ld, of parental POOL ' .Tom. Vvllson andihis friend: Frank eselman, from Toronto University,` were visiting-at the residence of E. V. Wil- 'son over the holiday. ` . ' Misc 1? nllunr and HAY` fhinnd R/nl the holidays. . - ~ _' K Miss Laura. `Graham is visltiffgr `friends in Orillla for a 43ew*days. - Dav. Qnlrnn Inna mnfnvvnn in in I , AVJJBD onto. an IFIBIIIIS In uruua. LU!` it ~l.UW uayu. . Ben. Sutton has returned to his school aftqr spqnd-ing the holiday with his` parzents. A _ . Jnmnn (iv-nhnrn and wife of Prince xus panents. v ,James Graham and wife of Prince Albert? Sask., and Joe. Graham, wife and` daughter Lyla of Port Arthur have returned, to? their. homes after, spending the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gra- hum, nam. - . El'ectric lights are being installed in the Community Hall and skating rink this week. ' " - ` A 1vn`IIn`\Ils Inna:-A AG `Ila 'Dnn+nn'u rnaf BVBIl.lIlg IZLHL. - The annual meeting. of the Anglican W.A. was held at the home of.Mrs. E. V. Wilson` on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 5. The officers for 1926 were elected as follows: .Hon. Pres.. Mrs. C. R. Spencer: Pres.. Miss G. Raikes: Vice- Pres.. Mrs. E. V. Wilson: Sec-.',v.. Mrs. F. Oliver; Treas., Mrs. Mills: Dorcas Sec y., Mrs. E. A. R. Petersen: Ass t. Dorcas Sec ,v`.` Mrs.x,\I-I.vMartin; Record- ing Sec y, Mrs. W. `Simpson. A report of the year's work was given" showing good progress with pledges paid in full. LUIS WEEK. " A valuable horse of Mr. Beaton's met [with `an accident and had to be shot. ,1 L124... 1-1..- vvnvnn um: sauuouvnnp mum nnwu nu wv -. .. The Misses Thelma and.A1fxe p'_n-I c_er attended the Normal School re- union in Peterbo-ro -last week. A G Illlon A6 T\/Hfnhnfl Qnnar-A via- UUlUI1 III l.'ULb'l'UU('U `IHBL WVUIX. A. S. Millard of Mitchell Square vis- lted at the Rectory over the week-end. W. P. Grqham made a visit to Tor- ontolast week. A The annual meeting of the St. Tho- .mas' `Church Guild will be held at the Rectory on Wednesday, Jan 13. at 2.30 o'clock. Vkpr nnun-Inn. n6 Q} 'l"Innrv\na' hulnnh ..-v--- -v - -vow H. LEV`/IT, Bo;[4"}'fB.rgie, 0 CIOCK. The` services at St. Thomas` Church during January, February and March. W111 be at seven-thirty p.m. .'T`hn annual vnufvv nwnaha nf Q1 , . WLII UU `(IL 5UVCl|'l.Hll'L_Y p.111. The annual Vestry meeting of St. Thomas church will be held on Mon- day,-Jan 25. at 8 p.m. Qnmn Rnrrin nnd Qhnnfv `Rnv vnilng BAY A Go{den Vveddinq 9 nnv nvnnf nf fhn f`,h` EDENVAIE STROUD TH. lbixamru-:3 1 vv\f; Lu K18!` qaugnter. MP8. 11mg`. I ;The United W.M.S. met at the home; of Mrs-.~H. S. Stewart on Wednesdayl of this week. A good attendance is re- ported. \ "I"!-m nI1.....:..... ......... ............. u... ........-.l Abreeching harness. nearly new: horse -mu-any \.\la[ | CA'I`TLE-Black cow. 7 yrs. old. due, Jan. 1: red cow, 5 yrs. old, due March] `:28; red heifer 3 yrs, old, fresh; grey cow, 5 yrs. old, fresh: red cow. 7 yrs. old, registered, due date of sale (Jan. 13); black cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 18; ' red cow. 5 yrs. o1d,'fresh; grey heifer, .3 yrs. old, fresh; roan heifer. 8 yrs. old,, due Mar. 25: heifer calf, rising 1 yr.j old; heifer calf. rising 1 yr. old. elig-3 lble for registration: dual-purpose` bull. reg., 4 yrs. old: 2 polled `Angusl calves, 5 mos. old; steer. 2 yrs. old; , HARNESS -- Set brass-mounted` collars: set `breaching harness. good as new: set back-band harness: set. light driving harness: half set of rope tug harness; set single harness. new.` 1-1:151 1'.\1uI'1:I\vrncV 1'.1.......a. IL `I17.-....I Ll... mu councu nemg next In ottlce. ` Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King spent the New Year holiday with friends in Tor- onto. . Ull LU- 5 Mr. and Mrs. B. '1`. Bateman hav _ gone to Toronto where they intend to} "remain for the winter. T\/fr-u `n/I'lI...-u. 1.`-.. ....4..........:|.2-5..-... "In..." I `surprises. only two members of the --w'- . Jan. 5s-A. Kirkptrick is in Torofito' on a. business trip. ' h . 1 Election day passed quietly with 9, small vote polled. There were some! old council being` left in office. Mr. and MFG Av-fhnr Vino unnnf '1-ho x'cu121.ln IO!` me wmter. _ I Mrs. Milroy has retu1:ned"fr0m New- 'market where she spent the holiday kwgth her daughter. Mrs. King. fThe home: .auu izuuuy 01 ivuantreal. ' : | Gordon Tebo has been quite seriouslyl ill-. Shortly after his arrival home for the Christmas holiday he developed `tonsil trouble and later -mastoid which caused severesuffering for some days. Then he was rushed to the orthope ic hospital, Toronto, where he was at 0 Ce operated on by Dr. Mortimer Lyon, as- sisted by Dr. McCa1lum of Churchill._ The operation proved to be just in -time; and his condition is very satlsfactory.i JLVCVV onto. I/I .. yurusu. `x The following were among the many Christmas visitors in town: Mr.`a_nd- Mrs. I. M. Gilpin and Master Jajck, Rober; Grose, Miss Eleanor and Ewart Ralston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarkson. , Miss Irene Gros, Miss Mary Brown? and Earl, Miss M._ Wilson, Miss Mary Noble, Mrs. Alex. Grose.-s James Sloan. Melvin King and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and family of Montreal. Gnrnn 'I"nhn Han Bonn nnifn anninnulirl I _ Jan. 5-Mrs. Fred Harris is slowiyl improving. Her many friends hope to see her around again b,efor-e long. ' Quite a. number frr;m nrnnnd harp V.lEHLlllE', I115 5!'icl1lUl.'d.l.IlU1`, JUHII PJHSOH.` Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day of Shanty Bay, Mr. and Mrs. J os. Graham and daughter of Port -Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham of Prince -Albert, spent New Year's with Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Graham. `nklaa Dun. n.-.w...1\.:11 ..........a. .. an... .u...'..q , `av- A|\4|. u;uu-nu uq-,u.an1 uuLuLc nuns. T Quite a number from around here arfdconfined to their homes with bad co s. ` 1|/I}..- 17.1-1- n4_._L;. 2.. _.___..1:._.. _ 2---- l.LVLI'J41.`JiV1I'4$VJ~D"`1`l`UlSL W VV uuu HUI` ' der, new, 6-ft, cut; Deep1ng'mower,i nearly new; wide sulky rake. F. & W.;l nearly new;wide spring-,tooth cultiva- tor, `Cockshutt manure spreader, `nearly new; seed drill, 13-disc, Frost & Wood: steel land roller: scuffler; turnip drill; set light sleighs; 3-fut'- row walking plow; 2-furrow riding "plow, Oliver; hand plow, -No. 21 Fleu- ry; set harrows, 18-bull; 2 cutters: wagon new: topbuggy. nearly new; truck Wagon, steel wheels: set sloop alahrhnv hn-u nnnltr (`lino fnnnlnn 1" 1Ill' uu.,V.`i (all. UK?!` HUIHB _Ilt3l'C. Mrs. Grant Loney and her sister He- ,1en. have returned home to Peterboro after spending a. couple of weeks with (`V112 and Mrs. Chas. Harris. Monday was a very busy day around here over the elections. 1\/rmw t`nu~........ `KY.\u.~..-... I.-. .....p... .A-1...... 1` Mrs . George Norman is speriding a few days at her home here. . I Miss Vera. Knupp of Minesing is! spending a few days with Miss Jessie` Bishop. Ollifn -.1 nlvrnknw fr-nrn nvnnn Mann: ucrc uvcx` Lne en-.'(:uUr1S. I Mis `Viola Scott is spending a. few davs at hr home here. 1/rum r1mw.+ `r .-....,...'.....-1 Ln. ...:..+..... U. Dlsuup. ' } 3 Quite a number from around here` ; took in the dance at Mr. McK'ee's last `Friday night. All report a go0d\time.l ` I Jan, 5-EarI Ellson of Thornton is] visiting his grandfather, John Ellson.` Mr and '|\/I've TKTrn (Ivahnvn `Mfr nn. 4Vl.l'. -uuu J.V1l.':l. DUl'L l:l I"i.!li1l.` I I Miss Ruth Campbll spent a few days I `mm her sister, Mrs. Thos. Crawford. u-us.-y-n... . Under a glorious sky late in No- . vember an expectant group of distinguished Canadians were `gath- ered for the unveiling of an orna- .menta1 cairn "at Gonzales Heights, Victoria, B.C., commemorating the early British and Spanish.naviga- tors who explored the.Pa.cific coast in the eighteenth century. The care-' "many" also marked the sixty-seventh `anniversary of the ealzistence of the province of British Columbia. , _. "V n... hnnv-Ad And this-tv Inun-1 hnvn TUVIHUU UL IJLA Que hundred I ORO STATION Vvu . I POUL'I`RY-`-2 geese and 1 gander: 2| -ducks and 1 drake: a)boutA60 hens; good` collie dog.` runrnrn-r `I ?! 1'11, .1. -.___. Iv __..._ .1: .1... 9 British Columbiafs 67th Birthday GRENF EL ttmzov I IOIBII \JUl Ullllllo ndthirty. 1 ii V Inscription xv I on the Tnbiet. VII IIIU I-IIIUIO flown by since Captain Charles Wil- liam Barkley, in command- of the picturesque British trading vessel the Imperial Eagle, sailed up the straits of Juan` de Fuca searching for the mythical` Northwest passage hich would provide an alternative ' 'route from Atlantic to Pacific and also the greatly desired short cut to the Indies. rn-L- --..-...-.._ -1 1.1.- ........:I:.._ -3 L119 1.110185- The ceremony of the unveiling of the cairn wgajmpressivje, as befittgd a.am& nnmm LIUIUE FIJI} IIIJICOV-75`-VBIFI I-Ll l|I\J|0\-OI-I009 Terms of Sale`---Feed. fow1'and.al1_ sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 11 months credit will be given `to parties furnishing approved` joint notes; V All ".11! I... ..A`l.1 n.I6I.`nnl- mnunntvb an Red and White Chain Stores A FEW`. 61-` ova PECIALS- AYLMER TOMATOES, 21/gy ..... CORN%SYRUP, rs . .` ......... .% CORN SYRUP, 5*; ...... . . RECKlT'l"S B_LUlNG, 3 oz . . .f. .. s1-:'VRv.us BI-C'%I-ARB SODA, 16 oz. . 1731 Stores in Ontario : ESTABLISHED I869 '"E>`NE' P MOTOR AMBULANCE IN CONN ECTION: G.G. SMITH AND CO. FPIEERAL DIRECTORS Q) Juana .C`_l|1\JII' All will be sold without reservejas, proprietor is giving up farming. `V Sale at 1 pm. sharp. W._A. Mcconkey. Auctioneer. D. H. Ross. Clerll is azgranged by us with courtesy and respect, with formal dignity and yet with human understanding. It is the Service of Sincerity. com ANDSEE THE LAST CEREMONY The monument on the Heights to pioneer geographers and explore ers. Stepping forward proudly, Cap- tain Robert E. Barkley, great-grand- son of the- intrepid explorer, drew aside the draped flags of Britain and Castile, emblems [of the glamour of picturesque days of another era, re- vealing thet cairn with its modest bronze tablet. A...-.... LL- -A.l._.. __-.._:._-._;_ .__.. Among the other prominent par. ticipants in the ceremony w e: John W. Dolby, of `Seattle, Vice-C nsul for Spain; Hon. Walter C. Nicholl, Lieu- tenant Governo of British Colum- bia; His Honor, Judge Howay, of New Westminster, President of the British Columbia Historical Associa- tion; Reeve. Anscomb, representing Oak Bay Municipality; also mem- bers of the family of Sir James Douglas, first governor of British `Columbia, and of Captain` William Henry McNeill, who madesa report" to the Hudson s Bay Company in 1831 upon the suitability of the pres- ent site of the City of Victoria for the erection of a fort. .. 'I.:_ __-..'.`:.v-.. _.|.|._--_ 1'1-.. I"lf_I UM` VI uu.u. " In the course of the proceedings `credit wasirepeatedlygiven the Vic- toria Branch ,of the British Colum- `bin Historical Association to whom, through the efforts of C. Peinber-. ton and others, the amassing of so Jam h h.i.'t.9_ri31 .d.9tai1,was 5iu_e~' L118 EIBCLIUH CI 8 IUIT. In his opening address, Hon. Wal- ter Nicholl referred to the great debt owed the pioneers who had willingly dared all in their voyage of discovery. The speaker also re; viewed the great potential resources of'- the new land they had taken pos- session of on the Western rim of the World. " M I - LL- -_.../.__ _J ;L. __.,.,.._L-,,. Beja. a. Silva, vice-p1eslde nt 91 L115. `bon City Council, dledtrom heart fail- 'ure while engagedn a duel. '- Drnnlnnt T\/Han nf fhn Awuanhinn _13c 17 7c J6iiiv'N'Y E. Hf. Lots 9-10,5 Can. 5, Essa _ The oilowing: HORSES-~B1ack team, rising 8,am3 '3 `yrs. old. well` matched. 2700 lbs.:. black team, rising 5 yrs. old, matched,` 2800 lbs,;`Sor1-el horse- 9 yrs. old, gen. pun: road mare, 10 yrs. old; suckling colt. ` V -`-....-s . `-1.. pg---vwruvs `-5 - , -u , ' \JII|i 7 PIGS AND SHEEP-+Brood_ sow. due March 4; brood sow. due las_t"of-4B`eb- ruary: sow, due March 20; sow. due `March 23; 7 store pigs; 20 well bred ewes. T .~.~--- .--.-o ..-. 4 4 s, , nu ered army UFU WIIIIU UIl5Ll5ULl_4Ul y UUBL President Miller of the American Physical Society. in an address at Cleveland. claimed much of`E1nste1n's theory of rela-tlvitif was erroneous. (Nd Rnh" T-Tnnrlnrnnn nnnnnvbnuli nl Luuury U1. I.'c1uuVLLy. was UITUIIBDLIB. "Old Bob" Hendeyson. greatest of Klondike prospectors, arrived at Vic- toa. B.C.. to. retlreafter 31 years on `the gold trail. v nhnnnn Plhnf 'nrl\n.nn\r; n Onns.-an DUV BUIU l.l':Il-o Sebastian Ribet. whov-woli a. fortune. `in the recent Spanish lottery. was killed with his wife in a motor accli- dent near` `Barcelona; . _ _ _. V-Ellll I HITIJE I I FARM s75cK AND lMP`l1.EMEN?1'8 I The undersigned hails. received instruc- tions from ' and guarantee to give you thorough. `Expert, Engineer. Chauffeur.- Bar- `Schools. 163 King St. W., Toronto. Inexperlenced men Wanted who desire a. chance to work themselves ; up to jobs paying $5 to $20 daily.` We have work while you learn _plan, i practical training until our Employ- ment Depurtnrent obtains worktfor you as Garage Mechanic, Electrical boring . Mechan1cal Dentistry, Brick.- luylng. Plastering and other trades. Wrlte at once. naming trade you de- sire, Booklet free. I-Iemphlll Trade Branches coast to coast. ' ,- -n THURSDAY, JANUARY -1 , 19:6, I-on Luna tau.-n, r.\-Iv noun-;o-.a oovvo opus-cu, co-vvv n | IMPLEMENTS--F!'0Bt & Wood bin-' nu: ,FI- rnufv hnnuvna -rnnurnn ! `asoivinuv --an avg? vVe&}e1ay, Janukry T3 wero psies SALE OF CLOTH ,COATS% to sell by autldn an 7 I I - A JOB FOR YOU as a New Year ; Stafty -.-vv-v--v~---. o-y wuu-v -.---v Satisfaction uuanteed Phone 384,-`or write . T ltfc i_. /1, c12ED1'_r__s_A_.;._,I;:_ nu-Ann: A F or ova WINTER `CLOTH coA1's%% ,% % FOR AND>WOMEN- L` % ` Ar WHOLESAIE cos*`r Simmons 81 C0. 35 Coits at Bargain Prices: . Sizes 16 to_ 49 V ` Your; opportunity to buy a good coat and save :31` lot of money L Tl-IE COAT STORE the ear. I Jan. 4--The Sunday School chi-ldren had their Christmas tree and con- cert on Thursday night. all enjoying a. ' good time. The. children were well pleased with their presents as were also the older ones who. received gifts from their classes. . 7 Nfluu ldniv TM'nT.non n-P `I331:-on in: `via. U! W uuxsu. Stirling Knapp, wife and two child- ren, of Mac'1`i_e2' visited at Mrs. W. Knapp's last week. Miss Florene Knapp returned with them`- to spend a. month with friends in MacT1er. . ~1vv as , HUI uuu lLllLl1'UW u. Lew (lays last. week. J. McLean. wife and son visited in Barrie last _week. 7 [ ' \Mra.`W. Cook is spending 9. few vsgeks in Kenllworth and Toronto. R `man one any nuns.-,.o. u . vwu.....,, . , A very happy event took place at the `home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stronrr. Sr., on Monday, Jan. 4, when Mr. and Mrs. Strong celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding day.- The children. grandchildren and brothers and sisters of the bride and groom were present and after partaking of a._ sumptuous supper, the happy couple were presented with a purse. After spending a" happy evening together the . gathering dispersed to their several homes. Those from a dis- tance present were: their son Robt. of Great Falls, - Montana: daughter (Treasure), Mrs. Allison of Sask,, Mr." and '_Mrs. Conklin of Collingwood. Jan. `4--V-Ev`erV thing lrias come down to normal agan after lm` Christmas holidays. _ I Mr; 'I` Wlaglnn nf Rfavnar and Mimi ` HUIIUEJB. Mrs. '_1`. Wiggins of Stayner and Miss Beatrice Wiggins of Vancouver, B.C. spent New Year's at the home of Herb. Matthews. ~ ` Vlna l\nnv-no-nrnnn hot! n Iowan 3n-nun` Matthews. `A The Qrangemen had a. large `crowd at their dance in the Town Hall, New Year's Eve. Aknul--Paul-I1 nffnvnn flan Irnnnav nan- .1 our 5 JVUo ' Qbout forty attended the young peo- ples social last Monday night in the Sunday School room`. The evening was spent in contests and games after which lunch was served. Everybody seemed to haves. good time. Thu nloty l`non'}\nvvv'vv' (`}\wnnnu" uni BUUIIIUU LU URVU kl. 5uuu_ LIIHU, The play Cranb rry' Corners", put on by Alrlle young eople last Monday `night in the Town Hall was very good. The [hall was over half full and those present apparently enjoyed it. 'll'......vl;.A `II uuuuu -. Inl. L.-.3.`-./`Au 'TIA_ `yo vvvvv out -err-w. vrcovng \lI"\r.y \-V. .-v Maurice Murray left today for Tor- onto where he intends to stay for six weeks or two months taking a course. LX151!` Ult1BUB. ' Miss Mary McLean of Edgar is vis- iting at Mrs. E, McLean's `for a. couple of weeks. . Qflnllnir Wnnnn urifn and turn n1nHA_1 u---. -..-- --... ... --ow-V---a-v W. Pratt, wife and sons are visiting in Hamilton for a. few days. , T Miss Vera McLean has been suffer- ing from'a cut linger which she had the misfortune to cut badly while at her domestic" work. r Mrs. M. Knapp of Tordnto visited" her son Andrew a few days `last week. I 'MnT.nnn wlfn nru-1 ann which-na In Glen Slesser is `home from Camp Borden to spend a. ew days with his ' father`. N)Mr. and Mrs. V. Hickling xsnent ew Year-'8 in Barrie. ~ -. ' Mr. and Mrs." Wm. Shellswell of Craighurst are visiting their daughters. Mrs. Geo. Patterson and Mrs. Geo. Ellsmere. -'D.nuu- on'...: 17.11.. n-1-..--- .u_i-_ _. 1`4llHIlIUl'Uy V ' ~_ Percy and ,Holly Carscadden of Bradford" spent` the week-end visiting" friends here. _ Miss Wilma. McLean of Jarr_att spent a week here with her cousinsrecently. TYnnA` ginnulgmllg lung`. 4... __-_.u , , w -v vvou onv-v "sun: oacu uUulllD.L'UUU1l.IJyo Urel Slessef is 7 home .to spend som t1me.w!th his parents. Brock of Orillla also spent the week-end under the parental roof. A . ,. . 'l`l-an '\X7nrn-nu : `I'nnHo..4.. man _.__A -. purcuuu l'UU.l.. I The.Women.'s_Inst1tute will meet at the home of Mrs. Joseph Cockburn on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18. - - I afternoon. . ' \ , Clifford Briggs `of Englehart.. New |OntaI'1o. visited his aunt. Mrs. Wood- wzrd, a few days last week. ' ' I hm and Jvrm. Qhnvnrv nnmmf nvar LVDVV #93!` D VVIDII I-llrllid Ill -I-I-lA\IJ|v\-II 'Mrs. Evans and Mrs. J. E. Doner"at-I -,tended the funeral of the farmer's sis- iter in Bradford recently. ` ' W" I._-._4__ ._-__A. A.....I- ..I....'. -1. LI... iv` Jan. 5-- iss Heie Sidr has rurn- ed to Kit hen er fter spending over the holiday? with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Slder. , . Mn and Mrn Thavln nf Nnwmnrkat ' gms. _ _ Word has been recelv.ed'of the death of Robert Montgomery of `Beeton, a former resident of Stayner. The re- mains were brought "to Stayner on Monday evening andrtaken _to the home ;of his daughter in Sunnldale. where I the service will be held on Wednesday } fihllfnn 'Dn{(v(rcr `A4 Tnrv-Inhov:f Mam 'kLl'U, It LEW uuyu nun. ,WUUl\. F Dr. and :Mrss Shaver spent: over` New Year's with frlonds` in Toronto. '1\Knn mtrnnu and Mvn .T 14". Iinnm-"uh. .A.4\-rut, a wave: a '_ M'iss-Blanche Teali`: 3'vlsit1ng frinds 1n_Newr_narket and Toronto. 4 -- ,1 Ir_,_.0 1-u-___u:- mg... _..;1 ...... l Ill avuvv Quanta auvv u-nose 1-vouronvvv Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stone and son are spending a few -weeks with friends in Pembroke. Ahvln and Don Dninhnvvf fnnlz n nhnrf ln 1"Bl'I1|)I`UKB. Alvin and Ben. Reinhart took a short business trip to Toronto last week. Rev. and Mrs. McGuire of Toronto `visited the former's sister. Mrs. J. Gibson, last week. . Miss oC1ax'a..Reinhart is spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. Kerr. at Bands. . 1Ul'n n-`:1 Mfrs (Inn (`vnu7f nv nf Min. at banua. Mr. and-Mrs. Geo. Crawford of Min.- es1ng* visited friends here over the week-end. 1\:I hau: Tlnnol Tnnlvnnnn Inff'fn~ Flnvn- [week-end. V . | Miss Hazel Jackman left for Clare- ~ mom; on Monday to resume her duties as teacher. . Mlwua Daahnlnn Vina-n-inn nf 'Vnnnnnvm~ `'15 VII | gins. '\K7n Mrs. rs. muer. M Mr. and Mrs. Davie of Newmarket visited the la.t.ter's-. parents; Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Lee, `recextly.`T M ~ -. ,u,.- nu_-u 1- _-:._u.a____ n..:..._.1... 18 IBHCDBI`. V Miss Beatrice Wiggins of Vancouver is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Wig- nu-Inn: > 7 MINESING STATION . NEW L_0WELL ASTAYNER Billy L116 5. John Metcaife is` to` be longratulated on having reached his 88th birthday anniversary on Jan. '5. Mr. Metcalf is quite hale and hearty. and his many [friends wish hirntcontinued good` health. 11.. ____1 11.... nu.-- 1'1'___-___- _ "i"iV1lam;'Lc)Ll':ins have been`her e most of the winter, and have been heard sing- ing for rain as in summer time. Looks like` a.` January, thaw and an early spr1n8- . ' . BOY! OV8!` [I18 nouuay. . I Miss K. Oliver and her friend. Miss Dorothy Downsof B.S.S.. were ho1icIay- mg/"at the farmer's home. Miss Mot- fat and Don` Smith of Toronto were also guests of Mr; and Mrs. F. Oliver during . `Mina T.o in-ca hrnham in vinifiati no -uuau-4 vv --an. nonlno `av. u--auvu avvu aavuvnuna. Mr. and Mrs. 'I:hos. Hewson and [Miss Noratyspent the holidaysln Tor- onto. ` . .lULl 1.1115 uny VVIIUIH LU VVIII BUFVC o Some holiday visitors in this neigh- ,borhood ,were:- Mrs. Robt. Webb of Allandale: Miss Mary Faris of Toron- 'to: Miss D. Harmer ,of Toronto : Rev.- John Peacock of New York: Stanley Latlmer of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Whitewood and son of Toronto. VI`!-un nvuvuiln` vunnfInnn AG 4-Inn Tn.-.l.-.611 UJIUU I5 IVQUUHLULI. ' Stroud Band heldits annual meeting` and election of officers at the close of the regular Qractice` in `Stroud Com- munity Hail; It was the first annivers- ary of'the organization of the Band and a very successful year was report- ed, The officers elected were:- Pres.. Kenneth Jacks: Sec_v., Wm. `Taylor: reas.. `Arnold Reid.` Boyd M. Sylves- ter of Barriewas continued as band-A master. -pig.-- E3515` Vfildld Jan. 4-Mz:. and Mrs. Ken . G1ffen-and family of Orlllla spent the Christmas holidays at Mrs.`Giffen's home here. TK7111 Maw nf 'T`nrnnfn An'pn1* l"_hwh-.19- nuuuuyu EL lVJ.l'B. \.7.l.l.LBll B IIQIIIU uere. Wm. Maw of Toronto spent Christ- mas atihis home here. - -' Kilns T. 'I3on11r 1HI:3fa11 `nan `no-umun I- lllu-U Habylll IIUIIIU IIUFU. ` Miss L. Early Visited her home Beeton during the Christmas holidays. Tho nnrnnl 'nnhnnl rnnnnnr urns: HAIR GULUDI BUUl.'t9l..l.'y. . Miss;A. MacArthur spent the Christ- mashollday at her home in Port Elgin. Alex. ' Culham of Collingwood spent the holidays under th e, parental roof. IKh::- 'D11`|\1r T\'nv-fin A1 'I3`.Iyvu-uula {cu - LIIU lluuuuyu U.llU.Ul.' L110, u:1`UlIL'd.l TUUI. Miss` Ruby Martin` of Elmvale is at holiday visitor at her home here. ~. `Mfr nn MFR `Urn T-T"nlr' AG Alla`. nouuay VVIBIEOI-' 8.! I16!` 1101119 nere. \` Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Hfckling of,A11en- `wood spent Stinday with, Mr. am} Mia. S. -Elliott. Vnkn waking Lawn `\l\nw\ Lana -..\.L .1 "Jan." 5-1rr`ank V Petersen {Was home for the Christmas, holidays but has re- turned to work above Bracebridge. 'I.r....-.;..`.`...a '1/nun"... mac n via-nr tn. upasaluu Inu vv-vsn In-vvv my gun -way... .-,-. Herewaird 'Marti-n was he 'Vi81t0!` to Toronto last week. (`hnnonnn unlvosna rnfllr-fill!` hi f- naplus. Lvucn. The boys of the Athletic Association received their.New Year's cards} but failed to find any signature. Mme: dnnvna in vigil-Ina under the- wagon new; Lup uuggy, .uuu.1'1y uuw; sleighs; hay rack: Cline fanning tlll; stock rack; set Cbatham scales. 2000 'lbs.; gasoline engine, Lister. '5-I-I.P.: cutting-box: silo, 12x22 ft.: circular sawing machine: Deerlng corn binder: bag truck; wagon box: buggy Dole: cutter pole; turnip pulper; rod track -for 60-ft. barn with car. ropes and pul- leys complete; big rope, 140 ft.: grind- -stone; power horse clipper and sheep clipper combined: 30' grain bags; Ford roadster. 1920 model: wheelbarrow: extension ladder,.36 ft.: cement water- ing trough, 8x2 ft.; syrup evaporator pan. 7 cells; 8 sugar kettles: 4 rain bar- rels: 120 sap` buckets and spiles`; De Laval cream separator, good as new: folding clothes horse;' barrel churn: "washing machine: pair curtain stret- chers; Supreme cook stove. nearly new: 2 heating stoves; coal_oll stove. 4-burner; 20 cow chains; 2 sets double- trees; quantity of out feed: logging chains, forks, shovels and other ar- tlcles too numerous to mention. rn_.,_, ._ -5 11-1..` 15--.! -...I' and In!` uuy,-aux! cu. am. 0 p.u1. . Some Barrie and Shanty Bay young people enjoyed a very pleasant even-- my: tobngganing at Raikes , Saturday evening last. .. Tho an-rnunl vnnnlina nf fhn Ana:-Hr-an rs vu v u v v u v v v u u - u.,.,' A happy event of the Christmas season was the celebration on Deb. 29. of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Graham at the "home of their daughter, Mrs. Day. Shanty Bay. They were rnarried in Orillia fifty years ago.` by the Rev. Mr. Harris. For fourteen years after their marriage they resided inshanty Bay, then moving to their farm at Oro Station. In 1917 they re- turned and again ,took_ up `residence in Shanty Bay. A1" than nnnnfnninn nf fhn unnnnv ihn ding. n shanty bay. At the conclusion of the supper the happghcouple were presented by Orvaf McAr ur and Lyia Graham (the-ir eldest grandson and granddaughter) with a purse of gold, a bouquet of Oph- elia roses and an address . Their family _ namely: Joseph of Port Arthur". James W. of Prince Albert. Sask.. Mrs. Fred Day of Shanty Bay, Albert N. of Oro Station, Mrs. A.AW. McArthur of Oro Station and Isauraaof Barrie. also seven grandchildren. were present to join in congratulating their parents and grandparents, on having reached the fiftieth anniversary of their wed- Jan. 6--Mrs'. R; G. McCra.w of Thr- onto is the guest of Mrs. Mccraw here. ' 1\/flabou Dlhrn and (NI-fin Ailrlvula n1 UIILU IE LIIU guuru. UI. AVLYH. 1u.upl.'u.w 1lb'l'U- Misses Olive and .Ottle Aikins of Toronto and Marshall Aikins of New- market were holiday visitors at W. J. Sm,vthe's. Tnlnn llnl-nnlfn In 6nk4~ nun-and-nu1nJ-AA UIILU. , Service in the United Church" was largely attended on Sunday evening when Rev. J. Brown delivered a very helpful and appropriate vNew Year's message from Joshua 24:15. Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve. nrv-In lnnnv viuifnva in 0-kin nnvln-H- VV IIILUWUUU uuu .BUll UL .LUl.`Ul1LUu The annual meeting of the Innisl Horticultural Society will be held in the Community Hall, Stroud. on Mon- day, Jan. 11,'at 8 p.m. A full attend- ance is requested. _ 1-v-nnd `Rant? `huh-1 Hg annual rnnnfina-' DUULUH uunus LIIU L/l.ll'lLlllh. uuuuuys. ._ The annual `school meeting was held last Wednesday morning at ;the four- teenth schooll The former trustees were re-elected. Wilfred Maw was el- ected Secretary, ' 'l\lI'h:u .A 'l\/I nnAr'vfhnrv annnf fl-an (`H-dud '.l`O!'0I1I0 xast ween. ' :` , - qhapman Holmes returned home af- ter a. short visit with his son in Grand Rapids. Mich." "l`hn hmm nf Han Athlnfin Association Iauea to nnu any signature. Mrs, Gowns is visiting under the fparental roof. " - . 'l"nnn Xllnnn and .1115! friend. Frank All Kinds of Raw F urn and . Hides Wanted. V HIGHEST PRICES PAID I). _.