- FOR SALE--1 Lloyd wicker baby car- riage and sulky in good condition, 1 coal oil heater, Apply 28 Vespra St. Phone 805W. ' lsntfc . I ONE ELECTRIC BROODER FOR SALE---100-chick size. Will give Rood satisfaction. Donald Jamieson. phone 255. I , _ 15p ' RUCK FOR SALE. also two small brooders. 50-chick capacity e ch. lfihone 214 or apply 48 Blake St., ar- r e. _ .. 15 . . McCLARY` ELECTRIC RANGE for sale (left hand oven) in good condi- tion. Apply at Examiner Otflce.A15-16p HARNESS--Set of heavy ..breechlng harness for sale. Apply Chas. Robert- son, Craigvale. Phone 18215. 15p - run aaurs--.cu gramophone and re- cords; also cook stove. cheap. open to a. bid. Apply 26 Charlotte-St. 15p FORD FOR. SALE 1n.good condition. starter, shock absorbers, would make good truck. Phone'445. 15-16c FOR SALE-,--Brown tine weave baby carriage in good cond1tion.`Annlv Rm: nun oauu-:-m-own rme baby carriage good condition.` Apply Box "133 or phone 328, 'Bo.rrie.r 15p FOR SALE-'-AI grambphone and COI'd82 8,180 cook ntnvn_ nhnsan nnnn tn --.- - SMALL Co'1`TAGEi'`O RENT-'-Now. on continuation 6 Elizabeth St.. 2 acres of garden. Apply J., A. Johnston, phone 611r24.. `A - ._ v 15: FOR SALE-Goqd"w1cker baby car- riage, leather upholsterlng, "ten do!- lara. 17 Poyntz St. . _ 15p 1- ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE` for sale. Apply 34 Mary St. ' - ; 16p I _ - - -' I` - GOOD `POTATOES FOR SALE. Jonols Bros.. St:-ou_d. Ont. Phone 12r1_8. 15-1p HALF TON mom") TRUCK tor quick. sale, $50.00`; Apply 6&,Bayleld St., Bar- rie. ~ ~ _ _ ' `15c so "gI~e~sp?1_:'t:3 ' '3`ft pply to Fred. I-Iaverson. Cundles. hone _606x'4_1. V _1_5p _ -Property F0; Sale For Sale or To_Let :5; SIX-1iO0mBG' oors; electric IO 'llI'hll"dIn'an -- -v' ' HOUSE TO REN'.l`--Six rooms. electric light. large garden. Immediate pauses- alon. reasonable rent,`88 John Sgreet. Phone 626. 4 . . 15p cairn`-w n.......-...- - Slx-'Roo'med- wnrne nl An!-udn L uuor. Dal- all brand latest de- ' or call at If? 13:9`- em 15:. 10-16c _U,1UUEI'lC ylldings. 7 14-19;) In" par- 15-"160 .Ulw.- 15: 111155: ` 4-19p 'PA8TURE'FARM FOR REN'I`.`lot 32.` con. 11, Essa. 8 miles from Allandal. Apply Geo. Brown. Allandale 1`\I5>..`2s sun 3 15p I W61- , 103 16p bal- it-nn H H` 1533-] .1108. 151)! 3 THE ALVATION -ARM; nurbdse! holding a. Rummage Sale in the nqar; future. in aid of the Belt-Denial `effort.- ,Gltts of left-oft .cloth1ng-`or-other use- - 1! 'al'Cl8 will havrlntllv` ntInnnHuI_ hdiii 'a:"ieiIoi c`i2ruii;;.*ai~`. 3i%`e`&22`: ' : `articles will be:,~glad1y' accepted. I Phone 386W. . ~ ' -_ 16p a LINDSAY PETERS. GARAGE--58. Carolina St.. Allandale. All `kinds `of repairs, overhauling 9. specialty.` prices reasonable. Phone 805. _ V11-16p -nj TI-IE BARBIE CORPS or the Salvation Army will commence` canvassing early next week onlbehalt of its annual Sel- ; Denial effort. . . 1,59- I PAINTING.` PAPERHANGING. De- corating `and polishing oors, phone A. Berry. 589W, or apply, '21 Gowan St.. Allandale. ;.;.: - : . 14-199,` PASTURE`; (mu, 1 1 `Han NOTICE-Any whereabouts: .nf NOTICE--Any perspn knowing` the! whereabouts :01 LM!-a. "G. Keller, please communicate with Mr. Keller, `Ba.x_'r1e,v at once. " 16c . A I --~r - FURS ALTER]-ID and repaired. Over Hurlbm-t n Shoe Store. Miss M. Ma- A:-`thur. . j , ._, 13ttc ASHES REMOVED, gardens plowed. `Give ya a. call. Phone 961. W.ATuck, Barrie. . , 2 151: ..._.._..> . ___,,, ~ c--z-----------::. i AM SPECIALIZING In Barred Reef: and Leghorn day-old baby chicks of Ifsuperior" quality, also a- few Wyatt- dottes each week. The season is late. order yours at one . Harry orren. 4Bat'r1e._APh,one 7.- Qua lty Chick` V atche SPY. '1Kn' ' TC PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF for sale. from a. 24-lb. dam. Tye sire 1s'trom a better 3 years old. giv- ing 25 lbs per week. Price lsrlght if taken at once. Apply to Easton. Anten Mills, Ont. , 14-19p -u - _vFOR SALE'-Five young cows, due in April; heavy tea.m.`young horses: ce- dar shingles; seed Banner oats, No. 1 Gov't. grade. Daniel McLean. Barrie. R.R.1. Phone 903r21. L 13-180` . "'n' DAY-OLD CHICKS. Plymouth Rocks. O.A.C..'Ho1dsworth Strain. pedigreed obckvtrom 300-egg hen; also hatching fgfs. `M_rs. Hugh Calderwood.` phone . . I - r SI-IORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE--1 red, 13 months; 1 dark roan, 12 months, Stock B1'xll.8 yrs, Dorothy's Favorite . $66461. `_R.`B_ell. phone 629. Barrie I-`LR. 414-15p o..__ ___ ,, "HEAVY BROWN W K HORSE for sale, fourteen hundr '11 pounds. ten years old, $80 for quick sale. Apply Box 664. Barrie P.O. 15p .....____.____.._.___...._.__. DAY4OLD BABY. CHICKS for sale, Barred Rock guild laying strain, heavy producers. Apply J. A. Lennox, 2 North St., phone 887W. ' V 11-16c ____._.....___.....___._. FOR SALE--Fresh cow. (Durham). and veal calf. Howard Brandon, lot 8 Guthrie R.R.1. . r I 12 WHITE LEG-HORN HENS for sale. 1 registered cock bird. Guild strain: allreal good stock. Bargain, $15.00. H. A. Jarvis. 150 __V_.__..__-_-______..:...-:.__----__. ' _ BROWN MARE for sale rising 5 vears 1; old. 1500 lbs.; also :1 very pr ty grey driving mare. Apply F. `J. Gracey, Al- lnridale. , 16c -- `-r ._...______..._._..__,_..____g..___ FOR SALE--0nerreglstered Clydes- dale -mare and one brown horse. both 7 yrs old. Apply Box J Examiner Omcez` 1 A_1 Rn -a yrs I Voivcel` .I.uu1Vu uuxu1 MARE for `sale. Apply H. M. Stewart, Lefroy, phone 15r22. Letroy. 4 15p ._._.:__..._..._.____________....__... _-.. BLACK "MARE 5 years old for `sale. Apply to James Belfry. Craigvale; R. R. 1, phone Stroud. 14-15 .. - HOLSTEIN BULL CALF for sale. Ap- ply 72 Codrlngton St. Phone 972W. W . E. Clarke. 15p -1:- . `pa--g-.. ..._ ___ A,, , YOUNG CLYDESDALE MARE `sale. Annlv H. M. Stn\vnr1- r........ ; . GARAGE FOR RENT. Annlv at Pad- dlson'a_ Blacksmith Shop. Allandale -.161) O vvnrvnvw 3-... ___._ __ V FQR SALE---Leghorns. baby chicks, also some hens. J. Birnie, Bi.rrll:e. 1 -1 n , _-,. _______._._.___......_____.______ FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- Flve miles west or Barrie. 25 acres sandy loam, 20_'acres swampy Pasture land: orchard: buildings: would ex- change for house in Barrie. Apply Henry Harrison, Barrie R.R.2. '13-18p wane.-- --_ _.._.# FARM FOR _SALE--Lots 11. 12. 13, con. 8. Vespra, 100 acres under cultivation. 100 acres bush. and 30 acres pasture and `also two orchards. house. bank barn, and good well on farm. Must sell owing to sickness. Apply to 122 Van Horne St.. Toronto. 3 ` 9-10p-tfc FOR SALE--0ne hundred acres good rich soil, good buildings. well watered, orchards. furnace. phone, R.M.D., half mile from depot.'sch0ol, church: any reasonable offer considered. S. Wright. Anton Mills. 10-15p `pasture, south west quarter of lot `11 run aA.u1;1--DU acres land. bush and con.` 8; Vespra. some valuable timber.` '1'. Munro./Barrie. RR. 2. 91:10. -- -uvpd FARM FOR SALE--160 acres. seven miles `north of Barrie; some bush and . spring creek. John `Gordon. Barrie. . . . -. 15-18p 'IH>l\i"I tons-Q: A FOR SALE--50 land. bush a Vespra. valuable mm, -- -V. .__._________._,_.._._._____ FARM FOR SALE-60 , ot 20, con. 1. Oro. A0013? ct:>e%Irer:'st122nl_f I v'An,Lv1 1U1`C'SAl.4E-60 acres} east halfl lot `20, Apply to Wm. Beel- by, Barrie R.R.1. 13-1813 `l'.1A`I\`- --A_ ...-__` - ..,` . FARM FOR SALE-_--50 acres, close to Barrie. Apply Box Examiner Qmce. . 14-14: STORE TO LET--Enquire John .D.l'I'l8. '-j.------------'--... Barrie. Annlv `Rnsr "W" In SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-O.A.C. 72 -outs, first at Barrie Fair. fifth in standing Field Comfaetition. 0.A.C. 21 barley. Also Dooley potatoes grown from certified seed. '1`hos..Smith & sons, Utopia. Ont. . 12-16p ______._.___..._.___.______. ..___.__.._.___.___._______ SEED BARLEY FOR SALE--0, A_ No. 21. Free from weed seeds a other grains. 70c per bushel. A, Garvin. Mgdhurst. 14-; """"""T-,`,"7'-""""""'*'-'-- nmnu nun u`.U-11.419--J.40Ilg' straw peas and Improved Banner seed Apply to W. Irw1n._Allandale RR_1 . Milbee. ------~~ -- urn. us foi- /'$ 1 L(")3J:_/`K131-JJ1z"i55 Owen S t. .'1`hos.- 14.19;: SINGLE COMB `WHITE LEGHORNS -Hatch1ng eggs from our pens at proven `winter DI'0dl10el`8- Only yearling hens-who are daughters of R.O.P. birds used as breeders. Setting $2; 50 98 $5, 100' eggs. $9. Oliver Poultry Fm-5: Shanty Bay. . 10-15p _______ ._...,.______..._____.______ SEED "FOR SALE--Long straw Improved Banner snail . > FIRST `PRIZE Black 0 1 " for hatching,` good w1nt3'i'.3a to:-$1.00. Apply 155 St. 31'] EGGS FOR HATCI-IING--Pure ` Rocks. 50_cents per dozen. Apply ; Isaac Spears,` Jr., Thornton. Ivy 1 phone. ` - 15 I . I. I g JERSEY. `BLACK GIANT EGG, hatching. "Marcy Farm Strain, per`15. Mrs. J. J. Cochrane, A ,-. -- -..- _ ______,___.-.___ FURNISHED ROOM t o rent. himzle or double, central, all conveniences. board if desired. Apply to 76 Muloaster St. or phone 490. 16;) .: Live Stock F: Farms For Sd: Seed for Sale 4 years o!d.M . price $60.00. con. 6, Oro. - 1Rn uurcn; --u.vv BUUU seed oats. I RR.1 151) u:-----:- EH.lYllll9I' 14-16:) I ;vvu nuumu to rent on bath flat. part garden; also garage, ready Mary 24. Apply at Examiner Office. 15-17p - _......._._..___..___...... vwvvu-.`vu-;..--..'._ ._ _ - - ` R119, 11 14-15p'l Dli.l`I' I9- 14-16p nv 2.5 ` A3 0 UFO. 16c ` `f `I1 seed nu!-as . main street. Barrie; good biiiiliv K6636] ga. d. stables. John` Gordon. Barrie. . - 4 ` ' 16-180 bre ' Mrs. Main- _ --vr ROOMS TO LET. with or without board; terms reasonable.` 56 Owen St. @* 3883. 3. 13 Thna . FOB SAL 26 acra. one. mile from , main stree , good brick house t&bl98.. J0h Gordon. `Rn!-v-in [nu rnuu goou-Dye to 110118. `I-Iiiirspirlt. ed before we knew T_at he from us had gone. ; 16p * 1 -Wite and I I H118!` -16p rIUl51'Jtt'1'SU1\|'--In loving memo: Frank Robertson, who passed ` suddenly on April 16. 1925. He bade no one a. last farewell; He said good-bye to none. n I-Ihrnnlrit. m-1 hnfnrn urn 1...-.. and A u 05 -16p .---.s L 15c ROBER'I'SON-In l 1 f I Robertson. 3;3'n'$gn'I..`a'3'w.?., ca; xnnauly---In xovmg memory of our dear sister, Elsie Patterson, died April 15, 1924." Fresh in our minds your memory lives `But still our grletlsl sore.- Each. passing year, still nee:-er brings The day we meet once more. _ u...u-. ...n__-, .,,, . - TWO ROOMS to rent mat.` garden: also Enraae. rnnrlv Mn... ,. A- -150! NEILL-In loving remembrance of Jno. Nelllpwho died April 15,1921 We loved him and he loved us- too.. But still he could not stay. God's voice had called Ymnv wny-I: I. am... uuu's V0108 naa called Your work is done I have a crown for thee. , ._.QnAl LUKE!` -20p of double harnes (nearly new) will be. i set of single harness and one set! sold a.t`Rob1;. Reynolds sale. ___________________*_I --'v--van urnauuu I Saturday, April 17-Brookdale Stables, (Dyment s Race '1`Arack)--farm stock_ and implements. ,Sale a.t;;1 p.m;- W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. _ 15:: Wednesday, lAp1il1l 21-La Cmcgaclmell, east part at , con. , e onte, at Mount St. Louls-farm stock. imnle-' ments and 50-acre farm. Sale at 1' , p.m. P. A. Coughlln, Auct. 15x| Thursday, April 22-,-Geo. Alpin, lot 9.} con. 10, Innlsfll (VIne)---farm stocky ggmdclmlglemgntsi Sale at 1 p.m. W.1B4.. E c on ey, uc. x Friday, April 23-R0bert Reynolds,f southwest half lot 19. con. 10, Vespras --tf;11rm st% Cimn}lemeXts.tS1a.51e; a p.m. . c on ey, uc. x Tuesday. Apzfil 27-- . '1`. Matthews. lot 16, con. 2. Innisfil---farm stock and Implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. ` Mcconkey, Auct. 15-16x` : amuueu, mrowmg Mr. Lay out. At 4.3( yesterday afternoon, Apr. : 14, a blazing chimney started a re ` at the residence of H. L. TarBush,1 ly by smoke and water. ` Angus, that would probably have de-,:' stroyed the building but for the fine assistance rendered by neighbors - with re extinguishers and buckets.` Considerable damage was done, most; = ., V PA'I`TERSON-In loving of sister. Elsie Patterson. mm pm, to aames, nogan. Chief of Police Stewart announces g - that -he is going to proceed against motorists who have not procured `I926 license markersand that this is . absolutely the last warning. Owners . of chickens are also warned that their ; birds may be impounded if they are allowed to trespass on other peop1e s property. . H. M. Lay received painful injur- .ies to his face and right arm last Fri- day when. he was thrown from a sleigh on Dunlop St.. striking the pavement forcibly. He was driving `with W. D. Minnikin and when they turned the corner at the foot of Ow-, en St. the sleigh got into a rut and skidded, throwing Mr. Lay 4.3( Vesitnrdnv n~H-m~.m.... A..- u . BOTTOM F-LAT to rent. all conven-. lences. Apply 34 Mary St. V ,15p j U'|t\r\-ru ...- ---- ugubs m` tne pargcs. C. B. 7Lawrenc'e s handsome brick. residence, 134 Bayeld .St., has been purchased by W. M. `Salter; The sale was put through by Henry & Cowan. V The same rm also effected the sale. of the farm of Robt. Reynolds, Ves-V pra, to James, Hogan. Chief nf pnlinn Q+.un.....L .......----~-- I ylcuac uweuu. u. w. Lennox, Pres.i At the first meeting -of the Parks, Commission for 1926, the old officers were re-elected: These are: Chair- man,- S.JCaldwell; 'Secy., A. H. Good- all; Treas., L. R. Ord. One of this years improvements will be putting lights in the parks. ' R. T.$Iun`nnnn a Inn...-l...`...- `l _..!-`L ta, a.uu1'5uay, Apr. ZZ. ! ----Annual meeting of Lawn Bowl-,5 ing Club in Police `Court Chambers,: Tuesday, Apr. 20, 8 o'clock. Election of officers; other business. Members please attend. D. W. Lennox, Pres.[ the rsf. mnnna .n4~` +1.... u....1.- .uu.' vt:lt:1`uS. .Through an error, Geo. Alpih s farm stock sale at Vine was adver-` tised in last week's Examiner for Apr. 12. The proper date of the sale . is Thursday, Apr. 22. ' ----ATINIIRI Yhnnfinrr rm? 'I'..----- 7 ---~` ` ....-us. avaa ucu. LIWIH, puone 135- v H. Brooks, circulation manager for the Umted Veteran, 1s m town t`h1S week, with several asslstants, 1n the interests of this quarterly magazine; for veterans. rm..........1. .... ---_w. -- -- aptcau nu RUFOSS U18 SKY. - ' ---Rent an electrlc wax oor pol- jsher. Polishes floors with no labor. $1.00 _for half-day, delivered and called for. Geo. Irwin, phone 198. I-I `Rm-unl.-a ,..'......l..L:-.. ..._k-~ -` nuty 0" W85 HIS answer. . _ There was a wonderful display of northern lights last night, their fea- thery, shimmering streamers being spread all across the sky. --Rent an nlnr-trio mnv Am... ....1 gcua puasesslon HGXE month. 1 2 Z-F?Ir glurlrglbirig nd heating, ring 1 . . . ee an s 48 Blake St. Prompt attention to rpairs. 13tfc h--i)Bru%hes, brccwlonis, furniture pole is ust ane an al s rin le '21 ]ac cessqries at Wisdgmkg c 81111:?-` pan, uuaouune 8110 au spring "`access `ies Wisdom s. .....Vm "` can Ilnnl-7:. vnnnuun . one muesc scyxes always in stock.`._ 15c -Mrs; Pae has purchased C. A. Mc- B1`-ide s house at 74 Toronto `St. and gets possession next month. ..._.F`nI' hliinnl-n and L....;__-___. -- 1-v--> MUSKRATS WAN'1`ED~--Have con- tracted to huge house at Montreal tor 2000 rats. I will pay the highest prices. It you want the big price bring your rate to Harry Levlt. Barrie. 14-15p llllldllllfo - ' : The gas company are digging a , hole in the pavement on Owen St. in = an eprt to locate and stop a gas leak.` ' - {III C} Leak." IF-:.-Try Sarjeant & King for your new spring coat. A big selection of the latest styles always in stock.`._ -Mrs; Pae has nllrnhnanrl n A M- auu 3 Lea nuom. 14-18 - --Dutch; sets, Yellow Danvers, sound.and plump,`just in at Wis- dom s. ~ 15c ' Three letters to the Editor arrived too late for this week s issue of ' The ; Examiner. } 'I'1Inn ---- ------~~ " ' ---Acadia, Moir s half pound, 40c; poun son's Tea Room. --Dutch: sets- V91] l \.lUllI- En ,_, j. - wvuuvnuvnl IXIIGII` dale. K , 15c V--Rennie s, Isteele-Briggs and Fer- ` ryfs seeds, great variety, at Wis.-, dom. s. 15c: -:Acadia. Mn;1" flnnv ~nnn1-n--- I -_-Sarjelant & Kink for linolpums, Congoleums andcarpets. 15c --"-All sizes linoleum rugs at W. A. `Lowe '& Son's, Elizabeth St. tfc '--Neilsorl s ice cream served, 'al-I yvays, in W1sdom's Tea Room.- 15c - -Snap-- Beautiful Heintzman & Co. piano. `A. E. Patterson, Allan- - "' ' or twenty good thrifty feeders. at once. __ vvr HOGS WAN'I`ED--I want about fifteen Apply Innlsfree Limited. Lefroy. Ont.` , 13-15 - ..... -- fj Reads:-a. 3c word; mlplmum 50c. If f0I0KFX0X0KPX1 FI0I0X0I0I0I0I"3'X` KUCTIQINL sA1_.r;sT I _ ` ` 1 R`:13`8. minimum mX&& && &'_V..V4.w. _w..-. IN MEMORIAM %1H.oA_cALA NEWS 7 uuavu. uuuv ulurv. I --adly missed byAndy. 7 orman and Maltland. gone. Family-. _________ '1` I-H UB- -Sadl.v missed by Wife and Children - um [oir new package,a pound, 75c. Bry--' . 14-190 . . - BOARD WAN'I`ED--Business man re- siding permanently in town, desires room and board with -prlva.te `family. Home privileges Reply stating terms to R0. Box 128, Barrie". ' 15c rvunuta nun. p1:y- ' 14-18c ."i11`l'. in 9+` Wig, I- JIJ U away Jung 15c n mun... ,, __--u_-...--... -v. nauuuca-3 auu syn]- !pathy in theirbereavement. 151) John Webb and family wish to thank ,thelr many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy in their recent lbereavement. also for floral tribiztgs. 1 `I In M and neighbors for pathy their bereavement. The family of the late Mrs. Duncan ccualg wish to thank their friends kindness and sy1n51- D .Tnl-nu Takk nun a.....n-- --A~- C. C, I-IINDS ". ::f GOOD ASSORTMENT or FANG}? BISCUITS at .. 2 n... } Gbnn SEAL : Choice Spy Apples, iaeck. Large Cooking Onions,78 llu. 25. SHOE POLISH-ES--Tw`oin One,` Nugget, Simplex, Capo, in all _colors, black, white`, tan, ox blood and brown . . . , . . 2 tin; 25 WANTFID TO BUY--Manley O'Rellly --- gold, Canadian Kirkland ,gold, Kirk" gold. We are in :1 position to buy. sell or exchange your unlisted mining { T.he\G_rntest Broom Vqlue ever offered, regular 85c. value Don't overlook this sale if you require a broom. i ; HEINZ TOMATO SOUP, fegular 20 tin Hawes Floor Wax, 1-lb. tin Large pkg. Sta_r Ammonia . Large bar Castile Soap . . .` QUALITY GROCERIES at Attractive Prices Good` Delivered Promptlj toV Address Barrie %I!%i%?':s%? CARD or NEXT WEEK - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Potash and Perlmutter in PARTNERS AGAIN - T ------ soon -+-,--- WILLIAM s. HART in "`TUMBLEWEEDS THE BIRTH or ANATION-MAY 6, 7 AND 3 { A ALSO THE BAT ? A Opefa House '-""`i-- Sat-_.Avri! 146-17 ` $1114` 1.--up aunt. we are In posmon to buy. your unlisted mining stocks. Box 616, Barrie. ; 15p T\1\ . -..\ -__ . ___.A,, Dircct_e_d by`H]ERJBlB]R'll' ?w1m.a:ox I. Stirring! L % """""-'I""" "-""'_ TWO SHOWS-`+7.30 AND 9 PM. 7, Pri_ces: -Aauuuzsc, Children 10, tax included A tremendous epic of love and heroism. . . . . . . . . Blazing with `suspenseand emotion. . . . . . . . .- Crackling with magnetism and human sympathy. , BRAND `TEA is wonderful value at _ SEEIIT, and THRILL! Dvramaticlly L1 L11!) u (.68. 1511 family of -lands: nru-I 45 Com S1;arch,,pkg. . . . 28: Heinz Ketchup, bottle 18 Puffed Wheat, pkg. . . Spectacular 1.! I _..__._.._.._.__._.._._._,.____ WE WANT LARGE SIZE MINNOWS running 3 inches or over. Can use 500 lbs. daily. Phone 120 or get in touch rtlth Geo._ E. B. Grlnyer, 1'3 Elizaibggh .V - c .1--_ Buy Advertised Things. 1% tons capacity and everything _in A1 running order.- This value may be seen at 97 Dunlop St. TRUCK FOR SALE Sani-Flush, 29: 4 (ghloride of Lime, 14 1 ' 2 tin: for I s. for 35 59 -211: 39 ~- '-'5' . 4 . ' - ` HEAVY HORSE W'AN'1`FJD---Must be young and sound, also several barrels of Spy Apples for sale.. Apply Walter Thompson, Barrie, R. R. 2.'Phonql 3134 18; tin A lb. 10: -Buy Stan wallpaper - 2 old 18 in. For uckwheat Butter, per Eggs, per do Potatoes, per '2-`Fall Wheat Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. ----1 at-A DICCK-ll THUR-8_D-A_Y WHOLESALE KY.` 11 In-" -ru-n__,. Sunday. April 18, 192 Public Worship at 11 8.111. an _ _ . SUBJECTS Flrst 1n Serxes on Life of 5 Under the Wings of G: 9...... nu: bo YOUNG \ MAN wants employment driving truck or team. Best or refer- ence as steady and trustworthy. Phone Boadway Store, Stroud, Ont 16-18p` o-an . -_-- __- _ uuuuuy, rlpfll IOU`! The minister will prea 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ES. S. and Bible Class at Prayer Meeting`, Wed., 8 p ' WELCOME Wednesday, April 21st, Annual Meeting of Congr Sunday, April 25th SUNDAY SCHOOL AN.`\'[\ - Rev. J. C. Robertson. 1 Special Preacher. W E L C O M E ST. ANDREW S 4 Presbyterian Churc Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Mi Edmund Hardy, Mus. 13:10., D`. Organist nnrl nh..a............ Sunday, April 18! SERVICES: 11 a.m.--Rev. A. I). (' Music - Selm-t-4 `3 p.m.--Sunday School, Bi! 7 PM. ' MOTHER AND DAU j sERv1(;_E_ `IITCIO `hrxxv A \III v N |Jl.Al\ V l.\/L4 MISS BONA MILLS, B.A.. Secretary of C.G.I.T. for n Church of Canada, will be [h . Anthem (Two-P;u'L The Lord Is My Show Trio---Lift Thine E) ` his service will be in char girls of the congrc-,::1L l Evening Anthem: Great; and Marvellous" ('1' Solo---Face to Face" (Jnh Mr. Wildman EVERYBODY \\' l-]I.( `( ) .\ `Collier Stree _ Unitedl 11 , ._v-- : -nlIu\v\G \JII Rev. A. J. `G. CarscalrIe11, 3 Mrs. E. Richardson, Org Harry Barron. Choir `Lo. uuwo IJIIIIIIIC VVI Cont:-alto Vocalist. Entert Elocutionist Singing, Speaking; Puhlh and Dramatic I'J.\:px`<-_~4 For interview and ts-rlns, 62 Ross St. : BARRIE : v --r ` _ HOUSE WANTED -ro RENT by May A 1st. central; not less than seven rooms: all conveniences. Apply P.O. Box 819, Barrie. lotfc. --...u. mu, Iv Aug.` UL KN 3 p.m.-Bible School. Colin S. Farmer. Choirxn:: Mrs. Edith Rowe. ()r;.::Ini Organist and Choirm Collier Street United All grades of ORGAN. Pl THEORY: VOICE PRU] and SINGING (all exzun ALSO -~--vv- Visitors Cordially Welco n j -j__ -7`. writ` sannlnu . Ministers: Rev. S. H. Greenslu Rev. A. D. Cornett, . Horace Wilson, A.` $._._-_,_ BARR*E.MA! 353A`: 1:1- THURSDAY, APRIL 1' Domini] .nuuu naray, Mus. 15:10., I`. Organist and Chotrmzmta V YOUNG CATTLE WANTED. Short- horn or Hereford, also clover hayafor sale. Will. Warnlca, Mlandale, R.R.1. Strand phone. ` 15-16p ` `n`A.J narll llul \rIl Rev. E. J. Whan.` Pa.~s't(1 Organist and Chair Im: Horace VVilH0n. A.I:.(, :.m. - 7';').n1:--HP_L1;;'li- \_ 3 p.m.--Sabbath Sch` Sunday, April 18, 192] M... E..;;;;;;; vaj4 .L..-IA.- \I___|:_; For YOU 18th `hrn ladv, ll ..__.___........._..._...__.._...___..._. POTATOES WAN'.l`ED--'1`-able and seed, phone 66 or 885 for prices. J. V. Brett, Sed and Feed, 33 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Ont. ' 14-16c ` (IN! .\T..; : .$.l..J FOWL WANTED--GoodT demand. for fowl. Higheat prices paid. Phone 88-1 or write H. Levit. Box 542. 10-151) ._ .. . WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or sewing by day, from 9 till 6. $1.50. Ap-, ply Examiner Office. 13-_16c I . WANTED by young may attending school. place to work for board. `Phnnn VV.LV'J.`l.`JlJ by young may attending school. place work for board. Phone 445. A 15c --- j EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wahtspositlon`. Apply Examiner Office. 15-20p-` n BRANCH MANAGER WANTED-A lite insurance company of the highest `standing desires to appoint a. District Manager for the-County or Simcoe. Excellent opportunity for entering under favorable conditions. a. constant- ly growing business field. where suc- cess is assured it you possess integrity. confidence and the ability to devote your-self whole heartedly to the work. An excellent contract will be offered. Apply Box N" Examiner office. we n--. NURSEfS--'l.`hh Penetanguishen Gen- werai Hospital is short on its nu ber of nurses-in-tra.ining and will be glad to receive applications from qualified girls desiring to train. Diplomas grant- 'ed at termination of course. .Arml.v to Superintendent. for forms. Miss ~ Gallagher, Supt. 15-16c` WANTED EXPERIENCED MARRIED COUPLE to work on farm. State wa.i;- A `es In first letter. '1`. J. Rennlck, Upopla. - 'NURSES--'l.`hh era! Hm-mital is short on it: nu vvuV'1.'rJu--1vuaule aged woman 8.3 companion and helper to elderly cou- ple. Apply to 26 Small St.. Barrie. 15p GOOD SMART. `BOY wanted. over school age. wanted for farm near town. Apply Jae, Hall, Barrie. 15p WANTED--M1ddle aged woman `cumnnnlnn and hnlnnr fn nldmvlv m GENERAL HOUSEMAID wanted. Ap- ply Mrs. Arthur Patterson at the Drug Store, 'Alla,nd_ale. ' ' 15c -:-_ CAPABLE GIRL Wanted to:-' general housework. Apply 10ASmall St.. or phone 642. 74-15;) T CAPABLE MAID WAN 1`ED.'ApplyT 1 Examiner Office. V < 1! MAID WANTED-->Applyi Knowles. phone 867. to" one cent a word. can ; aha Inter- onlmlnlmum churn. Io): ll: 13-` union: for the price. 1 (our. V 10 nu extra when charged: nine 10 oouuoxcra. whens;-opllel are directed to Examiner Omen. , . ,,, Rooms and= Board, Property :l'o Let _,__ -Foz_', summer montha. tur- rroomed house. an mm!--n Help Wanfed Wanted_~` no. .1; 15-169 attest. 14 - 15p Sago. lttq UUII VUIII Q1810. A nal`: I8 0121"! 14-151) IDS: 15o . Apply 15-20p. .,,` uuazl.`--U11 weanesaay, on Collier or ` nqlghbor-kg streets. card can with dol. lur bu]. . Finder, plague return to Exo.!n1no:-(1)5. o ` .; - - ' i 8 0, key and laundry-111?. , unu anunty nay zvrxclay n1ght,~Aprll 9. Finder kindly notlty Jack Black, Sha.nt_y'Ba.y. Ont. V '. _1p4 ` LO`1`--O Wd :1 . netghborur .::7ee'.a 3'..H?5.. ` LOS'r-New lush b t ' and Shanty gay 17!:-linve uua'1'--LVBW glusn rug between Barrie Shanty ay Friday night, V-April 3, kindly notlty Jack Black. V ~'r FOR SALE:-'-`Hlllelde". the residence of Benjamin Lawrence. Baytleld St. Will. sell house with the lot {It stands on; also 3 or 4 building lots nicely alt-` uated. or will aell property aea. whole. Apply on` premises, 188 Bayflelclli t. FOR SALE-7-roomed brick house. conveniences. oak floors, tire place. cistern, laundry tubs, wit/ed for elec'- tric range. large lot. all kinds of small fruit. also three 86 ft. lots. Apply 108 Clappertonl .8t.,,Ba.rrl'e. ` - 10-15;: 115-` an .- -`_ 1 ...s_.-_ ._ .. - HOUBE To BEN?!`-88 -roomed house. . all conveniences. Fine entrgl location. paved street. possession May ttrat. Ad- ults pretez-red.Vrent' moderate. 56 Mary St. . , I - 15pttc IRA U Inc! - wuwr. 1 1-3 ;acres or gax-`den, fruit trees. small barmplg pen: 81850 It sold gar cushy 8. Exell, 108 Penetang St., at e. P. HOUSE FOR SALE--5-roomed rough- cast h9use*' with` electric light. town water. I I-3 ;acres of gas-`den, bar-n`. .n12 nan: nsso qr nnld EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE for sale. all conveniences; stables, Jhenhouae, etc; Corner Wellington and Maple "Ave. Make often Leaving town. Apply to" John Shepard. .- - 12-17;: --A--__'. ...-_ __ _ z FOR S_ALE--Five acres; Six-Ra House. maple and oak elu light; townvwater, also ',0lltbl H( ,Apply Box 574. Barrie. `` 1 - uuu lumber m good Hotel, Barrie, Ont. - y at 16c BARN FOR SALE~`-For Sale by Ten- der. frame` barn 40x60 ft... timbers and lumber in good condition. Queen's Barrie. { ' 1n j j 1` __..`: FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE for sa.le-|l `A acrellotz zood 2'a.rn|z'n! link} .....a nvu-nuumxsu COTTAGE sa.le-' IA acre ,lot; good garage: light and water. Apply 249 Elizabeth St. or phone 482W. _ : 10-15v .._...._.._......._.._...__....,..__.._._... FOR SALE CHEAP--Lot 29. Toronto St.. Barrie. For information Wrifn n nuuam FOR RENT Six rooms. electric water. newly decor possession, reasonable rent. P I , , --60 Bayaeld Sta.` light and town uted: Immediate nun saws U1-IEAP--Lot information write C. Edwards, 9119 Quincy Ave., Detroit. Mich. . . 12`-17p - V FOR SALE-Bx-ick house. 7 rooms, all conveniences. 1% acres land. For-p a.r- ttculars write Box 471._ ` j j FOR SALE OR RENT-'-Six-roamed brick house with five acres good gar- den land on main highway close to Barrie. For particulars apply 134 Blake St. A 10-159 r - $RICK HOUSE for rent or 1'or`sale: 1% blocks_ from Roman" Catholic church; all modern conveniences: im- mediate possession. Apply Philip Love. , into. 1 T -r . _ HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-An eight-roomed house for sale or rent with all conveniences. Apply 66 J0 n St`. 1 pl uuuaua` T0 RENT OR SELL, 17 W llngton St. E. Apply to Mrs. Broley. I Worsley St. Phone 1246. J o u HOUSE TO RENT Wel- Annlv to Mrs. Rvanlnxr 1M IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE--One lizht team dray, very handy and in good condition`. one. M.-H. combination; (13 hoelseed drill and cultivator. in er- fect workinyorder: reason for eel ing. A replacing with. combination seed and fertilizer drill. These are both bar- gains for somebody. Apply to Innisfree Limited. Letroy. Ont. - 13-15p u FOR 8ALE-97 piece quarter-cut oak; living room suite. including buffet `and china cabinet for $75.00: also solid walnut bedroom suite. $35.00, an fur- nlturens good as new. Phone 879W. 15c V A FORD SEDAN for sale, Tudor. loon _tlres with one spare, bl `new, speedometer attached. sign. Bargain. phone 1094W cuf 138 Mary St. Thos. Westcott. . T -- _.-'- ISIOUSE FOR RENT--C0 Sta.` ix light mm mm- SALE-9 living suite. innlndlnnv 1... [FOR SALE---A large cream wicker baby carriage. cheap, and baby walker. also Royal cook stovernnd range, in good condition. 133 Cumberland St.. Allandale. . 1_5-16p I qua-.'- ...___ . -7 V A SNAP--j$25.ta.kes this Cleveland bi- cycle. used very little. runs and looks like new. Guaranteed to be in the best of conqition. Apply at Examiner Officse. D - `FORD TON. TRUCK tor-sine. thor- oughly overhauled. .rood tires, three spares. Apply at Buchanan's garage or E. V. Babcock. Phone 365.1. 15p ` A ~.-._ ` '~ "r j--- AUG -PION SALE of household turni- ture at F. H. Robinson's, Cookstown. on Wed., April 28. Without reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m., sharp. 15c . RIDING PLOW. for sale--Cockshutt. foot lift. single furrow. narrow bot- tom: good as new. A bargain. Apply to W. C. How. phone 798. 14-15c Iron SALE--Set or: 12-ft. `diamond. type hurrows us good as. new`:-,; also Beatty pump; Cheap. Apply at 22 Sampson St.. Barrie. 15p V ; --.-..-...--_ ._ . ___ . V` `I I SAWYER-MASSEY road` machinery. gas and steam tractors. threshersnd `clover attachments. W. W. Badnley. Box 1098, Barrie. . A 415`-pop j- . : IMPROVED_CROWN PEAS fQl"8J9. a-lso green spruce rafters. spy apples. Apply Haverson. Cundlnn. Ina! grctvu %`})l' pp y 0 re Phone . V - "" FOR REN'1'--loo acres pasture. well watered. two miles tz-om vAll,a.nda.le. Fowturther Intormatlon apply to Mr. Klllmaster. Allandale P. 0. 14-1939