Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1926, p. 6

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Oet 1 tin from your grocer to- day. Save the label! for vuln- When you use SMP Enn Utensils, you never need to ac and scrub the way some war Hot water, soap, a cloth thn need to clean them. It washes 1 china, has the cleanliness and 5 face of china, but wears like at Don t be the slave of your cook ware; equip with clean, pure sa tary, lasting SMP Regular shampoos with a 5'; of Cuticura Soap and hot wuu preceded by light applications Cuzlcuta Ointment, are nioat eff: ve. They do much to cleanse ti scalp of dandru , allay irriznzio admulafe circulation and promo the healthy condition necessary 1 luxuriant growth of hair. \_ l\\J I L413` `I-320. Box 13 Illl. Addren fiunmll 34-. ngn|l'OtL' Prim. So THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 14 ._4 Cueera Seap Svhamgot Keep The Scalp Heaiih Cleans Like "is goo? WATER! WATER! Au % . ' The Comforts % of Home can be enjoyed at ` THE L * FOR SALE BY 01 pot: limbo! . Olntmnnt 26 -" Cuiinnn VVVVVJVCICVVS/El Comfor where your b Save plumber s bills drains sweet, clean, fr 3 little Comfort Lye or so and washing i water. Let it stand water. Comfort Ly grease and the hardes WARE Enlezed gm zomforf 16}?/W Noted for its homolihe` atmos- phere. quiet, comfort and. renemnt} Unemlhd cuts-' nu and modcratc charges. j BROWN & co. CiEk"cR17i'E1T ORDER TODAY FROM will carry your chicks through the first .three months af- ter hatching without the usual loss or set-backs Blatchfbrd s Chick Mash ms A QUESTION or LIFEOR DEATH Let your grain fed be ~ Blatchfon-d's Bar-Nun American and Europa Him. THE BANK ~oF NOVA SCQTIA` ESTABLISHED I832 for t%1v1e%Scrvice% of Farmers "i"o"1i'b'1"I'i"c3 .. ..--- -ra nu 1,5` ,Vra | 1% VI \\- . Capital $10,000,000 Rum: 819.500.000 Total Ruourcu 8 We invite you" to open your personai account with us, and you may feel entjrely free to have a friendly talk about a busmess `problem with our experienced managers at any txme. ' ' OUR desire to serve thevfarmer is sin-e cere, because we rcalxze that unless his nancial affairs are well ordered he can-` not prosper and unless the farmer prosper: -the country cannot make progress. For near! 100 var: we` baw. been Bar: er: for rural Canada doubl; vantage. aucn tacpa |na'nnr.. :;.':4:-:*.`:`..::9.:::m:.:.i2*:.":a.*::*.*:..* J 04 .<.>,_t,ts'e tvpl of1>.Ia'(e.r._-'th.a.tor.n meets v_ery*often` hhgae b` dyer vihatul-` n ..t ms, W. rt At ' ` ":'i'f:akc7uf :43; :33 13': ,h e'a3 ` , E; culuultaccu sups or mannerisms should e taken advantage of bgt watch out for those that are made with the Inten- `tion of deceiving. For example, if you have a singleton of, the suit led, you should play itpromptlx and not hesi- tate. Heaitation in may ,3 case would lead your opponent to believe that -you ' have a choice of two or more cards and g might inuence.lIil_ plgy to hiaudisad-r . vantage. Such tactics are-'_not' manna:-I 1 lIml.a.nd.m-n dlntinotlinmfnt. DI... - . nu umuun. nnotner playtilf nad a habit, - of always redoubling whew doubled. The word double seemed to call up in his mind the word "redouble and he was helpless; to refrain from saying it. Every player at the table has the same opportunity of drawing conclusions-that you hzwe, so be on the alert at all times for the human element. Bridge is a am: of wits and the player who can" )8_St match his wits against the others is the winning player. On the other hand, always avoid unfair tactics, such - as private conventions 9;` signals. Un- premeditatd slins or manna:-inmanl-m..|A when you areplaymg constantly with op ' nent does double, look out, for you \ great man players seem to be in doubt as to w ether or not the are a justified intakin advantage 0 the personal element n auction. In other words, is it fair and within the ethics of the game to note and take adyantage of the mannerisms or characteristics of your fellow players? The answer is sim- . ple. You are playing a game with three other people, your partner and two opponents, and it is not only allowable, A but it is your dut to study them as . carefully as you 0. your cards. The players in the me are just as impor- tant as the s and should be studied and analyzed just as carefully. If . on are playing with strangers, it is ra her difficult to prot by such. analysis, but thevsame frou you should take into account al of t e characteristics of the different players, when bidding, playing the dummy or playing against the de- clarer. You _can bid freely with - one partner but must be conservative with another. You can take a chance against one opponent but must be very careful of ' mg doubled with another. If one are probably beaten; but if another doubles, figure on an extra trick or so. in the play of the hands, howeyer, a little different int arises. It is not co1m.idered_ gdqodnfobrm to hesitiaut oxf- ot nerwise in icate your met 0 play, thlat you! do or b; not hold cegtain car s. f-a pa er omes note or doing this as aymatter of habit, how- ever, his opponents are certainly justi- cdfiu takingidueiadvantage. One play- er, or examp e, a ways givesa nervous ` cough when he holds the missing honor and the opponent leads through his hand. He has tried hard to cure himself of this habit but without success. As a result. his opfzonents play for this signal and nearly a ways get the necessary in- formation. Another-_ player had habit, alwavs redouhlmrr minors: .-lm.1..I....I , f Copvzht 1925 by loyle. Jr- N`ew Series byWYN NE FERGUSON V oluthqr 9/` '-Prgwon an'cluct:'on Zzidg asylessons in - ` % AUCTION = ARTICLE No; 19 amerta yeglslnture will be prorogu- ' ed on May 5, last session before gen- eral election.` ; uuuu. tour hearts. A-`ve clubs, mYdobled hganirfe-2x"'2:ausi `a?"`.':l.a all passed. A pfened with the ace of clubs and then ' ayedtheaceofepedeewhichzttumped. 2 bid Jive . (avg eh9uld..he rhn the ey 0! the V ?An~endlyI I ef the payadd the `other three will given 5!, the. next article. I 89 70 6: so 2 Diamonds - K, J , 9, 7. 6; 4 - Spades -- none No ocore, rubber game. 2 dealt and .Abid one e. Ypaasedand bid two clubs. bid two hearts, A three clubq. Y three hearts and B four txtrldbu. four hearts, A-`ve clubs, doubled. B named nml 7. MA -9)... ouuuuuuvu Ul Wlll. HUI; C0 C0. ` Here is a peculiar hand, both in the biddingand play and an illustration of the great possxbilities of apparently weakthands; cnree spaces and A doubled. Y never hesitated a minute and promptly bid our diamonds. B doubled and defeated the contract 400 ints while thethrce spade` bid woul have lost only " 200 points less eight honors. This example `:3 an extreme `case perhaps,` but is a ne illustration of what not to do. Here in a nn.-ulhm Im...: |...n. z. .I.. No scbre, first game. Z dealt and bid three spades and A doubled. Y hesitated a mimma and .-..-........n.. :.:.: nu awrc, runner me. 36 dealt and bid `V no-trump. A bi two hearts and Y r doubled. B immediatelg got paniclx and bid two sp'ades whic doubled. ' now bid three hearts, Y doubled and all passed. A lost his contract by only one trick so that if _B had left the double ` alone. he and his partner would have ` won game and rubber.` What B failed to cbnsider was: First. that A must have a very strong hand to bid over one no-trump: and, second, that if he wanted a spade bxd, he would have doubled no-trump. Be on the look out ' for such. hands and don't take your gartner out of a bid just because it has even doubled. The following hand is an even worse example of what not to do: No score , rubber ame. Zdealt and bid x_o-t_r'un_1p.__A_ _t_wo_ "on n01 truilivt ye-vw I II\r&U\fIIUN T ' ` .A colony of bees ;can:,oniy` store plus honey in proportion to .the`numbe,._` during the.time the main honey mow `larger will be the` crop stored, provided all other-`conditions in the colony am- ance of nectar and favourable "weather V conditions for. gathering. but `it rests -with the beekeeper `to. furnish the bees and to produce them at the proper time. To furnish;the largest possible ~i.'orce of` bees of thegright age for the harvest. maximum brood production must take place during the six or eight weeks =-Just prior to the commencement after the flow has started` are not maximum honey -producers. The bee. -keeper's task during` the spring and early summer then. is to so nlnnlpulate his colonies that the entire. energy of the bees is devoted to brood rearing. `The main essentials necessary` to stim. ulate high brood production are; (1) Prolific queens. All weak, falling or drone-producing queens must be re. laced immediately, as any lost time n_ egg-laying means less bees for the harvest. (2) Sufficient room for the `queen. At no time must the broodl chamber be allowed to become clogged] with honey or pollen. there must al- ways be room for freeexpunsion of the brood nest. (3) Plenty of stores. Just enough for immediate needs is not sufficient; large amounts are need. ed for the developing brood and any shortage will cause it check .. in ppo-l duction. (4) Protection. Cellar wintered bees should be protected immediately they are brought out from winter quarters and until `settled warm weath. er is assured. Outdoor wintered bees` are provided for by leaving them in their_ cases. _ . } of bees it has available for field work . is on. `The greater this force of bees the ' equal. Nature may supply-an abund- ` of the main flow. Colonies that do not - reach their peak of broad rearing until Phom or win your mcwatton at our expmu Buy Advertised Thnings. Hand No. 2 Hearts - I, 10, _4, 3 Clubs - 9, 7, 2 Diamonds - J, 10. 8, 7 Spades -- none T- sPnINe'BRooo P Robuc'rIoN ` A r-.nlnn\'.v nf ham: man nnlu ac-,...- r_a_l{fast. M None. Problem No.1 5 79 5| 3 ' .10 uunaula land`: a affairs. .pBl'I(1lIll3'08. Marconi. 111 in London hospital, pre- ferred music from phonograph` to that of radio. ' The Duchess of Atholl told Women's Canadian Club at Montreal of Scot- land`: sunerior nosmnn In Adnnnnv-mi I I 1 -.v vi-I nun u l.llI_llllUL'- T `L`ord mchca,p_e says Britain needs- Mussolini to put his foot down on ex pendltm-es. - Marconi. in in Lnnann |..~....u..: ...... -. wnausva up Winnipeg reports more than 100 grain elevators will be built in Man- zltoba this summer. " "fawn! f{A4I. . n _ . _ . _ ._ 1\__lA_r - Jacbuur uuu are at war ov Brantford. TI7l_, _ 1,. , upurung orgamzauons er daylight saving at Labor and sporting organizations re war over dnvlixrht Qnvlnrr at mac nd's 'fnh-s V lst 1.15111 nu nvun l$lVQVVI:aI\ IUUA .. I ,. THIS CONTEST POSITIVELY CLOSES MAY FIRST AT MIDNIGHT Prizes are to be awarded for the statements which are considered by the judges I to the best for advertising purposes. Write on one side of the paper only--all answers to this contest become the property of the Fischman Spring Company, Limited, and the decision of the judges is nal. . Do not send any money-just a short. concise statement of what you consider to be the eight points of excellence in the Fischman Inner Spring Mattress: ` Quen s liotel e Then write and tell us in as few words as possible what the eight points of FISCHMAII SIRIIIG CIL, LIMITED - KITCHENER, ONT. See the Fischman Inner Spring Mat- tress at your nearest dealer's (name below) and ask him to tell you why the Fischman is superior to all other mat- CICSSCS. Here is. an opportunity to win $100.00 in gold. or one of the other 49 prizes. This is how to do it. IN GOLD FOR SOME ONE AND V 46 PRIZES 01-`$2.00 EACH You Find the 8 Points of Excellence. IN THE 4 mum: spnnie MAT`-TRESSV Ieummrzen FIVE YEARS (Opposite Ngw ); ` ""l'1f\'n/\1 -rn-ux SEND IN YOUR ANSWER TODAY `T DnE'1""IPl `I 5' I\I! ll 1 up Inn:-.1-noun . 1 Phone your news items to The Eitamiher. _:vvv T j . . - - v - . gag: RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ' Qntag Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational - ' French gnzhaaized. Outdoor Games I and Sports. ` Health tdcord axe ant. v Limited nuxnbora. Far ,l I-oapactna Aapuply to Pringipala. $29 1. PRIZE Valle - Fiullmn eciul Inner Spring a nu. _;:j_.:- `venben CEolle%ge_` FOR GIRL: value rllclllllli Special Ialtnu. . _ , , __ ..__.. ..v __v -c ----..b \.\r tau I-\lI Lllvlllo The eight points of; excellence are out- standing and, with a little help from your dealer, should be easily discovered. -_-..i ~' We want ideas to be used in our adver-. tising and we are willing to pay for them. FFL- _:..1.. ...z__._ _ excellence are in the Fischmin Inner Spring Mattress. I11 . Alberta Legislature will be prorogu-g rd May 5. session betmm cznn. THURSDAY, APRIL` 15, 1-926. $40510 Value -- Standard, cotton top Fischmn Inner Spring Mu!- tun. v-------I- vvr|LL_al\.' If you have not [xlonly of \\ I'M` rter see '1`. H. Hlltl-(luv ulmzxx :: Well. I gua1`z1nLe(- \\`z11m- um! 13:. gasolim---no wnod 11: \'.':ut--r (M 9. have two !11:l('hiH(`.< zmd :h.. 1 `. zreasonublc-. \\'riu: or ph(:l`)(' 1;..- "will call on yuu. T." H. RUTLEDGE, Shelburne Pn T).n\- 10`) , lu.. >1 1' IRE? \/(J/'/(1 (Jj"L - I and Cyconozny I common consrr co. ow. )v1v'~1:vu. 1.. able premiums. SPECIAL GARAGE FACILITIES FOR MQTORISTS

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