_F1ill information furnished on {my of "Hit: nnnrnno rvnna Every member of my family has taken HERB JUICE, and we have found it to be the only satisfactory treatment we have ever used for stomach trouble and constipation., I feel as though I should tell my friends about it, said Mr. McDonald, residing at 109 Seaton *St., Toronto. Speaking further of the results they have had from HERB JUICE, Mr. McDonald said: I was the rst one of the family to try your medicine, as I had suffered for quite a while with stomach trouble and constipa- tion and had not -been able to nd any medicine that would give me any relief from the indigestion pains and gas thatwould form in my stomach after eating. The rst bottle of this medicine did me worlds of good and after I had used it a-short time I felt like a new man and was completely relieved of stomach trouble, my bow- els were regular and I never have any more trouble from constipation. We have also given HERB JUICE to the lchildren and nd it to `be a wonderful laxative for them. Only the other day my wife spoke about it and said she expected to keep HERB JUICE on hand for them all the time. Just tell the people around here to ask me about HER-B JUICE and I will tell `them facts that will be surprising. i If... -_l_rL__ 117.. T -_____- ----vuu Iv LL IJC DIJLIJLLDJIIE _i For sale b"y;{/m.`CrossIand, Ba.n'i;3, jand othgr druggiats. Price $1300. ENTIRE FAMlLY- ' " ARE USING IT Finds That MILLER S CAN- - ADIAN HERB JUICE Is the Only Satisfactory Treat- i ment for Stomach 'Tt'ouble. and Constipation. U :4 vv L'.r._I.J.|.I.I.:1J.IuL.`I"' A. H. Felt W. B. Webb `LI CK S GARAGE , LADIES WEAR-- *n..-_._-n 1 n- .' N EWSPAPER-- \1 .-..LL,___. A J____ `SHOES-- f'1____-- `I7. JEWE.LLERS--- Felt` T 1'! TI? , 1, 1, \lIl cy-11 U171 Shoe Co. J. Little Lasting pride of ownership comes fro_m'mas- terful performance, ease of operation and .maintcnance_, from reliabilityand economy. JJJJJLJ VV lllfll Powell & Co. AH VV L71 ['1]. 1.23" . Northern Advance 0-3"" Cjzrey-Hurlburt PH( 13 ex /Ivr H01 M 65 Hanson 7-PASS. SEDAN $2340 Hunsom BROUGHAM szozo. ` uurncgap, usaaamptguaugqapaaua t _ Iron!` and Rat Automatic Windshield Cleaner; Rea : V!qwMh-`tor; Transmission . Lock (built in); diam: Shutters: Moto-Meter} Qombhndon stop and Tail Light. ` , i Nowtc Wail These 'Clai1`V1`1s--'Thc.;:y`Ate\` ' , Supported by 800,000 Oxyners crease In me _unpald taxes. ` . 'I believe the fault lies in the illegal. and irregular practice adopted by the Council and I ha.v.e`from' time to: time suggested a. remedy but have failed so far to have it adopted by Council. ' 11.. .....'-............4.a....':... .n....4. 4.1.- n..___-.u __ ...- -...- vv .-wvu gs |nIAv;luv\ -1; \J\-7|-Lll\.alln My suggestionis that the Council an- point a real tax collector. as `provided by the Municipal Ac}, which reads as, fo1lovqs:- (l) The council of every` municipality shall appoint annual y"as many gollectors for the municipali y as guns u=u.er. ` . - 4 ' -` I _ The question of the Iarg amount of ' `unpaid taxes has {been ahm tter of'(_iis-- cussiom at the annual municipalnomin-V `gtionse for. many years a.,nd'.rmany cap- didates for office have expressed ` a. desire for improvement. ' ' rlu..:A __..._ _-___ _-__u.-,,,,-- -- - ucau. c LU]. uupru V amen L. Thi year our auditors `in their re- ? port for 1925: also refer to the unpaid I ta.xes!~'I`-hey sayfthati the situation is not improving /materially and recom- `mend that steps be taken to find a remedy. They also point out that up to April 11, 1926, only an improvement Of 35.21230 has been rnnn H11: van:-`u cu t1pl.'llA1.l., 13160, only an lmprovementl lot $5,212.80 has been made this year`, as compared with the same period in 1925. They also statethat atthe end of the year; .1925 there was _a $3800 in- crease in the ,unpaid taxes. ` -A Ml knit`--- LI... a..-nA. 1.1-- 2.. `L- 1I;-,,I 'yo,ur `goodwill and ask ` aAnI'ai.:=.'s1 UNPVAIDT TAXES` The"Editor of '1`h.eqBarri,e; Examinem. Dear Sir:-`-Mayfagain/encroach on ,y9n to publish this` letter. " In]... ..........u..... -5. 4.1.- 1-....- -..-,-_._4 -n- w$w&xi$&ww&$mw| Delicipus and `Rgefrshing 7. 9-G . tognight I at the the riding action is so well armned that long `hours`at' the wheel are not tiring. Economy is found in low operating and maintenance cost. ' 'Tl1"ese.are the `qualities that make genuine ` satisfaction. Upon `such a chassis is mounted the Coach. Itpgives all closed car com,-9 forts. It is; sturdy, beautiful in line, and complete` in every practical detail. It: sale has exceeded that of any closed car priced `above 31,000. That "production has led to -ireatel` economyand niuch lower prices; It i . has pennittedrnany improvements in chassis and body. , , So today` s Hudson (loach isnot only the best" ever built,` It itpriced lowerthsn ever bfO|'O_.- , _ I .'; l 7 I ' V LUIIUU p?LYITl8I11'. or not. ~ The Mayor in his inaugural address this year stressed the amount of unpaid taxes. What has he suggested _up to the present? The general impression is `that the unpaid taxes are due from thepoor taxpayers. The list of names submitted to the Finance Committee by the Clerk does not bear this out. Rather, it shows in the majority of cases many `names of ratepayers who are Well-to-doiowing hundreds of dol- lars in taxes. and who owe the greater amount of unpaid taxes. In nnnnlnsinn `Ice. .9... .~..... 4.1....` .n.- gcuu uuzuuzluuy oy appointing a collec- tor who would" do his duties as laid out in the Municipal Act. I_ am surprised at the stand the Mayor and most of the members of Council take on this ques- tion. They oppose every suggestion made tomake any change and dictate to the Clerk what sha.1l"~be done to en-' force pavment not. Thu 1\/ravnvs -In `n1'r- J...-. ----- --1 -~"-"- ~ --..- -......-.,, uaav uua \;uuc\;LUl.'. `I am endeavoring to have a real tax collector appointed. It has been stat'- - ed by some members that it would cost more to have .:a collector do the work. I differ with that idea. as the.-Clerk`is V no doubt paid part of his present sal- ary owing to the duty of collecting taxes being placed upon him, besides the cost of extra help (an additional clerk was appointed in February at $45 per.mo`nth to help in the, collection of unpaid taxes) and the loss the Town` sustainsowing to the illegal, irregular and inefficient method now in vogue. It is "my belief that the Town would gain nancially by appointing collec- would` do his: nfinu no mm .....+ --..-,, .. ............. ...g.. to uuuI:\:_|.' cases. In the face ofthese facts, I.wa.s told by `Deputy-Reeve By:-he in Council meeting that I was not telling the truth when I said the Chief of Police was not really the tax collector. r ....... ..._,a.'.. .._`.s,, ; znyzy deemed.i_1ecessary:" ('2) The an- i `.pc~intment` shall -be rnad'e.-`as/ soon i practicable after `the organ ization_ `of .the e-council. .(3) ;A men_1_ er` of the council or the clerkaor treasurer of the . municipality. shall _-,n ot. be appointed collector." ,\.- N ` It is true a -by-law was passed in December, 1924,ethat the Chie ot`jPol- ice he the"collector, but let me say that! 'the`collector s roll is not given to him: A} "He does not collect the_ taxes. nor is he _; supposed to do so by theecouncil.` The 1 tax roll is `, retained in the Clerk` and `~ ' (I'ree.surer s office. The ratepayers may pay their taxes there or to` the bank. -Thus` it is seen that as the Chief of Pplice is-n'ot given the roll and isnot expected to collect, there is no_person realr appointed. as .collector. The whole question is camouaged and as airesult the deplorable state of affairs -referred to by the auditors. Let me say; `further that the collector according tor the_ Act should return upon oath his roll to the` treasurer at adate set and make out a list of persons who have not paid their taxes. This `is not done by the Chief of Police as tax collector. It is a well known fact that any taxes that are paid are received by the Clerk or the bank. Further, it is the Clerk `whom the Council looks upon as the real tax collector and have paid at the expense of the ratepayers for - extra help to assist him to collect taxes. 1'. Li... a... -3 Lu__-, . .1uuuuL OI unpaid taxes. In conclusion, lemme say that the Toronto, `at Mrs. Usher's: Mr. nd Mrs. `duh 1V1. Ila lJlIaWUll 3, LVL1`. auu J.VJ.l'. IVIUIL` ard Welsh of Niagara Falls. Ont., at-` Thos. Shanahan's; Robert Wilson of Elmer Spring, Mr. Douglass. iss. Eva Spring and Clarence Spring of Toron- ; to, at A.'E. Spring s; Mr. and Mrs. S., I G/. Napier and Jean of Tottenham, at A. C. Bishopls; `Miss Susie Dick- inson of; Toronto at -. Mrs. Farne`y s: Dr. J.: H. and Mrs.` Scott of Hamilton. at J. H. Hill's, Mrs. Scott remaining over for some time; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hahn of Toronto, ,9.t G. L. Usher's: .~,Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr of Toronto at Mrs. Ker-19's: John Andrew of"St. Cath- arines with Wm`. Andrew's; Mr. and! - Mrs. L__ane" 01. Toronto'a.t- ..Mr's. Jno. _Among the many visitors in town over the week-end were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Frank Bell.l Miss Dorothy Bell of.Brad rd. Robin-4 son Hood of Toronto and lss Adams of Lefroy at R..P. Burton's: Edward Morwlch and sister Velma of Jersey- vllle. 0nt.. and Warren Klrkpa.tr1ck,ot\ nu --nvg up ---9 -...3. ..-a--..- . Hamllton. at Mrs. Va\slcklE's; Miss at . J. Lawson's; Mr". and Mrs. Rich.- Ailsa.`Gra.yLvBa.rrle. at C E. Dutcher s; F. C. Lower and l'moth`er `of Barrie, -Miss Jessie Lower, Toronto, (1 Miss I Lillian Penstone of Toronto, t R. M. Bl ck's; John Lawson of Woodstock. nn Tlfnhah nf 1\Tino-nova Walla l\n+ of`. stand I take on this question is not as pleasant one, but as one of the people s representatives I feel it my duty to carry on in the interests of the rate- payers and the Town of Ba.rri'e. as l believe there\is a danger of the Town losing considerable money. r Yours truly, A - . 1-1--r-11-:1-g11'\rn A ~ 1 A 111716 l5I"d.uLUl'u UVUl'_ LL16 llUllud.,Y. ' W. E. Thompson visited friends at Midland over the week~end. R 13 Rn:-1-rm and W, `I"`.a.mnhe1i mot- cne nuuuzty an ;urquL_u. _ ; Dr. D. C. Harvie spent Victoria Day with friends :at Orlllia. `Tan 12` (`A1-\`Ir xriuif-on-1 :21 `via hnvnn 1n J. s, Alliston` ` puLoN,c.;;u;.g;,, ,d \- Cree:g_nore J. W.l0Wl5. 3e3to117` H. M,<:(IURDY';'\1'6tt.enl!a;1n` Mrs_. Jas.' Pearson` visited in Tor- onto last week. - ' "l\n'h-u-. l`1n`kn++ at-\(\v\+ I-Inn` Innlin-`lair of: UIILU liil. WBURS. ` I Miss Garbutt spent the holiday at her home in Meaford. ' 4 1|/ling 'LTnr.-n-\'l-n-nu -xai!-nrl fv--inna hvnr net` IIUIHC ll]. lV.I.UbU.U1'u. > Miss Humphrey visited friends over the holiday at Toronto. has 1`) F` T-Tarvin nm-If Vinfnrin `Dav! Wltll .l.l'lBllUS `ill. Ul'lll1a.. Jno. F. Cook visited at his home in Bradford over_ the holiday. TIT 1.7` Tknrnnunn uh:'H*nR fr-innn of JV.l1Gl8.H(1 OVGI` tne WEEK-'eIl(1. R. P. Burton and W. "amnbeli mot- ored to Oshawa last week on business. 11.. -...1\inr.... -n\......1_ 131-1; -5 In-.. us cu uv \Js7LAIA.vvuIp Juuuu vvuyan vu uu-a..quuu. Mr. a.nd\Mrs, Frank Field of Tor- onto renewed acquaintance hereover the week-end. , Mr and Mr: P A nnnnr mnfnrn IIUIIUELJ _Wl|.ll l.l'lU1ll.l3 |.H.U.|'Uo Mr. and Mrs..Grant Heels of Barrie spent the week-end at `the homes of W. D.vCotton and J. ~H..Kerr'. \ T.nnvann' Dnhinann hon nwnnoi-`Ir {v-n._ Elle wuervenu. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooper motored to Belleville on Saturday and spent the holiday with friends there. Mr ant! Mrs (Ir-nnf T-Tools: nf `Raw:-in W. 1).vU0tt.0n and J. ~1-1..1gerr'. Lawson` Robinson has greatly im- 'proved the appearance of his store by having aaew front installed. _ `l\/Fr and Mr: 1-1 12 Tlfnrrnn and \1\~\rnn`a\I-A u .- v-.... y. -y..-..-.. Mr. and Mrs. vgxllen` Mcsrmott of Norwich passed a. few days last week at the home of Jas. Mc_Dermott._ .. v-\, ---..-.y...._,> .--.--_v-... --- __----...-v. Charlie and Francis Burton spent a` few days with their grandparents, Mr. 4 and Mrs. Bell of Bradford. last Week.` .,-___~n, -I-n__ 1-1-- 4.. ___ L .- ..--_ _---.., _-..-- .. -.~.._,_.... .... ..v..... .. ..v... The Elmvale Boy Scouts went to Stayner on the holiday and took part inthe sports the:-e,~ winning second place in the Scout games. _ `II'._..._.__ ...._J.....:` 4- rnwvv has `any uuuvqu 5 ssss qvuru A number of` Masons `motored to `Stroud on Tuesday evening to visit Minerva` Lod "e. it being the occasion of the D.D.G. . s official visit_. A --.' -.-.~.. ---. -u v-...--. .-~-V. l Last we`ek it was stated the business places of Elmvale woulddclpse on Wed- nbsday afterpoon. It should have read every Wednesday afternoon` during June,aJuly and August. ' A_".-.._ LL- ..._..-- -..l_.lL-..... .I__ UKVIIIS it IIUVV .|.l.'Ul.|l. 1llUL{!;llCU.o Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Warren and children and R. Champion were at Jackson's Point over Sunday. - . upcs .. A "1vii;{s `.I':`.-iEHe-`-P;e 1`1~"so.r.1`-za.;1_ 19;}; and I Mrs- Roy Hart and baby of Toronto were holiday visitors in Elmva1e.- ru.....u- .'....1 1:1_....-:... *rs.-..4.-_ _...._L - I (0I0X0X0I0I0I4 >10! >I0I0I<>I0X0I< g, I VELMAVALE NEWS % .v..v..v..v..v..v;mmm.v.mmmm mm V I $;&&maa&mmm&ma` Assoc1ATE`V%DE.1_;LEhRs: 31.33 3g@.aora~%sc....,w f1'H1as1; DEALERS ARE Rlii T6%i:mEl.'1-Won WIN A BIG PRIZE; * (:51 THE COUPONS! A vvnnn--A--- _... vicinity. This very V a `lady will be the happy possessor The great `/"Bony"-ein-Barrie; cam.` . paign will soon be over. Next week the *public will know who is the most popular lady' in ~'~Barrie of a brand new Chevrolet Touring car and her cup of joy will befover-' Bowing. Who this lady may. be-- a no one can tell. Perhaps YOUR name as the winner may appear on the front page of this paper. Should i you, at this moment,` he ;away" down on the list, all we can say. is--.make a determined effort during the next two days. Many i The car will be awarded to. some fortun- ' ' ate lady next week , f Other prizes include: Two_ Round Trip` `Tickets to Florida, 3 Radio Sets., etc. J \________.__.__..j...__._-.--- a race has been won by a spurt at the nish. The help of your friends at this time means much t you. The coupon_s theyreceive added to the coupons you get yourselfmay turn the tide in your favor. Such ._ wonderful prizes. are well worth all -the effort you can make to gather in the coupons. ' unxxjulv-" ' i F. Rayner ' THE BARRIE RADIO & `ELECTRIC CO. ' BUT'CHER- A Bishop Bros. CLEANERS AND ` 'PRESSERS-- W.` Firth A. E. Whitby AUTOMOBILES- T. "R. Coult/er BAKER-- ~ `CI 11....` V V om TWO msm wmcn TO ADD THEMWINNING vongs T0 YOUR TOTAL YOU CAN coma OUT ON TOP. ` EVERYVOTE COUNTS. 5 turday, "May 29` n.\I\An\J um um. `.1-IERBEI.{,"I` A. `JARVIS. No merchant or member of a. merch- ant's family, or anywemployee of the co- operating stores, will be aflowed to par'- ticipate as a contestant, as this cam- paign is for the people a a whole. H $9 4` ., ,: /7 S O N . BARRIE-ALLAN- DALE DAIRY C0. DOUGLAS `I\`D'| Tl'1 GfI'1I\`l11 J} \J \J \.IrJ.ll.'.L' DRUG 'roRE DREAMLAND ' THEATRE FtLRNITURE- '- (V G...LL D. 1'1- 1;-U_'N-13;'1';:;_ W. c. HUNTER` G. G. Smith & Co. V CLOTHING 00- R ERs_ IPAINT-S AND _ G.J9(l3). Wisdom & Co. WALLPAPER- J. A. R. Cameron T E- Harley Roy L. Jay ` , ROBINSON L. P. Singer T HARDWARE Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Manley and Mrs. Halliday with Jas. McGinnis; Miss Maud Train, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Train, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Train, Bruce Train of Toronto and Miss An- nie -Train of Barrie. at Wm. Train s; Mr. and Mrs. E. Shanahan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loftus of Tor-' onto at Thos. Shana,han s, Mrs. Loftus remaining over for a week. Rev. D. A. Ferguson of Cookstown occupied the Presbyterian pulpit Sun- day last and declared-the pulpit. va- cant. He thought it wise for the elders and managers of Alliston and Baxter to get together and make plans for the future. Mr. Sanderson, who is vis- iting with Mr. and,Mrs. J. J. Cochrane, sang very sweetl_y, Open .the.Ga.tes of the Temple"; Af flnnn nf nn-H-inn Vlnnn `D.-...1..-. :. I J.\-lU1la.l'l.l 1`I.LL'd.ll.l5. I May 25-Miss Lena Adams spent the I holiday with her parents,0Mr.-and Mrs. Richard Adams. T D-.. `n A 1.1 ...... ._ .1: n--u_,,4, LIIU .1 Ulllpl At time :13. writing Thos. Banks is in a very serious condition. Yesterday morning he left the barn to plough a. field. Vvhen, he failed to come to din- ner, his `wife went to look for him and found his orses tied to the fence and him in "a erious condition, with his ihxgat gasheq, apparently by a. jack- n e. l.lll'UlL knife. Holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Davidson and.famil,v of Tor-4 onto with friends; Mrs. W. Grose arid` Elmer of Barrie. at W. J. McMaster's: Miss Wice with Mrs. Thompson: Mr. and Mrs. Parkenand family of Shel- Iburne and Miss` Mary Parker of Mt. I p'cl.l. t:llL at. puuiaun 5 171111. | Albert with their parents; Miss Nesbitt of. Toronto with'Mrs. R. Gallaugher. . Ariie Green was in 'I`nv-nnfn nn Tad- All `Closed Car Comforts -&Masterful % Performance `- Low Cost * 6 Luruutu u. Lew ua.ysV1ast WeeK. Elmer and J. T. Graham of Cooks- town spent Sunday. with Lloyd El- dridge. .T\Ifnv~v1T-`l'iHnnLv ha ualn-In.-.. 1-... ..........a ul. l|.I5I=- AM_ary`Hi_1lock is visiting her grand- I parentsat Coulson s Hill. . T-Tnlinu iriuifnra nrnnno `lhfn n-"I 1|.f._.-. u; ;uuuu.u wuu lV.lI`S. It. uauaugner. Arlie Green was in Toronto on Wed- -nesday. , - Mrs. A. Marllng and chlldrn visited- with Mr. and Mrs. Nevils of Clover! Hill on the 24th. - ] May 25-Miss I-Ielen` Nelson was in Toronto a few days last week. mlfh and .T '1` Vflnohorn nf (`nuisa- "Phone 1010. . MINING srocxs -_` BROWN (:0, . BARRIE Seed Corn Now in Stock \ % TURNIP, SUGAR BEET AND SUGAR BOUGHT -`_ sou) lNSURANCE-- %[ BoNp s+-L BRYSON&MORLEY BETHESDA BAXTER AND mam` VARIETIES The .~Shoppers . Club is the only legal copyrighted prot-sharing system of its kind in Canada; organized by the United Pro-t-`Sharing Systems. DRY Gogns and `lt-..`)_ . __-_.. :_1_:__ _ Chevrolet and Oakland Garage- R. N. McLean .I. \I|J\JLIL3 auu J. vWebb U L Men's Furnishings-- column STEVENSON _1-_ en: uuuruxauoll 1urn1snea 011 any OI `the operating mines. Hollinger : ' Mclntyre : Castle `Dom : Capital : Teck-Hughes Some of best companies represented. Yielding from 494% to 7%. These qualities cannot be revealed by any other test than actual performance over long periods of time and in thebands of. every type of user. Hudson" holds rst advantage because of its patented Super-Six-the' world's most fa- mousmotor.` Mojrethan 800,000 have been built by Hudson under its exclusive principle. . . For 11 years it has been outstanding because of distinctive smoothness, wide exibility, power, speed; and reliability. - - Hudson is easy to-steer. its powerrange is -so great that gear/shifting isleuened, and