- reeveship a total vote of 1122 was I I cast. Gavin Allan, a former deputy- reeve, landed the honor, having a- - majority of 90 over last year's de- v puty, who led Ashford Warnica, de- ; puty-reeve twelve years ago, by 189. Two of last year's councillors fought it out for the second seat in the County Council, Harry Reynolds win- ning by 34. Stroud gave him a lead of 62. Harry Stewart, of last 'year s council, headed the list of council- lors, Fred Peacock being second with 458 and Alfred Webb third with 373. The highest poll for councillor was ` 112 for Peacock at Strbud and the Fdwest 1 for Chas. Henry at Belle Ewart. Lefroy gave the biggest poll for reeve, 97 for Allan, and Belle Ewart .was again lowest with 1 .for Warnica. Details of voting are giv- aen below:-- VV CDO l Hambly. yuuy , u. .uu1.au. Victoria Harbor-Reeve, E. Dut- ton. 117-..; ___:11:__,1, ,, -n - i Tiny--+Reeve, Jas. Wilson; Deputy, M. Asselin. ` l Tossorontio--T-Reeve, J. Kiernan. 3 Tottenham--Reeve, J. J. McKnight l ` .Vespra-Reeve, A. H. Wilson; De- ,-puty, J. Doran. I `T-`rd-A-n:o `D'..`L.-... `DA.---- 7-` '5 ` ya; 1. cu LNUUIL. Best male in show, W. H. Tooph, !S. S. Hamburg cock. , i 'lo i'vl)eist cock, hen, tjcoekerel and pullet. W. Hill, ColIing'- , I, `.~;-:}_:od, with a pen of White Leghorns. .g ` :7Vee9:ar Cup, for Barred Rocks, C. -(,, mds. _ ilson Cun, best utility pen, C. M. Hkling, with Rhode Island Reds. ; Association Cup, best utility -pen, ;Ligi`at,- Chas. Lowe, with White Leg- orns. Guthrie Cup, best S. C. White Leg- _ho1"x 1.s, _, F. 0. Foster. '! Foster Cup, best exhibition pen, F. `C. Epster, 'with VVhite Leghorns. Rixyner Cup, best Colored Wyan- 4 AiJ3w`-L'`t.{.,.A1fred Rayner. i T-Tinrlc (`Ian Lnnb 15L_J- T-r'|'~ -` ` ' vv_vauuUbbe COCK. , Bzfonze Medal, best femal in the show,'A. C. Bricker, Cochin Bantam pullet. pna+ nnn`rnun'I 3-. ...1_.\... IV 1'! 71'! fl punch. : Best cockerel in show, C. C. Hinds. } Barfed Rock. `D--L .....`l- :_ _L,_,,, 111 rv no 5 vv auu:L. I Reeve Cup, best Iheavy bird in the show, G. Brown, Barrie, withxa White W_va ndotte cock. Dianna `I:I ...l..1 1.--`. L,.,,,1 - - -`I Lvcua, vv. Dl'UWIl, UOUHIEWOOU. Hlcklmg Cup, Mmorc-as, Alex. I Brownlee. Wright Cup, Anconas, A. G. Walker. N 1-,_.____ 1-1__,, 1 . an / - - - - I Bantam Cup, A. C. Bricker. upon 50`: For . .. Against x)'?~`./'~'.`.,'.,.A urea ltayner. ; Hinds Cup, best Rhode Island lReds, W. Brown, Collingwood. `Hit-I(I1'nr (`Jrin M:nnwnnn A'I..-- ,.By Winning the Murdock Cup for Ith'e best White\.Wya-ndottes for third successive year, W. J. Crompton gets permanent possession of the trophy. |_Wf'H. Tooth repeated his success of ;las1;' year by winning the Boys Cup `for. the best collection, any variety, 1 with his S. S. Hamburgs. . Other Win- iners of trophies were:-- . 1'\____A,_, nil o 41 28 '57 43 guuou 5 exu1D1.1. I . ` l Among the chief exhibitors were: White Leghorns, Chas. Lowe, F. C. Foster, W. Hill (Collingwood); White Wy-andottes. W. J. Crompton, G. Brown; Rhode Island Reds, C. M. Hickling, W. Brown (Collingwood); Barred Rocks, C. C. _Hinds; Anconas, A. G. Walker: Black Minorcas, Alex. Brownlee: Black Orpingtons, Thos. Milbee; Wfhite Rocks, Wilson John- ~so'n:Houdans, W. H. Wright; Ducks, ` H, M. Dyment, W. D. Robb, R. Bell; ';I`1irkeys, R. Bell; Pigeons, F. C. Fos- er. ` -a.u_Il.l' ter". 1'). Illa West Gwil]imbury--Reeve, J. F. nn1'H|v 42 :52 47 38 `--tau ...uu.,y-uwu nancams entered and W. `H. Tooth had a splendid exhibit Of twenty-two Silver Spangled Ham-' "burgs- Not a bad bird in the Iot, `stated the judge, referring to Mr. }To2th s exhibit. van... 1.1.- -`I._'_.B 1,-I'M 34 27 31A .. `ll 0 cans: J-IvluvJ"J|tCCVC""' E. J. Byrne 52 57 75 77 55 45 113.5` Hill 24 17 15 14 20518 . Ilitst-er 49 3o 47 345 61`57 For Foard of Education- E. L. Brereton 82 59 95 97 .94 90 Geo. E. James 34 22 35 47 89 36. Mrs. Huxtable 86 62 70 78 70 76 Mrs. 0rd .....52 52 7_0'55 54 55 Barrie Gas Company By-Law--' `I'm. an In an I-In :1 an v'*-av, u. a.u.um'uau UL D1'aIlEI0l'(l, EVRS Ienthusiastrc-in his pralse of the blrds and stated, that rarely does a poultry show bring out such a uniformly ne class.of entries. The largest classes -were White Wyandottes, Rhode Is- land Reds, White-`Leghorns. Anconas and Barred Rocks. A. C. Bricker' had `thirty-two Bantams entered and IW. H, Tnnfa Earl 05 -.J.....J.'..`l ..--L:L:; Quality was the outstanding fea-_ .ture of the Poultry Show_heldz on Wednesday `and Thursday in ' the Town Hall. The entries were` some- What less numerous than `they were last year, but the quality of the ex- Ahibits `left little to. be desired. The Judge, J. Minshall of Brantfbrd, was enthusiastic-in his nrniun A4-' +1.- 14...! `Judge Praises Barrie` Show ; Murdock Cup" Won by . W. J. Crompton.` 48 20 '35 33 19 12 28 10 71 10 53 35 .50 64 'F'[{{i{$&7eZZ ' "" W. A. -Lowe .. 81 55 59 55 R. J. Sprott . 46 44 85 68 I 1.1.... T31-.. A 1'; 81 4_5 20 49` 64 .15 22 9" 10 11 Total` 12 19 11 .42, 11 27 17 18 29 ,,_. _-, ..._- ..-- -4.. no. `:41 Tu _urL Forw Mayor- J. F. Craig` .. 60 36 87 70 84 A69 111 143129129 T. R. Huxtable 73 85 59 62 (70 57 58 -61 65 '83- wnw IDIIIIIIA 34 17 66. 14 "347 122 212 234 [E0 .491 525 -497 407 218 7; _1926. V _ ...`a was an. Rev. E. J. Adams, reporting on the 2 progress of the Maintenance and Ex- : tension Fundgread the statements re- : ceived by him from each congrega- - tion. Some of the congregations, - notably Collier St., Barrie Orillia, Midland, Collingwood, Banlis, Bond `Head (former Presbyterian), Cree- more, Minesing and Stayner, had ex- ceeded their allocations. In several cases the reports were not complete, the canvass being still in progress, . and some congregations have not yet begun their campaign. Reductions in the allotments to Knox Church. Al- liston, and Dalston were made, their objectives now being $900 ; each. From information at hand, there is terial objective of $1100, but it is condently expected that when the campaign has been completed this de- cit will be greatly reduced if not wiped out entirely. -. Rev. E. J. Ad- yams, Rev. A. Rintoul and Rev. J. R. Patterson` were named to appoint a -special subscriptions . committee `whose duty it will be to take care of the shortage. if any. 1')... 15,. 11 17 -vs, - - - an apparent shortage in the Presby- . Polling Division IA 13 2A 213 3A 33 4A 4B'_ Reports from the various congre- : gations in the Presbytery. with regard . to `the Maintenance and Extension Fund and reports of committees oc- cupied the attention of Simcoe Pres- bytery of the United Church of Can- ada, held on Tuesday in Central church. In the absence of the Chair- man, Rev. J`. R. Patterson of Orillia, Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden was ap- pointed to preside over the meeting. There was a good attendance from all parts of the Presbytery, and at noon lunch was served by the ladies of the church. PRESBYTERY OF SIMCOE HEARS R FUND REPORTS Several Congrelg/ations Over Objectives; Canvass Not Finished. .,,v.-. u.|A\A uuc uuua U1. mllglallu. DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, after one year in the Council as alderman for Ward I, was elected second deputy- reeve by acclamation. Mr. McCuaig was born in Oro, a member of one of the pioneer Scots. families that set- tled there. He received his education in the Barrie schools, University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall, receiving his call to the Bar in 1920. After a short time in the office of Donald Ross, he began practice in the office formerly occupied by Creswicke & Bell. Mr. McCuaig' is a member of the Kiwanis Club, Kerr Lodge, A. F. _-._..-....u vv Lyuycao U1. Lllc .a2xa.uune1': JOHN F. CRAIG, elected for the sixth- time as mayor,- was born in Goderich andrcame to-Barrie. thirty years ago, since which time he has been in business-here. Mr. Craig has devoted many years to `the service of the town. Herepresen-ted Ward IV as. alderman for some years and in 1911 was second deputy-reeve. He returned to the Council as mayor in 1.915 and was re-elected the two fol- lowing years. Aftertwo years ab-. sence, Mr. Craig re-entered the Council -as reeve in 1919 and 1920 and was elected mayor in 1924 and again in 1925. During part of the- period that he was not in Council he 4 was a member of the Board of 4 Health. As mayor he is a member ; ex-officio of the Water and Light a Commission, Hospital Board, Library Board. Parks Commission and Board of Health. Mr. Craig i-s a Past Mas- `ter of Kerr Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and of Barrie L.~O.L. He is also rst vice-president of the Retail Merch- ' ants Association of Ontario and pres- ident of the local Conservative As- sociation. He is a member of Collier St. United Church and has been on the Official Board for several years. Before the advent of the motor car, Mr. Craig was an enthusiastic horse- man. Asked whathis hobby is, he stated that he has nontexcept the welfare of Barrie. WM. A. LOWE.'who was elected L to the reeveship, has been a citizen ` of Barrie since 1887 and .he has been active in municipal affairs and a member of the Council with only oc- casional intermissions for the past twenty-five years. He represented Ward V for several years and later sat for Ward IV. He has also served as both rst and second deputy-reeve and was reeve ve years ago. Mr. Lowe is a native of the New England States, having been born at Clinton. Mass. He came here from Montreal and before entering the furniture business for himself he wasconnect-l ed. with Dougall Bros. for twenty years. Mr.'Lowe is a member of Cor- inthian Lodge. A. F. & A. M., the I. (_).O.F. and the Sons of England. `lTl'l'T\l'v(,A'f\T `D 'A'..I`|`I TA tn -51., u.u1. UL ule government OI the town for 1926, the following series of brief sketches of the members will be of interest to readers of The Examiner: T(\IJ \Y"l:\ nnArn I - I - -- . Mon s municipal election made the most sweeping `changes in the _.personnel of the Town Council with- in the memory of most citizens of Barrie. Of the sixteen members of the 1925 Council, only ve were re- turned and only tvfo of the new . members have had previous municip- pal experience. In view of the num- . ber of new men who will have con- trol of the government of the town for 1926 Han fnllmxyznn .....:..... .: 1....:.: wHo*s wuo IN THEBARRIE councn. No. .-~, -... uuuu vvauu July; zany year. Ex-iayvor R. J. Sprott, who enter- ed the reeveship contest at the last minute was beaten by the veteran, W. A. Lowe, whose majoritis; was 338. ` Poll 5A gave Mr. Lowe t e biggest vote for any one candidate at a sin- e gle poll, 155 votes being cast in his favor. _ uu uc upposea no 1t. It was decided to take steps to organize the rate- payers of the township to get their combined views on the question. `} The meeting of Innisl ratepayers, adjourned from nomination day in order to give Mr. Warnica an oppor- tunity to explain his position in the matter of the investigation into the Township affairs in the years 1912- 13-14, was held on Dec. 31 at Stroud. Mr. Warning nmn1n..+.'....11--'.I-.--:-J ASHFORD WARNICA HOLDS T0 STATEMENTS AT NONHNATION __..- uv unucu uuuxcu VICTOR L. VANATTER, the new alderman from Ward II, claims Georgetown as his birthplace. Van came to Barrie eight years ago, open- ing a shoe repair business which he has since conducted successfully. He (Continued on page 4) F. CHARLES LOWER is a native of Barrie and has represented Ward II for the past four years. He has been chairman of the Water and light committee for two years and the pre- vious year he was chairman` of the printing and advertising committee. He is a Past Master of Corinthian Lodge. Mr. Lower is a member of the Barrie Fire Brigade and of Col- lier St. United Church. ' 17'I l'Vrnr\~n 1- u. . -- . _._._-~ . uum-_y .SSOClal'.l0n and is a member of the Evening Industrial Classes Committee. He is also a P.D.D.G.M. of the I.-0.0.F. and a member of Cor- inthian Lodge. A. F. & A. M. Ac- tively interested in athletics, Mr. Bricker frequently officiates as um- ire at baseball games. He is a Pres- yterian. `r1 /new-A-_-.__- ....m.-c. navmg a Widely varied in- terest in the affairs of the commun- ity, Mr. Bricker is secretary of the Barrie Bowling Club and of the Poultry Association and is Committee. Hp iq 91... .. `D n n I` M nuun u. zzuuuluslt, who after an absence of one year from the Council again represents the East Ward, is a native of Listowel and has lived in Barrie thirteen years, being engaged with S. W. Moore all that time. Mr. Bricker sat in Council in 1923-24 and in the latter year was h-airman of the re and police com- m1ttee._ Having g widely varied During the course of some re- marks you are reported to have made at Allandale. you suggest. among other things, that someone (not W. A. Lowe) got a commis- ` sion on seats purchased by the Board of Education. Instead of this cowardly insinuation, I sug- gest that you make a direct char-n'n, an 4!... ...I.-I- L_( us. we `ubbawa u.w.v.A. and secre- tary-treasurer of the local Progress- ive Association. Mr. Jarvis later en- tered the real estate and insurance business in Ottawa, but, his health failing, he was compelled to leave the city and came to Barrie, where he took up market gardening. Last year he unsuccessfully contested the second deputy-reeveship. Mr. Jarvis teaches basketry in the Evening In- dustrial -Classes and is actively inter- ested in horticulture and poultry. In religion he is a Baptist. AT.`7TKT I` I)`l'I`rr11rv.1v\ " ` vwlrwxnthe voting: for Board of Educa- tion, Dr. Brereton and Mrs. T. R. AN OPEN LETTER TO DR. H. WALLWIN ..-..-- ...u. u;.a:.y a uuurcn. HERBERT A. JARVIS, who head- ed the poll in Ward I, was born in Surrey, England, and has been a re- sident of Barrie for the past four years, although he has been in Can- ada since 1909 and `lnnfn..- ..I-:.... --.- 3 I ' sence of two ' Council as first deputy-reeve. II for ii & A. M., and the Scottish Rite, the Barrie Bowling Club and secretary of the Barrie Curling Club. In`1924 he was president of the Mackenzie King Liberal Club. He is a Steward of Collier St. United Church. EDWARD J. BYRNE, after an ab- years, returns to the Mr. Byrne served as alderman for Ward ve and during that time was chairman of the printing and advertising market and parks committees. was active in the Council and his voice was usually heard in the de- bates that occurred. Mr. Byrne is a native of Barrie. He takes an active interest in athletics and is on the ex- ecutive of the Barrie Amateur Ath- letic Association. He is a member `of the Knights of Columbus. Wood- men of the_World and the C.M.B.A., and of various societies connected with `St. Mary's Church. `[JI:`1:I"D1.w~nrn A years, from 1919 to 1924, ' and He '- --..o.v.. -ac an a 1)H.pblSL. ALVIN C. BRICKER, who after lrl _of one year f1_'om(the A1-|1nn:'I ------- 3-31 uuy rat Ottawa, 'lnfan+ an W- - o vpnv vvwuvsb IIIFJ-ULU: In the mayoralty race, John F. Craig landed the honor for'the sixth time. His lead was 233, of which 199 came from his own ward, No.iIV. Mr. Huxtable had_ a majority -at both ends of the town, being 16 ahead in Allandale and 62 in Ward I. The total vote cast for mayor was'2083 . as compared with 1921 last year. I 'F`.v_T`Iuunn D T G.......4.A. ..--'L- 7-7: Not in a number of years has there been such .`a change in the" member- ship of the Town Council, only ve of the 1925 civic legislatorsbein `re- turned; Last year eleven came ack and six in 1924. The tlintette who returned this year are . ayor;.Craig, We Av D : Fu Fe Co Lower and Dr. Wallwin. L. F. Hill and Hy. Litster went down in athree- cornered ght with E. J. Byrne for first deputy, E. T. Tyrer and W. J. Craven were forced to give way to younger men,` and Wm. Lang also suffered defeat. Of the new mem- bers, Messrs. Byrne and Bricker have been in the Council `before. 7.. LL - "V Ward 1-- .. selections by Capt. and Mrs. Johnson Dance in St. Mary s Parish Hall, Jan. 13; Powell -s Melody Men. Ad- mission 50c. ,1c Canadian Club, Thursday, Jan. 14, in Library Hall.` Miss Jean Graham will speak on The Romance of Books." ` 1c Rummage sale at Salvation Army, Saturday, Jan. V 16. Donations of clothing, etc., gratefully `received. Phone 386W. 1c Dance in Craighurst Public Hall, Jan. 8, 1926, auspices of, L.O.L. 985, Craighurst. Good music. Everybody welcome. 95c. tax extra. c Don't forget `Old-Time` "Benet Dance, Orange Hall, Allandale, Fri`- day evening, Jan. 8. Admission: , gentlemen 75c, ladies 25c. , 1c` - Musical evening at Sa1vation'Ar- - my, Thursday, Jan. 14, entire 'pro- -' gramme of instrumental and vocal and family. 1c Don't forget the play, Nothingtof Do, Stroud Community I-I~all,`Fr1day evening, Jan. 22, by young peoble oi, Stroud United Church. Admission . 950 "out! 9-Kn "' - ,. --- -ax---avv u `all 11 UU U0 For First Deputy-Reeve-_ \ 1' 'D______ _ urn -- T. R. Huxfable Defeated by_.233; .`Wm.V Lowe Elecfed ' Reeve; E. J.VByrne Wins _ I` hree-/Cornered Fightfore 1st V . Deputy; Only Five of_'the'1925 Council Remain; 2083` Votes Cast; Dr. Brereton, Mrs. Huxtab1e_andMrs; Ord for Board of Education; Majority in Every Ward for % Gas Cdmpan_y By-Lallw. mun: Mnvonntrvnouonseo Io JOHN r. cnnleron snxmtumz CIRCULATION FOR WARDENSHIP :5 20 'Z5353"Zl`61 '17 9 1o 21 15 1A 1B Total .. 61 53 114 .. 52 89 91 .. 82 65 147. .. 24 _34. 58 3A 3B Total .108 87 195 . 96 98 194 '. 65 so 145 4500 oom:s`| _.--__ _ . _ . . - V up wvvnllc unsu 15916 G EUU time. Strangers welcome. . o 1: One of the almost daily topics of conversation in Barrie is the phen- omenal musical advance of Collier. St. United Church choir, and those who wish_ to hear that choir at its best will not fail {to be present'at Recital to be given next` Tuesday evening. ; 1c I l The rnnnnu'n A ----3'3----- A 3 "` 1! Total 195 Aldermen ...- valv avuow nuuuuwu. Reid put Barrie in the lead in the second period when, with Harding in the hoosegow. he took a pass from Si- mon and got his own rebound. A pretty combination between _Van Vliet and Carr-I-Iarr-is, with the former taking the shot. tied theiscore again. The.gar'ne became strenuous '_with, both teams taking and giving some heavy bumps. . Van Vliet earned a five-minute penalty and Barrie seized the opport nlty to Win the game. Armstrong batte in the `first goal from a. scramble in front of ' net and `GHQ n rnlnul-A `Ind-A- Fans who like a dash of~tabasco with their hockey-and there are mighty few who don t-got value for their money at Sid Shierlock s empor- ium on Wednesday night when Cliff; Brown sintermediates put a crimp in Camp Borden's aspirations by taking the long end of a 7 to 4 score in a scrappy game, featured by stiff body- checking and lively tilts between op- posing players that on several occa- sions threatened to `develop into open battle`. The game was not the best of hockey by any means, both teams giv- e ing a pretty ragged exhibition at times. _ but there was a-lot of smart play and ' after-the first -period both teams main- taineda fast pa ce. The locals had a big edge on t e Airmen in the matter of stickhandlng and they showed more speed but the Flyers had better com- bination and presented a strong de- fence in Harding and Van Vliet. They. however, made frequent trips to the penalty bench - and four of Barrie's goals were scored with one or the Camp huskies serving time. V - fl... I-`-..I_. ...L_..L__ __n;u, . ._ .--~.--V-a nun vooan usueavu The locals started with a rush and Powell got the first shot. They con- 'tinued' a. bombardment on McEwen and tiveeminutes elapsed before Tuck was called on to make a. stop. After ten` minutes of play Armstrong sunk 'one in the twine with a. back-hand scoop.1A few minutes later Keats grabbed a. loose puck near the Barrie goal` and`_ drilled it past Tuck. The period ended with the score knotted. `n-1,: _-_4 -ru__,,,n 106 .127 122 117 115 49 61 54 77 70 84 '88 108 118 99 64 79461 63 63 Scrappy Game Featured by e Lively Tilts Between Players. I BARRIE ems I CAMP BORDEN 7 GOALS TO 4! W. J. Craven -. . J. J. Goring .. J . R. Rogers .. vWard IV-- 4A W. N. Duffy. 112 L.~ O. Vair .. 42 H. Wal1win._. 101 35c and 25c. . 1-2c The Women's Institute are holding a progressive euchre in I.0.Q.F. Tem- ple, Thursday-, Jan. 14', 8115.111. Ad-`I mission 25c. -Come and have a good time; Strannmrn um'lnn'mn 1n 62' _17 _51 31 59 90 109 106 155 123 All n1 I` an :1 1 63 u. u. ouupauu, wno reurea. , The by-law to grant an extension of the. xed assessment ($10,000) of the Barrie Ga_s; Co. received a major- ity dof `346, being ahead in.Vevery. war . 1 s - `majority, Mrs. 'L. R. Ord being the third trustee chosen totreplace Dr. `L. J. Simpson, who retired. Tho I-\v-Inuy I-A nmov.+ nvu .............:.... Huxtable were re-elected by a big] Ward V- 52 44 64 47 62 l.UlI 91 vb VV\Jl\l' uunuululu UVVU %aawmwmmwww&3 Mayor--J. F. O1-Ania, . Reeve--W. A. Lowe. First Doputy-E. J4. Byrno. Second Deputy-`-D. F. Mccuaig. Aldprmon--I . `Ward l--A. ._c. Brickm-. l-IA. A. Jarvis. _ I Ward u_r. c. Lower. v. L. Vgntter. Ward |Il-H. H. Cruwicke..P. J. Moran. _Ward |V-W. N. mm. Dr. H. . Wallwin. Ward V-J. R. Rogers, J. J. Goring. V Ward vu-v. E. Knight. Alex. 8chroibor.' \ 60 18 65 56 38 LVU 77 4C '_5A BARBIE CO`UNCIL."1926- 72 47 40 42 31 29 21 18 22 16 64 55 53 I-(Ill 51 i ib ids` 63 62 01 120 126 5A 5B Ad 107 88 1 104 99 1 145 114 2 was vv rnnbnrodnvllllll E. J. Lambert, Reeve of Stayner, is out after `the -Wardenship for 1926, a- nosition that has not `yet been held by a representative of his town. Reeve Davis of Essa, .Reeve Begs` of Collingwood and Reeve Wilson of Vespra are also mentioned in connec- tion with the honor. 5 5B 40 58 42 150) 46 88 84 W53!" Yw'~ V BARRIE CANADA THERSDAY JANUARY 77 9 4B 6A 6B Ad. T t l 66 75 61.1306 35 4449 652 73 62 44 1113 40 46 35 726 `32 33 16 47 33 34 35 30 19 58 64 so iiss 75 52 41 `925 VI` >14 3c per word: minimum 60c. uqptcsnamsvammmmmmmma... 64 70 48 1155 61 42 22 817 4c Adv. T t l ` Adv. Total 11 17 26? M 723 277 726 469 *616 .206` 220 285 i 360 168 HAH or: v nuovll 0 ,.v For Reeve-- . G..C. `Allan ....'52 60` `Geo. Leslie . . . . 31 47 ~A.lW. Warnica .. 12 6 For Deputy-Reeve-- Geo. Arnold . 33 H. S. Reynolds. . 55 For C_ounci1lors-- Jos. Bowman 24 R. D. Henry, . 7 Chas. Henry 19 .W. J. McMaster.. 70_ F. W. Peacock.'. 26 R`. A. Sutherland 24 ,H. M. Stewart. . Albert Webb-`. 7. 28 25 10 10 244 57 19 4,.Thornton; `5, Strdud; 6. Point; '10, Cookstown; 11, \B 0 97 ' 36 3 49 53 27 18. _ 1o- 31 39 4 '64 29 25 30 86 41 45. 73 32 25.. 34 '34 44 bs4v1o4, 19 6 57 48 .- The polls are located as follo .62 15 IIVIIGVIO . INNISFIL In none of the rural municipalities was the election followed with more` interest than in Innisl. For the: `Polling Division 1 -2 3 4 I 'n-__'n,,_ gwwwwwwmwmwwwwwg 3 COMING EVENTS 1 30. nm- wnrdo vwlnlrnuvn Km. , Flos, Oro, Vespra and Innisl fur- L nished brisk contests` for municipal 7 honors this year. Flos had `a record ` number of candidates for the reeve- ship`-ve. Innis'l had an exception- ally large batch for councillors, eight trying for three positions. `There were three-cornered ghts for both reeve and deputyin Vesprayand for reeve in Innisl, which lent an added interest to the situation, three-cor neredz contests being as uncertain as a horse race. The only acclamation 3 in the four townships` was that given ~ W. F. Downeyv as denuty-reeve of ' Flos. The weather being mild and .' the roads good, a large, vote` was I polled. ' J T\+\YTYnTf ____ --, ....`......,, vvo uvuuouvu. { Orillia Town--'-Reev_e, R. A. Brown; ' First Deputy, H. Holmes;. Second De-: puty, P. McLeod. I Oro---Reeve, I. "H. Luck; Deputy, H. J. Crawford. ' Penetang--R'eeve, F. Corbeau. b. Port McNicoll-Reeve,-T. B. C012! ett. , Stayner-Ree.ve, E. J. Lambert. I Sunnidale---Reeve, J. Spicher. _ Tay`--Reeve, C. Gratrix; Deputy,r T. Potter. Tecumseth---Reeve, Barry Jebb; I Deputy, Robert Wray._ I uu ..... s--.1 arvyuvgy \.Io V10 \IlUVC1'o I Orilli,a Tp.-Reeve, A. A. Cunning- ham; Deputy, W. Johnston. f\__1II_ I'I'I__, ynculauo Medonte-Reeve, T. Wiley;A De- puty, Wm. Arnold. \ Midland--Reeve, G. Gooden; First! Deputy, I. K. Brown; Second Deputy, D. H. Wray. _ Nottawasaga-- Reeve, W. Shields; Deputy, G. W. Glover. ! l'\..!I1! _ flL_ T` I Essa-Reeve, Geo. L. Davis; De-gl puty, Chas: Denney. ` Flos--'+Reeve, Jos. Drysdalia; De-f puty, Field Downey. ` ' l ' Innisl---Reeve, G. G. Allan; De-i puty, S. H. Reynolds. M-atchedash-R`eeve, W. W. Tem-Q pleman. 1|/I .-.._l,...a.- 13..---- rn urn V" H I"%. SON. Llllh Bradford---Reeve, J. E. Cocmbs. Barrie--Reeve, W. A. Lowe; First! Deputy. E. J. Byrne; Second Dep~_1.fy, . D. F. M<:Cuaig. -.g 1 Beeton--Reeve, J. S. Carlton. Collingwood--Reeve, C. C. Beggjzg [First De"puty, W. A. Tom; Second De puty, J. W. Smith.` . Creemore---Reeve, Isaac Scott. Goldwater----Reeve, `A. W. Robin- EH71 -...u--., v wars- The worst slaughter, of last yearfsi `representatives was in the. town of Orillia, where Boyd-,. LaRose and Coates were` defeated by majorities of, 683, 869 and 1206 respectively. n J. Young, last year s deputy, who es- sayed to beat Reeve Cunningham, in Orillia Tp., was 85 short. Jas, Wil- son defeated . Thos. Rankin, last year's reeve, in Tiny by over 200. , J. Kiernan. running against two ex- V reeves, Pulfor_d and Stephens, had. over 100 majority in Tos-sorontio. Dr.. McPhee of Port McNic'oll retired and is succeeded by T. B. Corbett. A David Williams, son of the late Wm. Williams of Collingwood, failed ibyr 22 votes to get his father s'seat in the I 3 County Council. Below are giv n 1 the names of those who constit tel` the County Council for 1926:-- 1 Adjala---Reeve, Geo. Patterson. ' Alli~ston--Reeve, W. J. Cunningug` ham. ` ' -' IIIVII GIG J3. Ur Llylil CU 1-10 `'0 LVIU` . Cuaig, Barrie; J W. Smith, Calling-, wood; W. F. Downey, Flos; S. _H; Reynold. Innisl; Wm. Arnold, Me-b donte; D. H. Wray, Midland: W. Johnston`. 0rilli'a,Tp.; R. A. Brown, Orillia Town; I. `H. Luck -and H. J. Crawford, Oro; T. B. Corbett, Port- McNicoll; M. Asseline, Tiny; Jas... Doran, Vespra. d ! TL. ......._4. _1___-,1.L-__ in 1- ,L ,, a I The municipal elections of 1926 wrought numerous changes in the County Council of Simcoe, nineteen T members being returned who had not seats in that body last year. Of these, five have been there before. These members are G. C. Allan, In- . nisl; Philip McLeod and H. Holmes, Orillia; F. Co_rbeau,. Penetang, and J; Kiernan; Tossorontio. The ee.nv men are E. J. Byrne and D. . Mc- J. Smith, Calling-V, urnnr` I W W nnuvnnu Wing. Q I` Fourteen Members Have Not` Served.in. That Body` I .1 e Before. I nmus IN 11310 WNSHIP CONTESTS 19 In V 7 ~ FOR THIS YEAR; .45. 25 19 54 1'16 48` 67 59 .._--v-and A. C. Bricker . Geo. C. Coles . H. A. Jarvis .. Wm. Lang . . . . `I17 - __ .1 1'7?