JVl.l'E. p::u1'usa.u OI UIOVVGS.` Misses Anna and Elizabeth McKer- nanare spending a few- weeks up at Beaumaris, O_nt. E July A5-At the time of writing Mrs. `VVm. Allen, who has been very sick, is improving. A Minn T\Tnv~n Inhlnn A-9'n..1n........,....: um . nuns. uuux. Mr. and Mrs. Hols of -Toronto spent . the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. l Dougherty. Miss Enid Knapp of Minsing is vis- a itinsr friends here, ' EapUl`L uut UL pluylng nasxetoall. Russell Parr visited Ids parents on Sunday. " Mn and `|\lI'nu Q.-nntc nu: o.....n-. __; mu`. auu xurs. Aloert 15181103). .Mr. and Mrs. Jennett and family of Utopia were Sunday visitors with Mr. [and Mrs. Albert Ford. R/fun TX7vn "I"nu1A.- Lab. ...-.. _ L- IVIA-r- I- auu nun. .ruut:1'L ruru. > | Mrs. Wm. Turleyhas gone to Gorrie to spend a. few weeks with her daugh- yter. Mrs. Cook. Mr and Klan `linln -0 fl`.-........L.. ....__L ..---.... u an nuvcsn can aaalauw val uuuua._y. I Gordon` Taber and sister Beatrice of"1`oronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bishop. Mr. and Mr; _TAnnnl-1- on.-I m...n.. -4 [.Lu.l.'a. uuaus. nurns. I . Quite a number from around here at- tended the Orange church parade which was held In Angus on Sunday. f`.nnr1nn' 'I"nI-`nu nu: ...I...d.-.. ~rx--L__s-_I xuuny one. - . | Misss Jean and Mildred Stone and ~Mr. Wilson motored from Toronto on Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and |Mrs. Chas. Harris. Dnulfn n rllirvu`-non (anon .... ...g 1..., _; July 6-The Sunday School held their annual ionic last Wednesday. June 30. At it t e Ladies` Aid sold their quilt. Mrs. Chas. Nixon of Barrie was the lucky one. I Mlnuda Tnnn nal 1urn.:.....a c-1-..- _...1I wumv-ullu wun Mrs. J. 134'. noagson. `Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Rogerson of ;J"oronto spent the holiday with friends ere. , ` . Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Relve of Toron- to spent Sunday at Gllmour Relve's. l FRI-A I . . - A ....I -1 LL, I_A.- I--,,_,_ uu. wuu Lrlenus In Amston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dempstev and Mr. and Mrs. H Brown of Ivy spent `Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. !John Nicol, Nicolston. Mina Rnllh 1\/l nl.:m .n..-.4 +1.- |.-n.:..-. uuuu LVIUUI, JVIUUISLOII. V Miss Bella. Miller spent the holiday with her brother. Allen Miller. I A nnvnhnr Pwnm Hana .~.H-.-\...I...: 4.1.... uwuu uur uruLueI'. Auen Mxuer. I A number from here attended the idance in Cookstown. July 1st. vvucm wuu Aura. .nUDeI`l'. 1111115. A number `from here spent Sunday at Killarney Beach. ` Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell spent July 131: with friends` in Alliston. Mr and T\'ll'r-a 11? T 'h............... .....1 m.r. _u.uu 1vu`s. Ureurge xsuls. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson. Billy ,Elphick and Leo Berthelotte motored from` Detroit. to spend the week-end with their parents,Mr. and Mrs. A. Elphick and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Berth- elotte. mn..- 1.1.. n....__. -..: ---W v- l`m1'\7[L1:'s Islen Perry and Miss Evelyn` -Beatty of Toronto are spending this [week with Mrs. Robert Ellis. VA nnynhnp fnnnn I-noun c1v\AvuG 'C1......:..-. v\ii~:i5ii1i:si')'.r,`3i"J`i."Y"i4 4.1.... .c..n ...--:_.. . uns wuu urwuus -In UOOKSIZOWII. I -Mr and Mrs. George Ellis andVMr. and Mrs. Albert McFudden`visited Elm- , grove `friends. Sunday. - Mr. and M'v-9: T.nv-nn `Dna,"Mng.. A'n...&.. 11- 131113. ' Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Miller are sport- . ing a new Ford. . . `Mfhsuna (\Hun and A...-- 1-1-..- __, A sup; (1. IIUW 1."Ul'(.l. I Misses Olive and Amy Ross and , friend of Hamilton are holidaying with |Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis. NH` and Mn: ('4 . 7I'\I.n.......-..... 13:11-. m uuuuus, nruuu uuunty. , ' Miss Elia Canning is visiting her sistei" in Litiden. Missv Pirie of Toronto snent the week-end with Mrs. J. E. Hodgson. ' MI`. and MP9, hwln-ht pnunrunn nf ....., -..=, .. .--.. -..-..... --..v-.-av: asuadu I Mrs. McMastez9 and three daughters , , of Barzgie` were Sunday visitors at , ; Mark McMaater's. - | Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell and Mr.` and ME? .Wi1sonM Bell and daughters I. visited i- and Mrs. D.v.Jennett at Ivy , on Sun ay. , _ " The 'isses-\Woodworth of Toronto] , are visiting at `the home of F; Racher.| ! School days are over till September! - and how gladly the boys and girls 1 welcome the holidaim. I` `BLUII ruuuuuy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell and,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell spent Sunday even- ilng with friends -in Cookstown. .M)" and Mr: (Inn:-an Inna- .....a 11.. gruvu LIIIUHUSV aunuay. V 3' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ross.J\I1ss A"lma. and Mr and Mrs. Theobald of Hamil- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellis. `Ilsa An; `In ... f.1..--.:._ -an-1:1- , wuu nu . uua AVLFS. J. 11. 15611. I ;.Mr. an Mrs. H. Rankin of Cooks- ` ;o_wn an Miss Mabel Rankin of Chic- iago visl ed Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Demp- later` recently, `Mr and Eva `D1n1n.-.....: 13.11 .....a an-.. _au um; n..v.`1f.1uup1ca.'1, barrle. " Mr.; and Mrs. Ivan Grose of Le troy" spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller. ` I mn. .....-.: 1ur..... -n..-.....__ '_.-= 3-, '\ - .|J- U. AVJJIIUP. . I_ Mr. and Mrs.` Boynton and daughter ' of Fergus spent a. few days last wek lwith `Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell. ! .'l\/fr Jan:-`I 1\/fru T-T Doubt... .-.41 n....I-.. July, _.G-Mr.- and Mrs. A. Lye, '1`, Whiley. R, Bruh. E4 and. H.` Sallows. all 9! Cdldwater. were visitors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. M.`M: Bell on Sunday last, \ . ' Russell Mo'Ms.ste'r- or Orillia. is home for a few days. * M Mr. and `Mrs. Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. `Dooner and Mrs. Oliver of Stayner. Vcaxlled on Erwin and Andrew Miller alatvfsunday. . ` Mr. and Mrs. Racher are spnding a. few davs with friends at nnnnu Talnn .__.---..---,, .. ..-v-- vvnvoo wu-:v_y uacuus. M!s`s'.Ev,a L'e of Parry-Sound is holi- I dayxngvwith `Miss Mabel Truax. ~ I 11.... ~u'..-nu-....__ --_s .. - .. iaasyjaulluay. ' Racher. spending few days with friends at Coney Island, N ew: York. ' V Miss Olive Millet-.has from, spending axweek with Vasey friends. I `lM ha'a 11"u'u-. 'l"'... -0 13--..-. L-1--_.. :I v Lot 7, Con. 9, Vjespro. (NE{\R MINESING) .to`sell by public auction on `mij I CD 3: _- --n . vwuuxwztt uuexr name nere. . ! Wellington Relve and daughter of Toronto spent the holiday at Marshall` Reivefs. . Mrs. Walter Allan is visiting friends in Glamls. Bruce County. T I Minn 'I1`.Hn l"nnn|ntr `la ulnlld`-`um ha...` cREDII_sAI;I:_ l\?$All A BRi:NTwooD B1-:1'2"'f1<'71:-3351* GRENFEL T IUTOPIA 1'Hz~3Amuz EXAMINER` ...... ..v yw-wuv, an an Ul'i1,l.ll'6d.LIOI1 Suns rays focused througn glass jar ignited a window full of fireworks at Nora,` Ind., and caused $20,000 dam- age. . Always dry clothes out of doors if possible, as this makes them whiter and they have a._ fresher feeling. --....- -. .. ...u..v., o-uwup ovunvv. "i\Zis'ses Kathleen and Hilda. Selman and Eleanor Harrison were week-end vlsitorsat their home here. T `vnllinfnn Allin and Annals!-an -3 S Exposition officials! of Philadelphia, will not allow Ku Klux Klan to parade, as an organization. Quinn wnunu G .... ..-.s 4.: I A gust of wind lifted Roland Back. aged 2, of Lynn, .Mass., and carried him into Flax pond, where~he was ' drowngd. Gnu.-nnl.-......a.-..._:,.u tn, ... --~ - - I `in Penetang last week, on his refurn bringing Miss` Margaret Be:-thelotte,: and Miss Alida and George Chretien. to ' spend their holidays. Dov-nn`nI `D..I.._.~I ...- 7- ` _.`.---`.. unnwnn naunauaqo ` Samuel Roland made a. business `to Stayner on Monday. `2vA flashing pickup that carries yoti out and away from every traffic jam while the others are still changing gears. An ability to turn com- " pletely around in narrow streets, and to park in places xunbelievably small. ` Ultra-modern, highly per- fected and wonderfully ` simplied engine. Ample power and speed for every driving need--and yet one of the most economical engines ever built. .High pressure oiling prevents bearing wear and insures smoothness and long life, Full water jacketing maintains uni- formly perfecteooling slways. Paige - Hydraulic % 4 - wheel . brakes-the most expensive braking system on the market, but the best and surest and safest. still the 012/}; MT C =,`..--... bar nvo-up-I ououuu `I-lawns IKIIEIB VVUURI Dr. and Mrs;. '1`. R. Pickard and baby of Guelph spent the week-and with Mrs. Plckard'a father, Robt. Relve. 1111-..-.. 'I`r._A.I_I_.__ ,, 'I '0'!- --- \lIQ QZLIIII "`' THE MHIFAUGTURERS LIFE % _%_%lN$URA NGE COMPANY - . , \ "`- When the fast bassenger trains of our railways reach the Continental Divide, an extra locomotive takes up the burden of crossing the mountains. .When you reach the.up-grade" of life at sixty '01]:-iixty-ve assistance ma) not be so readily available. ' ` ' Have you provided for this period? Will you be able, without embarass- ment, to shift the burden to younger and moreactive shoulders, for Youth _ must be served." A maturing Endowment Policy` in the Manufacturers Life will make it easy for you to slow down" and enjoy` the comforts of the evening of life. INSURANCE lS YOUR RESERVE. Don't neglect to accumulate the reserve rlnrina uninv ngvni-.. .'......... _- uvwn so no V\al_a 1:1 I. \J\Jl\ l\L'4.JL;aI\ reserve during your earning yeaxs. '01: t}e lIp ~6'raa7e. \ ms`. PA1'ERSON,`:BAlLl-til`!-E;.BEA| ma J 5.7/2eNe;v-Dy. i I_ _%. Shown-VooI_n trin `L / An inventor has devised leather ha.r- William Schling of Pprt Clinton, ness which holds child on front seat Ohio. was electrocuted when he pick- of an automobile beside the driver. ed up a. fallen electric wire. umanuuruuua uvur U18 nouuay. Rev. Wallace Johnson and his nlece. Miss Winter, of Holstein. were the guests of Mrs. 'I`ho's. Allan last week. 15.- .....l 1.7.... III is v\n_u__ u Silent chain driven timing mechanism. ` An entirely new ease of 4 handlingTBall bearing steer- ing_ spindles and inclined king- pins enable you to guide the New-Day Jewett with your nger tips, effortlessly and with the greatest ease. . Oversize construction 5 throughout. A\frame 5% inches deep where most others on cars in this eld are 4% or 5. Springs average from 1 to 4 inches longer. Clutch, transmission, axles and drive- shaft are unusually rugged. 6 The widest. vision of any motor car built. Slender pillars of sturdy steel com-~ Pletely eliminate the deadly `blind spot,/you can see everywhere. ` There is'mo`re interior room than in many cars of much longerwheelbase. More knee room between the seats, . \ .at`FoL1-d Gjrage _ libone Number 1095 Phone 1010. Box 267, Barrio. 1!1!N!N.G STOCKS- ._~v -___- BOUGHT '-- sou) . INSURANCE - sonns -- 2 car to offer all these u BRANCH 0FFlOE-Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie w. J. WALKER, District Manager . A. E. CULHAM. Aaent, Stayner, Oht. 1 D E l'\l|-I-151::--u A . - ---van-y \IIa IIGI 1 \Illtn "ct 'E.-'I5iJ'rcHr-:3. Agent, Elmvale, dnt. wow-u unuun SI-It blow llvlluuyn ` ' Rev. `.~I .vA. Rozd `and family of Bruce were visiting friends in the village and neighborhood over the holiday. ` REV. Wn.llnnn Jnhnnnn nut! kin nlnnn ` .....Full information furnished on any of the operating mines. , Holliuger : Mclntyre : Castle Dome : Capital : Tecl:-Hughes Some of best companies represented. Yielding from 4% % to 7%. GORDON STEVENSON 4... v...... \vVU`\JUUl CIUSCU cars. The leg room in front is 40 inches-48 inches in the rear. 8 Features and accessories include adjustable gedal pads; steel running boards; _ cowl ventilator; dome light; door pockets; rotary window lifts; semi-automatic spark control; beautiful long-wearing upholstery; two-tone lacquer finish; co-incidental theft I.-.-1_. -.. ._e K .___._.-a sun`: lock; ah oversized battery, many` others equally desirable. more free passageway to the driver's seat or rear seat` than in most other two-door closed not-an 'l`1.-I---~ ' for the Standard Sedan: Do Luxo Sedan, 31485,- De Luxo Touring Cat, 31485. Paige-Hydraxn lic 4-Wheel Brakeo in- cluded. Price: 1'. o. b. Windaor, {axon paid. -muasnmr, JULY 8, 1926. HOT WEATHER T STUNTS CHICKS Blatckhford 3+` ` % Chick Mash 'p.'id: If 3' you ca office. t<-' im; rm: fur: the so-k< H.'n`r_\' then- finmfi $8M. . Jury" 6-Misses Luuan. iavnd Dorbthy Sloan are home for the holidays. `DA-n I A `llnnnl `......I .l...._lI_- -1 C'n_`.____ `e~i;:r'ht' sa'.im- 1 O(`-U Iunni' mil(-< T t}`.(). ,.. ulum Big: l .4 .. I I` Inll and Flu} road supe vv...-\ The Illlllo Arthur Stone of Sombra. is home for his vacation. and Vslfllllll Hall. Ar?` .l..ong,_l-lard Service -, sand, strong ;.~.~a Durgble . Q - A liberal allowance on your {old bgttery ` TIIrton s JG-rage cu nurnu warts name an annuity. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Patterson or Cree- more. and Mr. nd Mrs. F. Cameron 0! Orillla. spent _e week-end with Mr. `Hall. ' LUV NUIIIHIUIW ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leigh and family of Barrie were home on Slinday. Mr. and Mrs. F`. L. Patter-Ann nf r-an- ll HIDHIJI. / V Mr. dud Mrs. qoode and famllyand Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan and family of Toronto are'a.t` their cottages for the summer. ' ~ `In null Inu Ton Tnlmh n_'.`l l......lI-. Lzlll-ll'Ull pulpu. nunuuy GVBIHIIE. Mrs. Park and daughter` of Toronto have rented Mr. McMahon's cottage tor a month. I `luv 4-{ma IAN... "lid- .-.....l l.._.lI--'__J uufbyev. and" Mns;' Mair stcixfiped-' over Sunday on their way through to Ems- dale, `Mr. Mair occupying the United Church pulpit Sunday evening. Mrn, Park and nnarhhu-' nf 'lVno-mntn AQ-j:::_-.:__ __ A we ALSO SPECIALIZEIN WELDING an-1`. null 1VLl`lS._ IIUINI no .I.4U}l LU!-' G LOW aye. V . A , ,. Mrs. Stubbs and daughteiu Dorothy Goals, `and son. of Cleveland. were the guests of the formers pa.rent's,- Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. Br. -V Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoMllun, 8:2. ' V / and Mrs. Lionel Prlddlo of Nia- gum F`alla.,.N.Y..were the guests or gar. and Mrs. Chas; Prlddle over Sup- ay. ' . ' . Lyn Fellows and Miss Chelsea Fel- lows of Toronto were home over Sun- day. - RV and` Knit! Valrnvsruas Aura- BROWN 8: CO., Barrie. Supplies the 1;ouris'hme;1; V that makes them`grow. my 6---B Ir!'.8V.ri'{!. ;t*!}`)187()IVl and Mm Hutchison of Brampton were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John R. Leigh for a. few davn. 3*-L. (A starting and growing ;si1) I\ --us `run I`u`vl' III Your Gruocr soils of .` `e.w.su.-Le-r-r co. no 'I"0IlONY`D. CANADA - Paco Two Order -. a lj`_0R_`.UTOMOBlLI:`.S AND RADIO . HAWKESTONB A CHURCHILL bag `today. uu: uuuutty all [115 nome nere. ' I | Miss `Anne MacArthur returned to` her home` at Port Elgin accompanied by Misses Lorna Beeton, Lila Culham and Harvey Beeton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arthur angi two children. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and son of/.l`oronto. visited with Mr. and; Mrs. Albert Dixon over the week-end.: : . Geo. Miles and daughter Ada. oi. Bar- ! irie, Miss Blanche Miles of Desmoines, l ~ Iowa, 0. Dixon of Weston and`Wm.. . Robinson of Barrie. visited with Mn} and Mrs. R. H. `Miles. Sunday. I M188 Lillian Eariv rahlvnn 1-n hon uuurcn grounds on Wednesday. Ju1y14. The July meeting of Women's Insti- tute will be held. at the home of Mrs; Edward Carr on Tuesday. July 13. Visitors Welcome. . ` ' - T\iuin-A annirlnn l\` on. 1-\-,_u, - vmuuru welcome. Divine service at St. Paul's on Sun- day, July 11, at` 3 p.m.; special service for Orangemen. sundafy School, at 2 D_m_ . . . 5 El-11103.: em aury ana reported a. splendid ; n`& P1cfrsV_"`Xlbert Fm 5- Miss Gamble or Richmond H111 and. Mrs- TY< EMrs. Blueman of Creemore_ spent the grsplsfsi acgzv wee} iwfkl-frgdegat.{1(e%ln(;olax(;g:1'b1ed in the 1`'`*`-*""d M H017 . S.S. room Monday evening to enjoy the" Wek'nd with ; annual`strawber,ry festival of the_Unit- Dfsgegtgid 53r:('.}i"`2m13ofV5'x1irV 33: Ring. friends here- `Camp Borden won" the football game` The Helping Ha from New Lowell. After a. sumptuous the h,m f Miss .3 _ supper the program was given by Mrs; 2 ',},`} l`-` lwilth qgitei. Lenore Herd Best, an entertainer from - 9 3' " S V9 9 0 1. sport out of playing | Toronto, which was ver;_r:much enjoyed.i V18 July 5-'-Mr. and `Mrs. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Budd of Brampton. visited Mrs Pope _ovez~ the holidays. The annual Earden nm-tv M :11 n....xv.. HAVE I."U])8 .0V8! U18 HOIICLEYB. annual garden party of St. Pa.ul',s Church, Innisfil. will be held 0 the church grounds on Wednesday, Ju y14. July meeting of Wnmnn'.. Tun!-I- uuuluul` UL` \W8eK' Mrs, Albert bixbn was. suddenly called to her home in Slnghampton on Saturday to see her mother who tobk `another stroke. . uuu weex. Mrs. John Gilchrist is much improv-4! ed in healthand is now able to be uni after being confined to -her bed for a number of weeks. MFQ, Alknvf 1\{vA;\n urns .....A.'1--I--I - .Lv.|.uss gvuunle xucmao. ~ The many friends 6: little Afdel? Franck are glad to know `that she is`? 1mp1'ov1ng- nicely and is expected home this Week. T `I/hm Tnkn r1n..I...a... 1. ......v. L cu. uuu. uuruurra. `, W. Greenlees of 'I`orAonto_-is renew L: ,pld acquaintance around here t is lvgeek. A - ; A number from here attended the 'U.F.O. picnic at Wasaga Beachthe [. 1st of July and reported a.` splendid gtlrpe. . I cue uuuuuys. V ~ ' I Miss Jessie Park of Coilingwood is spending a [few days with her` cousin,| | Miss Mamie McNab. A ' The TYIR,V fr-innu A! Inn- X_.:-u uuu WITH. 11.. I1. Mues. Sunday. 1 Lillian Early returned to her home in Beevton `last week tospend the holidays. Minn _'l A:u:in `Dumb no r'1..n.L........--.a :_ " July 6--Wm. Maw of '1`or spent` the holiday at. his home here. ` I Mi `Anna 'l\/l'nnAul-luau ..nL...._...1 1.-.l vn.uu.uuu III '1'0I`Unl'.O. . 1 Misses Ella. Vera and Cecil Nichols! ' of Victoriaxsquare spent the week-end ` at Jno. Gordon's. `X7 ahnnnlnnu no 'l'!........L.. 1.. ..-..---4- I . Brtice I{nowles.'- who works In the. [Bank-of Toronto here. is spending his vacation in Toronto. ` Nnnncr "!Hn `Yawn n-.A t`I..-.lI- \vn,L,I, I a.5a. nuuuu. - A` number. froth/here attended the camp meetings in Stayner on Sunday nlht. nnnnn `I'I'nnnu1;u.- ...I... _-_.-|__ n `.. ' Lucaulluxls auuuux 8.5 the E00. 7 Mrs. -Jno. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donald of Toronto and Russell Rel] of Vvalkerville spent a short time here on Sunday on their way to Was- yaga Beach. , A 4 nnnnknn P-on-3. I.-..- -41.-.. .1- ,1 ; nus vwuu xvuuu .n1xs1e'1:'aaa1s0n. ' Miss Evelyn Carter arrived home on Monday evening _-after visiting frlends| L at Burk s Falls on her way home from; `teaching schbo1"at the Soo. ] Mrs. ..Tnn, `RAH nnd M ......: Mr...- July 6--Miss M, Doherty of Craig- leith is visiting at Jno. Mather's. ' Miss Deering is visiting with Miss Ruby Mumberson. * M ' Miss Edna Latime of Angus is-visit- ` in: with Miss Elsie Paddison. - a Mini: Flvnlvn (`.nv-I-an nvowitrn 1.-...- -.. umuy rnvuea to 08 present. V * I Large crowds. as usual. attended the memorial service" at; Knox church on Sunday., Rev. N. Campbell preached an inspiring sermon. Mr. H. Mp Cqulter read the scripture lesson from John 14 and Heb. 12 and Rev. J. MacKerale offered prayer. The offering amounted. to over $60. . I gum n lwuu and :1. VI nun \.4l.'aaWLUl`I.lo The Ladies Aid and W.M.S.Vof Cen- tral Church have accepted the invita- tion of Mrs.-R. Strachan and Mr. O. Lltster to meet at their home at Forest Home on Thursday. July 15. All `the ladies . of the congregation are cor- dially invited to be present. I Large nrnwdn an mama! an-n...-1...: n... uuuuur as cute. -- . _ I Mr. and Mrs. Wright of East Algomai called on Mr. and Mrs. Inkster on their. way to Windsor. Miss Wlnnieolnkster accompanied them as far as Toronto. Illa- It 1'n...I.._a .3 1:14,`, ....._.........w...uu vuvala can but as xv: uusun 1 Miss M. Baird of Mitchell, 'Ont., is visiting Mr._and Mrs. Orton Crawford. 'I"In- Tt\aIlAnu' All _.._1 11v `tn: .- mgnest. DPICGH. ' ' . ` l July 6--Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and daughters of Torontolmotored here and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs_.| Campbell. Misses Rae and Martha. ' Campbell also spent the weekend ati home. `- ' "Elna Vkna Av.An..n.;._ I. ....A_:_ `J.I__l ' nuuw. ` I 'Mrs. Thos. Anderson is undneifthe \ doctor's care. ` 1M -. and 1\/I'..a 11r..a...I..a. -9 1-:\.....4. ;u_._`;._- r l'alBlll uu rrzuuy, auiy-a. . Who says the U.F.O. `is declining?! Victor Ross, Oro, Station. iU.F.0. ship- i per, shipped three`carload\of fat stock last week for which he `received ..the highest prices. I Inlv R-.1\Il'Iv and Mn: `VI -Tnvnlllmn` and` ms m:qutuul.u.nue_ mare. ' l . f DUHUUI Gttys are over till September` Leslie Clark is spending the summer gladly and months at Cedar Wild. Milford Bay. .}.welcome the. holidays. ` V Robert Paisley held `a very successful- The. many Utopia friends of Mrs. T. raisingon Friday. July.2. J.- Dew are sorry to learn of her illness declining? `An thq R.V.AHosplta.'1, Barrie. V10t0l_` _Ross, _9ro_ Stat_ion1iU.AF.4O. _ Mr; Le- ( warm-uuu 5|: RUDE: ITQIHIUY I. Miss M. Baird of Mitchell is ~rx'1ew-I ing acquaintancq here. A Clark` cu. auuu nuzuu luau wean. ; ! Jack Paisley or Orlllla spent the. 'week-end "at Robt. Pa,!aley'a. ` Miss: M. Rain! nf Mifnhnll 1. ..-maw- July. 5'--"-I-VI~l_s's-I-sobel Walkerrot Baz9- Me was the guest of Miss Mary Walker 1 last_weel_;. . 'MPR_ ffamnhnll nf I-Tnwlnantnnn vlnn may _ wvuap. V ` I "Mrs. Campbell of Hawkestone visited `at John Reid's lastweek. I Ton]: Dnlulnu Al (\-ulllin unnnf G-kg ~ __NTRA!-93 `_1_>Au'ii"W1CK _N_r~_.'_w _1_.QwELL { Em-:NvAfE ...,.. .....v. anvvhl uvau uno Lou Lu. `gale at, 1T p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. `.-- -.- -... was avg vurlwla vu UL Ullllu uuxua. `All will be sold without reserve as moprletor has sold his farm. .1. an` 1 ..... T? A C: 1- v........ u, u. wanna. -3, uvyuc, uscuca, Cl-U TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $10 and under, cash. over that amount 6 months credit will be given to /parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per anpum off for cash on credit sums. I h Qf tl7H'3\nnl- nan;-u-A ..... w(Z`1X:'i`l"iLE-Red cow,-8.` yrs. old`, milit- ing; grey cow, 6 yrs. old, due by sale; roan heifer, 2 yrs. old, mi1king;'red heifer, 1 yr. old: red heifer, 2 yrs. old; IMPLEMENTS--Massey-Harris bin- der, nearly new; Massey-Harris mow- er, nearly new; McCormick seed drill; set `discf-harrows with trucks; set iron harrows, 4 -sections; single plow, Per- ` civai: gang plow; farm wagon: 2 sets sieighs, Mgxssey-Harris; democrat; buggy: cutter; `Chevrolet `touring car; set scales. 2000__lbs.; sawing machine- and gasoline engine, Fairbank - orse, 6 h.-p.;_ scuffler; cutting box; a._ ant-V ity oi. wood; DeLavaI cream separ tor; set single harness: set double harness. Also `a, quantity of household furziiture, consisting of two cook stoves. table, chairs. dressers, bed, dishes, etc. nwn-I :-us: t\`l!I cc ; 1- vs.` . u - -A - " . Uac_i1 for all ' leaning . 7 /Dnsh%-washir_|g ; % T- Laundernt ;` A Ill elnnptt gg ._ _ I la uupruvuls . . ,_' Miss Nora Jardine of Collingwood made a brief visit to her parents here on Thursday. - 1 Wedding bells are ringing very loud- y. T . Miss, Nellie Willard of Beeton spent last Thursday afternoon with her 3 sister. Mrs. Austins Alderson. , | Misses Dorothy and Theresa Dumond ;of Lindsay are home for their school 1 holidays. s I T.nHn 'l\A IfnInn.'l-I la n'o`..-1.. 4.1.... ,:..-A_..v_ --&-wjnj- 3, Ti. `1 the fol!-owing: HORSES---Bay horse, rising 5 yrs... heavy draught; .brown mare, 7 yrs. old, heavy draught; black mare.` 12 yrs. old, general purpose ; -bay colt, 2 yrs. old. general purpose. . SHEEP` AND F_OWL-10 Oxford ewes: - Oxford ram; 6 lambs; numberl of hens. A . I`4A'I'V'l1`l',`l:V 13-4 nnlswun O ---4- -I-`~ "- tn`-1-on A ' ETIIJI-I FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS 1 The undersigned has received Instruc- ` tions from ' uuuuuy 3. ! Lelia Mitchell is wider the doctor's l care with` scarlet fever. T-T Nfnvnrnll la av-.nicHn'n n 'n----- in---I l:a.n: wun scarlet Iever. f `H. Maxwell is sporting a `new Ford touring. MFR _Tnr-\ nnaiuuln- 1wv\4\o\L -. A?---- ouunus. Mrs. Jnd..Desjard1ne pent a. few ` days in Barrie at M. McBride's. I Wilfred Desjardine spent a few days 'H..llli-5 Lneuus nere. The Hand Society met at! home of Hannah Harris on ;July 2. with quitea number present. ' The girls have decided to` take a. bit of ;sport playing `basketball. I Rllnll Darn Irluifnrl H11 -.n.-.-.5... A- uuuuuy. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family and Miss Gladys Harris spent Sunday with |Mrs. Beardsall of Clowesu I Nliuunu Anna an; `lH....I..-a.I. \t..rr-._ `V ......v.... vslooo\OII1.y wv unaualuul JVUIVE Bu 3 The funeral of the late Morgan Pratt! was held on Sunday. Born and raised in this community he was well known} and the funeral was a very large one.` It was conducted by the Orange Order. The sympathy of the community is extended to his parents.