Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1925, p. 5

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cess. e`of members Dy tne nostess. -,~ , Any one,wishing to have ite s in- serted please at the post office. The name of the-persbn sending` the `items should be signed, not for publi- cation but to show their bona fides. and etnclency. , I Mr. and `Mrs. Garvin of Rochester, N.Y.. are at present visiting her mother, Mrs. Dodds and grandmother, `Mrs. Goodfellow. `Yhfna Dnn I-mu nrnncrfn Midland tn. Gooateuow. | Mrs. Roe has gone to Midland to spent orhe time visiting at the home` of Mr. and Mrs.~-D. Patchell; V nuun u` nnvnhnr-. fr-nm this: district`: or Mr. and lvlrs. u. rauzueu. - ~ , Quite a` number from this district attended the school fair held at Mines- ing,Sept. 11. The following is a list of prizes won by the pupils of Cundles, '1 school. In the contest Cundles" held I second place in the Strathcona Exer- cises. Walter Bell, aged 9, did well as. (' he won first prize in the stock n aming- 1 ,contest and second prize in the un- hitchingand hitching contest. In the 1 public speaking ,contest,'~ Loraine Mc- . Kever won second` prize. Oats, Banner, 1 1 qt., Audrey Walsh Ist; Barley, O.A.C. 1 qt.. Bert. Pearson, 4th;, Barley O.A.C., j sheaf. B. Pearson. 4th; Potatoes, Irish ` Cobbler,Lor,aine McKever, 6th; Beets, ' I-Ielen`Bll, 2nd; Unions, Donald Wil- , son, 3rd: Asters, Clifford Baldwick, 6th: Phlox, Catherine Brown, 1st: Zin- nias, `Loraine McKever, 1st; Walter Bell 2nd; tea biscuits. Catherine-Brown `M 4th; school lunch. Winnie Storey, 1st; candy, Loraine McKever, 5th1` wash cloth, Dorothy Brown, 3rd; bu-ttonhol- es, Catherine Brown, 1st: work apron, Helen Bell. 2nd; w.indow stick, -Bert.- Pearson, 1st:. and Walter Bell 2nd;; suit hanger, Bert. Pearson, 2nd; map` of. North America, Loraine McKever, 1st; ' writing, Annie Storey, 1st; Reta Hav- erson lth; Helen Bell, 5th. ` \ I580 13 - ---- nu: Sept. 14--Cecil Thompson has torn down_ the old dwellin g on_ his property and is building a new hous; in the rear of his butcherishop. , Mn.` and Mpg 'l`hn.t:.- Whiteside and his butcherzsnop. V Mr. and, Mrs. Thosa Wh1teside Miss Vera spent the week with friends in Toronto. T 1ur...--'r.rnmmu Viv-hv fnrmerlv Mav in Toronto. Mrs.` Harvey Kirby, formerly May Whiteside, who was recently taken to a. hospital in Toronto, is showing consid- erable improvement. \ Annnntr Mm winners at the judging` erable -improvement. _ Among `the winners at the judging competition held last week at the Ex- ibition were Cecil and Gordon Bnethet, he former_ took third place `in . the airy cattle section and the latter-`fifth in the sheep division. -mi... nnfhrlfln nf the Women's In- in the sheep (ilVlSl0n. >T-he activities of the Women's In: : stitute at the Exhibition have been the means of attracting considerable at- tention to that very worthy organiza- ;tion. The competitions and also the daily demonstrations under the sup- ervisionof Mrs. Henry Aitken of`Bee- t ' have been the centre. of interest for .m nyof-those` who attended from this locality. -and their beneficial ~. effects Abernathy of the local Junior Instit- ute assisted Mrs. Aitkent during the two, weeks` of. the Exhibition. ' ` ~A` young man who had just arrived I on Saturday and had hired with !-Iarry S Sutherland for a term, skipped out with all he could `carry comteniently on Sunday. He was traced as far as Brad'- tord .but'dqubtless- had been. given a lift by. .;a passing motorist and .taken on,,to "1`osfonto.= . ` * s ' be far reaching.~Mis`s Rae . NORTH ESSA PARISH A . Harvest Thanksgiving services. St. George's Church, Utopia, Sutiday, Sept. 20th, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Pres.` her, the Rev. `A. D. -Cousins of the arish of Imiistll. Special music by` the choir. "No serving in Ivy and .-Thornton on Inmsru.` Special music uy uus cuuut. `No service in Ivy` {and .-Thornton Sept. 20. on account` 01- Harvest `set.- vlcea in Utopia. , ANGUS` _C_UNPLl"-.. Boys BOOTS s-roan 1>S1z:`+'?3s LESS THAN COST n="I"{1`*Es V ' W A sturdy grained boot , Blu- cher style, heavy soles, suit- able .Fall' wearer, in ' esizes Jatlt ghee . . . . , . \ Sept 14-Miss Agnes Laurie and Miss` `Verna Hayne of Toronto ,were then guests-of Mr- and`_.Mrs. Geo. Leigh overh Sunday._ _ , '~ _~ , i `-Erven Leigh has returned to Stayner.| Mr. and Mrs; Thompson and son 0:}: ,Toronto -were t1_m guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Anderson.i`.o_r. the. week-end. Mr-. and Mrs. Robt. Ibid spent a few days with and Mrs. Ego of Peter- boro.. 4 , Jack Reid is teaching in the-Con- tinuation. School at.Reaboro. -\ Miss Viola. Bloomfield has returned home to Goderich: after spending a week with her cousin, Miss `Verna Leigh. ' 1 . . . . - Rpbt. Maxwell and Isaiah Mitchell of Drayton were th_e.guests- of the form- er's daughter_.`Mrs. J . R. Leigh. Mr. ,'and Mrs. Phil. McLeod and fam- _ ily of Lebaiion are visiting friends and . relatives here for afew days. L . > Allison---Fellows l At 4.30- on Saturday, Sept. 5, one. of the prettiest Weddings of the season , took place, when Shirley, eldest daugh- .mter of Mr. and Mys. J, M. Fellows of` :qHawkestone, was married to 'ernon E. Greely Allison, only -son of Mr. and- :'|Mrs. laude V. Allison. Owing to ill- am an Fhn bride's family. the cere-' `A boys boattaobt bf ne dressy weight, solid ' soles and heels, in -_Blucher' style, sizes` 1- tq 1-5. V ` Sale price . . . . . . Youths , `vt1`z';'d-l;'"s'chool b_Qot, _ :Blucher style, with rubber heels and seryjceable leather :;{es;;::%p:1;e*..e $1.95 Iyoicua Youths heavy calf hoot of `light dressy appearance, with good weight soles, in Blucherhstyle, sizes 1 to 5. Sale pce `Mrs. Claude v. Alilsull. KJVVHI5 LU ...- ness in the bride's family, .mony took- place at the home of the groom's `parents, 22. Havelock Street, Toronto, only the immediate relatives and friends being present. Rev. Sid- ney Martin o1_Tfi__ciated. -The bride, who was given away` by her father, looked lovely in an exquisite frock of ivory satin, trimmed with rose-`ipoint and I pearls, and wore a veil;of- tulle, held in place by a coronet`iof Qraingeilosspms. She carried a sho,wer,bouq`uet of Qphe__- lia roses and lilies 'of.the valley',.\ and wore the groom's gift, a `platinum and diamond bar pin.~_The'.bride was_ `at - tended by her, sister, Miss Chelsea Fellows, who wasgowned in vbuttercup crepe-de-chine, with large picture hat to match, and carried` a Colonial bou- quet of Sweetheart roses and baby s , breath. Mr. W. Spence of Toronto was best man. During the signingfof the register Miss Hilda McColl sang. A dainty luncheon was served. La,ter Mr. and Mrs. Allison left on. a motor (trip to Rochester and New York. The bride travelled in a smart ensemble costume r-P nlnnnrnnn `Remzaline COI`d.- Woxen s_ gnas 2% to 5. Sale..p $6-.;)`()':,n'd ;riues. \ In black . kid and patent, with low` imd Cuban hels, . good=ttin lists and _med- 4 ium ftoes that _appear- well..- s1.9s % on the foot, sizes Wox'n;:n's_ - 1.. t'!.-L.... [UK _ 1 Flxible kid boois`, in duban and low heels, suitable for..- good wearing shoe withgcom- fort and s`martnVess,..-`vsizes gatl: 16);'ic:2 .. . . . . vv v- Eal pricd , . smart ensempie cU:5Luuu.-. of cinnamon Bengaline cord, with small French hat: to `match. Mr. and Mrs. Allison will make their home in VI`;-nan fn - _ GIIIIIUO, I u: _ Fine` soft `black ~ kid laced boot, with pliable soles _ end low heels, cushion `insoles, with rubber heels, in 1111 and extx`a4full lasts, sizes 3 ::1:;.*g:m:e e,s3.4ss LV.I.l'5u 1111 Torontq. Oxfords" in` lsrown nd. tan calf leathers,` styles that are smart and dressy, a_ regular walking shoq with good. weight soles, sizes 85 3 to 7. Sale price , V0 _ It's yours it you act quickly. Skilled men " in` the following professions and ,trades', consta ly in de-. . rnand. The old establish d Hemphlll Government Chartered Schools are training men to take" positions as M'echa_nical_._ Dentists, Automobile . and Electrical Engineers. Barbers. Bric_k,_layers,v and Plasterers. If you -are not now. earning at least $6 _a day, write to 163 King St. W., Tor- onto, and we will send.our free book stay in 49,;-tit, learn" a trade `now! 1 \ | , n -which tells how fit is done. Don't` Wom'en _s Comfort _ $3.45 " woU1.ps1%o A,bAY :Y HAWKESTQNE gm Childtex and Misses . Sgndals _______ v-_ - -.__._ _._-'-- Patent leatfxet sandals "of nfisss sud chi1dren s, with good solid soles and ,ranges, sizes 4` to 2. rubber heels, in `plain .. one-strap styles, in al_- lotted sizes of both b` 0 Sale price .~;.:..~.....~ " Women ; a`nd` Girls I Sandals To" the gro;ving girl and w9mqn- Sandals, patent and ELK, solid soles, zgulbbler h_e(:le'ls, t1?'xi%)le to the foot, to T t . w ' , e ceare a s o prgce sizes 3 to 7. Sale pric .' oxrjokns $1.45 In b'1'ovin\-<:`alf.and black k-`id leathers withlow and Cuban heels, straps of on "a'nd "t wo-strap` styles, of light ` d_r y soles, suiable for Fall wear; ..`ses .in $143 13t$tgroi1ghout, sizes `t .- a v u . o , reg n _a e Sale .price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-oxI`oRps-- 4: A1 men Fine %Bo%oAt_sT $4.35 `In Huh and brown` high grade Edi leathers, with _ medium and heavy welted soles, rubber heels, both in Blucher and new full toe styles `that add fto dress and %i1ve` greatest of com ort,,s_izes to , reg. $6.50 value. Sale`price . A `hoof for the young men, with dressy weight soles, rubber- heels, medium round toes, in gen- uine black calf leathers, ' ~ sizes 3 to 1'1. Sale pr_ic_e`$3-85 A real` Fall Aweigh! Oxfnrd, in brown, with last-minute styles, ' extension V welted soles, rubber heels, -giving comfort and.d}1rabi1ity = _ eizes 6 to 10. ' S-ale pr ice l7 :7%./orwno=?icWw-av ' V | . Good Used? Cars\ vShp' Wijefe Yo1_i Pay Less A THE HUB SHQE sromz Mines` `I-`hunt - ans! Black calf Oxfqn-db, of new full toes, extension soles, rubber heels, smart on the foot`and ;`;Z2`?it2Y's ;1i $2-45 _ Chevr6let`MaEe; a "New Sales Rec*<`)rd%` A During the rnonth of`August `more new Chevrolet passenger; cars `were sold in Toronto than any other make of car,'irrespective of price. ' $1-.45 CHEVROLET` AND OAKLLANDA DEALER BARRIE and ALLISTON, om". A Simmons & Co. 1 NEWEST MODELS % PRICES LMOSTA-__REA'SONABLE HUNDREDS ,o:fCLOTH c'oA'rs "TQSI-`.LECTVER0M Simmons $ & Co. % AND MISSES , ; CLOTH COATSL AND` FUR COATS rm: COAT stoma: ---I-SPECIALIZING 1N----- COATS and A` growing -girls black calf Oxford, full toes, extension soles, low rubber heels, dur- able wearer, with attractive 32!: 3`eo"7`f $52 $2.95 _ \ \ Exceptibndlly good values in girls bdots, light `dressy boots for school, Blucher' style, in button_ and lace, of welted soles sizes _ ` 1 to 2; Sal,e rprice Ag} `.- Misses suEIi' -goat in box calf, Blucher' style, full t- ting last, built for school .1. ?- $2.45 . ` Vlnovv Girls stlirdy school boot, in Blucher style, in heavy box calf, that are practical Fall *;3:: S`;::e*;:;e 51,95 I'II I- Q3 I luululrunu. v UV v--o , Y--w- In patent and calf leathers, button or lace, in welted cu- shioned sdles, the shoe for children, sizes 4 to 10%, reg. value $8.50 to $4.25. Sale price _Now is` Black kid one-straps of low and. Cuban rubber heels, medium soles, suitable -for Fall, tat appear well on I " wide ttingrfeet and give ?mfs,J1Z i`iiZ3..` $3.45 .l.U '72 . D1118 PIIIUU `' _ 'H{1r!but Welts, $2`:g H; _,__I __1 .: `I....L.l.......-. Women s `Straps $2.95 A- not $5.00 and $6.00` values In patent straps, with broad military rubber heel and smart last-minute styles of Vamps and toes, sizes 3 to '7... $2 'cZ3`."?'. . . $2.95 GIRLS l_3_OOTS Women : `Stylish Gore Shoes, Patent gores 'with `tie vamp effects, Cuban h`eels, light dressy soles, of high grade `patents, sizes 3 to 7, reg- h`s`$Z i`3;E3Y`:.F.'. $3.85 W s Cgnfort A. ._u '\IIII\vII G \lllll\r Sfraps, $3.45 _L______ }sz.s_as I lit`! illlpvrlvr vnuvnnul I.llIIl'lI|' can this car has just. _gone..4200 miles; front bumper, spereitire and cover. - ` 1 Ford Tourin , 1,924V'mo'e1; this car looks an ruris like,.new. 1 Chevrolet Touring, 490 -model; hi! been revamished, `four new tires with good spare; - ' 2 Chevrolete, 490 models; these cars will be soid cheap, both cars have good tires. ' - _ 1 Nash` Six-Cylinder. new pair Dom- inion Royal cord tires on rent; this car is good buymg at the price. 1 McLaughlin 45 Master Six, good 6:mn::e unn nan kin! 1-Ida Ann widhf ..... 4,... __2 .45 A ...J.. L- urea; yuu can uuy uua UlI- Iaguvn 1 Overland 90 Model, `ve wire wheels and good tires. . 1 Ford Touring, 191'8_mode1; will > sell this car cheap. _. , 1 Mcl..uu{`hhlin 363; you can buy this worth? _'e money. / 1 Bob Chevrolet; this ear` is in '- 71'; shape and runs `like new, good tires, frontbumper. , The above are only a few; we have` lots of others---ranging , in price from $50.00 up. - . r 1 11 mung ` "A1 1 Itnnnr 5 11 VIII yUVoVV ya ALL MAKES -- ALL MODELS new such '1'. 13.` Cpulterl W - M i;re;Of1. 7 Chevrolet and Oakland Dealelf rmcr-:s `Am: % Lowzsr Now. EASY TERMS !F pzsumn. Below are a few of our stock:- 1925 Ford Roadsten Vpracticallly brand new, balloon tires with- spare. oversize steering wheel, gas -adjuster on dash, windshield wiper. ..u.. a___._:'__, t'II.-_.__I_. .0I'--_..1_v._ Our Swroom is' open till 10.80. uJ-uvu- --- _.. ---,...--uv-_. uurvuu `924 Suporibn-"'C,il'I'ovro|ot "l,'ourin'` 1`--. 4I-g now Hon {na mnnn A000 iiL:Il;i\ii;: `ii "'`i.{c"iI'7g'{>od tires; you can buy this one. right. GREEN & (_I9M?ANY than i\ 1-6'nio?z'r'oT'3:i'r. e Phones: mgin 2718 . 2943 Government, Mnnicipel end A Corporation Securities} - ' WE BUY Brooks Steamers Cosgrave s - Loew s Theatres V Western Assurance Common All Unlisted" Secnritiee bought, soldend quoted. A 38 & 40 |' Grand House is this Time to Purchaj a Car TWATCH FOR THE `PARADE, AT NOON "O EACH DAY AND HEAR A BAND. O MANAGER POW-ELLFWISHES To A/NNOUNCAE THAT HE HAS SECURED = Guy Bl`Q; ml!/linslrels `SPECIAL ATTRACTION FOR THE` BIG mus or-` ABARRIEJS ma FAIR _ Thursday` Night, Sept. 24 % Friday Night, Sept. 25 Guy % Bros. N_l_inslrels 25f PEVOPLE : CHAXLLENGE ORCHESTRA - . . I II_ 1.. '\_l._ . Everything New and Up-to-E-Date. I '- -E ' _ Acrobats .- Juggler; Singers '-/ Dancers ' New` Scenery and Costumes`. ~ . ' BEST EVER HERE. -'-A VEAC in `Prices: Balcony 55c, 80c; Crqund Floor, $1.10 Seats on sale at'Malcomson s insurance Oice gn Wednesday, Sept. '23, Out-of-town patrons may- ` secure -seats inkadvwance by "phone, " * ` A 25. . o v i . NOTE-For 18 years the Ernie Marks tock Co." played the above dates at the"Opera House, but this company has now disbanded. We promise you this season something entirely new at lower plrics. ` Coxnin, rl.V.londay,_0cto berl2tl'::_` h. CAPT. PLUNKETPS in `LUCKY `7 ,o II V uv-u 802 `B'ay Street H33 li $`IT .111.` FOR THE ` AT -THE S-nept. A15-Mr'. and Mrs. E. Nwen and `son, Percy, motored: from Ttyhve States and are visiting the formers parents; Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell. . Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Jennett. Fred Mc- parents. Mr. ana Mrs. M. M. neu. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jennett. Fred Cann and Jack, Andrew .Mler and Miss Amy attended `the Exhibition for a few days last week Mr: Gannon Qrnlfh hn returned tew days last week Mrs. George Smith has returned from a two weeks visit with friends in New Ontario. ` Thou. Miller of Eimgrove visited his brother. Irwin Miller, Monday. . -A nnvnhnr from harm nttnnded the Ivy brother. 1:-wm Mluer, Monuay. `A number from here attended the Ivy Anglican Church Anniversary. Sunday. Mun Mark `M:-,Mm:mr has returned Anglican Church Anniversary. aunuuy. Mrs. Mark McMaster has returned gromau two weeks viqlt with Toronto ll-`UNI ll LWU Wuunn VIB'l_|. vyswu a-v------v friends. - _ . Miss Helen Berthelotte of the Pong- tang hospital is home for 9. tortnights ` holiday. Minn Jenn I-Iizzlrumon has returned holiday. ' Miss Jean Higginson has returned from -Parry Sound accompanied` by -`Miss Eva Lee. . mu. ....a up. ('4 `la mhhmnnnn have "NUBB EVQ I488. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson have returned to Detroit aer a. week's_ holl- day with the latter`s parents here. Mr... Rm-fhnlntfn has returned home uay Wltn me latter 8 parents nuns. Mrs. Berthelotte has. returned home from visiting "her sister, Mrs. Wilson, Toronto. rn.....u.. mrnlm. `M.-`n W J Miller and TOPODIO. . Charlie Miller, Mrs. W. J. Miller and. Mrs. A. 1`. Arnold have returned home from visiting friends in Oshawa'._ C0!-_\ home and Milton. . . . ruin .l"l1.nvn `nmvthnlntm nf the Bell moms and Mmon. Miss -Clara Berthelotte of the Bell Telephone Office. Barrie. spent the week-end at `her home here. Mrs. mlth of Egbert -spent a. few "days 19. t week with Mrs. Elphick. _ I vmm mnnu frlnni nf Mrs. Jones will ' days last week wun Mrs. mlpnlux. The many friends of Mrs. Jones will be sorry to learn other serious lllnepsh in Oshawa. . `A nunnhnn fnnnn horn Ilffhdd the * \ EAT Spun gore. `Son In Oshawa. `A -number from here attended. the Exhibition last week. . 1:o..-..-n `1m'..|.I..1.- hon lvnnn tn `hatrnit Exhibition last week. .4 Russell Elphlck has `gone to Detroit to visit his brothers and sister; Mrs. Thompson. for a. few days. ' BBDL. J.`l'-'lVu'B. 12!!/IUD an c her brother `from Batteau. `Ila awn-`I `Alan ]' Qh{A`I M her brother `tram uaueau. . Mr. and Mrs, J. Shields. Mr. and Miss Walters and Miss Luten of Meaford spent a. couple of days with friends HAIVA, . iiere. . _ `Some of the visitors to Toronto Ex- hibition last week\were`W. C. Banting, F. O. Ba.nting,'D. Gauley and A. Cor - bett. ' nr IE! nnnnna Inniv his valuable lit- new. W. E. Banting lost his tie pony, a. driver. , , `nnvid Jnnnett and Wm. David Jennett and Wm. I traded farms. flun mat uyonfhdr {E A traded tarms. , . . The wet weather is a great draw- back to the farmers as the fields are too damp to work in. . w n `Ranting has exchanged his damp to work In. W. C. `Banting has exchanged Ford car for 9; Chevrolet. `Dav VI! I `ham um: in Toronto OVBI` "w{1.l Ford to!` 8. U_6Vl'0let. Rev. '1`. J. Dew was in Toronto Sunday and has gone to Whitby and Pickering for a few holidays before returning torthe Utopia, Anniversary. CV. Sapt. 14-Mrs. Bates is entertaining mar ht-nthnr frnm Batteau. .-}&{:;J --------_ ' Buy. Advertised Thighs; UTOPIA light valuable _11t- . Hunter have Sept. 14;.-'M.r's. -Kerne`m` has returned home after spending a couple of years In the VVe'st with` her son, Wa.`lteF, and in Britiqhcolumbia with her daughter. Mr and IE:-n` I-Invvnl Yard nf Rnrrln spent Ule ween-N-enu at Inuu. yvurruu 5. "Among the people from A us who attended the Toronto Exhib tion last `week were Miss Jean Tm-Bush, Neil McPherson, Sr., Nell McPherson. J1-.,' Eldon Latimer, Lesllo Walklnshaw, Jno. Wilson, Geo. Mlscampbell, `Mrs. Wm. Woolsey and Melva. ' ' . Rev. Alex. [Sheppard of Queensvllle was in the village 0 Saturday. Man ma Martin n 'l`nv-nnfn nnnnf 9 H DPIIIQH LZUIUIIIDIH. WIUI I18!` uu.u5uu=r. Mr. and Mrs; Harold Ward of Barrie spent the week-end at Thos. Worrod's; `Among the neonle Angus W113 In El!!! Vllldgt! Ul DEl.Ul.'udy. .Mrs. Ed. Martin 0; Toronto spent a. few days last week with` her mother, Mrs..Neil Shawl V .' A Vlnn `I Y-all-nrl ("I-any-ah nf Anon: hnvn Ml'a..;Veu anuw. ` a _ The United Church of Angus have been most. fortunate ._ln securing. the services of the Rev. J. W. Pedley, torm- erly of Barrie and now of Toronto, a. leader in the late Congregational church and an untlrlng champion of Unlonlsm. He promises a. rare treat to all _prlvlleg'ed to be- present at the Anniversary services on Sept: 27, at- 11 a.m.e and 7 p.m. Rally `service at 2.30 Y\'I'I J11. (Too late for last week) Sept. 8-M1as Della: Dean and Dick Armstrong of Toronto spent the week- end at W. Dean's. `M- and M... xxroum-'- nmvnlv and end at w. ueans. _ Mr. and ?Mrs. Walter Stavely and sons. Fred and Jim, of Ottawmvisited at Thos. Wilkinson's last week. ' `II: and BC 1 `D Mlllnr nlrhhv Thos. Wilkinson's last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller andbaby spent a couple or days at Seatorth. 'M Illnr Plnartnn. .`|'9nl( Wnnlsv. T1108. and spent a. couple 01 any: at auu.g.Un.u. Miller Plaxton, Jack Woolsey, Thos. Dowler. Jack Tax-Bush, Miss Myrtle Campbell and Mrs. Ed. Worrod are in 'l`oronto.attending the Exhibition: `Alan Ii`.|-nnuf T-Tn!-nrnnn Inf! nh Thllro ';enu1ng me mxnxuuxuxn.` Mrs. Ernest Hammond left on Thurs- day last to visit her father 1nEriglaVnd. `Mr and Mrs` (12.1-net Plaxton 01 day last to V1811: ner tamer m~ nmgluynu. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Plaxton of.` Allandale spent Labor Day at Mrs. ` Ettte Brennan's. ' . T ' (From Another Correspondent) I (Too.late` for last week) ' Sept. 10-.-Some -of those attending Collegiate in Barrie this, year are: `Misses Melva Woolsey, May Martin- son. Masters Frank Stanley, and Ken- neth. Ward. M nnu.....a Inuuonn hm. nnnnnfn n nnsxi- netn. wara. Clifford Plaxton has accepted a. posi- tion .in Bothwe1l's grpcery store, Al- landale. f\nH-a n nunnl-nor frnrn horn nf1'fIR mnuane. - Quite a. number from here attended ~ the Exhibition on. Labor Day. Dan -11! _`l'nhnnfnn fm-merlv of the hixmmuon on Labor uay. Rev. -W. Johnston, formerly of Churchlllursupplletl the pulpit in Zion churchiofgsunday. Sept. 6. - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Camn Bor- cnurcnionunaay, aepn. o. * Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Camp 2Yer`n2. have been transferred to St. Johns, N'oBo The meeting of the Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of Zion Church was largely at~ tended on Tuesday, Sept. 1st, at the home of Mrs. D. Plaxton. The meeting was opened with devotional exercises led by President, Mrs. A. '1`. Arnold. A letter.-,was read by Mrs. H. Wilson` from Mrs, Wallace, of Midland, thank- ingthe society for their donation re- ceived by her. Tea was served to a number of visitors as. well as to the members by the hostess. , Anv nnn wishing tn have items in- &I Ijjj Sept. 15-Miss E. Elliott, teacher, had a very successful year. at Cun- dies schooi `in preparing her pupils for the Entrance and also preparing them for ,the school fair which means work- and efficiency. mn. and 'Nl'r-H nnrvin nf Rochester. <. .~ I7," I 1.". ` is I .

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