Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1926, p. 12

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nun. anum uru9AR-Lot_ 29. Toronto] St.. Barrie. For information write C. Edwards, 9119 Quincy Ave., Detroit.` Mich. `, 12-170 onxun nuusn: for sale, oak oors downstairs and maple upstairs, all con- -veniences. Apply J. Hammer, 75 Toron- to St.` W 10tfc v HOUSE [FOR SALE-6-roomed house, all modern conveniences. 4 at 28 McDonald St.. '- TT BRICK HOUSE for downstairs gm: rnnu-`Io. 4.4.:-uAlJ l.IJJH J. 1.1 D 1'. rl V A'1'E H` young couple have bright front suitable for one of two refined ge man nnnr so .:....a._-.- --I ~--- ,-....., w.....u_uave urlgnt rront room suitable two gentle- men. Board if desired. Box T". Ex- aminer. . . , 12p ._.__*__ ELIZABETH s'r. Vl\I'I if nnnnha Ln-.. _, ,_ _.____ _ _.______._______T 1'. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS to rent, all conveniencemcentral, phone 490 or apply 76 Mulca,ster `St. .12c I_'_":T_"""""""""'-""'-""` ROOM TO LET--3 minutes walk from Collegiate, all conveniences. Ap- ply 76 Small St., phone" 707. 9-14p ' .-.5:-- -_ __._ , FOR SALE OR RENT--Six-roomed brick house with five acres good gar- den land`on main hlghwayclose to Barrie. For particulars apply 134 Blake St. . - 10-15:) ;.Lu1-uu Ur` matuss for sale. one 4 iron grey. one black. weight 8.000. ply W. Gracey. A.lla.n_dale. ` > - BRICK I:IOU$E torrent or for sale: 1% blocks from Roman Catholic church; all modern `conveniences: im- mediate poaspssion. Apply Phil1p.Love. Qffn vary reasonable or rent at $10 monthly. Apply in mornings or evenings. 9tfc.1* -`__(i ,- __, FOR SALE OR RENT-I-M. Alexand- er's house. 142 Bradtordst. Will sell very reasonable rent at $10 mornings evenings- Mfr- FARM FOR SALE OR vREN'I`.1 19 Ross `St. A , . . . I I V W FOR ,SALE--Several sets 01- slelghs. both" light and heavy, new, also one set second-hand light delivery slelgha. cheap. Padd1so'n's blacksmith shop, A!- landale. , . 6-12n ..._....-._-._.__........__._..:_..._..:..._. "TORONTO VVINDLMILL FOR SALE; double gear, self oiling. nearly new. will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone 1297W. 12-17D ` l CLEVELAND BICYCLE for sale. 22- inch curved bar- A1 mAnhnninuI- IIt\'| 11.1.1 I clover. can. I omnuu-BLZAIJU ISILISX CARRIAGE for sale, Apply Williams Jewelry store, corner of Mary and Elizabeth Sts. 12p IQ-I-A-w -`A: -.-K TEAM OF MARES for sale. zrev- one hlnnlz unions 1 . I II" I I - I I V 7' 7!. - SMALL-SIZED BABY CARRIAGE sale. Apply Williams .1 num1.... ..+...... ~.u-ru-as run` BALE--Spiel. Green.- ings, Bell Flowers. quality. guaranteed. Harry Ottaway, phone 60636,` 9-14p .ZT run ennui--napy carriage and aulky, baby pen`, sleigh and robe. Applykat 124 Elizabeth St.;~ ' - . ? [ 12c ) ` SMALL REFRIGERATOR for sale. in good condition. Price, 3.10. Phone 1126. V A 12c - Farms Fog S; - Miscellaneous-4 V - U? FOR SALE. mixed timothy and uver. Apply to Hugh Rowley, lot 25, n. }'1, Essa. :Phone Ivy-Thornton. , 11-12: ` Property F Sale Rooms and -:-- HORSE FOR SALE. _vrs.. weighs 1500 lbs., 1 horse. Phone 612r31; ` FOR SALE-(-6-roomed brick Apply )onald 19h eu..E---L,ota 11,j12.- 13. con. acres under -cultivatibn.` h. and am-an nnufn-ca -; ` SALE-8-roomed house cOnVeniAnm:g In a uauynna 1 FOR' . $ALE-'-Sp1ea. ' . Green.- FIOWBPB. aualltv Dll won mi-Ana For $ 1 PRIVATE H0ME.| ! bright fvvnnf unn--1 u:xru-Lu`u!4'--D8 All kinds of main lhr {minn- .- unm Dnniu 1-1r.'rtw1<`0RD BULL for sale. six months old. Wm. H. Hall, Churchill. Ont. ' . N 9-14p v--.\..`..._ ._- W -- sale`, floors llntairn all nnv-- uuuruu; any (1. S. Wright. 10-.151) %T Let anus or y, rlces 11 -` 16p ply LUD 10-15p; . c_on. nlrlnln . . r _ ; PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL months old. Wm 2.: I10 .Bl|.lU 470 "I01. Lvaa, 12:) v 1115 12p v 4-u. `J. 'Anf1n__ .v ADDLV 11-120 .Bar_r1e, Ont. u.uu auuvu coal as requlrd. - All tenders to be sealed and address- ed -to GEO. GOODEN. Chairman of County Property Committee, Box 760, 11-12c E idersigned up till Tuesday, March so. 1926, for supplies for the Gaol and coal ` Tender forms may be obtained at the ; House. Tenders will be received by the un- for County Buildings for the period of 12 months from April 1, 1926, to March 31st, 1927, Suppliesfor Gaol consist- ing of meat, vegetables and groceries, `County i'1`.reasurer's Office. ,Court Also for a supply of coal to be de- livered at the Court House, Gaol. Reg- istry Ottice and Children's Shelter. es- timated as follows: Court House, about ` 100.. tons of soft coal,` best; qua1ityi' Gaol, about 70 tons of `stove coal anh `10 tons of nutcoai; Registry Office, eggoand. nut, such quantities as will 4 be required from time to time: Child: renfs shelte, . about 15 tons of furnace and stove coal `as. required. .. All tender: to ho: `nnnlnrl ana ...a.a..--- may 12p I ~ '1 F oi -E1`>,l.S-I-1-p`;) lies and Coalffor County Building :IJUVUo 9tc. ` M `int 1 94. 1, -4- _--u-w `ran:-In-JDJ . Friday, Mar. 26-Mrs. Annie Minty, lot r 38, con. 1, \0ro--fa.rm_ stock and im-A - plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. . 11-12x r Saturday, Mar._27--At Martin's Yards, - Bar-rie-25 goodcows. Sale at 1 p.m. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 11-12x ` Monday, Mar. 29-L. S. Lee, Angus- ; V 26 pure bred,Holsteln-Friesians and 6 grade cattle. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. ` ' Mcconkey; Aiuct. 11-12x . Tuesday, Mar. 30--Dave Taylor, lot. 15, con. 6, Innisfi1-fa.rm stock and ` implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- 4 Conkey, Auct. - 11-12x ` Wednesday,_ Mar. 31-'Graham Bros. lot 13, con. 4,'0ro--,-farm stock and 1 1mplements..Sale at 1 p.m., W. _A. ` Mcconkey, Auct. 10-12x Tuesday, April 6,--VV. F. Richardson. 1 lot 2, `con. 8, Vespra.--farm stock and { implements.-Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc-, Conkey, Auctioneer. , ' 12x 4 --je.j::-:-- ` ` 411. -12p scuuca u; uvmouern nome. 10-15c` Apply direct to C. B. Lawrence, I301: 247, Bazjrie, or 138 Bayeld St. _..._____..____,______.____ _.........u an anus I 101118 v Practically new, buff `brick, semi- bungalow, well situated. on Bayeld St.;vmany extras and all the conven- iences of avmodern home. 10-15c Annlv dirsmi-_ +n .n 12 1-------- `Barrie Opera House For Sale TENDERS received by the undersigned for the purchase of the Barrie Opera House situate upon parts. of Lots Nos. 59 and 60 on the south side of Collier St., in the Town of Barrie. in. the County of Simcoe, up to and in- cluding the 15th day of April, 1926. The` highest or other tender not necessarily accepted. e Dated March 23rd. 1926. STEWART & STEWART. 12-13c ;19 Owen St., Barrie. Ont. ` ,_ _...,_a , . SEED FOR SALE--0.A.C. 72 oats and No. 21 barley for sale `at 75 cents and 85 cents respectively. Both absolutely clean`; -satisfaction guaranteed. Oats grown from registered seed. R. D. Coutts, Mldhurst, phone_601r41. 12-14c - ~-v- --r SEED GRAIN FOR SALE---O.A.C. 72 oats, first at Barrie Fair. fifth in standing Field Competition. O.A.C.- 21 barley. Also Dooley potatoes grown from certified seed. Thos. Smith & Sons, Utopia, Ont. . 12-16p lcliv-av` ...._ .. .-- Aux ODE. ah-... vv un. nursmsu for sale cheap, too many. Apply H. A. Pearson, phone 613r31, Barrie. 12-13p vs--.._ __/V BUMPE KING OATS for. sale. good seed or would sell as they are for feed; also good bay work" hnrma, `P1-inn am- > `-9 BANNERV SEED OATS for sale. from registered stock. 60 cents per bushel. reduction on large quantities; also barn timbers, 26x62. Apply H. Ottaway. Phone 605r6. - [ 10-15c uua hay . TIMOTHY SEED FOR cedarppsts and hay. Apj Watt, V Shanty Bay. ' uu.J.J.l uumnerland St., Allandale. Six large, v nicely decorated `rooms with blinds: light and water; good garden with fruittrees. Immediate possession. -Phone 764J for particulars. 1-2-13p _ ` ' as-v HOUSE T0 LET--$15.00 per `month, No_117 Cumberland St., deCOI`a.tI3.d Pnnrnu 1111+`- 7 _ APARTMENT TO LET in Be conveniences: also 2 apartm rooms [in Allandale, wlthall iences. Apply R. R. Bothwell, store, Allandale. HOUSE T veniences, session. L Apply 152 J.V`J.0IJ .,.con-` e pos- desirable tenant. ayfield St. Phone 928W. 12p 0 LE1`, 193. Bayfield St good garden, immediat cw rent to conveniences, immediate possession, moderate rental. Apply, Box H Examiner. J _` 10-15p ,. ....-.._...----:--'----_--.-. STORE TO LET-E ? .Lo`S'r--End-"board or wagon tween Union cemetery and on Sunnidale Road. Finder ple = at Examiner 0_ffice.. j "`-""*i.-- . OST-End-board o t\.Veen nnrnntn 1- 9 u AV '1`A1N PEN Dunlop, Elizabeth two `gold bands. Fi 1112J. : FOUNTAIN PEN L05. Dunlon- Elizahni-In .... Ilnml--incl!" ....... 1..- `I Beautiful Litflg` Hpgne , --|Sound`- yllow .c'a1-rots, lbs. fox ,25c at Wisdom s.' 12c Agricultural ;Represen,tative' `Ste- wart Page has a supply of cultures for alfalfa, red clover,"sweet_ clover ang alsike. - ' `I G_..'J.1_ I_, 9 ` - ~ AUCTIQN SALE j WHITE SOW for sale. Anrll 97 Annlxr rm... Seed for Q; A r1_4a nAn1iIz Exxmuzn j ---------------7"! ROLLING-In loving memory, of our dear father, Isadc Rolling, who pass- ed ztway on Mar. 19, 1921. This day brings memories Of a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of him today. Are those who loved him best. 12p --Daughter and Son. 0 12p _ , - -__-- MAYS-In loving memory of Kenneth. dearly beloved baby of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mays, 41 Charlotte St., who passed away March 24th, 1925, aged ` 3 months and 3 days. ,__.]\]I'arn|-no hurl `l\...1_1__ ......u allu'. at. J.3Z1.. God has taken home our darlings Placed our buds, among His owers. Taken back the children He sent us To 9. better home than ours. --Sadly missed by Mother, 12p Father, Sisters and Brotheri _._._._____.____..___._____.. GRANT--In loving memory of our ` little sons, Roy and Stewart Gr: who_fell asleep in Jesus Aug. I 1925 and Mar. 27. 1921. `(Ind `hon ..1..... -.--~-- - ,{._.._ - -u5nlIl`Ihl Mrs.` Alfred Cochrane and family, Midhurst, wish to thank all their friends for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent sad bereavement, also for floral tributes. 12c, Mrs. W. A. Dempster and family wish to thank their many friends and geighbors for kindness and sympathy! extended to them in their recent sad bereavement, in the death of Mr. Dempster. ` - - 12p RHODE ISLAND RED PULLET AND THREE ROOSTERS fnr Ianln Dvm-m auuxurl. unUtS'1.'.l:l.URNS'~ tor. 33.10-- My Herd Sire Royal Statesman 120732. a cholcely bred match! 11 by the Grand Champion Esoana qmpion" 95966, also L: 9 mgngzs ogd gilt` (a; nice by a ove u an our :1. {won , vu milking cow. ,0. W. Henry, Thor `ton. IvyDh9I_la`. T I 1-12) u 0 uuys --Mamrrla. and Daddy. ",""-"""'-""""` ` xuury U1. our IWO Grant. .Tn.I:ns: A no I14-In I I ' two anni- I II. a 5 L ml Buy at Home and See What Yo C. C. HINDS, President. uxu. cocxerels 1, 2 and 3, pullets 1 and 2; 1926: Cook 1st, hen 1, 2 and 3, cockerel 1, pullet 1 and 2, pen 1st. Eggs-Pen No. 1, $6 for_15; Pen No. 2. $3 for 15. Few yearling hens for sale. A. BROWNLEE, Box 477, Barrie. I , --------------------------4 I SUPERIOR WHITE WYANDOTTES y Winners of highest awards for six suc- cessive years at Barrie Winter shows. Limited numbersettings at $5 per 15. W. J. CROMPTON, phone 1153 I ANCONZAS, all star mating, $2.00 er I1 15 eggs; O.A.C. BARRED ROCKS, $1.50 per setting. . E . 'l`T-TnMA.q nnv 011 h--~~*- ANCONAS, 15 nrr,o'q- HA1` I ITLIVIL 1077.1. rnces. on aplication. I QUALITY CHICK HATCHERY HARRY MORREN. Owner I70 Collier se., Barrie. ~ Phone ' I ,,'_ v-.. jw-vi \alllIvl`lU Superior Quality. Chicks at prices that are consistent. See these before you buy. Barred Plymouth Rocks, =White Wyandottes, S. C. W. Leghorns. Prices. aplication. QUALITY CHICK I-lA'rt\|.n:nu recommends the following ` leading. shows, or w nu pct settlng. E. THOMAS, Box 711, -_:--.::-..-.-__.__..._j Hatching Eggs, Day-Old Chicks gnd Pure Bred Stock A THE BARRIE POULTRY ASSOCIATION r-nrnrnnnn-is H... c..n ----:- Day.o1d_pa13y_ _Chicks; -.g..:....n n.. _ Barrie. lg poultry breders who show who breed high-class bred-to-1 You Buy. Save Money 118!` 7, V [[ _ ` _, FOR SALE--One bronze gobbler. Ap- ply Mrs. Thos. Smith. Utopia, Ont.12p V u-.1--A.._ ____. . , I Chas. Lowe - Eggs for Hatching - Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks-, $1.50; Part~ nidge Wyandottes, $1.50; White Wyan- dottes, $1.50; White Leghorns, bred-to.~ | lay, $1.50; White Legh at Royal Winter Fair :2 M orns, prize birdsi . 7 __ _---.,. White Wyandotte eggs and: stock for sale, $3.00; Silver Spangled Hamburg I-':KlN DUCKLINGS Hatches, last week of April, 30c each: May, June and July, 25c each. Book now; orders taken in rotation. W. S. ROBB, Phone 680 or 1045J. DAMY-OLD CHICKS O. A. C. Barred Rock Ch1cks-the kind that makegood wintgar layers, 25c each or $20.00 per 100. Phone 1184. C. A T(T`.T.T.V7 10 I- ~~r ~` ..u.uu, vvnlte negnorns, 1 Winter Fair, $3.00. `Barred Plymouth Roks OF QUALITY A 15 an-g-__ THURSDAY,` MARCH 25, 1923. -T--Z---------- PEKIN DUCKLINGS 1. last won]: ni An..n on _- o..v.. per .. ..u.u. 1a.y era, aac eacn KELLY, 18 McDonald St nnuum m`LaANU RED PULLET '.I.`H1:{IEE ROOSTERS for sale. Phtzrge 1077 . g - '- v_ (til-III I c. c. HINDS and Get Satisfaction. ; --.1_ ._ -_ w successfully at the o-lay stock :- I'll ILKJ Members of tertained their a very pleasant the American I -ening. There w ent. Mrs. E. 0' prize for ladies was won by Mi. the men's prizes Caldwell and Th solution prizes of Ivy and S. J. FIRE BRIGAD . AT EU 'II__._L , For interview :1 62 Ross St. : B Cont:-2::-i-tr`), Vocali Eloc -. . .-.. --vv Singing, Speulii and Drzunut . ONE HEAVY BAY 'I-IORSE for sale. Apply to Chas. Campbell, Holly. 12p ---Z'j ca,`-u` ....._..__ , All EFKLUUS U1 " THEORY; \/H and SINGI.\'t: Organist a Collier Stree All grade; mt`-H I"I-TTFI\I)\'- \, 4 ul '1=.;;r-t-lain; .Residenc Servlce : Bat Piorace Will .ERED Sarjeai BARRIE J Phones 143 and English -Christi? 'Good (70 New Sui Good (In Aylmer ( SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGI-IORNS -Hatc`hing eggs from our pens of proven winter producers. Only yearling hens who are daughters of R.O.P. birds used as breeders. Setting $2; 60 eggs $5. 100 eggs 89. Oliver" Poultry Farm, Shanty Ba-y. , ' 10-1513. V has just out Ptt The Delto pictures h dress from Icing SUKI PHON PHONE Thonlpsn THUR` (`Sui : HATCHING EGGS for sale. S. C. Leg- horns. Ferris strain, headed_ by ' a. Campbell male. $1.00 for 15. Apply J. A. Caldwell, 149 Blake St., or Box 1008, Barrie. * - ___________._____._________..._..._ EGGS. FOR SETTING. $1.50 for 15. Bred from Ferris Single Comb White Leghorn direct. Best egg laying strain. Apply Albert Stephens, phone 194W, Allandal. ' . v ' 12c : J1. URICIVVGU T_ . ,-_. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. lay- ing strain, hatching eggs 15 for $1.25. postpnid. Baby chicks 200 each. In- quiries solicited. E. M." Stokes.. Mines- Cmg. M ` - 8-13p ---.-n....... __ punumu t'uxMUUTl'l ROCKS. heavy winter layers O.A.C., Holdsworth strain. Hatchimz eggs 10 cents each. Mrs. Hugh Calderwood, telephone 134.; ' .._.. SCOTCH SHORT 0RNSn for. }v1'y_iIi-I.e_xj(_l 8_ire_R0y 120762. . . BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. heavy, O.A.C.. Hnmnwnr-I ,-_- ROOM AND BOA-RD WANTED- Mother and son desire`-three rooms and board in quiet home. central location. Please state terms. Box D" Examin- er. _ 11-12b HOUSE WANTED to rent by May 1st: with four or five bedrooms and all modern conveniences. Apply Box "S", Examiner Office. 12c ~ c HOUSE WANTED TO RENT by . 1st, central; not less than 81 rooms: all conveniences. Apply, Box 819, Barrie, 11 1.l. IULIBL 1 phone 7. runaL.I.l.ULV waxvusu, driving car or truck or garage work; have had ex- perience in garage. Apply 129 Bradfgd St. 3) WANT TO BUY CHICKEN HOUSE, must be moveable. rmnd nnnmnm. .....: vvrxn 1. I1} ESL)! UHIUKEN HOU moveable. good condition at least 12 feet square. Harry Mor: `nhnnn '1 1- uvvu WAJ.V'1'.L`4`U--G-00d demand for fowl. Highest prices paid. Phone 384 -or write H. L_evit, Box 542. 10-151) V STILL HAVE a few good milk cows which must be sold at _o'n'c'e, as tarms rented; also 2 general purpose horses. and 1 sow due April 1. -Any person wanting. stock would do well to see` these as they are all In good shape. James Wright. `R. . 3. Battle. Phone 613r2. . , 12!) .______..____._______; SILO WANTED--Anyone having man- ufactured silo for sale kindly notify J. Duncan. Shanty Bay. RR. 1. 11-121) n POSITION WANTED, trunk nr Dnrdmn nm..n.. j BRANCH MANAGER WANTED--A 'life insurance company of the highest {standing desires to appoint _a. District ..Manager for the .County of Simcoe. Excellent opportunity for entering under favorable `conditions, a. constant- ly growing business field, where suc- cess is assured if you possess integrity, wcontidence and the ability 'to devote yourself whole heartedly to the work. .An excellent contract will be offered. Apply Box "N". Examiner Office. 12c M -:- SALESMEN WANTED-'1`wo` annea- men wanted to representethe London Life Insurance Comany. Salary and commission. Married men preferred. Must` be well recommended. experience preferred, but not necessary. A good future assured to men of ambition. AD-. ply F. M. Tyrreli, Superintendent. Ross Biock., Dunlop St. ~ ' I 12p "-: SALESMEN WAN'1`ED--WE went live men to. represent pa retailing our fast selling household necessities. All~year- roundproposition. Chanceto build up lasting permanent business. Protected territories. Write J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 61, Hamilton. Ont. 10-12p EXPERIENCED . HOUSEKEEPER wanted to do work for two men. in the. ' country. Apply Box M",vExamlnerOt- fice. ' v 120' . (LOOK GENERAL WANTED. no washing or ironing, good wages. Apply Mrs. Simon Dynzent, 72 High st., phone 111. ; L uu-cu um WUMAN WANTED in; work in country. near Stroud. Apply at this, 011109.. - ` 3.1420 GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED country. near` Stroud- Annlv 111- um. MAID WANTED for geixeral house.` Work. Annlv `Mr: Rrmmn -27 1:.....1n....a runm DIV.|`J.U H11URTH(`RN BULL CALF`. 11 months, roan. choice breed- ing. Few selected Leghor cookerels for sale. `J. C. Fraser. Shun y Bay P.O., nezu-_ Cratghurst. , 10-[lip aunxu vvALV'1'1su tor general house` work. Apply Mrs. Bryson, 27 Bradford St. . V 129 V v...,v.-v.-v-vw.-5-'5-,-1-wtz.-ww-Jill`?! Ono cent a. word, cun. each Inner- vdon (minimum charge. 25); 51:; In- Iertlons tor the ,,pz-ie at (our. 10 `until extra when charged; 3130,10- cents extra when replies are dh-octgd co Examiner Otce. Live Stock F or Sale ?oTIT.IE1TaT F -` ' ".*"'.'.".' ' 1 lo per word cash; minimum 250. E IIIIIOIOIOIIi0II 01091010101010: 0113 nan? n -n-ul an-h _--n. 4-... -Inn-In-I`-Ital-at-uni:-not-+liA- LADLET cownam , - SALE. brown, rising 8 500 lbs.. sound rrnn N !- Wm; Iluw. rxarry M1711`! Hatchery. Phone 7. utv, auuu UUHUIEIUII and Morten. 12p : uzuvvu, ru.-ung 6 sound. good No. 1.20 LJHQKB on nand Quality Chick - 12p To May seven h Aflnliv BO due to farrow T-Yarn-iunn `Dn- - 3, driving k! hnvn had. av- e. dark I gnnn A-._ >S.laken on hand -1' M'b|`r Jw nu. ueuvy | I-Ioldsworth nnnfa Anni- S |luI'I\ 0. Ap.- 12c `IUIIU 12c I C-KL lotfc. JJUJK 12p .......u. aauauvt. plUuS6'pOnO Q43 bet! 3 p.m., qr _-evenings, Classes will formed` on or 'before Aprllh 3rd. Me A. Watt, Burrowea Teacher. 1 i Parents `starting their. children with the Burrowes Course of `Music Study after Easter. please `phone 443 , before 3 or -evenings. Giana. mm su- ' LINDSAY PETERS, GARAC Caroline St.,` Allandale. kl: repairs, overhauling a specialty,` reasonable. Phona;805. ` M . ' U B131. and Dinar: WASHING AND IRONING home. Phone 460M. - j CLUCKING HENS' NEEDS care 01;. day-old baby cpiplgg .0: nan:-up .._..... In1_.,,,, .-.-uuu run uA1..m--L_ot.s 13. 8, Vespra. 100 -cultivation. 100 `acres bush, _and_' 30 acres pasture and also two orchards. house. bank barn. and good well on farm. Must sell owing to sickness. Apply to 122 Van - Horne St.. Toronto. A V 9-lop-tfc :11 --- I...` II I V I. -I - -`i FARM FOR SALE--L,ots Vespra, acres undnr.nnlH1n-1 --_-. FOR SALE-0ne hundred acres good rich soil. good buildings, well watered. orchards, furnace, phone, R.M.D., half mile from depot. school. church: any reasonable offer considered. Wright. Anten Mills. , _10-.15p . FOR SALE-50 acres land, hush and pasture, south west. quarter of lot 11, con. 8, Vespx-"a. some valuable timber. T. L. Munro. Barrie, RR. 2. 9tfc. V .. saws). lane rzsul. Out! dooz9.'b-a:'tiEiful spot. For further formation write W, J. Ambrose, Windermere Ave., Toronto. nuivuvuzit. RESORT FOR SALE; at Lake Simcoe, choice lake front lot, at Stoney Point, Letroy: Safe sandy beach." shade trees. lake right outside door. beautiful in- Ambrose, Windermm-n Ava 'l"nv-A-R4-A " T SUMMER RESORT Simcoe. nhninn lnlna -Fun-.-.4 1-4. EIUEH __ gvry Z111- FOR SALE-Hillside", the residence of Benjamin Lawrence. Bayfleld t; Will sell house with the lot it stands on; also 3 or 4. building lots nlcply sit- uated. or will sell property, as a. Whole. Apply on premises, 138 Bayfleld St .-..... DAum--'l-POOIHGG brick house. conveniences, oak floors, fire place, cistern, laundry tubs, wired for elec-. tric range, large lot. all kinds of small fruit, also three-66 ft. lots.-Apply 103 Clapperton St._, Barrie. l uuuunuvu I1nt1V' NB}ED 01'. chicks now. Harry Mldrren. Qtialiti Hatchery. Phmm 7. u w Lug Barrie. I _- .. FOR SALE-7-roomed brick conveniences. oak flnnm M... -1. M . ` V 7v` `V ' FOR SALE`--16 acres. beautifully locat-A - ed 11-roomed solid brick house. barn. outbuildings, one mile to centre of ----------------"' I F`0R' SALE-6-roomed bungalow and half acre in small fruit, half hour from Vancouver. all conveniences. Will exchange for `Ontario property. For further particulars phone 328 or Box 1054, Barrie. T 12p '--:-_ v-u;x--...'-: - nuumu FU11. sALE-8-roomed for sale with conveniences, hardwood floors, large lot. nicely situated. Will sell reasonable as? owner is leaving town.4App1y 66 John St. W. 12p , HOUSE FOR fnr an In nl-In EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE for sale, all conveniences, stables, henhouse, etc. Corner Wellington and Maple Ave. Make offer. Leaving vtown. Apply to `John Shepard. 123`17p T`l'l\Cvo-u-- _-_ I - I HOUSE FOR SALE-Wel1 built, eight- roomed dwelling. central and desirable locality-, Barrie.` Possession at once. Apply Mrs. J. P. Carr, 37 Toronto St Barrie. A: 12-143 _.... o FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE for sale- %, acre lot; good garage; light and water. Apply 249 Elizabeth St. or phone 482W. ' 5 10-160 DAY-OLD BABY CHICKS for sale-, Barred Rock guild laying strain. heavy producers. Apply J. A. Lennox, 2 North St.. phone 387W. V11-16c

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