Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1926, p. 12

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FOR SALE--1 Lloyd wicker baby car; and sulky in good condition. 1 coal oil heater. 1 Royal range. Apply. 28 Vespm St; Phone 305W. - .13ptfc CLEVELAND 'BicYcL"E for sale. 22- inch curved bar, A1 mechanical con- dition,- new tire on back. late model. $30._4_,ly At Examiner Office. 13c_ 8-PIECE QUARTER V CUT OAK DIN- ING. ROOM SUITE for sale. Must be seen to .,b`e appreciated. Phone 839M for appointment. T - ` . 13 TORONTO WINDMILL FOR SALE, double gear.-belt oiling, nearly` new. will sacrlflpe for quick gale- Phone 1297W. - ' V 12-17:: .A-PPLES FOR ' 'sALE--spies. Green- lngs, Bell Flowers. quality guaranteed. _'I-Iurry Ottaway. Phone `605r8. 9-14 :muu:" puruwua !l0V6!',`1UU-CIIKEK size, goodas new. Igarry Morren. phone 7.` - MIXED" HARDWOOD for .aa.le. green, . $9.00 a cord, or'$10.00 a box load. Apply H. Thompson, 31-E888. St.. Alltadlxaale ` . T ` ' -. D , FOR SALE-One oil-[burning Prairie State" portable hovar`,M100-chick slzgl. zoodaa new. I-Tarrv Mnv-ran, nhnnn FOR ALE--A;I gramophone and rd- covdiz also cook stove chean. Annlv nun. Aux:-51 81351110900119 3. covdi: also cook stove cheap. 26 Charlotte St. ~ ' . FARM Eon SALE---`I80 es. seven` miles north of Ban-la: Home bu hand spring creek. John Gordon. Bugle , b . _ p -u--1'--ujj FOR `(QUICK SAALE--Llght' delivery v wago only run two seasons.` Apply Johnston's Grocery '. K 18p BABY CA'RRIAGEyFOR SALE. white wlckei`. almost new`. Apply 63 William St.. Allandale. ` - 18-14p Izv, urea _:sfp1 ` .. 9*. 6g ,1 `$5 Rbbnu and Board Property? For Sqle 161.61`. U000 us,new_. 1'18. 111}? a new one. H. D. Rogdrs1c>8n. ' D Miscellaneous : X FARM FOR SAl'.aE--60 acres. eabt halt lot 20. con. .1. am. Annlv tn mm mm. .Xpf rd` . l_Y 8!? removal of Alderma:xL'.Brlck,e i`_;-L IU l|'l: El-I-UIUHE Ul.'-.',V,'HHU I . To all who ahqwed t31eir`ot9'_I{est`and _`cq'rI1fldence 1n`me by signing-aiuld "pro; 7 as ting a"petitIon_(,u_nsol1c1t'e_ by me) to`the Town Council. aking* L t[I~be placed in the. ,vaca.ncy;ca.us_a `byithe '`vvnlAu'n 1 hour *nn nu-Anlhtlnn). - ' - 10.. cxuumg me um new or .AI)PI_l_}` gas, . The highest ,1)!` Iother-. tends` no necessarily accepted. ' -' Dated Munch 2nd. 1926., STEWAI-?.'l`.& STEWART. ; , I 12-13c , c 19 pwen St...'Bqjgvie..Om._ _u-u-an-U rvnq IIVQCU I VI 338$` TENDERS will be recelvd, `by the` undefslgned for the purchase of the Barr 0 __pera. Hous s!tua.te- _upon parts or Lqts on. {)9 mid 60 on the south side: of Comer `St5.',r'n the Townot. Barrie.` in the County t slmcoe. up to and in`- cludlng the 15th `day of .Aprt_lf," 926. The hizhet Imv Iother- tends tint FOR SALE on 'nmN.'r-s1x_-`roamed - brick house with five acres good gar- den land on main htghwaywlose to Barrie. For particulars a.p_ply 134,Blak9 St. V - _7 10-159 Barrie open u..... F'.rs.1] Tmhmn urn` kn nnnnlu `hu l-lug BRICK HOUSE for rent of for sale; 1%" blocks from Roman Catholic church: all modern conveniences: im- mediate` possession. Apply Philip Lgntxtv. _ . . c. 2 FOR SALE OR REN'1`-M. `Alexand- er's house. 142 Bra.dtordSt.';Wm sell very reasonable or rent at $10.'monthty. Apply In mornlpgs or. evenings. 9-14c, f: jifilpkl &IIII& IIYICIY Practically new, bu brick, ami- bungalow, well situate on Bayeld St.; many extras and all the-convene iences of a modern homq. - 1_0-15c Apply .direct to. C. B. Lawrence, Box 247, Barrie, or 138 Bayeldv St. Pea; `$13.75 ton; nut, stdve and` egg.-$16.00 _ton. ' It's not too [early to place vyour order for nexti*'wintger s- fuel NO . THE SARJEANT C0.,'L1MIT_ED _ Coal; Coke, Wood. Phones 88"and 94, v `HOUSE TO REN'l`--9. rooms. central location, all conveniences. immediate possession, moderate rental. Apply Box "`I-I" Examiner. 10-161) , `b - .jj ` TO THE 'ELEc'fons or;-,wAno I" - III. ..II ...I__ _u.__._--_1 ;.|__:__ `__;..'..;_u _,, |vlllB.i!'lJdl.'l'lU IVHUIU X I`J`IUC_ IC DU. 13 Elizabeth St. _13c . /A_t 1;he"annual . meetingrof .the Worth While Bibl Class of Collier Ste United [Chute last Thursday night, the following officers were elected :- President, Gordon -Reeve; Vice-Presid,en' 3-, Miss Margaret Hen-y ~ ry, Neil Mad onald. C.. B.~ _Br_Vown;' Secy., Miss Helen D,OugalI;'-Treaszr. Miss Frankj` Warren: Flower Fund Treas., AMrs.."-`Gordon Reeve. , FRESH MiNED` ANTRACIT-E COAI 7)--) mqnnnnv . ' uvuvvullvk Ill VIIG III`! V`-FQIIVLJI . * ---Easter chicks and baskets, -10c, , 20c and_35c at Wisdom s. ` - 1`3c_ ' 0 The Children's Story Hour in con- f nection with the Public` discontinued for the` season. The. committee isvgreatly indebted to the] fpglowing workers: Misses a.Bir,ket`t,; Cheesman, DeHa'rt;< Hunter..!.Living-; stone. McKinley, K. Perry, R; Young`: and Mrs.~ I-I`; G.'Robertson. _I~'_1`he 8V1 erage attendance wasa52. ` - r\_.- -1 41., I,.';L"I, ,,,,,o .--'_,-,o --'-One of the be's'b_a:gii}1s;going:;l brand . new Findley ,1ectric` ;`1"hr1`g'e:."If sold this week.` we will. make q.',1fe-{ 1 d\1ctionV..of $35`of resale'_'p1"ice and- will give 20,000 votes in addition to` `thin -.Rn-mvin Rnin .5 F`.Innhn*in nn ---Happy `Thought coal range, per - fect condition, well worth $100; if sold this coming week $35 will take it. ' We issue with this 7000 `votes-.-- Barrie Radio & Electric Co., 13 El- izabeth St. 18c Last week F. H. Hurlburt sent'a- trial shipment of children's shoes to England. This is his first attempt; to reach the British market, which is H something _like taking coals to New- i castle, but his shoe contains features? _ not found in children's shoes manuj-: factured in the old country. 3 0 !....L-.. ..L.i.;'I._ -...l 'L_-1__L_ ca-` uv, v u v v v vvn vuuz guuuus vvccn. LOU ` Harold Ferguson and Arthur West-. ran, two Orillia youths who are on parole for theft of a motor car, were picked up -in Barrie o1)`;Sund.'1.V head; mg- for` parts, 7unkxi,OWh.`WChief` -of Police `Church .caYne.'dnwn rm Mnn. Penitentiary, Manitoba. . ' . 7 ---Amber honey in pint sealers, on- I 1y 35c at Wisdom s. . 13c] ---Mr. Husband, Miss Simplicity` wishes to make a date with you. Call | 120, the Barrie Radio & Electric Co. and we` will telllyou how to securet 20,000 votes this coming week. 13c I `u'.._..I..Ir:1 ........ _.._v A..u.,, tn - 1'xiE;"Br7";au}3tf " }31;j;i,o3_'ah1.~`; mcvhif` -(if Polxce `Church _camg,.doWn on Mon- dav mm-nimr and thnl: `lanol- ruuue 'unu1`cn `ca_me..qown on N10 day morning and ftbdk them back. u______ ,, .nu.-__~_L; -_ ,1 ,, STORE TO LET--Enqu1re'John Sgtaro. A . . A c nu uvgub yovvnuuun ' ---Miss Simplicity .electric washer. (used), completely overhauled good as new, will be sold at a very low] pr ce.---Barrie Radio & Electric Co., 13 Elizabeth-St. . [ 13c In connection with the obituary of the late Newson Hook, it should '-have , been mentioned that Wil1i`am~Hook,' who was killed overseas-, was` a `son; of the deceased. " ! uo......... n'a..I... ........ ..1.:.._ .-. .. K; UL lull`?sUUU, U_aIo k ` h -- 0am . a Y soap c ipg, 2 lbs. for 25c at Wisdonl s. j 13: .--4Ma.ytag electric washer ; ` (used) , I with swinging Wrmger, excellent con`- . dition, price $39; this will give you 7800 votes.-.-Barrie-Radio & Electric it Co., 13 Elizabeth St. ' 13cI Provincial Constable Kelly was] away this week assisting. in the trans- ; portation of a number o f prisonersl from Kingston. to istoney. Mountain lg Penitentiary, Manitoba. _.Arn"u:v hnncnv in nn- nnnlan... -_ I V `woo --Dance `Easter Monday in the ! 3 Armouries, _ 12-13c1; ~ _ --Fleurette, a dainty toilet soap , 5c at.Wisdom*s'. . , 13 `i -All sizes linoleum rugs at W. A, ; Lowe &. Son's, Elizabeth St. itfc ~-~For plumbing and heating, ring I 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake St. . Prompt attention to repairs. - 13tfc 1 `-~Ckes and pastry arrive fresh?` daily at Wisdo'm s. 13 Coal and Wood yard, phone 748. c 55 which he drovein the -District of Pat- : prices. xclusiveg agency for Staun. -New car of that good Domestic .. 748. 13c --Everything in choice body ha;-(1-: Harry Morren received this week.J ricia last winter. ton's semi-trimmed. W. A Lowe & ( coke, nut size, just arrived at 0 -' Come to the W.C.'T.U., (1; slabs and edgings at O Neill sf , a real Husky" pup bred from stock ` -`--Wall aper in latest designs, all Son,,Elizabeth St. tfc Neill s Coal and Wood" Yard, phone} the Library Hall on Easter Monday, from 3 to 5 p.m. vGood. programme is being provided. - `IE1-.. vG....._`I3 _J.-. -` _ _L__: , '\Ul1UUl'By 0U WUl'|l' lllllllllllllll DUC, '$$w&m%$$&&w$wm K` LOCAL NEWS g $m%qiw&pgimw%%% C811 1!! tne` _vuca.ncy _CH.1lBQ ` 0} `the nova! Alderma? grlck_et_-.`r`I-uherglsby tesa~)ny-Wu 'p_re_c 9. on; :; p .. P. .-.-W. W."RAINFORD' Beautiful Little .... -L-_II_. ,, -_ 1 Readers," so word; minimum soc, gE4LV4&&l &l ZlJAsV4.'..w_ For Sale _or To_ j LOB'J.`--Lady'a gold wrist watch`, Tues- -da_y,.,nVlght. Charlotte, Collier. Rose or 'l`.m`ontn-` Sta. Winnr nlnnsm nnflfu THE 3ARii1Vz_.`jaf..x'IIMINziVrfA- ,.___ ~ `-`X119! UOIQBD uyates-. were `A gentle voice said Com: ,.And with farewells unsno __She \ca.lmly entered home, 'I`AYDQR-0n Sunday. Ma.r.21st, 1926. -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David (Taylor. near Churchill, there passed peacefully away. their eldest daugh- ter. Jean Isabel, an` invalid. age 13. years. 7 months. 15 days. V Our poor dear Jean has gone to rest:`. ,It caused us bitter` grief . To see her slowly-pine away And could not g'et`.re1ief.' _ ,'1?hel Golden Gates. were oven .` volcesaid Come" ` unspoken \ Show nnlmlv Ahtnrnd hnm'n_ ~1!ln DRAPER--In loving memory of` my motlber, Mrs. Samuel Draper. who pass d- away one year ago today. ` ` April 1, 1925. You suffered much but murmured not ' We watched through night` and day * Your aching heart grew less and less Until you passed away. `The heavenly `gates were opened A` loving volceusald \"Come" And wlth a farewell unspoken 1 Yougently entered home. `H l` a...u-. ...a....-.s 1.-- 1-._.__A... 13pc_ . >74 2c pex-`word; minimum 50c.._ . )!0YOYoY'oYoYoY mmsYuYuY.Ynv- HIRONS--At Grace Hospital, Toronto. on Monday, Mar. 29. 1926. Hannah Eliza I-Ilrons, widow of the late Wm. Daniel Hirons, late ' of Clendenan Ave., West Toronto, in her 60th year. '.I`HOMSON--On. Saturday. March 20. 1926 at the residence of her niece. `Mrs. F. C. Robinson. Stroud. Mary. second daughter of the late George and Annie Thomson. in her sixty-V fourth year. ` WEBB-At Edenvale. Mar. 30, 1926, 1 William C. Webb, in his 7"6th year. 'A~'A"mm`www'v 'A"E'L"L"L"L"L"" IN MEMORIAM '51 We 1 2n nnlvurnrrlo rnlnh-anon Rnn .v. nu per wuru; muumum 000.. I &wwmw&m%a$m$w% j&$m&&mm&&m&;;` 1 phone 5 -da_y_,.,nAlghtL Ca7'!6EU Cliier. -1i0B-5z`~ 1 Toronto . Sts., ,Flnder please, notify 1 ' nrd. t w 131: 15EGEER-~TEESDALE-At the nar- sonasze. 54 Marv st._ nn Wndnnuzxv CALD}VELL--On V Friday. March 26, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cald- well, Small St., twips (boys). JOHNSTON--In the R.v.`Hospual, on . 'I`uesda3', March 30, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. .103. Johnston, Biscotasing, a daughter. A - V K-ELLY--In the R.V. I-I<`)s`p!taI, Sunday, `Mar.'28. 1926. to Mr. and Mra..'John Kelly. Bayfleld St., a son. u anvil nun: Aavpul Lnuvul. In ucaru l.l'Ullln ` Atnst; J ude's Church on E_z;.ster Sun- {day afternoon. the service will com- ; | mence with a song service using paro- `-chial mission hymns. The anthem lBlow up the Trumpet" (Caleb Simp-' : 1I*i)u;aviIi be s(;.in s(1)ll1c>ist. 1VIiis:s,Re1i`r}:a gun an ev e um eson. e rector will take for his subject. Our-.! fP}1ssover". All the music willbe chosen M[-to commemorate the festival of thel . Resurrection. [ I Who A VD A n4` Q1 r...1..-.. nI...--~I- ` J ..... uu-up-w uyuup ucaaun .:"1`h'e season for making maple syrup ` has arrived. The time has come to load up the sap patils_ and sugar kettles and cart them to the maple bush. Maple syrup has been called liquid sumfhie. Perhaps because the, -sap stored'in-the maple tree depends in llurlze measure on the influence of the "sunlight on the maple trees before the spring sugar season. which lasts as I longas the snow is melting by day and {freezing by night. Atnrospherie condi-\ gtions must be just right to induce the aap to` flow. These mysterious things are known only to Mother Earth; they are among Nature s'z secrets. . -Vfhnf line-hnnnrnn nf Han Irnllntur -....n.. urt-. uulong LVzuu1`e's secrets. -.What has -become o.thr yellow sugar which .~1n`,.0l1lf;grandmpthe1~`sx time was ;used nlmost,exc1usive1_v? As the years have passed this delicious sweet has `gone into disuse and white sugar has ltaken its place. Think of all,the dish- ` _.'0I mute noxes.\uswa1d McKenzie. . l : '1`he'trustees of the Your school sec-' .:t1ona, Cherry Hill. No. 9 Innisl, Mount` `Pleasant and Klllyleagh, met on Mon-V ]:day;,-night, to consider the ndvlsabilityi 1;qf`~cpn_tl,x,aulng for another year in the- 'jpres'e,nt gontinuatlon school. A resolu- ,-t'i'.0il Wits passed to ask the Education {Department to agree to this arrange- ]?ment-. The matter will be taken up later: |when*'the'Department is heard from. I Ayqo. 1..;:..v.. r1I........I. .... n.._.___ .-..,., UB\\' [H-1 ElC(`0l'n|)TllST.. " Trinity Mfssinn: Circle met at the` home of Mrs; Lunau on Wednesdzty ev- ' ening when the following officers were elected for the coming year: Hon. Presidents. Mrs. Jns. R. Jamieson. Mrs. Lnnau; Pres.. Genevieve Jamieson: _V_ice-Pres" Irene Barlow; Rec; Sec y., Jenn Boake; Cor; Sec y.. Mary Spen- cer: T1-eas.. Dora Clarke: Su t. Christ- .lnn Stewardship. Janet `ampbell: Strangers! Sec'_v., Madeline Lunau; Supt. of Mite Boxes. Dora Clarke. At ;, the close. of the meeting a dainty lunch `was served by Mrs. Lunau and.Mrs. |Jq_mieson. Il`.Sl.lI'I`E(.![l()IL I The A.Y.P.A. of St. Jude's Church .`held a social evening last Friday at the home of Miss} Juanita Jamieson. Among the items "of business was the` providim: of floral decorations for Euster Sunday. which was given to the flower mission .to look after. A solo. "Ta! ot AM,v Cmdle Day:-1," was given! by Miss Jenn Lyons followed by a ser- ies of contests. Lunch was served and the eveningfs program brought to :1 ('.1o;;e by ,1). si g-song with Rev. '1`. J. Dew as".*rcca pfrnist. "'l"rinihx Mfnninnv (`In-nln mm no 1\n can "110 F0!` UU!fSelV6S'. " l On Good Friday night at 8 pm. there; _,will be a_ united service in St. Jude's; [Church at which the Rev. T. J. Dew! will preach. subject, Our Past in thej Passion". Rev. A. E. Lunau and Rev." A. G. Rintoul will take Dart in the serg- _'vice.. Everybody welcome. I IIV..l-ldu-- IK4I_...l_._ 11,, ,1 ,, . - .- vouvn .. \-II _y uvu-,y vv uzuulllcc Trinity Mission Band met in the basementof the church on Wednesday afternoon. when the following officers werevelected: Pres.. James Spenceml ,1st .Vice-Pres.. Laura~ I-Ialbert; 2nd 3;Vice8Pres.. Bernice`Molr: Rec. Sec y.. Mary Ward; Cor. Sec'y.. Eleanor Mc- I `Kenzle; 'l`reas.. Helen Boake; Supt.. ~01 Palm Branches. Bert Horton: Supt." _:0f Mite Boxes. i0swald McKenzie. I . f11I...'-,ou..4-...... .0 ;n.. w..._._ _-u___u ,, I.A\w\Innl Js4.a:|~.I.o -nun nu uuu \. u.,y ulnl. WEEK. I Special Easter services will be held I in Trinity United Church next Sunday. Morning subject, `` What the Resurrec-7 _tion of Jesus Means to Us?" evening. "Does God Ever Do For Us What VVe Can**Do For Our`-selves?" 1\_ f`__:I r.u._:_1__, 1 V ICCFHUOII, Apru T. _ '_ , I _M1s_s Clarice McKenzie. having pass-' -ed her final exams at Barrie Business jcollge. has a.cceptd`a position with! .Kilgour Bros. of Toronto. Her father accompanied her to the` city lust wek. I :<......a..1 ~m........ ..,.._..x..._._ _-_n. . . .- ' UVCHIIIH. `j ` ' _ The Ladies Aid_df Trinity -United: !Church will meet at the home` of Mrs..` :,.Matthew McClean_ on 1/Vednesday at-A |ternoon, April 7. - Minn ("flat-inn Mn'l(nn-yin Jnnulnnl ........r ' `(Ins .mvuxu.u. . ~ - Mrs. .M; G. Cunningham is visiting Hrlends in Toronto. \ _ . x St. Judefa W. A. will meet.on Tues- day afternoon, April 6, at the home of Mrs. John Easton. ' I Tnhn A. f`nr-Inn!-Ir nan l~.nAI.'.' L.-..L' _ HIPS. JUHII EHSEUH. . _ - ' ' , John A. Corbett was badly hurt a.-I bout the head when he.feIl on the Icy} road near his own, house last,Monda,v` evening. `. "l"l-In T..su1lm:' Al.-1 A! 'l`nh-nu`; 'YVs I':;1 | ` 'Look up the fate. April 3.l In Com- fjing Events. Mrs. M; G. Clxnninghnm in vial:/in. uuuunn--unmnuaulu--At the sonage. Mary St., on Wednesday. Mar. 31. 1926. by Rev. A. J. G_. Cars- cadden. Bessi Teesdale to John W. `DeGeer, both of Vespra, g-Vxc-xcnxn -x x>x l.l1\Jl\lV '1 U1` ' '= .mm$$%&mw&&& FOR sAI.E--'rhre'e-cows; one fresh. one due early May. one in Sept" These ave good cows in high condition. Also two fine yearihg heifers. Would ac- vept approved. Joint note. J. Oatway. near old Clowes church. 2nd line. Oro. `R0. Shanty Bay. ` 13p sunn- The Map|e~Syrup Season > nan:-nu` 41.... ......I.:_.._ ._-._..'|_ mg vnnsvs vu Ilvllluo --Sadly missed by Da ghter and amily #THORNTONA BORN DIED 13c ' . vv---v---v-J carnal I vHous;l;old G-oods, Gray-Dori: Touring Car, Double Buggy and Two -Furrow Plow of RnRF!R"l` I-I'n.-t.nrwz ...:n 1.- utu`, uuume buggy and '1'wo*-Furrow Plow of ROBERT HILLOCK will be sold by public auction in the Mr. and Mrs.` Geo; Constable and f~.Lmil_v wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy shown in their recent bereave- ment. the death of her sister. Miss Mary Thomson. _ 13p ,,,1 es piwparezl from yellow sugar that we have enjoyed. Bread and butter and brown sugar! How gtiod Aitlused to taste to the small boys'9`d girls when they came home after so 001 bringing their appetites wlth them. FOR SALE--Flv.e young cows. due In April: heavy team. young horses; ce- aar shingles; seed Banner oats, No. 1 Gov't. grade. Daniel Mclsean. Barrie. 11.3.1. Phone 903r21. ' " '13-18c .___..__..___.___..__:._._....__.... S. C. BLACK MINORCAS Vvlnners at Barrie Poultry Show, 1925: Hon 2nd, cockerels 1. 2 and 3, pullets 1 and 2; 1926: Cock 1st. hen 1, 2 and 3. cookers-I 1, pullet 1 and 2, pen Ist. Eggs-Pen No. 1. $5 for 15; Pen No. 2,5 $3 for 15." Few yearling hens for sale. A. BROWNLEE, Box 477. Barrie. ,, .,_, _ __ __...., ...---... Superior" Qualify Chicks at` {that are consistent. See these you buy. Barrcd Pkmouth I `White Mlvandnffn, Q . \Al A- I [u ...-- ..,..........-.....;, Ian V: II: hcguurl Prices on aplk.-e.tion._ QUALITY CHICK HATCHERY , HARRY MORREN. Owner i 70 Collier St.. Barrie. Phone ANCONAS, all starmriin . $2.00 per 15 eggs: O.A.C; BARRE ROCKS, 1341.00 for 15,. I E` THOMAS, Box 711, Barrie. .---__. SUPERIOR WHITE WYANDOTTE VVinners of highest awards-for six suc- (,~d\'e years at Barrie winter shows-. `Limited number settings at $5 per 15. i \V. J, CROMPTON. phone 1153 . 'Phones _ ...v uv..u...av.wu~. LJCC Lucac |_;v-r_)'{1' Pl mouth White Wyandottes', S. . W. Le Prices nn :1 nlir-at inn star matin BARRE ROCKS- i N'ew Cabbage Nice Fresh Radishes, b-unchv 'I`I'IREI'} SPLENDID COLLIE DOGS:. house broken, quiet, playful. used to children, watchdogs. fine for farm: gull wagon or sleigh well. Box 189, arrle. Phone 410. - . 180 '9 Rhubarb, bunch 5 `Good Cooking Onions . .... 7 lbs. 25! ! - . Nic_e Bananas, per dozen V Sliced Pinhpple, per tin ---._--_-j ;iNice White Celery . . 29c, 25c, . j-:-_-_ . --._--_-...:-.-_:--7-- Nice `Ripe Tomatoes, lb. giiilld. 144 u---1:---Z-. Head. Lettuce Buy at Home and Se Wht You Bay. San; Money and Get Satisfaction. c. c. .HINDS, President. - c. A. KELLY, Secretary. OUSE WANTED TO RENT by May " at. central; not less than seven xroomu; sun -opnveniences. Apply P.0. `Box 819, -Barrie. - , ;. lotto. . !3 lbs. New _Sa;ir Dates Bunch "Lettuce ._..._-_........:__ :14 lbs. Granulated Sugar : I ------------- III]-I` I. \J\JI-a'll\.I ` 1'?` '-:'~.".JI.` recominnds tfie following uoultry breeders who shgxi succgssfulily t.the .lea(ing 3 ows, or who breed high-cllass bred-to-lay stock:-'--_'-' ` l1_3ucHANAN s GROCERY PHONE :l;3va_11_d-l;l'4f- PHONE Folqqpn -;- lT STHEBET'lv?ER_ WAY I)Llt'\hlI1" '1 A0! CAPITOL `THEATRE Ply-[ONE 1 133. . A Two Shoinrs Each Night, at 7.15` 9.1% a Regular Prices: Adults 23, tax 2c; Children 9c, tax 13 "' COMING `SOON * " Hmrs `` RAINBOW RILEY ? } DAY-OLD BABY CHICKS for sale,` Barred Rock guild laying strain, heavy producers. Apply J. A'. Lennox, 2 North St., phone 387W. 11-16c Oh W_dnesday, April 7 n1~n1q:-JJ I`..--1- l"---~~ vvv --- - v- -- -vu uuav vv :4, \ol`lrII\l-alh_uJ_"l`l"|l\l\l.'4I.a._I4, " and CHARLES CONKLIN`, - A A. V A _ . Romance` against the backgrdupd of the p`ain,te`d desert -_-'-L..-Tvhrills of a forest rej in the high Sierras `and _. -v ` ` ` a wolffs devotion-to a friend. - . 4 fhef wo_ND-E in % `fIhe.cLA$H_o1 zlxe; W '3 '9 am. `THE; - % _POUL-TRY -..\........\...I.`. 4.1`... _tI Sa-l'e af 1 `pm. 9 W. A. McCONKEY, Bailiff. . - Auctioneer.` Day-Old Baby_ Chicks ..n...-_ f\..- _ CARD or THANKS" BALLI13: SM-E u9u.*ev:ru:i7:*w=nu=snnv . 'WORK HORSES. Cor sale cheap. have too many. Apply H. A. Pearson, phone '613r31, Barrie. J 12-13p . ,__- twih JUNE MARLOWE, cHAki`.i:sf -1.1, __.l INIJADI Isa t\l\|nrI dub u. Al`, yuualv auuuuu in M , ,, .'. Village of Angus. 6-1- _L ' Have you tried our gobd Co ee,'lper ib. 70c? -j___... --:1--jjiill A Meloamm of'u _Cattle Country vyanuottas, 3. up? 1 ITV cums: THE BIG :LAUGH!I; Auz RIN-TIN-`TIN 24.11. Fisher : Pastry 1_-"1o'm- for 93 _f[z}rry Buchanan I5`: to E I. FOR SALE--Yorkshire sow and 11` plus 2 weeks old. Apply to Fred. Rich- ardson, Phelpston, R.R. . 11, phone Elmvnle 6r1 . `V - 13-141) 118!` 7.'l at `prices se before h Rocks, Leghorns. THE HOME OF BETTE`! PICTURES. [GROCER \ r30c: 7: 1'HuI=oAv WI-IE)-CESALE Pmcaa No. 2 Fall Wheat . . . . . . . . . . $1.26-$1.30 Barley ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . ..'. . . . . . .. 55-60c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . 75-80 Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.10-:1-.15! Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60-65c Butter, per pound . . . . . . . .. 42-45c Eggs, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25-28c Potatoes. per bag I . . . . . . . . . $2.50-$2.75 Monday, April 5-Graham Bros.. lqt 13. con. 4, Oro-farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at '1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. . ~ 13x Tuesday, April 6,-W. F. Richardson. lot 2, con. 8, Vespra-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W . A. Mc- Conkey, Auctioneer. . 12x ----------p-------_---- |Ohas. Lowe - Eggs for Hafchmg -- Bred-to-lay Barred `Rocks. $1.50; Part- iridge Wya ottes, $1.60; White Wyan- dottes, $1.5 , White Leghorns. bred-to- `lay, $1.60; VVhite Leghorns, prize birds 1-_ at Royal Winter Fair, $3.00. - PEKIN DUGKLINGS Hatches, last week of April, 300 each: May, June and July. 250 each. `Book now: orders taken in rotation. W. S. ROBB, Phone 680 or 1045.1. -SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS ,---I+Iatching eggs from our pens of Eroven winter producers. 0niy_ yearling ' ens who are daughters of R.O.P. birds wed as breeders. Settimz $2.; 50 eggs `$6, 100 ragga $9. Oliver Po_ultry Farm. Ishanty Bay. _ - 10-15): I White Wyandotte eggs and stock for sale, $3.00; Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs and stock, $53.00; winners at lead- ing shows.--W . H. TOOTH. 58 Henry lstreet, phone 795\V, Barrie. DAY-OLD CHICKS T 0.. A. C. Barred Rock Chicks-the kind that make good winter layers, 250 each or $20.00 per 100. Phone 1184. C. A. KELLY, 18 McDonald St. Bologna, per 1b.. Toronto Pork Sausages, lb. I New Prunes -?_A__.j__j.-_%.:_.. Bulk Peanut Butter, Ib. Molasses `Snaps .. . . . 2 lbs. for 25': '5-lb. pail I-`Bonny - . . . . English Breakast. Tea, per lb. . New Cheese, per- 11).. `FOR S/\LI9-Whlte Rocks, kzockerels. ' Apply W. Johnatone, 14 Eccles St. 139 . Sweet Oranges, d'oz. 30c,'40c, 50c up 31 lbs. M Sliced Breakfast Bacon, lb. ..___.__L.,_.__..._.___._ magi - IXOIIOCIICE rnon Service:Battery Ciugrging '"in RADIO" ..Resi`'_l`en-1:-e Phs 7 o___ O (II-W -I 0 . n I` A 3-45.. THURSDAY. APRIL 1, mes. _._.._..'...L_. Barred Plymbuth Rocks l\E l\llAI IT? BA8R_Me3r I PURE BRED HEREFORD -BULL for sale, six months old. Wm, H. flan. Churchill. Ont. .14n AUCTION S.Ir.J:`./S- ` Icing Sugar Cooking Figs" Eon Qulckiiiilii. - nan`! yuan; D 7); UALlTY 15 II III"I\l'I Goods d'e'vei'eJ ! ' promptI`y to any ' part of {own /2 lbs. for 25 ONE BROWN HORSE for sale. young; Drice moderate. Apply J. V. Brown, Sprlngbank Farm.~ Allandale. Phone 388. ' . 13pttc 3; 28: You are cordially invite thekervices of East Christ the Lord is ri.<< 11 a.m.-Rev. A. It Anthems -- H:11loIu_i:1 Worthy Is the I.:1m':' 3 p.m.-Sunday School. I 7 p.m.-Rev. S. H. (} Anthems - I Know I deemer Live-th", M1`. soloist; The Hezm-n. ing (The Creation). Organist and (,'h Horace \`\'ilsux., A. 5u4nday,V April 4. Easter Messages : I nwvuunuu Collier Strggt ' Unit4 3`-RB? . .3A.P.T.`5T 1 10:30 'a.m.-M0rnin;,{ Pr '7.30 p.m.-Evening I ; 971!` fhn Qhn-xv 1.6` H `VVANTED---Cobbler.-Early Eureka and {Green Mountain potatoes.` Must be fit itor seed. Brown & Co. 18c T V EASTER DA 7.30 - 8.30 a.m.---II>1.\* 11 a.m.-Mornin;: I ruj. r`nrnnr'nIn;nn LL C.lllLVIUlIIlll}.L I [(1 Communion. `3 p.m.--Children s Scr "7 p.m.-Evening I m_\` Service. `Good Fday Eveul Admission: Ad ults Admission: Adults Sunday .\`L-ha C1a. 3 p.m. Holy Communion ful morrning sm`\'iL SPECIAL EA`STE_l{ Sunday, April 4th 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.-I u1. Rev. A. J. G. Cz;rscz1 Mrs. E. Richa1'rIs>r1_ Harry Barron, (ihni THURSDAY. APRII '-winter layers, O .A.C.. Holdswovth- 'BAR'R ED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, heavy strain. H11`tching.eg_gs 10 cents each. Mrs. `Hugh Calderwood; telephone . ~ n ll. il.Hl."' {It} I.\ I p.m,-True Meaning: ' 3 p.`m.`-.x-Bible Sc` Prayer meeting: \\ wlm-.< Colin S. F`a.1'mex'. (Thu Mrs. Edith Rowe, ( LLIC IIIIIIIDLCI \\ III ,1! Cal` topics at 11 21.111. H `S. 'S. and Bible (Tlzxx -..rv.,.... ........... -.. Cantata. "From Cr will be given in Ministerw Rev. S. H. Groenslu Rev. A. D. Cozjnett. . will be `In-II? Monday, Apr. 5, LIVING PICTURES MUSICAL ITEM EASTER SUN The minister will prom fnninc sf 1] '1 vn -.- Our MOHHZ. -Courtesy and S uanu nn.vnon\a.. Presbyterian Rev. J. S. Shortt, M. Edmund Hardy. Mus. I Organist and (`hr- 280-lb. bbl. ne . 200-lb. sack, tine 100-lb. sack, tins ;50-lb. sack, tinc . 100-lb. sack, Cmrs 50-lb. sack,-coursg 50-lb. pressed bloc Car of sane, sux mom Churchill. Ont. entitled Scenes from the Li (over 100 .4 "rm; SALVATK Special music at ho rt . . 141- IV Saturday and Phone 185 139 Dunlap St., LANTEIWSE Central United Prayer Meeting, Ww WELCOMF THE PEOPI CO-OPERA ! COMPANY, I I p.lll.jL`.4VCllH|).: l (I and the Sto1`_\' nf L} `cam price. we ~'Phone 'l`119W. EASTER SER\ nununc noun: -n-an Rev. E. J. Whzm. W[.7[`}.I}`}("[`.\' 11 a.m.--He Is I .. uwn. ,. 'ur.._..:.__ `- VISITORS xvaml 11.e-A. Easter` Demon 11uNn'Y CHl PRICES OFF As'1_`. AN_DREJ hobo I-`R104 A SPECJA `VV:\I\.1V'1'1'JlJ~*1 800l|(l."'.!Nll'l(lr' `- JDOUUBIOP, 20!) to 300 egg capacity. St,ateJowest. `oath price. Fred Huse, Codrlngton St:| {Phone 'l31lRW. 1 3n \lUB3 thv uu: WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or sewing by day, from 9 till 6. $1.50. A - ply Examiner. Ottlce. 18-1 0 ..........:_..____....___.__.'...s.._...... WANTED TO BUY-4-1-roamed. slnzle. brick house, central. 1n`Barrle. Apply Box 877. - V 130 . 'r'u;wu wmw.-nsu--uooa uemana row]. Hlghestvfrlces aid. Phone o_r1wr!teH.'Le 4180!: 42. 4_ 10- CHICKENS w.A.N'r13D--x.v1rac;c1aaa. Apply-Brennan's Butcher Shop. 18c iu F`0;WL WAN'l'ED--Good demand fowl. Hlxzhnnt nrlnnn maid, Dhnnn 9 SAELESMAN WANTED. married pre- ferred. with car. who has the ability to meet -the public, experience not neces- sary. ,Good man` could earn. $35.00 a week on better. See Mr. Patterson. 59 Mary St. between six and seven. 18;) E!1_-,,, i ,, GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED `~t`oL Work in country. -near Stroud. Apply at 0113 ` `Office. ' ` .- '_ - 13!) : , _ . I55. VVTIIB 5 cough. Ont. WAN'!`ED-ReHable man betweefi-15 and'38 years of age with car to deliver samples and demonstrate Fuller Brush- es. Write 207 Barrie Bldg.. Peter.bor- Ollkh. Ont. 13: %`fL"I','I"B"B"L`T` TTTTKTQT one cent a. word, can. on inner- tton (minimum charge, 260): `II! In- bortlonu tor ,the price of tour. ` 10 Gllltl extra hen ` charged: L133 10 Matt extra , bwrepllu we dlrootcg to Enmmerrottlce, _ j g ' . W}\NTED~iS'd6t17- dnd Y Iiutiator, `.00 to 300 am: cannnltv. State lnwant. P905 W4WTEl3r-I,:N5I!nI.1t:`ubout fttheen mwenty good thrifty feeders. at once. ulv Innlnfren Limited. 1'.nfrnv_ (hit. us wutu vain, Illllllllllllll 0009 E _|`a.vy nun non! n was-A nnnh -nah Inna: Duo fwolvo, pun _\!Vl\'&V,'l.`-l.lf-I43"! 'l,Ip-japan: Ixupen twenty thrlttsteedera, 1c per word cuh; mlniinum 350. I11111nZ 1Z&1&Sn.1 "- Help Wanted"':;;c,V% _"4*3_T 0M!_* 5288 for Hatching ' Live Stock F6: Sale Propgity To `Le; Lost andg-Founci - Wanted ` md for me 884 . 10-15p .., --.--r-....,-, _...-.-u ovuovv-I ov".Vy .V,;.1r .azT 1z"~'1iE ton sAr.,m--Lou 1.1. 1-2. 1:. `con. - 8, V spra, 100 ac:-as under cultivation. 100.` creI;._ ush.~a_nd 30 acre: pasture mnd also we orhards. house. bank lbm-n.` andr W91! on (gun. Must ton vowinl `t`o::Il\,pp!y to 1j2..\{a !iornej8t., Toronto. , j " 9V-109-t OUT` 13c `smmn won,-sALE--.o.'A.c. .7! hair and` No. 21 barley, for sale a.t;75Acex;nta and 85 cents respectively. Both absolut y clean: lutlstactipxjg -lgu` _r_antee_d. O_ . own" hum regint`e'Q La ` Coutts. Mldhursy pl; yn 'B01r41:t*: _ V2-`1 B.U'MVl_.'EB KING OATS tor sale. Rood seed;or yvouhl sell as they are for feed: also "good, buy W91-k horse. `Price grease unable. Apply Jan. Byrne th concea- alon, Veupra. near Union. mete :-y. 18p `Song, Utopia. Ont, ' - SEED GRAIN F98 ?SALE-0. .O.,72 oats. met at Barrie Fair.-'_th in standing Field Competition. O.A.G:" 21 barley. Also: Dooley potatoes, ~ir'own from certified -seedu Thea." Smhioa, . . ` - p , resuuuremlwclc. 90 cent!` per bulhel. reduction. . jon " ` llwxe ' qua.'ntme'a:' also `burn timbers, 2.6x82:~App1y H, Ottawa . Phone 605r6. . M 10- c BANNER SEED OATS 1 r 8119. frlm registered-iutock; so cant nap hunhnl_ muvnusm army uxru : sale. trim. registered-aIto,ck.` 90 cent, ` bushel. Aroduotloh ._ on` `large "burn timbers. 26x82.mAnn1v H. Otbtwam r- `_I-IOUSE T0 I4E'!`--$15.00 per .month, !`No 117 Cumberland St.. Allandale. Six large, nicely gdecorated rooms with ' blinds: lights and wat_e`r;{ good garden with fruit trees. Immediate possession. Phone 784.! for particulars. _ 12-139 ' TIMOTHY ; EED` FOR SALE, also cedar posts d fhay. Apply _ V to A. `Watt, Shanty Bay, . _ 1 -lap FOR` SA_.I`4E-'-300 bilhm oats, barley" and pond. mixed. also 76 tonybdlad hay. Phone, 6Q6r2. Roy N. Hlckllggtg. I . .,` "~. E." \ 0 v`un_ a_u.w:'-.-"ruuslae". tnaresldence at Beh -1amln- Lawrence. `Bayfleld St. Willgs` lsliquse with` the lot it stands on: 9.1! ` or-4 B lldlng lots nicely sit- uated, orlwlll sell property as a.-whole. Apply _on` premises. 138' Bayfleli, 18st. ' V A . ' ` _ - c FOR SA'LF:~--77'-ro`ome .;brick house. conveniences, oak. floora.; (lye place. cistern, laundry tubs. wired for elec- tric ra.nge.`1arge lot. allklnds 0 small fruit. alBQ..C.h!?98-_3`5,;tt..10t8. App y 108 Clappertqn St.. Barrie; I 19-15:) , FOR S__ALE-v-"I-I1llside". tharealdehce Bah-ilnmln Lawrence. `Rnvfinld Q." EIGHT- RO0MIu7D HOUSE for-sale. all convgmiendes, stables. henhousek` etc. Corner Wellington and Maple Ave. Make otter. Leaving town. `Apply to John Shepard ` , . '__ - 12-17p T-n HOUSE won SALE--WellLbul1t", eight- roomed dwelling. oen_tra.l'a.nd deslyable loaalltv. Rnmvln. Bnulnnnln-n nf'.nnnn 1'uuu|uu uwuumg. uenprul anu ueslyame locality. Banrle, ession a_t' -once. Apply Mrs. J. P.'. /37 Toronto. `St.. Barrie. -. 2 - ~ ` " `12-_14o \ FIVE-ROOMED~C0'1`.'1`AGE tor aale-- `/. tucri lolt;`2%>od,1:g_t1 x!':.tL;1e;Stl|ght hand W3 1'- DD V . - 0 D 0119 482W. 7 f,._`1 -v'?., _n10-159 FOR4SALE-25 acres`, one mllelfrom main street , Barrie; good brick house and stables. John Gordon. Bafgle . . ` . - n FOR SALE--0n'o hundred acres, good rich son, so 4. Mulgllnsa. well watered orchards. tu moo. phone, R.M.D_ . half mile trom depot. school . -o ny rensonablmot or oonnlu rg!..,~`p,;p_ Anton Mills. . - - - p FARM FOR SALE OR E_xCHANGE-- Five miles west . ot Barrie. 28 acres mu" 3/ loam,` 20 :u:rea`swamP&'. Imsture la`. : .orohard; bullqlnssz - would. ox-, change for house-41.1 B rrle.. Apflyo Henry Harrison. -Barrie .R.2._ 18- 8;) am. `uarr1e..For-Information write C.| Edwadsf, .9119 Quincy Ave., Detroit. Mich. ', A 12-17:: uuuam xrun asA1..w-u-1'oomeu brick` house. all modern conveniences. Apizly at 28 McDonald St. M ` . .' 3p _- -::--:n1: FOR BALE CHEAP--Lot 29; Toronto St.. `Bwarrle..For-intor'mat1on write C. EdWa'. 91,19 Dnlnnv Ava hntnnlt . . HOUSE FOR SAL13--6-roamed brick` house. all modern nhnvnnlnnnnn Annlul ` T0 r REN'I`-'-On or - two furnished rooms, `all conveniences, gentral. spe- cial accommodation for `students- or will give board. Phone 490 or apply to 76 Mulcaater St.` 13p |_ ' THREE NICE ROOMS to let. modetate lrent. Armlv to E9 Purl: Qt nr nhnnn . ROOM TO LET-3 mimltes walk from nllnglntn nll nnnunnlnnnau An- LINDSAY PETERS, 'GARAG~E--.58` Caroline St, Allandale? All kinds of repairs. overhauling a _specialty. prices reasonuble.'Phone 805. V 11-16p xruuum vuum nuulvla to let. moaetate rent. Apply to 59 Park St. or phone. 963J. V i As) ' - 13p uuum '1.'U u121'1'-'-3 minutes walk from Collegiate, all conveniences. Ap. lply 76 Small St., phone 707. 9-14p - FOR BALE-'-,-60 acres land. `bush: and `pguturo. south xwelrauoxter of lot 11` con. 8. Voapra. coma valuable umber: 9! . L. Munrq: Barrie. R.R. 8. Due. _ _n_ V -.. FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburs Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- `trthur. , ;, _ 13ttc IMPLEMEN'I`El FOR SALE---one light team (lray. very handy and in good condition. one M.-I-I. combination (13 hoe) seed am! andcultlvator. in per- fect working order: `reason for selling. replacing with combination seed and fertilizer drill. Thee are both bar- tmina tor_smnebnd,v. Apply to Innisfree Limited. ,-Ler_oy, Ont. 13-16p ` | ULVIEJ DUUI\I9lXH"_1VUl l3A.'1'UfC IO!` ' sale, 210 egg capacity. . ah complete, guaranteed good, hatchet; also one Colony broader with stove nd hoover, 1000 chick capacity, Lin ' od shape. Phone 770 or 475.` V - ~ 130 run. _BJ'$1Jl!4""\'Jl'UWl`|'1'llll`UI_l P111138, Wlln reservoir, in raw shape: also one ex- hibition Rhode"Isumd Rad male, extra. large undgood color. Apply 67 Brook St. or phone 829W.` _ , 13c .- I ` HAPPY THOUGHT ates! .ra.nge (coal or wood) with warming closet and thermometer. Good asnew. Half the nv-inn nf n nnxv nnn N `D `Rnxnirnnvi UIBPIHUIIIC price or Letroy. ----j-- FOR SALE--CrownTHuron range. with rnnervnin-_ in fair sxhnnm Man nun Av- ~-. V. ,4-.w.u. Irqv Iv: `us: ONE BUCKEYE_INCUBATOR for jsale, Z10 _egg c1_xpz1_city,.a1l cqmplete, FOR. 8 -- ,j'Wagon.' set ron .harr0ws 12 1't.. set aI3isl_1_s,.-A.,hoe arm. Massey- Harria, binder. Apply to Geo. Wynes. lot 16, con. 4, 01-0. Shanty Bay }hRi41. . . . ` A __ n PRIV4'!1`E "SALE of furriiture consist-I mg of walnut bedroom. suite (antique), dawenpprt bed and other articles. Phone 379W,I.mom1ngs. 13c mum: run auuaw-60 east halt 20, con. -1, Oro. Apply to Wm. Beel- by, Barrie R.R.1. V . j_ 13-18p

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