forrest Wallwin. _.,,_;__1_Lx-____ 4.- 11'... ....A 11.... weex. V . ` Mr. and Mr. Jas. Frankcorn and son Frank called on Hlllsdale friends on Tuesday. Mun` Rh-nthnm-n nf Toronto is unend- Fred. unew. . Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wa'llw1n,a21d `son Adrian. also Mrs Sam Weaymouth; spent Sunday with Dalston friends. I1.l.....l4.n n-nvulnvu I-non!-in on` kn % -Wall ape: in latest designs, :1!) prices. xcl_usive_ agency for Shaun- ton s semi-tnmmed; W. A. Lowe &' Son, Elizs:beth-St.' . ` tic Free!