By Advertised '1jhjn Iza. AI h'ese Time Proven Qualities Turning New Thousands 1 of Buyers to Essex Phone 845, Barrie. J. s. 'POTTl_-ZR, Alliston * Au.Ai~1 DIXON, Collingwood \ WALKER B_RDS.,- creemon; J. w. ROWE, Beeton H. McCURDY, Tiuenham CR0 TA'!`." Tdicus 3300,0700 ESSex > Owners Know ,/ This is a year of Sixes. The trend is more irresistible than ever. Through the world's largest a production of_ Sixes Essex n0W holdsthe greatest price advantage with thc. finest quality Essex even offered. T/hereare 300,000 Essex owners. They tell you -today .s.Essex is the best ever built. It is easy to steer, easy riding and has the run- ning smoothness: that is exclusive to the famous Super-Six motor. It is economical, ` sturdy and. requires little `service attention. the said Act. ~ ' l 2-'I`hat when the Council shall be of the opinion that the application or any] person to borrow money for the pur- pose of constructing a tile, stone or] timber drain should be granted in| whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue` debentures as aforesaid. and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount ap- plied for and may lend the,same to the ,- applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 4 si_A nnnniai annual rate shall be im- BARRIE BRANCH . - - 1. R. mu. Manager . THORNTON BRANCH - -- - `M. C.Wig1e. Manager as `e Royal Bank \ of Canada often lose tricks in the most ingr-nil -ing a game in which two spzulus w. r; rubber, but by some uncam~.y p jfailed to make his bid by om: lll After the hand was over, his pm .said: "Well, partner, if you cn'1i (- `that you do in losing them, you um. "be the best player in the world." N One of the amusing things .'1l>- bridge is the fact that poor pl21y(*r~; manner. The writer was recently \-. ax nal declaration. The (leclarcr slm have easily made four odd, ;;.unc : use the same skill in wmnin_: lrl time when this result happens to x try to gure out how the tricks v. Hearts - 9, 8, 3 -CIubs--J, 9, 7, 4, 2 Diamonds --- 3 99 3: 2 New Series by T :C4m$0rgf7%Qg ART] Score: YZ 10, AB nothing, ruhlwr p! Z dealt and bid one spade. A ;1"u passed and B bid three hearts. )1 . l A passed, Y bid three sp;1(l<`<. zxt. : passed. What should A Opt-I1. .\ l four trumps and should Opt-n hi ner s suit. With three of the stub` should open the top, in this (~;~..- June. With this opcnmg and a rm THURSDAY MAY 20, 1926. Hearts - 7, 6, 2 Clubs-- 10, 3, 2 Diamonds --- K, J, 8, 4 Spades - 9, 6, 4 0 score, rubber game. 2 dealt anvl I ne spade, A and Y passed and ll {two hearts. Z bid two spades am passed. A opened the seven of ht and B won the trick with the kin laying the four. B now led the m carts and Z played the ve. \ should A lay and why? A should the six 0 hearts. With three of :artner s suit and the lead, play top and then the middle card, not bottom. If A should play the deuc the second round of hearts, B w think A had no more and would the third round of hearts. Z w trump and so be able to get the tn out before he lost his ace of (liamr If A makes the proper play, how of the six of hearts, B must gure he probably also has the deuce hasn't played it. B's proper play, t fore, is the five of diamonds. This revents Z from goin game, for o t lead of trum is again it lead and must make at least one mond trick. Note this play very fully for it will enable you and I , Beautifj 3-A special annual rate shall drainarge works. ' I posed". levied "and collected over and above all other rates uponthe land in , respect of which the said money shall be borrowed.` sufficient for the pay- ment ot the principal and into1'eat,/as provided by the Act. V ' W. B. TUDI-IOPE, Township Clerk. - I. H. LUCK. Reeve. ~n..........I 6Inn`1(H>In Anifnf 'M nv 1926. ' U_pper--Kenora Station Loolcmg down on artisti: Garden. Lower right--C C_.P.R. engine to enter l Itnory. Living up to its title in thousands of trees, sh shipped out over the whole system early in May thi willows, poplars, lilac, spi weiglia, carragana. hydra The perenials include roses ling variety and of all sh Iceland poppies, aquilvgia, pyrethrum, delphineum. To`....Irv V93!` the flOl`81 pyrethrum, Gelpnlneum. Every year the has the stupendous task o v: shrubs and plants to bf Saint John to Victoria. planted in the fall, rea. -` the melting of the sno_ )The seeds are prop _ `lenced gardeners with. when raised. In ad many thousands of . and also for use in. houses and around bedding stock are A ' graniums, canna I1 H(':1I't Clulys I)i.'u'v C..., ` Hmrtl {`|,\ AJM` S p;; lJIa||1 Spa Heartl f`I..l .. Municipality 0? Inc Jownsmp or uro Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Muni- cipal Council of the Township of 01-0 on the 10th day of May. 1926. and all. persons are required to take notice that any one who desires to apply to have such By-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his ap- plication upon the Head or Clerk of this municipality within twenty days after the date of the last publication of this notice and must make his _ap- plication to the High Court of Justice within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 13th day of May, 1926. and the last publication will be held on the 27th day of Ma .V.,1926. 19-21c W. B. TUDHOPE, Township Clerk I lL'(1ll NUI IVE Municipaiity of The i'own:hib of Oro 'l`nke notice that the true The first sitting of the Court 01- Re- _vision for the municipality of Inniefil for 1926 will be held a.tALefro.v on Fri- day, Ma.y'28,,`a.t 9 `o'clock am. and at Thornton on -Saturday, May 29, to hear appeals against the apseeement roll. All parties interested _are requested to take notice-and govern themselves ac- cordingly. * .1`. W. BLACK. Clerk. corcungny - J. W. BLACK. Clerk, Stroud, May 1926. '19- as -' The following` - --...-..-..nn. n--- __.._.. ...._ A1 Towy_s1_q_gp_1N1sF1L '. 1. n_. uuun. neevl Passed the 10th day of May, 1926. - uvw.-.-.. __ Novlh. Lot 19, Con. 5,yOro 1.. ..II I... -.-ukl-In nun`-{An an ] bnnull cu-u.-1:. -`v F'ARM_J_ STOCK: AND `IMPLEMENT -`The lindersigned' huh, ~ received iii- structions from ' v . n-L--An - . Iv M `V T3-II 3 TI? to sell by public auctipn on Iii-II\`II'IlII\A'II Ill`, Ill TOWNSHIP 01-` 0120 . I I\\II I'dl\ I._ I\\J Luvaayn v.\ against the serious nancial risks incidental to driving `a car. Our {ates are lower - ` : Our companies the strongest. .-..-.--a- . nun unnniini-1 IIl\ Ill'\'l'I5 I)A`I"I.` . .I' " X.F..A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN -3- _Pho{1\e 447W,- cmanrr SALE ' an-nnu Ann V nun: EllElI'I'I . Uptawn Ticket Office Canadian National Railway} _--- g..g:'-:3QO ' coiT{r"Z>:=':a'a\}isL[o'I\I , . AVUTOMQBILE owmzns , TUBBY: _cXN_N6'rMX1="F5RD io BE WITHOUT . . " `. RQPF_. L'39TEeN 1% __ -..-:.I-..L.;1 J... .l-:u-..u"o. nu ` ' The rozlowmg: - . HORSEB-Ba.y mare, 4 rs. old. heavy. eligible for registrat on; bay horse. 10 yrs. old, driver. , -- ' CA'1'1`LE-Spotted cow, 8 yrs. old. fresh: Jersey cow. fresh; grey cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh; red cow, 4. yrs., old.`_ due by sale; -grey cow. 5 yrs. old. fresh; heifer, 2 yrs. old: 2 steers. 2 yrs. old: 2 yearling steers: 2 yearling heif- ers; 5 calves. . ` PIGS AND POUL'I'RY--Good York- shire sow, with 11 pigs, 5 weeks old; number of hens; 2 geese, 1 gender. T1\D1'Ji`.Nl'F.`N'l`Q-- Deerinz - binderzu NOT v , 1 -u-u.O_ -I--_. b -['6 IUWUT ' `E III uvuuruu-vv --u. . ALWAYS A PLEASURE QUOTE RATE 5rK. '19-20c I A May 18-D. Reid is Epending a. tow days in Toronto. ` Mr. and Mrs. Reynoldd of Harrillton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowat. Wm Wnrnghnr, 'l`m-nnto. was 8. VIS- are.v1a1t1ng Mr. and Mrs. w. nowat. .Wm. Faragher. Toronto, was a vis- itor at The home of his parents last week. o . , Mann: '1` and `M . 'l`m-ner have re-` months vla1t,Wltn Irlenas tnere. Miss Thelma Dean is up from j'1`p1j- onto for a. few days. ,`I'AnT.on ha: hnnght Mr. Clement's onto tor tew days. ' Joe Lea has bought Mr. Clement's house and lot. Mr. and Mrs. Clement have moved to Moonsjone. v__ -p-..4n.. 117.1 17.1.... m hnnynu week. ' Misses T. and M. Turner have turned from Tdronto after 9. two months vIsit,with friends there. Mien Thelma Donn in un from"1`or- IIEVU xuuvqu LU Auuuuuvvuv. Jae. Martin, W.`J. Holmes. T. Dawes, Jr., and E. R. Scott were in Phelpston on Tuesday `evening to a. meeting to make arrangements for the baseball league this season. Four teams have entered E1mva'le,- Phelpston. Barrie and I-Iillsdale..A double schedule is to be played. There should be some good games this summer in the park.` n- LI..- ...m..I..n- 1.6 T\ u1y 1"] Han mam- ` ` Tne Iouowmg: ? registratc nut-.'vr.w.._.Qnntted cow. 1 7 `tion of your membershi `-During yourentire res dence in Hillsi- auuu.-:3 LIII3 Buuuuua Au unlv ........ a _0n the evening of May 17. the mem- bers of Hillsdale United Church met in the basement of the church and Dre- . sented Mrs. Dean with a nair of sil- ver candle holders and. an address. Mrs. H. E. R mble read. the address and Mrs. A. rown made the presentation. Mrs. Dean leaves this ,week for Tor- onto where she. intends to make her home. She will be much missed in the church and in the community. The ad- dress is as follows:- - . . . ~. Dear Mrs. Dean: We. the `members not- let you depart from our midst j sever your connections with our church. Butwe know that what is our loss will be a gain to some other church. As- the United Church is one great circle the Dominion over. we still - feel that you will be` united with us here. We wish toshow our apprecia- in our church. dale you have put forth every effort` not for your own gain but to maintain the greatest good `in-the various de- partments of the church. We have en- joyed your presence in our midst and trust you will find comfort and pros- see you leaving and hope you will ac- `_ cept this little gift as a token of AremA I embrance of the happy hours we have 5 7` : Zelma Murray. `I spent together as members_ of the _United Church of Hillsd le. Signed on behalf of The Ladies Ad. Mrs. Ho- warth: the Sunday School.. Jno. 0. Rumble: the Young People's Society, perity in your new home. We regret to\ of the United Church, feel that We can- ` ` without once more-asembling for a_ ; `few hours. to say farewell before you _. May.,18-Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Rankin` `of Cookstown` visited Mr.,and Mrs. W. J. Dempster; Sunday. . I Mr. "and Mrs. Leslie Tunline: or J. Dempster, Sunday. - Mr. "and Mrs. Tupiing I-Ioneywood and `Mr. and Mrs. A.` T. Arnold of Angus visited at M. M. Be11 s. - Sunday. \ A I Mr, and Mrs. D.- J. Miller visited 1 " Mr. and Mrs. D.- vls1ted_ friends in Lefroy. Sunday.` . M. nn- Mrs. J. H. Bell and Miss ' friends in Lerroy. '.-Junuay.` Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell and Miss` Naomi Perry attended the Scottish Rite ball and entertainment in uBar-. rie. Monday night. _ (`nna-rnhflnnnn tn- Mr. and MP5,; Monday mgnt. I Congratulations to - Mr. Mrs. Wilfred M_c1\ upon the birth of a1 baby boy. . Mrs. Elnhick has gone to -Detroit from a. week's Vlslt wlm Lvy znenus. Miss Rena Berthelotte has returned home after being with Barrie friends for a week. - ~M.~. nn Mrn, IL Ross of Coldwater | boy. Mrs. Elphick gone I to visit her daughter, Mrs..'1`hompon. l for a couple of weeks. - Mvn`- Mr-.Mas1ter and Mrs. Wilkinson ' couple or weeks. Mrs.` McMaster and Wilkinson have returned from visgtlng their sister in Alllston. . `Ml :-1: Rnnknrtnn -has returned home in Aluston. Mrs. Beckerton -has returned week's visit with`Ivy friends. `Minn `Dunn `Rm-fhnlntte has returned of hens; z .|. gunner. . IMPLEMEN'l`S--- Deerlng -binder; roa.d_cart; McCormick mower: wagon; Peter Hamilton hay rake; Massey- Harrls seed drill. nearly. new; Frost & Wood cultivator; set iron harrows: hay;' Verity gang plow: root. pulper; single plow. Verity No. 10; Percival single "plow; pig box: Deer- ing manure sptjeader; fanning mill}; stoneboat; set scales._2000 lbs.; hay fork; cutter, nearly new; scuttler: set heavy harness; _ set single harness: lawn mower; a. quantity -of lumber; quantity of household furniture: also for-`ks. doubletrees and u_1any,other sr tces.. ` ' rnvunln l\!:! GATE` _AI-I nurnu `A :1 Mr. Tlfn. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bush` and daughter Helen of Angus spent Sunday at the home of Mark `McMaster. _A M... Jnhn `lV|'r-.I(nh2'ht and babv of of Mark Mcmaster. Mrs. John McKnight and baby Baxter are spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents here. Mr and Mrs. A. Wimer of Midland` the home or ner parents nere. n Mr. and Mrs. A. Wimer Midland and Mr. and, Mrs. A. Truax of Waverley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Truax. V - mu. am: Mr: W, .14 Miller and Chas.. week. ' `Mr: and Mrs. J; Ross of pent Sunday with the 1atte_r s father. Tlffln. Mn am: Mrs Nail `Rmzh'and daughter Mrs. Thos. Truax. I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and Chas. Miller of Angus spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. W. Elliott. `lu-hurl 1101118 U] N Egbert. 8. mgn-water man: 111 Luau ux ~000--a substantial lncreasp. T.lCl8H.- . TERMS OF SALE--All sums 0: am. and under. cash: over that amount 9 ,_months' credit will be given to partxe-a furnishing approved joi,nt4notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums, All nun kn nnl uylthnuf rmanrvn as Canada's mining prbducflvon` reached . high-water mark in 1925 of $228,440,- \nn...a substantial increase. ` UT9?`5__ fTHat s`What__a_._Re1l.Kidnageg W0lI'1d D5-` 135' WINNER H ./""`"T\ May 19-Rev. J. Mc1 Jw an of-Churchill conducted the Un1ted_Churc1\ services on Sunday evening. . - `Dnnnl Neelands left U118 week fnr Sunday Wltn. Imenus m usnurnwn. ` Friends and relatives here were very. sorry, tqhear of the death of Alta Bey- 3 non. second daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Erdman Beynon of Detroit. Tha'funer- al takes place to `Thornton cemetery on Thursday, .-May 20. H was United Church Ladies Aid met- Sunday evemng. ~ . Donald Nee_lar1ds- left week for Klnmount, having been transferred to the bank there.` _ Edward Webb. Sr-., is very ill at time of wriung. ~. ' ~ _ _ I Wilson Black and Mrs. Mccraw are, slowly Cimprovlng. - . ` , Mr. a.m1- Mrs. Anzus Warnlca. Snntt slowlylmprovlng. | Mr. andaMrs. Angus Watfnlca. spentx Sunday with. flends in Thornton. ` 'F`r-lands: and relatives here were van: :'rnursaa.y,:1v1ay zu. - The United Church Lamas Aid met at the home of Mrs. Albert Pxjatt on Wedneday afternoon. .Annnmr nf the nioneers of Innisafn weuneaay atternoon. -Another of the pioneers of Innisfil township passed away at his home here, on Sunday morning, in. the per- son of John Sawyer who was in his 85th year. The funeral took place on Thursday to Stroud cemetery. A `Emma vinifnrz: any-inn" the mast Wnnlz Tnursuay to an-ouu cemetery. A `Some visitors during` the. past week Were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes of Barrie: Miss Laura. Sproule of Tor- onto: Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Purvis of Toronto: Rev. and Mrs. Perry and daughter Miriam of Streetsvillez Mr. a.nd.Mrs. Robt. McCullough of Toron- ` to: Mr. and Mrs. H. Orr of Utopia. Qnnnd Drnahvfnrlnn will hnhl nn- as follows: , 1.~-Tha.t the_Reeve may rom time to ` time subject to the provisions of this by-law `borrow on the credit of thecor-, poration of the said muicinstlity such sum not exceeding in the whole $20,- . 000 as may be determined by the Coun- 2 cil and may in manner hereinafter pro- vided, issue debentures of the saidl corporation in sums of $100 each for: . the amount so borrowed with coupons attached as provided in section 5 of `said Act. ` i ' 2-'I`hat when o_ to: `Mr. and Mrs. 11.. Ur!` o1,uLupxa. _ Stroud Presbyterians will hold an- niversary services on May 30. Rev. D. Rev. J. S. Shortt in the evening. Al- landale choir will supply the musical part of the services. Stroud Women's Institute A very busy afternoon was spent by the members of the Women's.Institute at their annual meeting held in the various committees were very satis- factory. the Secretary-Treasurer show- ing a year of many activities. The Ex- Vice-President was added to the.num- ber, Mrs. W. J. Leonard taking that office. The President. Mrs. 1. Spring, in a brief-address. thanked the mem- bers for their hearty co-operation dur- further support. Arrangements were made for the public meeting to be held in the United` Church basement on May 31 at 2.30.'Lunch. and program committees were appointed. .Each sandwiches. The speaker will be Miss comes` highly recommended; her ad- dress will be of special interest to the girls of the community who are cor- dially invited to attend the meeting. '1*he-subjectchosen is "Food in Rela- tion to Health." G. Hill will preach in the morning and V community hall. The reports of the. ecutive .were re-elected and. a third a ing her first year and asked" for their '< member is asked to bring either cake or - Iva. M. Langton of Waterdown who May 18-Mr. and` Mrs. Harry Ryldnce and daughter and Miss `Mccallum of "Toronto spent the week-end with Dr. Mccallum. rm Hnmvhnn. nf H-an `On-man f`.ifv Mouauum. _ 4 .Wm. Hammond of the Queen City spentsunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sloan. , ` , ' D. Buie was the guest of his brother- in-law. J. E. Hodgson, last week. Miss James of Keswick visited friends in this place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Akers and Mr. `and Mrs. H. Storey'and baby spent `Sunday in Toronto. _ Wnlllngfnn Reiva and famllv were `Sunday in Toronto. Wellington Reive ano (Emily werel guests of his father, Robt. Reive, on Sunday. . .M'm:. Rnht_ `Raves left, on Monday sunqay. `Mrs. Robt. Boyes left. on Monday for Sudbury on a lecturing tour in the north country for the` Women's In- stltute. V Geo. and Wm. Frank of Hull; Eng., arrlvedlast week `and both have start- work at Canadian farming. The vnnnxr nnnnln nf'rnv United worK at Uanaulan Iarmmg. The young people of Lefroy United Church'gave the program at the young people's meeting on Sunda_y evening. There was a. 1a.rge.crowd and every- one enjoyed the meeting. . (Too Late for Last VVeek) ` May 11-Miss Betty Harrison return- ed \home on Sunday after a month in | Toronto. Ya: Tnnnnv `hm-I Hm minfnrhme tn ' Toronto. Jas. Lennox had the misfortune to have his house` burned to the ground on Saturday `afternoon. ` Miss Lena Rogerson is visiting Mrs. Jas. M11ne`in Belle Ewart this week. Mr. and Mrs. `J. E. Hodgson spent Sunday in Stayner. _ Mr, `lVl'n.m:nn nf Toronto-snent Monday Sunday In stayner. ,Mr. Manson of Toronto-spent Monday! with `his sister, Mrs. D McCal1um._ 'l`lnnv-A Inn: 1: nrnn nknwd nut to the With ms sister, Mrs. J) McUauum._ Therewas 9. g9od,_c13"owd out to the young people's met1ng on Sunday night and they greatly enjoyed them]- dress given by Rev. Mr. Cousins. 'I"hn Tnninl Sundav School conven- PU! lllllllllll VI-L I-UL Utopian \-Ian \4I vunuv p..--.-...- All will be sold without reserve as} proprietor has sold `his farm. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. '/Mcconkey. Auct. -- aress gxven Dy nev. Mr. uuuaunu. The Innlsfll Sunday School tlori will be hgld this year in-Gilford. 'NI'v- nn Mr `Rnlnh `nnvldnnn of Tor- LIIU Llyllllbll LJuuuu. Lzwauvvn \.a\lnAvv hgld Jyear Mr. and Mr . Ralph Davidson of Tor- onto were Sunday, visltprs with '1`. G. Reive. ' ' ,, . v Mgly 17-On Thursday` evening, May ,13, a. metting was held at Knock for the purpose of organizing the ball teams for the 1926 season. The follow- ing officers were. elected: 'Rnvn' h-mm:--'Pres.. S. H. Revnolds: mg ottlcers elected: Boys team'--Pre_S_.. S. H. Reynoldsul Vice-Pres., Wallace Hurstz. Manager. `Ernest Wonch; Captain, Marshall Boyd; Se_c'y.-Treas.. Roy Allen. Ladies Softball 'I`en:m-Pres.., 'Mrs.| BOYG; sec'y.-'1`reas., 110) Allen. Ladies ' Softball Tea:m-Pres..T 'Mrs.V Thos. Bowm9.n; Vice.-Pres.. Mrs. S. H.` Reynolds; Manager. Clifford Lock- hart; Captain, Miss Betty O'Connell; Qm-'v .. 1`rnm:.,' Minn Ruhv` Wice. nart; uaptam, muss neuy um Sec'y.- 1`reas.,' Miss Ruby` Wice. <[=JHw:9Hu-L 31399 KNOCK ' May '18-Miss Edith Day is spending` 9. few days with friends at Coldwater. 'l`hp Minsns M:-.Minn left on Satur- BY-LAW NO. 499 A By-law to raisg $20,000,00 to aid the construction of tnla. stone I `timber drains. A few days Wltn {menus at. \..u1uwuu:1. The Misses McMinn day for Detroit, Mlch.. where` they in- tend to make their home. 11: `Dnwuhln and daughters Of Hill-I tend to make men` nome. - Mrs. Rumble and daughters of Hills- dale visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bell one day 1ast_week. . - Mnqnrn, `Pmrker and~Bai1e,`\' snent. the Week-eno. at H1811` cUu.zu:.t: ut:n:.| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crawford snen-t -the week-end with relatives at Bass Lake and Mitchell Square. A nurnhnr nf fvinhds motored from day last weex. -~~ ' Messrs. Piarker and Bailey snentl the week-end at their cottage here. Mr an Mrs: Alhm-t Crawford snen-tn Lake and Mitchell square. A number of friends motored Markdale and.spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Walker. M om: `A/|'v-u I W I-Tudann motored and Mrs. 19. r`. w-auter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hudson motoredl from Toronto and spent Sunday with | Mr and Mrs. M. Elson. Mam. no-m1_`m1unn in nnndinz a fe Mr and Mrs. M. mson. . . Miss Hazel Elson is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. 'T`hn annual meetine` of the Oro Sta- days with friends In Toronw. The annual meeting of tion Women's Institute was held at the homeof Mr . J. W. ,.Walker on May 13. with a good attendance of mem- bers and friends. The yearly reports were read and showed a. good year of work. The following officers were el- ected: Pres, \Miss I. V. Jones; Vice- Pres.. Mrs. A.` A. Bell: Sec'y., Mrs. Alex. Ross; District Director. Mrs. Thos Bell. Mrs. `Wgtlker then served 8. dainty afternoon tea and. all present enjoyed the treat given by Geo. Kirk- patrick after whjch a~ pleasant hour was spent in community singing. ~ In the list of linplement to He sold at Walter McMackon s sale on Friday. May 21,`the'tol1owing should be added:. Massey-Harris binder; I.I-LC. htiy ' loader; sulkydrake: side-delivery hay lrake; Massey-_I-Iarrls mower. 6 ft.; McCormick mower; cultivator; Cock- shutt drill: set-of discs: two sets of hafrows; welded sap pan. Also 7 year: nl noff1d narrows; v I old cattle. '1`.he Council of the _Municlnallt.v Bf.- Oro Township pursuant to-the provi- sions of the Tile Drainage Act, enacts follows: c _.'l`hnf thn Reeve mav from time