ALLAN -T In loving memory of my ,daughter, Lottie, who died September 14th, 1923. ` Gone, but not forgdtten. 38p -By her loving mother. FERGUSON - In loving memory of! our dear son, James Ceci}`Ferguson,| who departed this life, September 16, 1914. `,_ Hearts from which was death to sever, Eyes this world can never restore, Therels one as bright as ever, Qhnll rnnnf nu on-`ad I-no `Inaf nn rnnuon ttuclll. UUL CVUI` llU`1.l.'o . Absent but ever near. 38c --Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. .l.llUl.'U,lB U116 21.3 Ul.'15llL EB UVUF, Shall meet us and be lost no more, Absent but ever near. 38 -Buy _Staunton s semi-trimmed wallpaper - 22 in. wide instead of old 18 in. For sale by W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. 39tfc ri-.u.'n_ D Ehristena) uauuwuy, In llUl' ouun at Stroud, Sept. 16; \ A fast - mo;ing actidn story, full of speed, thrills 4 ` V x and charng. . hwter Nine ` i`IH'R0P!.?5".. CAPITOL aw: THEATRE itxng I181` SUI}, a. 1'1. xxjlapp, D1'UUK I.. Alvin Mickler of Toronto spent a, few days in town recently with friends. 1|/nan Tiunnnh Chisholm of Mnnirnnl And Lige Conley in 'RICHAi{D TALMADGE `laughing at A Danger wBl.2'WARE' - T Two Shows, 7.15 5.9.15. Saturglay at 2.30 IN MEMORIAM TO IGHT F um SATURDAY BORN? IE lII\IlI lino .g I Hgirloom --IN-- 7 few (lays in Luwu rt-:u::uu_y wuu u`Ig-3n(1s_. Miss Hannah Chisholm of Montreal is the guest this week of Miss M. A,` Train. \ . A rum and Mrn. Brook of Kimzntnn -mm THE HOME OF BETTER PICTURES A FEW SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK MlSSES' HIGH SHOES, with round tting toes and rubber heels, with good weight and good wearing soles, sizes 11 to 2, regular price $2.95, $3.25 and $3.50. Fair Daysi . . . . . . .. $2.75 pair Girls sizes, 8 to 10%, regular price $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 pair. Fair Days . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.95 pair .. ADAPTED FROM uwo Ouvmuf LO S `aumainam-Mm |o:r:a.Ax'mu~ - 1- V was -- j- BOYS .BOO`TS, black`kip 'l 3lucher, wide tting last, heavy soles and `most of them have rubber heels, 24 pairs in the lot, sizes 1 to` 5, 31: lr_`eular price was $2.75, $2.95, $3.10 and $3.25 pair. , $2.50 nah- CHILDREN S"gLAK PATENT AND TAN SANDALS, sizes 4 to 1n1/ L- -1--- t:1..:.. `h....... '..L (1 nn __;_ WOMEN'S PATENT SANDALS and smbked elk, a few pairs left, regular $1.75 and $2.25. Fair Days . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 pair TWO TABLES OF WOMEN'S l;ATENT, CALF AND TAN LEA- THER STRAPS AND OXFORDS, regular $2.95 to $6.75- One table on Fair Days at $1.95 pair and the other at $2.95 pair Jaaumg. . _ - Miss Ted_. Mathieson is visiting in, Carleton Piace,iRenfrew and Packer:- ham, Ont. ' Mm Wm. Paxton of Kim: is visiting A TABLE FULL OF MEN'S FINE BOOTS, some round toes and some recede toes, some brown and :some black, Goodyear welt soles and rubber heels; these shqes sold for $4.25, $4.95 and $5.75. Fair Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.85 pair T \ ' . : AMDTFD FROM I? 1",, wonx BOOTS FOR MEN in blk and brown, plain and toe caps. Fair Days . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 pair `THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY afaiiicti-naurvmm KATE cLAx'rou~ ' ; lllllh All DOROTHY- l-1'II :' IIaIJI\I` 9 IJ.Idfl\.oI\ I l1lIal` I A 10%, to clear Fair Days at . Sizes 11 to 2, Fair Days at . . uuc 1. 1:5 tuou. Fair Days . . . FORMERLY THE B. B. SHOE STORE One of D: W. Griffith : Masterpieces "TI`8.1I1. I Co]. and Mrs. Brook of Kingston `are spending a few days with Mrs. J, `F. Pulling. Mica '1`m'1 Mathieson is visiting In If `you have nevr Seen ur\....1....... .'.1: LL. c`1.-...._n< zzogaaag ;;f {as 'sto};g:: SEE 1T! ` 1' Show Each Night, 3.15 Adults 23:, tax zc ' lNl_2I_I,, j ONCE AGAIN AT POPULAR PRICES If you have seen it, tn:-I-1 crux A EE IT AGAIN! ' IT IS WORTH IT! MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY tax lcJ ham, um. Mrs. Wm. Paxton 0; King is visit ng with her sister, Mrs. A. Kennedy, c- Donald St. " `Allen M Kannev is zivimz n. mhlriAI- UALIU pan. V I 32.50 pgir $1.3o 1.}: 31 .25 pair uonanu an . ` , 7 Miss M. Kenney is giving. a miscel- laneous shower this (Thursday) even- ing for Miss Viola Murphy. A ! Mr smd`Mrs. I-I. Ottowav and Mrs. 1ng I01` Nuns vuuu. Luuryuy. _ Mr; and`Mrs. H. Ottoway and Mrs. M. "Turner motored to Toronto and spent the week-end there. . Mrs. Atbert Smith and son, I-`toy, have returned home after spending two weeks in Detroit and Toronto. .- lzfiun Edith rnnwlnkn has rnhn-nad weeks In uewuu. uuu .I.uruuI.u. ~- Miss Edith Creswlcke has returned after spending two weeks with Mrs. Maurice Follnsbee in Toronto. Mliuu anh-In `Rn!-tnh~ left fnr 'l`nrnnfn Maumce xrulllluuuu un ;uruxu.u. ' Miss Gulda Bu!-t.oh~lett for Toronto on Tuesday to resume her training in the Hospital for Sick Children. . Mn and Mrs, 'l`, f`._ `|'(e l`lv and two the nospnuau Lu!` nxqn \.allIlUl'Ullo Mr. and Mrs. '1`. C. Kelly and two children of Banff, Alta... a;'e..v1sit1ng Mr. and Mrs. John Key of Da.l_s`ton. ml. and Mrn, .1 , Nnlnnn T-l |n-Ihurt nf MP. anu 1vu'u. auuu nay U1. 1Jd:l_I.Ulh Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson I-Iurlburt of Tho:-nbury were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carr, Toronto St. Mrs. Newton Harvey and family of Thornbury spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hurlburt. Ross St. IIIQI: Mnuuln 1'o`nv-Inna mnvn a mid. Mr. anu Lvlru. 1'..n.. rzunuurb, nun: By. Miss Mossie Furlong gave a. mis- cellaneous shower in honozxot Miss S. Fraser who is to be a September bride. M.` and Mr: 11 Emma havn I-nfnrn. Eraser wnu 1: LU us a. DI:_pu:uIuUx' unuc. Mr. and Mrs. D. Emma have return- ed_ from a. trip to Niagara Falls, the Thbusand Islands, Montreal and Que- Inna 1 ll_lIl `bec. KN: bee. T . ~ , Mrs. P." B. Parr of the Singer Sew- ing Machine Co., Barrie. assisted in %1d.ging the fancy work at the Oro 11 I` - 1 Juusu Fair. '\A'vu l" Mrs. A. Hall. Los Angeles, Ca.l.. is spending a couple ofmonths with her daughter. Mrs. C. B. Lawrence, Bay- field St. ' 1:: urnanh T. `Nl'nn,1\nn:rnll n.nd A. new St. V . . R. Wilson, L. Ma.eDougallv and A. Scott, who have been employed during the summer months at` Bigwin Inn, have returned home. ; James A. Brown of the Bell Tele- phone Co., Montreal, whose promotion was referred to in last week's Exam- iner, was in town on Friday. - ._.i `II... E Dnm`r.U\aI\ (\' 'i\!I_ 11161 , was In LUVVII vu us-uwg. Mr. and Mrs. S. Parkinson of Ter- onto, who have just returned from England and. France. spent the week- end with the Misses Switzer, High St. up;__ -r1.1_.. 11.....--n... Al Vnnnnfn annnf uuu Wltll DIIU Avanuwuu -.u......., ....a.. ._-. Miss Edna Cameron of Toronto spent the week-end with Miss Jean I-Iickling who left on '1`uesda,'y to enter the nurs- es training school of the Guelph hos- sulfa` `U5 Ll pital. pltal. ` Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Finley and Miss` Greta Finley are in` Toronto. Miss Fin- I lay is taking 3. dental nurses course at the Royal Qollege of Dental Sur- geons. M . ` J mawm-A nmsmland. who has com- r Edward Crossland, who pleted a brilliant four-year course at the Jesuit Novitlate in Guelph. is teaching this year `in `Loyola Coilege. Montreal. - mm... `lvann `Knann left last week on. Montreal, . ~ Miss Irene Knapp left last on a trip to Los Angeles, Hermosa Beach` and other cities in the Southern States. accompanied by her cousin, Miss Hazel Wilson of Toronto. n. p Ilvlnvnr who onened an elec- I of Toronto. A G. B. Grinyer. who opened trical goods store on Elizabeth St. a. few months ago, is moving his famll here from Guelph. They will reside at the corner of Bayfield and Dalton Sts. man. ._._.a mr..- rs `MI 1 .:I'InlzHna- and Mrs_ '[l'l8 COI'I`lB[' UI. lzuyuuau auu III-unwvnu ...--.. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hlckling and Mrs. Wattle have returned from a.` three- . weeks motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie While away they visited Mrs. Hick ling s brother and her sister, Mrs. Meg- ginson: ;vIr.. and Mrs. W. C. Walls were at Toronto-for the week-end, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dyment: Mrs. Walls, Sr., accompanied them and will visit "for a, time with her daughter, `Alma 1'\urn nnf WU! VIHIL LU!- a tuna Vvavoo nu. ..-....,----,, Mrs. Dyment. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarjeant motor- ed this week to spend a few days in Guelph, St. Thomas and Chatham. Miss Ruth Sarjeantiaccompanled thm as far as St. Thomas where she will spend the winter atte`nd1ng',Alma C01- 1929.. aycuu IJID vveuuv lege. Mr. and Mrs. H. Miss Adele Robertson left today motor trip to New York city. Robertson having won a scholarship at Columbia University, is going to take__a post graduate course at that seat of learning. Mrs.` H. Boyles rie after spending three months with her relatives in Birmingham, England. Mrs. Boyies also visited with her hus- band's relatives whose home is near London. England. While there she vis- ited the British Empire Exhibition. Prince Rupert (B.C.) Sept. 4--Mi1ton`Carr and Dr. H. Wall- win of Barrie, Ont., were arrivals in the city on last night's train. They are on their way to_ Stewart. Both have been interested in mining in- northern Ontario. They were pleasantly surpris- ed to meet in Prince Rupert Col. J. S. Williams, manager of the Laurentide Air Service. Last year they made trips with C01. Williams to northern Ontario :. um uan1'A Vinkers Viking. flying ma- 5 ca uuuu .-.---`, ._-.,, 0118. Daily News; G. Robertson and 7 Miss . has returned to Bar- ' with C01. Williams to I1Ux'uu:1'u uuw...u ii the same Vickers Viking. flying ma-o C ine that Col. Williams has in Prince Rupert now. _` - On Friday. Sept. 11, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burton celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. About one hun- drel and twenty-five friends `called during the afternoon and evening to offer congratulations and best. wishes. In the tea-room Mrs. Winter. who was at the wedding twenty-five years ago, and Mrs. '1`. A. I-Iamer. both ot.Aurora-, poured tea and coffee. They were as- sisted by Mrs. -Wm. Freek and Misses Love. Underhill._ Bremner. .1-Iurlburt. Laidman. Walker. and Wilson. During the evening Misses` Cheesman, Walker and Bremner contributed some. very pleasing musical numbers. - ' Busj_11es'C1ll'ege- Notes ----j cg Miss Margaret Ector is the new stenographlc princlpail. succeedlg Miss Carmen Gordon; who left this week to take a.` course at MacDonald Hall. Guelph. \ . . Ah-Andv the attendance has increa- Guelph. g Already. the attendance increas- dt35% above that of last year at this a e. . . The following new students enrolled: Leota Baughman. Eleanor . Wright. Bernice McCall, Mildred Stlnson. Mll- dred Coles. Isobel Duff. Keltha Dench. Muriel Paddlson, Arthur Richardson,` Barrie; Thelma Spencer. Mabel Gil- christ. Shanty Bay: Ethel Lawson. Hazel -.Mll_lsap. *Margaret Chisholm. Stayner; Isobel Poucher, Allandale: Ruth Beasley. Marlon I-Iutchlnson,V.Oro Station; Annie Chappel, .M1neslng; Orln 'A_lllson, Vlctorla Harbor 2 ' 19'" E||`y'lIl`I\7I u- > Lynn. have returned from " their auto . trip to Toronto and London, o.lIo-vie- itins Paris `and Hamilton. `- ' 14TH LINE, mmsru. `llu-nlncr Q n ZIUDGMEN1` RESERVED IN BOOZE SELLING CHARGE For reasons which '1' do {tot reel bound to dlslose I. am goingito reserve judgment for a week, announced Ma- gistrate.Jefs atthe close of ue trial of James Wilson-,`_1ormer jltney driver. charged wit-h..the `illegal sale `at in- toxicating` -liquor. On requety of J. .R. Boys. who appeared (or thecrown, the Magistrate agreed to give is ver- dict on `Friday morning._inst'ead. Two Allandale y\ouths, one, `aged twenty years, the o_ther`three years his junior, told of having bought -from-Wilson. two bottles of an alcoholic drink which made them feel pretty good. The sale. according to the boys, was consummat- =ed in the jltney on Saturday evening, isebt; 5. ' A T? urea 12 nnlnl-Inn Av I\-1\ -0 4.1.- 1...-.- cup. 0 It was at relative of one of the boys `who brought the matter to the atten- tion of the Chief of Police. `Other in-_ tormation was given by persons who had seen the boys in Barrie during their Saturday evening manoeuvres. Interviewed by the Chief, the young men were at first loth `to tell the story, but later deemed` it advisable to give the information; ' `Dnnnh 4.1 .......... .... 51.- 1.1....` rc......... LIIU uuunuuuun. , Frank/Ferguson was the first Crown witness . -He outlined the plan to get some whiskey which had'been made. Holt. had agreed to put `in titty cents. while. Binnie chipped in a. dollar. The witness, who knew Wilson best, was to make the purchase, so with Binnie he `boarded the bus at the Five Points. There were no other passengers in the jitney. . _ . . 'I"I'In hnn tuna irnnnn of flu: Dnuf f- E PERSONAIJ f % w&m&&&m&a&m& Jnuu-sy. The bus was stopped sit the Post Of- tice andthe driver went- down towards- the station, returning in a few minutes with an unwrapped bottle which he handed the witness. Later in the e n-- lng they got another bottle from W11-T son in the jitney. . flnv-Ann `Rini1h:'n nvlnnnn urns: rnnnh BUII III LIIU _uuu:_y. Gordon Binnie's evidence was much the same as that of his colleague. Driver Denies Charges James Wilson then testified. He ad- mitted that the two boys had entered the bus at `the Five Points but denied that there had been any conversation regarding liquor. His departure from the bus at the Post Office he explained by saying he wentgdown to the station to put a letter on the train which was in at the time. having left Allandaie when he did. He told how he had Walk- ed down past the offices on thesquare but did not say whyhe did not drive down to make sure 0'! getting there *before the train pulled out. He said he got no liquor or alcohol from any- one and that he had not been in the Ex- pfess office. He denied flatly that he had sold the boys any liquor; He denied. having received the two dollars which Ferguson says he gave `him. The two _ got out- at the Five Points without aying and came back `about an hour ater. 'l"I.u;u knllo Wkn kn: in frnnf nf ` nuu Utlylllw vault auuuu um: auvun They hailed `the bus in front of Hunter's store.-I stopped and let them . in. Gordon handed me $1.50 as soon as they got in. It was all rolled up and I did not know there was any silver. The traffic was heavy so I put the mo- ney in my pocket` intend 111: to give ,them their change when got to the Five Points. They `jumped o t and aid nothing about it. Ferguso appeared to be drunk but Binnie was sober. Wit--, ness based his opinion as,to Ferguson on the paleness of his countenance, and previous experience with the boy. hid vnn tell` Mr. Huxtabie when he ' were pitted against, it should be stated 7 . 9993 7' I Horses from the Brookdale Stables made a fine showing at the Canadian National Exhibition. In the brood mare class Robt. Graham, manager, had the proud distinction of having the beauti- ful, prancing Vespra," daughter of Heresy, which won the King's Plate in 1912, placed first, followed by her stable`-mate, -Illuminate," in second place. To showthe class of horse they Iiril nugwnu--u-aw w ` that the .third prize mare was nine times first in New York State, was many times champion and had never " known defeat before. Every horeman in the stand seemed to know the great mare, "Vespra," as she was led. out. wearing the premier decoration. The clapping 01 hands and prolonged cheer- fng that followed. showed how popular the win over the previously undefeated mare was. Dnulxn mlnining first and second prevlous experience wun ule uuy. K Did you tell` Mr. Huxtable discharged you ,this morning that had you known this charge was to have been preferred you would have got out a. week ago?" asked Mr. Boys. Y rnnnnf had I Imnwn he was going \ week ago?" asxea MI`. nuya. V 9`! meant had I known he was going to 191: me out, I would have left," re- plied Wllson`; A Alhmvt Holt aware that Fetzuson plied wuson: ` : Albert Holt swore that Ferguson `seemed a little drunk shortly after seven o'clock when he was talking to him outside one of the cafes. He rem- embered the time because he had just finished his supper. He, like Ferguson, was a member of the only-twice-be- fore" brigade. He suffered no ill'effects from his drink because he had only fifty cents worth. I-Iolt swore he did not know where the other two obtained the alcohol. I 1.1., '1-u.......1-,:I..I.. clanking ,anooknAiE HOWRTSES scone ' GOOD wms AT ex:-namon . ( Besides wlnplng first and second prize with mares and foals. the Stable was second and fifth with yearlings and fourth with foals. Out of five en- tr1es'a.1l were out in the big parade of prize-winners. Mr. Graham showed sound judgment in making-his selection of the horses to show. Both he and the Messrs. Dyment; owners of these ne `horses, are to be congratulated. ' pearls,-.the gift of the groom, and car- the ceremonyp wore black and white ` gold with yellow roses and Mrs. E. ` For her honeymoon journey, the bride iroclvwith cross-stitch work and hite `satin collar and "cuffs and navy blue ' Toronto. . . The marriage was. celebrated on Friday, Sept. 4, at the residence of the bride's cousin, Miss Hope Morgan, Lowther Ave., Toronto, of Gladys Elizabeth, daughter of theelate Mr. and V Mrs. James C. Morgan. (formerly of Barrie) to Mr. Franklin Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Barnes, of Hamilton. The ceremony. which was performed by Rev. Mr. Powell, of St. Barnabas Church, took place in the alcove of the drawing-room, which was massed with pink gladioli and green- i cry. Mrs. H. M. Blight played the wed- ding march. The bride. who was given away by her brother, Dr. E. A. Morgan, wore a simple short white satin frock with -tulle veil with wreath of orange blossoms and her bouquet was of white cosmos. Miss Dorothy Farncomb" who _ acted as bridesmaid, wore cream`geor- gett' with peach applique and black hat [with ryellow. She wore a tring of ried yellow roses. Little Beth Gzowski and Joy Gzowski as flower girls were corn silk smocked dresses with nose- gays of blue and yellow flowers and wreaths of buttercups. Dr. Charles Warrener was best man. Miss Hope Morgan, who held at reception after French dress with bouquet ot pansies. Miss Fawnie Morgan was in black and A. Morgan. was. in blue and 'white georgette with blue velour .hat travelled in dark blue French erse. hat. Mr. and Mrs._ Barnes will reside pi . Mr. and Mrs? D. Knap `ha`v'e return- ed from Toronto. - K wmmm Wilfrid` has returned to ma Take a:'d.v'a1;1t;:-g"e-o;;1:e<.)'1):)orthnityA of securing 75c records for 554:. All records revious to Ju1y`list -at this ri_ce. undreds. of titles 1: choose : rom, all new records, no ole ' stock. s,s"' :Oppos`ite Post Oice Square.` BARNE&-MORGAN. v1c'roI'z RECORDS :~x<%-;<%vx--x%1x<`-x<,xox- 4,; OBITUARY % -x"3>xoxoxox+-x >xoxox<>x<-M5 -WlLLIAM Mcc_u_A|G _ - V ' r\__ -- .----- u-cu uuvwwrxucu One of the few`surviving-pioneers of Oro township. passed away on Thursday, September 10, when Wm. Mccuaig succumbed to pneumonia in the Royal Victoria'Ho_spita1.after a week's illness. `ll-o `lKnfVnnio-o -cu... kn..- 3.. `lnlnuu Qnnb VVC!:l\_ E! IIIIJCEH. ' - Mr.` Mccuaig was born .in Islay, Scot- land, 81 years ago, the second son of Henry Mccuaig, and came with his ` parents to.'0ro as a lad of thirteen. --His father located on lot 19, con. 4`. S_ubse- uentiy William moved across the road 1 and lived the rest of his life there, so that 68 years were spent in-practica1ly ` the same place. When the family set- tled in Oro there was a small settle- ment in their immediate vicinity but | between what is now the Provincial `Highway and Shanty Bay was all solid bush. The Highland pioneers of Oro were ofvfi-ne physique and seemed - to thrive .on the hardships and heavy labor incidental to the life of the early _ settler. Mr. Mccuaig in his`fourscore years hardly knew what it was to be sick. Up to his latest, years he was quite active, bodily and mentally, his hearing `was keen and he read easily without -`glasses. He helped to keep himself youthful in mind by taking an interest in all the. doings of the neigh- borhood. being a frequent spectator at football and hockey matches. As a young man he was a leading singer in the settlmentand at one time acted as precentor in old Knox Church. He ' `was particularly fond of Gaelic songs which he sang with fine expression. Mr. Mccuaig w_as a`home'-loving man. ; of a kindly disposition, of the highest integrity, and one who enjoyed in large measure the. "esteem of those among whom he associated. 4. Mrs NI n(`_nai9' farmer-Iv Miss ..Marv among wnom ne assocxateu. Mrs. McCuaig, formerly Miss .Mary,_ Fletcher of Mitchell Square, survives her husband, together with the to low- ing family: Henry. on the home ead; John, in Toronto: Jessie (Mrs. --Ernest Love). Guthrie: Duncan F., Barrie. Of his father's large family only two are now living. viz., George. in Vancouver and Miss Mary, in Hamilton. ' Many friends gathered at the fun- eral on `Saturday to show their respect for one whowas so well and favorably known. Service was conducted in Guthrie church by Rev. Neil Camp- bell. who was his minister for thirty years, assisted by Rev. J. S. Shortt and Rev; A. D. Cornett of Barrie. Inter-, ment was made in Guthrie cemetery. Six` old neighbors acted as pall-bear-A _ ers: Neil McCualg,' Angus" Mccuaig, Geo. Lyall, Wm. Duncan. Fred Cald- well and James Caldwell. * -> I 9IF\IIVE-TI I'I-- vww--u---.-- At a special meeting of Barrie Pres- bytery, Elmvale. on September 15, the hearty and unanimous can from Stayner and Sunnidale Corners to -Rev. Walter Patterson of Norval, 0nt._. was sustained. Mr. Patterson has intimated his willingness to accept and a. speedy settlement is expected. rm... ..............u4..... ...~.n.-.In+m-I tn nnngipr H. apuuuy authlcluuul. an cuspuuu. ' The committee appointed to consider the arrangement of certain fields in East Simcoe recommends: That Wye- brlge .be associated with Penetang: that Victoria Harbor and Port Mc- Nicol! form one -charge: that Esson and Willis be connected with Coldwa.t- er. The congregations are to be" con- suited before these changes go into ef- ect. - 7-muxsmnr, snvrauntn 17, -ms VII VI II we The first Fall meeting of the w.c.'r. U. was held on Monday, September 14, at the home, of the President, Mrs. J. A. Lennox. There were sixty ladies present. The members gave a. cordial welcome to a. number of visitors. The collection amounted to $6.70 which is to be added to the budget fund- A 7 V'..._.l......L pngnnln nn 419.. (.0 U1`: uuuuu Lu Luu Uuuvl. :.uuu., Mrs. A. J. Sarjeant presided and af- ter a brief devotional period, threw the meeting open e- for business. The proposed visit"of Mrs. Gordon Wright, W.C.T.U. Dominion President, was dis- cused, also the coming convention. The following young ladies gave a. much enjoyed program. Misses Laid- man, Walker, Jamieson and Marion Partridge. after which refreshments I'IVII anvvtln rux`u'1u5u. were served. g&&&am&&%&m&mw& 3 ELM-VALE NEWS 3 Mro. McQuarrle is visiting friends at Moonstone this week.` mum. hm 1:(ni1v nf Midland is visit- -lug her aunt. 1Vu's. Wm. Ixuuy. Rev. E. E. and Mrs. Pugsley spent Monday with friends in Orillia. --Fada. Neutrodyne radios $60 to` $335. Arthur E. Patterson, phone 148. 38c ,'Dnhf m+.-.1-.1`. nf 'l`n1-nnfn is visiting Moonstone tnls ween. Miss Ina Keily of Midland is visit- -ing her aunt. Mrs. Wm. Keily. pm; w. R. and Mrs. Puzslev snent Arthur 1:). rauerson, pnone mo. oou vRobt. Ritchieof Toronto is visiting his -daughter, Mrs. Jas. Beardsall. Riuu `Ran nnnhln hm: returned home his -daughter, -MP8. JE5. Miss Bea. Ritchie has returned home after `spending a week with friends in Toronto. --Beautitul-..Heintzman & Co. pianos Barrie Fair. Arthur E. Patterson, phone 148. ' ' - 38c Mr. and Mrs. A. .C. Bishop spent a few days with their daughter in Rich- wnrmd ,T-Till. ' / ed Irom '.l`U1'uuLu. William Wilfrid has x'e_turne'q1 to`\His_ ?home\in Palmerston. - ' . Rev. Fr. Wedlock of Newmarket was in town. Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs.,C. Roach spent a.._ew ` days .in To:-onto.'lastTweek. _ Mien F`:-ieda West has returned home few days Wltn 1'.Ilell' uauguusr Ill r\.u.:u- mond7Hill. ' S. E. Campbell,~W1t1{, Edwin and, Miss Isobel Campbell -spent a few days in` Toronto` last Week. Mr and Mrs; `A. Nicol and Dr. J. Toronto last weeg. .Mr. and Mrs. `A, Nicol Henry of`Detrolt visited Mrs. F. C. Bishop last week." Mun A T.nwnnn and Earl Lawson of Bishop last week." Mrs. A. Lawson and Earl Lawson the Beik of Toronto staff are visiting friends in Toronto. nth... mama .rVnnnn3~ who has Vheen friends In '1'O!`O1"ll'.O. Miss Edna Cooper. who has been home for` some weeks. returned to` New York on Wednesday. Minn'Mn,I1 Train. Mrs. Geo. Train New York weunesuay. Miss "Maud Train, Mrs. Geo. and son. Allan. of '1`ororito,_spent the week-end at Wm. Trairfs. mu. our` Tllfvu Wra Wnhgfar and week-end at Wm. '1`ra.1n's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Webster and Margaret of Richmond Hill spent the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. Mrs. I-Iolliday of Toronto and Mrs. 'Batte of Rochester. N. Y.. spent a. few days with Mrs. Jas. McG!nn1s. . Mr. and Mrs- Jag. Sm`art`and family days with Mrs. Jas. Mcumms. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smart `and and Mrs. H. Clement returned home on Saturday after spending a week in` Toronto. , 'Il'-an u`l\IIGI!\1\ urn-I MFR Marc Toronto. Mrs. Forsythe and Mrs. Walter Mar- cellus of Wyevale are visiting Mrs. Forsythds sl'ster,~ Mrs.=-A. J, Gavin, at Bracebtidge. . \ `In an!` Ilrh WDHQF T-Ynnter Of Mm` Bracebrlage. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hunter of Min-l nedosa, Manitoba, after attending a. convention at Ottawa, called at__jYm. -Hunter's. 8th line. . 1' PB wnuonu mannlund n fnlngram on 'J2'11ln'|'.8I"S. Gill HE. J. T. Foster received a telgram on Tuesday that his brother, H. W. Fos- ter 01 Vancouver, B.C., died very sud- denty on Monday. . . 1\lI'r mm `Mrn, Ernest Bell and son. -in '1`01`0m:o\ Lash weeK. Miss Frieda West has returned home, after visiting friends in Tordnto. . -.\,1.~.= J, M. Knann of Toronto'is via- Xllliinijvj ----.:--. Teachers desiring free tickets to Barrie Fair for the children attend- ing their schools~ should not delay -....b:..n onnlh-nfinnn- nnecifvimr the I-55 vnwu. uyuvv... U.-- --.. _--- ._ making lications, s cifying the exact num gr required 1%: the school. Requests should _'be made eit er by mgil or in gerson on or Inf Sopt. 21, to the ecretary, G. 0. Cameron, Ross..Bloc_k, Barrie. j,` " .1 37 STAYNER CALL SUSTAINED ,___...a__.. ..a 1).......:.. Dan CH-D'3E."_ 5 'F`C`F.":T5 : mi uluus zxmniwzx ALLAN-Inl the R.- V. Hospital, on. Tuesday, Sept. 15,1925, to Mr. and a Mrs. Howard. Allan, Churchill, a ` `daughter. ' BERRY-In the R. V. Hospital, on Sunday, Sept. 13, 1925,_to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Berry, 57 Mary St., a daughter. CORNISH--Thursday, Sept. 10, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cornish, 185 Bradford St., a son (Walter Russell) . PEMBER.'I`ON-0n Sunday, Sept. 13. 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Pemberton, - 57 Park_ St., a daughter, (Lavina (`hmletnnn \ CAMPBELL-At Cookstown on Sat-! urday, September 12, Mary Stewart, widow of the late John Campbell and mother of Freeman Campbell, county engineer, in he; eighty-se- cond year . Funeral w s held on Tuesday, September. 15, to Lewis cemetery. , GALLOWAY-At Stroud, on Monday, September 14, 1925, Mrs. Margaret Galloway, in her 85th year. Interment at Q1-vnn Rant `IR, after Vlslulls Lucuua ux 4.ql.'uuI.U. ' Mrs. J. M. Knapp of Toronto'is vis-V iting her son, J. I-I."K,napp. Brock St. Alvin Minkler of Toronto snanf n.