THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1926'. Gillex quickly and easily dis- zsolves grease. Use a tea- espoonful of Gillex to a dish- ;pan of water. Made in E. W. GILLETT/C0. LTD. 'ronoN'ro_. CANADA SIJECESS |S_ YOURS l!i@*"1l vdishyraliofl/F MADE m cmggg 5 no VALUM BAKING POWDER .w. mu.a'rr co. rro. vononro, can. 1" When you use` gkwouloi hdme iovol it- ~M'~`= Pickwick / r, - . iv] A PRAYER, - 0 Thou Vvho art the Light, 01 the minds `- that `know Thee. -the Life of the souls that love` Thee. the Strength of the thoughts. that seek Thee. illu-_' mine our dark minds that we may Der; _ ceive .Thee:. vitalize our. souls; that we eternally live in 'I`hee;: energize our weak wills. that wexmay be strong to serve Thee. Thou art ininite.. We are finite. Because of our limitations we cannot comprehend the eternity of Thine existence, the greatness of Thy might, the perfection` of, Thy holiness. . Yet withal we yearn for Thee. Thou hast made us in ,'Thine image, living souls, spiritual beings, in some mea- sure like unto Thee, in some measure able to appreciate and_crave- for Thy righteousness. Thou has made us` for Thyself, and our souls are restless and can find no repose until they _rest in - heavens are higher than the earth, so Forgive us, we beseech Thee, for our petty and unworthy thoughts of Thee. Enable us to realize. that Thy thoughts are not our thought, neither are Thy ways ourways: for as the are Thy ways higher than our ways, and Thy thoughts than our thoughts. -Lift us-to serener heights and- a purer atmosphere. Open .our eyes that we I may catch a vision of Thy holiness. 1- -_u- ....._.... .... Inn vnownir urn hnunnnh `. % '5 By nev. Dr. 'Jrm_u-low Fraser .1. >10!-E>XOIOI0_I< `g$$&w&w&&&$i&&mg 5 Thee. ~ We acknowledge and `confess our _ many transgresions against Thy will and law; our sins of comm_issioI1.. and] still more our sins -of omission; Above, all we -deplore our unworthy` thoughts about Thee. We live. in a world of `she.- dows, and we think them the substance when they are only the shadow. We live in a world of the seen, and do not - realize that the seen is only the per- ceptible garment of the unseen. Be- cause of our familiarity with this world of the seen, by its standards we meas- ure the unseen. Because we are so familiar with thi world of the fallible and finite, by its andards we measure the Infallible and Infinite. We picture Thee as being interested in the trifles which interest us, as being humored by the attering lips which would at- ter us. - nl\|IrD`iIl\ nus urn kncnnnh Than fnr hill` Utlull. Ll ' Thee. 'f\ Hly UHLUII a Vlanlu UL :.u_y Ilvnnnlvwun Look upon us in mercy, we beseech Thee, and consider how frailpand feeble We are. The things about which we worry and distress ourselves may be little and unimportant in Thy great universe. But they appear greatand all-important in our small world. We are perplexed and distressed by them. Our shoulders are bowed by our bur- dens. Ourminds are distracted by -our` cares. Our` hearts are broken by our sorrows. Thou knowest our frames. Thou rememberest--'that werare dust. "Have compassion `on `us. we beseech Thee. Deliver us out of our distresses. if it be Thy will. Or if it be Thy will that we should'sti1l battle on. make straight our shoul rs to bear. make clear our minds to plve, make brave our hearts to endureajil of testing and all of trial Thou in Thy wisdom per- I mittest to come upon us. unnnw mm sweeten even the bitter 3 ` ! mittest to upon u. M Hallow and sweeten even bitter experiences of life by fellowship with Him who passed through the common. experiences of `common men. who trod life's thorny road and bore life's heavy cross. May no suffering seem too sore in the face of His sufferings. May no defeats dishearten us, when we know how He was defeated. May no ingra.t- itude be allowed to embitter our` nat- ures, when we remember the base in- gratitudeheaped upon Him. And when the very light seems extinguished from our lives, and nothing but hopeless, all-embracing darkness enshrouds us, may we turn to Him who wept and prayed in Gethsemane. VVho was crowned with thorns and nailed to the treegand out of His defeat snatched eternal victory. Refresh us`. by `Thy Spirit in the" chambers of private prayer and in the temples of public worship. From the noise of the market-places of life we turn aside to the quiet of our sanctuar- ies. _There may we. learn to appreciate the seen and unseen at their true val- ues. In these sacred places where the bl re of the world's noises is excluded. may we see the unseen. and hear the -unheard; and realize the eternal and un- changeable as we cannot in the din and shouting of life's battle. May they save us from the misapprehension of 'va'l'ues. `May they deliver us from weighing success or failure in the dead iron balances of profit and loss. May such places and seasons of prayer end out with a quiet of mind, a poise of u sirit and a courage of soul which will ......-.v.1.= `Ia I-n Rn mw dntv and nlav our Spirit and courage U1. 'dUl.u Wxuuu vvzu enable us to do our duty an play our part faithfully, bravely. resol tely, un- complalningly. looking only for _the Well done!" of the Master when the day s work is over. fhn eventide of the aged. work is Lighten the eventidee aged. Shelter from too scorching heat the .no`onday of strong men and women. =Sw\eeten with Thy gentle Spirit the `lusty morn of youth. Steady and,gulde all our footsteps so that we, having trodden our life's pathway to its last stage, may pass peacefully, hopefully, triumphantly into that other sphere where we shall behold Thy glory, and render to Thee perfectly that service which we have offered so falteringly and imperfectly here., . The ansnxrer fn rmr netitions We look /Lucuw, uyvuuu tempnn musin- rests an _sa.tise "This," `Mr. Pickwick would have exclaimed to the faithful Sam Weet, this is comfott!"` Il: this gle, a modern`, e too , y in 110:5: that still sg1eeA` thing of the pleasant, cos y at- mosphefe of the old c `n inns is 2. ``End' for the crave - weary visitor in a big city. ~ ~ Thewestminster has achieved -this mitaclel Large` enough to be convenient, `small enough to be sn_ug-perfect appoint- _/ments,` unobtrusive\serv1ce, , 4-x___ gun...` :0 l.IJ\l\Qk ists: am} ,satises} % _ . on-u bmurul tree-Ashadeclstrct, ct close to downtown attractions. ingle room with bath $2.50. Wben, you arrive in Tmnto ark for 4 `Di Lax: Cal: and-my "IVe:tmirmer VV ,nd lmperrecuy nere._ {The answer to our petitions Evgfyday Relizim '1ctory. .- . l Thy prayer )f nu: mm~1mt-n1ams: of life we |J}l\Jlll.Ll-I01 I \u `cpl. V ass, gcuisine-_--it soothes, _ ,L!_-_ `And ch_er1sh'ed p `Twi t sober boards, girt thick, "page .- THE FAMILY BIBLE arge, _ I I "With plain, squie text and igenefous it merge, , 4 . - T , _ ' lates, thrice sacred if *a&%%&&$&&$%%&*$***$$*&%%$ `>11. *1` : IN w9MAN's REALM : &i$w&%&&$*%*$%$$$$%*$$&$ llIII1it'UII-CIIIBLQVVI ylL|uD, gnu; L\4'\v u-Aw; un- First `0.13 its wealth of Holy Writ; Again for hands that forth it bore And oped it. to disclose its lore; _, Again for crypt, where long have stood: The-record of a house and blood. L ' VV ucu. Lqyullvq vv unwu` I-\a uyv`-.- --.. leaves, And all. the household gathered round, Fed on _the manna. of the sound. And in a. reverent circle there. ' Vv_Upon their knees, were joined in pray- DV`- ; O `eacetul moms, O gentle eyes!` `When fathex: waked_ to speech its; I `no tuna 'uyu.. u..u..- f...vv--, .. __- _,_, ,_ _ _ era: i AWith qua.verlng`age and chil1ood's i -fhrnnf VVILII quavvs Ana _u.,x. u..\._. .,....(..V... .. throat , | United in one common Anote. 5Close shut within this hallowed tome` We read the story of a home, | Here-lined is told beneath each -head Vvhen father, mother. children wed, ! ,Whokcam_e' to "bless sweet joys. and` 4- an ' - ' _._ ,VVllU Ua.1u_v.: nu uawuu nu`.-. ,,..,,..., ..--.. then -- fWith trembling and reluctant pen ` Slow added, e en as God decreed. - `The roll of [those who filled his ~need. Dear handg. that once its pages turned, Have gained "the rest they well had` an I-tuna nave snulcu uxu suns. uu,,y u-.. ...... earned.` ., - _ Dearhgorms that` once knelt 'side`b_v uuur Luruxa talus. ulluv uuu... ........ ...,, side. ` Have strayed afar, are scattered wide; The cve,rsshow the printef years, ` `The records yield to time and tears: `But in its majesty of truth * The text preserves eternal youth! -Edward L. Sa,bin.j .,w-._ \Jl'lUl'\\.IrIu-|- vun-v._. nu- . . The Churchill Junior Institute met] at `the home of Miss Tena Rogerson on! February 25 with eight members and 1. three visitorspresent. T A lnffnvv may read frorn Miss A. J-! three v1s1tors_present. ` A letter was read from Miss J.; Gauley, Matron of the Travellers Aid; House, 341 Jarvis St., Toronto, thank-' ing the Junior Institute for the _auto--] graph quilt which was given to " ' Minn l\/l':arv Sloan gave 2. sp endid! graph quilt which was glven w .- Miss Mary Sloan gave sp endidl paper on window boxes and perennial borders. Miss Eva Allan read a clipping! -She always expects to win." The rolli call was answered by each memberl giving My favorite flower. I `Dov .1 , MnEwen gave a splendid, My tavorlte mower". Rev. _J. McEwen gave splendid, address on_ Homeand .,country as our high ideal and the stranger within our gates. This was followed by a spelling match, after which lunch was served.- ` n U|-UVV=. vvvmu..n The Women's Institute met at the V Inn`:---w._ home of-.Mrs. Wm. Beardsall on VVed- ` nesday, Feb. 24, with 11 members and 4 visitors present. Officers all present. After the openingexercises and min- utes, the roll call was answered `by suggestions for remodelling `worn clothing. A question drawer was con- ducted which brought out some inter- esting discussion. Mrs. W. Hayes, a visitor from the Edgar branch, gave an excellent paper on The Value of Ex- ample ,in the Home for Children." Pa.- pers were also given on modern dress and an~account of Marion Keith's re- cent trip to the Holy Land. - p The social tea. hour was much en- joyed. March. meeting will be held at the home of Miss M. Gearns. I`lI'\I' && rI-- Two cupfuls flour, four tablespoon- fuls baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, two tablespoonfuls shortening,` three-quarters cup milk, maple sugar. `Sift dry ingredients. rub in short- ening, add milk gradually until dough is soft enough to be handled. Roll out to. half an inch" in thickness and cut in rounds. Brush half the number of biscuits with soft butter and spread with finelir grated maple sugar, put- ting each ogether with another round which iszunbuttered and unsugared. Bake in" greased pans in a hot oven I twenty minutes. . Ul-|UlUU I an cu-uuwn .......- Half a. cup of chopped celery, half a cup of minced tunafish, one-fourth of a. teaspoon of salt. one tablespoon- ful of chopped green and red pepper and one-fourth of a. cup of mayonnaise. This should be. used as "filling for` white bread sandwiches. cut very'thln, and preferably shaped with a cookie nu!-far . uuu p: cutter. : Cl`-IHUROHILL JUNIOR ms'rI'I',UTE ___-|_xI1 1.`....8.-... `l'na4~{+nl-n rnnf foxf because of te love `Thou hast shown us in -Jesus Christ our Lord. Au-nan BIIU `V II Amen. CLOWES WOMEN'S INSTITUTE , -rl-v-.__.....I.-. 1-..gH+n+ rnnf 511* the Forecasts the New Cardinal Cain- L Frock TH`E'shou1t}:erTcape and the coat dress are T the beggznniixg of the sartoriagwidom that yfxll express itself in cape efsenubles for ' the Spring. ' They are absblutely the last A letter of the word chic. There are shoul- . (L;-r capes, back capes, long capes and cape insembles. For a young girl} thetshoul- r.-rvcape~on at cdzit dress makes one `of the 5.. urtcst outts for the street. It is made in ighterwool niaterialseand the heavier .92.. s andfsatins. " K{_1.s1__1a. in\the reddish pin; of Winter rose, cashmere in cr$'stal - 3--.~;a /_. covert cloth in covert eolor mid 1.; gszxxgcgeise awe DELICIOUS TEA SANDWICHES _ -5 ..I.........n.I nnlcnntr I19] MA LE BISCUIT _ n_--.. J-..`| in: mutual; EXAMINER -w--_-...- vwv---u-u-w --war-uuuvuvqn. The regular monthly meetingof the [Guthrie Institute was held at the home _of Mrs.` Charles Hastings on Feb. 11, Iwithfourteen members and five visit- ors in_attendan_ce. This branch interids having the summer sneaker. Collection, $1.55. At` thebusiness meeting it `was decided to give prizes at the carnival, to give prizes at the cake contestgwhich x is to be held by the young girls, white cake required. A First Aid kit is to be got for No. 7 and No. 17 schools. ! ' Mrs. E; Izeve gave a paper on The ..- 0-- _~- V. . .....`.. --V. .-.- uvnnvvcuo fhorne as.a community centre" which "was enjoyed. by all present,`-M1ss.rF.' Hastings played an instrumental. `There was a spelling match and roll call was answered by What I first remembered and when". The meeting iwas closed singing community . songs. After the. meeting Mrs. Hastings` served a dainty tea. "Plan nnvf vnnnncr url kn hold an (Inn SUIIVUU. 5 ua.uu.y L331. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Campbell on Mar. 11.iTop1c by Mrs. Duncan -Mccuaig, \ IFurnishing and Decorating" the Farm" I Home, contest in cake making by the igirls; roll call, a' potato recipe. u I To whiten clothes that have become yellow, steep them overnight in luke- warm water, and in the morning wash them in clean soapsuds. Then put them in the boiler with cold water, some pieces of soap and a teaspoonful of powdered borax. Boil for twenty min-' utes, rinse immediately, and let them lie for another night in clean, -cold water,` to which a little powder-edrborax `has been added. You will find that this twill remove all traces of yellow. GUTHRIE WOMEN'S msTI'ru1?E- :. II\I_ _ _-__-_I_._ __ _._LI, 1, Nbinca TO SECRETARIES or WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS The Examiner is desirous of; having reports of meetings and activities of women s organiza- tions for Women s Realm. Se- cretaries of vWomen's_ Institutes and other Societies are requested to kindly send such reports` promptly, as their news value decreases if these are delayed. In order to be inserted in "Women s Realm such reports SHOULD REACH The Examiner -by MONDAY .NIGHT. Secretaries are asked Ito please bear this in mind. 9tf. TO ITEN CLOTH ES Polish leather` chair _sAeats with castor _ Lemon `juice will 1-emovve rust from oil. _ ' linoleum. T E A. i Em A The exquisite avor of Salada is `produced by the expert `blend- /ing or `the choicest teas grown. The Perfect Blend THE CANAIDA smncu co.. LIMIT !-ID `. . ' v MONTREAL Eons svmrp . Buy Advertised Things.