,, 192$. Mrs.`D. J. Kenny", Toronto. _ Mrs. s. J. Wright spent the week-` {end with friends in Egbert. Chas. Casey of Alberta. is visiting at Fopt. Moran sand renewing acquain- ltance in this vicinity. `M txrm-nan I: under the doctor s care. Jan. 12-'-Mr. and Mrs. John` Thomn-4 son of Sunnidale, who have been visit.- lng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C_ameron recently, have returned home. AM:-s. Garvin of Rochester. N.Y.. is` visiting her mother, Mrs. Dodds, and grandmother, Mrs. Goodtellow. j 11.. .._.a 1ur.... flan Dan _Tr hnv 20118! gl'H.IlU.lL|.Ul.ul:L , AVLL Du uvuugv.-- .. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roe. Jr.. have gone to Haliburton for-an indefinite time T -Mr. Boe is shipping outhis stock of Ilumber, cut during the summer, from this mill near I-;a;llburton. , . mm Shannon. who is `a . re'gi11ai:siiip- nice in this vlcuucy. ` N. Waples is under the doctor's care. BALSTON 5 _CUNDLES_ `Ja-n., 1_`2'.--Mi Winifred Young is improving slowly. . Mrs. Ellison` McKennie of Alymexj is Av.is`itihg" at the home of her father, Thomas Stdokgs, A V V rmm \Kfnm(>.'n n Institute held their an-. Stokes,` _ 2 The Wc>_n1ge'xi s Institute held their ape.` ua-tfdwl supper at the home of Mi`. `and Mrs. George Johnston last Thixrsday : `.AL::- , I WHY WORRY ABOUT BRAKE INSPECTION 0050 Use Asbestone Brake Lining ALWAYS GRIPS - NEVER sues We have recently added to our service `the latest equip- mentjor R_e-Lining Brakes and carry a complete stock _-- - uAor)l:C'l`f\1\lt\Q77 D1-qlrp ITlCl'l['lUI' Ixc-L.uuu5 Luaxxvo uuu punnj .. .,.,...r._--- `1777 Cf all sizes of AS ESTONOS Bxake Lining. BRING IN YOURIBANDS or LEAVE YOUR CAR _ GET OUR. PRICES . SMITH AND oo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A WESTABLISH ED I869 PHONE. 82 MOTOR. AMBULANCE IN CONNECTION N0 JOB 100317;; NBNE TOO SMALL MINESING '.'1`UR'l'oN'S GA_RA(_iE THE mountains preach the gospel of attainment to the valleys satis- ed with their sheltered comfort. Our services teach the lesson of sin- ce`rity and nancial fairness. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE evening. A very pleasant time is re- l ported. Qnhn-dav nip-hf urns: an {nal niohf pUl.'|.UU. Saturday night was an ideal night for radio `fans, Murray Ronald and Qlixfer Wilson had their loud speakers outside, and the music was heard dis- tinctly at a. distance of a. mile and 8. half away. ' MEN S Heavy Work Buy Advrtied Things. SHIRTS, 75c si_11_C{;I&'v'voo| ' Men's F leece-Lined Underwear Reg. $1.00 Sale frice Ladies Flan- nel Dresses Reg. up to $399 Sale Pri_ce W1:it_e_ _and Striped Reg. 35c yd. Sale Price 25c Yd- -----. nun v v \r\r` Un:i-erwear going at ' -naval P13551251 69 ` _3`6-ingh M45" 75$ Paggf Jan. "12--0n Jan. 7, the Angel of!` Death called Rose, Marie Dumond. wife l of Vincent J. Noonan who has been 4 teaching in this section for the past four years. On -Sept. 22,` 1916, she be- came the wife of Ernest S- Desjardine 1 of this place who died on Jan. 2. 1919. leaving two children. Roger and Gene- ` vieve. On Aug. 13. 1923, she married ` `Vincent J. Noon-an of Mount Forest. 2 On Nov. 7 last she was seized with a l .-slight paralytic stroke which rendered her helpless save for the use of her left side. At first recovery was slow. Later she was apparently gaining strength rapidly though she still re- mained speechless. Her many friends *'were expecting her complete recovery. but `on the evening of Jan. 6 she was taken suddenly ill and after giving` birth to a son she passed away. Mrs. `Noonan was born .and raised here. was well known for her vocal and other musical ta1ent_and was popular in a large circle. She was the `youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dumond. Beside her husband she leaves to mourn her loss four children: Roger. ' '8 years: Genevieve, 7 years; Mary, 13 months and Joseph, the infant: also her father and mother: two sisters. mu... 1' p Tlnlnv of Barrie and Mrs. . 1pgunspAg, JANUARY` 14. 1920, her and mother; twu Blatlara, Mrs. J. P. Daley of and Gerald Truen of_Brentwood: two bro- thers, John T. Dumond of_Sun n1dale and J. J. Dumond._ well known bridge contractor, of Br.entwo`od'I`he funeral was held on Jan. 9. to St. Mary's Church, Brentwood. of which she was a devoted member. Requiem high mass T was sung by her pasdtor, Rev. Father Longo of Staynernlhe pall bearers were John T. and J. J. Dumond. bro- thers,_Le0 Noonan of Mount "Forest. John Noonan of St. Michael's College. Toronto, Gerald Truen of Brentwood, brothers-in-law. and Gerald Daley. nephew, of Barrie. ' --u---.------2-1-n -- --_ Jun. 12.--M1~s. J. Desjard1ne' and da1g;:`l1te1' Ella May of Brentwood spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elphick. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Dobson spent I`Sundny at the home of theTIa.t`ter s parents in New Lowell. um..- Dnufhnlnffn and Mrs. Elnhiclc 3.( `Inna ll (1 U1" ays. days. Miss Euphemia Ellis of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellis. - Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Rintoul and fam- ily of Thornton visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dundas and family of Elmgrove visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin last week?` - - ' ' , ___1 11.... 7..- 7l'Hn vnvvv nlnnu ".l'lIIl IEUSL Wcczx Mr and Mrs. Jos. Tiffln very pleas- antly entertained about sixty guests Thursday evening atw progressive euchre followed by plenty ofgood mus_- ic by Mrs. H. Brown and Norman Dorm. with dancing-until the wee_sma.' hours. Its ; ;II-;e'tfe-tIIe Public` ` (By 0. R. Rusk, .0ph. 13., Barrie) NO. 18 How is far-sight corrected? By having the 0 tometrist deter-' mine the extent of the error and sup- irly glasses that make seeing as near- y normal as desirable. _ rm... o....._.:..1n+ in uni-. alwavs fully Iy I101'!l:ll E5 uvnuuvsv. . . The far-sight is not always fully corrected? . ' No, comfor_table_ `vision cgn, often be` seciired by giVii1g' 6' partial c'o`f'- .. ..L:..... DU acuuz. rection. IIIHIU 4 rect? TGCEIOII. 7 How. doesthe Optometrist deter- mine -how much` of the" error to cor-" .4- -1. In His studies and icpriehc guide him in this respect,` and his advice should-be` carefuily fo`llo`wed. . (To be continued) 1C:w--wv-_ __ .2. 0. West a. Co., so e.o;-.4 st.,_ LLB whole Univ 0' nches ing Illlln V lee 6|: hm vents chapping` or me nanuu lulu face in winter time. The cold wind evaporates the natural moisture of the skin, leaving it dry and shrunkem. Campana s ltalian Balm replaces, this natur- al. moisture. All tlruggiets and departmental stores sell it. A special sample. bottle mailed on receipt of 5c. - - CAMPANA S ltalian Balm AA A. -.__._'QL TA.-nl Calhpuna Italian Balm pre- chapping of the hands and 'c--- 3- In:-ulna fal- Th Cold Whiter Winds Will N91 9"?! Btu-:N1'w_o9D _ Uroplg rts, Toronto lrince \ Jan. 12.-M1sses Agnes Laurie and F10 Collins of `Toronto "are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Revie. Miss Zelma Murray of I-Iillsdale was home for a week owing to her school a being closed on account of illness. f\n"I`l1nnV. Jan. 19. the Shanty Bay i being closed account ox unu-.;sa. On Tuesday, Jan. 19, the Shanty team will play Hawkestone. ` This will . be their first appearance on Hawke-A 1 stone ice; as they are newcomers to j the league. No doubt the t\`1`rnout.w'ilt be large asleveryone will be anxious to see the new club in action. a . . v ---x___ -17; .... Au. a-drnl-Iv-na- `HI [0 538 1.113 HCVV Ululu Ill Cbvuavsno [The Saturday afternoon skating is! proving popular with the Public School children. The Hawkestone school has rounded up a hockey team and- chal- lenges all comers in their class to a friendly game. school the game will be played here next Sat- urday at 2 p.m. A large crowd of young rooters will be on hand to cheer for their favorites. There will be skat- ` ing for all after the game. -HawkestorIe Beats East oboe The first hockey game of the season was played on the local rink on Friday evening between East Oro and Haw- kxestone. the local team winning by the` score of 7 to 3. Some of the players of last season were missing from bothl teams, their places being taken mostly by the younger lads. The game was` clean,` and the pace fast considering; that the season has just started. (`nnfnuf fmv fhn Drnrv Cub. which The`Leigh's Corners . has acceptedrthe challenge and 5 ; that the has Just starteu. Contest for the Drury Cup, tawkestone now holds, promises to be as hot as ever. `The line-up was as follows: East Oro--Goa.1, Russ. Jermey; de- fence, H. Hodges and Wes. Tudhope; centre, F; Crawford: R. owing, N. Cam- eron; L. wing, L. Scott. Subs. R. Jer- mey and F. Patterson. +r---.1-,...,..... ,_f1nn` T.nn n Rrlant IHU) uuu 1.`. J. abncxauaa. Hawkestone--Goal. Len. O Brlen;q defence, G. Anderson and H. Wrigley: centre, Roy Reid; R. wing, Elmer O'- Brien; L. wing, L. Leigh. Subs, H. Parker and Pep. Patterson. 1-..- 1,1-.-` -4! t`<..#`Iau%n unfnnnn .l"ll'K_Ul' uuu IT Up. L ubbvn nu... Roy Stoddart of Guthrie refereed` the game and gave general satisfaction. (Too late for last week.) ` Misses Evah Leigh and Myra Reid and Jack Reid left for their respective schools on Saturday. _ .Miss Zelma Murray left on Thursday to take part in the annual Hlllsdale play on New Year's night. Mrs`. Geo. Clark is nursing` Mrs. _'1`. W. J ermey who is quite ill. Mr. J ermey .returned from Orillia Memorial Hospit- al New Year s eve, and is doing nicely, '1\/run Tnhn T.Air_rh nf Orillia is visit- al Year's doing nicely, Mrs. John Leigh of Orillia is visit- . fng her aunt. Mrs. John Johnston. mm. T.nIg'h nf Orillla snent the week.-I ` John Johnston. John Leigh of Orillia spent week- end. with Mr. and Mrs. John Jo nston. Garnet Joslyn is home from t `e hos- pital. _ Friends here welcome Mr. Bagshaw back to Hawkestone. ' "T . M Mr. and Mrs. A.`Fletcher and family moved into the village recently. 13.... `Dni in nrnmmmz Barrie Busi- moved 1l'itO U16 vluage recenuy. Roy Reid is attending Barrie Busi-I ness College. Wm. Clarke returned to O.A.C.. Guelph. Monday; Skating is the evening pastime. Misses Bert Clark and Orm9;'John- (siton returned to their schools on Mon- ay. . -< Miss Durnford of Coldw'ater spent the holidays 'withMrs. Irwin McMahon. Mm: 'Rinnin`2' entertained Miss _Thompson 01. Argyle on nuuuay. . Allan Prlddlereturned to Toronto on _ Monday. Miss Bessie McArthur of Guthrie spent the New Year holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Graham. ` Mr. Hayes of Ottawa is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McMahon; 1u'u Tnimlnnlr and children Of N6W- eirn ideo w1tn`Mrs. 11`Wln 1v1c1vLa.uu_u. Miss Binning entertained Thompson of Argyle on Sunday. Allan 'Pv-lddle'returned to and Mrs. lrwln Mcmanun; Mrs. Lovlock and children 4 market spent-the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben rLelg'h. _ Mr. and Mrs. Kendall and family spent New Year's with Mrs. Kendall's father, Guy Kirkpatrick of Oro Station. 1-2?-1---jt J . 11.-Mrs. (I-iarris is 11;: the Ro3trl:l`V1ctor1aL Hospital havirfg X`-Ray t . . . ` tr?r`v3'I1.;'l$r.`:.'gISd' Ah! mm `nit ma Hie` of ..'--- __.-_,._-,.- _, __ EE23?x'z1%IEs. , A ' Th`e' aa1e's' Aid n`1't alt me` name` _: {>ug3e ty.` Wedpgmlay, Jay}. .6. 0' t` isi s'b``h E a. couple AI nrnnlru Xlilfh -Prinn `I1 RQPPIQ. ` ` MTS. W. Scott 18 spenuuxg u. u of weeks with friends in. Barrie. rm... 1 -TnTv\'Iv 1`r I-1n.n'd snnltv met 1 of weeks with ntlenus m.barr1e. The Helpig Hand Society met at the home of Miss Elsie Cloughley on Thursday. Jan`. 7'.;v\{hen quite . number were present, _'I?_he' `elected o` icers for the new year a`fs'; t_o` iows:- P,i'es., Miss Viola. Scott:,Vice-Pres" Mis`_Mi1dred I_`orjd;' Secy,, ;-1yf1ss Jessie_ Howard; 'l1reas.. Midi; Gla`dy_s Harris. A M... htin, 1-Tsirrln has been conned 'l1reas.. Mass; u1aay_s narns. Mrs. Qhds. Harris has been conne .to her4 b,e'd toga couple of weeks, suf- 'erir'1`g with ,e,a'r trouble; `mlun nmhnn has gone to Guelph to '1'er1n'g __W1tn ,e,ar troume. V Elson Bishop has gone Guelph take his two-weeks course which he. Swot: at the Potato Club puton by the Barrie Kiwanis Club last fall. - Iv mum: wlm-n `Vmmg hm: nn't-been "able |Barr1e nlwams unuo ms: Luu. ' Miss Flora Young has no't-been "able to return` home yet, after taking very sick Christmas Day at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ldckhart, Holly. `M wa 1-rnmington of Winninez is aunt, Mrs. .La0cKnarr., nuuy. Mrs. Horslngton of Winnipeg spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..Wm. Turley. 1ur....+..~ _TIm Barr has heen Averv sick. lingo Mr. and M!'s..Wm. '1'uI'1ey. Master Jim Parr has been very sick. suffering with throat and ear troub1e., - cert, i` services. The public On Monday evening, Jan. 4, the La- dies Aid of the United Church enter- tained the young people of the church who took part in the New Year's con"- I 3 1 1 to a dinner in the basement of 2 the church. Atpleasing feature of the 1 program which followed was the pre- - sentation of a Bible Superintendent of the Sunday School, for his faithfulattendance. he not be- ing absent a Sunday during the year. The pleasant .,evening_spe_nt in games and music was brought to a close by singing Auld Lang Syne." ~ ~ Quarterly `meeting will be held in Hillsdale Free Methodist church, com`- mencing Friday evening, Jan. 15', and continuing until the 17th.a_Meetings are as follows: A . Friday 7.80 pm. Preaching. Saturday 7.30 p.m. Preaching. ' Sunday 10.00am. Love'Feast. Sunday 11.00 a.m. Preaching. Sunday 7.00 p.m. Preaching. Rev. E. Snyder, District Elder, of Uxbridge, will be in charge of. thee is cordially invited. to J. 0. Rumble. ` u--22-----:--1- Clergyman"s daughter `was arrested ggzrcharge of bootlegglng at Camden; `WU UB1 la Lava Exchequer." Ulll IS uption 11 nnntleas. HAWKESTQNE {nLLsD_Ag.ra GRENFQLL \@1`liKEBARRl BA I L 31* O C Xnuj:-w _ - Jan. 11-Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McClung in\{1,t`ed`a,.' few friends. to` hear their new radio on New Year's Eve. Ind Mrs. J. H. Swan gave a. ivgelry 'progsantmNoeW Xefai- s `dinner and arty for J. Harry Brock who` is leav- ng. shortly..fo1f Toronto, to attend a." `School of RaiIfo'id1ng._ Mis Tonia; Richardson of Toronto spent Christmas`week with her par- ents. . Mi_ss Eva;-Brant of Hendrie span; a couple of days with Mrs. Chas. Thur- low, _ ,_ M... Tunhnlln. Cumming` is spending low; . Mrs. Isablla Cumming is spending a. month with friends in_'I`oronto. `-0 (1_._lL_.... nap! For-n`11I hf T-TaHhl1t'- monm wuu Lucuun u. .. ...... .. I Mrs. Switzer and family of I-Ialibur- ton spent the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Richardson. Misses Suzette and Mary ' Toner spent a`. few days with Miss Lilian; Shanahan` of Anten Mills. ' .C_has. Kelly ofV'I`oronto is visiting: Will. Thurlsow and friends. ` Mrs. T-Will. Cumming returned` on Friday from Saurin where she was vis-- iting her mother, Mrs. Alex. Strath. Local sports took in the shooting match at Jack We1ch's. Tuesday and brought home a goodly number of fowl. \ Clarence Cumming is drawing wood to Elmvale. A . Harry Brock is being much enter- tained these days. On Tuesday evening M. on}! Mm. Chas. Thurlow gave a tained these aays. un Luuuuay me.....,-, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thurlow gave progressive euchre party for him on` the eve of his departure for the city, about forty friends and neighbors be~- ing present. Mrs. Brock and Will Thur- 1 low were the lucky winners of the first` prizes and Miss Annie McGinnis and. Ernest Richardson took consolation} prizes. After a. bountiful lunch all re-` turned ho`me,_ having` spent a. most en-l joyable time. p A varv eniovable time was spent at joyable time. A very enjoyable at` the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brock on Monday evening when about forty friends and neighbors gathered to say goodibyeto their son Harry, who left Wednesday for Toronto, and to wel- corne our new councillor, Albert Toner. g The first part of the `evening was spent: in progressive euchre, Mrs. Geo. Hall and Gord _n E1rlck_ being the winners ot.the. firs `prizes and Fred Richard- son and Miss Irene Hail. the winners of ` the consolation prizes. Refreshments. T evening. to a close. music and the very graceful dancing of the Highland Fling by Miss Mar- garet Toner brought a, very pleasant I Jan. 12-The Shanty Bay branch of the Institute met at the home of Mrs. Fred Day on Jan. 7th with al lefrge attendance, the President presid- ing. Aftera. lengthy business. meeting: a. splendid paper was read by Mrs. WC] Brooks. on .1"1`he'- Relation of the In-; stitute to" the School. After music _by- Mrs. Jones `and, Mrs. Muir. wh-ich was. ' very.much enjoyed by ,a1l,.,the h stess servefd dainty ,refresh`me_nts',` and the meeting was .br.opJght to a_..cIose by` '. I'o'"i'd' this Nationaf Anthem. HUI. V9`!-A IAUu95yg - -__ V.`___V- , mefetitig Wye bropglgt to? a.. cl s1xi`gjI_1g the National` TIIEBARRI BARGAIN M mu SE Combinations Reg. $4.50 - . Sale Price g4 gg pain ires Penmah s I Wool. J Regular 65c. V . Sale Price % 29 9'- Less :-thaf.n half price. To clear at. . "iuicugqnvgm WINTER com` V7$?'1.98" _Mss=3= BAY THE 9638.13 %2w4!IER, _Jan.,11-Last Friday evening about 50 people of the Dalston community spent a/very enjoyable-time at Archie . Deb`enham s. The first part of the `ey- ening was devoted` to" pr_o_g_r_ess_ive euchre, the ladies? first prize beingwqn by Mrs. Clarence Brown. second. price by Mrs. Jas, Handy; the gentleman's first prize by Jno. King and s`eco,nd_ by Jas. Handy, Sr. Intermission was fol- lowed by lunch provided by the ladies and the remainder of the evening` was spent dancin8'- . . , Miss Florence Handy has returned to Toronto after spending her holidays at her home here. _ e Mn... Tnrnna Jnhnsxtnn spent 8. few `days with Barrie friends, _ . Miss Vera. Baldwin visited in this community last week. T\n1ufnv'| fr-{ands were sorrv to hear of the death or Mrs. M.a.uu'eu . i Last Tuesday evening Mrs. James ;Handy entertained the young people. Mr. and Miss Furlong of Elmvale visited at the home of Jas. Handy. ` Miss Viola.` Brown is visiting with ther sister at St. Anne's.` here. .Mrs. James Johnston spent days Barrie friends, I Minn Vera. Baldwin community last week. Dalston friends were sorry ;of the death of Mrs. Madden. *r....+ "I"-n1oan17 nvnhine` Mfg. Jan. 1'1.-Mr. and Mrs. W. Nev! visited in Port McNicol1 recently. Mr. `and Mrs. T. Moore of Midland visited with M. Cough1in's, Saturday. Mr. Haight, of Detroit, Mich., spent `a. few days at Ed; Garrett's last week. ' Mrs. Geo. Muir of Fergusonvale was `stheguest of Mrs. E. Garrett for the - .Week-end. . ! Miss Irene Garrett visited with !friends. in Elmvale last week. ' Mrs. Thos. Moore is in Toronto this week. ,- A _ T Mrs. A. Brown and Miss Mary spent -a. few days in Elmvale with the for-.. tmer's brother, Mr. Howe. _ mu..- van and Len. McLaughlin spent, mer s brother, Mr. nowe. Miss Kae and Leo. McLaughlin spent. New Year's week with their sistr. Kenny", Toronto. `Mr-u Q `r Trick? sment the week- -[his mill _1-1,auourto,n. . : . v- Geo. Shannon, who is `a, re'g1'11a.r,,ship- :'.per\of stock with good success, h_a,s 3 shipped during the year 1693 hogs , 281 a cattle, 59 calves and 81 lambs. The r I amount paid . out in cas`h'to the faifiriers T [was $63,100.; .