W5: may E! `the nfna \ Barrie V` Newmarket A. Woltenden . ~ J. E. Murphy M. Robertson F; Chantler A. D. Simon - ' , ' W. A. Brunton S. Meredith, 14 A J._ Y, Broughton 5` Churchill - ~ Orilliay ` J. Lucas `Dr. W. H. Brown H. Stevens Dr. A. I-Iarvie J. Relve ~ Dr. Wainwright .- |VV. Boive, _8 Ceon George. 12 Barrie - J. 0. Scythes A H.- E. Jory J. R. Dler - W, Hrlienned V R. Sugherlend, 11 _Ce.p_t. .1-Indson; 7 , V.Berr1o,L':; .. W ' H . 5 19- M9"'1k,: 91:12 1`; ' In 1 V _ .AQ.:.,Q. 1.8;. A My Relye, ` W. Luesby H W. Clapman S. Findlay W. I-Irxenne y,_13 F Echlin. s p 11 ~ Styoudd * Midland J. Banks. W. Wallace M. Hunter 3 G. Hill 0. R. Black H. McGra.ttan. Ben Webb. 9 Capt. -McL enna.n, 17 V Battle 1 .' Colllngwood aj.\KnowIee . ~ K. Nettleton `- < . Woodman . A. '1`. White A. Mottatt `. A. Dillon. , `G. D. Hubbard, 8 `A. H. Chalmers. 15 - . St:-oud 7 V Midland , ' J. Latlmer .. - - .D., Hudson V 'W. J. Sxnythe . W. I-Iewson J. L Manx-ow ` Fred Hill` `: \'Seoond'i.ound* . I _ , ` Barrie, Thiatleg, , Damn`; Cookstown . Earri;a l`ht|t)loI` Bdntb : 13.1`; Ga:jggtt.` 3 Katy I-look. ck. i1_4' 40111118. n.'Ln -1 Newtrxt-irket xlstles . Cnnrcmu 5k. 6 M. Reive, skip_ 2L0 ustles Barrie A ,sk.5 H. Arnold, skip 15 capital '- Barrie Thistles xey, 8 `Rev. J. S. Shortt. 12 J. G. S-c-zott ~ D. F. Mccuaig ` R. Lowe _ H. Arnold, sk. 12 W.` Stewart -R. Lucas G. Reive M. Reive. sk 12 John Baker ` . "Rev. Beveridge _ T; McKnight 3 R; J. McAfe'e. - Barrie Thistles Dr. R. Richardson E. A. I-Iartt A. Hamlin 1.8` J. D. Milne. 10 bl -us--.... W. Wlce ` ' ' L. Black ` V W. Latimer L1 R. Webb. 10 Barrie Thistls E. T. Emms Fred Sarjeant . Bert` Robertson -D-.. 1' Q Rhnrtt 1 ` Eimvale Geo. Fleming E. Simpson W. J .- H111. n` Vlhn-or nl(_ A. E. Bryson T. Kissock ' Rey. Greenslade Dr. Lewis, '16 T W. J 1-nu . Dr; Tyrerf, ._sk. 10 G. Tuer . R.` Hurst - WI F. Knight 12. H:"B"2:<->;vn I-Iarvie a. par- of Bur- t.: Dun- -th' sc.: link" be- - Severn - by-law A Office . F11-\nnI'I!. Ifran Brown, 10 - Cookstown Clarksburg Churchill '1`ho1:n_h1l_l, Barrie ` Stroud Barrie 13 145.00 863.00 801.86 16.14 .128.10 303.10 54.58 115.18 18 - Chur'c1iil1 L` ` ornua _F:.AV1la.n,ak. 7 Ed. Hinds. `skip %1o - Barrie ' f _ Ormia &M.eredith.sk. 14 (3. George, skip .4 Barrje ' ` Mgdland W'.H.Kennedy. 13 Capt; McLenn9.n, 10 Collingwobd T .. Stroud A.H.Cha.lmers, 18 R. `A. Sutherland. Q5 ` Barrie Ba.rrle'1`histles H. Arnold, sk. 7` Rev. J. B. Shortt. 14 T 'rm_ra Round , - L - vs`. .._a. Llllnu uvuuu '- .Barr_l Thistle: ' ' Bhrrle _R..P. Merrick, 11 G. 0, Came!-`on. sk.`8 1 Barrie -I Orillla. I-Iq.rry1Hook,_sk. 7 Ed.` Hinds, skip 9 _ Barrie Barrie S. Meredith, sk.-1 W. H. Kennedy, 12 - 4. 1-1,, _,___-_1 13---!` 'I'VInlnIInu- Q. Jn.Ul.`cuu.u, an. -3 vv . 55. ..-.........._, , __ Collingwood `Barrie Thinnes- R`. H. Cha.lme1`T,`6 Rev. J. S. Shortt. 11 , Sem_!-Finals" - 4-s..nI.|- ` QVua_I- G` noauvny Barrie Tillstles . Orlllia ` ` R. P. Merrick, 8 Ed. Hinds. skip 9 Merrick .' . . . . . . . .. 111 010 100 0l2- 8 Hinds . ,~. . . . . . . . . . 000 202 01]. 3'00-- 9| 7 , Barrie ` Barrie Thistles , W. H. Kennedy, 9. Rev. J. S. Shortt: 10- Shortt . . . . . . . . . . . 100 001` 200 204-410 Kennedy . . . . . .. 011 110 022 010- 9 _. . | 111 010 100 U1Z-- B .D|-VWG-I-95 DI-Viv -M--~u---.v ----- v- 000 9 Spring is just around the corner; of B-am,-18 Barrie course you are invited to help us greet 3 this first breath of spring. The shortest W'H'K"dy'9' Rev` shrtt7 10 month of the year hasojust come in. Shortt ......... .. 001.200 b t h t F b 1 k 1 1 t it Kennedy .... nI ak ip :'3.'3 $3- Z?n5:u's. ith us _ _ Fina` ' hoge fit maly bciatiiaviitsh .t1Kitti{itsis1:inshin(ci>. ornua. 7 - Barrie Thistles an `"39 W 3 F W 3 9"` Jr. 15\ Rev. J. :4 ,:2*::21:::;S;e$:z:*,::v`:e:nf:at;r::$2:s Hinds . . . . . . . . 212 000 012 010 501-15` pile is growing and how low the coal Shortt . 000 323 200 201 010-14 bin is getting. A Piay-Of! for 8 and 4. V - . T Barrie Thistles ` - Barrie OHAHRMEN OF COMM`?-rEE3 . R. P. Merrick,~13 W. H. Kennedy, 11 FOR BARBIE KIWANIS CLUB Merrick . . . . 002 101 014 202-13, T Kennedy . . . . . . . 310 010 200 040+-11 Programme-D.vH. Coleman. ~ - ------- . -_--- I " Membership--Geo. S. Mc_:C_onkey. CONSOLATION First Round V Oriliia Hospital G. A. Downey, 16 Elmvale Barrie Thlstles S. W. Moore, sk. 3 ~ Alliston W. F. Knight, 18 Thornhill Barrie Thistles M. Pegg. skip 15 J. _D. Mi1ne,- skip 5 Churchill Midland W. Nob1_e,.skip 13 L. Laurandeau, .- ` Barrie Barrie Thistles 10 A Newmarket ' Churchill" . J. R. Y. Broughton, 6 V. Reive, skip 11 Thornhill. Stroud F. Echlin, skip 10' B. Webb, skip . 11 Second Round Cookstown Cookstown 'H.Leadlay, sk. 12 R". J. McAfee. sk. 10 Bradi3ord Clarksburg-;' . D. Nolan, skip ,9 I. Brown, skip 7 A `Stroud Alliston . R. iWebb, skip 13_ W. F. Knight, sk. 6 Churchill Oril1ia._ F. Allan, skip 8 Cecil George, skip 9 F Thornhill `Churchill M. Pegg. skip 6 W. Noble.-skip 10 Barrie . ' Churchill C. H. Beelby, sk. 8 V. Reiye, skip 11 Stroud _Midland B.'Webb, skip, 5 Capt.- Hudson, 1 12 Orillia Hospital -Barrie G..A.Downey, 11 Dr. Lewis, skip 7 ' Churchill Barrie Thistles M. Reive, skip 18 R. F. Garrett, sk. 7 Midland . Stroud Third Round 1-u,,_` 33-..: Cookstown p Barrie Colts I-I.Leadla.y, sk. 12 Russell Duff. skip 7 Cookstown ` Clarksburg R. J. McAfee,_ 14 VG. H. Mitchell, sk. 8 3 A Orillia. ` Bradford V I C.McConkey,sk.'9 D. Nolan, skip` , 11 - Clarksburg Newmarket. V Ivan Bro_wn,sk.10 G. A. Binns. skip 8 . Stroud ` Bradford R. Webb, skip 21 .Rev. Creighton, 12 V .Ba.rrie ' Midland- G.`D. Hubbard, 9 F Capt.` Hudson, 10 C. H. Beelby, 18 H. M. Lay. skip 8 Dr. Tyrer, skip 3 ' Capt. McLen_nan, 9 R. A. Sutherland 13 ' u.....l. __ ' ';1:x'rch1ll H " `Mid1ar{d V. Relve,.sk., 3 ~ Capt. Hudson, 14 ,_ 0r1ll1a`Hospltal `V Churchill ~ _ G. A. Downey, 11_ M. Relve, skip 10 Orlllia. Stroud _ 0. George. sk. 12 }R. A. Sutherland. .7 Barrie Barrie ` Arnold, skip 7 `G. 0. Cameron, 15 ""--`-"- ntII|I 11.. csruunu, nnayl u \Jo \IO v.~..-..- ..--, __ Barrie - - - Barrie I-I. Hook, skip 8 S. Meredith. sk. 15 J: van. I-In avvu-nun. Bradford stroud - D. Nolan, skip 11 B. Webb, `skip, 8 Midland ` ` Orillla. Hospital Capt. Hudson, 8 G. A. Downey, sk, 1Q Orillia. ' Bax-ri_e . -G. Geor'ge, sk!p 12 G. O. Cameron, 8 Barrie . . Collingwood S.Mered1th,sk. 11 . A. H. Chalmers. 4 V Semi-F1n'a.l _ _ r\..nu.. 1'}-..-.l&nI uzuuu County ebru!'y,.. Bradford - T Orillla i-Iospital D. Nolanfsklp 8 G. A. Downey, sk. 7 ` Cecil -George of Orlllia. defaulted. to S, Meredith of Barrie. T ' 1<`ma1 , Barrie Bradford . S. Meredith. s_k. 19 D. Nolan, `skip 10 Meredith ..... 410 220 010 540-19 Nblan `oo2`9o1' 101 oo5-1o GRAVENHURST UNITED CHURCH oasmovao av FIRE. SATURDAY The United `Church, Gravenhurst, waeburned to the groundnut 3 o'clock. \ Saturday morning. The building was; of frame construction. Three organs and all the equipment-were consumed in the fire. which was caused by an overheated furnace,` and was first not- iced by e. neighbor. who was awakened Irnr an small of smoke. The local fire` iced by neighbor. wno was uwunexluu by the smell of smoke. brigade confined their efforts in sav- ing the adjacentibuildings, as the tire "inside the church had gained great headway. - . . Insurance to the amount ' of over `$4,000 was carried. A new building will kn nu-an!-A11. $9,001: was I. be ,erected. 'Ul1\lVVIj bIl"Ii>-9 nun: ..... .._ The biggest year in the history of the Crown Life Insurance Company was recorded In the report for 1925 presented at _the annual meeting held at theVHome Office in Toronto on Feb. 1-4 _ llrl. IuIlUV.I.L\lll_lV VJI-.n\a\; ... -.. -- -..__- -__ 1st. o - Marked. increases in all departments of the Company's business, a. low mor- tality among policyholders, and a. high-' ly satisfactory interest `rate earned on investments teatured the report. The rapid growth of the Company was ln- dicated byvthe, fact that business had. doubled in the -past` four` years, and quadrupled in the past eight years. 5x A . PENNY BANK . e_ `Average monthly deposits. in the "Penny Bank made per pupil attending Barrie public schools in the months of November `and December last -was thffteen cents. according to figures re- cently recelveti. The average by schools man` mm: Georze 18 cents. King Ed'- cently YGCQIVOG. '.l`n8 average Dy uuuuuxp wag: King George 13 cents. King wa.rd.17, Prince of Wales 13, Victoria . 12- Barrie deposits; in November were 8227.12 as coxnpez-ed with $181.85 in November _. 1924 aincl 7 $216.09 in=Nove'm;- ..>...~.1on -"'.`l'n Dacamberv denoaits were ~.38(6..5_6.Aq.ga.1nat. uumuu anu uu.ou an the` same month, 1n'the- two nrecedins nuns. ;. . .r `hxh.L;_.Ju A E:>"ln tJ-' hon Cookstow_nm 1 Bradford Lead1a.y,sk. 4 D. Nolan, skip fiinuunklll uuaulayyon. 1 ac. av--mu, ..---,. Strqud . Churchill ' Webb, skip 11 W, Noble, 'sk1p ___'__-I_xII `liinn ' ` .1924 ct $216.09 1n~"1`Joveu1; I!;"et:~y=1$`;)g"In Dgagmber deposits were .;g5`,5s,t against $108.06 and $217.88 in .'.u.~ .'..m`. month in that two nrecedinlz cnowu LlFE'S NEW Raconb -'11.- I..l`........-`L -pnnun In 6113 hlnfnrv tles barrle 13 W. 002 040+-11' I:`ourth Round E1... PENNY BANK _4I.I__ Final ~ 11-u: I-znmmzn P.416.91 ISUI i-Ios;)1ta.l A T11-u-lvntnr 4:`! 7 "i3:-.dford r\1ru In uIr`v\ vwnv u......`., ` Midland Anna 11' 10 Jvxuuxoxoxon-x_< Lw&&&a%m&%m%%wm| Buick of Lbreburn. Safsk" is` s`p'en'ding a. week with `relatives here- Trinity United Church W.M.S. will meet on Wednesday afternoon. Feb.` 10. . `la: and Mr: Wm `Kennndv nf Al- . lee well meet on weunesuay uueruuuu. reu. .Lu. Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Kennedy of Al-' landale visited recently with M1-.. and Mrs. Marrow. , . A Inhn A nrhntf has I-Ahn-ned MP8. l\.8.!'!'OW. , Mfs. John A. Corbett has returned home after visiting in` Barr!e~with Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson. mt... 1:7 1' "I"hnI-nnnnn and lnnr nlnfm-y and Mrs. 14. J. SIIIIDSOII. l Mrs. W. J. Thompson and_her sister.` Mrs Kennedy, spent last week with friends` in Aurora and Toionto. Mm. Wells Fletcher was in Stayner " Mrs. Wells Fletcher was Stayner tr1enos~ In Aurora. anu 1'u::uuw. oi1'Frida.y attending the funeral of her` uncle, the late _Robert Ross of Bxramp-| inn I |-IIII./I ton. ton. . q - Miss McKinnon, the vCon'ti'nuation|_ School. teacher, had the misfortunebne; day this week to be hurt on the ice, T while skating. At present she is`con- `finfed to the house. . ' `n Q4-gum:-Q ha: 9 _'|'nv-anv `Rigel: `nnea to tne nouse. J. . D. Stewart has a Jersey Black Grant hen which. the other day. laid an egg measuring 8%, ins. by 61/5 ;_ins., and weighed 4 ozs. This eggcan be seen in Stewart's store`at.,an_v time. ' " _,g,, __ 2_ .l___L _..-.._.l LI... ..A..-.Au. 4\C C.N.R. and Merchants battled to a. 8-3 tie last Thursday night in a. Town League game. Dobson for C.N.R. and Osborne for Merchants were the stars. League Sta`nding- Won Lost Tied _ C.N.R. - Merchants `` Professional Men Bankers FIE!-FIIVVJ IIl|- I III-rlualln-In .A certain preacher once talked for over an hour on the four Greater Pro- phets, and then; when his exhausted congregation thought he was finishing. he took a. long breath, turned a. fresh page, and, leaning over the pulpit, sa : - NTKT.-. -nnur nnnnn fn 4|-an rnnrn 'r-nrnnlnv 88.10: ` We now come to the more complex question of the Minor Prophets. First, let us assign them their proper order. where brethren, shall we place Hosea?" ' ` An henna-lkla -nnoan in (>1-no `hard: nnurl able to sighted nuseaz ' 1. An irascible man in the back new` rose, took his hat and stick. and said. as he departed: Place him here. if you want to. I'm going." P:-ogramme-D. Coleman. ' Mcconkey. Att`enda.nce-R. _P. Merrick. ` Reception,-W. J. Cralg. House--'-H. J. Twiss. . Finance--I-I. A. Sims. Educat1on--L. J. Simpson. Agriculture-.-I. C. Marritt. Publicity--W. E. Weegar. A3 Inter-city Re1atlons-F. Livingston. Public Affair-s-J. A. MacLaren. _ Business Methods-S. W." Moore. ' Class1flcatlon-F. I-I. Hurlburt, Boys` Work-W. 0. Walls. `\4 Sports-J. F. Waxenica. Entertalnment--E .` C. Codling.~ Laws and Regu1ations-C. B. Jeffs. Grievance-H. E. Jory. , `A V HELPING 'n-u=._ PREACHER TOWNWLEAGUE I-IOCKEY _.... u up, __LA`__1 ` Too Good For Poor Printing % i When your printef, with a shrug of his shou1d_ers, sayis,AI can t turn` out the job at that price, give a little consideration to his opinion. If he has been your printer for quite a while, and has giren you good work, {air service and charged moderate prices, don t hand over the orderto some other printer merely} because his estimates appear to save you _a few cents. V-. IIl.21_) - U5 u_1a'g JUUI ylll-lurl uuv A-5w-vu v-- ------ - , d , extg pres/s work or better typogra-p_hy. The few cents more he wants you to pay may mean; the dierence between good printing and poor _;)rinti~- .'.u, p; U- of pay- : Of the. e Town 13.000.00 * '- -:a non. `mt .i .. No good printer can afford to turn out his work at a loss. t And if he is a goodtprinter, he will not attempt cheap work, because he knows that the result will not be consistent with his standards. _ Your printer has a reputation hemust maintain; your firm has a standing which should :not be` lowered by the appearance of your printed matter. it may be that ydr printer has` gured on morecostly material, I V .. - 1 `A '1 _n7{,- L-__._........`|.... Tka Fatty r~A`n+c fI If\`l'F hp. A NEW ANGLE To THE V ' FRESH-AIR ARGUMENT There isn't any argument about` it, said a. friend the other day. For all-year round driving-facing rain and now, well, there's .nothing~that can neompete with the. closed car. -n:_- a..:.....,: I`.-vuc`n'9~ 1-lo-hf and vnfl _Uu1upcu: vvsuu '|.uw. ucvuvu ya... I . My friend is'p`e'rfectIy right, and yet there are nearly as many open cars on the road as cldsed cars. Why? Be- cause those driving open cars prefer the God given clean air that peps them up for the daily grind. No sir! These touring and roadster drivers have put two and two together. Not only do they ride their fresh-air hobby but actually save money in doing so. Here is their reason. V ' 17 - _-__a.....!.. _..... AF vv\r\v1n1r` to spend tor a. car. 1: ne uuys a. Uxuacu car he will pay two-thirds of the a- mount for the engine and chassis and the other third for coach work. Where- as, if Jones buys an open car he will be able with the same amount of money `to buy a. car of higher -class, a. more powerful motor, longer wheelbase, stronger chassis, heavier construction and possibly a more easy riding car. ].'UdUllo Jones has a. certain sum of money spend- for car. If he buys a. closed r-av hp win nav two-thirds LOWERPRICES '11- I-JUH rm ,l;ot UUII "' [is to hang I-i`ifrcuI; o_xa lyA\(Ladi`es.) . . . ; . . lggucel ...... . ; ..... . . n-_1.1--_| 1'_-::;\ ksasgea 115;,` 1}: ti. 1 1 Latest Styles in Marcelling -IOr_~Marc e1ler:-has`j just Treturned from taking a special course in o_r'o`n'to.` Douglas Hairdressing Parlor _Bdi1ingf_-I;3!;eefv . Good Pot Roast . Goo d`_Roas't . . . . . . BISHOP BROS. Phone 878 SELLING OUT "T`A large quantity of Beef that we purchased. By Erwin Grer [SS may are going to atsbig reductions. v(During_February,. Mafch and April). 3 Clapperton St. : Five Points l5c_ 18c But particularly is Jones interested in a. better motor. He concludes that after all the motor is the heart of the car and that most of his money should go into getting the best motor possible for the money he has to spend.` 1'1 . 5.! .... an Admin; 1174317` 1"? hiq Iirnit I0!` U18 IIlUI1|::,V nu Lrcu: LU apcuu. He figures this Way: If his limit was a. flivver roa.dster'why he would buy that and feel satisfied. But if his financial range included a. flivvex` se- ldan, he could purchase a. better car in on nnnn mnnl fnr the E31118 monelr. 1 dan, could purchase better car 1n an open model for the same money. Henry might dispute this argument. but you get the general theory of tha thing and` that is a_.11 I am trying to put over. `Rut the ladies-God bless `em! They put But the ladies-God all want beautiful coach work and `protection for that skin you love to touch. And they figure that if a closed car is handsome why naturally the motor that goes with such a machine is sufficient. And it is; there's no ques- tion about it. But on the other hand it you feel as I do and you're not Henry the Fifth-'and your wife not the other four fifths-why a good. motor, next to a good wife, is Nature's greatest gift to those of you who like to be outdoors. Read The Examiner and get` all the local and district news--$2.00 a year. T-"Bone Roast . . . . Round Steak . . . . . Sir_1oin anl_ P9rte`r- tric ers, tars" CF33 '71&3JstaE . `Pisa of the ttend- - t a by- 1 of the Simcoo 26, pro- nf nav- [III have rate n n'n on er an- ht? is dis-` ch the Lead.-;2 F SUIIIU cook: h. Let M BAG 336. n the by A. detect r.Vv.-'5"-*'-"- - - -, - - .- -- _ ._ _. -Ted` Winsr spent; a few thy; ig- d 0 ` ' ' 3l.. I._n(`!:g!:a hf Khumton in 1:11 | ce l`\j(u1s. ,1 or `liiugstonjs thf guest of.Mrs. J. F. Pulling.` Mm-` Varnon Plummet" mom: a. few ulnolyw rmer e Co. barge went est. olesura. a. L`. ruumg. 4 v Mrs.` Vernon Plummet spent a. few days in Toronto .during the past` kt `V . wele:....`..- 'PhI(hi nf uullnnvv in nnnnda I` V -rI:.I\ouunI.;a '- w%&w%%&a&&&w$m: week. `V - V Bru'ce_Ridd1l of Sudbury is spend- ing a_ week with his sister, Mrs . H; R. Tomlinson. _ ` - ' Arthur S. Monkman -of North 3: ; I8 visiting at the home A of Thou. Dlnin Wluunhnhh Qt, . ' is Visiting the"l-{<')":':'1e'A_of `1`liiis_L .G.-` Blain, Ehzabebh St. T Rev. J. A. MacDonald of Kingston retrhed ~tb)'"week after a visit wit}; hisuson, Neil MacDonald. n .1 Wand, Raveld 812.- wha- his son, men mucuunuzu. _ Mrs. F. J. Wood, Bayeld St., was- called to Toronto last week owingto the illness of. her daughter; 1m... Anni- Mnttammn 1ma'1-nturnad 1fat.ner,_ U01: IIUUUB vi. Iuuuvuugu Bhihp Love went to Toronto on Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of the Ontario Fairs Association. I.'4......u+ (1 Marks. Inn nf Mr- and the Illness 01, nor uaugvnwro V Miss Annie` McKenz1e has retumed to Thornton after 3 ending three eks with friends*in arrie. - wen ... Wrnnh W{nnmnh' and Min Ir- weexs Wltn Irlenuuzu Duuiw. Mrs. Frank Wiseman and Miss Ir- ene Preece are visiting the latter : father, Col. Preece of Penetang. A ~m.:1:.. T.nvA want 1-. Tnrnntn on of the Untano rmrs nnauuxuuvn. Ernest G. Marks, son of Mr. and `Mrs. J. W. Marks,'is improving nicely a=.r.e::..a2s*::i`::`.3::: :mS:i,`2;,. after an Operuuuu nu` ay_Iyv|I.uu;|v.u:. A `number of Barrie people are in Toronto today attending the wedding qlygtgh`. Jack Boys to Miss Katharine County Treasurer _D.\l-I. Coleman is in Torontoithis weekattending "a meeting of the; Municipal : Bankers Cor oration. `* V v iss Irene Wilson, nurse-in-train-C King in the Toronto Hospital for Sick ' Children, is spending her. holidays at her home here. V Anv| (`.nnnnn+nI0 '|n*H'. nn Wdu xplr- t 815 rlbers eficlt. fhn. EEK? u 'p\:B1v|u4 Pac1c Rawax 1:! IV _ ' nmn Pacic uanwag, r F. G. Camp ell, County Engineer, went to Toronto today (Thursday) to present his annual report to the Dfartment of Hig'hways.' . - -- H 11- Jam: -mm: nailed on her home nere. ' Allan Carpenter left on Wednes- day morning for `St. Louis, Mo., `to _t_-._akg _ g p_ with the Missouri- De artmenu OI rugnwuya. A rs. C. B.` Jetfs. was ca ed onl Wednesday to the bedside of. her fat ther, J. A. Brandon Drayton, wvhq id in his 89th year an very ill. _ 1\A':..a 1' Ti`. `("1111-win R_N.. and MiS8' IIHUL U: can -------v-- -_--.v ._V -7, .. and Miss J. E.` Currie R.N., and Miss" Dorothy Otton, -R.1\3.,` who,went to New York City last. month have both secured ositions on the s a of the Rockefel er Research 'Hospital in that city. ' _ Mr. and.Mrs. C_enrad Lloyd of De- troit, Mich., are visitors at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Percy Lloyd, where Conrad` is con- valescing after a recent operation in a Detroit hos ital. - ` Mr. and rs. Fred Marr went to Toronto for the `week-end, where Mrs. _Marr will remain for the month of February. They celebrated .the forty-eighth anniversary of their ......:A.'..... nu Qn+.nwlnv_ ' wedding on Saturday. ` W. C. Richardson, R. G. Richard- son, C. M. Hickling, 'Ste1`v'}1en Gard- ner, W. Kellett and rs. Henry Dunsmore attended a meeting of the stockholders of the Gowganda-Dug- gan Silver Mining Co. held in Tor- onto last week. i - 1m. A M... .Tnmnn Lauder of Ed- 'munsmw, ranqnhnv 4,1920. last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Lauder of Ed- V garv announce fthe engagement of their daughter Margaret Elizabeth (Bessie), to r. Frank Ewart Bur- .....mh..n. vnunszest son - of Mr. and \ \ \\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ ~ \ \ \\ \ 357.65 ,269.86 83.05 3 85 53100 (Bessie), to Mr. rram: nwuro Dur- roughes, youngest son of Mrs. H. J. F. Burroughesfof London, England, the marriage to take place early the month. VVI-I-II-n vu. ....... -- The Presbyterian Unionist group of the Women's Missionary Society of Collier St. church, whose funds are still being kept separate, report a. very encouraging year for 1925. Their total 0 contributions for all purposes amount- ed to $650.00. ,'1`his amount included their November Thankottering of. $167.00. also one life membership, two Junior life memberships and one "In Memoriam" subscription.. ' -. J an. below zero and--at,.8 p;m.l1g, ueww. The lowest temperature `was on the -29th and the highest on the 80_th, a range of 61 degrees.-- The mean tem- Qerature of the month was a little :...I.. M. 4-}. an nnvrnalg Feb: , 1""- o ` O__ `JUDGMENT RESERVED Judgmentwas reserved by Judge Vance in the action of Edgar Ed- wards against Donald N. _Row at .to _ recover $250,` the amount of a prom- jssory note signed 1) the defendant In favor of G. "Gone and & Son and endorsed by the The` par- t1es.- come from _ dlaud. _ fendante pleaded t_1hgt.atqtute. no .;,limit-- ations -and counthrggagmed ' for $518.: ` `to be ue*hi!u1or`boand?-and' _erature 01: me luv: 1gher_ than normal`. 0:351 XTIIV I Lov; III II II 2-- . . . . 24 8"" I I I I " 4-- . . . . 21 5"`-' I I I I 6:` I I I I 7""' I I 070, 8 8-4 . . . . 5 9'*"_I I I.I 10-""' I I I I 7 11'-' I I I I - 12'."' I I I I . 13% I I I 6 I I I I 15- . . . . 20 .. 11 I 1%` I I _I I '.l8)--. . . . . 20 19""' I I II 20`-' I I I I 21'-" I I I I ' _ II, I,-I` _I I I I I I I I 9 I I I I` _ I I '0 O: 3 27*` I I I I. 28:` I I I I I I _ I I I I 31-: I I- I I "`-Below zero. ` 1\- `|'--- 09 4-314: f 0"`-no 0,: `'---Below zero. con- . Rus- Barr. ngrove PERSONAL u-un ` COLLIER s'r. w.M.s. -,L__4.-..l.... 1'Yvu{nv\Iaf I1 ! "f'---w;% H. Buttery. ;-w. H. Buttery. roll in :1 heat (I one 1 tom- oonful nIan' FROM J. 5. SHORTI; FINISH It i `a mm patio. 1; :;Forty-two `rinks ltoolriarti the bonspiel. This was the same num- ber as last year, but several who have attended the last two or three years were missing. j Weather conditions were ideal, a ha py medium between the soft spell 0 two "years ago and. the 25-below-zero atmosphere `of last year. Che ice at the skating rink was . the best it has been for any bonspiel `and the curling rink sheets were in. excellentcondition, thanks to the dil- igence of that expert ice-"maker, Tun Villiers. `Stanley Underhill and How- ard Felt were in charge of the draw and fully maintained their re utation for handling it so that everyt ing ran with perfect smoothness. Altogether it was one of the most successful spiels ever staged by the local clubs. ML- _..:_- 1.... 1..:...1.A.+ vmmlvmv nf 'Bp1e1s 3V3!` ybuguu Dy win: as; uuuuuuu .. The prize. for highest number of `points--four one-gallon cans of mo- tor oil-.-was taken by Oliver Cam- eron's quartette. . Here's what the winners receivedzi J. E. Hinds the Boys` Cha`llenge'C and silver ower baskets; Rev. J. . Shortt, china tea sets; -R; P; Merrick, motor rugs; ,W. H. Kennedy, Peter- son pipes; S. Meredith, Tory Chal- lenge Cup and club bags; D.`Nolan, casseroles; G. -A . Downey, `fern stands; Cecil George; water sets. - PRIMAR . Preliminary I -'-~ -1- 11-14.. .AlHnfnl1 \av-no--av- ,- -- C. Fisher ` Dr. Miller H. Donnell H. Leadlay, gk. 6 Clarksburg I-I. Goldsmith ' R. Doherty ' C. Walker ' G. H. Mitchell, 7 Barrie . Thistles : .:;'.r`r-1stror; g[ . S. I-Iambly . . E. Brewster `D 'M n-vvlnlz nl(_ W. 19. brewuwr R.;P. Merrick, sk. 12 % 3. D. Woods LI \JI Janus-v A. Shields ' Wainman Ches.M'-Qconkey, s_k. Barrie (;.`<;l1-:s- T J. Monkmah M. Livingston R. Twlss P. Love, 31:. 10 JUUIII-I-ll '; 8.180" (1 some nnnb v A` Bar\rA1e.'V1`hlst1`es F. Goodfellow J. W. C. Walls EV. N. Salter I W. Moore. sk 11 G. A. Binns, sk. ' f\ Orlllla. VI-Iospltal E. J. Downey Wlce ~ J. Gedman . J. Thomson ' G. A. Downey, sk 11 _10 ' . Bradford Barrie Thlstles J. Webb T. W. L. Campbell W. C. Davey -. Rev?" Creighton, 6 Rev. J. S. Shortt, 11 . First.--Round _Allleton A Barrie ` W.F.Knight,aAk.V9 Dr, Lewis," skip ' Elmvale ` Barrie Thistles Dr. "ryrer, sk. 8 R. P. Men-1ck,.,_sk. Ba,rrie``'1`h1stles Chn`1"ch1ll `-" - n it n..|.m ulzln . 10 L` lhlv _ Al1lston W.F.Kn1ght, 31:. V9 I Barrie` Thlstles J. D. Milne, ---....:`- inI..|-nn- D. VV . LVLVVA V, u... _ __ Orlllla. Hospital V B: G. A. Downey, ` Us 1- . Hlllllvy -nu T Barrie Thistle S.W. Moore. 3k. 5 I\ ,lIIl_ lnUnfI` Bdrrie ` u Tliornhlll H. M. Dyment - ~ J. Breakey W. D. Grittith - M. Boyle H. Meredith ' R. Wice G. 0. Cameron. sk. 14 `M. Peg: "Battle Thlatles - Churchill` H. H. Creswicke` S.x'1`odd L. 0_. Van` F. Ludas A. '1`. Gait V ' W. Allan ' R. F. Garrett. 3k _14 W. Noble, 9 Barrie ' , ~ - Midland Wm. Livingston R. J. Wilson A. Malcomson ' .1. Dunlop R. Malcomson A W. J. Jewett I-I.` Hook, skip _12 N." Laraundeau, 10 _ Ba.rr1_e V` W. A. Twlss .- W. A. Turner d.Codl1ngV -' C. H. Beelby, 8` Barrie Thzatls C. Elrick Dr. Hart % D. W. -Lennox `M `Luv. 6 ` Ban-i I`-I.`Hook. skip P-717*