_McCLA_RY ELECTRIC RANGE for sale (left hand oven) In good condi- tion. Apply at Examiner `Office. 15-16p FOR SA`LE-,-Lady's'blcycle, good con- dition, $15.00; Apply Box -436, Barrie. -STEEL-TIRED TOP BUGGY for 88.164 nhnnn Annlu A0 Dnnnfnng `Hf, nhnn -S -l.`!!a'l!Ll.4-'1`.l.lCl'J.IJ '1'U1'?- LUUUUX 10!` Buick] ggseap, Apply 60 Penetang St., phage !ACME GAS STOVE for sale. 3-lvurneir. avnnrl an nnur `li`.nnn1rn at '74 William E{r{i.c1;1=3.} Salt; Property For Sale ' Atitomobiles s-noommn COTTAGE TO `RENT. suitable for man and wire. also Ramirez piano. for sale, almost new. Apply 83 Owen St. W 16-21; H0118 169 B011. 16 puamrcmanqs _,(w1tn Arrame barn. . t . Lot No. 8. on. 6, con lsting of about 165 acres of good` tlm er tor. lumbr. railway ties. `cedar: posts. pulpwood and rewdod: and about 35 acres of similar bush that was burnt over. .The pronertib will be offered tori ERIE. - . V For further phrticularar apply to Jaw. `Fraser. .'1`ottenha,m,.u0ntar1o. Sobl_ir;itor_ fox,-.~the~Vendor,t or `the Manager or the '.Roya'.l` `Bank of Canada. Tottenham.` Ont.` 16-180 Notice to Owners and Han! Lbcurers of Dogs nurnhma and hnrhnilrnrn nl Ann-n mm The attention oficitizens is drawn to the necessity of guarding any fires set out to burn rubbish during the spring cleaning. Every year the fire brigade is called to extinguish fires. that through carelessness have been allow- ed to get beyond.control. It costs the Town from $25.00 to $30.00 for each time the brigade is called out to such. a fire. A person starting a fire `is re- sponsible for any damage it may cause. The no-nnarnnn nf than nitizans is Under and by virtue on the power; contained `in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at tile time of sale. thereiwill be offered for sale, by public auction at the American Hotel, in the Town` 05 Barrie. by W- E. Stgddart, Auctioneer, on -Saturday: ihltlhih day def May. 1926, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the attez-noon. the following` lands andpremisea. namely: .Parcel`1--Lot number 7 in the 5th Iouowmg lands and premises. namely: .Parcel1--Lot number 7 in the concession of the Township ot-Ve8- pm. in the County 0! Slmcoe. ..Parcel. 2--LDt numhnr R In than 6th pm. In me county or slmcoe. .,Parcel 2--Lot number 6 in the 6th Concesslorrof the said Township Of. V:-nra. M L '1` e lands are said to be about 5 miles "iron: the Town or Barrie; Lot NO. 7. (Ynn, k In fnvuuul nn urn nun- mues trout me Town or Barrie. No. 7. Cqp. _ is fenced andyrell cred; ,al1-=o!eaQ`ed and recentlv use Iaaamranlands _,,w,1th `frame barn. Lot NO. 8. on. 6. nnnnlnrur nf A FOR RENT-100 acres pasture, well watered. two miles -from Allandale.` For further information apply to Mr. Klllmaster, Allandale P. 0., 14-199 mmuar nusn that burnt .The propertib will be offered for `Bale Iubilect to 8. reserve bid. ' "` ', ow QAT.'I7:"I"I\A nuwnhnnr suxe sumac! to bid. "' ', TERMS OF SALE:-The purchaser shall` pay 10 per cnt. of the purchase money at the time 0! sale.` For bal- ance. trmuwlll be,ma.deVknown at the ' sale. . V WEI! fInnI'\n-u union.-d~ln..uI....-r..._..I-- '5. Tan LINDSAY PETERS. GARAGE-58l Caroline St.. Allandale. All kinds of repairs, ovdhauling a specialty, prices regsonable. Phone 805. 11-133 I -c. v \J\J6VlJ&-JIJ-l&U JJ 1. -1451 11 `Take notice that a by-law for rais-_ ing $20,000.00 -under the provisions of the "Ti1e Drainage Act." will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Oro at the: Town Hall at Oro. on the 10th-`lay of May, 1926, at the hour 01:18 o'clock p.m. `X7 `D "VT Y'l\`I_fl\`I3`l:V act `in V: V In: rye? Owners and harbourers of dogs are reminded that dog tags should be pro- cured before May 1st. 16`-17c A; -W. SMITH. Town Clerk. ` . ..at 1*p.m. W. A..au.cuunxey, Auc _ . vrueadny; April 27-'_.-w,, T- Matteff . :19 .15. .,con.;' 2. Innistil-!a.rm stool; an implements. Sale at 1 p.m_ w , . ,. Mcconkey; `Auct-. V ` `_ 154$. Wednesday. April `28--Geo. Mccjuug. '. lot 28', con. 2. Vespjra.--'-farm stock'\ and implements. Sale at 1 p.m_ W A. Mccqnkey, : Auct. 16x` ' Thursday-yr Jirll. 29-John Neg, west 3 V "half lot onbfa. Veep:-a.-f ' ' and im ente. s_a1_e at 1 ;}f"f` McCon uct 16}; A ' Frida.` Iii o--w. E. Gre ,` S - lot . con; 9, Innistil-tarn sggcltg implements. Saie\at 1 pm. w_ A . Mcconkey, Auct ' 1547,; Saturday, May 1-'K. Stovel. west half . . lot 8. con. 14, Innistil, one mile from ` 'A1landale (known as the Little farm) -highAc1ass dairy cows, farm stock and _implements..Sa.le at 1 p.m. sharp , W. A. Mcconkey, Auct 13.17,; Monday. May 8-8. V. Jones, 10; 25 T con. 8. Oro (Oro Station)-farm pm. perty and summer resort. farm stock . implements and furniture. Sale af; 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 16-171; ' lng, Marcpy Farfii Strain, $2.50 p'eri~*- -5'. Mrs. J. J. Cochrane; Angus. ' 4 V V - 15-20p`l- -__ IASHES REMOVED. gardens plowed. Give us a. call. Phone 961..W. Tuck,: `Barrie. ' _ . 1693 PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, De-l cox-a.t1ngand polishing oors, phone A. Berry. 589W, or. apply 21 Gowan St..l Allsmdale. T 14-19:) R. .J. HISEY, ELMVALE. Licensed` `Auctioneer for Simcoe County. '1`er,msf .rez1sonable. Farm sales a. specialty.; Phone 87r3. Elmvale. 16-_-21p I PAS'I'URF--*-F`lrst class pasture for cattle or homes, special rates for large numbers remaining full season. Apply Mrs. Blackmore &_ Son. 0!?!) Station 16-189 ` NOTICE OF MEETING "l`l'\` l'4f\'l\TQTTT ,-..,,, ----, .. ..... ....... ..._,.. ..-........ ' _ W. B. TUDHOPE. 15-18c Clerk of the"1`ownahiu or Oro. spunsune I01` any damage It cause. The co-operation of the citizens is urgently requested to prevent fire loss. 16-19c "'B.RED"1iO:I? AY: 131.1" pck eggs to} ` `hatching, $1.00 per gttlng. 109 Essa :8 '.\, Allandale. ' W . V 13.91..` u---------------------------' l EGGS FOR vHATCHING-Pure bred" Rocks. 50 cents per dozen. Apply Mrs.! Isaac Spears, Jr., Thornton. Ivy tele- phone; 15-20p _ \|_ FIRST PRIZE Black Orpington eggs] for hatching`. good winter lavern. 12' 1 EGGS-Black Jersey Giants, per set- -per setting $5.00. Apply to Mrs. H. H. ting $2.00; Partridge Plymouth Rocks,l Maxwell. Brentwood .P.0.. Ont. 16-18;)` I HOUSE FOR SALE OR REN'r-AnJ? eight-roomed house for sale or rent| Vsvlth all conveniences. Apply 66 Ji}:n' 1 t. ` ` )D RICK HOUSE for rent or for sale: 1% blocks from Roman Catholic church: all modern copveniences: im- medlatejiossession. Apply Philip Lgoxe. - t c. buns ALTERED and repaired. Over .[-Iurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc-1 Arthur. H . 13tfc l`l*\.11.lVl l"UIi. Bl\l4l.`4"L4lJLH 11.. 16. 10, Cllo 8, Vesp a. 100 acres under cultivation. 100 ac es bush, and 30 acres pasture and also two orchards; house. bank barmand good weuon farm. Must sell owing to sickness. Apply to 122 Vgm Home St.. Toronto. ` 9-10p-tfc .. 1"1nb`1` l."1'1&)'4' mac: urpmgton eggs] hatching. good winter layers. 13' for $1.00. Apply 155 Owen St. .Thos. Mllbee. M . 14-19p` @o ._..._.._.._._...-_._..__.___.___ FURNISHED -ROOM TO RENT in private home, central. all conveniences. home privileg'es.'ggbpard if desired, Phone 490- -""-M` m... .: Allandgle 1; wrung, .|..U,\ . HD1116 Dl'lV1 Phone 490. ROOMS TO LET, with or without board; terms` reasonable. 65 Owen st, 153:5: o ROOMS. T0 LET--Central, all co; veniences: reasonable. Annlv tn mmm. zsuuxua ` `.L'U u.m'1'-L;enu'uI, all con. veniences; reasonable. Apply to phone 982. 16p "-:':'j' I V ,. "-*` 1 TWO ROOMS to'rent on bath magi nart zarden: also `zaraze. readv Mm! rwu nuusue to `rent on Dam flat, part garden; also garage, ready May 24. Apply at Examiner 0fflce.'15-17p -_ Q Tijhf C"? .3374 Fires During` Spring Cleaning FARM FOR SALE, (ao11_x-listing; of 67% acres. Int 17. soon. .2. Township of Mm'_khmn. Nine-roamed solid. brick house, two good wells, good burn and chicken house. Good orchmtd. rich clay loam. $7600 for quick sale. Must be sold at once to close estate. Apply to A. J. Anderson. Barrister. 2881 Dundan BL. W.. Toronto 9 or L. B. Laiuson. 54 Eccles St., or Box 636, Barrie. Ont. 161$ PUB`-'9 1`T1C. _ % MORTGAGE SALE of Valuable Property E259;-f`!?itching For Sale or-To yet and Boayd Mimeanfpys 1" mmxu1'uVu TO CONSIDER BY-LAW I J-.. 4.I_-L _ L..- 1-..- A-.. ___n._ I '1'0Wn OI barns. 1.407. : Wm- , used a with frame barn. .- " STORE T0 LE'l'--Enqulre John Baso. - ltto va ussa. ' 16-211) Hflfuo 161) buuuuy ECIIQOI. IOOIHB. west, and. enters .upon" his new eld of work with much promise of suc- Mr.-3Heslip is` a Canadian with al ne missionary" experien<.:e,_east*and` Tgess; ` Hi; home is neg: Peterboro. --var up at run a :--a--m-nu: -The Presbytery of Barrie met at_ Penetan uishene last Thursday even- ing for t e purpose of ordaining Rev. Marshall Heslip, a recent `graduate of Knox College, and inducting him into the Presbyterian, charge of Pen- etanguishene and Wyebriglge. The cerein'ony`was in char efqf Rev. Jno. McNab, interim mode a1:or.;~ `the `ser- mon was preached by .Rev. D. A. Fer- lruson of Cookstown, while the c_om- bined-charge to `the new minister and to_ the people was delivered by Rev. G. I. -Craw of Port McNico1l. A 1-..`..- ......_....a...L:.... .....-.............L _J.\U[Jl'UBUllIall|:lVU >D|aUW.'u.'l.: 172156; - The equipment for milk testing, which.is `being preparedjn the office- of the Agricultural Representative, will be ready by the end of the week i and members" of the Cow Testing As- sociation will get started taking their first samples early next week. Thin umnl: hnm-'mirm Rtnwae hnvn LIKED HEIIIPIUS U311) HEAD WUUII. This week Dominion Stores have moved int'o new quarters in the prem- ises recently _occupied by Vair s res- taurant. The new store gives them much more room and is tted to en- able them to handle their business * expeditiously. Tho unnnr nlnuy uvnv-lrlna nn 4-Tan Head. . "---Please keep us` in mind for roll or prepared shingle roong, wall board, cement, lime and general builders supplies. `Of course, we need not remind you about our coal, coke and wood.--Barrie Fuel & Sup- ply` Co., Charlie `Graham, Sunt.. phones-A, day 999, night 313. 16c \.l'o In `UITIIW OI 1'01'C .lVJ.L'VlUU1h A l_arge cvongregation was- present to enJo,v the service, at the close of which the ladies [served teajn the 'Sunday`Schopl rooms. Mr `usulin ha` a l".n'r'u-ntnn uni}-R` n `@.LOU- _ I '. --Do your shopping here. 'Extra ,special prices again for Friday and Saturday. - Irene Collins, 27 Essa St., iAllag1dale, phone 1035. a 16c 5 `|` ---Neil Yellowlees, piano tuner,; Twill be in "Barrie and vicinity first week~in May. Orders taken at J. G. , Keenan- smusic store. _ ~ 16-18c; l -A V few used phonographs--Edi-' son, Ideal, Brunswick, Playola, Prem- . ier and Pathe--at bargain prices at; J. G. Keenan s, opposite Post Office Square. V i16c. '--Big One-Cent Sale at Patter-. son s Drug Store, Allandale, next` 1week,. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. | | 'l \.._...`I_1 I1--- ..---_ .. A..- _.!.1.____ -._. -...- ......--...._......-.--u {-1 HOUSE TO RENT--99 Mulcaater St %ply Mrs. Shanacy. 43 Owen Street: one l221J. . 16-180 LVLUIIUG) UVCIIIHE U1. lulllb WCUIM : .'--Do the waxingand polishing of i your oors without stooping. Rent an I electric waxer and polisher; .$1.00or ' half-day, delivered and called for.-'-i Geo. Irwin, phone 198. 16p ' -.--Your floors can be painted and ;ready, to walk on in thirty minutes. 9 We will show you how it can be done, ; `Thursday, Friday and Saturday at` IT. E, Harley's, 80 Dun1o_p-St. \ 16c '1 1 -Mr n--__I_-- L _ _ _ . . _...1__`..-_I L`.-. I Lucas. " Two representatives of the Depart- ,ment of Highways called on County} `Treasurer D. H. "Coleman on Monday in connection with the establishment of a uniform system of accounting in connection with Good Roads. . NW... 'D......:.. i(`...\`I-....1.. T nnnn 1.. J... luv`: ---. y.u..-y In`-who up-.- on. -v-.rv-.....n -Your oors can be painted and ;ready to walk on in thirty minutes. We will,show you how it can be done, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at T. E. Harley's, 80 Dunlop St. 16c _.--L__._ -A Ln- `I'}'3___.._._ 7 continued u, say .' --v Some mem-bers ' of the Kiwanis Club appear to be having some diffi- culty in getting boys for the Potato; lub. Any boys in the district who` am: 1ni-nvnufn nan ho nrnvih Fnr H"! \JIuUu lly 'UUy5 Ill Iyllli UISIIIIUI; WHU are interested can be provided for if 3 they get in touch with Agnculturals Representative `Stewart Page. Thu Al1II:I\!V|nI'|+ `Frau mill: 4`nI:{nm expeuluuusxy. The ,snow plow working on the Highway reached Barrie today. Sev- eral cars have made the trip to Tor- onto this week. Even before this week a few cars got throu h by go- ing to Angusand back to 'ookstown zlzlnddthrough to Bradford by Bond ea . ` , . I 111---- 1...`. .__x 1.. ...._.`l .-; ....II 11 v---u.- --., -- qvv-Itouuuavllnl _.w_nr Ivfcnwo. I" -Big 0 neCn Sale at~'Pattej:,,:; son's Drug Store; Allandale; .-;n'ext: week, Thursday;-.. Friday, Satundaya; : `m1.........';.I. 4-`I..................+..;:..'... ;.4.- 11.". 1 n......,- ..............J, --......., .............u.,,. I 0 Donald Ross gave a ne address on : the life of John Knox to the Young People's Society of St. Andrew's Church at their regular meeting on! Monday evening"_ of this week. ! ':_nn IIYQVIY1lT'OVIf` -----~.,; s, V. _.......,_r ~v- - -V- I J. `M. Pugsley has purchased the; butcher business of Hugh White, El-: lizabeth St. Mr. Pugsley was former- } ly of Cookstown and has had consid-1' =erable experience in this line of bus~ i iness. VF... ................-.4...L:...... -4.` +1.... h........+ I UUHIIUCI/IUII Wlbll LIUUU 1\:UGU a The Barrie `Crokinole League, in- 'cluding playersfrom Barrie, Mines- |ing and Midhurst, recently issued a lchallenge to any team in Ontario to, play singles, doub`les or as a team. ISO far `there has been no response, an K7-.- .--.___ ___ L- ..-_L__'l __..'I PASTURE FARM FOR REN1`. lot 32. ' con. 11, Essa, 3 mll'es from Allandale. Apply Geo. Brown, Allandale *1;I5o.182. ` " P Ullurcn 111, uruuuu luau ounuay. ] --For the reception or social even- ` ing order Neilson s fancy bricks at Wisdom s' Tea Room. 16c Henb. Greenwood has purchasedi the Greene Block at the southeast; corner" of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. I `I11-.. _I.-..-L:-'... ___.`l L__A_:.__. __,..__ .......................... ..., ..,... . --For plumbing and heating, ring_ 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. Prompt attention t;o`repairs. 13tfc ---See the McClary electric ranges with Speedigon elements; they are_ wbnderful; at R'obinsAonA_Har5lw.areV.. 5 `- n1'n- (`i-\n_y(".nv-u Qaln ca} `Dal-I-nu E ween, Lllxuxnsuuy-,-..r1'1uuy, Quuunqayvx "'1 3 Through the `presentation of h'e_ playlet, f`A Little Clodhopper,"=`Trin~'g lj$t1y80Dramatic Club cleared_ about` V _ ,_hn vnnr ahnnnio Innv-n '13:!-nu Wedxiesday brought the first April K shower. ` Auk nionnvvuznnv Jun!-ban: Ab- `IL ` dom s. i.-and sa1aas_, 49 10,, _a1; gg1sgom's.' 16c The last couple of days have felt as though spring has arrived` at last. - '--Rennie s, Steele-Briggs and Fer- i ry .s seeds at Wisdom s. ` 16c- -Fancy baskets of dainties for the invalid packed` to order at Vii`?- c -'-Acadia, Moir s _new package, half pound, 40c; pound, 75c. Bry- son sTea Room. ` 14-18c --V-Save $1t_S0 on beautiful Heintz- man & Co. p1ano.--Patterson s Drug Store, ' Allandale. ` 16c . - --Pied Piper of HameIin by St. E Andrew's choir and assisting artists from Toronto, May 11. 16c Rev. S. H. Greensleide occupied the , pulpit of Simpson Ave. United lChurch ine'.`oronto last Sunday. I _._Wnr that rbnnnfinu nv en:-in] n\7nn_. SHUVVUIG ` \' --4Fresh_.c1`'egmery butter, 43 lb. at Wisdom s. ` 16c ` -Two `big snaps in radios at Pat- ` terson s'Drug Sto_11e, ;A_[landg1e. 16cV ---Strawberry c6<}}f>_hiI.'- foi? [_c:akes _~and saladg, 40c 1b., ,at'.}_7`{isgnjI: s. 16c 'I`l\n `loaf nnnnh: AF than} Rang -I-`git ----g---?------ moucu-:9 AT PENETANG 100 ACRES PASTURE to rent. fenced and watered, reasonable. about 8 miles 1z;cgr;1'Barrie. Apply 71 High St.. phone .5 . _ ---up `put on a successful euchre party on ticipating. -vwvv--awn van The Ladies . Lawn Bowling Club C-4\I\v|l|\iu Wednesday evening in the American I Hotel, about twenty-three tables par-; Prizes, which were al-i lotted according to a draw, went toi Mrs. D. H. Coleman, Miss Flora M-! Gregor, -Mrs. W. A. Twiss and W. T. Qfnmnvf I \Jl 1.`UgU1, "ll Stewart. vllc V CL .|.a.ua--' Uncle Tom's Cabin IN 9 REELS V COKE-T'hat `superior Canadian, rnade by Hamil- ton By-Product Coke ;_Ovens, Limited, Hamilton, put, for `which we are`"exclusive dealers for Barrie. Bar;rieFuel& SupplyCo. The BEAVER co., L'ip., FAMOUS PRODUCTS A_\car of their Beaver Board, Wall Board, Lath Board and also car`-oft their superior quality. Roll and Shingle Roong on the way. _ ` ` w. c. BoAbwAY St..and Railway. Phone` Office Nillfn 3] 3 HARD COAL-T'he best quality in pea, hut, stove _and egg sizes. ' ' ` A 1H-"Cl; UI'Uu.!'ll; UUll_U1Ub'H} WUUIU UK` change for house in Barrie. Apply Henry Harrison, Barrie R.R.2. 13-18p SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE FRI.-'SA'l`.V-AAPR.' 23-24 At 7.36 and 9 pm. 6Ebr2csE%s ibri`E Ya.wz AL:xANo:t2 fcArar2 zga,.a4.g I=r2ANcss MAr.>uotg 1. CEMENT`, LIME, SAND, GRAVEL AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES sm: US ABOUT YOUR GALVANIZED. ROOFING AND SIDING % ` WOOD and .S'LA'B,S-Ha4rd and soft, [CHARLIE sun. No. _2 Fall Wheat . Barley ;Rye .- . . . . . ' Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat .' . . . . . . . Butter, per pound Eggs, per doz.` . .V . . Potatoes, per bag FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-3.- Wltyn rnllnn urns! nf `Flcnmln QR any-an IJl'I.I}.I\ `Id lVll"lI\I)I_l I IJ TH U RSDAYA WHOLESALE` PRICED 'pow`u """ANo. p;aLM_llT1ER` BAR_RlE MARKETS nsnAv wuna cnni-av om Prige, 25 10 Then-e%met.1dotE Thrill-Comedy '. Sensation 3 "1e;.,;.;' 5;; . $1.30-1.35 . 55-60c 75-80c '$3L1o-$1.15 .. 70-75c . 42-45c III.V23-25c $3.00-$3.25 1"l\111Vl IYLII1. AJ41`J UIS l.`.a'4\U.l'1t\LVL1I!l"'-," Five miles west of Barrie. 25 acres sandy loam. 20 acres swampy pasture land; orchard: buildings: would ex- nhanm-. for human in Barrie. Armlv `|\T:>~ "*4 n. // , _ life The Executive of the \'.< ..\'. thank all who ussistml in Illnkl card party such 2; sum-(-s.<; `.~ G. G. Smith & C0. and \\'. I). .\ who supplied tables and rh: and to Powell's Melody .\I<-n \\ their services at at reduced mt. IE: and Klan DA`: 1 1I...... LX181!` SEFVICES ill. 21. I`t (lll(`QU 1'.'l{`. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. L. } :u'r rthank their many friends fut .\'_\ and kindnesses shown (ha-m death of their little sun Jim: :. the many floral tributes zmnl ticifncy and close zlttontinn _L:i\` by he R.V.H. staff. -All sizes linoleum rugs at V Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth St. 1'1-!,;imsDAY, APRIL 22, 19 Capi%'t_cl)l Illeal SPEED ! A fast-movipg COIT1Cd_`. love that hits on all cylinders! Alain:-`I-nun-u u-uu-p-- `sun . . FOR SALE--60 acres laud, bush and, pasture, south wes_t quarter of lot 11, con. 8, Vespra. some valuable timber. '.l`. L. Munro, Barr1e, R.R. 2. Nate. CI-lAP'i`ER FIVE or PERILS of the WIL MON. - TUES. - WE THE RED KIMONO TONIGHT A FRIDAY` - SATURD/I ____'_- --- , .......... Adults 23c, tax 2:. Children 9c, tax lc. MATINEE SATURDAY at 2. It I1 burn up the to with laughs Two Shows, at 7.15 and 9.. _ REGULAR PRICES ' AII. THE R] " - Phone 1133 The Home of Better Pictu The appealing story or` OWII LAUGHTER thrll TE.- TRACE ` YOUNG MAN wants `employment driving truck or team. Beat ot refer-. once as steady and trustworthy. Phone Boadway Store, Stroud; Ont 15-16p And Christie coma] CARDS OF THANKS `fRUN4TIN-CAN 1 MONDAY-Tlll . MRS. W1 ` A SIXTY-SMILE-Ag MINUTE COMEDY EB BROS. PLEASE no Nd And a Cameo Con I/-T7Dur:d A; Erle C. Kevl I]? rq In-muyEdwdrdT.LO . CLEAN BED CLOVER SEED for sale. Brick house and garden, Penetang St., for sale or rent. Apply M. McBride, telephone Burrle_-Angus. 417r1-2. -16p Z1-Z-2$: presents the pictl A picture that PAT `THE HOME Adults 23, taxl Two Sl;ows Ni gizgaiuzxmaq A daring subl Fred Eamelt Lincoln Sledm Charles Conkl Torn Mc Cui William Lowe sPEEd SEED GRAIN nn H: mzxf n t B13191) utuuw FUR. uaum--U.A.u. ca oats, first at Barrie Fair. fifth in standing F1,eld.Compe.tltion. 0.A;C. 21 barley. Also Dooley potatoes grown from certifled..seed. Thos. Smith & aons. Utopia. Ont. , 12-16p ----~----- FARM FOR SALE.-.-50 acres, c1oae'to Ba.x:rle._ Apply Box F". Examiner Oman, - - . 14-16:) DUJ'l'lU. Office. FARM FOR SALE-60 acres. east half 0!; 20, con. 1,.Oro. Apply to Wm. Beel- v. Barrie R.R.l. . ' - 13-189 DO!!! (1. law. .FARM FOR sALI1-16o acres, seven miles north of Barrie: some bush and spring creek. John Gordon. Bagiefs , `_ . p 3:-g--- YOUNG`CA.TTLE WA TED.` Short- horiror Hereford. also c over bay for nmln, Will, Wn.rninn. Allandale. R.R.1. WANTEB:-Position as bookkeeper. part or whole time, by responsible mun` . with practical banking experience. Ap- ply Box 102. Barrie. 169. o WANTED, for eight weeks. cottage or house close to, Barrie. Good` buthnm-'. bgach. Reply Box `"1" , Barrie Exi3.gx1i3- ~ ~ - c v . YQUNG`UA'1"1`l4l3J WA Tluu. unort- sale. Will. Warnica. Allandale, R.R.1. Btroud phone. - _ 15-16p :1:--:1 NURSES-The Penetanguiehene Gen`- eral Hospital is short on its number ot nurses-in-training and will be glad to receive applications from qualified girls desiring to train. Diplomas grant- ed at termination of course. Annlyhto -Superintendent for forms. Miss M`. i Gallagher, Sup V A T 15-'16c EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER E mm hnnlzlznnnnr umnfn nmaltlnn. Annlv EKPERIEN U191.) u'L'uLVuunArnxun' and, bookkeeper wants position. pgay - D Examiner. Office.` GOOD PLAIN coox WANTED. one `(mm nnunfrv nmfm-rhd. xzood wages. . I-IOUSEKEEPER wants position` on gum. at once..Apply to Phone 957W, arrle, or P.0. Box 68, Allandale. 16p FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE. to rent from June 1 to Oct. lot: with modgrp conveniences. electric range, tlre place 111, snimary conveniences. good ll`-_ nae, etc. Plant! 99 I09!!!` `;brea.t Inn nwma; an ldoutiocdtlon-V-tor.._a summon . ' home. Jipulylbox "Y"','Ba:-r1o:Exzxm-. 16c, VVANTED-Gardener and hmdvrman. Apply Box "W". Examlnervottlce. 16p ' VVAN'1`ED--Elderly laidy, light house keeping for family or two. Apply,1'Jx- amlner Mtlce. - ? A 1611:. j-2- . GOOD PLAIN UUULX wA1V'1'~rJu. one `from country preterrbd. good wages. Apply 175 Bayeld St`.'. Barrie. , A, 1611 ` -T Oho Boat 1 word; can. each" tuner-' Ilbn (minimum char 0. 250)`: II: In? Ionlons tor the" -pi` ciof of tour. 10` hunts extra. when` chat-od;` also. 10 onto extra. when replica an dlraqtoq to Examiner Ottlco. " Or. `an, con. J.,.un y. Barrie R.R.1. GIRL WANTED at once to helnwith housework on farm. Apply to Box A", Examiner` Office. ' ` .161): :-:- Property To Let` Finns F or Sale ; i. Seed for Sale` Help "Wanted APAR .l`MEN'l.`----Upper ` duplexf self. _ contained. 6 rooms and bath. balcony; attic and basement. hardwood tloo`:-s. hot and cold water, electric kitchenette "am: `heated, 80V Wot-slay St. Phone 814W. ; '. V 16l)t_to v Wanted FOR SALE--O.A.C.` Darrin Wnlr fiffh ., ummom No: Exam-. 10. (EH1 H18!` 14-lpl 1. new- 13-18;) '72 FUHWDBNU .l1UuD'.l.'1!ll.LV l5,Ul-IIJ URL!` for 19.19. from a. 24-lb, dam. The pinyin troma halter 8- years o1d.`.1v- inn, at lb; .9 `woelnx '- .PrIco2 In _':-lgvht. If taken. at once. Apply to H. Eastoh. : Anton M!llI.'0nt. 14-19;; FOR SALE--Five acres: Six-Roome House. maple. and oak oors;- electric light; town water. also outbuildings. Apply Box 674, Barrie. 14-19p iron SALE- -O'neT registered Clydes- dale mare and one brown horse. both 7 old. ~ A ly Box /J" Exam! eta oaa ; " 14.5% lJ.!'lJl-I-I) LCIILJLE. VIYHIOUEH IVUUKB. 0.A.C.. Holdsworth Strain. pedigreed cock-. from 800-ass hen: also hatching auras. . Mrn. `I-Truth (".n.ldm-urnn. nhnnn HOUSE TO LET---C0l`0!' Wellinzton "and Clunperton Streets. modern house. fireplace. hardwood oors. nonvenlencv es. ADD|{to 0..G. Hart. 32 Wellington St" or ubba.rd s Hardware. [1613 I<`OR`.SALE-,-Five young cowsp due. in. _ April: heavy team. young horses: Q6- dar shingles: sqed Banner oa.ta.- No. 1 ?(}ov't.. grade. Daniel McLean. Barrie. 3.3.1.: Phone cos;-_21. ` 1 _ .- 3-1_8o % Unmnnmn HOLSTEIN BULL c Ii-[ Inn gala, (Inns 1!. 24-111, (lam 'I"lSa HOUSE FOR BALE-5-roamed. rough; cast houaewith electric light. town` water. 1 1-8 acres of garden with fruit trees, barn` and pig pen. 108 Penetang. St... Barrie. 161) EIGHT-nooMED`HoUsE `ton- :ia`I. `em 1 conveniences, stables. henhouse, etc. Corner Wellln ton; and Maple Ave. Make "offer. L aving town. -Apply to: John Shepard. 12-17p DAY-OLD BABY CHICKS `for sale.` Barred /Rock guud laying strain. hea.-Ii; producers. Ap ly J'.~ A. Lennqx, 2 Nort St., phong` as _. % D 11.-1ocA HEAVY BROWN WORK HORSE for sale. fourteen hundred pounds,` ten eyeare old, $80 fox` quick sale. Apfogy 9 Box 66.4, Barrie P,O. , SHORTHORN BU-LL FOR .SALE-71 Anvil: rnnn' 1! vnnnfhu fnnlr nil . Q B1'1UIg'-l'l:1U.l'S1V JSUJJLO 1"U1`S.DlLlJ.l9`71 dark roan." 18 months. Stock Bull. 8 yrs}. Doroth '3 Favorite 166661. R; Bell. .nI1nn`n" 629. nrrin `R11. 3. .. . lkn YT!" JQOPOUI '3 1lLVO!'l.B 10! phone 629, arrle 3.1!. 3. I-on.sALE--Hoi;'ze:n cow. .8 yrs: old. due April 26: 1 cutting box. quantity or garden tools. '2 men's bicycles and a` large iron kettle. 108 Pentangt. 16p I HOUSE -To REN1`---Six-roamed house. all conveniences. Fine central location. paved street. possession Ma tlrut; `Ad- ' ulta preferred, rent modem. 9. 55 Mary St. . lsptto IDAY-OLD cmcKs.'1=1ymoutn Rocks. n.An('!_, Hnldiwnrth trajn. nmlhn-and cook-. from 800-933 hen; alo'ha.t5h1nz egfsv Mrs._ Hugh` Caldex-wood, phone 13 . A - ` -14-1_6u FOR jsALE-Br1ck-house. 7 rooms. an" conveniences. 1% acres land. For par- 01: tlculars wr1te`B 471. 55-16:) FOR SALE CI-IEAP--Lot 29. moron?) SIR. Rnrrin, Wnr lnfnvvmnflnn write ('1 run uauu U.l1.l!uu:'--1401: av. roronto St.. Barrie. For information write C. Edwards, 9119 Quincy Ave., Detroit. Mich. - - ' ' 12-17:) SUMMER COTTAGE at Minot : Point. Lake lmcoe, for sale. Free access to park and bathing beach Apply-to E. B. Reynolds, 79 Mary St., Barrie, phone 1072. . . 16-21nl FOR SALE-7-roomed house./reulnneci I with lights, water and telephone; a- bout 4 acres of good land, stable, barn. garage, chicken-pen and dairy house. Apply P.O. Box 888. Barrie 16-18p , _ . THREE COWS for sale: `milking well. Apply 111 `.`Penetang St. or phone muw. ~ * ~ ln & ;&vL'4.' msw. SALT--I have bought Aa. large bin of salt from the pickle factory, Allandale. and will be selling same from the fac- tory on Saturda , April 24th, and an Wednesday, Aprl 28th. Price 50 cents per 100 pounds in 500 pound lots or over; smaller lots 55 `:cents per .100 pounds. Bring-smzkacwltvh you orwacks supplied at 10 cents each extra. J. V -Bretvt, Seed `and Feed, phone 65. 16:3 TO _LE'l.'---F'or summer months,"tur- latched "I-roamed house, all modern conveniences, near the bay. term: mod- erate. Apply 48 Louisa. BL. between 1 and} mu. - 14-19p FORD CAR for sale. cheap. Apply Box 394, jBarrle,, Out. 161) FORD CAR FOR SALE. For w3.1`tlcu`~ lurs apply 74 Sanford St. _ _ 16p 3-..-.--uu FORD RUNABOUT FOR SALE. AD- ply A. Teasdale, 11 Florence St. or phone 975W. V 16c FORD FOR SALE in -gobd condition. starter, shock absorbers, would make. good` truck. Phone 445. 15-16c v FOR .vBA_.LE-o-A large cream wicke baby carriage, cheap, and baby walker, also Royal cook stove and range, in good condition. 133 Cumberland St., Allandale. T15-18p BARGAINS IN ELECTRIC` M5:t oRs One `A;-I-I.P.. good asxnew, used only six weeks; three V4-H.P., all in good condition. Apply '1`. Klssock, care- taker, `R;V.Hospltal. A we F01;-RLE--Square piano, large `tap- estry ru ,,electr1c-fixture.` sideboard and we. nut 'dinlng table. banquet mnm: with water frnnt and rnsnrvnir, uuu VVH-llllll. uuuu range wgth Water in Apply 34 Bradford : FOR SALE-`;~,-2 `cbrds of gr cordb_ot drywood, r. 4 . . trlgerator. coal an ' ply Mrs. Wgtllwln. ~ you sALE..hen n6&.`T's5; Tao hens. $1 eaciif-1 rodsrtez`, $5';:2 electric br6od- era, $8 each; garden sprinkler; water meter.'J.V Hutchlngs,'38 '1`_iff1n St.. Al- V landale. ' 16Dc FARM FOR SALE-L0ts 11. 12. 18. ooh. I! Vnnnrn 100 n.r-ran under mihivnnn. A.W Il-Nlml PO80. macnxnery. gas and steam wtg'a.ctons. threahers},._9.nd clover attachments. W. WI; Badgley. Box 109,8. B_at1r1a`. - 1.5;`-`2,_,b, .1},-., " `Goon`1>o'r.a1'ro_Es FOR SALE. Jones ~Br,oa.. Stroud. Ont. Phone 1-21-13. 16-16p Tjxjx--: STOVES FOR SALE-='-Hamw Thought bqxstove. almost new. also small size coal stove; "cheap.it sold at once. Apply 38 Sanford St. 160 --___:- SAWYER-MASSEY road machinery. and and nfnnwrlrcvnnfnnn fhhnnhnru and FOR SALE--McLaughlln top buggy` complete, good as new. less than half price for Immediate sale. Wm. Packard. Shanty Ba.y.: . A W 16-21:). FOR SALE--1 Lloyd wicker baby car- riage and sulky in good condition, 1 coal oil heater, Apply 28 Vespra. St. Phone 305W. - - - 13Dttc - . FOR SALE,-.On four-burner Clark` Jewel gas range; also Happy Thought range will be sold verymheap `at 71 Mary .t. ` T. ` 16,0 : BABY VCARRIAGE--Almo'st new. for .sa.le'chea.p. 55 Pgrk St. or phone 86IT... J` .< . . ' c FOR SALE--Baby carriage and sulky. baby pen. sleigh and robe, Apply at 124 Elizabeth `St; 16c ' ACME GA '.I.`(JV.I3 101' 58.18. 6-Iiurner. `good as new. Enquire at 74 William St., ~Al1s.ndale. _ 16p -u HOUSE TO LET-,--On 58 Gowzm St.. Allandale, phone 611r6. V _ 16