? 71. 172., f 73. 74. A: 75. 1 76. 1 20. 21. 22. 23. 24." 25. : 26. 2 '27. I 29. 39. -3'2. 45.. 50. UU. 57. 58. 59. so. 61. 62.~= 63. 64. 65, 66. 67. 0 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.- 85. 86. 1. TO WIT:---By virtue of a. warrant issued by the Warden of the County of 'Simcoe, hearing date the 15th day of July, in theyear of our Lord, 19 and to me directed, commanding me`to levy upon the several lands mentione and described. being in the County ofssimcoe. for arrears respectively due there- on, together with my costs, I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and" amendments. thereto, . that unless the said arrears and costs be soon- er paid, I shall on Tuesday, December 1st, 1925, at the hour otwo o'clock in the afternoon, at,.the Court House in the Town of Barrie, proceedto sell by public auction so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the "taxes and all lawful charges incurredin and about the sale and collection of the same. ' `The following lots are patented (except whererotherwise stated): ______.......--._ A... `gnu..- . 10. `33 .16. 17. 18. 19. 28. %A.F.A.MALCOM'SON lIaI`ry:Barron . East .N13, . Plan . Plan JV: . North east quarter 7' . . . . . . . . half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 32, -north east quarter 626, Simcoe Heights . 626 ' one o - . - . .-'o-ocoao-u.ooo- . South half east half . . . . . . . . Pldn . Plan: . Plan Plan C(P1 an . Plan` . Plan . P1a n .,Plan 589 o-cog.--3 a . . - o . - . . . . .- o - . o u . o - - u o a u a - o u . . In 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 589, 188,__189, 190, 197 and ._F'ull inf'ormatio1j asto R-ATESV and ROUTES- Canadian_Nationgl_ Railways and connecting `lines. Pb 114' III, DIS 5 III, as aescrmeu 11'] reg. deed 11019 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V Pt E pt Bro., desc. reg. deed 12236 1 Plan 596, lot 125 .' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Plan 596, lots 56 gmd 57/; . . . . . . Plan 596, lot 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'P1an596,lot178.....`. . . . . . . ..'v-av: - _.au;vu --v- 7 i t described in reg. deed 4877 . 30 7Nort1}'half . . . . ..~. . . . . . . . . 24 West half . . . . . . . . . 20 A . " . TOWNSHIP OF\ West half . . . . . . 13 South west quarter . . . . . . . . -29 E hf S pt as desc. in reg. deed.9194 27-28 Pt bush blk, Angus Village, S side Queen st, as desc. reg. deed 10467- Easthalf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 1175. uccu J.Lv.L-7 . 0 1-: 12236 28 14 3 .. -32 ~ 14 ` 32 V 14 32 14 32. 14 ~- TOWNSHIE OF MATCHEDAS .3;-dken` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 7 ' Part descritseii in reg. 'ded 1016 ..16-17 - 9- Islands 33 on Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIII\-rwv1v1-a-I-1-I--I-5 A.` g..._-____-._ " -7"-' '"T6{n}1:'siii15'bF MEDONTE N 2, pt W hf desc. in regfdeed 8737 1 \ 11 1/2 ' TOVVNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA Dunedin, Lot 2, plan 193, W_Hurontario 9' Plan .92, Singhampton, pt 7 East T . Melancthon, desc. reg. deed 10145 18 12 1, TO_WNSHIP' OF ORO North east . . . . . 39 2 25 . . .. ' 40 2 100 `M 19 Q 29 runrfh non} nnnvufcno F! n -In uuuuu nan; cans. nan; . . . . I . . . . `k ` .16 Z0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. 31 Barrilliaff 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . 423Barri11ia P 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Barrillia P Plan 589 . . . . . . . . 44 Barrillia F (Plan 589 . . . . . . 63 Barr-lial: 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 163 Barrillia F 589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 170 Barrillia F P1a'n . . . . . 182 Barrillia F .Plan 188, 189, . . . . 203 Barrillia P ` TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE W hf .ac. E 11/, ac. North River . ./ 9 16: W10, W 47, E 48%, W 87%, E 1171/_; 6 16 10 Plan 624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Plan'\528 .`_, . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 L A 1'uw1\'.~;1-11r' Uh` VESPRA 100 ft-.S E corner east half .. . 23 6 1,4 South 20 acres west half west half. 21 6 20 West half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 12 100 5 South 25, north 49, east 65, south hf 14 14 25 1 T TOWNSHIP OF WEST GWILLIMBURY South half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . 14 3 `100 6 Block . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 1 9-` " ` ` ` ` South Block .. .. [Block 4:. . Tn` Ldt, . . Vshula }n"ow thine Pt'as desc. in reg. deec; 2748 Plan 587, lots 57 and 58 Plan 587, lot 95 . . . . . . . . . . Plan 587, lots 178, 179, 180, pt Plan 571, lot 37 .... .. .... Pt lot 7 as desc. in reg. deed 15332 ~S E hf, pts S hf, described in ran? rlnn 11010 - V Sou To-\`. Pt W Hf desc. in Dscriptron L A__....:1_ -5 1.. . . H . ` I - 1. "Short Dat Insiirance. against Fire and Lightning = - { o1grARMjPRonucE. `~ __A'.._.- .-n-- on `waning SPECIAHTY AT THIS SEASON -IJKIIVIIVII-al_,\ \v\Il I'I\.DI-I aauu\auu-.`w_ ;Plaeed `in Strohgest English Companies at Regular Rates. TreaAsu1-er s SV:a.le of Lands in Arrears. for Taxes A COUNTY OF SIMCOE ~ 1 SUMMER COTTAGE 1NsURANE A 3.. 0-rnuukcnllnf Ehnlinll Comnnnies Regular 1 Llf..._ . . . . . . . . est quarter . . . .. .. {,'{a6iii{ i1Ea[1k'IIIIiI at ......... o u - o o u u - a u a u a o on nn.-+'~. hate 1...: .' O .. . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 TOWNSHIP OF ~TOSSORONTIO reg. deed 5448... 11 ' 5 1/Q TOWNSHIP OF QVESPRA 9 c !` eanf `half " LTOVVNSHIP OF FLOSI . ............ .. 20 10 200 TOWNSHIROF INNISFIE - -.._.n TOWNSHIP OF ADJA_LA_ .1 .1 C`IuI\lVl A ls`!-'\ '3Mon'1-ziznr-: RATES ..l.`k .12-13 1.1 .'l_'HURS.DAY,'SEP'I;I-ZMBER 17, 1925" vI:ot"-C;)-r1'.-4_7&cres Arrears Costs Total Ann Ann. . -.._- 26 r 27 2'37 27 _ 26 '- '25 22% 204' 14 17 21 Scdlded `Lin-and other skin troubles are co1_:11nop 1`ca,1;ses of restlessness, and often could b avoided by care-. in} bathfng with Baby`I Own Sogp. . ` Its. fragrant lathe; cledns; and heals Baby's skin. and prepares tot restful sleep. T & . 11 26 19 12 16 15 .1..- - gm Barrill Barrill Barrill Barrill Barrill Barrill Barril] Barril] @s_sA 10 11 `11- 14 `IA 11 11 10 PLUMBING AND HEATING. 11. .12 13 14 16 '18 19 20 41 DUNLOP STREET Phonic 447W, BARRIE. ` 33 .31/2 1/. 100 50 189 4 35,3 13 J. 100 100 76 '50 200 US A CALL ` __Ph9_ne 180 10` GU `Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk $ 9.99 87.72 ' 43.25 1. 64.39 12.22 37.04 ' 183.60 4.45 . 76.13 152.29. 19.29 41.52 28.04 32.60 40.92 3.99 125.84 14.77 8.76 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.32 7.53 24.37 14.02 8.14 14.92 26.30 1711 18.12 16.54 31.89 _ 38.72 22.44 126.15 8.52 73.00 110.52 -.33 104.23 D00 U'!.6D 3.23 140.04 "But for you ll Bdu lob." pg 4.13 294.27 24.30 40.73 22.12 19.36 ..19.36 .13.64*' 19.06 19.06 19.06 19.06 13.97 `19.06 19.06 19.06 18.84 79.82 22.44 11.30 12.26 16.46 .' 18.50 10.28 32.92 32.05 43.02 7.08 13.28 13.97 24.96 9.90 6.96 59.98 13.35 11.25 16.33 8.54 KC`. '3 %% Emil: ' Shc Polishf On bur choc: iumom.-mu moulunuIluIi\\I\\w\uu\|\\\\w\\wI 3.78 3'.63- 4.49 V32 2.75 2.75 2.75, II. o IUULIS. I\u3` 4 - -..:l7landa.le' . . .. A. G. ,Walke`_r, sk. 1`_` '. w Allandale _- `= . r:,__" `A `R Xlfnllrar. 1:16. 14'. " W; 32.7; ' 92.41 46.83 109.33 11.03 146.04 80.53 158.59 22.27 45.05 31.24- 35.91 0.15- 131.48 17.63 11.5] E0 ? 0.4 I 5.07 10.28 27.47 16.87 10.89 17.79 . 29.45 20.01 21.07 19.46 35.18 42.18 25.50 131.80 11.29 77.32 115.78 3.08 36.24 35.35 46.58 27.40 44.24 25.17 22.34 22.34 16.48 22.03 22.03 22.03 22.03 16.8} 22.03 22.03 22.03 21.81 19.23 `6:S`1'.l 16.18 25.50 14.08 15.08 19.37 21.46 13.03 11.29 9.83 16.11 16.81 28.08 14.03 44.44. EPA 84.33." .L1.IJ1 5.27 5...? E 0" 6.38 ` The Kempenfeldt Aquatic Club plac-I ed-a _mile'stone,in its advance from in-, fancy on` -Wednesday, Sept. 2, .when the_ rst annual re'gatta`was held by the shore \ of Col. . Peuchen s ggbeautifui _f"Woodlands." lGreat; ci`edit-is due the officials inscharge of the programme for the good management-of._ the events. The starters `were Lewis 'Ord`and Ross Twiss; judges, Lieut;-Colt} Peubhen, Major Wadsworth, MrJ_Fqx and Miss Mary-Grasett; clerk egthe course, Al-_ lap Peuchanuannouncer, Mo:-Jey. Liv-=_ ingston. \ The good` sportsmanship dis; `played. and the `large;-inu the!` of en- tries promises`we11'fof_`.* e`-"future `off the club, as-well as..m`a g`_the day_a great success. Occasional showersotz rain during the `afternoon did not. ap-5 pear to dampen the ardour of- the com- " petitors in the least. Following is the elist of events and theprize-winners-:--' ` Ding. boys 1,2 `and ,under-1.1 6.53 ftj4un5nAj %%mm| The dent) ing illness bom-;:, .\'.\T. ceased, wh- yeau-s :l`_"I'>, \ late .\h-. an ` 30 _\'e:11`.< `.13.;-. in P;llff:l1:>_ `to Humlmu tholic. .\h'. Wife-, wh- Overs of I`. 3.180 h_\' 1): Of 'I`m`0nt David Pn\\` BI`0\V n Hf took plan-s~ `Re'lati\'e~s Uh [nu-. Re1Lti\'-s the funern Coady, and Barrie. Jul Neill Of To Orillia. b. u. .u C. J. Milk-1 Tuesday, illness. H beand,I* Orillia in . engaged it himself, :1 OICIBSL Ulun Twice 11' re and m `LIA .,,_. `H 41: n... ,.. career. um Board, .\In Trade and IVIaym' in establishin For mun byterizm x consummn which he staunch pl less expm of the ten Was thricn and threw Leonard .\ VV Millm` Iorth ` loss in tho of one u `lifillinrn LXUL UH uru. Z `I-'au.v. ' -. - I ` Men's Single Canoeptopen--`R. Wads-g Wort'h,.L. Eby..-_ ._ `. ' b , if Single scans, girls 15..and under-+ SAM. Martin.` N. WlIson.u . ,; L , I`:-ah `Rana `nnnn_.'I .nnirh-.a `l:`l~.u `D I U1 Unc William l`,r\1I7O nlan VVllua.|u Gowanlocl tor severu death wu. in thv mu suered : away dur VVLID lI"l ll County. :4 boyhood t Township near Bur: about [hi his ye-:u'.< worthy vi Dumbo)` -1 J\:` n.~...,.;,` 11!: VV as .L Plowmr-n : offir-e wt` 1 - I) \ . : . HI.`-1 acted :\s .< Sunday 5 elder in ti Wife, '11: (`V . . n \ . . .ln.. \ Linux and 1 Jean, Tnlxn g&%m& two sisl }I:un}u. of (|\'Hi L\.\ to P1 Vl\ll Thu `M. Martm.` N. wuson. : i ,.Crab Race, `open--Lockie Eby, 'R.* Wadswolvth. . ` ' l _ Single Scujlls,- .bqy.s 15 and'under--D.; Oliver; '1`-. _Spencer._ - ` - ' Mixe Double Canoe, open--Miss Carlyle and `L. Eby; 4-Miss `E..Rafkes: and R. `Wadsworth; `- - V DAIVQ! QC:-un-In (`nu-u4\n 1K.-.-u-`.3 CC`hu riv- bin. 4.. n\ Lun tho ll" ths C2... .VI.\ 1111:. sidir ~..~...\. ) (`ill .`. the 1`. until 1 II\_L |.l|.\ tr:n1in}_- that pi and 1' L. . . . . .. 1)! Y`.\v'n\ Obtuimn` ROf'k}` .\ winu-r_1 LV\U nu -the H1)` ta}: in: Red In- \K \Y.. llllu I\n \'\'{lll5\\'Ul`LlI.- Boys,` Singie, Can_oe_, V1v5 an`d `under; Vnxox-a, B: Eby.` `Finn:-v-nnrrv nhnn.__`l3 wiannfh . t'\l 1 I!" I1 M1`. .\I-1 ens-x';:oti un nanv one of Shhllldw anythin it) . He TY YT \ . \Vil.\ IHIV lors 11` sew-rul `Inn um. III". \\4| nee-(led. known and th and fl( great 1' held to childre ters an and R ardsori living M RSI Wul .IfS." L'U', D. nuy. ' 3- . ` | Hurry-Scurry, open--R. Wadsworth,` Hugh olive:-._ D. Oliver and J. Smlth: Campbell Ra1kes,V'.[.`;- Welsptn, "R. "Ord- and"1`.'Spencex`. - ~ \ , " ' 'Mnn'e Tinnhin (`nu-inn nu-u':n_`| .` 1:-117' V: Vndale _~'_ 1,-sa..rne = -A. R`. aller,_sk. 14:13. F.;.Mccua.1g,- 5] 'To,tt`e_r(ham ' ., - _- :5.` ; Barrie. `, PR; McKnfgh1:,~sk. 11 > P? '_1'..-cla.-rk, sk.~ 1o Barrie -rm N V . Nwmarket ~ ' W. H. Kennedy." 31:, 12, Mann1rig..sk. 8; _ Tottenham _ r.(`l`l_1_'sj;oh f Dr. `Clari,dge,.sk.'_ 14 L `R. _Scott,*`n_l;. 6. `Second-`Game . _ _pUUUlIU. '_\J_1lll!: .` '. `, ` IJ. Mat'chett."2[z- . ' , ` J..Le Ge3a.i*'_/:5` _ V. Knight. 15 , .- _ - s. Booth ; F. I-Iorne,_1j4" __ Massgy 7 1 Dr. Williams, 18 , T R.- Mafchett 4 ` C. Poucher, 10 ` J. A. "D.';Swans9.n 61: E.` Farwell. 1(1*,._-_ W. D." Mccarrtck 61 M A. Hay, 19 W.iJ.vMFa_dden 8 1 H. Fenton, 13 A. C. Osborne 4 1 H. Murphy, 11 .- ~Dr. Campbell 10 1 O. Chrlsman. ` ,v _ R. Scott 7 : Dr; Kirkpatrick`, 10 _- Dr. CI-aridge 9 ` 1 us 1m.-.'r.m.. 10 ` , - 1.1. navy},-Q _ LI. 1'`. lV1ULJUU.l Ll 1'1. xuurpuy. L`! J. LeGear defaulted 3to~_R. Scotti _ } A. Massey defaulted to R. McKnight `,4. Hay-10 W. D. Mccarrick 9. W? Ts! `EbY.. E. Wright. euuun .LuL:ueuu.uu; 5, uqu. rI!IIy.|. Diving, girls 12 and "-\_mder--`Vi9_let Ord,APa.mela Eby. I , . -. `Diving. boys 1'5 and under--Blair ga ,. , .. 'l\IuIncr have nn`An__l_` Ah-Q-nfunha | LJCIIQHU, rcuuy.- - _ ' 1 Swimming; girls 15 and under,-Nanv Ord, Mary -Vvllson. T . 3 Swimming, boys`. open-Lockie Eby, G. P . Armstrong. 4 ` - . < Swimming, `girls, `open--Nan Ord, Helen Lgzwson. .. T ~ . Swimming, boys 15 and undez"-Blair lEby, Rufus Ord. ' `- Klan": Qindln (`En\`nn' nn:Sn__;_15 117.-"In, 4..- o'!, g_pa,c'e. ` '-.\` b _ ' `W. . /; _ , f"Ba.rrgLe -' ' }.. ; \ Auandalb `A. Hay. sk 13. iv. Kn1g1;t..:p1:.- -9 qcolllngwnofdt .-" , Allandale Mccurix sl_c.- _19_ J, L_e gear,i sir. `I '- Schom rs. ' ' ,Allandale A.` C. Osbpgne. sk;. 18/j A, yusey. qgk. 12 .Rus`hol_t'ne,* Toronto` ' `Aurora . Dr. Cami>_bell.Vs_k.~:_l4 Dr. William8.'k. 5 .;Amston = `V-fr 3- I Oshawa Mu;phy,s_k. `j13_-,Swa,nson. sk. 11 `Ollfa -` -2 \. 1~~.,_` A11anqa1e f H. Fenton, 81. 15' Pouchegf, 31:12 `-`Cremore 1 _ . O1"1llia.{ J. Ma.t:hett,:sk., 1`2 _J, M9Fadden, 11 . Orlllia .7 - Cremore gr, Hm-n_e;aak 14 Q13: Matchett, sk. s . Vor"n'1ia ` _i;Newmarket E.TFar_we1l, Sk. f 10'7 `S. Booth, _sk. 9 rlljia ` ' Newmarket A. Taylor, s_k.`12; -E. Doyle.` sk;-12 A Barrie`: . Orlllia. .W. A. Boys, s`k.'.1'6` Dr.'Kirkpatr1ck, 85 Barrie / - Alliston ' '1`. T. Young. sk.~J._1` `J. McLean, 10 Allandale '. , "iv -- . -\ Algton `ISL U_l. CVCIILS tlllu LIIU pnzu-wuule1'5-:-- Dixdng, boys ~ " and _.un,der-1,` "Shook" McLelland; 2, Geo`. Pnny.. `Diving girls 1`) and 2nnz1m~.._.`\7in1nl- nuy._ 1'4. VV_l'l5ll|.. ` .` "'.~ ',, Diving, boys. op`en_.--G. P. A_'rnTstro`ng,' Loclde Eby.- g ` V `- ' ~ Diving. i 'gi}` . Lbpen-.- ylvia Eby.-. Helen Lawsbn. M. ;Martin.`(tie). . I Sw1`mmin2'T'2h~]n--`I-2`nd `1Indnr-.'V`pm:a `- nelen .l.J8VVSO!). `1Vl._71Vl,al`Un.:UClE). \ Swimming, 'gh'ls-1-2` ` under-\fef5. ;' I Dunlop, Violet 0'rd. T . - _. _ Swimming, boys 12 and u~nder_-4-Mc-S Lelland, Penny: - Qnyirnrnino- ah-In `IR and III'|t`~41In_._`Tnr\` KEMPENFELDT A`Q`UA'rIcf-L"uB` HELD SUCCESSFUL R;eATTA~ nHOv 3 n 1 I-nu-nu-_I v_'I'l'\I DKIA-IIIPKIEI . "Following a1"e~t`;lxe s.core`s In the .;1b0r. Day bow-ling tournament. which were held over 1ron_1 lqist issue owing to lack otspaceu . `A .\ I 1a'._..A- ` \ Allnnl B`ARR1_E" -I'D _ " ` .4 A !CI Sis` J., L". mgueuxa, .w L 'Al1iston McLean. sk.10 ' " ,'RnrrIn can, gnu.` -Barrie (`Inn-`In-` 1 :11` A 3'13 11, r .14 '9 i 3 7 I`. J mnnpn. bushels. I V acity of 1,250,000 ebushelswill be ready 7'w.s" destroy d by'fire at Gravenhurst "}1'{v E{a:3iA'{E ;1;;2I.}'?ia "J-'c'a}3`.' for use in,October. Withnthe`,Tiffin and Aberdeen eleva rs the total" storage. capacityat tha port will be_ eleven T ejsteamer ` '- I Saiga r/no, I flag-Aship o the uskqka Navigation -Co's fleet, last week. _ he `steel hull remains and the enginesrand machinery were not seriously_damaged, ` . '|i`h-A n-nhlnfnlv nafrnvn tho` nnhlin l\JUIlI3UI.Ul' UL Laatca.-. . is Ross Sheldon havVing'been assessed ftwice fon the sameproperty, `asked a ', rebate. A request from H. Maw to rent 1 or buy a piece of the`-beach on the road , `at Cedar Harbor was `refused. the 4; Cou_nt':il'-having-no authority to dispose L` ofanyaportion of-Vth e highway. A letter from, H. B.;.Armstrong called attention -I to the ma-nnex"_y1_; which a ditch had been scraped out o'n;.the sideroad near . the Orange Hallz` also`-' `asking $5 to clean up ..a brush pile dymped in front .5 of his premises. . , 'F`nIn- I-ngfin 'hnnr-hhc fnv nm: at fhn .`\ ,.. -..- ...-...--._ , ...... -. I . A deputation of `Big Cedar ratepayers asked -that the 25` sideroad and the! roadway.` on can. _6 leading to Tent Cityybe widened and otherwise im- prove`d."l`hey were given an _attentive "hearing" and Reeve `Martin pvorhised ` -*caAre_ful` considveration pand intimated ; that something mignt bedone for . -them.` Alargely signed petition was ;' presented asking `that the` sideroad .' nearest~--the .lake l!e'"mad'e-` to connect ioo2essions' 6 `and A7. ' Ill-one} Qtnnvnm `urn no `on n I-\r\I\3v\ru1` y_\.. \a\\-v . . . . V - v . v `.5... ....y_, 6.--. W. B. Sloan was voted $35 fo1"'ext ra work in connection with lake shore `assessments. Coup. Stewart_and Roy Beatt_v were appointed to oversee the .installation o a culvert on the road to Killarney Beach. Council again de- clared itself against taking out insur- l ing out of. aqciden_t`s:on~township roads. . I Rn:-nnnfa nvnrn '\n unn nu fnlinnra-j `ancecoverlng claims for damages aris- `A 'dL IJIU 'l.Ul'|._lIlI.U EJKIIIUIQJUII, | (D, Inglis Grant, who; has been"a1i)-b pdihted a High Court Judge "for On- tario,` is :3, son `of the late`Rev. Dr. R. N. _Grant, w.;ho.was for thirty years minister of Orilli_a Pregbvterian church. ,_`u:- 1-, ___-A- _>_,g.|_ I IIXE I \IlV llrnnrupa '31"--vrutnr Prestoh\_Ga1j_ages are: atbtractive . in appearance- -easy to erect--and. their cost is low. ` Prices range from $73 up. Garages for two`or more cars a specialty. : CU! `CBQIUIIB U llll >`o < Wilfred Sgewart v_ was re-appointed lbollector of taxes.-. ~ - ` ` D--- q:...1`.:.... 1......:...-.. .1....... ' ..-.....-....-..: E :D1s*RicT\'VN;ws% E w%&&a&wm&&%$$$ga ser1ous1y_ uamageu, .\ Fire gdnpletely destrcgfd the` public ga.rageowned b3 Lewis `gen at Wye- bridge..on.-September 9_. Mr. Fagan was, ,mak1ng`-some .repai`rs.-'toAa car when a `gaso_lIne} torch which -he -"was ` using ex- p.19ded_. Two` carsuwh-{ch were in the ;g._aa.rag'e` _time were also destroyed. _`:._.`R`<`a*;-.`em1'y a mimber of men` were put ~to`Work"1m'prov1ng the northern end . o..the Penetang road.` Drags were. put }ixi`-zoperatlon near. 7 Wyehridge for a consider',able_dist;1nce and construction work `is"-being doneeat Orr` Lake. Later on the gauge wmqbe moved to -near Hil1`sda1e"Wherg'~_Q f';rOgid will `be Widen- `ed and re'~built:.f -,' .' - "J3o`nI1r ninlnci nf flan afnnnu A`? {Wu-iII'Io 1`E_arly closlpg ot_t'h s-to_re_s oi; Orillia, heretoforeyoluntarybon \th_e_`part of the merchar_lt`_s.`_\`vl ;noiv`v`be obligatory` on fedand +e;bui1*af?'*'l*~ee 1 t_he par't`;;or'..al-vehops exceptxthose in` which toficco and cigars,` truit, drugs, and cqnfevctlonery ar.e"sold. as well as iiestaurants. It will be in,.torce during the;summe_`r~mo,n`ths. It practically will be no*changen;frqmr:the present ar- rangement", except_ that early closing will be compu_fr_.rry; jnstead of -volun- A fary. as [at prsht. The by-law requir- eb the closing o,~_all shopsexcept those -specified `a; the"hour of 7 o clock_`on -all evenings except Sat'u1*day and on Vvednesdays at 12.30 riopp. _ T; {UL [I13 pl'Ulll.|St'S. Four rustic 'bench`es for use at the township park having been donated by the boys in the Kiwanis Camp held there this summer. 2?-mot-ion'was pass- ed acknowledging" the gift. 11v 1-: 1-11--.. _.-_ _.,.4_.1 on: n,_.'_' .4 A __L ._.. E The regula; mee(ing`.0f`I.nnisf il cotjn- cil was held on Sept, 7 at Lefroy with -all`the" members present. A ~5-._-_L_A.l-__ -1.-|-1.1.. r\_.a-._ .._L-_.-____,__ , WILII` a uuuuau1>u_c _uu_y\c;. u_n.v \ R. A; ,-Eetch . 0}" G;jiersville,. near; Meafordu 4axpe.c_ts.:-3fto Have 2,000 bar- Lrels from this 800-,tree -0orc`ha1_'.d, 75% of.-,Which.are.N'onhern Spies. . ` ~ _ Ground is to be broken for-thenew St. iAndrew's College at Aurora this week. 1 It, is iexpecvted that` the building -will ':ll))e2(x;`ea.dy for occupa_ti0n in September; ` .v'nts `R 1;n'Ia T.In1nI. v-nvunannfina-` I4 -in nmo. '. \. ~ - _ V -. . ! ` `Miss Myrtle Lloyd, representing the James Mints branch, West Gwillimbuxfy, got "fth V place- out of ninety in .tlj1e Women's Institute; house dress parade . at` the Torontb Exhibnion, 1` -`n. 'I'n2`I'Isx Grant. who` has haen`:a.1'i-b `boy at Shaw.brIdg`,"School.' recermy auopteg lnbarrle ' U "orlllia. Klanis Club voted $50 to] the Community. Nurs`e_ Association `to ` ~a.ss1st them in` maintaining a. young "Rafa:-a Innvlnn `nlllfn Rnv, N, T-T, 00) KC IluW.Ul'lUEG, DUIIUUI. ' [Before leaving T.`,Ox"ill_1a. Rev. N. H. McGHliy_ray\ was presentd with` a. fine leather club bag and Mrs. McGilltvray ;w1th`~ a handsom .all_\ner tr_a.v., ` , | n , A` .'n.....I.. ..}`7r|...I`.-.....unIIh-. .-.1... . u-uv-v wow -u - -rvv---- - was. `for nums- ..a_ rota Ask about our "convenient payment plan. METAL SHINGLE & SlblNG,CO. 56 Guelph 5t., PI-ut|ou,_,Ont. run uy I.II_:{: 'lu.|_.c_ .1. .I'.`.._Avu:Auguuu aunucg 1884.. .- ~ 3 T. 'Mldiand.;council presented Ex-Chief Harry Wright with a gold wrist watch on leavingvto take up his` duties as" license inspector; .< - . 'TTndm- th Ailgnins of th L.O.L. arid u_cense 'lIlSpeUl._Ul`.' u'- _ - _ Under the auspices of the L.0.L. and! S_.O.E. the `same `style of street .decora.-- I tlons will be installed in Orillia. `as.was recently adopted in - Barrie an.-um. tznimmg (`Jnh vntnd 50 fn `V 'Dogy'poisoners `have been busy in Bradfor`d'.- . . . .. T1193. Duncan, . Midland. has been appointed `returning officer. for East Simcoe. . .. . . A >. 'n.....u.-....a 1:391. Qnhnnl Irma an` nnnlill- slmcoe. -. _ Bradtord` High School has an enroll- ment of. 115,` 9nd it is expected there |wm be 120. ~. -' ' hm `lKn'l'.na'n `AI Qhallulv-no no-nl-invn `Wlll DB LZU. - Dr; McLean `of .Shelbu!:ne; captured .the_Hisey Cup uttered for best dis` `play at Creemore flower show. 1-: in t1I. A..LA L..- ...._.-CI...-....-..a` 4-1.... `I H`, I-"'-J V-~ v--~---v-.~ ---H: -- -'--vlvu _ R. F; Choate has purchased the Lib- eral. Richmond I-1111. which had been run by th_e_ late_' T. F.._ Mcmghon since `I 824. J 4mNI Q@ `r;-is. nAnk;i;`tx_1LiuINnn Baby : .r`sueVs. %. might gvbided .. V" wxuuu uatetne mxecutor will distribute the ass_ets_of the Estate having\rega.rd only to the claims of which` he shall then have notice an?! will not be re-' isponsible to any others. 1 DATED 2?` Darwin Hat- nan. .1--- -n ,,-,,r---, --:-- 3! 13' `Do hot lLeav`e pymentTunti1 las't,day. 37:3?c A`. W. SMITH, Trea`s. ._-___. --V-.uv, {7-endor s Solicitor, Barrie. Dated Sept. 9, 1925. . V 37-39. There will be offered for sale, by h public auction at the Queen's Hotel in . -the Town of Barrie on Saturday, Sept. .26, 1925. at the houzvof one o'clock, by V . A. Mcconkey, auctioneer" the fol- lowing lands owned by the late James Kenny. viz.:-- . T.nf 'l\Tnrnhnr- Tan Sn i-Inn an...-.....l A-.. Lauuus LUV a.Ul.'I::) zuure OI` IIGSS. There is a large, frame barn on the property, which is well watered'and about 75 acres cleared. Tan non nnvuf nf +1.-. u.......L..--'_.;.___- Ti'easurer s Sale`. `bf Lands! inf Arrears for Taxes in Town of Barrie. ' NOTICE is hereby given by virtue of. a warrant from the Mayor of the Towni of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand, with the seal [of the ' corporation of the said Town affixed thereto, hearing date the`25th day of August, AD. 1925, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears of taxes due on.certain lands in the Town of Barrie, that unless the said taxes, to- gether with lawful costs and-charges, be sooner paid, I shall, on the 9th. day of December, AD. 1925, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Building, in the said Town of Barrie, in County ` Iof Simcoe and Province of Ontario proceed to" sell bypublic auction the said'_ lands or so much thereof as may , be sufficient to discharge such arrears j of taxes and chargestthereon. TAT??? `.\7(\'l"`lT"P. `li`TT13'l|'.`I"l3`D tho! . n UL Li14\CB' 'lllu Ullal'SQ'.'.S'|.XlUl'UUI1. TAKE NOTICE `FURTHER that a. Vlist of said lands is being published in the `Ontario Gaze te in its issues of Sept. 5th,-12th. 19t and 26th, .1925, and that said list is posted up in my office, copies of which may be had on appli- cation. ' V .A TI`? QIIYFYITT zxcuuy. v1z.;-- ' Lot, Number Ten in the second con- cession o the Township of 0m,` con- taining 100 acres more or l_ess. ' Thorn in o low-nrn 4?-nu... l...-....... ._ 1.1.- prdperty will be offred subject to a resefve bid. Further particulars will be .made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be 1eat~ned.on applica- tion to. ` . - . - _ L DONALD ROSS, 17_.._9___9_ ~,1,-,1`, -as Piizsron "IDEAL" :cAnAc1-3.. A. W, SMITH, \ Treasurer, Town of Barrie. Dated-at Barrie this 2nd day of. Sept`- ember, 1925. I A ' 36-48c , we uuuuty 01; mmcoe, Clerk, deceased. who diedsorr or about the third day of February. A.D., 1925, are requested to send particularsof their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of -October, 1925, after which date the Ad- ministratrix will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have -notice, and -will not be responsible to any others. DATED` at Barrie this 1st. day of September, A.D., .1925. `- ' 1 DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, H 36-38c Solicitor for Administratrix ,, r \ " Aapuusxuu.-J to any others. DATED at Barrie this 27th day, of August 1925. - - BOYS &, BOYS, Barrie out; _ S%l1citors_ for James S. Kitchen, 36_-3 c v Sole Execu/tor. uuuu; to acres cxeareu. . . Ten per cent. of the purchase money is to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days .there- after. ' ' LIIC Ui after. ' NVLA :'I`he'.seond,iZnstalment bf 1925 Taisg will be due and payable at ` ~ FI1 , -I'D I ` 4- -- - " A ' NOTICE is heriebyigiven pqrstiant to! the Trustee Act that a.1_l persons having claims against the Estateof Harry-. Wright late otfthe Town of Barriefin the C'o1i`nty of Simeon. (`Jar-I2 am-.-....*-.1 ` NOTICE is hereby given pursuant `to the `Trustee Actithat all persons having claims against the Estate of James Kitchen. late of` the Village of .Hi1lsdale in` the County of Simcoe. painter, deeased, who died on or about the nineteenth day of July, 1924, are requested to. send particulars of their claims to` the undersigned on or before the. 19th day of September, 1925, after which date_the Executor will distribute assets of the Estate h.nm...\...........a No_'r1cE_ To cmpndi: NOTICE To` cfuamroks _PRESTO_N % Aucnon SALE ` OF F PROPERTY in the Tgvvrmhip 'of Oro FXECU,T0R-i SALE -'ro`wN_61= rmlil 25- IAxEsT925 * #6 Q ?I oh` or -before` 3 I Ch .__.__ . 15.1 Lcnen l Execix/tor.` 046. ' 47. 48. An MUIJCASTER ST-- IS OUR NEW AD1{)R1-zse A where we are equipbed` better than ever to attend to all your wants iii the line of