us . . .:u . running Re" An! IV 5 IRDICIGI &l Barri: .- _....-v -, ...-... ..-u v....-D (Connued on page 14) '55.-E4 10c, 3 for 25c - also 2 for 15c 10c, 3 for 25:: 2 for 15c . . . . . . . 10-15c . . . . . . . 30-40c Q9 nn III 1o 0U"2UU . $3.00 10-25:: 10-250 350 .. 60c ..35c 50c 2.5-15c ... 10c 'i%l16c Sent Woman Fo Bed.7rat' Change Aftef Lydid E. _ -__-L-I_I- ,l'__._v_- LUU u . | . .halfI .back- ` $3.90 45c` 65c . 23c 25c 25c 25c 35c 23c] 30c ` IUI VIII? $5! I B I V I I U u "R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, ` . 60 Elizabeth st. Opposite Palmer- s New Garage L Nervous and Chronic Disorders ' Phgne 405.! or call at office for ingormation on. any disease IJ_l'Ku Ul'Il` 3 DUBIVG ` ; BOYS 6. BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publi Conveyancers, Etc. - T Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. Otfice--13e Owen St., in Mason- ic emple Building, Barrie. Rrnnnh (\fnn_`l'c".lrnvnIn IU BUUIPIU IJULIUIII3, .I3d.l'1'lUq Branch Otce--Elmvale. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R I'll-Ii-I\fl`IJG-fl \l,UVVI'|l` - _ Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining pro: `bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration; General Solicitor, Notary, nnnvnvn hr-or at-n luu.uau.a.uuu. uuux-:ra.1 cuuuuur, nut.u.L'_y, Conveyance:-, etc. Office--Hinds Block, 8 Dunlop St.. Barrie. MONEY 1:0 LOAN. Sarnia, Ontario.-7-After m y.girlig was born I was a wreck. My neryes - were too terrible for words and I sim- `ply_ could not stand. or walk without puma. I suffered with fainting spells until I was no lon r any good for my household duties and had totake to my Loni Tho 4|/uni-Ar nah` T cl-Innlrl hnlrn ' All .I - Barrist;-', Solicitor, Notary, etc,_ * MONEYTO LOAN. Ross `Block, Barrie. UUIIUHIV I : IHCUQHIU; Dali- Successor to Creswicke & Bell . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MON EY TO LOAN. Ross Block, Barrie Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. Office and Residence--Corner4 Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church _{T,TT_, ` DR. H. T. ARNALL - ' ` Office Hours: Until 10.30 a..m., and 1' | to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. Phone 167. DR. W. A. LEWIS _ Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe -and'- Dr. W. H. WILSON Graduate, of Toronto University 1 Phone 61 " Office---58 Collier St. | Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 _and 6.30-8 p.m. IJl'laI...l|.II..E.G.l-IIILE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and esidence-47 Mapfe Ave. Office hours. :1 to 3 p.m., 7 -to 9 p.m., or bva'nnninfmnnf phnnn 912 Office hours:'-1 3 byappointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B 1:-2--: ! DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. ~. I Will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. 1st Saturday of each month. ` Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultagion hours-11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Barrie, phone 2. Toronto. North 3326 PLAXTON &. PLAXTON' BA_RRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. . Offices: 707-8 Kent Building . Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton James O. Plaxton. DR. FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Dps. Ross & Ross, Barrie. M "Late Surgeoxf'Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics ` . especially. Office-140 Dunlop St., Barrie. Phone 710. P.O. Box 1078 j L. I SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St., cor- ner Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275` - NERVES AND FA|NT|_N_PE|.L8 | DR.E.G;TURNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office "and Residence-Cor. Elizabeth| and Bradford Sts.,` Barrie. `Phone 106. i ' "Office hours: o-1`n..... 1,9 ....... I-to-..` | , U: H. UI"H.D. Eyes Examined Glasses Fittpd Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. '43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone .80 MAUDE E. OLAX-`TON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music rexaminatibns leading up to and including A.'1`.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424 B. M. SYLVEST_ER Teacher of Muuc.' Bandmaeler Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R.. bandmaster ot 134th 0.8. Bn., bandmaeter of 76th Toronto. Scottish Rest." . EDMUND HARDY I M us. FITICIM I Teacher of Plano, Organ. Vocal. and Musical Theory. Organist and Cholrmaster or St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and Unlversitv nf Tnrnnfn umu xueuaust '.l.'Ol`0nt0 uonservatory of and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. T Phone 688 ---.j-:- vlvlurunn uI1uI:r( ur NURSES ` Barrio Branch - Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 761W. WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through, your doctor. 1'Exhminer Adlets are greatLs'ales- ;mex_1. and they work f_or little pay--s 25cen'ts a'we`ek; CT..- "'11.- t`u-ncuu:oun- n1nan:Ano' VICTORIAN onosa `gr-' NURSE Bun-ig Bram: . IIUUEULIUIU uuueu uuu Hill UU hunt: in any ' bed. The dctor said I should have an --A--Ln- Lu` T -nun: Dun` {in n O n4\nn'I>:nn WELCH, cAM t53sLL a LAWLESS l\,l.-.L-...l ` .. _-v.., vnuuu ---n_ my I-nvvl-56 Chartered Accountahto ~ Phone M`>587-4. 59' Yonge St., Toronto H. J. Welch; C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulblg. Produc on Engineer. _'1`. E. La.wless,~ C.A. , Manager Cost and Etticiency Dezit Fur Remqde/llitxg & Repairing MINNIE McKERNAN, ss sa:x St. - L. R. ORD_ CIVIL ENGINEER Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St.,.`Barr1e. Phone 62! . uunuuw I-\JIV\lIV|P\l` Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. MONEY TO LOAN Dana `DI;-`A1, 'l)n_..:A R. J. DWARDS a r.-'.D.wAni3s 18 on-onto St, Toronto.` up -nu-u,_.-,_;_ an is la.-|___A.. `I3 A! RA BEN TL $` BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, `Barrie. MONEY T0 LOAN l3tLI_..l:\y1D.l. nan, DUu1Ul'1`UrE, .lu`.l.'U. \ Masonic 'I`emp1e.Bui1ding, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN ---`- -------.----c t-u--w-uu-`auxin Open for daily ngagements or sewingxat home jlmlss WILDE, 72 Small St., Barrie 9 TDONXLE oss, LL.B. V `BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Mnnnnin Tnmnln Rliilina `Raw-win D80. `sue uuuwr aulu 1 auuulu uuvy-_:Iu operatnon, but I was not -in 3 fit oondmon at that time. M neighbor baid, `Why W don't you try Ly `a E. Pinkham's._Ve - etable Compound? I am-sure it ml! 0.; non anal! and mi nnvn than: no.fnf ` EXPERIENCED. DRESSMAKER D can: ll ween. I Use The Examiner Classied ouNcA`N"r=. McCQA|G, B.A. Annrqmmn snr Tnrmnn '1.nrn DRS. BURNS &. BURNS Ell Ell-iukgbln Qt DRS.([TTLE & LlTTLV_E ;n:ana an.-I Q n n n n n n um- .......- lZ\IZ.7.E;(#l\NDER cowATN * For Cn`ir'|i1-nu P:-up A1-ml-nlnin LELULVEAI 'J. U JJUALV . Ro_ss Block, Baprie. Gobgn LONGMAN afar Qnlininn '\Tn0-nun (H. Tf;/cneswlcka cnxngnachc 53 L BIIULIIU DU Ullly lcUU gum LUIS 011057. ouffpring as I have to know what it has done for rues? --Mrs. Roam`: G. MAC- ` ! ~G3naon, RER. No. 2, Samio.,~-Qntario. "A unnnn navnrn-n AC uinvnnn nnniln (if OVIAC 0PH.D. (lhi Elana: Akciuracrs ' MEDICAL Ll:`.GAL- OPTICAL MUSIC vane. R..Boya THUlSl)_AY,Vil0VEl1BER 12, 1925. Page `I/`en *3 an: jvv--- ___..___ Published every "1`hursday- afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Sub- scription P2-ice--Canada and Great Britaln'$2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.60); United .States, $2.50 per year in. advance. Both old and new addresses should bergiven w,hen change of addass is requested; CAN- CELLATION\S--We find that most of our subscigibers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While -subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period. yet, unless we\ notified to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES _Iho`i1ld be made by registered letter. money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J. A., Editor. W. C. Walla, Manager, >I_1_1_e' :Barrie Examiner _ _A.|.-.__--. c tawny --ow-not about nuvrsnllvu Over LH1u-lburt s Shoe Store 37-50c . MISS M. MARTHUR We Handle Collection; Only-- No Sideline. ' " Nothing too old, small, large or ` hard for us to t'ackle. 34 years experience. 1 NO,COLLECTION-NO CHARGE } KELLY & AIKEN COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound Owen Sound Offices: 169 9th St. E Reference--Standard Bank of Canada.` AIIIUIJIIEIIUB .BI'VlIJU ' _ ITLIUIIU `I01. Motor and Horse Equipment 691-. Mary nnc|"E|izabeth 8123., Barrio E . kuneral Director and Embairher I Ambulance Service ' Phone 431 `IRA!-an ind EH11-an 'II'!niIInvnAnl> FURS Altered and Repeired nuns: u 11-In`1\I1up n QLAA Q4-Ac... A. C. REID CARTAGEE Phone 547 : 48_ Ellen` St. Open and Covered Trucks usumcownu W. BELL, 7 Owen St: FOR Hot Water Heating and PLUMBING FIRE INSURANCE Agent for McClary s Furnaces.- '52 Elizabeth St. = Phone 952w IS_ OUR NEW ADDRESS where wem better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of. \ Harry Barron * copninc. ms. warm moi; _ 9llILllI!!IDIAn.~,wua1tontonIue.Iy1ocuIut_I_uonIhuo:yu ' * _- N = Your READING Needs sE51`i*7B6 6ifdii REAL ESTATE you naturally think of open DAY;-$1.5-NIGHT Elizabeth St. I Phone 218. . W. J. RICHARDS Dun1op at Mulcaster Phone 31. ` Auto _L1censes Issued ARE WELL` -SUPPLIED AT That One Pimple May Become Maggy v.:.n.aV\/O uuoua Bob Wilson, Jim Fowler and Caroline. Dale, whom both men love, are attend- ing little Bob Fowler's birthdayparty when Jane Gordon presents herselt! Jim introduces Jane to Caroline as Bob's girl." A few days before he had seen Jane and Wilson together on a railroad siding. It is a trying situation tor Bob. who is uncertain how he can explain the situation` 0 Caroline. He wishes Jaxne hadn't a eared. He had thought he was through with her for- lll` LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE COMPANIES or THE 1-glam-:sjr STANDING P. C. LLOYD F unrgl l_)ix_'ector and COLLECTIONS PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL " Phone 180 `WHEN IT IS W. D. Ml-NNIKIN TRY Soap tegulatiy and Cuticura Oint- ment when necessary. The Soap cleanses the clogged," irritated pores; Iv}-an (`ind-rnnnf nnnthnn and hnnin- THURSDAY, NO\ Get Radi louder- better, this spie Loud Spe 50 MEN \\'A.\"l` perience necewsm Free Book, \vhi< can earn while Iv and town Sh<>]).\` anic, Enginom-_ ` V\'eldinr Export. etc. Also BI`i('kl:I chanicnl I)onIi.\~ Don't die :1 Iuhnn job ! Addro.<.< I Chartered T'I`:ul:- ment Servic-0, 1:11 . Jet Radio - Pb-on Wa2ke;*\ Restless S1 to Not aiiected conditions - Made in Gas pressure.- a. restless, hm vents sleep. .-\ TEN minuu-.< :: ing amounts mt never thought This excel]:-nt wonderful for <- tI`Ol1b]. ])(>h t V tablets but _L;1 VVYT1. C!`US:~`1zII14`. 6};-Z-tiz Baclsaa UITIIBCD BUG uluggcup IIIIIBIISU yvuiug the Ointment soothes and heals. Sample Bach PM hi Hail. Addreaa Canadian Depot: itenholua. ta, Renewal.` P:-iee,8oap 25c. Ointment 26 and Boo. Talcum 25. T l`...|-hm- SI.-wing Stick 251:. Ask y_ou{ $6 TO Quick acti safe. Pri- relieves in motes S171". not stain 50(' T_/n ur 01-11; :..:.: famous For sun; Want L _ 7`u)Il 141141., 25c. Ointment 25 and Boo. Tucum 258. I r Cuticlu-I Shaving Stick 25. . actix Pr 1". CHAPTER V|II-C6ntinued 1 __ ,1- -.__-._ 1.1.- A `PAr;even'%tL M4:/zre by Using Cuticura " ?I:'tbi2"'3m'o3n"&' sYNoPs1s .........--`.. --v.....-., V. ...v._.\.., "my--. o_~ --~. ~------ ----~ v- ---v an-_ , m t n; _ -"".` " . lht, lhhd been transtormediinto an enduring: $1435: \tt%eIrQ`3{mat a,nsdW:'se,.tar;: n}1,?,I;,$ Rheuma is just as effective in cases ; 088: ` .tire of hell. Of `such `fibre was Caroline] Gwser he was-running keepng to sche- -of lumbagb, sciatica, arthritis and thus imade!--.and Bob choked_ with a. help- : b - Y . . M chronic neuralgia. . Mg. lesg desire to pour out his\soui, his dule than to feast his eyes upon the _ , ' 7 Ii th th h d ` Rh ti m is a dangerous disease. l-,io_ story, his devotion to-her.` ,. . V gg;, ;}L",`}_,pf3fw:tE1:f:gon1noheebegt It otfgxinirrzcts the heart and _causes '8 or:th.`ffg;i:a'1g`hfg3;'`{`g?g,;`f ged '-it from`\h'er,.g_/everal: days`-ago. 2, 1 death. If you have it in the slightest 303? '~uoP5>a:m1n;: 'ad'.":s1eixi-iasoaby ettxto ` At this very moment in the Rise dezreeset a bottle 0" Rhwma `mm W-7 get: an randy 1.5, tg; high adventure Ravine 'juvnction= station the `telegraph Crossland or any good druggist toda`: C oia.tr1;g*;;g;g`5_g_;9__1_:)kg,gg;e. a.xuLJn__1.._had. \9Apoereto_r_w,en:a_.pp_ed. onto e 0"!` Qur sys em 8- once I .-v ' "out:-`tr -gf uuy. - ` `In the midst of the hallowed silence ,that ensued, Jane's voice seemed cur- Iiously resonant am; out of place, like ` a. cash register in a church, as she said, frowning to Caroline. L T . l "Oh, I thought` yu were his mother!" T..._A.-_J Al 1...--I_.I,,...' LL`- LA.._IA._ I-`gig-n lrnuv ub CV01`. --uu yet. I Another clanging and jangling of the! doorbell broke into and dispelled the` uneasy savor created `by Jane s indis- cretion. To Bob and Caroline, over and above the others, it came as a blast of additional fear. Their eyes involun- tarily met across the table -in the in-_ stant while the iron echoes of the gong still vibrated within the room; a their glances bore a sudden mutual -com- miseration for fraught nerves and tor-`g tured minds. Vvhat other blow was Fate; about to-crack him, Bob wandered bit- 3 terly as he pushed back his chair and; went into the hall, glad of even a mom- ` entary escape of `whatever portent. I A ....'l`lL..-- 1....-- 1.--: . . . . _-4.-_.._ n_II___ it's an orde_r,.'- , iquotcid Bob, `Ffor me to take out the Limited Mail tonight." stupid comment increased it. Bob a.- gain took enough physical interest in matters to nudge Jane warnlngly. Car- oline, embarrassed and resentful, star- _ed coolly at Jane; While Jim reached down the table across Bobby's towhead and patted garoll`ne s head gently, then ltold Jane with a smile, ' (`n1vnHnn ha nnlv in vnrv r1anv- `Pr-Inn LUIU ddc WILII. 4 311.1111)`, Caroline is only a very_dear friend I --as yet." .` Annfhnr n`In.-.o'ina' nn innolina nf flan. ..-.-.~- J V-.u.u.`..v urn: vv -u.uu v vs yvn uvnnyo A callboy from headquarters follow-! ed Bob intq theilighted dining room, and while Bob was signing for thel message, fidgeted` from one `foot to; the other and~og1ed the birthday cakeg with yearning that Caroline, `noticing him, could not `ignore. When he depart- ed a moment later a sizable and tasty chunk was` disappearing into his wide mouth. . I T4-'1: nvn 'nu:Inn 9 lVIIl\`n\1a `I3.-.1. 0..-... 4.I.-n utn. V . | It s an order," quoted Bob from the; message, for me to takeout the West- ; bound Limited Mail tonight, in place! of Morse, who is ick;" ' 'Rnh'a nfhnr fr-nu`!-xlnn rant; -Pawn-n46-an UL $V1Ul.'SU, WHU 15 SICK; ` Bobfs other troubles were forgotten` for the time being in the proud and thrilling flushof professional respon- sibility t t came over him; at last to be at- throttle of the Limited; the pride of t e Trnsrockian and the fast- ! est and most powerful locomotive in. the [history of American railroading-! Jim, rushing to__`him, clasped'his hand,, I-`TXTAIII `\`-F\ L-.. ..--L J....._..A.1_-._ L___.!_.I.L . -.._-.-.-, -.__` .... .., ,,.....,,.... ........,; We'll take her out together; tonight,3 old boy--it s the thing we've always dreamt of doing!" V rfarnlln haw hour-fair-Lv nnn'a+un.{y-.4 qzculllu 1_.u. uuulg: I Caroline, _her heartsick constraint bested in that moment by a possessive! pnjide in Bob, `came to him and gave her hand, ` ' - "(3I\I\l'l'h`l\`II1t\r\.nn-q `I')..Ll!l ..I_ _- .__.!3 wllruu I-Iu VIII Bob smiled wanly upon the child.` Jane glared suspiciously at Bob--Wa.s this his baby? The relationships at this party were quite confusing to her.. thrown down in it as she was out of; hand and without any foreknowledge of what was what, and who was who--ex- cept Bob. She had not listened attent- ive to the introductions, she had merely entered into the swim _until `she could get the feel of the tide, and make her own deductions. v - V "'l`lnol- n fnr Adm! Ilrnl" Rnhhxr xxrnul uauu, "Congratulations, Bob! f she` said, with quief sincerity. Tf was: a, rnnrnnnf +nn' annr-or-unnnu wuu quxcl. suu.:c1'u.y. I It was a moment too spontaneous] and genulne"for Jane to catch. the, spirit of, and _she rer_nai'ned seated at` the table, glancing up between bites of cake and? sneerlng at Bob. - ! hnnlrf fhinlr nnvnhn Hbn trnuu us. cunt: uuu` asneerulg at 1500. I Shouldn't think anyone like you, Bob, would. go into spasms over a measley little ra1lroa.d':lob'-. L ` 'Rn`h n glare wnrnnd lung in an van, IIIUE . Bob suddenly realized what the vi- brant intonationj in Ca:-oline s voice meant: she was `extending thi hospit- ality for his sake, and knowing the er-` fort it cost her, the courage it requir- ed. Bo admired and loved Caroline more an e\'er._ Hafboring onewho to all" intents and purposes was his other woman," when her own libs still burned i from his kisses of thewday before, though the, divine fire of the giving , had een. -transtormed- into enduring 1 -,gire 0 Ofsuch `fibre was Caroline ! Bob choked_*wii.'h- his ilstory, his devotion to-`her; ` ` A url-Manny funny-n I unA\}..1 La... 4.. uwuauey HLLIB l.`a.l1!`08.(! J00?" ' Bo`b s glare warned Jane to go no further: while the surprised looks Car- oline and Jim turned upon her made her squirm uncomfortably and return full interest to her cake. "nfhtr nk 7' nnl Ylmn ha tannins`- '4-.. Luu uxuarusl. LU I181` 011KB. 4 "Why, Bob," said Jim in quick con- cern a. moment later, the Limifed Mail has always been your ambition andl now you look as though you don't kive a darn" 4 ` Dnk O.-.14 'l...I.`......I1 1_...|._1_;__._:_-. , a' ` Bob felt himself brightening again under the intexfest and admir,a.tion of Caroline'a.nd Jim. '- 'I"I\hs at-nllyna run an .-. .......-..:. ucu.'uuuU'l:l.llu dull. This strikes me aqra perfect ending for the happiest day we've had since you came to Crater City." im contin- ued, Bobby's birthday-al friends to-. gether, Jim touched _Cfa.r line's hand; `caressingly, and now you, gmd I gooutl on theisame run-e. - And !nn>.'fnn Tloplau 1'1..." .-L----`-| uu L116 suing run-r" . I And me too, Daddy Jim" struckl up Bobby, hastity downing his last bitl. of. cake and ru ing from the table to` stand between Jim and Bob. You pro- a raised me that on my birthday you'dl takejneton the train with you _ __ Yea-e-e-s!" advnlffn Jinn am-.a.'~.....; :.anu`uxc`uu ule train Will! you Yea-e-e-s!" admitted Jim dubibus-A ~1y. but--oh, well-.--all rl_ght-we `will. i all go on the Limited, except the girl'p_:! and-it's too bad they can't come also Jiln illilinlv n'l- Tuna ..nuv l DWI! ueu uuuuns. "That's for Daddy J1in:",i3obby -was saying, as the flame of the third candle reluctantly went out/under 2;, weaken- ing assault of spent baby breath. - rn-.... a..LI....-...I 1 --- an... H... 14. ........ auuua wu uuu tney ca.n't_c0me also!" Jim looked lnquipingly at Jane, now, then at Bob, and asked, FIRE Minn annnn fv|n1`t\ a-_.. -._ then at Bob, and asked, Has Mist Gordon made any er- rangements for putting\up tonight?" Jane saved '.Bob the trouble or refer- ring to her. No!" she snapped, "and- I can t say I was stuck on the only hotel I saw downtown in this l'>urg!. ' Jim `looked t Caroline for help., ' Won't you p ase see if Mrs. O - ' Leary can make room for Bob's friend ___n ' ' X Carolina's low-voieed politenese mask- ed the underlying. armed-camp air [of hostility that was intermixed with the gnawing ache of her "troubled heart. I`knnw that Mrs, n"l'.nmm' haanvo .' .5uuwux5 acne or net` troumeu neart. - I `know that Mrs. 'Leary hasn't a.- room to spare. but M Ts Gordon is cer- -ta.h;:ly__welcome to*spend the night with me." ; nuury, luu uevuuun t0-I161`. ' . A whisper from.Jane`_reca.lled him to ,the `unpleasant unreal; y or thevaituaw *tion/. VCa.;:oline_._Ii'a.d.tak. *.-Bobby oft` to ge'tl'him regdy adventure of a tr-in with his nmhunu mm Jam I-ma `That;s "for, "IJH, 1 IIIUUBIII YOU Werle I113 IIIULIIUFZ Instea. breaking" the tension, this ' Momgie! n he 32.1.: wist- \ ,..n u...uu,....\. .... blvvlny -1.4.4., -4. awe... Two fathers! Jne gave up; It was all over her head. "'I"'hof'u fnr-_f`nrnIInnV" anuncui nk slipped into the k1tchen,LirV1 his mil carrying kindness, to give Bob and Jane an opportunity to be alone. _ .`Dnf ma` wine in` all this hunk. old. Jane an Opportunlty to ma uwuu. ' "Put me` wise to`,a.ll this bunk, old kid--you fooling. around with a. bunch 3` of greasy railroad micks--a.nd your old; man with" millions enough to buy this: and every other '-road`7in the country` and split the .ties into .toothpicks- Why did you come here? pleaded Bob angrily, _when I told you I never wanted to see or hear from, you a ain. W'h'y can't you `go--and leave m a- Inna? ' ' ' / W uy U. lone ? u A 4..- 10116!" . _. ' Ain't you.the nice one`, though? So` friendly like! I'll go all right, Bob, when you get your old man to come, across." ` v 5 ` "-`lUI'u fnfhnr `ham dinnwnn ma and. ' ECFOBB." ' ~ I My father has disowned me and. you knowit. I haven t a penny- in the world except `what\ I earn by honest Work here-" A . V T134-Arm -I-kn A11` vnnn 'I'I1"' 'I{aI>nn fr`! WUFK llUl'E-' .V `I L1sten.,'the old man "will listen toi reason if you put it .to him right. And '- I'm telling you now that I'm going to' camp` right here on your doorstep un- `til you do." . I (`.91-nlinn name nnn'lnm>.Hnn.llv infn t'hh. U11 you UU-' ~ " Caroline came hpologetically into the room at\tI\1is moment "with Bobby to give fair warning that it was time for Bob and Jim to be off. Jane glanced. 'spi.teully at 'her, then turned back to" Bob concluded in a low, menacing whisper. 3 And 1 1n ~1-hnrnnnrn T I'l nut 11 r-`vvirnn in W IIIHIJUIC And `furthermore, I'll put aerimp in `- whatever little love game you're up to` here. Oh, don't start so, and pull any high and mightyinnocence on me. I know what I know-when I see itg. That was the threat Bob "carried away dinning in his ears when he Walked down with Jim and Bobby to the station to meet the greatest trust - and task of his new, working life. Not ,a'pleasant prospect,~or one to allow him |fu1l enjoyment of his night's job. Yet, {with Jane's ominous words, there re- : mained like a beckoning aura -over and ; around alpresent difficulties 3. picture ;of Caroline as she had said good-bye; ~Caroline in her slim grace and cour- ageous reserve. . I Thorn urnu nn nnhf in 'Rnh a rnin The station agnt leaped ifor thei ; signal tower switch. {ill UVUY llUl' IIUH.-LL That's for-Caroline!" gasped. Bob- by,vfeeling roguishly proud of his dar- ingness in pronouncing the first name of the lovely lady who had filled in so much of his life's broken background of late, as the fourth candle died under 9. close and frenzied series of short_ whiffs. ' i I\-.. lvuuuoulrunu nn-A11; nnvnnlnn n_.'I ' l1.5t!UUS l.'!'.'U1'VC~. There Was no doubt in Bob's mind :but that Jim loved Caroline. After all, `Jim was worthier of her than he ever 1 could be. If it would make both of them ;.happy--Bob was content, he tried to : tell himself, to do penance for his own omissions and shortcomings by encour- aging and abetting their romance in every possible way. ' . 'l`hnc: hie 1-hnivdhfu ma-r1'r|v-ind 1-ho lUVUl'_Y IJUESIUIU way. Thus his thoughts randuring the [first proud minutes of his trip, when vhe thrilled at the leaping response of !the big his lightest touch. !Rounding thesharp curve. that would take him clear of the Crater City yards ,Bob looked back along the train--his train; his charge. Long, sleek, the line of every, mail car and pullman bearing out the suggestion given by every line land: angle and sound of the locomo- .tive-of power without end, hoarded. [and guardedly leashed; of greyhound speed. On the tail end-like a rattle on ;a python, Bob thought with a chuckle- was a prison car, bearing the last batch of prisoners to be transferred. a-.,Jn,. _-,-,, L. LI,A1 ,,, -u-._u, 1 ,--u ., S ke was in that car, Bob had learn- `ed. Strange, was it not?-in the last -car,` a mortal enemy; (in the first mail: car, a dearest friend anda child Bob lovedas much as if he were his son! An odd mixture, Bob thought philoso-. phical1y-the.h.est and the worst in his [life, under his hand for the \whirlwind - dash through the night.\ The last crosstrack- of the Yards was behind now, only a clear and long right of way ahead. Bob pulled the big throt- tie--it was fitting that .a giant engine: should have a giant throttle!--wide open -`gradually, giving the Limited a full head of steam that presently sent it pounding on the straightway at bet- ter than fifty. The grade up toward Eagle Pass would begin soon; he must make time; now, while he could. for it would never do to smudge his re- `putation, which had won this assign- ment for him. by dropping behind sche- dule on his section of the run. And Bob knew, as every engineer knows, that it is a constant andvigilant fight to keep within-scheduled, time on a long and difficult run such as this, over the mountains. -x rm........ vvvnn .).........n.c...... ......u..a......` a... IIIUUIILEIIIB. 1 ` There was something soothing in the smooth exuberance. in the bellow- 'i-ng vigor, of the Limited; and Bob; `leaning on his right elbow out of the [cab window as he watched the right- I of-way lights that rushed" at him out" `of the night like green snowflakes in 'a. streaking blizzard, was lulled into more placid reflections than he had expected would be his lot for many a. i weary day. Affnr all it man mnf fnhn fnr him 1-n weary uuy. ` After all, it was not fair for -him to decide whether Caroline should have i Jim or him, or either; he `had reason to -ebelleve that Caroline cared for him. `so theehonest thing was to go through I with his plan of telling her the whole truth at the earliest possible moment-z including, `the truth about Jane, who` and what Jane was to him, and what- his plans._were for unshacklihg the hold she had on him. Then Caroline .could make her own decision, and there would _be no- hard feelings--om. his part, even if he lost out, he assured himself; for there was'one- thing ._he never would `lose, come what may, and that was`the inspiration of merely knowing such a fine and splendid per- 1 son as Caroline. `Dun nn Burn an "IQ `sin-rn. 4-Inn nnnudnnu Caroline. \_ - _ ` Bye and bye, as he urged the roaring iron `meteor of the rails. on its flight, the intensity of Bob's reflections upon his personal fortunes mingled so close- =ly* with the routine thoughts neces- sary for the dutiful opemtionsjot his e ngin\e that slowly and insenslbiy fell into: reverie of such depth and in- tensit that it was akin to self-hypno-, tim. .. .; nnlnav `-ma.` `ts-rrvn-o 18np'Inl- ml `Blun- Llllh ` ~ _ ' - seeing the" green tower light of Rise? Ravine Junction sta.tion"-the last sta- tion_ until the hardescore or more mil- Eagle Pass was negotia._ted--some little dista cer ahead of him, Bob~was re- frixingl .d to look at his watch; no more_ : to ""e `xthe time and ascentai hnwi es of singletrack to the, summit of -rm: BL-.nRna EXAMINER Fg I V \ ' I ' ,~ Potatoes were $3.00 a bag on the limarket last Saturday and were very . 1 - scarce at that price; only a few farmers ; having murphies for sale. Apparent- I iy a lot of farmers who have potatoes 1'-'are holding them with the expectation ) = that the price will rise still higher. One 1 grower who had potatoes on the market ~. stated that what with the small acre- . age, the poor yield and the wet weath- .| er and early frost this year s crop is not a quarter of the `normal. Purchasers seemed glad enough to .get potatoes at the price asked though some feared that many of them would be damaged by frost. ` "I"'hn crrnnfnuf nv-ncnn run fl-un vnrnulyndv M335" burning candle remained, Jane waited curiously as a. hush fell upon her table companions. B',obbyv waited a little while, to regain his breath mud compose himself; gpne the spirit of playfulness and mischievous- ness, and in its place a soft under- standing unwonted in one so young. He turned his large eyes slowly from Caro- line to Jim, first, then blew out the last candle. V i$%&$g&&m%w&wg_ ammmdnm mm mmmmmmw. EMARKETS >3; &&$m&$&%&am&wm .SA`T\LvlRDAY MAII_ _ . -..-.... l..l`U3L. W/The greatest demand on the market was for Thanksgiving fowl. There were "very few turkeys present but geese, ducks. chickens and fowl were abund- ant. Turkeys sold for.35 cents a pound and geese, ducks and chickens brought 25 cents. Eggs remained at 65 cents and butter at 45 cents. Apples were $3.00 a barrel and 30 to 40 cents a. basket. Quotations were: Potatoes, per bag . . . .. Tux-nips .. . . . . . Parsnips, basket . . . . . Butter beans, pint . . . . . Head lettuce . . . . . . . . 5c White beans, pint . . . . . , Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apples, basket . . . . . . . Apples, bbl., V. . . . . . . . . . . . Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumpkins, `each . . . . . . . Beets, basket .- . . . . . . Ground plums, qt. . . . . .* Onions, large basket Pickling onions, basket Crabapples, basket . .. Cauliflower ea. . . . . .' . . . Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . ' Sage, bunch . . . . . . . . .. Honey, per lb. . . . . . . .. Poultry, Butter and Eggs. Butter, p'ound ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Eggs, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,Fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geese, pound, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Turkeys, pouxg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lamb, pound, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ Cream, pint - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. brassy a interest *1 a satisfying novel by 9. arm that began to come in over -his clicking instrument from his neighbor at the Summit Station, many miles above . . Freight . . .parted taking .s1ding . . last . |~n'nn'lno' nnrnv hank-` 1 Llllllllls o n o - o - UuuUI\' wards" . . downgrade . . flag . . . and . . sidetrack . . .Limited . . at Rise . . .Ravine. . . The eerie whistle of the Limited split the lonely air. It was on the last half- mile straightway approach to the sta- tion, and making top speed. The sta- tion agent kicked over his chair in his eagerness as he leaped for the signal tower leaver. `Dnk at-11 'In`n'lA....-u 4-I..- cu.-.4-A1. 3... LS... |.UVVl.7l.' lU'I.VUl'. l Bob, still holding the watch in his hand, had looked out before sounding his warning of approach to the Rise ,Ravine station; the light in the signal rtower shone green, and on the way up the steep ascent to keep his eyes on the tracks and lights until well past the` Ravine, and on the way up th-e-steep asce t to .the Pass, but as he relaxed his old on the whistle cord the watch, which he had palmed in that hand, _slipped out of it to the floor of the `cab. Bob withdrew his head into the cab and leaned down to recover the watch at the selfsame instant that the, frantic operator in the station threw the signal tower light from green to red. A ' A ...\a4" .-".41.. ......... u..- a......4..._...: ....-. ICU. A soft oath over the fractured cry- stal of his watch changed to a. whisper of love, melted into a smile of devotion, as Bob met the smiling eyes of the` | photograph turned up to him from the floor. He covertly touched the pictured likeness of Caroline to his lips, glanc- _ing down first to make sure that the fireman was busy with his gauges and his poker rod and not watching him. rlIl_-_ L- ..-L_-___-_1 I_-A_I_ _.x-1__,., -,,, vunliuuu, l.`|u-IV. nu. A recent canvas : `mthe Vegegable Com " of 100 teeeivjdv % " 5, 9BIlll{I{'\JllFIul'lUo of women users of pound report _98 out ' benanesumum. A This :3 9.` ' '`-`."V' M 9.. s and ' sobbing, _ Alon) vnnyn nvu uuuu nutty uuuvvnnnnna angnnno Then he returned both picture and and damaged watch to his pocket, and leaned out to meet the cool rush of the night air against his cheeks once more. The Rise ~Ravine station had dropped two hundredlryards behind ere now; ahead of him was only the dreary way of black miles that would require all his alert skill to get over in the technical style and speed that a crack flyer like the Limited should. Back in the station, though Bob could not know it, at terrified agent stood on the plat- form watching the tail-1ights'of the Limited disappear `upgrade, shivefing um-,, 1-1-3 ,,_ 1 1 . , . .u My God, `he ran right past the red light-`--and meturning it against him a _full quarter of a mile before he `got here. `Nothing can save the Limited now- ` Tiflnnunuu-`nun 6-Inn nnnn.-.d- Ian-u-AA A-I..- quick and disciplined wi ofhis kind to save the best out of any emergency; he rushed back to his key and broad- casted a. call for hospital trains, afor- doctors, and nurses. That`: much he 1 could do, and even while Bob Wa.s*rac- -ing his train u the mountain tracks _to. destruction, aid was getting under |"UV;ereupon the agent (showed the I Iz1-._4.1_---.I -_ '._.g._ '1 -,~, \ - '. The\first day you take Rheuma, the . doctor's remedy that is selling so rap- Hdly, you'll realize that"when Rheuma. igoes in uric acid goes out; ' 1u_ ___4.4.-.... _..A. ...I...LI..-.. --...- ..._- 1.-.. bsauu an. Inna`; veg-.. av-.. V`...- It matters not whether you are tor-, -tured with pain, crippled with swollen joints or- distressed with occasional twinges, Rheuma is guaranteed to end ' your rheumatic trouble or money back. -nu-___.___'.1.. .t....a. _.. :_ _.__-.. We pay ~the, following prices: Good Green Butcher Hide:-, 11 Cured . . . 12 123.)` L . .. ii; 5.; 123.; The Bagrie Tanning Co., ` ouiml Rheumatic r Poison RIDES Quickly l)_r_ive$ v--~_- vv,---rv---_- I was advised by my husband tligoodyso and will a'a;e"twhosve_doctor* s'[ to try it after I told him aboutit. I am .very thankful to say that I` was soon able to take a few boarders for a- while as rooms were scarce at that time. My- baby `is '17 months old now and I have ot- e_t had an operation, thanks to your` me icme. I have recommended. the Vegetable Compound to a fwpeo le I know and have told them the ood 1 has V, done me. I know I`feel' and 001: a dif- ferent woman these lastfew months 1 and I certain1y'would_ not be without Q bottle of your medicme ` in,._the house. You `can usethis letter as u see fit.` as I s.h_.0uld- be "only too gl for those; . maa :-{nu an 1' Iunrn I-A Idlnu-fu1I>'\nf. if. luau '