our gives pric_e can ge, accel- difag and ruoastu a at your uummon aswre. _ The` erponul Service of our Store Management and Stu! In the courteous. helpful way in which they meet your every requirement. , ~ Thu-_ nnnrecintion of these elm-ts-from the they meet requirement. The appreciation of these eI'orte-.fI-om Management to the individual on the Store Stalf to render you a personal saving service on your e groceries is indicated by our ever-increasing sales and number of new customers. ' . mi-hxnnxz EXAMINER 5 IE JAIL nuueu IL I! ll.|Ul'U.U.Y 5QUll`.I.U.l'LI.lll_U lull consideration. Drivers should remem- ber to remove theAw_heel-blocks when .starting 'on.-' ` . I It was` 'iith`:ome `mxculty that Govi, ernozj Banting,-Wwit .the_ assistance of a. prlsonerfsot him ubdued and hand- cutted. " The .:uext* day; McKenzie wag: removed to Tor_oh`_fo.. fi- ; STONES TO BLOCK WAGONS SHOULDN'T BE LEFT on ROAD On Friday evening, September 4, while N. Zimmer of Toronto was driv- ing his sedan from Toronto to Honey- Harbour to take his wife and family home from their summer place, he met with what might easily have proved to be a painful accident. While going downeethe steep hill north of Dalston, his front wheel hit a large stone which- had `evidently been used to block- a. _wagon and had been left in the rut. The. car was ditched `in a bad place and Mr. Zimmer was badly `cut and bruised about the head and face, -some cuts requiring fourstitches to close, and; losinga lot of blood. Tnr 'I'\otrnv\v\nh nf fn "-Tlilanaain oar- tram IIOPIH. The xizactie of leaving stones used I -to bloc_ wagons on. a hill is .all too prevalent and it should be impressed `(by law}! necessary) on all. that they `through icarelessness may be commit- ting, manslaughter as this is. what It 2' I1,v amounts to.for if. someoneis not `k led itis m'ore.by good fortune than nnnulnrhnn Tit-hn.-am-a' uhhnl rnmnm- `JUULUII LU, 'uur vvlug uuvauuwu -- - ,....-. ....t9.._.tl:.9, txtaen-,qwti,on.. In 121:: .the.soods' orb _not" 1 charted `to _Vr*m6r- iib.'"*Ih Q' ' ' -1..-a av-.-5 -`aw V- ..,-'v... I ' "' ' Jas. Davenport of the Hillsdale gar- age picked him -up and took him to the doctor at 1-Iillsdalewhere he recovered sufficiently by. Saturday noon to go by train north. . ' . . VI`!-A cniunnl-{nos AC innuvlunnu afnnnn `yoga ` ._.nu y-%.4ay.n;'..a;..%m;.;. vnn LIA:-- Sugar $5.90 P3!` bag Pure SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICES L; 24' 1153. "WHITE SATIN` Bxzsjr 1-on % 1-"ma PASTRY Anniversafy Price L One `hundred and one cases were`: handled by the Barrie police during ', the month of August according to the '. report of Chief Stewart which was re-`; ceived .by the council at last meeting.- There has "been an absence of serious crime. the-majority of the convictions `registered being for infringements of the Motor Vehicles Act. Fifty-six speed artistsand `no-tail-light oitend-H , ers were nedduring the month. Many` of these were brought to justice by the Highway traffic oi`i.'icer.e Four were. convicted ` for violating the `-`Ontario, Temperance Act. One manwes con- . victed and sentenced for criminal nes- ligence and one was gvllty ot, trespass- D8 . There we e two uses of theft by. entering which are nowyunder investi- gation. `Six petty "thefts were commit- ted. There wes but one q.e,se_ot,o.n un-' savory na.ture,end the remainder of the hundred and one is made up by sixteen] petty com lelntsi which-- were received and atten ed to by -the Chief and hisl nanlulrnufn FLOUR GROUND on` . ROASTED ~ COFFEE 5 5gb. OR IHONEYI SPECIAL BLEN_D PURE cow `QUICK PUDDINGS 7LARcE' ASSORTMENT PuIfzicC5E} RE9A.m:.=.%bT AUGUST BUSY MONTH_ IN LOCAL` Pogcz coumj BEEKIST 519-_P51L AND ' % Icmcs "7555 3 private dwelling was expensive for ` ,Richard Pierce, of Midhurst, who paid _ FIVNED 350 AND COSTS ' -` I zafving liquor in other than his own .$60;00 and costs, amounting to $58.00. in the Barrie Police Court on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Pierce was `visiting a`. friend` i in the west enil of the town when the police arrived on Sunday evening and [located the h'ootc " i .I`lU_f Jmuxvulo .............. uept. oIuuooo`ooVoaooooooooca Oro.'Fair`Groundl .......... Sept. B;-gdford .. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _'__ an} DATES or s`cI-loot. nuns Orilfta, Uhthott Sept. 2 Creemore .". .... ........'...... Sept. 2 Tiny, Wyevale Sept: 5-:ao'ocoooooooIaoooo'Iot F103;` Elmvale Sept. : `nnivfnr ' ~ Q31` 1 HF|l'|7I~lE' III 7 Ivvvvv wvwuu . _ Twenty-eight cases were on the doc-` ket wheniblvialon Court opened for the Septembensesslon on Tueqdily. Sept, 8. but on1y;a".,te,W Of"these:were , G V ` oaed of by&udge'Va"1'zee who pres glubbardw ` `ax-dwa.re::'sought" pa. j `ept_ V or an accouutowed, by,-_.Mr. -an Mrs. . M. .Dj.~ Cilbltt`-Nllidlll -..!`lex.>. oven. . counael;-rtor Mn. Qubitt-Niol_1olu. obs \. -:e'cte"dto, hei~'*b`elnzlncluded u a. pu`.t'` in ma transaction. costar the goods . in the pigeon show this year than ever! ,, _ __\ , A. F. A- Maicomson showed thirty-' two pigeons at the Canadian National Exhibition which were good enough to capture nineteen prizes, including eight rsts. - This is the best showing that Mr. Malcomsorfs birds have made and he is especially pleased in view of the` fact that there were more entries. before. Mr. Malcomson specializes in' Magpies and Pygmy Pouters. Seven of his Magpies won rsts, and seven others were in the money. First and: second- prize in the Blue Pygmy cock class was awarded to the Barrie pigeon owner. MA'LcoMsoN's Pucsous TAKE I 19 PRIZES AT 0. N. EXHlBITlONi i ho;no ydur nun `Item: to the Ils- RAISINSI Anversary. Sale }iTl:is Coffee is blended from `the highest" grade coffee obtainable and is a real I delight to drink. -Special Anniversary Price` `TEE 6 9 =`*-a~'1`&3 50 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS [ l5 oz. PKT. uuu Ilalul-UIIIM assistants. COFFEE 2FoR 23 RICHMELLO BLEND 2 ms. 25cl ` Y FRY S . PURE BREAKFAST COCO 323 `rm: ALL" CANADIANI ..._-.....g E6017 2' WE RECOMMEND ';:A',Iyi'i-f1"i 47 PICKLESI LARGE BOTTLE Anniversary Price VICTORY BRAND SWEET 18 18 El . 21 22 22` GO SPECIAL L } ANNIVERSARY PRICE rnvRsnA*- sitrmm` ir7.,?19zvf} VERY sm-zcm OFFER COCOA! __ 'V Prggideiif favors` reduced . 4 ?*`*4`_9_3?"a9n:-'19u:-earnings- PURE BREAKFAST MCHMELLO BLEND ;-nvetiuge plenant and profitable hobby; Youcnnoellyoutwotk-ou-useour ~mneedIlI !or the nnkihg ofdplendid gifts tot Cluiutxnu, Hrthdam. etc. For Conhtirlnlormation, writ: ._/__ uuuupu dud dozegs moi othernufn] grlicles. Float Lam. Fern Stands, Tea Tran, etc.; are just: few ofthe handsome things you tan ptoduee'f_rozn our materials. You can quickly hecome prodclcnt by n_ little |ViNE__Ru R. F. Asxiiftuanmo C5 St. W., Toronto 2. aAnm.|z'{ bIv{sbo'N. cou R1 -44-- -n_I_A. --....- -uvaug An flag I CROSSE & B_LAcxw1=.u.'s 1 31 am " BOTTLE goc 1 lb. JAR W 1138/1Nc1BLi: JELLY POWDERS " 3 Pxjs. 25 '""" ` MARMALADE THE JELLY THAT MAKES OTHER JELl.lES JELLOUS 16 DELICIOUS F LAVOURS 3 PKTS. Mc_L_Rj:N*s 2 lb. fl PURE MAL'_I`_. l' Sc lb. CHRHSTIES SODA BISCUITS Anniversary Price 150! Em Pretty _ Table Lamps -S13ECIAL ANNIVERSARY P1E 1fc:7| ication to the same e precis- prodigal eristic of _ FOR THAT I ` SCHOOL GIRL Vcomnzxnou HAWES `I FLOOR WAX 31b.AcLAss JAR ;RA$!{BERRY % 1 0 cAK5559cl JAM 57! REG ( 1 PRICE V \- ' . 21 SPECIAL T 7 ANNIVERSARY C PRICE _ PALMOLIVET SOAP 3 ems 111: um 45 iuzcuulz c 1 PRICE Anniyersiiy *Pr,ii:e vibration. %BAK1N`-`- POWDER COM FORT SOAP` CONTAINS _No, ALUM DOMINION 25cl CHIPSO rennin 11. 1523 L SARDINES f cnossm nsu I ANORWEGIAN` `IN ouvz-%ou. % 1. Anniversary _ Price "QUl_CK-SUDS 333 {VI l\TI.IE P`RIN%CESS SOAP 1-`1,..A;1 `J IyI" \J IJN FOR CLOTHES FOR DISHES FOR L um.'mv' , CLEMIUNESS OLD DUTCH j CLEANSER j you get zarkable LUX 22 PKT.. 10 PKT. I-{LIB LFUIII BUHIU EUJIESUH U11 U18 }Jl.'UpUL"' Ity- It was further brought out that I: the account was for ,ma.teria'.ls used in ;" building the sa.me;garages. Judge u". ance thought it preposterous that V; Mrs. Cubitt'gNichols should desire to .- avoid paying for goods the benet from I which she was receiving. "It is a. s ridiculous proposition," declared: His 3 Honor inientering Judgment for the : plaintiff for the -full amount `of the claim. ' J. R. Boys appeared on behalf " of Hubbard's Hardware.g . s ,; A-.. Mrs. Bert. Hop: `aokea;m'e}t':ou1r to V r I must pay. . order that Mrs. Yglllo,;`n"McCutqheon ;. pay her th,e`b_alanc_ '0!-ave dottlauw due 1 .on\a, baby carr!Ah.g*o`.3 ;(Noa.ppea.r.a.nce V ,wu..1nade by the" efn`dant'and :|udg- . moat way: ed.l:'eu'a!v' ):-!eVr_lg]g` that; she >-.. - - -_ , ' ` ., ., 5 , . 1 " *nas".:s-t~ : - ~ : b,A_frult acu1{'t'vial.'th'e;.'si:iiojeEt-*; cnta I r"'d!'njbutcfjbu_tw9en- Jo!_m*Sa,uo:~&nd,-Kt; an , V wax. u u nun-I-on u vv :4: no 1 Geo. Livlngagton had an account for -shoes amounting to $80.85. against M. --D. -Cub1tt.-Nichols. `_ gyment was or- vdered by J\!dge.Vanc . L V` ' 11-1.-` -__1 1n.....|- -I-u-n.1_:_.. _..'.... .......I v-cw - C. E. Robinson, hardware dealer, se- cured a. Judgment *-against Pprcy I Ciarkson for $20.85, the value or goods ' received; Clarkson ' contended that part of the goods were for him_and that the -remainder was for the Lake- view Fuel Company which made an assignment. Mr. Robinson` produced his books "showing that the account had. been chargedeto Ciolrkson person- ally and the VJudg_e helfd that 'Clari:_son: must pay. ' m-._ `Rm-t. `I-Inhhnmilrmirthn:-Cotii-fizd A Order"ed:them. It- developed that the! property is held in Mrs. Cubltt-N 1chol s name. and that she collects the req- tals from some garages on the proper- fv. T1 was fin-than hrniurhf nut Yhut uvn vu iv; v Inmgju. v uy|g\4\a. _ Mabel and Ernie Robbins were sued by'Dr. Oaks for an account. The case `was laid over till the next sittings-or the cburt. . L \. - ' Zhrysler *"sEL:cT BLEND lb. mcHMEu.o75 TEA SPECIALLY BLENDED TEA Spcial Anniversary Prvice. - FOR . FINE LAUNDERING 1 Ocl PEAS! A851:-:nVnu1 ~ mph: 1 Knniveriary Price-I NEW PACK 1:10. 4 S121; I99` . . ' nun .u.=:umu|\Il.`DCADV' H _ woncasmt, ISAUCE 25` |H0LBROC )K S| MALT AND HOP BLATZ $1391 7" axnucr _ JUST ADD BOILING WATER" ` rung: um nu MARMAEAEE `*r}'69c 3:; 25` [ts SHlRRIFI-"S % _".`"*-E !`!i1. , masn Mum" Annivrsaiy .Pric Rom-:0; OATS [5 lbs. 256 01; U. lII:l)lU,_l.l'lI.Ul.|ll'IIl 1113 BKUH. . 'McKen:1efs address` was -`given as , 'Barr1e,_~.but\.thig was` incorrect. His Ahqme is in. Mara. ;. _ ll_e awaiting , -transfexgxcci to thgl , heo-wag in e.- ,*g_O,!,"8.-,01_` _me.~ ` np tug; _ =29.1he w,ent=ou the rampage an?! smash- ud. 1.118 `Jyed .-aV.n.dV m..a.ttr.eI!8 in hi.c.=.~tur3'- uuu. 1.`. l.Ul.l., W110 B1180. IO!` the amount. Albert Greenbank, . an Elmvale .gar- age man, present/ed a. bill _for $72 for jitney service `accorded Frank Stott, who disputed the bill.- There were 'sev'- - eral trips which Stott admitted he owed for but there were several more which he said had been taken because qreenbank asked him to go along for company. The pleintift had kept are- cord 01. the vgrious` trips_,made but'did not bring it to court. The case `was Th`?! if nnv-nan Inn alt Olsen F. Stott. `D. F. Mccua. g, couhsel for Stott, produced receipt showing that someof the itemson the bill "had been paid. Althodgh unable to locate the receipts, Sfotft thought he had paidthe V remainder. also. The .case was_ ad'- Journed to give the two` parties'- a chance to-compare neceipte. V Thos.`Graha'm wA.n nmim-mi 4-n nauv .. cnance to- compare Thos.`Graha'm was ordered to pay a :grocery bill a.moun'f1ngZto $12.01, to K. and F. Stott,.who sued for the amount. Albert Gr-eenhnnlr an 'F`.1I-nvmhs N0-- nun. unug II . to court. The, was adjourned and when it comes up at the next sitting Greenbank is to produce the book. One`-yvitnesestated positive- ly that. he s_9_.w` Stott. pay Greenbank for one or the trips listed as unpaid. -. Daily papwerusot Sept; 10;reported that ' Philip, '1`aylor,. aged 62. an inmate` of the Queen St. Asylum, Toronto, had been clubbed to` death, by another in- .ma'.t.e .n'amed `Peter `- McKenzie, 'who' beat"1`aylor-_o'v_er the head with the .leg `of a table. fracturing hga skull. Ilinu ' . bdivnvu on- ALLEGED. JNSANE. SLAYER 4 HAD BEEN BARBIE WE sail; AND Iuacommznbg 29c l'|' Assunas sIiccssruL nr.suu's A Colirteoui Slore Stall Awaits Your Every Service Requirement Find; us ceibratjng the e`vent in_ our` 400. stores. with more than a million customexfs a week. % Ouyugrouurth, from a small beginnihgtn Cinada s largest retail grocers. in these six yenrs. can be .dir-ct.lyattribucd_ to one thing--l .crsonal Service` to our cu toners. . 'I`Inn Pa annual` Qnrvhun nf fl-an IKn`ns:nrun|nn.f to our cu comers. _ _. _ The P: sous! Service of the Management in striving at all tlfinea to buy the b'est*in `Afoodstus. at the best pdssihie prices and passing this gaving on to-you in` the form of_ consistent low pricerfurj what you buy. ` `The Personal Service-of our Supervision Staff in ielnz that every Store and its merchandise bu l&pt`.spo' eshly clo`:an-t|lat every product is moved nizicklv no thnt vuu are alwnvs assured of fresh keptspouesmy c1ean-rna|: product as mo_veu quickly so that you are always assured of fresh fdodstu at Doniinion Store. Than` an-nnnnl Qnrvimn, nf our Store Mananrement