. Pliono 1010. 4 og 267. Bu-gin. _ w. J. RIiCH`ARDS 1316 BAY POINT V. macruillv-T - SMALL HOLES TSHANTY BAY `London, Toronto,` Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Saint"John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Liverpool, England. L Sunshine 1'-`umae ,3 %\ MC K VROJT l_1ave lfberted thpusands of women, and men, from tiie` grind- mg toll` of pumpmg and carrying water. They. have brouht cnmfnri-_ n1nanHnn_ and `I-man-In uni-mu. A.-...1........ 4:-` .....1 ing toilv of pumping br7>u h comfort, cleanliness and health where drudgery, dirt and is ease prevailed before. j\_____ ____L_____ __9,,,,, _ , , II .1 - In primitive. countries woman is regarded somewhat as a beast of burden. She is subjected to all sorts of drudgery, does_ practically all the work, and her lot is hard and dis- couraging. This custom is rightfully regarded as inhuman and uncivilized. \7-L`;1-__ ,. c A - -- - Fireproq cu-no uauu vnulallo Yet th usands pf yvomen in` this C0113 -TY day 3 shackled to the old-fashmned hand pump. In man? as`` `they carry the water considerable dxstances after pl-lmPi8 it. The amount of time and energy lost `is fncalculable.-. Hard coal, soft coal, coke, all burn equally well in the Sunshine Furnace. The Air Blast Ring makes it a soft coal burner at will. The furnace being entirely constructed of Cast Iron, `coke can be burned without any risk of cracking or burning out. p Write your nearest M'c Clary s Branch for free booklet : Winter comfort in Canadian Homes, -that will give you much interesting in- for'mation about heating, fuel and the proper installation of furnaces so necessary in solving the problem of comfort in Winter. ' The heated air generated in McClary s ' Sunshine Furnace is humidied and delivered warm and soft as a summer breeze to all the roomsgin the home. Properly in- `stalled I by McClary s accredited agents the distribution of the heat is uniform. , - _ ___. _. cw v----an-on-V `L Furnace heated home, Jack Frost is only a mischievous elf who paints wonderfx trees and grottoes and" owers on the window panes. TO` the `Kiddies in a Sunshine Furnace heated Hnrnn Tank Burns`A_ny _Kind J van. hurl. v&\rCo Compact, powerful, and automatic --a Duro system is easily installed in old or new homes and costs less than 1c a.` day to operate. Driven by either elegttic motor or gasoline engine. Dun Sysiems are made In many sizes dlld subs. Aslz usfor an estimatc of cast. Duro systems give you all the'con- veniences of city water service. Run- ' ning water under pressure in kitchen, bathroom, toilet, garden and barn is at your service. (N_________, A _ D -u C , 0 II. sl-IE-ATHING % I Better` than "lumber. Makea utrongqf Keeps.` ' cold and hoat.[and iszouily and Annnnln an In nu-helical- -A `DI-STRIBUTORS THE EMPIRE BRASS MANUFAC- TURING CO., LIMITED For sue 9; 5; MOFFATT 118 Dune]: St., Barrie :7 Phone 531 I . of FI;el _ -_.__---- -w., 1------ London, Tofonto and Vancouver 52 Elizabeth Street - BARRIE DEALER ta: 1 ow}: u...;.. .- (mp. s.v..um., {aim and money. Resists hoat, cold _o/nd sound. - %BARRIEBRANC!-I ; "/' 1.rLDs.:.M.n.ga` * THORNTON BRANCH - A M c. Wigle. Manager ,3; The Royal Bank of Canada} A ;G()?RDON STEVENSON uu: ween-euu WILD LPIBHQS >111 JEJIHIVEIG. Last Monday was the close of this season's planting of trees at the re- forestation farm. The employees fam mess and friends" gathered at the home of S. Cox, who is in charge of the farm, with baskets full of eats". A very bountiful supper was served to all. The emyloyees were treated to fruit._candy an_ cigars- A pleasant time was en- joyed in out-door sports, music and singing. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cox for their hospitality. - -..v ,--v-..... V- m-.. .a.va-avg: uan -auuupuyc _ The Women's Institutewill meet on `the 15th of June instead of the second `week owing to District Armual Meet- ing in -Orillia. The report of the con- vention will be given and plans ar- ranged for the new year. ` IHLA ......_-..I__ .1.. an 7-.-- __n ruu,,,,, ,u, ...._...v.. .'..-..v .v, vvv Rev; J. W. "Corey of Housey s Rapids will preach in the Free Methodist church at Crown Hill. Sunday. June 6, at 2.30 p.m. This being field day for aggressive evangelism his sermon will emphasize the needs of the Optario lfieldsu Everybody" Welcome. n Geo. Thompson from Scotland. visit - ing with J. Binnie, Sr., preached in the United Church last Sunday and gave a very interesting s rmon. ' MFG Prntxrn urn! Rnilohfun 1\unu av-moral` JVU. l`--O yrs. ulu; ulna I:Ii:u'I_y an big cow and a good milker. , No. 8-7 yrs. old; this is an extra good cow, fresh this spring. ' . No. 9-8 yrs. old: this is a good cow and fresh this spring. No. 10-8 yrs. old; an extra good cow and fresh this spring. No. 11-6 yrs. old: a good cow and fresh this spring. No. 12-6 yrs. old; due early in Nov- ember and milking well. No. 13-6 yrs. old: due early in July: an extra good cow. No. 14- 10 yrs. old; an extra good cow and fresh. this spring. No. 16-3 yrs . old; fresh this spring; this is a good heifer and milking well. No. 16-6 yrs. old; fresh this spring and an exceptionally good cow. No. 17-7 yrs old; fresh this spring and a. splendid milker. No. 18-10 yrs. old; and a good milker. No. 19-6 yrs. old; just bred and fresh this spri_ng; a very good `young cow. No. .20-6 yrs. old; fresh this spring and a splendid. big. young cow. The registered Holstein bull. King Segis Alcatra Lee No. 33680: Sire! fresh this spring King Segis Alcatra Spofford No. 20352: Dam, Lawn Crest Lee DeKol No. 15022. The above are as fine allot of H01- stein cows as may be found in any one herd. They are all big. young cows and extra heavy milkers, and been '1`.B. tested. All will be sold without reserve. Terms of Sale-Six months credit . will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes . 6% per annum off for cash. Sale at,1 p.m. W. A. MccoNKEY. Auctioneer. Uulygl I I all have . I 1 1 do VUIIJ LIILVSFUELIIIS SCIKIIIUII. Mrs. Brown and daughter Mary spgnt the week-end with friends in Elmvale. > T.nnl> 'Y\/Innotr urn l-Inn nfnua A! thin June 1-Mr.V `arid Mrs. E. Rennick and children of Barrie were week-end visitors with S. Cox. ` I/Tina Dnuhn TXYE-nun! A0 'IDn......l` .........J. VISLLUICS WILII 5. LJUIL. Miss Bertha Ward of Barrie spent the week-end with.Miss Eleanor Hay- 1 DR ' ouegnavu gvu `may now" JV!-was Th service in St. James Chur Crown Hill, Sunday. June 6, at 1 p.m. Sunday School at 6.45. Holy Co I munion, June 13. at 8-p.m. `D-.. 1' 1!? '11.-.....__ -5 'r'r-__..-.__I.. ~11-.. pzuu. . Ira Partridge. ` Misses Stella and Minnie Partridge, Miss Jessie Metcalfe and Miss Annie Avison motored to Victoria. Square and spent the day at the .home of Mr. Avison on Sunday. OBI..- 11 Y_...-..I.. `l'_...L.n.--4.-'._sI1 _--_; ___ 5UUUU5- Miss Hazel Chappell was at home on Sunday before going to Weston Sani- tarium for the n sing course in af- filiation with the oyal -Yictoria. Hos- pital. TI-n `PA:-f.'9-{(19-n `Minna Q1-nun an.-1 May 31-`-The girls of the Young Peo- ,ple's Club have organized a. `baseball |team with 'Miss.Myrtle Rlnehart cap- tain. alsotthelr basketball team with Miss Beth Drury. to lead them to vic- tory. ' Thu hnva urn in {kn Tmaoann `fnnl-kn N51`:/1'1e boys era in the League `football this year. All here wish `them every success. * `lllnu anks` (VI-n-.-`All .o..... .4. I.._._ ._ Today, one of the Zlavtrgest and strongest ban s in the world, it serves e e9y'phase of bueiness and private VI ` life at home, and is tak- ' ing a leading `part in the expansion of trade in foreign inarkets. ciples and a policy of gradual expansion have marked` the steady growth of this Bank for over fty years. SOUND business prin- The undersigned. has rece1ved'1tistruc- tions to sell by public auction. the en'- tire herd of Holstein cattle on x Progress ANTEN MILLS _.W" Church. 7,30 ' RAE T-Tnlv '(`nvn.. -rrlenas nere. - ' . . ;. Miss Hazel Bagsh aw_fot Toroto vis- ited last weekwith Mrs, N. Qaldwell. ` Norvat Caldwell has said }hls_, farm to Mel. Hastingsgand: is mov`1n g into `Mrs. T Neil Morrison"s', hofuse..- `; VIEILBU. 1218!. WEEK In '.l'0I'0I1I0a . ` Mrs. Jack Bartholomew andson of New Lowell spent_ _la,s_' wqek-- with -friends here. ` 1M1-.. HGDAI 'D.~......1..2....'-.`.'a'n'1...`..L.A'a... -.a.. May 31-M1ss IF-`loteunvceu Hastings` visited last week in Toronto.. ~ Mr: _Tnr-I: `Rnrfhn1nnnnnr am`: an-nu` AF aas. nunter, wno Is In poor nealtn. 'Wallace Beardsall of Buffalo is `vis- iting his home here. (Too Late for Last Wesk). Visitors during the holldaywerez Mr. and Mrs. T. Holmes and two.children of Toronto with Mr. and .Mrs., J. Ben- nett; Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy ofamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Burroughs or Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs._M. Beath: Mll- ford Bertram and Mia` Silk. of Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bertram. NO. 1---6 yrs. um; Lu-is uuw u'uau.cuuu in winter and is milking well. No. 2- 6 yrs. old; due in July; this is a. splendid type of Holstein cow. No. 3-6 yrs. old; due in July; another of the very best type. No. 4-7 yrs. old; a. very good cow and milking well; itresh this spring. No. 5-6 yrs. old: due in December: a v splendid type of big cow; milking- weil. i No. 6-7 yrs. old: a. real good cow: fresh this spring. No. 7-8 yrs. old; due early in July; hla nnur and n prnnd mI-Il(nr_ Frank Hunten 0} snent the'week;-end with-his mother. Mrs. Jaa. Hunter, who is in health. "XTnllnnn `Rant-an nf uffnln {a kiln. WISU WUUIU nave D8611. ' __: On Sunday night thieves removed three tires and rims from Wm.` Suther- land s aut mobile and one from Cecil Thompson while the cars were in Sutheriand s shed. * Luuc LU. uw uve t.0cK ousmess. . The Beeton Dramatic Club presented their play to a Bond Head audience on Wednesday evening. The time for ad- vert1sing.. it was so short that many were not aware `that it was taking place and as aconsequence the attend- ance was much below what`-it ether- wise would have been. (`fl Quinnvr nln-lab aklnhonn gnu...--A: uuxuuuy 111 L116 pa.l`K on saturaay. Cecil Thompson has sold his butcher `business to C. Webb. Mr. Thbmnson is going to remain here and devote more time to. the live stock business.; The Rnnfnn Th-nmuun run:-. ....-..........: June 1-A good shower of rain would be welcome as the ground is very dry. Miss Minnie Ellsmere of Toronto is home for. holidays. R/SQ Jnnnio mnne n~P 'l"nnzn+n an-u"s-at Luv uuuuuy uL I181` nome. .. Chas. Hart had a swarm of bees on the 29th. His bees wintered well and are in good condition. . MFG '11 `n4 Tnnnnfn Tllfnu `Danny: t\` at`: 111 guuu UUIIQILIUII. Mrs. Hill "of Toronto. Mrs. Perry of, Cayuga, and Mrs.-T. Coward or Tor- onto. spent the 24th with Mrs. E. _1YIor- rinnn ' uu|.u, I rison. 1|/I ... VICE, dl. .11 a._n1. - Mrs; McLean and infant of `Prince Albert, Sask., are visiting her mother. Mrs `Richard Wiuiams. Mr. and Mrs. .T_ PQPPV nf "l`rn~n-nfn 1V1.l'5 ruuuaxa VVlul'd.II15- Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry of Toronto were the guests of the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheffield` over the 24th. ` ` T NIL- 0 .... ....I -4` AII__ `E1-__L__ __._ _n| lI ' Cw-u-w : consisting of .20 hea.d'of good, big "dairy cows. all [milking and exceptionally well bred, also registered Holstein bun. -____-__ v_I._ rr.-..L-.. ....I.p. ma- '2l.ll Thefuneral. of` Allan Minty. son of Mrs. Annie Minty and the late D. H. Minty, was held last Wednesday. Allan. was a promlsinglad of about fourteen years and his death occurred after an operation which was succeeded by `complications. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved mother. -brothers and sisters. cu. uuL none me worse tor her race. . Mrs. Haystead of Sudbury is visit- ing her parents, Mr. "and Mrs. Wm;- Haynes. . j uuuus Lur. uuuua.ys. . Miss Jennie Oades of Toronto spnt the holiday at her home. ' (`hag `l'-Tnl- Pin!` 1) axxvnn-nu A` Luna l\IIl \ .l.lDUlh \ ` 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Curzon` of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hart on the 24th-. The Presbyterians have changed. from evening to morning Sabbath ser-` vice, at 11 a.m. `Alma-. 1|/rnf A}... n....: :...a.....4. -4 15.4..-- May 31-Mr.. and Mrs. S. Rush- brooke of Detroit are visiting at W. T. GI`Lnt'S. - 1ur..n....,.1..... u. . . _ . _- 4.- .._-_s u., I uruni. 3. . * A. Mccracken has gone .to speed the summer with his son Jas. in New On`- tario. v m 1..-..- .1... ....-- LL- A---~~--r " - IICVV L` `J1-`I `J Thos. Bargfcor Toronto `visited his parents here" over the week-end. ` A deer visited this vicinity on Wed- `nesday and was seen" by several as it travelled leisurely from farm to farm. Rrmd `I -Tam`! `Pnnvinn and Nrn 9 'nr....4- uavuuuu xemurely Irom Iarm IO Iarm. Bond Head, Penville and No. 3 West Gwillimbury schools held a. combined fieldday in the park on Saturday. Cecil Thnmnsmn hm: mm M. n.m.1-.... unu myrue uampbeu, on Sunday. On Sunday '1-`. Berthelottefs horse ran away but by the assistance of a Ford car and a couple of men. the horse was caught, down the town line. not doing muchdamage to the buggy or harness. The horse came back looking very tir- ed. but none the worse for her MFR. '|'-Tavsafnn hf nr'I}n1n1r Ia cpl.-IL T. Lyons is now the possessor of.a. new Ford coupe. _ ' ` Barker of Toronto visited week-end. Wed_- nnndnuu n...l -..... ...--._. I.-- ___,-,,-n [The owner, John Hunter. who re- cently purchased this farm as a. going wen. um um, uu-n; . yang... V... --.,-....---_ .. ..-_.| -concern, is a. breeder "of registered` Ayrshire cattle and irrtends to carry on with the breed of cattle he is best ac- quainted with. No. 1-8 yrs. old; this cow freshened In nrlnfnr and in milking` wail. `i\`i'rs. J. Mulhollandlof comngwood called on her sisters, Minnie, Jessie and'Myrtle Campbell, Sunday. Sundav T. BePth9lnffh n hnvgn Iuhn uauxuy u; m ewmarxet at w. T. Clark's. Mr. and Mrs. VGeorge Clarke and Donald are home after spending a." few` iilys with friends and relatives in Or- a. e apcul. me ween-ena wxtn ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Berthelotte of Utopia and Francis were Sunday visit- ors at F. Comartin s, also Mr. and Mrs. G. Russell and Jimmie and Mrs. J. Gauley of Newmarket at W. T. Clark's. MP. and Mrs. nnran (`lo-In. ......: uuys l lllia. III; uu nus p?u`eIlL5 nere last week. Miss E. Daley of Barrie spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Truen last week. ' ` A ' Miss Jessie Trott of Camp Borden. spent the week-end with her and Mrs. 'I`hm: Ftnv-fl-uglno-4.. no uauca uu ms orotner last week. Mrs. M. A. Vvinters made a; business trip to Stayner recently. Felix Desjardine "has purchased a player piano. - _George Falconer of Toronto -called on his parents here last week. . NHRQ TU T\n`Inv n9 Domain .-.--.-A- - A---- `June 1--J. 4D_sourdie of Allndale` called on his brother last week. Mrs. M, A Vvintnnu rnon n-I---~-1---- UL 1J'd.15 LUIL Harold_ Tracy motored to Colling`. 'wood on Sunday taking his `mother and two sisters, also his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Tracy. The fnrmnrs: havn finialnna d.I.-.1_`. um . uuu LV11'5. D. Iracy. The farmers have finished their- seeding. wmuu .u-as cuuseu 1t to swell badly. Visitors at L: Hand:/ s on Simday were Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. and` Mrs. Furlong and children of Allen- wood, Misses Jean and Vera Baldwin of Dalston. ` Ilontfl mmntlvu ~....\A.A._-.1 1.- run ... BOUGHT. -.-- SOLD INSURANCE -.` BONDS +:, ' `MINING STOCKS -F::.;";:',:;:::,::* ;%;:;%` " ` Hollinger :" Mclngyre : ` Cut]: Dome Capital :' Tack-Hughes Some of best companies represented, X `vjenqing f_1_'om 4%%_ `to 7%. V lll.LI5IUo Mrs. W.` Knapp, with Ben and Enid, and Miss Jean Handy attended the gathering held on the last day of plant- ing` for this year by the employees of the Antn Mills reforestation farm. It being a. nice evening all enjoyed therm- selves with music and games after the supper was served. .- - 'I" pnffnnnn Rn had Ha- ....I...a_..L-__.. u[J}JCl.' W113 SUFVUUA '1'. Pattenden, Sr., had the mxsgoptne .to have a rusty nail run in his foot which has caused it to swell badly. L: Handv's nn Q;m.:A.... '31-&on Richardson. little sonoi and `Mrs. E, Richardson. had what imight have been a. bad accident. As he was trying to lift a. big iron in a buggy he slipped, cutting his forehead on the ' iron. He had one stitch put in it and is doingnicely now. ' ; A goodly number attended the`;-9- citai in the United Church held bv Miss Lennox of Barrie for her nupu, `It is surprising to see how wellhthe young people are getting along in their music. _ - ' ` `Klan: 1] ? Y}'_.._.. -..lLI. `I5-.. _ May 25-Mrs. M. Knapp, ofHTw `% ` is visiting friends here for rg' weeks. A V IV-unaln-. `l38nInn-upinn-xv. 114.4-I- ____ - __ _S_TATION = CRAIGHURST Bgemwoon BOND HEAD ' CLOWES} LIIU 5 LIIIIIIIUIH The St. Thomas Church cemetery `committee of Shanty Bay, are holding a. bee to improve the cemetery on June 8. All interested are invited. Donations gratefully received. \ LIIU uvsu vs no I a nu uuuuvav Cedardale iiaiy Fami" ` - Allandale (KNOWN AS DYMENT'S FARM) on Saturday, June 5 _ ........:..u.... no on I...m.:,.-.4! iamm-I hid air W UGA- _ Wm. Brooks and his help `begin this week to `build another cottage for Jas. E. Hughes on the bay front. A. T. Moore is home again. Frank Dolan' of Bond Lake visited with Jas Rands over Sunday. - `Mrs. Buchanan is again at the corner store and she also willact as organist for Sunday service in the United Church` as she is going to stay most of the summer. nu... cu. rnI............y r~u___..-._ ueuupcrs uut, LU VISH. at tnelx` cottages. _ Georgie Elliott, who has spent the_ past sixteen weeks in the Hospital for . Sick Children, Toronto, was removed to the Lakeside Hospital at {the Island last Thursday. He is improving very slowly and will be there for some time yet although he is able to go on crutch- es at present. Mo._v 30-.-Me1vlll`e Fockler and fam- ily of Toronto came here to visit their mother. "Mrs. Jno. Sanderson. last week. T17... `l:)....`..`I-.. -_.1 I_:._ 1_-u_, 1, , 9 .- - Q1 .IJUl.lc`:l.ll1 GU55. ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Winn and family of Toronto visited with Mrs. Fred Elliott on Sunday. 7 The firm: an-rnnnav-_HI;.-. Anna. -0 A-1..-| The fine summer?-like days of the past Week are bringing lots of summerl "campers out to visit at their cottages. Georgie Elliott. who hag nnnnf 1-ho uu ouuuuy. I u.a,y. - , The Young People's Society of St. `Andrew's Church held a picnic last Wednesday afternoon at the cottage of Donald Ross. ` `IM... ....A 1|/1.... 1:1 111:-.. ..._.1 n_..,n__ _..| ..-..r......, ..-- . ....-., -..-. - vusso Miss Muriel Bradgn Bf Cedar Grove is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Spears. .- MP and MFR Rnfnu annnf QIIIQAISII nan`: I-ll`II I \lll.` I June 1V-\-Mr.` and Mrs. Gilrdy of Ba?- rie_ visited with the latter's sister. Mrs. C. Jobbitt, on Sunday. -In_,-_-I 1nuI:__, , _ uugwuuu. g 7"Mr`. and Mrs. T1_1ompson Jennett are` taking a. motor tnp to Sarnia, Guelph _a,n'$nother places. ` vfiv-cf T.nno'nn Garhn Fn... canal. v.. .. -..u-w.v "1"r'e&~iiior.t and All;ert Fennell vis- ited- with friends in Toronto on Sun- day. ` I \For sale by THE SARJEANT co. 4 . % nu; BALL PLANING MILL co. um. ILUU. day. Th "WUl_: lrlcuua 1u'.u. I:. and '~Mrs.L Oscar B.tes and daifghter Muriel spent Sund_ay in C01- li_n[gwood.. ' "Mr and Mrs. Thnmnnnn .`l nnnnH- own! e first ,League game for South Sijmcoe was played- on Saturday af- ,.ternoon between Barrie and Ivy. The score was in favor of the visitors by 8 to 7. ' -. - - .-`Inn. `G911. 1uI ..'n In D.-...u..... 1-..u._ n___. all UL1lI'l' PIGUUS. i 5 to I. 4 Mrgand Mrs. T. Banting: John Bout- ,in g`, Mrs. McCullough and` Mrs. J. T. Jennett motored to Toronto and passed `the week-end there. (1 A G-`gnu: in In-._....-'.A...... 1.3.. u._____ npeu1'u.~ - _ Mr. and Mrs. Bates spent Sunday with friends in Co11ingwood.' Vnrnnn Qnnnne nf Tnunntn an 1.... Vernon Speers of Toronto is holi- dpylng with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Spears; . wuu Luuuuu an \.;uu1ngw0D(1. I I` `Dav '1` .T`T\nm ana TIT: `Dana-In... .......| I `J... Qlllin Rev. T. J.` Dew and Wm. Banting are attending a. Synodmeeting in Toronto. `H! A A......I.1 1.. __..!,241., ,, ..- -- __.c, .. -_-... ...`\......5 non J.`-ILIIIIUVII E. Arnoivd is visiting his daugh- ter. Mrs. R. J. Hanna, Toronto. EMU VVCUl\`Ull\.l I.ll.Ul U. -G. A._ Speexfs is improving his house by raising it UP. putting a. foundation under .it and cementing the outside. 11.. __.1 'll'___ 1' III g...uv. .-- ...--... -..-.-v.......n n.-Aw vuuusuc. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jermett visited friends in Vasey last week. an-1___ 1r.-_..!_I 1-5..-.-|,, 4- /C - A pocnonp SHEATHING % ` --