Bryson s Tea R0 Elizabeth `SE. 5`-9.,RE ABSORBEI1 Bulk 50c lb. mg Package 60c lb. an LIGHT LUNCHES " AFTERNOON TE Au. GOODS cu; THURSDAY, APRIL 15' Full Assortment in Bulk and I :1ck::; M0lR S CHOCOLATE Theireport of the tourist commit- tee presented by Dr. Lewison Mon- day night shows that -he is taking hold of this chairmanship with character- istic enthusiasm and that he will dis- charge the duties of this office `with a` vigor and thoroughness which is equally characteristic of him.- In Ki- wanis activities and in various other - capacities the Doctor hasearncd a ne reputation for doing thing's."V NElLSON S 1:hone.s9 terms Served Worknn-n wv ' by drinking an:-nu .1`-3.... and v--- v V and Niaple 'Tt'0n7 .340-2 ""' I "At every session of _the Legislature g many - new acts are passed I andi amendments made to existing legis- lation. Much ofjthis legislation goes through without the general public being given any denite `information concerning it. xisummary of all leg- islation enacted_ at the session should be prepared by the Government and sent to the municipal councilsiand newspapers of the province. on asl WC PH( ----m / . An attractive and informative special number was issued by the Midland -Free Press last week settgng forth by word and. picturedevel p- ments which have taken place in this East Esimcoe port and its adjacent territory. The number consists /oil twenty pages and is highly. creditable , to the publishers. i I I The Blenheim News-Tribune has just opened its fty-ninth volume and the twenty-second under the dir- ection of the present editor and pub- lisher, J, Mercer Denholm, who is publishing a paper that `is rendering a fineservice to Blenheim and the rich agricultural district, which sur- rounds it. e f The Examiner has received anon-* onymous letter, signed Rat,epayer,V. in which an attack is made on a mem- ber of the Town Council. This went where all such unsigned communica-. tions go--to the waste basket. An- onymous contributions receive no consideration from this newspaper. u---$1 ---:-n Without the assistance of the cus- tomary warm A-pril showers, .the bright sunshine of the-_ past week has made great `inroads upon the snow- banks. The water is getting away nicely and there should not "be mu,ch, danger of oods. x ' With the county levy requiring! over two mills more than in 1925 and the school levy also being slightly in- creased, Barrie ratepayers are not likely to get of! with `less than a three-mill increase in the tax rate this year. 1 . V , T , 2 . . A eneak-thief ransacked three houses in Orillia last week and seen!- ed the sum of ninety-ve cents. Or- illians are altogether too careless I about leaving their `wealth. lyingr around. uuv vuuavnn UL hula uuwyu. I can do it to some dezreg. vuavvyvulv Gnu uuuy [RUG lUl 'Du3`neS3 and `industrial enterprises. More, theypare o_v`e1'.__ `on: alert`-Lfqr `new; _ ilndugtries . `pad they will span -n9` of- - -_.- _-- sou: v v ; Vpecial interest _for the members oficise h _ ` the arrie Board of Trade at this; 5 matte particular tizne., The Simcoe_ Ree bm 3".`_i:| !,1'ormer tells of. Till'sonfburg's. jexpan- * *9. 9"-*-'1' -L sion as_follows:- \ . w , Our neighboringtown of .'Tillson- A.` ' burg affords undoubtedly one oi the: Toronto 1 ~ bestexariiples in Ontai'io'o1 what can which the a: r. be accomplished -by com`muri`it'y 'boost- {applied in 1 ing. Tillsonburg citizens have always the tactlessr ` been strong for Tillsonburg .Firs_t." ycfetd .a Wherever thestranger in Tillson'burg' ' grievance` WE goes, he }n_ust,b,e constantly impresy expression in ed with the fact that its `people are the session 3 forever boosting"their town. They bers had `heel tall: Tillsonburg, they eulogize its 'P|_1b1i opiro natural advantagesfrom a residential must look to viewpoint", and they laud_its._business `out, criticism and `ipiduinh-`igl ...o-'.....'.:....- IL-- V tancement 1 40,1 ; the `home -town ,_e\r_er4".R`iV, 8l', to`~ve years in penitentieryiei-. .` before , them.- ` o ` ` ' V W10 8Within8"'of ballots at his P011 is` we 'p]'a'n/`of !ed'on' numeros` occasionsiy the eat-,; v--vnvvvn I uuv] 5V -""IU' IIHVQ [ne `u. .: Iuew ulIU`lllV'lBlUlI U1 'DruIe In FUHVU Down" in ;"I`iIlsonh'tn -g the citizens `-3 . mt" f. -.! ..d3- Pi!b1ic' have beer; enthusiastically .1'onowi,,g` eopdence in the pi has been shock- tothe front wherever eopportupityj ofgtempt of dishonest, and p rtisan; of.- fers and the result` sho`uld es- M3 *0 SW81 1eti0n8- In 0791'! for members 41108.88 where such` attempts ere made} V `Barrie Bond on Trnn .4. .n.:.., the maths": .1u`...1`A 1... ..`:u..`A `+.. wt... . .v--,-v- - I --- - V uvvun ll"\I ' ~ l Speaking, to the Board of Trade on Monday night, Mr. Kelly urged` the inembers to make a thorough`su"r-' - . vey of the town, to postrthemselves fully `on `its advantages, attractions l and possibilities; and than -to .\`-`talk, Barrie" in.s,eason.and out of season, ' wherever their ` '[:"">`-if-"-to` have the ad- vancement `home `town ,,ev.e1'f' before tlfnm . ' vvucu uc aeuu -one ursv great essential 3 is .a strong;communit'y' spirit. AsvMr. [ Moore pointed out, there has been a 4 marked improvement in this respect. = of recent years. A growing spirit` of co-operation has been apparenrtzi i"_It has been shown in many ways. =! is still room';. for much more -of it. Meetings like that of Monday! night and addresses suchas Mr. Kel- '.ly s should further stimulate an en- thusiasm for the advancement of Barrle s welfare and a willingness to assist in -promoting any movement a which is for thefbenet of the town or of the country round about. V `While a good start has been made" by,.the Board of VTrade,`peo.p1e should ~ not expect too great things of it. There may be much work with little to show for `It, but if the members all put their shoulders to the load and are accorded the. support whichwthey deserve from the townspeople gener- . allv. the rasmll-.4: nmmn+ 1.. ..+1.........:.... .. uvuvs Iv hue yownspeople ` ally, the results otherwise; that} highly bencia) to Barrie. ` _.-.-. _- - u--u --avvvougo \ D Those who heard Mr. Kelly's very. practical" , and entertaining address _'need no further argument to con- vince -them that there is a place in` Barrie for `a Board of Trade and that there are great possibilities of accomplish_ment.if the members but catch the vision held out by him, ac-i cept their responsibility and make an ' `earnest effort to achieve what thug` desire for our town. ~ , Mr. Kelly touched the very heart` of the success of such a movement: when he said the first great essential in n ahlnnor nnw.w.nnA~.` ....:..u. A_ 11-. I` PUAIKU ur Al -KADE BANQUET I The"'large attendance, keen intei-j est and lively enthusiasm at the| Boar,d of Trade `banquet, Mondayl night, augur wellivfor the success of. this organization. _.In -the history of the town there has `been no better, Board of Trade meeting. ` I 1|1L,._- _.'L_ !._'._.J up Or .. . Commenting on the newspaper, , situation, which .has reached an acute I ?`~Zsb`1. L `3u`333.dze`Z2f3 `$13 `i`l 3 , a_.. 1 n s o , that there is no eld in which costs l. ,,have mounted so rapidly in the last; few years as the newspaper ld. The ` time when any man with mney or credit enough to b,uy a'~`few fonts of type and a few sheets of paper could ' start a newspaper and hope to suc- ceed is long gone by. Thanks partly 5: to the war `but more largely-to `a! ltense rivalry in news and feature ser- .'1 vices as well as to the" general !` mounting level of costs, nobody _is_; warranted nowadays in, `starting a4, newspaper unless he is -backed by g lample capital. And the fact is that j: virtually no newspapers are started 1 while many{ that have long been in H `operation a e dropping` by the way-"U fside. ' _ if r va. uuuluwun uluu Wllrll IJUUPIC OI Ina` `town and country increases trading refations. _ 2 - The RenfrewLMercury; in discuss- ing the propaganda of large city . stores to get business,` tells its read- : era that there `is needed mozje mutual ; goodwill between the `merchants and; business men ofa town; then con- sistency of town folk in buying ev! I erything they can at `home. The av- er_ag'e:citizen is/more or less sympa- Ithetic to his home town and he looks I` i for leadership from the local business, men`. Friendliness and cheerfulness in the conduct of business are neces-; sary and the personal -`acquaintance K of business men with people oflthe, town nlillfhll unwnnnnn 5-...I.l_...x < 1 'O4RD OF BANQUET "HL...I......- _A.L-._,I-, I I ' h:t`ts"Xnef Macfhail told `nu; on} tario Educational Association-that the machi 01 education `in Ontario is too po erful.` In this statement shesvoices-p,ublic opinion. Our school system` is loaded up with` red tape and regulations ,upon regulations, and with many o icia_ls;/Whose main 'pur- {pose in-'llfe_seem's to `be to see that these regulations are rigidly adhered to, regardless of circumstances. Less , , red tape and a little more latitude` to `\ 'deviate from regulations when com- j mon sense and the interests of the I ratepayers demand it are much to be i `desired. _ ' i COMMUNl'i'Y':OO$TlN_ usvbv Au mcu. cuuI:IVU1' DU secure mem. As a.result of this ne spirit of . community boosting, Tillson-burg to-. mt'y f day ranks as one of the `busiest indus- "Z ! trial towns in the province. And the _ `future is `being viewed" through rose- 11)"8 Very. colored glasses. The Canadian Milk Monday ;uccess of . ' Products Limited, with a payroll of ' 3 $3500 a month, hasrtaken over the; infformer Borden condenser, _a_ s_te_p`T rada ant! ...1.:-.L _.-:u ..., enlarge me exemptions and make - some of them free from dependency ~on trmihlunm. 4.'m..;_n1u..`. ` uvulv vi. uuvul .l.rBB_Il'0l,1l `WP on trodblesome frni-llin"g.1 ......... nvvn I one uuvernmulxu,-wauu-i -out, criticism from the Chamber,`-to n18!'8e the exemptions a\:d x'n ake; lln (1, them `nan C-nun. nnndnnn -`art. or ma` o1:he'r'wise' T `idle , 1 *21dj;lmg'in,:hiq tex\:dency. .. : . `,,['*.'-" ""\4l opllfll _l_i_UIrUlllp.|:B IIIGIIU, ,.;the matter should -be sifted to `the . 'bttom andseveretpunishment meted -x the'1'l7roper 'paz-ties. T ' Amuseinin Tax ' `Star; The maxfneri in` which amusement tax has,been I l1p~c'ountry districts and tactlessness of inspectors have 9- created widespread" feeling of _ Erievance` which would -have found. ' expression in the Legislature during session just closed if the mem- e,be1'S_had `been pr perly responsivegto. P'.'b11 Opinion, V s `itis, the `public * the G`overnthent,'v7i1:h-, . `out. criticism from +1.. flhhmher.-7:115 . . `Ligation Szrookedneu . - Milverton 'Sun:` The sentencinkc"-of , Deputy Returning Officer Robb of. _ jthe ` subdivision of Brule in Peace , .River, to` -ve penitntia.ry.f'>i`. ii; matter of commendation. Public" . . Cdndh `nan Mann WI: 9' -has'taken mfformer _a step 1d which will mean thousands of. dol- 0f lars monthly for dairymen of the dis- 3 trict and will add a dozen or more C {families to the town's population. As ' "1 a resin! of this transaction, the In- _--_--uwu callous vvnvu G IJGJKUII U1} 3 ; ernational Cooperage Co. of Niagara , alls, N.Y., will establish a branch_' W in Tillsonburg, with an` output of at Wfleast 100,000 barrels yearly; and a. 33 large export package business will be 1'- moved from the United States to Tilli- sonburg. Additional new industries ftrare also in -prospect, and altogether 1tithe"Pa.n-Dried town is expected to 1133 boom asnever before. . _ ` 7'lV31I..-..L.-..._.l_ _--_- - ' ' " Teaching Experience V` Oshawa Reformer: The `Calgary Albertan points out that the premiers .; of. the three prairie provinces were all` in theirearliert livs teachers, and it goes on_ to say_ thatb,ecau_se teach- ers mecessarily learn` iscipline, tact and thoroughness, the best possible training fqr a'public' man in -Canada` `Pisa few years ofyteaching experience. &$&&ww&&mx$%$& "3 AMONG EXCHANGES g M _ . / I&%%i&$$%w$&w%a&g - uvvau no ucvcx ucaurc. Tillsonburg s sqccess is not the fruit of idle contemplation or` patient lwaiting, but the direct.result of, the co-operative enthusiasm and energy of its citizens. And_in the new move ment, the -Tillsonburg Board of Trade has Played aprominent and active ]part. ' I `* ' V J (continuedltroinnaiie 1) V . sortston the 200 miles ofgwater-front. i in the county, Dr. Lewis also dis-" 3` tributed sheets of paper to each one` hilt present and asked them to write ag rlo suggestions they might have. ` A big entlhatful was the re_sponse. ool .N.R. Willing to Help Hid Mr. eegar exressed the wi T` .. ind ness of the to help in grlireligy` Lu`. way possible to secure industries for jat the town,' He had taken the-matter .ed up with-the -C`N.R. industrialggcom- s an mittee and had he town `placed on" to the list for good. reliable industries, m_ and they ialso have .a representative. ; in_Toront_o working hard. Barrie, he he said, -could not be -better located for industries, being near _two big cities and being also the_gateway to the north and west, while good railway ;s_ service,,.is available andvthe matter of sidings can be easily dealt`wi1;h, E3: " Praise for Secretary 3 The president spol_ briefly, ex.- `d ; pressin his appreciation of the way n_ IBII while everyone had got behind the V f oarh of [Prade and he ave credit V or t elreiuvenation of t e Organiz- -g ation to W. N. Dull`, who, when norm 7 ii- mated for the town council st De. :5 'cember,_ advocated such a in ve and 35 _ since his election had worked tire. ,s"lessly to -bring it a-bout. Mr. Bryson urged everyone to get behind and e boost and he prophesied -better times - ahead.` 9' Mayor Promises `C0-Operation g In 8 brief address, Mayor Craig. I expressed the `willingness of the town council to co-operate with the Board r 1 of Trade, particularly in their efforts 9 to secure industries f r the t -I.` W. N. DIIW. this nlyrnfnvuv ?.`.Y:'ri-- 3'0 ! 3 us: secure xuuustrles I 1' me town. [I W. N. Du , the secretary, briefly 5 (urged the members to get the com- `Qmumty sp1r1t,- which he. was sure _,'would carry the ,orgamzat1on and the [town somewhere. :1 ' ' `Would Make for Progress In moving a vote, of thanks, Dep- =uty-Reeve MeCuaig spoke of_ the ne [spirit breathed in Mr. Kelly's address. [Barrie is a ne town, surrounded by Ia splendid agricultural district. If all !the people would `get behindthis ' _'movement and put into practice the {speaker's good advice, the town and ~ district would prosper as never be-~ "fore. T i Similar sentiments were voicedby ,S. W.` Moo e, in secondingthe mo- Etion. `Solon; years ago there were a {lot of kn ckers in Barrie, but their . _number had -been `growing less all the 5 :time, till now the knockers were few i of the"industrie`s being established in Canada. One hindrance to industry `and the boosters many.'Barrie should 1 have a good `chance of securing some . {fort in thir endeavor to secure them o AB on I|n|:u1I- A3 `L3. 4.... _..!..A 1' A Eicetion .Cro3kednen Public School Inspector `Day -of East Simcoe in arecent report stress- ed the importance of -children being` taught the proper use of their mother ,tongue. "There is no doubt," he `said, that the chief duty of the. ~' school is `tovput the cl'iild in posses- sion ofan easy. uent, clear, distinct,` M intelligent. correct and symfxathetic " use of the English language. . Atvthe ; same time the child should be" so u guided in his reading .and in the : choice of fbooksthat when he leaves 1 school he mayihave a taste for the 1 -Tbestv there is in literature and _;.`de- a sire"and tendeney"to.'xspend_ a great ; Wart A91. h,i:_s\othe'r`wise`i"idl,e.. mung in `1 .- "2.1d}|l35".,`Ii'l_i W_|denc.'~':u ' - i V.` u-vvn\r|\lla PIIVII ILVIIIHIIVIIJ Employees of the Bell Telephone construction forces, and other; -branches .of the service, have receiv- ;_ ed a thorough training in rst aid,` and as a result have beenlable to, render valuable help in critical cir-' ` cumstances, not only to fellow em-I ployees but to other victims of ac- cident or injury, to the saving of both life and property. The Bell Company has established a plan of awards and citations for conspicuous service of this kind. Each year, in the Co ,;{any s annual _report, men- tion is made of the names of thosel especially deserving of commenda- tion. In the 1925 report the names of eight employees are cited--four of them women-for acts of cour- age, initiative -and public service per- formed while on duty. 15c` . -----.-\e---- FOR COU RAGE AND INITIATIVE 'F`.I'|`IV\'I\Iv1\Inn .. LL- 11. m u 1 -. vwaa w ujy auu uevezop In the stores 1a` spirit of `service. He believed it - would be a good idea to turn these v half. holidays into_c'ominunity affairs occasionally-. Invite the farmers in for an a`fternoon s fun, letting them `bring some of the eats? and lettihg the townspeople providethe rest and all mingle together in the good` old- fashioned picnic style. At other times the Board of Trade could pay return visits to different parts of the . adjacent country. In this way the people would be brought more to- . gather; and a ner community spirit 5 fostered. If the half-day was to be used simply as _a blank holiday, he ;- gid not see that it was of much bene- t0 ' Future of Motor Oamps Asked as to the future of the mo- tor camp, Mr. `Kelly said it will con- 1` tinueto grow, as there` are thou._sa:1ds who cannot hotels or prefer, to camp. A tourist camp will bring! . money to a town,if well conducted} These eople will spend money and ' it will e circulated in the commun- ity. "They will oftenmake good pur- chases in t e stores, as the law per-=' mits` them to take back into the U.S. `free of duty $100 worth of goods for each person .over sixteen years. He cited a case of a Hamilton cloth- ier who sold $300 worth of goods to . the people in one car. He declared? that -he was thoroughly convinced as to the value of motor camps. ` Buy Advrtised Things. woo; uiuvuvovnua uuunnvuo 1 The rst asked was, is it'g'ood for, ` ness one afteroon a, week for sev- a town to close all its places of 'busi- K eta] mpnths? Mr. Kelly said the practice was now p pretty generally ` followed. He thought this was not the most important thing for the merchants to consider. The big thing was to try and develop in the stores a snirit of serving. I-In hon-um-1 u HARQU2; , _,.,_--, ..,,_..,. .u. vyuvu nu; pl{pIG5- sor rem; the petition to them `th'ey" discovered that they had also signed a petition to have. their "right {arms _ cut off at t;he elbo/we. gram/.4/ezwixmg Popular Demahd proves the` -STAR to Supreme in the` Low Cost Field. ' The` NI-2_W`S\'I'AR Four andithe/NEW STAR Six ingot. Z porate those features by the public Deferre_d lfaymentg arranged to stiit-pure lIdIJ `Phone 123i-Raid:Q;1>ho-e 9051'! I91 5-... haser. Morons or CANADA, umm-zn 'I'l|IIl\\I'l't\ ll l!Al'I\I5\ nnvuunun . An illustration of the Ijeadiness with which many people wiilfsigno-pet itions without (bothering their heads has to the contents of the petition is" _.reported from the State of Washing `ton. A Ferndaley Wesh., gbrofessor `passed an interesting-"looking" paper among his students, ostensibly ask-. his for a holiday. on Washington's` birthday and fortyave students readily gned it. ' When the profes- me to them`_``1:hey'` .` Al.n..u....-A A.I_-A `I - 11.N1:ws1"ARc;;Moay Va`I.'ei'1owon&spIn 'yi;1oII'r A rokoNid"a.KmE)T)r'A'1z}5' Ask for; @._,Dengot'u,trat;i_ot_i% ' `T A. F. A.` MALcoMsoNw" TH:-: INSIJRANCE MAN` _ Phone 447w, BARRIE . 5 n\\.I 4I\_ I l\\J l.`I:A\rII\_Jl` . . against [the serious nancial risks incidental to driving a car. Our rates are lower , Our companies the strongest. ALWAYS A PLEASIIRI-'_ -rn nnn'rI.- DA-rue UP-TO-DATE` G_AS RANGES CAN W 131-: % PURCHASED FROM $22.50 1 Gas is cheaper than the soiid 'fue1s-coa1, coke, wood, etc. p . \ * . ` ' ` Gas is cheaper than the-liquid fue1s-gas'o1ine, coal Oil, etc; - _ / For quick, assured heat,` it is superior to anything else fog cooking and heating purposes. The Barrie Gas Company Lld. Uptqwn Tickef Olce Natipnal Railways WHY? ;uuc1!, wlucn recently entered IJPOD its twenty-sixth year. V During the quarter century, the Times has been publishedeby. the p resent editor and proprietor, V. C_. French, a, past pres- ident of the Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. It is, a `newsy, well edited and well printed news- paper which has played an important `part in the building up of the com- munity. _ _...__ :----I `I II nd-Ii`! EXRTVOT AFFORD TO BE WITHEJU PROPER Pkomgnqn H _ int}. 141:: unrh-una G -.-.-n:..l ..:..'I-_ 3.. -2 --- ..-- --..... -: uur co-npuues the ALWAYS PLEASURE T0 QUOTE RATES. } NOW IS THE TIME To HAVE YOUR a5s_ METER 1:12.551 IEBAYFIELD sinner mama DISTRIBUTOR nuns-I 4- Telephone 78 Can only come by rmnm-1: ~cause-ba.d circulation in thv bowel. Nothing but an intr:rn:.l 1 can bring quick and sure rc-lie-x. why ointments and opemtl-vn Dr. Leonhardttu HEM-I-1()Il) i-; piles by removing the -:m.-.-. refunded if not sntlsfn- ba- Crossland and drumzists L-W-I`_\ A strongplea is made by _the Era to the people of Newmarket to get behind the agricitural society and not let it die after all it has meant to the community. The Era Qoints out that this organization has carried on for over sixty-ve years and until'~ recent `times its fair was _one ofthei outstanding events of the year in . North York; ' It was the enterprise and foresight of the men connected . with this society that provided the .fair grounds, the only -public` playd groimd in Newmarket today. -' Quick Pile Re` Dr. `Waring will he .-ut th-- Hotel, Bzlrrio, hull? any .ml`\_ 19th, (afternoon), In (I1-nun .\ goitre remedy to U_1u:~`o- illH'I "removal of goitro \\'ithm1l u an) failures. Tell your [ri--n1~ Twenty-seven nned at Moscow galvanized tank, `fnrlzrn nn anon 9 3.'.2uvzuuzb'(1 uum, seven u_\' Workmen spent (hrs-0 ho Olympic at Snutlnznmmm vcuts which had f.'lIlvn,_ dun MARTIN - SENOU .l00% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES ROBINSON] Sold for cash or vv -1-; can: an`: vv narvvu--u no Element Get a list of our sixt satised users in Barri with the new Spcredirol McClary Electric -Q _Ral?g . In, Alberta jthere are not many` rural weeklies with a record of twen- ty-ve years of publication. One of these old timers" is the.Wetaskiwin Times, which recently `entered upbn it twentv-sixth vnnr, `H111-inn '5`-`A