Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1925, p. 13

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[ask :2, 1923.` Weyburn, to_wa1 Ilaist. Dept. M23. 'I;z7wI'ic-. Ont. 3 $7ha1?!hg_IcMenfi:f_- H HUB UKIIIIIIUIM . Agents .i%`u`.?5:J3' xonmnnnu ISOVELTY C0. THE HOME OF BETTER PICTURES. CCU: o u-you --u- --q-. vbnms stocklnzs. Inends clothes. witches all fabrics. rubber and leather. Does away with drudgery of darnlnp and mandlnc. Does the work cheaper. easier. ` quicker. Stands repeated washings send 500, for tull size tube. Money back B It not anused. - , . A _.L. nut. nmu unn. ISIHJJU-Ilium Mrs. J. A. McCarthy, Miss Brydon .|'and, Miss Vera _McCarthy leave this week for Toronto where they will spend hhe winter. - ' -12.. ___.1 11;... '1'.` 7...._........ ......`I (gnu- ape ntA the week-end with her pirents, . Mr. and Mrs. R. Tuck, Du'ndona,ld St. Pkgs. for II`-IO Frank E; Quirilan,` -Bonk? 01- Nova; Scotia and Honace Quinlan. Toronto University, were .hom"e" for `Thanks- giving . . _ `Alma A" 117 Dnnafnun nri `Mr: `W. 5 J. V nus. Mrs. A'.'.W. Pensto e and Mrs. W. H. Craig and son Ke. t iperit Thanks- giving with their mother, Mrs. F." J. Lower. . ` " 1-: 11'! \v 1-1...`-.....--.....I.- 54` LL. ..c.-.410 IJUFUUEII. , , _ . _ - M Mrs. :(Dr.) Vaugha,n,. after spending afew months with her sisters, left on Tuesday for her home ln,Blrm1ngham, [Alabama ' 1:... r A 11-1-|....a.I.-- 111.... 13..-ulna Mr. and" Mrs. J. A. Cockburn of Ed- gar announce the engagement of their idaughter, Margaret {Kathleen (Kay) .t0.J0seph Mitchell Etrachan, son of the late Wm. and Mrs. Strachan of Oro, the marriage to take p'1ace quietly in November. ' ._.,1 at. 7 A t~4...I..v--- A'II.....'ln1A 'L'i{a{n?cT is&ai1;i{.' ;o;"xn:aVz:l;;\;>tTf' the B,C.I. statf, now. of. St. `catharlnes, spent Thanksgiving with` Miss` Helen. Ross. ' Mn- 1-n` r\.-1._u__' "I_-_I.L -1 `YA-..-. WU!) U" ' : ~ . ~ - B. W. N. Brdwnscombe of the staff of the Bank or ' Commerce spent Thanksgiving at his} hqme in Peter-` borough; , i 1 11.... ,:n..\ 1r.......i...... -44.... gnnnitlna I-IIU wanton A V Mr. and Mrs. E. Longman an_d= Gor- do_n Longman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Longman, Toronto, for Thanksgiving. `I ..I..... `l3.\..L..lAn... nl `I"\nupi:Iann our-iirn J. uuunasu V1115. T John Pa.rtr1dge'ot_Da.v1dson arrived in ;town lat week. Mr. Partridge has bought a house on Eccles St`. and will` make his home in Barrie. Miss -Laura Young of St. Catharines and Newton Young of Toronto were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Young, for Thanksgiving. , ' In ,,.___ Mr. and Mrs. Wellingto Cameron and `family of Toronto were Thanks- givigo guests of Miss Maconchy and Mrs. W. D. MacLaren, Mary St. IVERED TO OF TOWN -.--.... . .-. -v.._...__..--_-, . I. Mercer Denholm `News-Tribune was a. caller at the Examiner Office on Saturday on his way home'from a brief visit to Camp Borden.` ' T -In_.._.._._.. 117.1`... -5 'l'1...`..4I.....A l'\ul- u|J5Ul ucu. ' Emerson Walker of Portland, Ont., Bob of Elmvale, Miss Eppyjof 'I`otten- ham and Miss Edna Wright of 'I`o1_'- onto spent the week-end a.t W. A. - Thompson's. ' I 1ur.. ......=a mrm. luau 'I'I:nan1ln A1- -~ u--u.-- `...--- --- ----._-- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Locke, Oril,l1a., announce "the engagement of their daughter, Caroline` E. Locke. RN`. to M1`. VV. Russell Wright, Detroit, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright, the marriage to take place this month _- - _- A. In ,5-I-N,-I LVUVCIILUQLI . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Srigley, Allandale. announce the engagement. of their . daughter, Dorothy May, to Thomas E1- wood_McQua.y of Elmira; Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQuay of Ivy, the marriage to take place quietly the llatter part of this month.` no /~n_,_u.._;L -2 . . . y . 51$ `....- ..- _---_ -_.__.-V_. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corbett of Cookstown announce the engagemexft of their youngest daughter, Myrtle Edith, to Mr. John, Willis Corrigan, eldest sorr of Mr. and Mrs, J. '1`. Corri- gan of Cookstown. the marriage to itake place the latter part of November. ,-_-1-.-`- __-I.- -.....-- --e..- `........- ---- _---_.._ `.V~_. .. _ Among the students who came` home from Toronto for Thanks- giving were: Jean Cowan, Helen Ross, Margaret Malcomson, Gwen Hurlburt, Grace. Beattie, Jean Warnica, Eleanor Carr. Isobel Devlin, Sarah Wallwin, Edith Quinlan. Isobel Walker, Marjorie Laidrnan, Gordon Channen, Victor Col- lins, Herb. Jamieson, Horace Quinlan. Keppel Lally, Gerald Braden, Harold Smith, Thos. McCarthy, Edgar Price, Chas. McMartin, Allan Chantler, Percy Vivian and A. H. Walker all of Toronto Universityrc Olive` Lally, Catherine Culross, Gertrude Scott and Alberta Newton of Toronto Normal and Fred lBi11ings1ey of the College of Pharmacy. I L U.Ulll]JBUll 5- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kinsella, Al- landale, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Alice Maude, to Mr. James Douglas Williams of the R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, the marriage to take place in December. -- u. u -r , ,1 , 1\..1II.I- ,You will be able to in- clude Quo `Vadis in your list of the really big pictures you have seen. Dont s miss this one, be- `Cause it willbe your loss: QuoVadis MON., TUF.S., WED. uwson, repre- Alliance. T nnA!.~. Au. _ H" `SOON --ALSO--' A Side-Splitting Comedy` . Say It with Flower Two Shows, 7.15 -_ 9-.15 Adults 23c, taxizc, Children 9c, tax`1jc. M: HUNCHBACK or Nome DAME" at no increase in prices Tm: REAL BIG ONE or THE YEAR atireguihf house lpiices ' _ . iwATsoN-oeMPsTe n ' .1 A` quiet` but pretty .wedding -took ` place `at the Mary St. parsonage, Bar- 3 'rie.'on Nov. 7, when Rev. A.` J- G. Cars- I - Miss Wilhelmine Cleary of Ivy, cousin gadden united in marriage Miss'Elsief ames, third daughter of Mr; and Mrs... Sanford Dempster, to Mr. Charles Gor- don Watson `of Angus. The bride was; daintily dressed in blue satin with ra- ' dium lace and coat and hat to match. of the bride, acted" as bridesmaid and Mr. Norman Parson of- Ivyr was groomsman. The *groom s"gift to the` bride was awhite gold wrist watch; to the bridesmaid, a bar pin; to the groomsman, cuff links. After the cere- mony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's parents, where /a. delectable luncheon` was served. An un- usual ieature was the presence of fo'ur generations. The bride received many useful gifts. Mr.-and Mrs. Watson will reside near Angus. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Eglinton United Church, on '_ `Monday, by the Rev. Mr. T Cas- well, when Sadie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. iHoa.r,_of Lindsay, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Alfred Leroy. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chown, of Barrie. The bride was charmingly attired in bois du rose satin faced Canton, trimmed with real lace, with large black portrait hat, shoes and stockings to match. She car- ried a shower bouquet of butterfly ros- es and lily-of-the-valley. Mrlss Olive Edna, of Guelph, sister of the bride, was gowned in powder blue Canton crepe, with hat and hoes to match. She carried a generous bouquet of Am- erican Beauty roses. The groom was supported by Mr. William Craig of Barrie. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the brides- maid a rope of pearls, and to the best man.a diamond tie pin, From the `church they motored to Carlsrite hotel where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served. The happy couple left mid showers of confetti and good wish- es. for a long and happy wedded life. On their return they will reside on Roehampton Avenue, Toronto. |.wn" (Sunder- The marriage of Miss Marjorie J. A.` Frances Fraser, eldest daughter of Col. ` Alexander Fraser, A.D.C., to His Honor ` the Lieutenant-Governor. and Mrs. Fraser, Woodlawn Avenue, to Mr. John Wilfred Sutherland, B.A., 0; Sudbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sutherland, Stroud, took place on Satrday af- ternoon, Nov. 7, at Knox College Cha- pel, Toronto. Rev. Dr. Sclater of Old St. Andrew's Church officiated. The church was beautifully decorated with standards of bronze, white and yellow chrysanthemums, flowering plants, tallv palms and foliage plants. Mrs. Bruce Scott played the wedding music. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a smart. gown of bois durose crepe with godet, and black velvet hat with taupe trim- ming. She carried a, bouquet of Premier roses, lily-of-the-uvalley and white heather. Mr. James Ludgate of Parry Sound was best man. The bride s only attendant was her sister, Miss Mairi Fraser, who looked` pretty in a frock of periwinkle blue crepe, becoming black velvet hat and bouquet of Col- umbia roses. During the signing of the register Miss Kay Meldrum sang a specially composed song` by Mrs. Bruce Scott. _A/reception was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents at Woodlawn Avenue. C01. and Mrs. Fraser received the guests. Mrs. Fraser wore a becoming gown of al- mond green satin charmeuse with black tulle hat, and carried Premier roses. The house was decorated with Autumn flowers in profusion. The bride's table was done with bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. The wedding cake was topped` [With lilies-of-the- valley. Mrs. W. B. Reid poured tea and coffee. On leaving, the bride wore a handsome coat of bois du rose trimmed with sable, and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland left on 8. motor trip _to New York, and on their return will live` in Sudbury.-Mail and. Empire. &&m%wm&&&&%&m& E .. 7- 1. E WEDDINGS O Since coming to Barrie Dr. G. B.I Jamieson, (who after practicing his `profession atVEdga r for over twenty- one years has disposed of his practice to Dr. L. H. Bigelow, a former assis- tant to Dr. W. A. Lewis), and Mrs.i Jamvieson were surprised by a prese a.- ' !tion from their Edgar friends 0 a handsome floor lamp and 3. Walnut console set, together with the following; lexpression of their goodwill: 'l`n hrs and Mrs. Jamieson: We. your GXDTESSIOII OI H1611` guuuwui. To `Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson: We, your friends andneighbors of this commun- ity, wish to express our feelings in a tangible way of the services rendered` bytyou as a physician and friend, in times of sickness. The rough weather: and bad roads at times were almost impassable, but` you went on and braved the storms and the Lord will bless you in your efforts of` doing good. Your `kind and cheerful disposition always encouraged those about you. In sports you have always taken a keen interest and we hope you will often visit Edgar and join in the games. We will miss you, Mrs. J amieson, in our organizations and church work where you have al- ways taken an active part, `faithful at the post of duty, expending your talent in the service of yourDivine\Master, and we hope by frequent visits you will keepsalive our mutual friendship. We ask you and ]J)ctor to accept this electric floor amp and walnut console {set as a slight token of our apprecia- tion and, as you use them you will have i happy memories of your friends at Ed- lgar. We, asfa community, all join `in swishing you` every success and hap- ;piness that this` earth can give and 2 after that the Joy of Heaven". Signed long`; behalf of the fcommunity-Mrs. PRESENTATION MADE TO ' DR. G. Bl: ANDMRS. JAMIESON {I-IARRISON--In ~the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, on Saturday, Nov. 7, 1925, to Mr. and, `Mrs. Ernest Harrison, 1-Iillsdale, a daughter. ' I -v-an onu- JOHNSON--NICHOLSON -- At the` parsonage, 54 Mary St., Nov. 7, 1925,| . by Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Edithl _May;' Nicholson to Verne Johnson, , both of Midland. - V iWATSQN-_-DEMPSTER-At the par- sonage, 54 Mary? St., Nov. 7, 1925, by 1 Rev. A. J. G. Carscaddep, Isabella Elsie` J. Dempster `to Qha.x>l'es G. Wat- - nn Jsnfh nf Andrus {E1513 J. lJUIllp3l.l'_3l.` [U son. both qt Angus. SUTHERLAND-FRASER ular 3 for . . . 4 for 28: Cl-lOWN-HOAR BORN THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' acknowledgment: H Dear Friends: Since our arrival in Barrie, we have received your most kind letter of appreciation of our ser- vices to the community while living in Edgar, and also the very lovely pre- sents that accompanied the letter. It is difficult to find words to express adequately our deep appreciation of these evidences of your goodwill to us. In the years that we spent in Ed- gar, our relations with the people, both professional and social, were very hap- ADY. and the memories that we carry with us and.will continue to retain, are those of the happiest nature. We in turn can only wish for you all an a- bundance of the good things that only the Giver of all good gifts can bestow. and Mary Mcnean. I In reply to the presentation, Dr. and` Mrs. Jamieson have sent the following I acknowledgment: L --~n.m.. `lI`v-inhg! mnma. our arrival in: llI\.l I\r Ilwuvvu--v-v-_ Thatworn bathroom rug will be just the thing for a. knee rest for the woman gardener to protect her from dampness and - dirt when weeding or lanting. Just try using a. rug and you w 1 never go ~ back to that awkward stopping nncfnrn 9 an in , vEmancipa.ted women if: Turkey` are subject to the same taxes as men. -______-_:..a. ..a.4..........;4. 1... ...-...:...-.6-:. DILIJJUVU nu uuu uw-uv u.-.-4...... ...... ---....... A communist attempet to assinate King Ferdinand` of Roumania. failed. .-.. __.._;A .3 u__ 1- ---.;'..- _....a. ...2n-4-`-.. Is BU'1` YOU. i-Blough, Misses Mabel Thompson, Jean` on:-1 T\/fnrv MnT.pan_ I -v151ougn, J.V1155\-:3 J.VJ.d.l and Mary McLean. Tn I-nrir fn fhtl `I'IY` gu` uuuxs LU posture again. 131115 L'6L \ALll(AIll\A Va. a.-vunnnny-..u~ a.u.--u... Signing of the Locarno pact will` take place in London on December 1. .1_.`..;. arm a..........-... n'........::..... ....1.:u...... 518. LVLILFIU U..I.EI.l.'1UI-- . Arriold and Clinton Bodler, aged 12` and 6, who ran away from their home near Gananoque, were located in a park six miles tro_m home. ` * Nyxwvy nan J-4\IlA\A\.rAn v.. -.ryvv--.wu- _. Abdut 300 former Canadian soldiers ' held an Armistice celebration ii1-Lon- kdoh, Eng. . - ` `Rio-. anmvpsmn win n=_nm-fad in exnnrta Iqon, nmg. - Big decrease `is reported in exports to the United States from the Sault Ste. Marie district. Au"-Cnlil on linfnn `DA:-Haw orn' 19` A good assortment in checks and plains, reg. $1.50. Invoice Price, 50 A fc_ew left in Brill, n casting tern lmes th 100.000 nufactured Society, Club and G. 8L C., a good 1ine,,regu1ar $2.00 Invoice Price, $1. A shipment of Broadcloth Shirts, Pyjamas and Un- derwear ordered for Fall by us and which we cannot nrefuse, has just been received. Remember, this stock must be sold. We are going out of business--no farce or bluff. We must vacate Dec. 31st, 1925. '.l".|PSY TO HOUSEWIVES ,__.. `:11! L. , BLUE OVERCOATS "iels 'L'r"qJi};'1I' selling. Your last opportunity to buy Boys and Men's Wear at invoice prices and less. or Barrie , V Opposite trket A J Capitol Theatre I SAY! HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUJ rr? IS some ou'1:oF Ml-1N S and BOYS ; % WEAR Cut, 22 lb. (1. pe? lb. 20 . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . 17 b. . . . . . . 23 JOHN SASO I Syrian rebels aim to sufround Da- , mascus and institute a. general uprising I against the French. Qnrnnnl T\/I'n("n'rnh .nf Thuffarin nnunfv - a-no guy-.- u. -...........-u --..---0 I Adu1t"Austra1ians who fail to vote. in the general elections Saturday will be automatically ned 2. -r 1-v 91-3! nL_L___ I_-__- .._4 u.:vuunv..-v-uw v- -emu`; -u -v-..-. Comsumption of beer during 12' months in England shoWed,that every British citizen averaged `half a.` barrel. n-.-<,n, ,u 4,__1,,,,,, _, ,, vv,,3L.s| 111UU11!'.'S. The United States is beastly rich, and is turning toward the path down which Rome staggered to her doom, declared Bishop; Thirkfield during an address in Buffalo. . TT Q nvunln nunn 4-`Infra tvnnn Ia A134-3, 215'd.1.l15L L116 .l'.`l C1.lUll. Samuel McComb, -of Dufferin county, ! dropped dead in-the bush while return- I . ing from a. rabbit hunt. I A.-u_,~:L.'A___;___1:_.-._ __I.- ._.!I L- -.._4.-| any n... ..... -.~--.......--_, -----... .,,_. Italy and United States have not yet reached an agreement as regards settlement of Italy's debt. ' I ,_,-4.1- 1_-__. .1-___:___ '-In ..r.-y.-a-o \dOUnJ4\-Inn .-..v-......... --...-- ... ....~--..-. Annual Federal tax burden in United States. will be decreased by about` $114,000,000 by repealing excise and` special taxes and-cutting levy on auto- mobiles. I'l'|ln.-. `I'Tn Qiuaoa la I-.ana4>`lu Ink N auuress Ill DuLL'd.lU. I U. S. apple crop this year is esti-, mated by the Department of Agricul- Iture at 164,000,000 bushels. All-unrf (`nnnhiari 1A__1rnuv~_nI T-nnxr nf uu.uuu:u uy a. p1a.yu1a.u:. Floyd Black, 32, of Terre Haute, Ind.. was sentenced to life. imprisonment for attemptingto wreck a. train. 1'..- -r____1-1.__ -1-.1'-_1.-__ -4! \v_`___' u-r_,,u, ` "i\a?;f'.?3}}ifm'; i?6;{.;,"o':` mu,` N.Y., has crocheted an U. S. flag 11x7 feet, and required six years to com-I zplete. Wnr irrhu-in'n rnnnivn mhnn aha stumbled ver a. projecting water pipe, F0} iniuries received when she: Mrs. Agn s Drinski, sued the city of Cleveland for $100,000.- LAL-;_____L 1; __,._-_.4,:| 4- 1, , q 'LU.l'U ad. .l.0'2,UUU,UUV uuaucxs. Albert Caponigri,T14-year-old boy of Chicago, 111., died from a. stab wound inflicted 'by a. playmate. 'l'o`lnvd `R1901: R2 nf Terra T-Tsanfn Tnd Attemt is ;eporteti tobe under Way` to make Prince Rupprecht King of Bavaria. - ~ "Van $4-nnu nn '-`Lia `I3uA--Iv-..-A -1 r\_ .Da.Vil.l.`R`l.. . Ten States and the Province of On- tarionare barred from sending ear corn to the International Stock Show in Ch1ca'go. ` Tl"Il\III.I \II IQIKIJIIILJ ' | Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Webb wish to [thank the police for their quick work ,in securing the return of their stolen automobile. 46c The family _of the late Mrs. Margaret Hill wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement, also for floral tributes. 460 Mr. Thos. Doran and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them in. their recent sad bereavement and also for oral tributes. I _ 46; |PERKINS-At Dalston, Nov. 11, 1925, , Marion Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. D. Perkins, aged two months and five days. DANE--In ever loving memory of my dear mother, Elizabeth Dane, who departed this life, November 14, 1906, and my dear aunt, Catherine Lynn, who passed away April 23, 1925. Time cannot dim the memory of Stella. ` An vice being eir wheels An engine 1: eighteen Y,` A WITH FORSYTHE-In loving memory or John Ambrose Forsythe, who died on Nov. 11, 1918, also in loving memory of his brother, Pte. Thomas Jackson Forsythe, killed in action on the Cambrai Front, on Sept. 29, 1918, of the 1st C.M.R. s transferred from the 249th C.E.F. TY-`I-81 A-I..- GI_...1__-._ 1111.. A _____ n 1sWITzER-In loving memory or Albert M.` Switzer who died Nov. 11 1010 1110611. LV1. DWLLZCF WHO (1180. LVUV. 11, 1919. --Ever remembered by Wife and 6p - Family 0`:-`1 L11 \.;.&..| .". Until the Shadows Flee Awayg CARDS 01- mmxs \ .- and 1/r.-a Tnffvnw txrnhh mm}. 4, Our Boys Wear offers the people of Barrie and vic- inity the biggest values. ever afford- Some we -had on order two months ago, regular $1.00. Invoice Price, 70c about all sold. Avail yourself of the opportunity to save` price of suit. Also iI1C1L_l_d`C\d`_?lI'6 \r I\h'l I . . . 3 for . md, pkg. g easy, our reg: InGoice Price, 35c OUR FIXTURES ARE ALL FOR lij First Class Fix- tures, `Stands, Cases, etc. _If there are any xtures you need, see us. Any price acceptable. Alssourmv L ; . No cmann IN MEMORiAM No Tie over 70c Flehece-Lined Combinations Regular $2.09 , Invoice Price; -Q `r 7 \rl Boys rm: DIED Pa 3e Thirteeil .Ull'd.. 461) ['46:- )OD 24-lb. bag 90: V'lmt of the essrs. S. W. F36. Fr 15th went into ckies two eman. All me is its. heels. It nd every- es Hy night: 46:: :oqI;s are made Smoked LUlLLIlUCo Lord's An- :el'Y rt-It 2 for. - 25 ' 25 ' 25 ' 25 ' 25 ' 25 19 + 25 25 24 25 25 23 23 32 12 23 ' 25 15 15 ' 25 25c 38c 30c 23 40:: 25c bar, ` bar, 4 bar, bar, 4 bar, ' 25 14 18: 18c ` 23. ' 24 ' 25c 25c XICIJILVVCIM Lllllhlbluy 6`:-Lu Mrs. I-Iiggs has gone to Toronto and Mpntreal for a month before proceeding to her old home In Nassau. `ll ELI-.- ..._.I Ana--cal: nu-:u u Acuun nu as-In\1Q.o\\a, nun. vvPvl\u Alf. Castor: and Stan Gaston" of `Toronto were home for the holiday. 111-..... T nt\v\n flanwunn nun! Tnuuuhn vv U\l\"\aa|\u- Miss Greta at the home `Than1 `Il.l.... `Al (N... .. 2 pkgmi 4 lbs. for I 4 lbs. for 1 J llillIl\DEyIVlllfv ` Miss M. Greydon of Streetsville is \'isiting'.\vith Mr. and Mrs. VV. R; King, 109 I`0r0nt.o St. - 1urx._.. 'n1-..4.'|..... `I'I...nLI- Pu` mauucun `CI !!! J\!.'v LII] lllll-Ll >JLu Miss Esther Pratt of Crown Hill spent Thanksgiving with Miss Edna West, Dunlop St. ` T\IIJn.-. '|Ul`nuur1n 'C`1n`nnul~uv AP "Vnnnnl-t\ \VUL, JJUIILUF |.7|I Miss M'aude Flaherty of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the home of J. C`(n.'Ld,\'. Victoria St. I -:n_-__ r4_-.....x- I\..1.:I.--..II .......-..L 'II......1..-. \ |Hl4l.b`V. Vlbullllua K1 Miss Gussie Calwell spent Thanks- giving with her sister, Miss Sara B. Caldwell. Buffalo. N.Y. `Ml-us Illa-o-u Inna annn I-n Tnvnnfn and JV}! B. :u1uL. VV UBO. -L IIUL lllrullo Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalton Muirhdad of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Desourdie. -112..--.. 1-7-4.- t\I1uI'..II..-. '|'T.....\.n8n.-. 13A JV1l- auu LVLlBn LL: \.n Llcnvuuuavs Misses Kate O'Ma1!ey, Veronica Re- gan and Florence Henry of Toronto, spent over the holiday in town. `I T.` `I Anlnw-1 IAIN I-I-`la uvnnb Gnu 'l\nn1r_. I IJICIIIUII \)L LI-IC LUUJKNI LJKIll|l\ lvllvl V0 Miss Marion Partridge, Howell Part- ridge and Barrett Partridge of Tor- onto were in town for the holiday. - 11.. ..--.1 11.... '1u'............. nrnlla and \-.n_| was In tuwu muuuay -_ 1 3 Mrs. .G. E Henry of Ttrdntogis-.v1g.< iting friends 1n.Barrle. - ~ ' 11.. and lira (`hon (`nvw nl 'I"nn;\n`On llul L; JCIIUD au~a.:uuanw. I Mr. and Mrs Chas. Carr of '1:or6;ito are visiting his parents. . - /1-.....` llnnnn AF Tnhnnfn `Iron a crI:l6`.' 11314) ): VV|-II I-L nvuuw an ounvuvvu . Mrs. R. W. Grovemof Lin51say,v1s1ted relatives in town over Sunday. 'l .V.-. ..l BCnI|nuI`a'nv\ `I-Flinvuurnln In Ina 3 for . 7 lbs. for V l'C|aLJVGrl nu Iv\IVV u vvvo nauueuuyo Earl Richardson, is Ime- proving after his severe illness. Harry Carson oi! Toronto spent Thanksgiving at his home here. . _ 3 Clarence Ambler of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at his home here. Francis Moran of Toronto we. with. his parents over Thanksgiving. !u:anna Anna and Tana (1111 nmnnn I. llullhfgl V Ana 7 Awauvn n u: .u. u. ullvvv Miss`Jessie Lower of Toront spent Thanksgiving at her home here. 7 1-. nxn .....,: 1\/n.5,. `m...\.:.. 117'..-` ..a.. .l U.l'UllLU Wclv Iauauv I:\-ll: vuw llulluuyo Misses Leona Wiseman and Laura. Ferry were in Toronto over Sunday." Tun]; Nhnnrnnn nnnnf fhn 'I`hnnln:_ vuun. , . Elder Caldweli attended the Cald- well-Rous wedding at Lyndenf on 1\`1OT!('Hl,V.` 1:1"- 1' `P1 `l'.\l.lI1..-.. 1\nA;: Ill... `I .-41...! JV|.|Jll\Il.|.\' 0 Mrs, J. D. Laldlaw and Miss Isabel 'Ln.id1mv are In Toronto for a. couple -of weeks. `:5. II,.._!_ `I_'l'7_.l...l..J. A-H VI`.-...-_.A.A --an-._n ll} IICI lllll IIUIIIC Ill AVCLIUBKALI-In Misses Frances Shier and Animal West spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. West. Thornton. ___,-u 'IA ..... 1-: 'I\..IL.\.. 'nII'..l...I.....-.;.I A0 EIJCHL UVCI L110 uuuauay Ill Luvvuo I J.E.J. Aston left this week for Dray- ton having been transferred to k the branch of the Royal Bank there. 1u:..... `1ur....I..... 'n.....a-..IA..u-. 'l'.'.I'nurn`ll `Dun!-_ l.U1' I uaunnggn v page` 1 Miss Mcphee;/11brar1 n,`yve;;-g ea. _{"r`1~._,.-`. onto tor the holiday; I , I 1')-.. Eu IIAIVDIA 13 l'\|'|InIn\ 'rI`ngu\-`GA 01' In LUVVII Dual. Lzuhubungv Miss M. A." Train spent the week-end at her home in Elmvale. ' I mum. mlaannr Vnnvu: vlnlfnd In Tm-u-_l al, HUI uuluc III aauuaavunvo ` " Miss Eleanor Young visited 1nf'1`o'r- onto for a week. recently. " - .1- .....u M ... 11:7 11 111.... v......... x..- ,1 )'l( f- v' ' 01` I31,g.':, UIILU LUI Ct Vvvvlv ovuvaauogu Mr. and Mrs. W. R.` King `were in` Toronto over the holiday. ` ` ` Ill-.. \VaII{n lfnanhln `Iron: Ivvlbin Hanan IILUII usuuun: av: uuv uvuuuqo Miss. Leota Baughman spent a.-few. days with friends in Toronto. mum D (X7 (lrnvnm nf 1'.ln(1anu ulnll-n.-I 1|| ya: Uulvw u.v va a. auausxswggs v 5513: Misses Anne and Lena ,G111, were Thanksgiving visitors in Torontp. Illa.`-Tnna`n T.nnrnn nf Tnnnnfn annul- .lua.llnu(&vnug3 uuv onus nnuaauu novsvu S J. D. H111 and Miss Freda West vis-. ited friends In Toronto, la:_st'wpek_. AH`. Gaston and Stan. Gaston of wally vvvnu nu J.\lL\.Io|u\J \.lv\-I. n.II4|I\As~.vo Jack Chapman spent the Thanks- giving holiday with friends in London.` -u up , 11-v_1;__,, r~_,n,,,, ,1 on. "'i&}l." a ;,l.a"Rs. w;u{.s.: ek; 7()7f:':V'1`*oz`-W... -onto spent the holiday with friends in town. 11.... D..'.t Dnhtmidnn AF 't1Ynukn..-. av`; N `Sask.. week. TVIJ. \vL $Vx:IL`|\nc Miss Marie McKnight of Toronto `was with her parents, on Small St., for the week-end. = -uz;.,_ rI._-L.. 'ru..I-... All rn........4... ---...-. I `JHLU WUYU Ill LUWII LU! LIIU IIUIAIAMJ _ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walls ano ba- by of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. M. A. Furlong`. , -v\_,,1_. n1_._1_ -5 nI-.-....a... `\Y..........I gwwwwwwwiimwwmwg [ea Church : PERSONAL? V 5% Wallace Parr. left this_week' -tdr De`-j` trait. `, ` ` V ., 7 Ted._ Jamlesqh ot_:.'1`o;~qnto_.. wqsgxome for 'I`hanksg1v1ng.- ` - 7. 11:... IlnDhnA'/Iliunnwltfvu :\VIiA UI` AV"'..Hn-pl, iifl: vaatuug Jana ywsvnuvno ` ` Grant Gordon of-Toronto was a. visits`- or in town last Saturday. ' ` ` `um..- `II A ' Vualn nnnnf Ivkn nrnAlp_n-`A ;u1'uu|,u uvul ouv novanuu,-,1: Miss Nellie McRoble was with Ham- ilton frlends for the holiday. 111.... "t\r\`n Dnuntrkvnnvn nnan an Incu- the holiday; : " Rev. Fr. Gerald .3. Qutnlagj. AT z-o'n'o, was in town "Monday . 2 IA`..;. IV 13- Tlavumur AF `s.ivIAn ` THURSDIAYQNOVEMBER 12;, 1925. NC` IXUIIIU UL $V.LlBu `V1: 11; J.` usnununn Miss Doris Tuck of Toronto Normal IHE3V1iizoNA ROMEO _A gefn of a Wes`t'ernApic- ture in a new setting. A real man s tale of cow- `boy love and daring. 5eI1sl;1(1e, B.A. leased Home" A1 CHAPTER Two or Wolves of the North And a Mermaid Comedy PLEASURE BOUND. Two Shows, 7.15j-9.15 Adu1ts23c, tax '2c. 4 Children 9c, tax 1c. j Matinee Saturday at 2.30; ~ PHONE 1133.'.' TONIGHT nu. AND sm`, Bert Partridge of visited "relatives in Eevitol Th,e2!:s. Tl-IF. MOM . 0 RF. Your Favdrite Buck JONES Finley of Toronto was? of Mrs. M. '1`urner-forl` aQ.AB!r!I"A| at wheels made here.` und while and both in within For. if, as e wheel `rs ' r than ,1,!ue the axle. t to travel ther every over. thus `and spoil-a ng danger ually, 16,- . nun maa

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